3 o!rriurS it-""i .NFl CELEBRATE ARBOR North Carolina's nrst Arbor Day U to be celebrated on Fr.duy, Nov nber -5th. it is hoped ui.it every one Interested ia educational work will join in to maKe tnis a day lou;; to be remembered, a tlttiir; luauRUra tloii of a ciKHoiu wiiicn Will annually emphasize- and merer se ov.r appreeia I 1' the aljunaaut trer mid bird Vfftvith' which our State has been ho blessed. Governor Craig, has issued the 'fol lowing proclamation caning ujion the teachers and children of all the puD 11c schools to observe this day: "Wherea, Nearliy two-thirds of the total area or North Carolina, is now covered by forest growth, the greater part of which has been cut over by lumbermen, and devastated by fire to such an extent that its annual yield is less than one half what It should be; and "Whereat, The soil is the material source of our strength, and upon Us right use depends the permanent prosperity of our btate; and "Whsreaa, The present generatfOfi" is coming to realize that the use of the forest and the soil has not been In accordance with proper economy inasmuch as forests have been des troyed by axe and tire, steep lands have been cleared and unwisely useo and ruinously cultivated: and "Whereat, The coming generation of forest and soil users is now in i our public schools, and upon the school children of the State Is to fall the task of repairing the loss caused by our carelessness of indifference; and " "'Vhereaa, The General Assembly ofvais State hat seen tit to enact an ARBOR DAY LAW: "Ncw,Therefoief 1, LOCKE CRAIG Governor of the State of North Car olina, realizing the value which the suitable observance of this- day will be to the State in interesting the rising generation in a proper ap preciation of our forests our birds, our trees and our shrubs, do hereby proclaim that FRIDAY, THE FIFTH DAY OF NOVEMBER, ONE THOU8 AND NINE HUNPRUD AND FIF TEEN, shall be appropriately ob aerved as ARBOR DAY by the teacn era and children of all' the publc schools of the State by reciatlons. drills, songs, and exercises appro priate to the occasion, and r-v the planting of trees and shrubs on the sohool jrrounds. "Let this be done that the purpose Of KBOR DAY mav be imbued up on the youth and interest awakened In a subject the consideration of wh'ch will add to our general pros perity and the f nture wealth of North Carol'nn an will ptpMIv add to the hapt'incan of ns and our ch l dren." What the Slate i,epartment of Education is doing the eradicate white illiteracy in North Carolina on a large scale the University T. M. C. A. ia doiny; lor the eradica tion of white illiteracy in and a roiind Chapel Hill township. Two or three weeks ago Mr. W C. Cros by, who has charge of the 8tate illi teracy campaign, spoke in Peabody Ball J6 Pans for Moonlight ScbooE'lonth. After the lecture a few members of the Y. M. C. A". Cabinet met and decided to co-operate with the State Department fiy opening several moonlight schools in the vicinity of Chapel hill. Last TO THE Mlsents t; q I is t' JU Ttib C.)l.;?5'.is of mndem ra'l vay v!r.r.-na i; ;no'ik;a pictjrts Tuesday, Novemb Matinee i.nd Night Admission j week, Francis tiradshaw,' of JTmia- boro, w ho ia at the head of the ' ru ral Sunday School wornera of the, T. M. C. A., made an appeal to Tile assembled body ror volunteers rn the moonlignt school campaign. He Informed the students that withm the narrow limits of Chapel Hill township the nome of the Unlver-' sity there were 150 white persons who could neither read nor write. He then outlined the campaign to ! be curried o;i by the i. M. C. A. j Seveu schools, he said, were to be established wh'ch were to run three i ninhts out of the week during the inoi'ili of Novemoer; but, he added, f enough students voluntecrea for ;lie work each student would not have to go out over touf or five times during the month and thus, would not get behind In his school work. As. a, result of this appeal eighty-rour students volunteered to devote a part of their time during the month of Noveriber to this wofT. The campaign to be waged "y the Y. M. ( A. has the active support and co-operation of the UniversTTf Faculty, the Chapel Hill Community Club, and the State Oepartment Of Education. WINFALL BRIEFS Wiulall N. C. Oct. SO There will !) hu ice cream wupper at Winfall schcjol hoiihe on November 10th. A ,iiiu l er oi boxes ana a quilt will ai o be sold and the proceeds will be .ifed lor the Cedar tirove Methodist church. The public is cordially ln- vited . Durin the revival recentlv con ducted here by Kev. .las. Y. Old of Kl'zabeth City there were four teen accessions to tn church and the membership was greatly strengh tened. ,r. Kay Hurdle of Winfall and Miss Gertie Meads of Symonds Creed will be married tomorrow evening it two o'clock at the home of the bride. Kev. Mr. Shamburger of Hertford ' conducting a revival this week, iss sted by Rev. C. I. Jerome. Willie Miller went to Klizabetn (' l I'r day for repairs lor the cot ten gin here. The peanut growers of this sec tion are about through harvesting their crop. j. H. Whedbee of Weeksville who has been visiting friends here will Kin tomorrow night for Mars Hill c jllege where he will prepare him self for the ministry. Mr. Ellis Miller was in Elizabetn C1y Monday to pur"hase parts tor bis reanut picker. M'ss M'nnle Hollowell is the uest of Miss Virgie Miler this week. Archie Miller went ,to Hertford this morning on business. fiHjpoimioi caw I. R. Scott Mor. ily line "offering regular service t NAG8 HEAD and MANTBO All the year round tfTKAMKK TliBNTON .en vps M.mtpo l:00 n. m. leaves Nags Heml fi:4a n. m r.Piivp El'znbeth (My 2:4.r y. m Projerty at coiner of Rear! nnrl Church street For Sale chc-iip J. Q. MILLER WANTED Regnlsr and table boarders. Phone 84H L. 415 South Water Street. ;u pd f -r -, i" ;t "i j'M j I 9 er idHi. 10c and 20c Legal Notices ' NOTICE OF SALE L'uiier aim uy tUe wriue ot hu exe u..on iic OI bapllOr CiU.-l ll i -18Q uU , ...v i.cuuiy m Uie c.uso oi J. ti.. u.ti-M.u s i-oa V ii.ariis UiicCi. .S uie to se.l ihe lauds b.-iv'iUiHAvjr uoorioCd tor Uie sail. ..iti.wa CU.. cdjUieut reaueieu n lar ui , i ..ut..;' and aa iist i.ie ufv.-iu.;ni u. ....u icxdie, i buail o ..lo,.diiy tie lutu 5..y of November, llJU, m 1 o'clock M. at the Court House door in i'as- liiotaak County, otter ior o no at pub ic auction for cash the following "dte- cnbeu pjoperty to wit: A certa n tract or parcel of land n Newland Township iiounded ou .he north by the lands o: H C. Brite, ;he hf irs of A Dram Hence and the .Mill i'ond Koau; on tne east by lands of the heirs of T. fl. Williams, loriu erly part of the J. T. unite tract; on the south by lanas of Isaaj Moore and the lands known as John F. Uav.s land, and on the west by lands of E. C. Brite and John F. Davis. Containing 107 acres, nione or less, and being the same tract bought by ire said Ben Williams irom W. J. Temple. Th.s the 11 day of October 1915. CHAS REID Sheriff i'asquotanit County 0,.t. 12 19 26 Nov 2 BEST DUCK AND 'GOOSE 8HOOT Ing in e South found here. Sea son opens November 1st. Mies of marsh. The kind or points ar pond 8hoot'ng you have aSways wlsn ed for. Live geese and ducks to shoot over. Speed boats. Com fortable accommodations and good food. Write for fulf, information and rates. L H WHITfc, Jr. Prop.. Sportsman's Home, Sea OuM, N. C. oct 26 bt np'l NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having quabifled as administrator, C. T. A. of the late Mrs. Florence L. Grandy 1 hereby give notice to all persons Indebted to her estate to come torwaro ana make immediate settlement and those hold'ng calms against the same to present them for payment within twe've mothB from the date of this notice, or It wlK be pleaded in bar of their r covery. E. F. AVDLEETT tit oct 26 to dec. a NOTICb Sale of Valuable Property By virtue of a Deed of TniBt ex ecuted to me by Seward SnoWden for certain purposes therein mention ed which said Deed of Trust bears date July 31 1915 and Is registered in the office of the Register of Deeds of Pasquotank county In Hook 41 Page 411 I sha'l on Saturday No vember 13, 1915 oner for sa.e at the Court House Door in said County, at public Auction for cash, the property conveyed to me in said Deed of Trust Same being all the r ght, tit e nnd interest of Seward SDOwden In and to the fo lowing descriued tract or parce. oi land To wit: Situated on the North side of Middle street in the Old EizalH'ih City Fair lirounds and known as Lot No on the p at of lots as p ated in Book 1 S Page 131 in the otnee of the He?1 ter of Deeds ior rjsquotank cobnty. N. C. and the same being one of the ots appo nteu to Capf. T. R. .Mann In the I' v sion of said lots It bein forty (40) feet on Tliddie street and running oack !M TTt . This 11th day of October. 1315. M- SIMPSON, tf : - - , Trustee, ,TO THE TAX PAYERS OF ELIA m ABETH CITY AND THE GRADED SCHOOL DISTRICT. ! The tax booUa lor Ibc Vt'lir ol k have been placed In my U,iham!.4 for col'cctlon of taxes nnd I t''1,', ant ; (ill yoar nttintion to the tviiic w cl,y charter mailing it o1;ll.va- iv I'i'OTi v.i to add two pot r.-nt to all I:i;;cb un;:ii(l by th i first d iy of ))p CMbcr l(r., r.na tlireo p r cent fi;"r trt .ill t?ys i:npr!d tiy this f.r:. I day of : t.::zry vr.:. ': ii"; thr pc'Viy !iv: -r r, -.t t" dolinncftlia JanM ry tlf.-.t. iTK, --.v r,o:vi not r"iiu'r- tll'B nr'tlcr.. i Int o It bas not been m force l-.( Tftr.'ure I am r'v'TT til's nifro ro trrre cm be no 3'V.t 'caum ot complaii'.t from those who have not known of the new law. tMeope rail enr.y and Bare yonr- nelf the pena ty. no noi wan for me to call on you , for I arrt( mmnoiipd to Tftay In my office lh there at the foJowing hour From 8 a. m. to 1 p. m.f and from 2 p. m. to C p. m.. Open until nine o'clock Saturday night. Very tnly yours. M. W. BERRY. Tax Collector, o 19 22 26 29 n 2 5 9 12 16-19-23 26-30 FOR SALE Second Hand Hump and Barging. lnterestlnr rices on application A i" T?x y i Company tf oct 15 FOR SALE uood e-;co",d har iano. Apvly to - Corner t'ear np tiii Ma' t n rtrects. ct L'fl 3t npd L PROF 7 C PROFESSIONAL CARDS DkL iL liAKULs Dentint ivi-auicr Uuilding, Main Strcei Llotirs 8 tu 1- and - to ti DR. J. H. WIUTii Tweutj Five Years In UENTJSTKY lu All liraucht-h tMlk-e Utr Mctiilte & Orice' iStore 1K. 11. S. WlLLLl Dentist Iv. line Buildiii Kootn Js'o. (iKOIMIC J. Bl'KNCK rn y and Vnunerllor At L Kramer Buildiui; W. I). COX, Attorney At Law noyocK, A . (Jnrrituck (?ourtliu ib- F.arli Monday ILTIJAN W. SKLKi, Kyesight Specialist Suite ;J1 r HintoTi Hldjj; FJizabcth City, Tlione 1U. S. W. CHKGOKY DentiHt (Ulite in (New Iliuton Hiiildinp Corner Mnin and Martin St Norfolk Southern Hailrnad ROOTE OF THE NIGHT EXPRESS Schedule in Effect N. B. The following whtHhili inures pnbliHhe1 as iiiformanoi. NLY and are not guuranteeil . UA1NM LEAVE EIJABETI ('ITY -V'WTti UOUMt -n -'fi T. M. Iiuily NilU Ej i.reHH i 'nllinaii Hleedu)t t'ai for Raleigh, Newbern and lnte mediate Htationa. ' :fH A . M. Daily for Edent 1:00 P. M. Daily for Baleigb Ooldsboro and Intermediate : pointi. Pullman Parlor Car for Newbern. -SOUTH HOUND A. M. Daily for Norfolk and Intermediate Station. jf:23 P. M. Daily Exprasn fof Norfolk ONLY 8:30 P. M. Daily for Norfollr and Intermediate Station 3 f05 p. m., Monday, Wednesdai and Friday for Suffolk. For Further Information a( ply to 0. F, Garrett, Ticket Atf lizabcMt ciif. : (). D. STACK, . "' n. s. i i-iAi-.r. See E. K. SAWYER FOR BICYCLES And All Work In That Line Gunmith A I'C'i.ill Trusses Kcpnirtd fGTICE OP ADMINISTRATION Having qimliflrd nB admlhistrntor of the late J. M. H:isket 1 hereby 3 ve nt iice to all jreraona indclitod to his l'tito to como forward and ir.r.ke In nicdliite eettlerncnt ana ttuxi' holding clalnin againBt tho 8.:lh- fo presont Tliero for payment within twelve months from tho data of thla notice, or It will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. October 29th, 1915. W. WHartett. n. . 7 .1 mm MM m Larpest List of faim Lands and City hopeitv 2" No. 1 FARM-150 acres. ICO acies in fine state cf cultiveticr H acics in weed trd pine thicktt. S-ic m hcuse; thicc milts frcm town. S 2 ZZ No. 2 FARM 5 acres. Good land for all crops. 20 .2 1-2 miles from town. No. 3 FARM 83 acres. 70 acres choice land for all purposes. 2 sets buildings. T o miles from town. No. 4 FARM 75 acres. 45 acres in nice condition. 30 acres swamp. Fine hog range. Good buildings. Worth JtCCO. 1 1-2 miles from town. C f$f No. 5 FARM 150 acres. All cleared. 2 sets buildings. 2 1-2 miles frc m town. SfT No 6 FARM 93 acres. A little run down. Can be bought at a price to make it interesting to the purchaser, Sc me buildings. Six miles from town. No. 7 FARM--250 acres fine lands. Easy drained. Can be made an ideal f rm. Good range for stock. Build togs pocf Various other farms from 7 acres up. If interested eeg u, 1 UUV N. R. Parker & Son ELIZABETH UTUSON IUT IfiO and )0u are reginmpp to think nf supplying ourneeusm LOADED GUN SHELLS Don't forget that we are prepared to serve you. We handle shells made by the United States Cart ridge Company. Their "Romax" black povder shells and "Climax" smokeless shells are kept in st ck at all limes and your ( rders can be filled promptly. A. F. TBXEV S CO., US OO 00000000000 o We. are offering.5 not NOW nor on any SPECIAL OCCA- I SION, but ALL THE TIME The Best Quality Of Groceries &The Bisrgcst Variety Of Groceries The Lowest Prices In Groceries Our word is to be relied up on and so are our goods. Water St. Phone 57 O 5000000000 TelephoneNo. 84 for an appointment for a sitting tor tKat Xmas ' m s picture. This is to be " a picture Xiria and V there is nothing so ap- ' . propiiale for a gift. , Zoeller'sStudib Poindexter Street 1 ot All. 65 1-2 cleared, acres in wood, CITY, N. C. WKOIESALE GROCERS. 2 Vj jy :vt . v.- n ; W...--. ; -- - !)7rX 1 1 23 SO Dec' t pd- fn'iiili ' ttia ' C!ty ' hud cab VVfoun'd