Local Items V V,. Mows of Weeksville wa in the citv Monday. Mr. Carrol Kramer of Ktleii T ton wan here Tuewlay. Jake Aiil'baiim is in Wil v son on business. A. II JoiieH i out ajjain after a brief illness. E. K. Kramer left Wednes- day for Nays Head John J lies of Okisko was in the city Wednesday. Charles (Jregory of Winfall Vloa Kara Wnl nunt o v J. B-. Miller of Nixonton was in th ritv Wtwlnwuilu v D. Ml Bartlett of 'amdeii "was here Wednesday. Mr C. R Pno-h loft Mnnitav il. . walston or mnueu was aJw H. Kanderlin,xf Coin jock ft in the city on business. A. K. Kramer and family left Thursday for Pen Mar, Pa. Jerome Sawyer of Camden was in the city Wednesday. Will Morrisette of Camden was in the city Wednesday. Miss Kusie Baree of Norfolk is visiting friends here. Wiley Meads if Weeksville -was in the city Wednesday. T. X. Hanks '' Symoiwls Creek was here Wednesday. A. IK Sawyer of Moyock was here on business Wednesday. Mr. Gilbert James is sick at his home on Fearing Street Mr Sidney White is attending a house oartv at Vinrinia Beach. Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Camstock left Wednesday for Ocean View Mr. W. J. Nichols of Hickory. I Va. was in the citv Wednesday. jf 'J. J. Fleetwood was in the city Wednesday from Hertford Dr. J. . Griggs is at Wil- mintrtoni this week on business. T. II. Nash, Jr. has returned home alter a few davs at Nags Head . h. H. Perry and son of I Mi rants Neck were in the city AC nr A i r W- t. Jessiip from Winfall Was in the city Wednesday mi business. V. M. Hughes has returned from Ocean View where he spent his vacation. Miss Mattie Hanks has re turned from a business trip to New York. Tlwmnisim of Mnviuk wan in the city Wednesday ou busi ness. Mrs F M Shainbu'gcr of Hert ' lnl KR"lll MtlllllMlilV 111 U1C city. -T Stllliluru iw ill lliu tVi agiain after an illness of several days. Miss Kathei'ne 1 1 in ton is at tending Ihe summer srhool at Chapel Hill. H. Cartwrighl and V. K. Mead of Weeksville vn e here Wednesday. C. Hasnighl of South Shore was in the city on business Wednesday. Rev. ' 15 Culbreth is assisting Revv C. P. Jerome in a revival at Currituck this week. Mr J W Draughon and family of Thinn are visiting Kev. V. A. Koyal this week. Miss Kvelvii White is visiting Mis Pauline HeA'evidge on i n li vl reel Miss Stella Harllett and Lena Barnard of Shiloh were in town shopping Wednesday. ji ,.... 1. ...... 1..... ... 1M1SS IIIIMlin luiirn inn ir turned from spending her vaca tion at Ocean View. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ferchee :iml littl daiisrhter of Shawboro were in the city Wednesday. Miss Hnth Tatum of Wash ington. I. is visiHnir Mrs. J. P. Tatum on Main Street. Mr. and Mrs. T. R Harriis have gone to Norfolk and At lantic 'ity to spend a month. Miss Jessie McMullan has re- A-riC'l to lei home her.- after llerttonl. ami family rtnariifu ueuiiesuav ihmm several weeks stay in Fa:rtield. Miss Inez Matthews of Wind son is visiting her aunt. Mrs. J. W. Modlin on Church Street. N. W.. Poyner of Orandy and Ci. W. Meggs of poplar l'ranch were here Wednesday on busi ness. The . Flizabclh C'ty Naval Reserves are expetted to return from their two weeks cruise this week. J. C Turner of Cum Nei k lias returned to his home .'Iter a two days tay iu the city on business. '' Mrs. Matt White and her .i.;nlftrteH. Misses Perry. of next- ?' ytied to lei home 1 'isit to friends iu 'P. M. M. Harris a fofjl, was here ..Wednesday shop ping!. Frank Ktokely returned' Wed nesday to his home in Port mouth after visiting friends here. Capta'n J. A. Midgett and daughters, Misses Nora and Car oline 1 'f t Wejlnesdav for Nor folk. Mrs S. I'. (Jregory ami daugh ters Ivlsie and Dorothy are guests at a house party at 0'an View. Ir. A. L Pendleton is the proud father of a new baby girl who arrived in the city ealy Tuesday morning. Miss Ruth Windsor of Mil- ford, Del. has returned mmie alter an extended visit to her sister, Mrs. (). F. Gilbert. Miss Pearl Duncan has return ed to her home at South Mills after a visit to Miss Virginia Callaway on Burgess Street. A number of jteople from the (lily are attending the rovival at' Riverside this week. Rev. If. P. Harris is preaching;. Misses Rena and Fannie 'Tin gle have returned to their home in Washington after visiting Misses Janie and Josie Goundou. Captain Clyde Walker of Hert fort was iu the city Wednesday. Miss Laura Harclift entertained Wednesday morning at her home on Main street The German Viewpoint (Continued From Page Three kind, especially the presence on board of larpe quantities of high explosive materials (word oanit ed isissibly 'dissipated') this ex pectation, In addition it may be pointed out that if the Lusitania had been spared thousands of cases of munitions would have been sent to Germany's enemies and thereby thousands of Ger man mothers and children rob bed of breadwinners. 'In the spirit of friendship wherewith the German nation has been imbued toward the Cnion and its inhabitants since the earliest days of its existence the imperial government will aways be ready to do all it can during the present war also to prevent the jeopardizing of lives of American citizens. The imperial government,, .therefore repeals the assurance that A merican ships will not lie hin dered in the prosecution of le uiumate shipping and the lives ni American citizens in neutral vessels shall not be placed in jeopardy. 'In order to exclude any un forseen dangers of American passenger steamers, made possi ble in view of the conduct of maritime war by Germany's ad versaries, German submarines will Ik instructed to. permit the free and sife passa'.'V of such passenger steamers when made recognizable by sfiecial mark ings and notified a reasonable time in advance. The Imper ial govern menU however, con fidently hopes that these ves sels have no contraband on Isiard. let ails of arrangements for the unhamere passage of these vessels to be agreed on by the naval authorities of both sides . ' 'In order to furnish ade quate facilities for travel across the Atlantic for American cit izens, the German government submits for consideration a jroosal to increase the nuin her of available steamers by in stalling in passenger service a reasonable number of neutral steamers under the American flag, the exalct number to Imi Ngreed upon under the same ciqiditiou as the above men tioned American steamers. 'The Imperial government Isdieves tUat in this fnanner adequate facilities for travel across the Atlantic ocean can It afforded American ritizens There would, therefore. apjK'ar to lie no compelling necessity for American citizens to travel 1 Kurope in time of war on ships carrying an enemy flag. "In particular the Imperial government is unable to admit that American citizens can pro tec) an enemy ship through the mere fad of their presence on board,. "Germany merely followed Fngland's example when she declared part of the high sea an area of war. Consequently, accidents suffered by neutrals on enemy ships in this area of war canmrt well be jndgied dif ferently from accidents wbich neutraig . are at all times . ex posed at the seat of war on land when they betake them selves within dangerous locali ties in spite of previous warn ings. "If, however, it should not lie possible for the American government t acquire an ade quate number of neutral pas senger steamers the Imperial government is prepared to in terpose no objections to the placing under the American Hag by the American government of four enemy passenger steamers. "The President of the Cnited States has declared his readi ness in a way deserving of thanks, to communicate and suggest pnposal to the govern ment of Great Britain with particular reference to the al teration of mar time war. The Imperial government will al ways be glad to m ike use of the good offers rf the President and hopes that his efforts in the present case, as well as in the direction of the lofty ideal of the freedom of the seas wll 'ead to an undertaking. ' 'The undersigned requests the ambassador to bring the above to the knowledge of the American government and avails himself of the opportuni ty to renew to His Excellency the assurance of his most dis tinguished consideration. ' DOUBLY PROVEN Elizabeth City Kcadert Can A'o Longer Doubt The Evidence Kignedr VON JAGOW" This Elizabeth City Citizen testified lonr ago. Told of qnick relief of un doubted IteiTeflt. . The facts are now confirmed. Such testimony is complete the evidence coiydusive. It forms convincing proof of merit. Mrs. E. Spaight, 403 Parson age St Elizabeth City, says: UI was troubled for a long time by kidney disorders and a lame and weak back'. I tried many medicines, but got no relief un t l I used Doan's Kijdney Pills. Since taking them, my back doesn't ache or pain like it used to." Oner three years later Mrs. Speight said: 'I seldom have backache or any signs of kidney disorder, but when I do, Doan's Kidney Pills always relieve me." Price riv, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get I loan's Kidney Pills the sinie lhat Mrs. vSpeight had. Foster-Milburn Co., Props., P.ufTalH N. Y. Dad Jin Going to Stay invigorating to the Pale anC Slckl) The Old Standard reneral otrtnglh-nlnn tonlr GROVK'S TASTELESS chill TONIC, drivn oi.i Malaria enrichn the blood .and hulldi up t he a lem. A Uue tonic. For adult and chlMreu. li KNOW YOUR OWN SECTION Get a copy of "In Ancient Albemarle" $1.25 A year's subscription to The Advance $1.00 I FOR $1.50 ooooooooooooooo Morfolk Pouthern lailroad X 1 EW KHORT AOUTE HORT Freight Service If you value quick transportation; route your ,' shipments via Norfolk Southern Railroad. t Watch the time made by their package cars, and you will find that your interests are best ! served by patronizing them, as "Time is (Money," OOOOOOOO OOOOOOO Tha eaaaaattiaa htm th it t Euwpaaa Waf ara aJrJr root xf J I than a milboo. Such a kkrt upoa kumanitr la alnxMt iacoaKatrabla, ? L 1 ret thi tarribla waata of lif la a aa (TWt aa tha toll Uriad br tka fl aNNV IU, daadly fir. Banaaa of MadkaJ Raaaarch. Davtora aad Saparintan. rt'Vl danta of Haakh acraa that tka Fly aa a apraadar of contaaioua dia- fA I I Jft I y and daadh aarma. baa ao aajual 7 I I U ll Wky lolerata a aneaaea to haahk aad claaaHaalT $ II IT n auu tawml aua row aaaaa aa uaaa i ,j,m I Ay Shepard's House Fly Driver and Insect Exterminator 41 yr Kills the Fly and Preyenu Dtoeaae. taJaffWeafSI ttaiy"'atiwwqg- LOUISIANA HEALTH OFFICER'S ENDORSEMENT. Dr. C C Chandler. ProaUaat Shrawapart Board of Haahk, Eaelaraaa Snap, ard'a Houaa Fly Drirar aad faaaact Extaamautor. 8brercport, La., March 17, 1914. BhDard'i Chemical Comuanr of Wllmlnaton . N . C. . bar produced a lone fait want In a harmless praparatloa that will KILL Flint, Roachei, kf os- ArfM qaltaoi and other INSBCra. Thli preparation KILLS rilea and Koaohei Miff br the uaa of a tmall aaaatlty iprared about tbe room by meani of a blower I naed br the month. It ti quite a valuable addition to the meant for tbe 1 A4 prevenooa or aiaeane ana we comfort onne peepie. Youri truly. O. 0. CHANDLER. M. I). ruly, 0. 0. CHANDLBK. M I). fY Pj4. Shrereport Board of Health and Health Offioer. ijfj U Hua tka Maa-ajarflaua) Hka the Fllea aU la aaae aaarh to Baal- V Baiaja, Kaaaeatca Aata, aiot aa aaMl All iraier laawera. iMtaan ara ao aajarlaaa aapupla. SaaaataB ateraa fcatka aaakar bottle wlta SHEPARD'S CHEMICAL COMPANY. Inc. Wllaalaqtaavj w. fc i .i i . mm i "I decided Ian night to May on the hrm. I've fiven up that ciry notion Here ii Mitt lutare good land, healrby Mock end kiimg, mmf-mg, jmpntf CONCRETE kmlimp. I'rc got eat wfgtetibn, Dad Let' I kf concmc drirewiy Iron tbe buggy bam to the home. It'll am Ion of work tad tipenahre repairing Let'i uat tbe xauat nmtm you arlccted lor tbe building Lehigh Cement." Tbouaindi of (armen, in evtry iccrion ol the country, have awakened to the economical value of concrete in (arm building conn ruction They rrcogniic the (act that an "eiprntrprool" mrm, with iu apparent (mure vl independence and wealth, br oflaeti the attraction of city life to the younger generation Be lure to elect Lrhigh Cement Uniform qualities ol strength, fine new and color country-wide distribution nude possible by 12 great mills are rea tons which malic Lehigh the choice of careful builders, all over, who seek the beat rcaula in concrete work. Tear down theae wooden structures that need constant repair that are in daily peril ot fire. Replace them with Lehigh Cement Concrete buildings Atk the Lehigh Deafer Dtacua our plant with him, he will t c you valuable co-operation in either ilding or remodeling 'ouild For Sale By J. H. Aydlett Hardware Co. MEALS ARE NEVER LATE WHEN you're behind with your work, with only a few minutes in which to get supper then the handy NEW PERFECTION Oil Cookstove helps you to hurry. It lights at the touch of a match, and cooks rapidly like a gas stove. It regulates high or low, merely by raising or lowering the wick. It is easy to operate, easy to clean, easy to re-wick. Sold in 1, 2, 3 and 4 burner sizes by hardware, furniture and depart ment stores everywhere. NEW PERFECTION OVENS bake better because a current of fresh hot air passes continually over and under the food drying out the steam, and preventing soggi ness. This is an exclusive NEW PERFECTION advantage. : Use Aladdin Security Oil or Diamond White Oil to obtain the best results in oil Stoves, Heaters and Lamps. PERJECalON Oil COOK SIX YES fta-.iiWTi STANDARD OIL COMPANY Waehington, D. C. Norfolk, Va. Richmond, Va. (New Jertey) (BALTIMORE) Charlotte, N. C. Charleston, W. Va. Charleston, S. C. ll 111" 1 l t TI If vo uiivfiiifi ii ii rDDinvik. T

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