,. u i mm mm sagas PROMINENT FARMER INJURED ' ,v IN RUNAWAY , ' Wbi'e driving alonj the Euclid i' Heights road Monday' after a trip to EUabetn City, Mr. Thomas Jen- ' 16gs horse became trlgbtened at '; .an automobile and smashed up the buggy badly, bruising Mr. Jennings ; considerably though 'not Injuring him seriously. Mr. Jennings is one of Salem's most prominent citizens ' and prosperous farmers, and this was h s first trip to town in a buggy In a long time. He usually comes " la bis own automobile, but yes terday preferred a drive behind his Jkrited horse. Eastern Carolina Teachers Training I Miss Helen Wood who, has been at school at Winston Salem Is. at home for the holidays, i Ray Toxey Is at home from Bait tlmore where he has been attend ing School. ' Miss Minnie Nash returned Sat urday from Meredith College to spend the holidays with her parents I Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Nash. Mrs. J. R. Moss of Waverly, Va. Is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Strabl, on Cypress street RETURN FROM WEDDING TOUR Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Walker passed through Elizabeth City Mon day on their way home from Rich mond, one of the points visited on their wedding tour. The wed- dine took olace at Jarvisbug. the home of the bride, last Wednesday. Mrs. Walker is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. R. B. L. Griggs, and Mr. WSker is a prominent citizen of the Moyock section. The ceremonv was performed by Rev. Marshburn at the bride's toome. Miss Inez Owens of Fresno, Cal. Is visiting her uncle, Mr. M. Owens, on South Road street. Miss Lillian Brite who has been attending Chowan College at Mur- freesboro is at home for the holidays. Miss Verneena Perry of Spring Hope is at home for the Christmas holidays. AT THE FIRST BAPTI8T CHURCH Mrs. Bettie Norman of Norfolk Is spending the holidays at the home of her brother, Mr. N. 0. Orandy on West Main stteet. on West Main street. my, possession . the said : floating Theatre, without name, her, tackle, apparent furniture and machinery of which C. H.' Sanderlln, is, or lately was, the owner and .manager; and all persons claiming any Interest In' said Floating Theatre- are hereby commanded to appear Wore Hon. H. VT. Oreenleaf, ' Clerk, of Said Court, at Elizabeth City., North Car olina, on the 23rd day of December, 1915 to interpose their claims and make their allegations in behalf of same. This 13th day of December, 1915 W. T. DORTCH, United States Marshall. ' By W. H. ANGE. Deputy. tf. BEST FRUIT STAND III TOWII Fruits of all kinds, Cigars, Candles and Cold Drinks. All Qoods Delivered to Any Part of the City W. T. Deans Proprietor Next To Prltchard and Jackson s - - Dr. B. C. Henning will preach a Christmas sermon next Sunday morning at eleven o'clock, hik sub ject being "The Rose of Sharon". Sunday night at half past seven o'clock the choir under the direc tion of Mrs. I. M. Meekins will give a Christmas cantata. The public is cordially Invited to attend these services. T. P. Nash, Jr. is at home for the holidays from the) University of Tennessee, where he Is a member of the faculty of the Medical College. J. B. Burgees of Shi!oh was in the city Friday. RAPER -8C0TT J. M. Whaley of Belcross was in the city Friday. Robert D. Raper, Jr. and Miss Mary Lou Scott were married Sun- ,-dnCr ..-n day by Justice of the. Peace, J. B WalBton at "the borne of the brides parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scott at Weeks ville. The groom is the sen of R. D. RapeY, Sr., and the families "of both bride and groom are promi nent ones in the Weeksville section. C. L. and J. L. Needham of Old Trap were here Friday. CARTWRIGHT WHALEY Msis !TTary Whaley of Belcross and Mr. CTTton Cartwrlght of Cam den Connty were married tQ-day at the home of the brides parents, Mr. and Mrs." Jerry Whaley. The cere mony was performed by Rev. J. K. Henderson. TALULA ENCAMPMENT MEET3 The Tatula Encampment, Num ber 4, I. O. o. F., will meet on the night of December 29th to elect officers aii to transact other bu siness of Importance. IN MEMORIAM Jn loving remembrance of my dear mother, Mrs. J. T. Puckett, who passed from us Dec. 22, 1912. ' "Asleep in Jesus, blessed sleep. From which none ever wake to weep I A calm and undisturbed repose, Unbroken by the last of foes. Asleep in Jesus far from thee, Thy kindred and their graves may be! But thine is still a blessed sleep, From which none ever wake to weep." "Gone but not forgotten." Her loving daughter, Ella Puckett Brothers. COPY OF LETTER FOUND (From Jarv.sburg, N. C.) Dear :- 1 am sending you a money order for $10.75. 1 want you to go to M.tche l's store and tell Mr. Gilbert hat 1 want him to send me a nice suit for $9.50. I had rather have a navy blue and, I want size 36. Cousin was In Elizabeth City last week and told me she went in every store there and she found everything at Mitchell's to be cheaper, and the clerks there were so nice to her. Please go to the 6 & 10c store and get me $1.26 worth of toys and pack them with my suit. They will prepay the charges at Mitch ell's and be sure and get them off as soon as you can. Yours Lovingly, It's Merry Christmas at the Busy Bee Cafe A Christmas dinner every day this week Try one The Busy Bee Harry Paulos, Prop. j s s v' v j v y j s 'Fir. iliiiiias " noppef s;v 0 THREE DIC BARGAIN DAYS AT SIFF'S Each Department is filled with bargains never before offered the Xmas Shoppers of Eliz. City-come and let us convince you S. R. SIFF GO., lie. This Sale Lasts Until January 1st. Don't Forget Your Coupon For The $35.00 Range FREE I 1 , ; " .J.!.. - I ' : ' ' """I"-'! LOST Antique breastpin. Set with red-coral in form of fork of tree. About size of a quarter. Lost on Road Street. Sunday morn ing between Blackwell Memorial church and Church street. Re ward If returned to The Advance office. It pd LOST Indian Bicycle, No. 275, 580, 22 Inch frame. Coaster brok en. Red and white frame. Re ward If returned to 'The Advance office. Local Items Miss Hattie Glover who is a mem ber of the Senior Class at Salem Academy, Winston Salem, Is at borne for the Christmas holidays. Miss Marlon Woodley Is at home from Columbia University for the holidays. December 15 1915. We could not he p but publish , this tetter as it is only one out of uie hundreds that are written every month. We left out the name as we did not care to make the id of a peronal nature. 0.SF. GILBERT. adv IN THE DISTRICT COURT OP THE UNITED STATES FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF NORTH CAROLINA Elisabeth City Iron Works and Sup ply Company vs Sanderlln's Floating Theatre, with out name. INVITATION To look, inspect and buy from the largest stock of Christmas good things of any store in this section. QiiidLty the best, and prices low. Thanking you one and all for the lib eral patronage, we have always receiv ed, and wishing you a merry Xmas, we beg to remain, Yours to serve D. R. Morgan Co. Cor. Water and Main St. Phones: 256 & 396 We Wish You a Merry; Christmas a n d a Happy Prosperous New Year BWe desire to thank all oar menas xor tneir iiDerai patronage daring 1915 and to assure them, that we shall be better- prepared, than, ever to serve and satisfy them next year. Gallop & Toxey Shoe Company NOTICE By virtue of an order of Monition and attachment Issued In the above cause on the 10th day of December, 1915. I did on the 18th day of De cember. 1916. seiie and take In A Special Bargain Millinery of all kinds. Cheap! Bargains in caps, also in Christmas novel ties at Miss Elizabeth Dexter who has been teaching at Lumberton is at borne for the holidays. VMIss Helen Bell and Miss Anna Vhltehurst are at borne from the Walker &C6. 116 PolndexterSlrefet. When You Buy Why Not The Best? Only a short time more to buy and do your Christmas cooking; We anticipate the best trade weJiave ever enjoyed and feel sure you can find everything needed for Christmas eatables here. Our Fancy and Staple Groceries are fresh and Prices right. A few suggestions: Candies, all kinds Nuts, all kinds Rtisins Apples Oranges Jellies Mincemeats Canned Goods of all ; kinds Cranberries Come to See Us, or Telephone MAIN ST: Opposite Southern Hotel ;-Vi ;i- 01 Christmas Greetings! To The Residents of Eliz. City and its Sections In purchasing gifts for friends or relations nothing can be more ac ceptable than some article for the home. Our stock has been added to in or der to provide our patrons with an exceptionally large selection of ap propriate gilts. , i we are ready to serve you. We carry everything that an up-to-date Hardware Store, should crave in stock. Let us solve your gift pro D. M. Jones Company Elizabeth City, N it V 1 A. Vs h A '. M." 'A t - ( ,1 t it .r:fi--jYr--..AT.