MANTEO NEWS Manto, Ft-lrmry Suiul.iv i.jrti.n-; Mrs. L. D. lUssdl re "ioivej a t U'i.-raiu f:oru th Sarah lee HoH'i'at. Xun'ulk. sta:iji that cn Saturday u:$:ht last her only daughter, Miss Lillian Hassell, un der eut a successful operation for appeudicit.s nd is now ding well. Miss Hass.-ll left here Saturday morning. Messrs J. W. Hin.'s Jr. and R. S. Graham, Club men who. spent last week on the Island, left Sat urday morning for their homes in Rocky Mount. N. C. Mr. E. L. Woodard traveling in the interest of his grocery business in Norfolk is a guest of the Tran quil House. Mr. and Mrs. La Harrow of Bos ton have been spending the past week here sight seeing. They are guests of the Tranquil House. Mr. Penell and Mr. and Mrs. " Ford have ccme to Mante to en gage in the era- Industry. They are guests of the' Tranquil House. Mr. Bishop of Fhilodclphia is in Mantso representing a wholesale fish house. ? Mr. Wi-e, rejresenting a whole sale fish house lu New York is a guest of the Tranquil House. Miss Matt e Daniels of Wanchese was a visitor in Manteo Sunday, the guest of Mrs. J. C. Evans. Mrs. Sahra Mann and son, Mas ter Samuel of Elizabeth City are visiting Mrs. J. C. Evans, daugh ter of Mrs. Mann. Ds. W. W. Johnson is deliver ing a series of lectures on 'Sanita tion and Hygene" to the pupils of Manteo High School. In render ing this valuable and highly ap preciated service, Dr. Johnson hows himself an unselfish, public ' spirited citizen, of the type most Jesired in Manteo CRESSWELL NEWS Creswell, February 1 The six months old child of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Armstrong died Tuesday and the remains were brought here for burial. The services were conducted by Rev. O. N. Marshall. . Bessrs Tom Terry and Brad Fulcher were !n Creswell Sunday the guests of friends. Mr. Bruce Davenport of Edenton was the! guest of Mrs. J. E. Nor man this week. Miss Geraldine Stilman is spend Ing a few days with Miss Pearl Hopkins this week. Mr. J. C. Gather left Monday for his home- at Stonewall , Mr. Jim Mason was the guest of friends here last week. Mr, Willis Armstrong of Gum Neck has accepted a position with Mr. Charlie Davenport. Mr. Llndsey Swindell of Pantego spent Saturday and Sunday with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Jim Swindell. WESTER UNION ANNOUNCES EXTENDED SERVICE Usefulness of- Telegraphic Money Transfer Service Increased By New Regulations During the past few years the Western Union Teletranh rnmiuni lias been in the van of public ser vice corporations in putting out new services to meet modern bu siness and social demands. The company now announces another Innovation for the service of its pa trons. The Western Union Com pany annually transfers by tele graph an enormous amount of "money and heretofore the senders of money have not been permitted to include in the transfers any com munication of a business or person al character to the payee, such in formation being required to be sent toy separate message. Under the aiew arrangements, however, trans fers between points in the United States may include such informa tion and the same will be delivered to the payee at the time the trans fer is paid. This surely repre sents an op to date service and one that should appeal to and be of much value to Jhe business houses houses and the public generally. Through 4t people will be enabled ito transmit money quickly with Broper instructions to meet bank ing obligations, pay insurance pol- joins, guarantee purchases, ac- j company oius, purcnuse railroad, theatre and steamship tickets, pay taxes, assessments and bills of all descriptions, make remittances to traveling salesmen and pupils at tending distant school etc. There In practically no lfmit to the pur poses for which this service Is available. The Tejegraph Com' Hiany is to be commended upon the 3iianner in which It Is broadening the scope and purpose of Its var ious services in order to better Meet Ihe needs of the public. ZR, E. W. SYKES ELECTED PRES. DENT COKER COLLEGE Va're Fore t. February 24 Dr. E. V. Sykfs. d:an of Wake For est Ctlf?e and Professer of Poli tical Economy and History for the fast eighteen yeais, was elected to the presidency of C'oker College a woman's college located in Haitsvil.e Sou h Carolina, jester flay at a meeting of the toard of trusters. Dr. Sykes will remain at Wake Forest unt'l the close of the present term and will assume his duties as President of Coker College about June 1st, following the close of the commencement at Wake Forest. The news of Dr. Sykes election to the presidency of Coker College does not come as a complete sur prise to Wake Forest, for it has leen known for some time that he has been s riously considering the matter ever since last December when the proposition war first puF before him. Iast week Dr Sykes informed the c:mmittee of his ac ceptance. This is the second time within the period of one year that Wake Forast has had i"s dean' and one of it? professors called away to as sume the presidency of a- young h'dles college, Dr. Charles E. Brewer being called to Meredith College last February. Tha newly elected president is a native of North Carolina, being born at Monrce, in' Union County. He entered Wake . Forest in the fall of 1886 and five years later graduated from the M. A. degree. For the next three years hs served as director of the gymnasium and acted as assistant to Dr. Charles E. Taylor in history. The only part cf h's life that has been spent away from Wak3 Forest from 1S94 to 1S97. He studied in John Hop kins Un'vr-rsity during (hit period and was awarded his Ph.'D. deitree in 1897. He 'immediately return ed to Wake Forest and has occu pied the chair of History and Poli tical Econemy ever since. D(. Sykes has taken an active part in North Carolina' politics, and he is known in three fourths of the counties of the State as a speaker of'rarj ability. He served in the State Senate In 1911, as Sen ator from Wake County. He has taken a great Interest in North Car olina Baptist History. Coker College 'is one of South Carolina's newest institutions or learning owned by a board of trus tees appointed by nine Baptist as sociations oSouth Carolina. , It is the only college in South Caro lina west of Cdumba and north of Charleston which practically means that it fs the only one in the eas tern half of the State. The pres ent valuation of the college's pro perty is about $600,000, with build ings now being constructed to cost $120,000. It has an endowment of $245,000. It is located in the quiet country town of Hartsville, which has a population of 3,000. Mr. J. E. Goodwin is critically ill at his home on Martin street. fNORFOrJCSOUJJIERNj THE ONLY LINE OPERATING IN NORTH CAROLINA WITH A PASSENGER STATION IN THE CITY OF NORFOLK N. B. The following schedule fig ures published as Information ONLY and are not guaranteed. TRAINS LEAVE ELIZABETH CHY SOUTH BOUND 9:58 a. m. dally for Edenton and local stations.' 1:00 p. m. daily for Raleigh, Golds boro and intermediate points. Pullman Parlor Car for New Bern.. 10:26 p. m. daily Night Express . .. for Fayetteville and Charlotte, Pullman Sleeping Cars for Ral eigh, New Bern and Interme diate Stations. NORTH BOUND 5:51 a. m. daily for Norfolk and intermediate stations. 2:23 p. m. daily Express for folk ONLY. Nor- 3:30 p. m. dally for Norfolk and intermediate stations. 2:05 p. m, . Monday, Wednesday and Friday for Suffolk. For further Information apply to C. F. Garrett, Ticket Agent, Eliz abeth City, N. C. E. D. KYLE, H. 8. LEARD, Traffic Manager. Gen. Pass. Agt Norfolk Va. pT CARDS - JIL iL LIAKIU Dentist Kramer BuilJiug, ilaiu Sirtti Hours 8 u 1- and '2 to b' DI1. J. II. W1IITC Twentj Five Years In DENTISTKY In All Hranthet Office Over McCabe & Grice's Store DR. n. S. WILL1A Dentist Kiinie - fiuildiL ; Kooin So. -10 GEORGE J. Sl'EXCE A ortuy und VounstiiOr At Kramer HuUtliug W- 1VCOX, Attorney At Lata MOYUi'K, X. V. Currituck Courthouse Each Monday JULIAS .V. SELIG, Eyestigh t .Specialist Suite 315 Hiutou Kidg Elizabeth City, Thoue 833 DR. S. W. GREGORY Dentist Office in Sew Hinton Huild'uip Corner Mrin and Martin St D R.WILLIAM PARKER DENTIST 226 Hinton Bldg Eliz City PHONE 883 BBS fill A VERY DESIRABLE Resi dence lot on Church street. Sou hern Exposure, near business sec .ton. May be had by right yarty i: a very reasonable price. Apply to "Reasonabh" Box 629 City. 1 tf. WANTED. All the old rags, scrap ironrubher etc. We -will pay lc per lb. for dry rags of all kinds de livered to our door. Miles Jen nings. Eliazabeth City, N. C. feb 25 tf. WATEI): Copies of The Advance of issue of November 26th, 1915. Advance Office. tf WANTED Loan of $4C3 on de sirable Road streot. Property payable, 1, 2, 3, & 4 years after date. Address 'AA' care of Ad vance. t& f n pd tf. WANTED Any person wishing to secure a lot for a home at very reas- mable cost In the best res! dental section of the city to write for furth er information to Real Estate' Box 529, Elizabeth City, N. C. Sjtore For Rent No. 15 South Water St.. next door to Melick's. Apply to Dr. J. H. White. febtf am The Thoughts ot a Father IN FACT THE THOUGHTS OF MANY FATHERS. Yes, the very heart message of thousands of fathers who realize that "Home, Sweet Home" is only an idle dream if proper provision has not been made for the future care and welfare of the loved ones at home. I AM THE VOICE OF THt THESE SAME FATHERS.-Their thoughts, universally, are my thoughts. I speak of them and for them. They have foreseen, as I have seen, the want, drudgery and misery which attend neglect and lack of provision for the proverbial "rainy day." I AM-THEVISDOMOE-THESE THOUGHTFUL-FATHERS Their thoughts, in retrospection, recall the stern realities of life. I have taught them that the first law of nature self protection is the hw of love of preservation of life itself. I AM THE EGO IN EVERY FATHER. Just selfish enough in my love for the little homemaker and the babies to bestow upon them a dowry, which will make them independentjmake their burdens light er and give them an earthly estate which will not fade away when the shadows of life are closing in. I AM THE HOME PROTECTOR. I stand for the sanctity of the home. I respect the home and loved ones. I insure happiness when life's skies are gray. I meet life's obligations and assure contentment. My hopes become realities. 1 1 IHE JFFFERSON STANDARD LIFE INC. CO. J. A. RATCLIFFE, GENERAL AGENT Elizabeth City, North Carolina FOR REPRESENTATIVE 1 hereby give notice to the voters of Camden County that I am a candidate for representative to re present the voters of Camden County in the next General As sembly of North Carolina and I most respectfully ask the voters of the county to vote for me. Respectfully " , W. R.. OLD, Tfeb 1 1 mo pd I Sou'.h Mills, N. C. FOR REPRESENTATIVE I hereby give not! i to the voters of Currrituck County that I am a candidate for representative to re present the .-oters of Currituck County in the next General As sembly of North Carolina and I most respectfully apk every voter in the county to vote for me and I shall surely be elected. Respectfully, J. B. EVANS, Harbinger, N. C. A GOOD SHAVE nZV you. Get one often-and always at The MainStreetBarberShop Open from 7:30 a. in. to 8 p. m. DEMAND THE ORIGINAL GOWANS Tke VrttlTial "Ink It 0a" V " Minuu i FOR COLDS, CROUP AND PNEUMONIA IT GIVES QUICK RELIEF FOR: Head and Clint Cold. Coughi, Croup, Whooping Cough, Pneumonia, Aathma, Catarrh, Bronrhltia, and All Inflammation and Congestion External Treatment, therefore absolutely safe. IO 9 (II Tfi compmliloaol GOWANS l JlU7"JX"WIVbu ohl"i tha Ml .i VI HUndlJt U'nllT ,h, Mat ol tht troaoli thtoath trr tltio of tht Ikln Ilk fterl-tippad balltt, binkiot ap conteitioo, nlltnioi lolamnatioa is iMacloi Itvn at i tip id file, for Cold Ttoobltt III mttit U na aurpaaed. Price paid will bt rrloodtd it tnliu utUlactioa it nut livta. Could foa aikmottl Atoid Imitation!. 8e mat Too it C O W A H I , tha nmcdr that makw too "try claim, PAITTlftXf. accept "tht naa thlni" oi "Mmtthlni nit aa rood". That it j1V 1 lUil. on If ont oilflaal. ktmcabti tht nimt O O W A N I . Sold ap oo our guaraotet br DruaviftU. Prlcta 25c, 50c and $1.00 bottlca. Fret tamplt II yoa wrlttibt COWAN MEDICAL COMPANY. Concord, N. C. GDVK WM (oil tff 1 'TffBjg, ijfflgyy W -ra'Tir"1'' i - - j i . 3. .. . a mm n ,. -I, ..a in a-.. ' v .'Vjliyjf -. v;-1' The "New Way" ia the safest, cheapest, most convenient, and only satisfactory way to solve the Gate question. Write u at once for circulars descriptive of and giving prices of the Perfection Automatic Gate. It is the most simple and durable Automatic Gate on the market, the automatic hinge having but three parts. It is sold on 30 day's free trial with freight charges prepaid and without one cent payment until you have been convinced that it will give entire satisfaction. Write us at once for particulars. The Perfection Automatic Gate Companv Inc. Strasburg, Va . t For Sale by jrCOHOON. Elizabeth CityT?N. C. t