I CURRITUCK , : W' t l 0ll'il j COUNTY 'VJ -JirX ' 1 Ll U IJ- U LLjI7 f . fPPJg- iw . , , , . , i 7-7 , FOL IV ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, TUESDA Y JULY 27, 1915 NO 59- !' IDID PROGRAP PREPAREQ yj FOR FARMERS Baseball, Boat Racing, Good Speak ing arid the Big Dinner For All Who Bring Baskets Featurers of the Day Preparations which have been in progress for the past two weeks to make Wednesday, July 28th, the biggest and most pro fitable occasion in the memorjr, ot the oldest inhabitant of this ewere section are now ap ipirofcchiax completion and wave f pleasant anticipation is sweeping the town and the country . The Pasquotank Farmers Union set on foot the movement tor a big Farmer' Picnic, A 'Get To-gether Day' and the badness men of Elizabeth City have united with them in the termination to make the vent an entire suocea. ' Pas quotank County, Elizabeth City, Camden and Currituck Coun ties are expected to show the 'Get-together' spirit on that day and meet for a general social holiday. - Music will be furnished by Zeigjer's Band with its twenty five instruments. A baseball game - between the . Elisabeth CUy Cubs rind" the -Sound -Keck aggregation-rne same team which defeated Wizabeth City at Wesksville Friday, promises to IM ft- lively feature of the day's .entertainment. Boat races on d .bay will interest and en ftertaia iopahl l fir oD yel tertaia all boat lovero. while "horse rtdng on the fair ground tra wll! attift many. Ev ery moment of the day will be filled with opportunities for having a good time and the variety oTTeatures of entertain mant will make monotony im possible. The 1'a.squotank Farmer's, Union ha secured Dr. H. 4J. Alexander, President of the "North Carolina Farmer's Union, and other men of prominence to . add raw the jKsople on sub jects of especial interest to farm rs of Eastern Carolina. A Poultry Association will be organized by those Hiterestted 5n poultry raising. The Tomato Oirls and Corn Clulb Boys and those who ought to be members of these organi zations will find much of spe cial interest to them in the pro gram of the day. The local automobile hackmen have agreed to run a jitney line from Main Street to Markham's corner on Riverside Drive for the convenience of those desir ing to get to the Fair grounds ?r ton cents earn passengers all 1 hi.v umII the way to the grounds The Sunday Schools of the city have len invited to join iri this pKiuiic with all their memlers and enjoy t lie benefits of the excellent program of entertainment and instruction which has been prepared. Elizabeth City and Pasquo tank County are getting ready to be there in full force and en joy the greatest 'Get togther Day' that ha been known in this -section sinjre the ages glad long ago. Camden County and Currituck County are urged to accept the invitation of the Pasquotank Farmer's Union and attend in equal numbers. Every attraction at the Fair grounds will be free .. and no admission will be ' charged at the gnte. The crowd expected II TERIIfflT IMS ARRANGED FOIL SCHEDULE F. D. Owens Will Con duct Free Demonstra tion in County Definite arrangements have now been made for a series of demonstrations in Pasquotank county of the serum treatment for hog cholera by an expert in the employ of the United Btates government . Mr F. D. Owen, the Federal government expert who will have tcharge of this demonstra tion work here went before the Farmer's Union at their meet ing last Saturday and arranged a cwnTpi scbedttleof hiswork in this county. ' He will coil duct his first demonstration at Forks schohouMe 'ton Attgusfl 9th . Other demonstrations will follow at the plaices and on the dates named beow; August 10. Jackson Schoolhouse; Au gust il, Up River Schoolhouse; August 12. Okisko Schoolhouse; August 13. Nixonton School- house; August 16, Riverside Schoolhouse; August 17, Salem Schoolhouse; August 18, Pal mer Schoolhouse. The tanner are invited t) atlt;ul the Icmonstrjiion wwr- ct iiiein ard familiarise them selves with this feasible and successful method of preventing disease among swine. The demonstration will be conducted without expense to the Pasquo tank fanners, the government providing the man and fhe First National Bank providing the serum . After his work here Mr. OwCW will probably take up this work in Camden county and later in Currituck . for eooa hps mm Camden citizens of proini nence in iMizanetu ntv recent- y have had a good deal to say about tne growth or good roads sentiment in that county and now comes definite announce meiit that the construction of fifty miles of good roads has Jbeen begun under the super vision of Mr. Will Morrisett. This stretch f road extends from Old Trap to South Mills. The soil of Camden is of such nature as to be especially suited for the construction of good dirt roads. An ex leriment was tried near the home of Sheriff Mitchell last year to see what could be done" by crowning and dragging the roads. The result was so sat isfactory that more extended work has lieen decided upon. community or organization t undertake to provide dinner so everybody is invited to bring a basket of good things for tfie big dinner, which, by the way, Will le another happy feature Notice To The Committee'appointed by the Mass Meeting on July 5, went before the Equaliza tion Board and asked for a reduction in the values placed on property in Pasquotank Coun ty by the assessors so .that it would not exceed 12 per cent, increase throughout the county. The Committee went before tne Board on Ju ly 12th. at its meeting, and by resolution, it agreed to do this. On Friday, July 23rd, the Equilizaticn Board, without notice, rescinded this resolution. The Committee now asks a meeting of the people of Pasquotank County in Mass Meeting at 3 o'clock on July 31st, 1915, to take such steps as may be necessary to secure the rights of the tax payers of Pasquotank County, Everybody who feels an interest in this matter is asked to be present at the meeting as the val uations placed on the property will stand for four years. CITIZENS COMMITTEE, July 26, 1915. by W. L. Small, Ch'm'n. CllilClI FOR KIEjlDIES First Baptist Sunday School Plans Day of Fun For Children .Members lf tlie thirst fiiij tist Rnnday School and of par sonage Streef Sntidij School are looking forward ht a day's ontjg on August 18fh. A train has been chartered for that day to take these two1 Sunday Schools to Virginia Beach, Members of the two schools will go without charge) and pareiif who are not mem bers of either" Sunday School Ibut who wish fo go with their children who are Wehibers are invited to go. but wfft pay for tickets as on the usual excur sion train. The committee1 in charge of the day's pleasure trip wish to make it one of more nuaii ordinary joy to the Sunday SVfiool children and to do away wffh the crowded conditions and opportunities for unpleasantness Sometimes' aris ing on a trip of thin kind. AQAMS IT MOYOCK Rev. X. P. Htallings is con-diH-tiug a serj.es of revival ser vixjiis at Moyock this week &fr sistel by Kiv M A Adams. Much'' nterest is ls?ing manifested in the services and a good meeting is expected. The public is invited to attend the services. II TRAVIS Dr. Thomas S.peig!ht of Ahoskie. according to reports received here, will assist the pastor in a meeting at Shady drove next week. The Week following 7r. B. O. TIenning will be with Mr. Htallings at Tax Payers Dr. H. Ii. Walker received a telegram yesterday morning an nouncing the death of his mother, Mrs. Alice Walker, at her home at Cresswell. Dr. Walker left for Cresswell at one o'clock this afternoon to be with his rWhpr l)r A. fl Wol. 'ker ahd to attend the funeral. The announcement of his motiief's death came as a shock to Dr. Wialker who had had no previous Intimation of her 1J ness1. it is belivel here that up to a ver.V bort time before the end she had been iu her usual health. CftoBrw ElftTEO MJPEUTM Nicholas jfiiirgess of Camden It. I. Twid'd.y of Kast Lake and Miss Stella (Varrett, of Relhaven hflve leen admrtfedfo the .Eliz abeth City Hospital fo:; opera tion . Miss inrret t is the daughler of Prof, tiairctt of lhavicn and was formerly a resident here. She has appendicitis. liniEJOYJHlRT Havis Hpcncc, the seven year ol1 son of Mr. Elbert Sense was juiinf ullv but not seriously hurt in a bicycle accident on Mouth Road Street last Satur day afternoon. He received a severe cut across the forehead. The little fellow was strulrk by one, of his playmates who was riding a wheel and it is thought that in faling he must have struck the curb of the sidewalk. mmhebtii According to report re ceived here a very successful re vival was conducted at Rheho bath Bfffrtist Church last week by Rev. X. P. Rtallings, the pastor, assisted by Rev. M. A. Adams. Nineteen ' were received as candidates for baptism and the church generally- greatly reviv BID or Eoniii.isn PliOOISE 10 GEDK'ffiSQCi Hold That to.HaKgtU&d) iPrbperty Owners WeflW HaYP Been Contrary to Law n(l fid. yond Province : 1 The Board of Equaliation, after an all day session last Friday, rescinded its action, of Monday July 12th, at which time the board promised the Citizens Committee, representing the Mass Meeting of the Prop erty owners of the county, that -uch reductions-of the general valuations of real estate in the county would be made as not to increase the last assessment by over twelve jer cent. All the members of the bonird were present except Mr. Pinner. The precise wording of the motion under which the first order was rescinded is as fol lows n "It appearing to the Hoard of Equalization that the motion passed by the Board at their first meeting o reduce the val ues or real estate in toe coun ty to an amount not to exceed an increase of twelve per cent over last year's values was in excess of their authority and contrajy to. law, it U there fore uq Motion that ld -regulation 1)6 and is hereby rescind ed." The following order was then passed: '"It appearing to the board pf equalization that the lands in Salem and Mxonton Township were valued by the assessors in excess of the valuation placed, Tipon the lands in the other township of the county, it is therefore ordered by the Board of Equalization iu order to equalize the valuation of the lands in these two townships with thu lands of the other 1 1 inu lining ."I i" townships of the eountv that "a reduction of 16 2-3 ier, -eut be made in Nixonton township and fen JJeT cent tn Halem town ship nocording to their assess ed VflJltttlons ns t lev now1 nn. f.ear Otl the Inrnks with the ex ception of the1 lands of certain property owners who have til ready been before tile Iwafd from these townships and secur ed substantial reduction of this assessment. And finally just lefore ad journment the loarl t(ok a- tion as follows- "On motion it is orJeird that iha farm land's in Klizibeth Tity townships be reluced in Value, ten per cenf with the ex ceptipn.of thuit belonging to J. B. Fearing, R, f, Hi n ton and West Eiid iJlnd aiul liuprove ment fompnp which in the opinion of the hoard is a'lVeady low enough.' ' THes motion were made af ter the Board , had heard the report of Register of Peed .1. H Munden, prepared at the: Board's request and showing comparison 'of this year's real estate valuations as compared wi.(h last year's. Mr. M un dents rejsirt set out the follow ing facts: First, that the totnl assessed valuption for (real estate in the county in 1914 was :i,482, 034 as compared with $4,459, 17(5 this year, an increase of 1976,542 or 28.04 per cent. Kecond, that in 'Elizabeth City township the increase was from 2.159j018 in 1914 to $2,564;i6l this year, an increase ' of $ 405,143 or 18.76 r cent. Third, that, in Providence the increase was from S this year, an increase of.3S,7C3, -or 15.84 per cent. -v That in Salem the ' increaaa : was from 333,008 in 19H,tfv- 1430,995 in 1115, an increase Of, 198,987 or 29.81 per cent., ; Fifth that in Xewlamd town ship the increase was itQBi vear, and increase of of a Nf l V 1218,183 in 1914 to f.392,601 (fl . 1915, an increase- of 1,173,818, 0f" 84.25 per cent. ' ' Sixth, that in Nixonton town' ' ship the increase waa frOplX 136478 in 1914 to 1528519 IX this year, an increase of f 163, . 932 or 45 er teat. ., ' , Seventh, that in Mt Hermoa - township the increase was from 1202,894 in 1914 to 294s252 Ifl f ?i : 1915 an increase of 8158 Of t " 45.41 per cent.- v Before passing the motion! Above set out the board had already made made ome lndl vidual redwiions darinf th$ morning session , notable amoa which was a reduction oC: 000 in the timerJ6diQgs . of tn Koper taimner uompany v u Newland township.'- It .shouti t in Newlanl t . and Mount Hermon the - ' W - & relative rate of lnjreai lf . mainlv due to a Wuher sOtaMMilv, ment of vlWl? timber , hold ' inss in these townships. Itarftt '' Iracts of Jtiniper 'B..wW, land which' have 1 previonI. been listed at three ilollaw Bll i! acre- are now . listed, at twenty nve or thrity dollars io acw j It was sroted to the board, aU this is ppiibably correct, tbftt bad It not been for for this W .-v i ' j . rj - i , urease in valuations on tmw&; holdintrs the lAcrease in Kew i land would have been about thv ; ame as Providence, Qgifc&l ' Individuol togel' and the gellehtl ftdifcubW,?.'; ; ordewl in certain towiislitbl -V ' have of course changed the' ag-' gregate results from what they :'' were when' Mr. Munden 'filed his report. Until Mr. Mun. 'W ; den has had time to make thW 7 VV changes ordered and find new l-::u totals it will not be possible .'fr to get definite figures. To saf, however, that Salem will show approximately an increase of i eighteen ier cent over last year, '.'; ' and Nixonton of 28 oer cent will probably not miss the mark far, though it is no more ' than a rough guess. In the whole couuty the increase is certainly over twenty jer cent, Why the Board of Equaliza tion went back on their first d(H-ision ubout this reduction does not quite appear. When the Citizens Committee in the first instance went bqfore the .Ifclird of Equalization' ' (they ere confronted with a letter from the orHration Coinmty fion to the Hoard insisting that n general reduction be made. The Board questioned its right tb' order a eueral mluction and the matter was argued by law yers representing the Citizens Commiltee Itefore the Board and the law as to the duties of ofj the Equalizing Board was read.,' It was lifter hpsrinnr hnth nA V ii with the letter from the corpor't ation Commission bofote thernvVif! that the Board agreed to mak the reduction asked for by the. ; mass meeting, ' , li'fV - - vviiiuuiivv met'v '.I'V.v ' '1'r-r; '.(' ;' r. .' , lefs is entirely too large for any of the day Travis. i.. i t ed. !200,789 In 1914 to 239,557 ('Cmt'nued On rage Eigb.1); l ;, , .v : . i i