CDITORJAL m vim m I Jbseph Peel, Associate Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: ,i!i . , On Year ......... One Month ....... ...t,00 .10 Publlihed Tuesday tvenlnflt And Friday Mornings , "Entered as second-class - matter, May 19, 1911, at the Post office at Elizabeth City, North Carolina, un der the act of March 3, 1879." . TO HIM THAT READETH With the quantity of reading mat ter publisned in periodical form in creasing every year and with the quality apparently tending more and more to verge toward the yel low tints, it becomes the duty t of all who teach or exercise authority to so watch over and direct the reading of the young that their minds may be trained to a taste for only such literature as is of enobling character. The people of North Carolina are fortunate in that, as a rule, the men who direct the policies of the leading periodicals of the State are men who fear God and love truth. But for some strange reason some of our people seem to prefer to subscribe to a journal from afar, or to the exceptional one at home, whose editorials are lurid and whose news is unreliable. Hearst's American, The Chicago Ledger The Saturday lllade, these, and (papers that imitate them, do not provide the sort of reading matter that makes for well informed citi zenship nor lor pure niindcdness. Of all the papers printed In 4U11U v aiuuiiu we UU IIUL IVllUW 111 one that is more widely quoted than Charity and Children. There are In the State one or two other papers as ably edited, perhaps, but they are of first interest n, their local Meld, whereas Archibald Johnson's editorials may be read with equal interest whether one lives in Currituck or Cherokee cnarity and children or some "euch, paper, the Youth's ' Compan ion, for instance, should be in every home. If you are able take a big metropolitan daily subscribe to the New York Times. With one really good paper by which to jud;e your reading matter your taste will not lie corrupted nor your mind polluted nor the currents of your thought perverted Into evil channels. At the name time the mental trainlngwhlch you will receive in the reading of cne'good paper will put you above the Influence of those sensationii lists who would have you mistake uyiae mr geiiuis una evil language for brilliancy. "Methinks the lady doth protest too much". Shakespeare. In other words, it was recognized po.long ago as Q.iecn Kl'zibcth day that when a person begins to tell you with loud emphasis what lie will never do he's talking either about something he tried to do and couldn't or else about something h Is itching todo if he only can get the r.hance. , A new who's who puzzle: Find the Elizabeth City money king that the Evening News refuses to cater Mi ft.- VL's&hviL J.b. hWi o u!ir:;;..; .r';:;: CuTTCN, GRAIN, PRODUCE ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. M.iy 18. lDKi BUYING TO-DAY COTTON' .Slrct Miihl Midillini,' 13c. 18c. EGGS lion Etfis, per dozen SELLING TO-DAY .FLOUR I'iitip'sco, .Ijest patent .... GRAIN .fG.50 5Sc $1.73 ' ,$1.50 Oa'.s,' per bushel,. Corn. Vh'te, per sack, , MIDDLINGS Winters pir bag ; MEAL AXD HULLS Jeal. per ton ' IIAV N'o. 1 TiTnotlvy, per .ton $36.00 $28.00 WHERE RE-LfGION IS' NEEDED Whin Christianity, was young and had reared i s first temple on pa gan foundations, when the Church had grown rich and w:th" Its wealth had become corrupt, there were i those who taught that holiness was to be found only in the hermit's cell or in the cave of the recluse. The world has passed long ago we age of the hermit and of the ascetic but an echo of their teachings :s heard today when men say that we must not defile the heavenly robes by too close contact with the earthly life, "that religion must keep out of politics" and that the minis ter who does not ho!d himself aloof from the da!ly walks of men "com promises his holy calling. Because of this influence of the ascetic many of the great move ments of today that are efficiently seeking to save tho world are work ing outside of the church. Here is the great Ked Cross society that binds up the hurts of the "wounded and mained. There are the associa ted charities, which are feeding the hungry and heal ng the sick. Yon der is the movement for Prison Re form, which visitis the captives and ministers to the outcasts. Over all the earth are hundreds of other humanitarian movements that are working outside the church. For this fact, In the opinion of this newspaper, it Is the church it- Beif that is chiefly responsible. And the church will find itself continu ing to fall of ita mission of seeking and saving that which is lost as lon a3 its members are afraid to apply their religion to business and politics and to every commonplace problem of daily life. GIVES SOMETHING TO ALL Says Tuesday's Charlotte Obser ver: "(The Chautauqua which came to a cl'mactlc close last night with a recital by the gifted Julia Claussen added immeasurably to the attractive ness of life in Charlotte during the seven days it was here. Yet the city did not half appreciate it. Res idents In large towns have a way of boing prejudiced against any attrac tlon that vis ts the smaller towns assuming that this fact per se indl cates that It is second-class. The Chautauqua is an exception, and while it is a special boom to resi dents of small towns and to people who will not attend the theatre, it nevertheless has features that are improving even to those who have l:;,d the best advantiges In the way of entertainment. Chicago, which Is by no means a country town. Is the best Chautauqua town In the I'nlted States." We see that Secretary Ford of the Y. M. C. A. is about to make nn effort to get the Hertford boys to take part In the field day contests here on Gond Will Day. Th Ad vanre is willing to r'sk the asser tion that no effort is necessary. An invitation to those fellows oyer there at Hertford is all that's needed. They are wide awake. The Wash'ngton Elks were ad vertising early this week for two hundred pretty girls to join in the Elks parade through that city on U l-i-,- i ..; n -'ii : 1 t lilc ( III.' tie- ih)', mi: ui' m ,- i,r ;lk.H tii,ii v. I.' n Ih.-y h'il'1 :i c ii.-i In i:ii.,i!..-th Ciiy li!"y an (I nl inure prcMy irl.- than (lint v, i'h .ut nilvi it sini; fur ilieiu. Saturday oilers the man not rog'it'd in hln preclm-t or ward his hint opportunity to get right before tho primary. Some of our young men 'will have to hurry or they'll get. left. .- MRS. DANIEL JOHNSON DEAD Weeksvllle, N. C. May ISMrs. Daniel Johnson died tit her ?home here Sunday ovudnj and was buried Tuesday. . She" .wes CD 'jiVs old and s survived by .two s6ns Garfield and Walker Johnson and .-by one, daugh ter, Mrs. Mary Palmer. The funeral was cpnducted by Reftv.-.Chas. Meads, pastor of the Baptist church, of vhich she was - a- cans;stent 'member.? She w;a.5 Well knoVn in this section and held in high reard. Locals Rev. E. J. Harrell of Shiloh passed through the city Tuesday on his way to attend the Southern Baptist Convention at Asheville. Mr. Ben Bateman of Poplar Branch passed ' through the city Tuesday en route to Wilson to attend the Odd Fellows meeting. Mrs. L. C. Baum and Mrs. Wil lis Doxey of Poplar Branch were he Tuesday to represent Poplar Pranch Rebekas at Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. E. If. Sprv of QoinjVk passed through the city Tuesday on the'r way the Odd Feitows meeting at Wilson. Ambrose Ward and Elwyn True blood have returned from Wake Forest College where they have been studying during the past sess Ion. Mr. Ward was awarded the A B degree on Tuesday. Mi-s Inez Reed has returned from Poplar Branch where she was in charge of the pr'mary de partment of the Poptar Branch school during the past year. H. M. Pr'tchard of Weeksvllle was here Thursday on business. J. C. James Jr. of Weeksvllle was in the city Thursday. W. P. Wood Mt Wednesday for Galesville on business. Dr. R. W. Smiih of Hertford was in the city Thursday. PROFIT BY THIS Don t Waste Another Day When you are worried by back ache; By lameness and urinary dls orders- Don t exper ment an un tried medicine. Follow Elizabeth City people's example. Use Doan's Kidney Pills. Here's Elizabeth City testimony Verify it If yqu wish. Mrs. S. M. Boyce. 510 Beach Street, Elizabeth City, says: "My back oehed and in the morn:ng was sore and stiff and could erarce'y bend. I had headaches and dizzy spells and the least cold selt'ed on my kidneys, making my condition worse. fThe kidney se cretlons were unnatural. 1 finally got a box of Doan's Kidney Pi'l at, the City Drue Store and they soon relieved mn. putting riy bad and fcldevg in gond shape." Pri'e fiOc. nt all - dealer. Don s'mp'y ask for a kidney remedy- get Doan's Kidney Pil's the same that Mrs. Poyee h"d. Foster Mil burn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y advt NORTH CAROLINA, PASQUOTANK COUNTY. SUPERIOR COURT BEFORE THE CLERK Mrs. Kate Griffin et als vs Miss Sue Grandy. NOTICE OF RESALE By virtue of a decree of the "Su perior Court of Pasquotank County entered on the 9th day of May 1916 d!rectlng me to sell the following described property, I will on Mon day, June 5th 1916 offer for sale before the Court House door in l.i.n,( tli (My, N. i'. a: 1J o'cl, r M . to Hi,. li 'L'J.r t i i I. '.or. tiie f,i lowing proi'cr'y t,, . .'I : i'i;;sr Li.t No. 2 adjiiim fron;.'tiK llily f.-ct St. and I ourulf (1 K: i Lot No. in Mulllwun t. hy A. Ii. Hoittz' lot; North by lot No. 3; West by lot No. 1; South by Matthews St., beiiv; 30 x 100 feet. SECOND Lot No. 3 lying on the West side of Elliott St. being about 55 feet wide and extending back between para lei lines about 9S feet. -THIRD Lot No. 4 lying on the West side of Elliott St, heng about 55 feet w de and extending oacK oeiweeo parallel lines 98 feet. - FOURTH Lot No. 5, being about forty feet wide and extending back be 'tween parallel lines about 98 feet, said lot. lying on the" West s"de of Elliott St. " ' . FIFTH Lqt 6, Bpuruled North by C. E. iKramer. East by Elliott St., South. by lot No. 5; West by . E. Kra mer. '- SIXTH . . ' Lot No. 7 on , the -east side of E Lott Street bounded "North by lot No. 8 and the jail lot; East by the jail lot; West by Elliott St., and South by Mrs. Sue Grandy and G. R. Bright. For further description of said lots see the p'at made by W. F. Prit- chard and filed in this cause. Terms of Sale: one third cash, one third In six months, and the remain der in twelve months. May 9th 1916 E. F. AYDLETT Commissioner. May 12 19 26 June 2 " NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION. Having qualified ts Admin'strator of the late Wm. G. Miller I hereby give notice to all persons indebted to his estate to come forward and make immediate settlement and those holding claims against the same to present them for payment within tweleve months from the date of this notice, or It will be WHY .TO. o? cp TO D V J W U3 W V-3 U1 W W V3 1 pl''in!ed In bar of their recovery, i A;.r:i 8, 1910. , I). W. MOKfJ N, Ad.n'nlstrator PROFESSIONAL 1 CARDS DR. WILLIAM PARKER DENTIST Ninom Os'ul 226 Hlnton Bldg . Ellz City PHONE 888 f DR. M. M. HARRIS . DENTIST Kramer Building, Main Street Hours 8 to 12 and 2 to 6 DR. J'rH. WHITE, Twenty Five Yearn In, 'DENTISTRY In All Branches Office OvcrMcCabe &. Grice't Store. ; ' ' Dfii.'H.. S WILLEY -i-0E-NTIS.T... . ' KramLr Blcbj Room No.' 219 geo, j. sPEnce ; ' Attorney And 'Counsellor At Law - Kramer Building . " JULIAN ; W. SELIG, ' Eyesight Specialist Suite. 315 Hinton Building ' Phone '833.-.. DR, S. W. GREGORY DENTIST Office In Hinton Building Corner Main and Martin W. D. COX, Attorney At Law MOYOCK, N. C. Currituck Courthouse Each Monday DR. VICTOR FINCK Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Office 209 Hinton Building Can be reached by phone at Deans in daytime or at Mrs Mollie Fear lng's Residence after 10 o'clock p. m. VTItKpQ, Da V is . "J made of yourself for mother. I can make it in your hor if you wish. Call up 84 ZOELLER'S STUDIO: Poindexter Street NEAR and FAR BY OUR MANY SATISFIED CUSTOMERS FOR THE QUALITY OF OUR JOB PRINTING NOT MAKE OUR ACQUAINTANCE? Work Done Carefully & Delivered THE ADVANCE Mrs. i:;i lie A. 1 : 1 1 T ! ;;t lie; Fast. Chnr-Ii Street f in-, i ;,ed rooms ler u-iit i.n reasniial) o terms Apply in po;son or ty le:tor if Feed, Seed, and- : tiBCtric Seed ,,We now have new seed in stock: Early -peas, Beans, Corn, Onion Sets, Potatoes, and garden seed oi t-,aJl! .'description. ' . .. - i Clover, grass" seed and Oats.'V ., Feed for Stock; Hay, Corn",' Oats and Mill feed. ' Poultry Feed Purina chick, Scratch and Chow der Feed, best by test, a trial order, will convince you. Poultry supplies a specialty. Electric Supplies . Flash Lights, Columbia batteries. Automobile Lamps and supplies. , Phone or write your order toT Yours to serre ( . I'J. S. WHITE CO 120122 Poindexter Street? Elizabeth City, N C Phone 64 the day to ave a Picture made of mother or Have one a i on Time Supplies 1 13 V3 I

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