THE CREATES! BARGAIN EVENT Prices Are Very Low On Everything our c SWEEP SAL STARTS THURSDAY JANUARY, 27th. AND LASTS JUST NINE DAYS. Everybody Now Knows These Sales, as Well as Their Meaning. NOT WITH STANDING THE HIGH PRICE OH EVERYTHING AND THE RECENT BIS ADVANCES ON ALL DRY GOODS and etc., OUR PRICES ARE VERY LOW. All Men's and Boy's Clothing, Ladies Ready-to-Wear, Dress Goods, Domestic Goods of all kinds. Carpets, Trunks, Shoes for Everybody, All at Clean Sweep Prices. Most Everybody Will Come and Nobody will be Disappointed.If you haven't seen one of the Big Clean Sweep Circulars, drop us a postal and you will receive one by return mail. - - - Hart, Schaffner and Marx fine suits for men,at wholesale cost to you. IC 'S Elizabeth City's Greatest Store O. F. GILBERT, Prop. The Greatest Slaught er in Prices of all La dies Suits, Cloaks ,nd Dresses. arrive immediate'- after a business netting of the Fidelia class. A pleasant evening was enjoyed, and plans wire discussed for further eu tertarnmt nts and class work. Convention of Odd Fellows. Miss Aurilla Kiggs Strahl ent r rntaid.a number of friends Monday evening at the home of her parents, Mr. end Mrs. J. L. Strahl, on Cy press street, in celebration of her Sixteenth birthday.'. The parlors were elaborately dec orated, pink 'and white predominat ing In the decorations aTid being ef fectively used In the refreshments, which consisted of ices, nuts, and lion bona. - The guests were met tit the door by Miss Pauline Skinner, and the hostess was assisted with receiving and serving by her sisters, Misses Nellie and Grace Strahl, Miss Ber'ha Brothers, Mrs. C. D. Gallop, and Miss Kthel Godfrey. - Various games were enjoyed, and the guests, upon leaving1, pronounced Miss Strahl a most charming hostess.. Those present wore: . Misses Mary Jones, Annie Be'l Tiueblood, Maude Whltehurst, Cera Sutton, Iburiefa Godfrey, Evelyn Munden, Lula Hooper LuUt ltallnnce, Pauline Skin ner, Jeanio Cohoon, Messrs J. B. Venters, Edward Albertson. Osoir Wynne, M. J. White, llhomas B. Sutton, Marion Love, Lloyd Sawyer, Graham Bell, G. R. Randolph. Tom Love, Hubert Toxey, Frank Venters. Henry Newbold, and Joseph Peele. The Baptist Young People's Union of the First Baptist Church spent a very enjoyable evening in the church annex Friday. No formal program was tarred out; but the hours pass ed pleasantly in the playing of games and the serving of - appetiz ing refreshments. Miss Mary Nurney left Saturday afternoon to visit Mrs. Robert Rus sell at Woodvllle. M. P. Sawyer of Providence was in the city Saturday. CI folk miles P. Whi'e went Friday on business. to Nor- in in . E . Cool-e of Indlantown. "wa J the cltv Saturday. The Auctlon Bridge Club was delightfully entertained Thursday even'n by Mr. and Mrs. Worth at their home on Church street. Mr. -and Mrs. Worth were ass'sted by Mr. ' and Mrs. F. V. Scott. After a pleas ant game, delicious salad and Ice courses were served. The club mem bers present were: Mr. and Mrs. J. C. B.Eiirlnghaus, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Creenlcaf. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Hol'owell. Mr. and Mrs C. P. Brown Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Duff, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Skinner. Mr. and Mrs. O. O. Ho')!"son. Miss Nan Burgess and Mrs. Ftliel Lamb. The visitors present were: Mr. nndMrs. J. T.. MoCabe. Mr. sm'.Mrs. Louis Sel'g Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Little, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Morgui, Mr., and Mrs. C. W. Grce, Dr. and Mrs. II. D. Walker Mr. nnd Mrs. Carl Blades. Mrs. A. C. Hathaway of Washington, Miss Margeret Hollowell. Mesrs. Walter P. Wood. Wfll Galthcr, Mr. Parker, and Dr. R. L. Kendrick. '. M. Brothers of Weeksville was the city Saturday. .Vrs. J. W. Foreman. Mr?. C. E Kramer and Mrs. II. G. , Kramer hive returned from Fay'etteville where they aMended the WeBley T.ible 'Class Federatiou. Rev. J. T. Ragland passed through the city Monday on his way to his home at Manti-o after supplying at Rauioth Gilead hurch Sunday. Rev. N. B. Shepard was in the city today on hJs way to his home at Rocky Mount after supplying at South Mil's. E,onezer and Ramoth Gilead Sunday. Mrs. T. T. Turner and children Travis and Vivian left today for Nor folk to visit Mrs. C. H. Grant. J W. Willi:ims in Char.eton, i i am ma. South Mrs. J. N. Ptigh of Sliiloh who las ! eon in t.he city the guest of rieuds and relatives returned home Monday. Will Morrteette of Camden was in the city yesterday. G. C. Stanley and M. G. Stanley of Weeksville was in the city Monday. S. S. Robertson of Belcross was in the city Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Hughes Mitchell of Edenton spent Sunday here with thvir parents Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Jenkins. Richard Stalling cf Wini'all was in the city Saturday en route to I ortsmoulu where lie i;l make his home. I. A. Forbes of Jurvisburg was In the city . tod-iy. H. iT. Green-oaf left today Edi-nton to attend a meeting the Odd Fel.ows at that piace, for of Walton Mace of Baltimore has turned to hs home after a visit re-to Mr. and Mrs. on Road street, Lawren-se Jennette J.'W. Randolph left Monday on a business trip to Hertford and Eden toil. " Miss Sallie Perry Is visit iiiu William J. TrafUm at the St. In Norfolk. Mrs. Kegis William Traf'oii. Jr. is visiting hU grandmother. Mrs. Margaret Hill On Fearing street. S. B, Parkrr went to Norfolk Sat urday on business. R. W. Turner and son .fuck went to Norfolk Saturday. C. L. and J. L. Needham of Old Trap passed through the city Satur day on their way to Norfolk. Mrs. Karl lligelow and - Miss Fannie Mc.Mullan have returned from Hertford whero they were guests :of .Mr. ('has Whedbue. Miss Ma'tie Reid has returned from Norfolk where she spent the weoic eiur wn tr lier sister. . . . Frank Kramer spent uid Sunday at Norfolk. Saturday Willis Gregory of in the city Monday. Hertford was DIED FROM SHOT GUN WOUND Vine, Va.' Jan. 1:4th On Tuesday tjho lith.. the deah angel visited' the home of r. J. S. Hughes and took ay his son James, who had been suffering all t u- death from a shot wound which he received accident ally (.ii Xnuis day. James will not cn y be missed in his home but in -he sc-nool and el.-ewheiv. The hearts oil all the community reach out in sympathy for the bereaved mother and lather..., ( he remains were laid to rest in the Blackwater Ceme tery.. ..... J. E. l-ayden the city today. of Oklsko was in Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Pnppen dick have returned from their wed ding tour. P. (S. Prltchard of Providence was In the city Saturday. C. H. Brock of Powell's Point was hero Saturday on business. Rev. J. K. Henderson .was in the city Monday. Mrs. R. K. Owens returned yes terday from Columbia where on Sat urday she attended the funeral of her Lro'ber in law, Mr. Augustus SykcH. who died at his home there last Friday. Jasper Thompson of Weeksville was in the city Saturday. D. A: Cos of Moj'ock was in city Friday. the Rev. L. T, Reed is conducting a meeting at Onaneoek, Eastern Shore, Vu. Mrs. Travis T. Turnerentertalned numrer of friends Friday afternoon at her home on West Church street In honor of her s'ster Mrs. Jessie Wh'te of Wlnfall. Rook was played and delicious salad and Ice courses tere serwh, Thoe p-csent were: Mrs. J. P. Greenleaf. Mrs. J. C. B. Kbrin-thaus. Mrs. A. S. Neal, Mrs. Almira Whitehurs. Mrs. 0. F. Gilbert, . Mrs. Harney Jennings.. Mrs. J. W. Dawson, Mrs. S. S. Barclift. Mrs. T. B. Cooke, Mrs. Edison Carr, Mrs. Winf'eld Worth, Mrs. D. C. McClenny. Mrs. W. D. Guo'ver. Misses Edna Kramer. Margaret Dawson. Almeda Carr, Sue Grlce, and Elizabeth Wlnslow. Miss Virginia Calloway has return ed to her home at Wilmington, Dela ware after a visit to Mrs. D. Van Horn ou Burgess street. Rev. L. T. Rpf-d left Friday for Nancock where he is conducting a meeting. Mr. Moses Lavensteln has re turned to Petersburg afer a visit to friends hen-. Howard Flora end M . B . Simp son pn to Norfolk Thursday. to see "The Birth of a Nation". ""George Markham, formerly In the furniture business lyre.. now of Rocky Mount is in the city on business. David Cox of Hertford the city today. was in Loyd R. Lewis of Wimlngton was here today on business. H. R. Bryan of New Bern here on business today. was NEWS OF VINE, VA. Miss Doxey of Currituck who has been spending tbte week with Mrs. D. C. Whitehurs: has returned to her home. Mrs. Luther Whltehurst of Nor folk, Va. is visiting h.s mother Mrs. W V, Whitehurst. A box Biipper was held at Glbb's school Lulidlng on Thursday even ing. Several little side, shows were presented which afforded a good deal of amusement, also the voting on me beauty cane, jne prpceeas for the ei were twenty eight dollars. EPWORTH LEAGUE ELECTS OFFICERS The Epworth League of City Road Methodist church elected officers for the coming year at Sunday night s meeting as follows: Mrs. George W.-- Bell, president; W. F. Faucette, vice president; Miss Bertha Martin, second vice president Mrs. C. R. Pugh, third .vice presl dent; Miss Georgia Slough, fourth vice president; Miss Lyna Mason, secretary; Urner G.. Davis, treasur er, Miss Aileen 'Thompson, Epworth League Agent; Miss Lula Ballanco reporter. Miss Pell Lewis of 'Columbia Is visiting Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Litch field on North Road street. TEMPLE BLANCH ARD Mrs. R. A. Jennings Is very 111 at her homo on North Road street. RECORD SUCCESS WITH TURKEYS T. W. Miller of Edenton was In the city Monday. J. S. Perry of the city Monday. Asheville was in Jerome Flora and W. B. Foreman returned Thursday frpm Norfolk Mr. and Mrs. E F Aydlett spent Thursday in Norfolk. A. .V. Hale and E. 8. Hale of Belcross were In the city Saturday. Misses Nellie and, Alpine Ownley of Relvidere were in the city Thursday. So far as reports which have come Into this city indicate Mrs. Annie Wlnslow of Oklsko deserves the turkey raising championship title for this part of the ,State. Mrs. Wlnslow sold nearly $700 worth of turkeys this year of her own raising, DYE TROUBLE AT END FOR CITY CORPORATION The Fidells Class No. 1, of Black well Memorial Sunday school enter tained the Berean Class in a very enjoyable social at the home of Miss Curtis Oeodwln on Martin Btreet Thursday night. The party was surprise to the two classes with the exception of the committee of the Fidelia Class ' who arranged matters and Invited the Bereana to W. D. Williams, Jr,. spent day at Belcross. Sun- Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Bnwyer Burnt Mill were here Thursday. of E. M. McNewby of Hertford was here Saturday on business. F. G. Jacocks left today for Nor folk. Mrs. Jack Nfcwbold has returned to her home in Washington, D. C. af'er a visit to her mother, Mrs. Wiley Gregory. J. W. Jones, C. J. Jones, and J. H. Ellis of Corapeake passed through the city city Friday on their way home from Shawboro where they attended the District Calvin Morrlaetto went to Norfolk Wednesday. J. A. WrIHoughby of Maplo was In the city Friday on business. J. T. Ragland of Manteo was the city Friday. In Dr. J. M. Newborn of Jarvlsburg was In the city Friday. C. A. Bogne of Hertford was the city Thursday. In Miss Annie Weatherly has return ed from a her aunt, Mrs. J. s Mr. Dennis Van Horn, super intendent of the Pasquotank Hos iery Mill says that his company has made arrangements where by it will be able to avoid trouble through lack of dyestuffs the rest of this year. This mill now employs about a hundred operatives. . SPECIAL SERVICE ON WEDNESDAY NIGHT William Temple and Miss Persy Planchard, l,oth of Elizabeth City, were married Sunday at the home of Mr. Oscar Lister in Nixonton town ship by justice of the peace J. W Munden. , The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Murden Temple of Mt. Hernipn township, and the bride is the daughter of Mrs. Mamie Blan chard of Hertford and the niece of Mrs. J. P. Whedbee of this city with whom she had made her home. ews Are in Direst Need HE DISTURBED THE MEETING TSe Wednesday night service at Blackwell Memorial Church this week will be given over to the dis cussion of topics of especial inter est to members of the Sunday school, and the Sunday School members generally are urged to be seprent. Sunday school workers will lead the dlscusslcras. Will Alexander, colored, was fined twenty dollars and costs in Police Court Saturday morning for dis turbing a public meeting. Alexander Is a member of the negro . secret order, "Children of Israel." At the last meeting of the body one of the members arose to state that he had charges to pre fer against one of the brethren. Be fore he could state his charges Alexander was on - his feet. With some heat, he ex plained that he knew who was referred to by the speaker and pro ceeded with conslderaable force and more profanity to voice his opinion with respect to the accuser and all In league with him. This is the conduct for which he was called upon to answer in court, this morning. Continued From Page One pid.y itath.iig the end of their re- A.uicb, and wi.i soon have to faJ ou'pii.laiulirupy.' ''(- i. 'ihe ccuimerc.'al life in he Rus- uu iule is i,.ms' waste The nier-' hauls, jjieat and small, are ruined, and uiiemp.oymeiit in universal.- ih In Poland alone there are near- iy three hundred towns that have uttered materially from the war. 1 A A ., . 1. ... .1,1.. vci mice- ia.iUUi - luwuo- people are destitute." 11. The destitution is so wide spread that no one province can be selected as typical of the want. Es- leeially miserable are the residents of the provinces of Kovno and Grod no, the provinces of Bessarabia, Po dulla and Volynia. Galicia 1o A . : a, i . i. im. a v.uuuuiss.uu- vi iue - Jcwisn Co.oaizatiou Association traveled through sections of Galicia, and they reported that ' the economic waste and ruin in those sections were even greater than the Russian provinces. 13. Even In normal times Galicia is a novertv stricken countrv. and now that thousands of. towns have been razed and destroyed, hundreds of 'Jewish people are thrown on the mercy of the Governent which gives fourteen cents a day to each refugee, and on the private philan thropies like the Israelitische A1J- alnz zu Wien, which are so limited in their resources that thev contin ually have to plead to the Jews of America for relief funds. 15. In Vienna alone there are over three hundred thousand Gall clan refugees. 16. These refuges are huddled In improvised lodging houses, in sta bles and basements, and in the ruins of former buildings. 17 The soup kitchens are mobbed every day and while they give aid to a few hundred, needy thousands are on line clamoring for the elem entary, needs of existence. - . 18. The situation of the Hun garian Jews In those counties" bor dering on Galicia is deplorable. 19 . The orthodox rabbis in -those sections have written the most heart rending letters, descriptive of conditions, and referlng to tbe num ber of women and children who are sick and dying from the want of food. Palistine 20. The misery of Palestine is an old story. Cut off from communi cation with Europe, upon whose capital it lives, Its crops wasted its fields fallow and the plague de stroying the organic crop the In habitants of Palestine have indeed been in a sorry plight. Mr. Louis H. Levin, who recently made f per sonal trip with a commission through that section, reported un equivocally that the immediate want of the inhabitants there is for food. Mrs. J. It. Bowden who has for the past week been ill in a New Qern hospital has returned home. ' A NOVEL BLACKJACK Judge K: L. Sawyer has a novel blackjack In his possession, former ly the property of Belton Peel re cently fined ten dollars and costs in police court for carrying con cealed weapon. The weapon is made of a leaden plumb bob at tached to a raw hide loop made ttf fasten around the wrist. It is said that Peel was man hunt ing with this weapon but to the novice it appears that a blow struck with it would have would have fell ed an ox.

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