FlORIAL DIMM. t.UI I qj-u Joseph Peele, Associate Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year $1.00 Ons Month . 10 Published Tuesday Evenings And Friday Mornings "Entered aa second class matter, May 19, 1311, at the Post office at Elizabeth City, North Carolina, un der the act of March 3, 1S79." TO BE CONSIDERED ON ITS MtHITS The Advamu is iiitti.w'.y j.i'-r-eBit'J in ami iavoiab e tuwurd uie Violiosi ii LioiiJ 1. siio for. a s .iic UlgU Sitnul dl Vi.p.J'r JUaai.U m CUii'iUitk lO.iiuy. At tunaui-k cxiii'i a lnv it;b ago we were binyivicd to o'uoine ILat not only wad there Home ul- ilOBlUl'll Hi UlC tOWilbillp to (111 bond issue, out tnuL nun liuai oilier i-ariu of the county oi consid erate intlUviice and not w.thuut yuaiilicaUuiis ior eudersli p were pulling iorth ml tiie.r mruugth m opposition to the measure. More deplorable nt.ll was a ten dency to split the "entire county on tu.s issue along the In in of an C tnt po it.cal tactions. All this is v.twtd with some con - cei'a by this newspaper. We bone that our irknds in Currituck win let Pop ar Brunch township decide this question on lis mer.ts. Here lb tne townsh p where there Is present need of a high nchool and whtre the support given such a school w.H insure fur H liberal State aid. Any disposition to aiign po iiiciil factions in the County for or against the bond is sue should bo 'resented unci rebuk ed at the polls. The high school at Poplar llianch la not a county hut a township Institution. It thi Popiar Branch high Bchool were 1 lying 'to ma:e itseif the oiii' and only huh schco' in the county this raiyr would not. be Lueiabie toward the undertakiiiK. We believe in the education i.f boys nnd girls as near the influence Of homo as possih'.e. The provision of the state school law. which permits four high schools to the county but no more than four is wine in its scope and in its limitations. There will be ' in a comparatively short time need for at least ono more high school In Currituck County. This paper will be aa ready to lend its aid to the establishment of Jhe Bccond high school aa it how' is to throw its influence on the sldo of the bond issue for the high echool at Poplar liranch. Hut as other high sehoois are established," t scy some, "Poplar Branch will have ita money invested in a use. ess school donatory." This Is not true. For Popiar Branch town ship is so formed, cut Up and divi ded that getting all the pupils to the school from every part of the township every day will never be come practicable. Besides, that dormitory is needed, or will be needed, for a home for the teachers. The movement to establish such homes is now be coming nation wide. This paper il.C. GRAfiDY & CO cotton .;i:aix rii'imci; KLIZABKTll CITY, X. (J. March 23, 1916 BUYING TO-DAY COTTON S!r ( t .Mi :.ili:;g . 11 ll lv .Miibli.n, 11 7-1'ie LOGS I ! n Ii j-'s. :,. r doen 17c. WELLING TODAY FLOUR 1 a'.:;i . lot patent ?i.4' OKA IN On!.-;. jr bnsliei, ."Sc Corn. White, per sack $1.C5 MIDDLINGS Winter, per ba0' 1.60 MEAL AND HULLS Meal, per toa $35.00 Hulls per ton J15.00 SALT Ground Alum," per bag 65c. HAY No 1 T mothy, per ton, $24. to 24.50 has had a great deal to say, from tune to time, about the need of country homes for country preach ers. No less needed are country homes for country teachers. Noth ing will so quickly change for the better the p rsoiinei of our h'gh school teachers as the assurance that the man who undertakes to teach will not be indefinitely den ed a place near his work where he n ay live instead of moreiy board ing out wherever he can set himself taken in. The art. ile in :liis paper la.-t Fri day i n the movement to bu Id teach t homes t.r country school .s worth caiefii; reading and may be ol spio.dl .nteiest ;o peuple. fit Pop lar Brunch. HeldUp! Often times peop e have said to me 'that thi y would like very much to have a tailor made suit, but they cost too much. You are held up when you are charged a h gh price for a taiior made sut. Leaving off the vest, 1 can make you a suit to your in dividual measurements just as cheap quality bein,j equal as you can buy ready made from any re tail store in the country. Get tailor-made clothes by all means, but get them from a dealer who is satisfied with a small - pro- lit. Why not give me a triai? I will guarantee to Improve your ap pearance, satisfy your taste and save you cash as well, 1 have had rf I'euteen years experience' In the i us.ness. Can lit any man that is straight enough 'to wa k. However, should you desire ready-made clothes, I have them in abundance, in all the latest colors and designs, for both Men and boys, a'. , the vry lowest poss ble price, v And a great deal lower than a gr,nt many other' merchants ihir'-'e mi tor similar quality clothes. Vou should also see our line of Spring !lat- Shirt;-,, Neckwear and S.Ik S . They are strictly up up to date in every . particular. And nt a big saving :n price.-" Faster Is "slightly over three weeks off. Of course you want to be dressed up in, your Spring 'Togs' then! Come to see me. C. A. COOKE, Elizabeth City. N. C. Opposite Quinss Furniture Store. OFFERS $10. REWARD Cresswe 1. March 23 Mr, Adler of this plaie is is offering Ion dollars reward to the person find ing and returning to him tvs pocket book containing one hun dred and lll'ty dollars which he hHt. last Sundav. Robert Pantry, Jim Swindell and Win. Armstrong visited friends at Magnolia last Sunday. - Mrs. Mary Wood y died Sunday nt one o'clock. The funeral was conducted Monday at one o'cork by llov. T. II. Abernathy. John Norman and family drove to Gum Neck Sunday to vls't friends. Walter Peebles visited friends at Cdiuniblu Sunday Mr. Haywood and family went to Mountain Hill Sunday to visit his brother. Robert Pautry, Jim Swindell and William Armstrong visited friends at Magnolia last Sunday. Mrs. J. H. White Is visiting her mother Mrs. E. P, Buxton at Jackson. THE MILLIONTH FORD MODEL -T" On !. m' i r 1 -I U la -', at piv-(is.-iy 1:5:1: CO p. m., tii ' ore mil !i m h .Mod"l T' I'tl Motor was .-'ai::p"d with its prop' r number in t!.f p'ant or the Kurd Mot -r Com ; any in Petrol: . '1 !; 'v i oi di nny ti niur- of this imii' . is thi lac. that ths one m.I i. : t !i mot-ir i.- h. s un Ford Mo.!'-! T' of Ot to! er P.teS. It win Id : " '!i!!'.cu.t to iia:ne any other Ata. :ii a:i riado pine ef much n er..' I a-t if a i i n f i'"iiii.ring m,( h oa t v.'.rl-.man-M) as 'a L' iso'iui' mo'tr r hat has b' en m.inufacf'p'd in :i (piaarity of i ne rt'illion. and .' h'(h stili i.i made w'tl'.oiit- change, in -rowing nunibevs to niei t lh demand. This mot (1 famous, trumphant Modl 'T' motor the di ps nd iblo, f.exible, sQrviieable. durable power P'ant cf more than one million Ford cars. A triumph of mechan ical perfection is the J'ord Model T' motor. I.ook.iit it, .Simple as can be. And therein lies the bril liant sen'us of Henry Ford. True se'ence is a'ways s'mple. And look at the simplicity of that motor. Anybody can see ali there is to it at a glance. There are no complicated parts. No network of wires or other attachments. Nothing to mystify. Few parts, find it is easy to understand what they are for. it does not require nny mechan'ca! knowledge or skill to operate and care for a Ford Model 'T' motor, and that is why Ford ear are se"n wherever civ ilization prevails, and whenever ycu see them, thry are givimj ser vice. More than a midon of them in use, and live hundred thousand mere '!! he added to the number this ..year. I It is th s ii'f Model "1" motor yesterday, to-day and to il orrow. pnsi'iv" assurance of sat ff .ctory serv'ce to pvtv owner of a !""rd car. H is p.'-.e-y inter esting to rote v. h re all t!i.':e ni'I 'ion Ford nio'i rs have ton.'. Ford model T cars giving s nice among all (ivillzed peoples, atiil alo In lands where t'.i dawn f civiliza tion is just breaking. It is still fro'-n interesting, however, to anal zo the reports and observe how ! normously the Ford car has grown in the public mind as a time-saving and money saving utility. For e amp'e: Among the one day's orders received at the Ford Motor Compa ny's sales department, there came the call from twenty four different concerns do'ng a national busi ness; orders from one to twenty five cars each. Many of these were repeat orders and of course all of theem were buying Ford cars as equipment for their sa es men. This extraordinary growth of the Ford as a commercial utility has rroduced some significant changes in sales statistics. Up to with in the past six or e'ght months, about 64 per cent of all Ford cars have gone into the small town or actual agricultural districts. Now, however, with the constantly In creasing demand for the Ford in professional service, in use as sales men's equipment. In fact, as a gen eral Indtistr'al utility, the sales are running about fifty-five per cent for the small town nnd county dis tr'cts and about forty five per cent for the big cities. Keeping pace with the hiue in-cre-ise In Ford demand nnd with a 500.000 car production, the' 'Ford Times has grown ln .circulat'on to a monthly Issue of 400,000 copies at present time a larger c'rculation than most of the National publica tions, odv IN Till: DISTRICT COIMJT OF Till-: UNITED STATES FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF NORTH CAROLINA P. rtMnn. r and G. If. Bailey, trading aas Paailin's Marine Rail way t vs Barge, without name and owners. NOTICE ' By virtue of a Decree entered In the above ent lied cause on' the "4th day of March, i'm, 'hy- Hon. lr. GY Conner, .Tiul-ie, I will, on the 7th day of Apr'i, 1010, nt 12 o'clock Noon, sell to the' highest b'dder for cash that certain barge, without name, her tackle furniture an apparel, of which J. A. Parker K of lately was, owner; said sale to he made on deck of said barge, at Pailin's Marine Railways. Elza heth City, North CaroPna. The above barge is what Is known as a deck lighter, Is sixty five fret In length and 17 feet beam This notice dated and posted this 27th dav of March 1916. W. T. DORTCII, Un ted States Marshal By JOHN R. WILLIAMS. Deputy Marshal. W. A. WORTH Proctor for Libellants. mar 28 31,tpr 4 CHUTE CMOS FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS I tier-by announce in" 'If a can didate tor r.i.umiriatMii to the oiiice of r gls ' r of I 'eds, .ul j ct to th? acton of rh Demo crat 'c primary. .Any si.pport rend t d wi.l be appre; iat d. Respectfully, tf J. W. ML'NDEN TO THE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS OF PASQUOTANK COUNTY I am a candidate f r the office of Sheriff of Pasquotank County; sub ject to the action of the forthcoming Democratic Primary. I make this announcement early because I be lieve the voters should have plenty of tim-j to investigate the claims of any -candidate for so important an office. I am not a candidate because a lot of friends have urged me for the office, but a candidate because I want the office and because I be lieve I can fiil it to the satisfaction of both the town and county. 1 re spectfully invite your consideration. Sincerely, tf SHELTON G. SCOTT FOR REPRESENTATIVE I hereby give noti j to the voters of Currrituck County that I am a candidate for representative to re present the oters of Currituck County in the next General As sembly of North Carolina and I most respectfully a?k every voter in the county to vote for me and I shall Biirely be elected. Respectfully, J. B. EVANS. Harbinger, N. C. b. TO DEMOCRATS OF PASQUOTANK COUNTY I lieieby ntniounce my self a can didate for the cilice of county audi tor for Pasquotank county, subject to the ac tion of the forthcoming de mocratic Primary. Your support will be aupreclated. Respectfully, CHARLES CARMINE. FOR REPRESENTATIVE I hereby announce my self a can didate for representative to repre sent the voters of Pasquotank County in the next General Assem bly of North Carolina, subject to the action of the Democrat'c Pri mary. If I am elected, I will try to the best of my abiiily to repeal the useless and burdensome laws pass ed at the last legislature, and sub stitute in their stead, laws that will be both useful and economical to 'the taxpayers of Pasquotank County. Respectfully, tffpd ENGENE S. SCOTT, CANDIDATE FOR SHERIFF I h'reby announc my-self a can didate for re election to the office of Sheriff of Pasquotank County, subjert to the action of the Demo cratic Primary. If elected, I will use my best effort to satisfy the P'ople. CHAS REID tf NOTICE I hereby announce myself a can didat1 f. r nomination for re-election to the office of Trial Justice for Pasquotank County, subject to the action of the Democratic Pri mary to be heid in June next. Your m' p u t will be appreciated. Respectfully, tfpd ERNEST L. SAWYER TO PASQUOTANK DEMOCRATS I am seeking your votes for Trhil J'.istiif at the Primary on June r.r.i inic. ' ' Think 't over taik it ovr with your nearest neighbor, nnd if yon conc'ude it s the proper thing to do, vote for me. This is the first call I have made upon you. E. F. LAMB. FOR SALE Cheap to Quick Buyer One Large Horse One Gray Mule don't need them using auto truck in stead for hauling purposes C.W.Stevens Co mar 28 T & F 4t - p Model 75 M.M. Harris, HAIFYB3E3 TON PCT Save 58 cts. per gal. ITS J "' 4 Gals L. You then Made with It-iri.r-- eii MXT 13- 40 ysarj Linseed Oil, to insure longest wear Use a gal. out of any L. & M. PAINT you bt.y and if not the best paint made, return the paint and net ALL your money back. Hardy Ildwe. Co., Scotland Neck. Edwin Clark, Weldon, Melville Dorsey, Henderson. Moore Lum Co., Oxford. Dildy & Agnew, Wilson J. R. & J. G. Moye, Greenville. uiaoii nuns nuwe. -o., snow inn. It. R. Allen. Suffolk Va , v. . . , . Kodak Work SSffi . every day at ZOELLER'S STUDIO STUDIO NEXT TO R. C. QUINN Ct CO. Baltimore Steam Packet Co OLD BAY LINE Steamers leave Norfolk 6:30 P. M. daily, and Sundays, March 26th, April 9th, 23rd, May 7th, 21st, and alternate Sundays following, until further notice,. "Blttmunt Steam racket Company's tickets Will be honored oa Sundays they have no steamer by the Chesapeake Line". A GOOD SHAVE m?naV you. Get one of ten and always at The MainSireetBarberShop- Open from 7:30 a. ra. to 8 p. m. , Morfolk Oouthern ailroad llEW Ohort. lt Freight If you value quick transportation; route your shipments via Norfolk Southern Railroad. Watch the time made by their package cars, and you will find that your interests are best served by patronizing them, as "Time is Money," oooooooo ooooooo Automobiles For Hire The Following Sign, Printed on Colored Card Board, Appears on Each of Our Four Cars This Sign Stands for Polite, Safe, Up-to-Date Service Cars meet all trains.' Country drives our specialty. AUTO CAR SERVICE CO. PHONE 192 Price $615. M.W. Ferebee SIMPLE ... THIS IS HOW Into & M. Semi-Mixed Real Paint, ?t $2.25 per gL make 7 Gals. Pure Paint for 9.00 J11.70 irs only $1.67 per gaL rbht proportions of Lead, Zinc and win. satiaers, smithiieia.v nnil,l!nr ijui.vmjjj wuiaiiita vuiu., iviai f -ft .oute Service PHONE 192 KEENEY CRANK, Mgr ' f i still Vast room tor imm Hoke County Veporti that all h'gh W

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