honor Roll Tliini: Month .Continued From Pag Two) Richards. First' Grade, Mrs Fearing, Teacher 'Katharine Dull, Anne MeUcfc, ' jiiaiy Norrls, Alma Pea4e,.Ida Perry, Basel Perry, Grace Byveater, She. ton' TwWtty, Mary C. JtUrnanl, ) iJackwelirBarkley, Alien Bl, Wil i k Jiait ' Fearing,: Koacoe Foreman, , Harry koiltiison, kuael 'l asker, X r i.vi First Grade, Mies 2oeler, Teacher. -Jaargaret Connery, Hilda Flood, Carmine Lane, Ida Lasslter, Ore ' thla Mitchell, Maxlne Sheppard, Margaret .Wells, Martha White, Ruth WJ.iams, William Brltton, , Bobble Fearing, Ernest trovo, Ray ford Provo, Isadore Siegel, Herbert Siegel, Arch:e Turner, Earl Wult3, , Advanced Flret Grade, Mrs. Brooke '. ; Teacher. . Evelyn BaW. E.lsabeth Carter. Maud Evans, Ruth Gaskins, Rum Jordan Marion Jenkins, Effle Ma dras Mary Oney, Alethla Parker, Elizabeth Peal, Lennle Slvils, Na mt Spear, MLdred Roughton, Mar garet Toxey, Reuben Berry, Law rence Divers, Henry Ferrell, Ira dell Havmah. Wnorlwarrt Hn?hM v Howard Johnson, Oscar Meggs, Jesse Perry, Clarence Sanders, Hal- lot aI flaw At TftIiii Qmaln T Aa ler Spmlll, Car. Wfilston, Charloj jenun. ' 8seend Grade, Miss Willis Teacher .. tjonme rang, aaran Helen Lewis IJlTlan Hnnrnr WHUna Unne lucnarason. Kens crank, Minnie . Lee Brockett, arman Saleeby, Mar garet W. Sawyer, Camilla Jennette, Marshal Barcley, Doc. Perry, Er- , nest Williams, Vernon Chappell. owvno uraao, mm dcii i eacner Elizabeth Williams, Annie Over t man Marjorie Skinner, Luclle Jen- , nette, Viola Russell, Mary Wins'.ow, ' Olivia Benton, Anne Seeley, Vivian Copelaifd, Sam Gasklns, Roscoe '"Turner, Charlie Price, Frank Hor- I ' Second Grade, Mr. Etheridge Teacher. Lillian Alexander, Viola Comer, Cornelia Crank, Josephine Lambert, Louise White, Lorita Lowry, Law rence Aydlett, Walter Betts. Wil- DUT Madrln, Edward Dunstan. Third Grade, Miss Ferebee, Teacher ' Dorothy Baum, Pattle Martin Capehart, Hattie Gregory, Mary Hor ner, Virginia Layden, Mary Dozier, Leona Munden, Nannie Mae Stokes, - Gertrude Smith, Earl Baker, May jnard Burton, Oliver Evans, Milton Guard, James Gregory,. James Hill, Lorlmer Reed,' Marlon Seyfert Her bert Winslow, Willis Dozier. 'Third Grade, Miss Strahl, Teacher Ala Belanga, Mabel Chappell, Em . lly Commander, Margaret Hollo rell, Rachel Williams, Harold Chesson, wmiam Dud'ey, Oscar Willis Kramer Edward Llnwood Price Paul Simpson, f vscar wunams, wiuiam wmsiow. s Third Grade, Mrs. Skinner, Teacher ."Nellie Jones, Elsie Pugh, Ruth . ficott Sarah Carter. Ruth Brlsrht. Margaret Nash," El'en Mellck, Helen Dawson, Wllmer Ballard, Merill Griggs, Joseph Ferebee. vnesson, Gasklns, 1 MtM l . i jivt, Law J? Oscar W . mm i:otib ' Got Stmjtli Tt So Htr Work Fair Haven, Vt-"I was so nerroui and run down that I could not do my housework for my little family of three. I had doctored for nearly two years with- a help. " One day I reed about Vinol, thanks to it, my health has been re stored so I am doing all- my housework once more. I am telling all my friends what Vinol has don for me' Mrs. James H. Eddt. - Vinol is a delickms eod liver sod iron tonic which creates a healthy appetite,, lids digestion and makes pore blood. Standard Drug Company,. A. L. Pendleton Proprietor, Elisabeth City. : HOUSE FOR RENT or Sale. On Cedar Street. Apply t W. L. y tiinait, Hinton Building tf npd DOUBLY PROVEN 7 M "htf(beth City Readers Can No Longer Douht The E idence (Advertisement) professional 2. CARDS JUL VL JiAiiitik Dentitt blramer Building, Main 6irtt Hours 8 to 12 uud 2 to 0 DR. J. H. WHITE Tweutj Five Years In DENTISTRY In All Braucht Office Over McCabe &. Grie' Store DR. II. & WILLL Dentist Ki uiie !niMiL Room No. 219 GEORGE J. SPKNCE 1 ormy and Counsellor At L Kramer Building i This Elisabeth City citizen tes i tied 'ong azo. Told of quick relief of undoubted benefit. r-f The facts are now confirmed. v- Such testimony is complete the J evidence is conclusive. : It forms convincing proof of mer it. jars. ju. Speight 403 parsonage Street, Elisabeth City says: "Lwas troubled for a long time by kidney disorders and a lame and weak back. . I .tried manv medicines, Ibut got no relief until I used Doan's Kidney Pills. Since taking them my back doesn't ache or pain like tl used to.v . . OVER -iTHREE YEARS LATER (Mrs. , Speight aid: "I seldom have iackache or, any sign of kfdney, iut when I da. Doan's Kidney Pills always' relieve ne.y.v .''i Price fifty cent at ftll dealers r" n't simply ask for a kidney re- W. D. COX, Attorney At Lute MOYOCK, N. C. . Currituck Courthouse Each Monday JULIAN W. .SELIG, Eyesliyht Specialist Suite 315 Hinton Bldg Elizabeth City, 'Phone 833 DR. 8. W. GREGORY Dentist OffiVp in New Hinton ItiiiMiiii: Corner Mr.in and Martin Kts A Good Shave will make, a new man of you. Get one often -and al ways at . The Main Street Barber Shop When in need of COAL CALL FRED DAVIS The old Coal Deaier 100 North Water Street Phone 13 t & f 4t dec 14 Norfolk Southern Railroad ROUTE OF THE NIGHT EXPRESS Schedule in Effect N. B. The following schedule ignres published aa inforantion Ni,Y and are not guaranteed. fRAINS LEAVE ELIZABETH CITY South bound 1056 P. M . Daily Night Es press Pullman Bleeping Cars for Raleigh, Newbern and Intei mediate Stations. 9:58 A. M. Daily for Edenton 1:00 P. M. Daily for Raleigh Goldsboro and Intermediate points. Pullman Parlor Car for Newbern. NORTH BOUND 5:51 A. M. Daily for Norfolk and Intermediate Station. a:23 P. M. Daily Express for Norfolk ONLf 3:30 P. M. Daily for Norfolk and Intermediate Stations. 2:05 p. m., Monday, Wednesday and Friday for Suffolk. HW l?nrthr Information ! ply to 0. P, Garrett, Ticket Agt r'TithntvJ. Elgin Watch S7.98 mm CHPJSTMA s Elgiri ; Watch For the week of December 20th we are going to sell a limited number of Elgin watches; Twehty year guaranteed case, 16 size, Elgin movement with gold hands. Former price, $15.00, but this week GET OUR PRICES BEFORE YOU PURCHASE THAT WATCH ONLY Main and Water Sts. LOUIS SELIG ESTABLISHED 1882 Open Evenings lii What Splendid Light theRAYOGives! ITS glow is so soft andbright that you can read all evening without tiring your eyes. The Lamp is the most popular kerosene lamp ever made. because it (rives a clear, powerful, mellow light because it is easy to clean and light because h it durably good looking and economical Use Aladdin Security Oil or Diamond White Oil to obtain best results in Oil Stoves, Lamps and Heaters. The Rayo is only one of our many products that bring comfort and economy to the farm. Matchless Liquid Gloat Standard Hand Separator Oil Parowax Eureka Harness Oil Mica AxlfGrease If your deaWdoes not carry these, write to our nearest station. STANDARD OIL COMPANY u At Tiunno , WMhtntton. D. C Clnrkrtta, N. C Noriolk. V. CharicMoa. W. V. HishawB-l, Va. . Ciiarlcrtoa. S. C NOW THIS IS WHAT WE CALL REAL HOUSE CLEANING When you start to get your home ready (or winter remember there la nothing bo cieaa as paint and var nish. And nothing so beautifying to get the' best results use Stag SemPPssts Paint on the outside No. 61 Var nish on the Inside Satisfaction will ben your eward. HARBER A WHITE HARDWARE COMPANY, FOR SALE: Double seated trap. In good condition. Apply to N. G. Orandy & Company It npd HOUSE FOR RENT on Ehrlng haus street. Apply to M M Saw yer. Seven rooms. Good con dition, dec 14 6t pd ATTENTION WHITE FOLKS. There Is an unlimited number of good shaves and haircuts for sale at the Up-Town Barber Shop Sale going on now. Will continue Indefinitely. Head rubbing, tonic, massages, baths, shoe shines, and barber work of every description. oCol, clean, and antiseptic shop. Old Colored Barbers from Te Old School S. Road near Main Street. HENRY POOL, Mgr. No. 66 This is prsscrlptioa prepared tpedalr for MALARIA or CHILLS c FEVER. Five or sis doses will break any ease, and tf takes) then as a tonie the Fever will not return. It acts oa ths liver better thin Calomel aad does not gripe or sicken. 25c Attention nas, Lemons; Limes, Cabbage, Potatoes, Onions and Ruta Bagat CALL ON A B. Seeley and Wholesale Fruity and Produce ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. WE BUY IN CAR LOTS ATouch of a Match Brings aTouch of Spring Touch a match. In five min utes the Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater is spreading comfort and warmth. chill-free and cosy. Pick it up and take it wherever you want extra heat. Light and easily carried. Smokeless and odorless. Ten hours glowing warmth on a gallon of kerosene oil. The Perfection keeps any room Sold in many styles and sizes at all hardware and general stores. Highest Award at Panatne-Peciflc Exposition. Look for thu Tritni Tmkmvk. Use Aladdin Security Oil or Diamond White Oil to secure best results in Oil StovM, Lamps and Hesters. STANDARD OIL CO. LTIMORB WMbiatM. O. a Norfolk. V. 4r I psxFicnoN " J pip' w rtirifT oiMi ' v ins m -i v i-At Doan's - Kldnoy PillB- - -f "-s Ppo'-'ht had