ii,u. ijiiiii.iii li by THEktw iltPt COTTON, GRAIN, PRODUCE ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. juiit! L';, BUYING TO-DAY cot; ON' , Strict. MIdillini; X.U MMilllr.jj EGGS Hen'KPR-1, P'T iluzen 18!c SELLING TO-DAY FLOUIt I'atnpsro, best patent $0.00 GRAIN Oats, per bushel BGc Cora white, ptr sack ,' H-8r MIDDLINGS Winter, per bag 1-er MEAL AND HULLS Meal, per ton $33. On Hulls 18-00 ! Timothy, per ton $-5 0" Joseph Peele, Associate Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES PM Year 1.00 THE NEXT STEP Two of the most progressne cuu.i lies in the state are. New Hanover and Mecklenburg. Each of these counties has the dis Unction ol having as its metropolis one of the two largest cities in North Carolina. For many years Wilmington was North Carolina's largest town but today Charlotte is conceded that honor. Both Wilmington and Charlotte have a public library. Elizabeth Uty this year is put Come to Elizabeth City on Good tin herself on the map and ex pects to take rank witnin a year us a town generally recognueu as one of the most progressive in the State. Elizabeth City can not make that U.,Mt unli'Hn aha has a. uublic libra- Mr. N. K. Parker of this city re iy. In this aue U books a 'nubile ports a yield 0f sixty one barrels of library is second in importance on- WH"UU tr0"' 11 ManUllK Of two I,:., Iv t ..nl.lln u,.hnnl relB. lie thlk8 that i, a record for We could fiet ' aluiut without a go much live news today we have pQ cut our editorial matter short. Ve'll give you more next time Elizabeth City is a good town Everybody who comes here from a- PPtber city says so. Tne knockers 41 Jive among us making their liv log out of us. Will lay not to spend money but to pave a gotd time. The merchants re going to cIo.mj their stores in ILe alterno,n and enjuy the day WUJJ you pay one heat him. "Can H you have not done M. a)rD0.u, t sure to see your county commis'. ,ouer anout the importance of re- rn 1 am ..a. .urauon ag(,ut lor the com " ear The is one or vital icresi to you. , Stores uiii i .... WUHe iriday after. in ' Jear dur- Cit ""kust. Elizabeth VJiy lnnrii.i,i...... . ... m after 7. UH1"g '""vement la this t on an.l .i . ' 1018 -uiu not drop out sec of Tha .1.1... "uce llUli ,,,.. ne. fi.i . maue r "111 ueiivery cf i,Ul , Oil their t. ' 1 1,10 WWr. leaner lu JI u Place H Kdf ani1 I'roper , ,.,7 1 a fecial ,av public- s.houl to t e surer But wi Ucn't want to and we don't expect to. We can feet alongr as we have jeen doing, without a public libra ry But we can not do it much long er whhout a grievous wound to our he.f respect. It is bafl enough that we have not had this public libra iy up to this time. But it will be lntinite.y worse if, when the town's attention has been called to the im portance and trie need of such a 11 ui ary,' nothing is done to outuiu it. J roni Cnailottea library last year hooks were taken from tho children s department alone. Found ed in 1D.j3, the library ut Charlotte has become, says one of Charlotte'fe wdmen, "so completely a part of uui uauy nuiy mat we would no more think of doing without it than we would our nubile schonu he published ( xhil.il a in tho vant majority (f in.4:i!)Ci..,. "And hy the vv:iy lh" ir.in'i Conn iy lii.iunial si a l.t'ini'ii t I'-r I.mo has i.ei'w y't been g.v-U t j tliu public i i he law requires. 'Jhree counties are t-i ' e congratu ai-d upuii th"ir pubLshud fxhi'iis, 'il.f, Ur.uivi.le, a ;d siurry. There niay be oiheis in thU ciah, but taeir xliiaUs have not yet coin" under exumination in our Club .-t.; I:- s of Xor'h Caioina. "By the way, if county officials or (houghtful citizens anywhere wuuld like to see a simple, understanable financial balance she. t for a county, drop us a postcard and we will take leisure in mailing them the best one we have so far found in; the South." Can anybody tell - us what was done with Pasquotank's finance re port for last year? The people want to see these reports but they want them in such form that they can un derstand them. vVe are glad to hear that Pasquo tank's agricultural demonstration a- gent has been endorsed by the Far mers' Union of Wilis county. The Commissioners will make no mis take in insuring the county the ser ices of Buch an agent for another year. Some of our friends te us that The Advance has not achieved sue cess as rapidly as It might because its editor ban given the people the sort of paper he thought they ought to have rather than the sort of pa ier they want. We admit that we hate sought to serve rather than to please, but if possible we should be glad to do both. If you would like to see Tho Advance appear with screaming head lines across the full width of its rragr veryrday;-let us - know- it and heiher we go as lar as you wish or not we will be glad to get your viewpoint. v. 'i i ,) .yTx Let Us Fufnisli and Finish Vour KODAK FILMS Vom press the button: we do the rest. I A fresh supply of all. sizes sh ays in stock. Kodaks and Brownie Camtras. Established 1882 v LOUIS SELIG, Jeweler Ice Cream Weather Has Arrived HAVE YOU GOT YOUR FREEZER? Now is the time to get it in order to get the full season's benefit. Here is the place to get it in order to get just what you want and at the best price. Also your screen doors and windows should be attended to at once in order to ward off disease and make your home healthful and comfortable. We can do this for you just right. D. M. Jones Company it you (4. re Borne ' LET ''.T. B5 SETTLED b vace 8Uggested time ago that the business men get ty v lygemer anu decide upon a-closinsr tfour tor tne Btores on Good Will mat action has not been taken SDd now a petition is being circm Jated to close the stores at one o' clock. ne understand that some stores frre cot 'signing the petition and we n , j .i i u uuu we ti(J8 dipped from the county papers -u6fcCBl UBam mat tne business men 18 thpv nmn , CV b-SfcPnjtniC-WaaMow .,M,i I .a Mtwt of them are bpvorni imflcr Tl 1 .1 .. . , .... I "UU1U." "W :Ue weil t0 :..v a Utanding or i.iterprotation. Sonm of Weeung ot the Uusiness men and them are an affront tn the'tnt,:.v he members of the program com- thev really are a inf,.t CAN PASQUOTANK PROFIT? We found the following frcm the current issue of the "TTnivMsin w " " jS.V,Vi...lelier exceedingly ..interesting It shou d be read with close atten tion by every citizen of this county and with spceiul carefulness by eve ry member of the Board of County Commissioners: "I feel like I'm robbing my coun hen I take money tor printing our county financial "exhibit year by ye.tr said a .North Carolina editor the other day. ,u ,, 'What lie was saying was not quite so clear to us at the time as it is now. The files of The North Caro Ha Club are being filled with the yearly financial exhibits of the coun mlttee so that the matter could "be taken up and thoroughly threshed out? The merchants are wanted in the jBrade of course. buppose that the parade should fce set at an hour when the stores are still open. The Advance wants to gee the Good Will Day program go through without a hitch or a jar and with out an confusion. It Is in this spirit that we offer the foregoing suggestion, printers' ink. It is conceivable that a student with weeks of p.ffni't group expenditures, reduce them to classified accounts ntid really know something definite about county fl. nances; but in many or more in stances it would be a hard task for an expertnccountant. 'Usually no exhibit of' receipts is shown; no exhibit of bond indebted ness, or county aBscts, or unpaid, outstandng, current accounts. How the county really etanda at the end of the year, nobody can tell from MERELY OPPOSITION) "The Republican party," says the current iasue of The World's Work,' has taken on nearly all the attri butes of an habitual opposition. It does not stand for anything in par ticular except a return to office." The editorial from which this quo tation is taken was wrtten before the Republican Convention, the ac tion of which body? in nominating Justice Hughes, whose attitude to the vital questions and issues of the time were unknown, veril?rr, corro borates and justifies the judgment handed down in the' editorial in every partcular. Since his nomination the ex Su preme Court Justice has given the country but one utterance, which Is hardly more militant than many a speech of the man now at the helm of the ship of state. The Republican party's platform strikes an even less aggressive note. The Advance can not believe that a party without a platform and with out a candidate who has done any thing to make his name a household word among the masses of the Amer lean people can defeat Woodrow Wilson. In this immediate section the Re publican party has no other plat fqrm than that a Republican victory will bring back prosperity. Aud proa perlty seems to be coming this way all the time as it is. ",. The Advance agrees with the flem ocratlc leaders who think ' that it will be easy to win with Wilson this year. Many Progressives will flock to the Democratic standard by Nov ember if we are able to read at all the .signs of the times. Oood Will Pay will not only put Elizabeth City on the map but it w-ill put the old town on the moving picture screen as well. And plenty of folks will go to see the pictures who don't spend much time looking at maps. "' 1 1 '"""Bat ' IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF NORTH CAROLINA Lamb Engine Company . VS Cas Boat 'Goggle Eye' and Owners i NOTICE OF SALE By virtue of an Order of, Resale made in the above entitled action, on the 16th. day of June, 1916, I will on the 30th. day of June, 1916, at twelve o clock M. sell to the high est bidder for cash the gas b0at 'Gog gle Eye' her tackle, apparel, and maeh'nerysald -sale -to be held a board boat, Elizabeth City N. C. This notice date ! and posted this 19th day of June 1916. W. T. Dortch, t United States Marshal By J. R. Williams. Deputy Marshal June 202327 BIG MAKE THE RED FRONT FURNITURE STORE Your Headquarters For GOOD WILL DAY We will make special provision for the comfort of the city's guests on that day S1LVEBTH0RHI& MUSETTE Cor Main and Water Sts Opposite Selig's Flags and Crepe Paper For Good Will Day We want the old town to be beautiful and every body to help by decora ting so we are giving all we can for your money P W MURK CO. FOR Wilt The largest and most com. lete line in the city. Visit our store in the Kramer Building. A special welcome awaits you on Good Will Day wheth er you buy or not GALLOP & TOXEY SHOE CO 4 ii,i a x Good Looks are Easy with Magnolia Balm. Look a good as your city cousins. No matter if you do Tun or Freckle Magnolia Balm will surely clear your tkin inantly. Heals Sunburn, too. Just put 9 little on your fac and rub it off again before dry. Simple and Sure to please. Try a bottle totlav anrl bain lUm Mn.An.manl t once. White. Pink and Rose-Red Colors. cents at Lwuggitts or by mail direa. SAMPLE FREE. LYON MFC. CO., 40 So. 5th St.. Brooklyn. N.Y. Baltimore Steam Packet Co OLD BAY LINE "Steamers leave Norfolk 6:30 P. M. daily, eluding Sundays, until further notice. Ira Why do they bother rith wood and coal when a Gas Ratgo is clean er and cool and much quicker. The Gas Co. Thone 271. Ad. NOTICE TO AUTOISTS This is (o notify all automobile owners that if their State License is not on their cars by the First of July, I shall act as the law directs. CHAS. REID, Sheriff WATCH For The Leading Automobiles to Arrive $875 $1085 $550 $625 $750 Studebaker 4, 7 passenger, 40 h. p.t Studehaker 6, 7 passenger, 50 h. p. Chevrolet 4, 5 passenger, 24 h. p. Briscoe 4, 5 passenger 24 h. p. Baby Grand 4, 5 passenger, 34 h. p. These automobiles are standard manu- . factured by the largest factories, old establish ed, reliable owners, and are not "Orphan" cars. Sold By C. W. Stevens Co. tues tf -" --rx-r;' 1! 1