STATE CONVICTS FOR PUBLIC ROADS Ashcvllle, March 24 The Ashe-vl'lt- Hoard of Tr;ule( a-ahi strong) urges tht working of oil state con victs (,n puUic roads cf the s.t.ite excel t such number as may le re qu;red for tne proper maintenance of the S ate prison ut Rakish, and for the State farms, an eijuai di v sion of the convicts to he ma le between the Coastal Region, thf Central and l'.edmont Herons, and the Vostern or Mountainous re reion of the State, talung into consideration, of course the greater difficulty of building roads in the mountains than In the level coun try. The peop e are also urged to call on the candidates for the leg sla ture and senate to declare them selves on this important subject before the election in November, and demand that such legislation be enacted. Georgia has been bu'JdIngroad3 with her state convicts for nearly three years and the ta k of motor ists coming through Georgia Jo Asheville indicates the enormous value of this polLy of road build ing. Motorists state that they can drive from f rty to s'xty miles in Georgia without changing the gears of their machine. Every one adm ts that good roads attract much .apltal.. Virginia is also adopting the sys tem of working state conv'cts on their public loads. North Car o'ina should not le behind in this important movement., KOYOCK AND CURRITUCK MEET IN DEBATE Moyock, fMarch 23 The debating team, cons stii.g of Miss Annie huthaway uad Mr. fcMvwrd Cox, '1 v.iil go to Currituck Friday p. in. Mr. ' to debate the school there. tnd Mrs. W. D. Cos will chaperon the debaters and their fr'pnds, - The construction of a new tennis court is uiidur way at the Academy. A very attract. ve banquet was recently given by the you.ig men of the Wesley Uihle ciass in honor or the ladies ot the banie class at the Moyock auditor. um. MIsb Callie Jarvis spent Monday in Elizabeth City. Mr. Will am Cox spent Wednes day and Thursday in EI zaletu City on business. . Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Sanderson and sons are visiting their parents at Northwest Va. Mr. W. W. Jarvu met with a serious ace'dent Wednesday morn ing when a mule ran away with him and broke his leg. Mr. Carl Mackey spent the day in Elizabeth City Tuesday. M'ss Sadie Flora has gone to Nor fo'k to spend two weeks with her Bister Mrs. W. P. Morgan NOTICE OF SALE By v.rtue oi a beed o Trust ex ecuted ou the 2-kii Uay of December 1SU4 oy 1. C. r uud wile, Ida m. -ereuee, the . unuorslgned wi.l on the lih day of Apr.l, iiub, at twelve o'ciock licou, bUi to the .highest Diiidtr ior tuaii, ak the Couit xioune uoor of Ldiuden Coun ty, iSorili Caio. iitt, that .trtaiu lot or parcel o lutid situated iu Caui- den County, .North Carolina, and more part cu arly described -as fol lows: Being all of the T. C. Ferebue, Sr. tract of iand( except that part of tame conveyed to E. J. Moore by sa d parties of the first part, be ginning at a sycamoro tree iu the Main Road leading from Plank Bridge to Sawyer's Creek Church, and running , thence a northwest course along a lane and the line ot E. M. DeFord and Brother to a gate at said E. J. Moore's line; thence along ' said Moore's line a Northeast course to a large ditch In the woods; thence down sa d ditch and aions the line of sa'd Moore and S. E. Overby's line a South east course to said Main Road; and thence along said Maiu Road to the first station, containing one hundred and twenty-five acres, more or less. This notice dated and posted, -: this 15th day of March 1915. W. A. WORTH. x Mortgagee. Jt'rSS apr 4 11 14 S tt FRUIT TREES. Why pay $1.00 to 1.50 for trees. I will se 1 you as good as can be bought for one-half to three fourths that price. Wi 1 try to see you as soon as the weather is warm. Drop me a card and I will surely come. I am an old -Nurseryman. J. T. WILSON, Weeksvllle, N C mar $7 pd 4t Local Items V. E. Batman of Coluni'iia was' in the ity on business iast week. Mr G. C. Jones of Shawlioro was here lat we"k attending court. John II. Sawyer of Cunden was In the city Wednesday. Mrs. J. II. Bowden is visiting her sistrr. Mrs. A. D. Sawyer of Norfolk. r M. G. Hunter cf Charlotte was in the city Wednesday. C. E. Haskett of Ra eieh was here on fiusinoss Wednesday. L. T. Roll;nson of Charlotte was in the c ty Wednesday. W. N. H. Smth of Ra'elgh was here Wednesday on business, P. W. McMulIan of Hertford re turned home Wednesday - after several days here on legal business W. T. Newbern of Powells Po nt was in the city Wednesday on busi ness. Mrs. P. W. Melick left today for a visit to her daughter, Mrs. F.. D. Vlehe, at Red Springs. L. W. Jones tf Goldsboro was In the city Sunday. Miss Guslp-Edwards of Golds loro arrived in the city Sunday to act as court stenographer dur- ng th's week's session of superior court. C. C. Leary of Gr-gory was In the cliy Wednesday. Art hie l ane of Hertford was in the city Wednesday. C. H. L'ppincott of Edenton, N. E. Hu'ehiuson tind Henry Newborn of Hertford were among tho guests ngis'ered at the Burton Hotel Wednesday. W. F. Small of Wecksviile was in the city Wednesday. R. M. Fowler of Hertford was n the city Saturday. R. J. Walker of Charlotte was here on business Saturday. L. C. Baum of Poplar Branch passed 4 through the city Saturday en route- for Norfo k. M. D. Hay man and S. M. Dan iels of Wanchrse were here Satur day on their way to Norfolk. Rev. CP. Jerome of Poplar Branch was In the 'city Saturday, II. N. Pugh of Old Trap was in the city Saturday. P. 11. Morgan of Shawboro was in the city Saturday. Mrs. Frank Evans, and little son, Frank Jr., of Belcross are visiting Mrs. Evans's sister, Mrs. J. E. Mercer on Cherry street. Mrs. M. J. Taylor of South Mills !s visiting her daughter, Mrs. E. J. Mercer. Sheiff R. E. L. Grifrgs of Point Harbor passed through the city Fri day on his way to Norfolk. Mrs. Nathan Owens of Powe'i's point was here Friday shopping. CARD OF THANKS I desire to express my sincere thanks to niy fr'ends for their many kindnesses shown me during the illness and death of ,my be loved husband, R. S. McCoy, also am I grateful for the fioral offer ings and automoliles sent. Mrs. Mary Wynn McCoy. : 2t pd FOR SALE Medium wiight mule, work any where., Will sn'l Cash or credit. Apply to Morriselte & Perry. FOUND. Skiff, 13 feet long and four feet wide. Found Decemh-r 20th. Owner cm get 'same by proving ownership and paying for adv. R. S. Walker, Poplar Branch, N. C. ' mar 17 24 31 WANTED Any person wishing to secure a lot for a home at very reas inable cost in the best res! dental section of the city to write for furth er information to "Heal Estate" Box 629, Elizabeth City, N. C. WANTED Copies if Th Advance of issue of November 2'iih, 1915. Advance Office. tf FOR SALE. 10 room house and lot, Corner Cobb and Matthews strtets. A bargain. Apply to W. W. Sawyer, M . D., Hinton Building. febl'Ctf mar 21 tf WANTED. All the old rags, scrap iron, rubber etc. We will pay lc per lb. for dry raes of all kinds de livered to our door. Miles Jen nings, Eliazabeth City, N. C. mar 21 tf WANTED: Man to solicit consign ment shipment of fruits and vege tab'es on a Commiss'on basis for a I've Commiss'on House which can Fatisfy shippers. Write to John son & Gi'bert. 115 Dock Street. Philadelphia, Ta. A VERY DESIRABLE RESI dence lot on Church street. Sou hern Exposure, near business sec tion. May be had by right oartr : a very' reasonable price. Apply to "Reasonable" Box 529 City. w tf. NOTICE An E ection was called to day for Poplar Branch township. Curri tuck County, North Carolina, by the County Commissioners to ascer tain whether or not the voters in said township are in favor of is suing bonds for the purpose of building a high school house and furnishing same with suitable equipment located at Poplar Branch, N. C. The amount ..oL bends to be issued Is $15000 at the rate of six per cent per annum payable s;'mi annually and not to run over twenty years. The pro posed tax.r.ite is 20c on each $100 valuation of p:operty and CO . cents on each taxable poll. A new retfstraHon for all who vote is required. 1h Registration Books will be open on Friday at 9 a. m., March loth, 101G. and continue open twenty days;" not counting Sundays, till suns t on Saturday, April 1st, lftlfi. The books will be open only between 9 a. m. and sunset of each day. Monday 9 a. m. till 3 p. m., April 10th is Challenge Day. The Election will be on Tuesday, April 11th, 1916. This Election covers the entire township of Poplar Branch, Currl tuck County, North Carolina. Six polling places are in the township election as follows: Corolla, Church's Island, Narrow Shore, Grandy, Jarvlsburg, and Powell's Point. Corolla Registrar, Capt. Swata; Pollholders, John Roddy and Cur- 11 7c Want You lo Sea Our Gate in Operation Before Buying We are so positive you will decide that you cannofc get along without the r PERFECTION - AUTOMATIC OATE that we are willing' to ship you one FREIGHT PREPAID for a thirty-day FREE TRIAL WRITE TODAY SEND NO ElOflEY All we ask is that you erect the gate according to our instructions and if at the end of thirty days you decide you do not want it, return it to your freight depot and notify us we will pay the freight back to our factory. If our gates were not all that we claim for them, you can easily understand we could not afford to make this lilieral offer, as well as guarantee the gate for five years. SEND TODAY for descriptive literature, illustrations, sizes, prices, etc. PERFECTION AUTOMATIC GATE CO., STRASBURG, VA. F. F. COHOON, Elizabeth City, N; C. is Gray . Chinch's Island: Registrar, J. L. Duaton; Pollho d'.'is, Will Loss and It. L. Knight. NVrrow Shore: Registrar. A. A. Baum; roillio.dMs, S. M. Over ton and E. W. Baum; Grandy: registrar, Jno Aydlrtt; Pollholders, J. F. Brown and Chas Simpson. Ji'rvisburg: Registrar, Hollis Barro; l'ol'.hoiders, W. II. Gallop and Jno. Fisher. Powell's Point: Registrar, J. W. Crlgs; Pollho d rs, W. T. Belan gia and Chns Frock. Each Registrar each Saturday from. 9 a. m. till sunset will re at his polling place with his books for regis ration of voters. The Bal'ot will he 'For School house Bonds' or 'Agp.Inst School house B'nds. This the Cth day of March, 1916 T. W. BAXTER, Register of Deeds tear 10 4 wks t&f ' ; ""' Norfolk Southern J THE ONLy LINE OPERATING IN NORTH CAROLINA WITH A PASSENGER STATION IN 4 THE CITY OF NORFOLK N. B. The following schedule fig ures published as information i I i iu cite nwh juai aiiiccji TRAINS LEAVE ELIZABETH CM Y SOUTH BOUND 9:58 a. m. daily for Edenton and local rtatiens. 1:00 p. in. daily for Raleigh, CohTs boro and intermediate points. Pullman Parlor Cur for New Bern. 10:2i p. m. daily Night Express for Fayetteville and Charlotte, Pullman Sleeping Cars for Ral eih. New Bern and Interme diate Stations. ' NORTH, BOUND 5: SI a. m. daily for Norfolk and intermediate stations. 2:23 p. m. dally Express for Nor folk ONLY. 3:30 p. m. daily for Norfolk and intermediate stations. 2:05 p. m. Monday, Wednesday 'and Friday for Suffolk. For further information apply to C. F. Garrett, Ticket Agent, Elis abeth City. N. C. , E. D. KYLE, H. 0. LEARD, Traffic Manager. Gea. Pass. Agt Norfolk Va. .4? 4 Have your watch repaired by an expert Don't wait until it stops, but have it re oiled, as it should be, every eighteen months the same as any other machine. Watch repairing is no mere "side-line' with us. We make a most particular specialty ot this woik. Our repair department, thoroughly modern, is in charge of an expert horoloitt a man time-trained in his craft. Bring your watch in today and let ui make you an estimate to put it in perfect order. Prices always reasonable, consistent with hih class work. Louis EGGS, from thoroughbred Wh te Orpington and Whit leghorn hens I hat weigh eight pounds, roosters weigh ten pounds. 75 cents for setting of flften cg?s. J. A. Willonghby, Maple, N. C. mar 21 24 28 pd 1 1 FOR SALE Chicago Typewriter in good condition. $15.00. P. W. Melick Co. St FOR SALE: Two motor boats .10 x 9. 4 'Glass Cabin.' Great Bargain as they must be sold. For partial ttrs app-y to WOKCIIESTEU STEAMBOAT CO. Snow 111 1, Md. mar 21 2S 31 PENNSYLVANIA REPAIRINGCO. The Place You Get Your Shoea Repaired Right We make them look better than new 8hoea Made To Order CLARENCE LABRUZZO Manager 152 North Polndexter Street il I GOOD ENOUGH FOR A KING - ""SBq I CHEAP ENOUGtr FOR A PEASANT 3gf Selio COUPON FOR CHARLOTTE OBSERVER BAR GAIN SUBSCRIPTION ' Date 191.. Charlotte Observer Charlotte. N. C. Find enclosed $.... for which bend the Charlotte Observer, Daily and Sunday, by mail to the undersigned for months. Name t St. or H. F. D : Town BARGAIN RATE Daily Only 3 Months $1,25 6 Months $2.50 1 Year $5,00 Daily and Sunday 3 Months T $1.50 6 Months $3,00 x iear $6.00 Remit by check or postal order. Money gets lost in the mails. Orders acceted under this special rate only during special bargala period, . s , ,j i . 4