Mm ' t ' ; I rwmmm. Mm , NETTS WITHOUT ELIZABETH CITY'S BIAS WSWITHOU?. SEMI-WEEKLY PREJUDICE - i PAPER ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, TUESDAY DECEMBER 21, 1915 NO 100 'J - . '-' ." ' hTE 7 - : .- 1 V .liJ u u U ' l ' ' ' V - 1 ! GDOl'JDS OF SHOPPERS IIOl'J i ; THRONG CtTY'S FESTItfEilSTREETS And The Jingle of Bells on The Fr sty Air is Token - of the Christmas Spirit Which is Manifest Everywhere The cold weather and threatening iiorms of last week delayed Christ mas shopping to a considerable ex lent, keeping the good people of Pas Quotank, Perquimans Camden, Cur rituck and Dare away from town and ven keeping indoors the little peo ple of Elizabeth City and many of .the grownups. But with the dawning of Monday mprning the Christmas rush was OB and by noon Monday it was in full swing. On Monday night the stores were open until ten o'clock, - brightly lighted and humming with the voices of clerks and shoppers. On Tuesday the crowds increased and this evening a large crowd was down town to see and to buy and to enjoy the holiday gaiety. The stores will be open every night until .Saturday, and will close entirely on 'Christmas Day. Passing through the shopping sec tion any night this week starting at the Advance office with the Christ mas number of The Advance as a directory the visitor Is met with gaily decorated stores and brightly lighted windows on every hand . Gay red express wagons for little folks of all sizes fill a windMr at Markham & Ferebee's and Silverthorn's; Me llck's shows a galaxy of books, trees, trains that actual y run on real track, do Is, and everythingelse to be found in toyland; Sellg's gleams with di imonds silver, goal, and crystal and is decorated with the red and green of the holiday season; Owens shows an amazing array of lovely s'.'ppers; the mllinery stores are all filled wi n toys and f:incy work and are showing "ovely scarf seta for the school girl, and the Standard Pharmacy is more aUrac "tive than ever in its history. N't forgetting trie big groceries, the sightseer spies M. P. Gallops big windows filled wth an abun dance of nuts and fru'ts and sees new counters added, and stacked with a gorgeous assortment of bright colored ci'ns with prices reduced for . the ho'i.lav seison, further on other grocer ps- p. ,t. Morgan's, 1 elloys. and Twiddy's ' rominent among the Dura' er empt the appetite with splend d d sp ays of all good things to eat, and Parker Brothers in the Hinton building are in full holiday dress. The department stores, beg'nning with Siff's which is rushed with Its 'tig sale, are crowded with shoppers and their windows are ,full of at tractive g'fts, while their counters -show special ties such as love'y comb and brush sets, manicure Bets, ecarf sets, dolls ami bath robes. Mitchell's which seems one Mg bow er of ChrlstmaB beauty displays an unusually large variety of accessor ies for the femiLiene. wardrobe, such as bags and purses, neckwear, handkeroh'efs, and so on, and a Christmas tree loaded with ties for men at one of the windows at Mc Cabe & Grlce's gives much pleasure to the passerby. Gallop & Toxey also have a Christmas tree filled with gifts for men, ties, hats, gloves and shoes, and Weeks & Pawyer makes the woman shopper wish to be a man as ardently as she "wished I was a oy'' in the days of childhood, when prevented from some form of play on the ground that it was "torn boy ish" for a' girl to do such a thing. This store started out Monday with the biggest day's holiday trade It has ever known, oxcent on the day before Christmas In some years and needed doub'e Its force of clerks to supply the wants of its v customers. The ;Womans Wear U Store (L the M.MLelb. Bhiwp Cora ( -pany is featuring the gifts that' de NO POWDER PLANT FOR NORTH CAROLINA. ; Kecent.y in North Carohna papers there have appeared reports that the L)u Pont Powder Company was tn the point of locating a plant at K.nstou, Fayetteville. or some other ( town in North Carolina. Noticing these reports Mr. W. R. Lambert, a well known real estate man in this city, sent a night letter to the main office of the company at Wilmington, Dela ware, suggesting Elizabeth City as a suitable factory site and offering his assistance in securing a site here for the company. In reply to this communication, Mr. Lambert received the following letter: ' Refering to your night letter of the 10th Inst., beg to advise that at this time we are giving no consid eration whatever to locating a plant In the State of North Carolina. However, we thank you for your kind offer of assistance. Yours Very Truly, Wm. G. Ramsey, Chief Engineer. There have oeen various rumors afloat here recently that the Du Ponts were considering Elizabeth City as a possib'e factory site. In view of this declaration from their bead office, one wonders where all these reports have had their origin. lgtu womankind, however, and the numm shopper turns in that direc tion and is glad once more to be mere woman. The windows of ill s store are always attractive and it was difficult to make them more so but Santa Claus came himself to these w ndows and Is still there, as b g as life, making the store as uni que as ever in its appeal. It's a Iciv mum! and there is so much to see. The shopper must intersperse the many visits with a dr nk at the A'l eniarl; Pharmacy, which with its adv intap' of position makes a most i x. e Ion showing" fi led as it Is vtl: gif s for man and maiden and r'eoorated with a wealth of crimson and ,,'recn. Or perhaps a supper at leans, where they Ferve Christ nMs food v ill nlong wfth everything i lse that's comforting and satisfying, ; ml where in t lie window a Christ mas tree delights the eye of the ( bi'dren as the centre of a sump tuous window display of candles the "bk' stick" and the Charle Chaplin Cane, besides many other varieties with fruits, nuts, and home" madi cake. - Then after seeing the furniture at Qulnn's and the b rocking horses and toy auto and farm wagons, Rml peeping at the crowds at the People's Bargain Store and the dis play of Mens and Boys, gifts at the Store of C. A. Cooke, one is almost read.- for home a gain. Going around the block to see the Alkranla program for Christmas matinee and evening show, the Apothecary Shop cannot be passed without stopping again to sse its varied list of gifts and to rest for a moment in Ub at tractive grill room while a little boy who looks as if he believes in Rant i Clans brings a tray of glasses and sets them before you. It is time for the stores to close, even it Christmas time, and It Is Irre for sleep. A'l the shopa have not been seen, there are so many, and al' the wonders have not been renn either. This has been but a passing glance. To-morrow there must be no dillydallying. The real Christmas shopping must be finished. For Christmas Is only three days away, and there Is no ex cuse for the lack of preparedness so far as opportunity goesV TvT A CHURCH FOR CONVICTS ON THE 8TATE FARM The Rev. N. Collins Hughes of Raleigh was In Elizabeth City Snnday in the interest of a plan to put a house of worship for the con victs at the State Farm. Mr. Hughes spoke at the First Baptist Church Sunday morning and at Christ Church Sunday night. The church on the farm is to be an interdenominational one and alt ihe denominations have as sisted In the matter. The central committee in charge of the work is composed of: Dr. R. T. Vann, c.v-president of Meredith College. A. A. Thomas, John A. Mills Al len Cox, and J. S. Mann, superin tendent of the State Prison. The State Treasurer, Hon. B. R. Lacy, is ireasurere of the f'ind. The local committee is composed of: Judge Leigh, Dr. B. C. Heu nins. Messrs P. H. Will.ams, E. F. Aydiett, L. U. Foreman, and W. U. Galther Jr. Mr. Hughes made two strong ad dresses here on Sunday, pointing out the need of this kind of inter est in the convicts. The response to his appeal has been very gener ous here, very few refusing to help in this work. Mr. Hughes is arch deacon at Raleigh and at the request of the central committee runs out now and then to try to raise money for this fund whenever he can get away from his own work. Only his travelling ex penses are paid by the central com mittee. . Mitchell's Is the place to meet your fr ends for most 'every body trades there. adv WEEK8VILLE NEW3 Weeksville, N. C. December 20 The Weeksville Ginmng Company is closing down for the season to day. J. E. Pallin, and J. B. Walston have gone to Norfolk on business. Dr. W. A. Davis is extremely busy at this time with his large practice. Mallon Paper had his leg broken just below the right knee last week while he and Howard Harris were playing with a truck. Dr. I lav s was summoned and set the leg and the boy Is getting along nice y thus far. Rev. Kufus Bradley the new pas t r i f New begun church will preach at that church at threo o'clock Suml iy ami at 1'nion Church at clcwi! o'clock. ("apt. J A. Parker and ("apt. Oh ,,r Wright are making three nips a week on their boat now and carry ng freight on every trip. Mr. Walter Jackson of the N. S. S. New Hampshire is at home w th his parents for a twelve days furlough. Mrs. J. A. Harris Is expecting to leave for Panama in a few days to join her husband who is em ployed tfrere in the government ser- v.ce. DR HENNING MAKES ADORES8 Dr. B. C. Hennlng delivered a very interesting address at the First Methodist Church Snnday afternoon under the auspices of the W. C. T. U. of this city, speaking upon the progress of the Temper ance movmnt In the various phases of American life. A number of musical selections were rendered, Including choruses representing the dry states of the l.'nion and over thirty five dollars was raised at the meeting. Misses Ruth Hrumsey and Evle Poss of Curr.tuck were here Satur day thopp:ng. When you want your orders filled "end them to Mitchell's We don't write letters, we fill the orders for we nayf the f oodsTty w. adr BABY HAZELLE AT ALKRAMA THREE NIGHTS NEXT WEEK Da nty Baby Hazell comes to the Alkrama on next Monday, Tuesday and W eunesda . The little actress is on y nine years oid and has the reputation of Delng w'thout doubt, the most graceful child actress In the South. Eden on people have expressed hemseivs as de lghted with the show says Mr. Kramer, and have ..tsuied him that he need feel no hesitancy in recommend ng the play. The bdm ssion fee is only ten cents to everybody, aud a good house s expected at each perfor .1 aiice lor this special hoi day at traction. Thj sltow wi 1 be supplemented by the regUiar moving picture snow, .bus offering two shows for . lie udmibs.on price. Those who have seen Dainty Hazelle declare that no one should miss the opportunity to see the vsondertul little lady of the stage. adv PROF BRANSON AT MANTEO Manteo, December. 20 On last Monday evening, December 13th, trof. E. C. Branson, Professor of Rural Economics and Sociology at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. C, delivered an Inspiring educational address before tbe student body and patrons of Manteo High School. His sub ject was "Live With Your Child ren". The address from start to finish was full of concrete illustra tions and specific Instances tending to encourage ycung men and women m their educational careers. Pa rents were urged to become ac qua nted with teachers and to take a deeper interest in the education of children. The speaker spent Tuesday on the island and In com pany with Mr. B. G. Cr Bp and Supt. E. W. Joyner visited Wan ohese the Mother Vineyard Farm and Fort Kalelgh. He left Wed nesday morn ng for his home in Chapel Hi 1, N. C. Last Thursday evening in the High School Aud torium the Epworth League under the direc tion of Its First Vice President, Miss Rennle Griffin, met in a potato koc al. Each on- contributed for bis admission a largo potato. In this way two bane s of sweet po tatoes was co'lected to be sent to the Methodist Orphairige at Ral eigh A prize was awarded to Mrs George Tolley for doiritlng the larrc-t potato. This mammoth po'ato was grown by 'Dan H. Hop kins, one of the most progressive pegroei of Pare County. "Dan'' o'iy he expects to raise potatoes 'bi-rger that that one" next year. Under the direction of the music teacher. Mis Rennle Griffin, the music (lass of the Manteo High School wi'I give a 'muslcale" in 'he auditorium of the school build ing at eight o'c'ock Wednesday even ng. The public Is invited. Mr. H. A. ne tzensteln. sports man of New York City, is spending the week at the Trnnque" House. Mr. E. C. Brisbln. financier of Schuylerville. New York Is spend ing a few days at the Tranquil Hotel in the Interest of his pro perty on Roanoke Island. Mr. F. W. Hnsslnger, sportsman of Orange New Jersey., Is spend ing a few days at the hunting enmps of Mr. A. V. Evans. Mr. and Mrs. R. Kramer of Rby Beach N. J. left on the steam er Trenton, Sunday morning after two and one half days hunting wh'ch resulted In the killing of fifty two ducks. Dr O. J. Binder. (Tentlst, Is spending this week at the Tranquil Hons. M'ss Gerie Robertson, primary eacher In Manteo H'Kh School, left on tbe Trenton Sunday to spend the hoPdavs with her arents In Greens boro. N. C. The holidays for Manteo High School will begin (Thursday. Decem ber 23rd and last only one week. Mr nd Mrs J. W. Freeman of Wanchese were in Manteo Sunday evening . - f -: 10 EMPTY STOCKINGS XMAS uODf and mi miro in eveby ik This is The Program of Those Who Are Working ta make Christmas Happy for Every Fireside in Elizabeth City Not only Is the Christmas season iiiauifesL in the brilliant red aud -hilling green holly uud other hol day decuiat ons now found in the .-,lu ps and homes of the city, but a so there ii abroad a k.ndlinesB of spirL that is striving to make the ho. days bright for every unfortu nate person in Elizabeth City. Every church and every charita ble organization is preparing to ex press g ad tidings of good will to the peedy on Christmas Day. Announcement has been made fnal gifts for the poor wfll be'recelvea'at Blackwell Memorial Annex Thurs day afternoon at two o'clock. Lib eral contributions have been promis ed those tn charge of distributing these gifts. The pastor of the church has stated that walking down town on Monday morning he was overwhelmed by the generosity of those whom he approached In be half of the needy ones In the city, aud within a short time had secured liberal donations given in a most cheerful spirit. He declared that he had not seen such a spirit of giv ing In all of his experience, and he is anxious that ail needy persons in he city should be reported to bim at his home on Pennsylvania Avenue at, early as possible, and that all lit tle ch.ldren who are afraid of wak ing on Christmas morning and find ing uu Christmas stocking let him jviiow their names and addresses. Mr. LofJn says that he greatly de n.rca that no person In the city shall ce nug ected In tho city on Christ .i as Day and that his church may do its share in the work of bringing joy and comfort o the poor. The United Charities, co operating with all of the churches of the city, with the exception of Blackwell Me morial Church which decided to do its charitable work separately and with the Rescue Workers, is en deavor n to give a Christmas din ner to every family In need, and to 1 1 i In- stock ngs of chl'dren who would otherwise be neg ected. Mrs Cam W. Mellck Is president of this organization nnd cilled a meet ,ng several weeks s:go for the pur-po'-e of providing for systematic ( brstmas giving to tho poor of the i'; in order that no family or chid should be lies ected. Represent ,tlves from the churches i ( sponded to th s call and the work of providing for the Christmas din ners was turned over to Adjutant and Mrs. J. B. Gossett, Rescue Workers In this city. Mr. and. .Mrs. Gossett have canvassed the town carefully and obtained the rames of tose who need to be pro vided with a Christmas dinner. About one hundred names are on the list and only a small amount has been contributed to this tilnd. al though envelopes have been distribu ted throughout tho c:ty asking for contributions. It Is greatly hoped that more generous donations will be received at once. All donations should be sent to Adj. J. B. Gossett at 521 Riverside Avenue, or contri butions of money may bo sent to Mrs. A. B. Houtz on Road street. The baskets will be distributed on Friday. Any one wlshln" to In quire of Mr and Mrs Gossett about articles needed for tbe baskets may articles needed f r the baskets may telephone number 8S8-L. There are one hundred dinners to be provided nnd Mr. Gossett has on hand onlv $32 . fiO In grocer ies and $45 dollars In cash, which Is less than one th'rd of the amount needed. The time Is short and contributions are needed Imme diately. In addition to the Christ mas dinner, many families are In seed, pt tlothing ftnd, vMr. .Oossett will send for any contributions Of c othing if te ephoned in regard tO the matter. i Committees from the churchS were appointed to attend to Christ mas stocking work, with Miss Vftf r lie All.ertson as chairman of th9 -committees to receive donations W the Christmas stocking fund. Milt A bertson is receiving these dona , tions at her home on Church street and the work of filling the stocking and distributing them is being done by the various church Com' mlttees. , Provisions for the Christmas din -ner are the urgent need of the char ity workers Just now, and It Is great ' ly hoped that the people o BllM beth City will not suffer this ned to go nnsupplled. That Christ , mas Day may bring Joy to eTtrj I person In Elisabeth City Is the Aim of the churches and the charltsbl , organisations of this city. T&ty ' ask that the more fortunate eltlMBl , of the city share tbelr good fortun with their less fortunate brother.' Mitchell's Is the trading center. They have 'he goods and sell them at reasonable prices ; a4f CRESWELL BRIEF8 CreswellJ Dec. 50 Mrs. JennU Foley spent a few days wfth friend In Columbia last week. Mr. J. fT. Johnson spent 8s urday and Sunday in Belhaven. Messrs Roy Hopkins, Roy Litcb field Sidney Smithson returned home Saturday night from CoIlef to spend the holidays, with their par ents. Miss Magnolia Robertson gave A recf al Friday night at the academy lor the benefit of the music class. Mr. Tim Davenport spent Sat urday in town on business. Mr. Charley Stilman has pur cha-ed Mr. Ed. Darvlsh's cold drink stand. Mr. Philip Shugart left Saturday" for I'.a timoro to attend the Sbugart Goldman wedding. The Ladies Aid Society will give a Christmas supper Friday night n Hopkins Hall. Mr. Jim Anderson returned home Monday for the holidays. Miss Jennie Hopkins gave a party Saturday afternoon In honor of M:ss Robertson. Cresweli School will close Wed nesday for the Christmas holidays. Miss Myrile Patrick Spent last week visiting friends in Cherry. Mrs. J. C. Galther made a trip to Stonewall last week. AT CITY ROAO 8UNDAY Presiding Elder G. T. Adams will preach at City Road Methodist hurch next Sunday. BLACKWELL MEMORIAL CHURCH , At next Sunday mornings servlcS all new members will be extended , I tho right hand of fellowship at the .,, close of the service. It Is hoped '.' : that all new members will be pre sent . -V! " FINED TEN DOLLAR8 Walter Zachery was fined teal f dollars and costs In Police Court , this mornin? for an assault upOQ" . ArniBtead Wilson last August.'; ';;;? 300 Ladies coats received at f Mrtshell's this wee., Bought ' WyV- 4 cheap and sold the same yay. , adt r" . : '.A

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