1 i Local Items litis SalUe Perry spent the week end In Norfolk at toe St. Regis, the guest of Mrs. W. J. Traftou. Editor Goersch of the Washington News was In the city Sunday fff? guest of friends. Mrs. H. Humphries is very 111 at the home of her daughter, Mrs. R. A. Jennings os Road street A large number of LTizabeth City people went to Norfolk Monday for the Barnum and Bailey curcus. Mrs. P. 1). Velne and children of Red Springs are visiting at fTFe home of Mr. and Mrs. (am Ifelirk Mrs. J C. Uraniw t Washington U spending tew days witff Mrs. Cam Melick. Misa Elizabeth Horton of Port mouth was the week end gueTl of Dr. and Mrs. I. S Blades. Mrs. C. B. Copes of this city HI? returned from Edenton where she has been ior tne last four weeks at the bedside of her neice, Miss Annie Ward, now recovering from typhoTd fever. You Need A Shave If you don't need it now you will some day, and when you do, try The Main St. Barber Shop. ::::::::: 111:! iifilili-i SI Compare you watch or any watch with this one II I-- M.,i Hri M !,i I VV i, ,, An,.,V " I tien truir ii.it- th - iinVer ) it- .1 ilifir. am. I I j , 1 Hi ! ol Jul .iml ,n,r -iinlnv ,it VU r II ,n round, Inmjhr Ihi, .-,,nip ,,,, , , h ',! the .,r Vrrilhii, Wilvh I,) ,!4v 1 m ''tit II 11 ::::::::: II! ntt"y. :::::::: Louis Selio- I ; ;:-:.:::::::::-:::.-:::.rfV w YouVe not hard to fit ou may think so am) pay $50 to $60 to a tailor. Don't do it; it isn't uood business. Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes give you everything you're looking for-quality, fit, style and all at one half the price. See our $25 values this week MITCHELL'S I lie I InriH' ot ".'it ' -iiatln.-i ,t Marx CUu-.c : m CO A F.D AND LODGING l'"or i 1 o:: n rnoms ami i;ood laiiln bo rd, soi' Mrs. Hocltchor, 3DI I'c insylvania Avenue, oi-i i!2 :it K npd 8& Li V A BARGAIN IN o o u In one of the state's best business towns f "J (4 thousand inhabitants and growing rapidly) Ll J" Ten room BVelling in good location O 3s AINU J g,. n 4.4 ; J Two splendid lots in best business 4 .4' 4 k ft JPt L Will Sell Cheap Within Next Few Weeks to w t4 : T 7 Right Party, Address "Property," Care of a j rwf:, r THE FLOUR THE 6t O best Cooks Us 55 HAVE yOLT USED ANY YET? WHITE C1EST 0 Tidrtk Is especially milled for critical and fasti dious family trade. It is for those who always want the BEST, for the others do not like it. For Sale at Your Grocers A, F. Toxey & Co. White Crest Distributors MANUFACTURED AND GUARANTEED BY J. C. Lysle Milling Company Leavenworth, Kansas a (COCCCOCD a; &5r A. P 0 fey v t ft