For Seventy-Five Cents you can get a real camera for your boy or girl The fun of picture making has a delightful appeal to the children, and here's a new little camera, designed espe cially for the children's use. It is a daylight loading roll iilm camera for 11-4x134 pictures, adjusted for time or snap shot exposures, and is ho simple as to work almost automatically. Any boy or girl can use it successfully from the start. Not a toy but a carefully thought-out, dependable Camera with the reputation of the largest camera makers in the world behind it. The six-exposure film v.hich it uses costs only 10 cnt so that the camera is not only inexpensive in itself, but very inexpensive to operate. Diing your chiiern to the store aud let us show them the No. 00 Cartridge Premo Many other cameras to choose from at our store and everything that is best in photography. LOUISSEL1G, Main and Water Sts. Board Makes New Tax Levy Copyriihl Hid (y R. J. hc Duliia lubkcoo Ck News of Note From Manteo Jury List For Fall Court The baord i.f c in.ty cf)i:.u::skn erb, in session Monday, lixc.l i'.e lax levy lor the tiiu.;.,4 y;,ur at Si -'jc . a reduction of fi'jf. us compared with iho levy of la; year. This levy includes bi.tjj B'a:e ai.j couni.' tax es. W. J. Wo.idley appeared befoie the b-.ard reprvst ntnl tii Highway (ommL-.-in and a-ked lor a l.vy of liOc. ior road tax, instead of ISc. as at ires' n., l,i:t thou -'lit the mat ter was piesn'.ed to t"ie hoard in form of a mot on. the increase faib"(i ft jjiss.i-o fur lack of a second to tho motion. Thf lliyhway Coniini.; s,U,n a-k.-d fur a road levy of Juc last ; r, as c'.mrared to 12e for th tr b' fo.e. and the bo.ird iblg year was ev:(lea:i. n''t miinleil to. go a-, love list's increase. lr. .loii'i Sa'.ilu. t.f the H'b-.abeth ( iy Ho i;n4. a';ii ar d before the in ai'.j to ask r i.n appropriation to a- iho -.,. I'd Mil of Ellis llo!!,;c!: eoiel, "vho ui.dcrwi nt an op'ritio,i mti T-ea'n-t r.t in i Tip institution f r .pr-vmikiti-i. I t. f'a'lfi a stated th -i !;" w..s entirely :I'i:v,' to dona'1 hij own stv:o s in performing th1 cp ratii n. b. t he thought that th count should pay the nostro'a hoard hill. The commissioners, however. fok under no ohlizat'on In the mat ter, inas-muh aH treatment had been piven the nero without auth ority fom them. It was further poin tfd out tna. Hollowell Is an aH brdied farm hand in the employ of J. S. Morris, at whose Instance the necro was received In the Institution. Manteo, N. ('., Aug. 7. At a six O'clock dinner Mveti last Monday by Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Jones, the fol lowing guests were ji eset.t : Metsdames J. C. Humble. Addle Fer rell mid Martha Jones; Misses Ina aud Ethel Kerrell, Veola i'oole. An nle, Josde, Nannie and Cal'.ie Jones, Browna Humble, and Mho Scott of Elizabeth City and Dr. Wiliis of Moreheud City; Uev. J. C. Humble The evening was spent pleasantly by all. Miss Mae Scott of Kriaahoth City ..left on the aeamer Triton today lor home. Mr. K. W. .loyn. r went to i:ii..a beth City iod:.y. Mr. and Mrs. V. 1'. 15-min navo a three lourse dinner nr v-ix i'(h(; AVedne il.iy ev. niu; !n in't'.'-r of Mix Mae if F,lk:a' e h Ci'y who 1 ependint? the week in Mailt, n as their jui'sts. The Invited (.uefts were: .Mrs. Kerrell of iiaiei r!i, N. C, and her two daunUn-ts. Misses Ina and Ktlnl; Kcv. and Mrs. .1. C. Humble and two d oi t' rs, Hrowna andKlorlna; Mioses Annie and Jo ele and faille Jones anil Supl. K. W. Joyner. After sien(lii:,e a most delightful even'ii?:, the ptest Hit voting Mrs. Uauiu an ideal hostess. A number of boats made excur sions from Kdniton, Klizal'ith City, and Manteo to Naps Head Sunday to take the thron-j; of people who went to attend the cb'dU'.torv ser vice of "St, Andrew-! tiy-the-S a," the beautiful Episcopal Chapel Naps Head. The f ill ti rm of the superior court Tor Pasquotank county begins on Monday S ptember ISth. Court l t v. i ui nif, iV'i inn iiiui J I state tascs anil the tcond for the tiiul of clil cast s. The juiors, as drawn up by the county commission' is in session Monday, a.'e as follows: FIRST WEEK It. J. Whit-, H. V. r.urton. G. S. Whit". J. E. S arliorou-h. W. G. Stni li. Q. !!. Forbes. ('. X. Morgan, ii. W. S.nv;. er. V. T. i'lickett. W. S White, (', H. I'ohinson, U. h. P.aker. TT. '.. il.irr-dt. II. C. hmoi, .lao.ies Tate-ai. (). (.tM.' it. .1. M. Wil t-on, Q. ('. Tteiiipe, .1. it. Sii4"e , W. !.. I;vis i N i v , C. . I!,ir'i., A. Pavenport. '), h, P. :ndy, O. i. Joins t'al 1. I -i. r - .1. U. .l -.ios, o. f". I.' luile rt Stai'iiius, Jnlin Johnson. J. K. I'.rite Xiwl.tndl. P. G. Mani'l, W H. .Vinistpiuj.-., O. !!. West p.enoni Car'WiiL'ht Xi), Jo-epi Staford, li .1. Willi, iih. SECONI1 WEEK John W. Whn'ey. Jerry ,1. TTuchpi, Jesse Cartv.r' :hf, K. O. Mercer, J. W. Paws in, W. R. Matthews. C. E. Hint n. Joseph Frue, J. P. Weeks. Sr W. D. Williams, (!. II. Scott. J. H. Wa'st n. J. I). Wi'ish'W.A. P. Ward C. P. Vorrlse:t ', J. A. Cart- r. J. M. HasKott, Clyde- I i assiter, ("Tiarlie Stafford, A. P. lluuhes, George Wr White Sr., (Xix ), ('ary Pallunce Jr., W. T. Paik r, W. C Morse. End of Strtke A Union Victory (Py United Press) New York, Aug. S Normal car tratlic was lvsumed today after a strike of a" lilt" e more than a w"ek s duration. Though refus'ng to in'et thP spe cific demands cf the Union lh, hi: car companies recognized tne i;.,; of the ealuien to orginiz.; and arc tl to receive a committee, from t;; Union to discuss terms' of setth-men.- The victory is reRarued as oue n! the greatest ever won by the Union and the strike has been characteri: ej has Tiavin? been remarkably free from violence. Ninety four per cent of the train men favor a f-trike unless their de mands are met, oeeordiiiR to th oT:i cial tabulation of tlie vote just made public this inor:il!!!?. WATERULLY NEWS Dr. E. C I'.rooks or th,. Depart ment of l-'iloeat io-i of Triii'tv Col lee and edimr of N, ('. Education, find his son, Euponp, spent last week in Manteo. On Tuesday eenin;: Dr. Brooks made an pxeelleT't edmation al address in Manteo lliuli School Auditorium on "the su'i"ct: "What Are the Pones That Primate?" In this nbb exposition of the subject, the speaker snid there were two tea Of foret s that edu:at( tli,-. peo ple and the material ttiitms In the eommnnity and the forces within the child. From stirt to I'mMi, the address was fu'l of eoncn-o lilusfra tlons, spetitic instances, and inspir ing thoughr?. Monday nf ernonn Prof. 1". C. Brooks of Trinity College. Miss Mae Scott of Pliz. City and Supt. E. W. Joyner of Manteo. went to Mnnn's Harbor. Prof. Brooks is deeply in terested in the educational progress of Dare County. ntv I Mrs. G ori;r Etheriilte retiifn Monday f r m S-mth Mills. Rev. C. A. Ashby and family left Monday for a three weeks stay at ytheville, Va. Don t let the h it weather i vou cro s. np'p in nerP tor a sa of our b e cream and you will fee all about it. SCOTT TWIDDY. ?ct Good Looks are Easy with Marmolia T1 1 Look ns good as your city cousins. No maltcr if you do Tan or Freckle Magnolia Halm will surely clear your skin initantly. 1 leals Sunburn, too. Just put a little on your face and rub it off again before dry. Simple and sure to please. Try a bottle to-day and begin the improvement at once. White, Fink and Rose-Red Colon. 75 cents at Druggiits or by mail dneX 9 SAMPLE FREE. LYON MFC CO.. 40 So. Blh St.DrooMm. N.Y. I the national joy smoke Slip a few Prince Albert smokes into your system! You've heard many an earful about the Prince Albert patented process that cuts out bite and parch and lets you smoke your fill without a comeback 1 Stake your bank roll that it proves out every hour of the day. Prince Albert has always been sold without coupons or premiums. We prefer to give quality I There's sport smoking a pipe or rolling your own, but you know that you've got to have the right tobacco! We tell you Prince Albert will bang the doors wide open for you to come in on a good time firing up every little so often, without a regret! Youll feel like your smoke past has been wasted and will be sorry you cannot back up for a fresh start. You swing on this say-so like it was a tip to a thousand-dollar bill I It s worth that in happi ness and contentment to you, to every man who knows what can be eotten out of a chummv j -rc-..i jimmy pipe or a makm s afft.ft cigarette w i t h Prince Albert for o l k u n i u n i fcQfcU " THE Prince UHV .nf nu I DrTVAinCTnDiTArA J- -J J j il P'-rfWr.iOlWW'l rs?f m auu 1' rM(i:-"Pr0cM. P.tented !PyVr:.fW.!:,4lftSlyj i July 3th, 1907." That n...n. that th United States Govern ment has granted a patent on th process by which Prince Albert 1 made. And by which tonjiu btt and' throat parch ara cur out! Every where tobacco is sold you'll find Prince Albert swatting yon in toppy red bags, 5c; tidy red tins, 10c; handsoma pound and half-pound tin humidors and in that clever crystal glasshumidor.with sponge - moistener top, that keeps tha tobacco In suca fine condition-" alwaysl A .At'aVH SPEC AL! Waterlilly. N. ('.. Antr. S The farmers -f thin place iuv I'm Mhi'i ; thi ir s-.v i t po:a;u'.( this week, jroud :el,ls aiul toi.d pi Ices make I'lent.v (if money. Saudi . rlin mitli his movic.-j i., inai.iie; thiiii'.s liv'y here wi-h u ocd a'tcilunnce every ni Mu.' Hove he will lonii' a,'ain. SUsh Ruby I'urtriii.Ui.. and brother (f Norfolk ;.re yisitinu their siler. Mrs. It. 15. White. .Mr. t'aiie and Miss Marie J.ines of Nirfolk ore tin uuests of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. White. Mr. and Mrs. Philpots of Xorfelk are expected to visit Mr, l'rinee Hamilton' and Mrs. R. A- OrinrtH to day. Miss M.iblo Hakrr cf Norfolk w it li two broth'.' rt, Cluid and Freddie are vi'lting at their u'nde'a Mr. Soilcy UoK. Ml;;s Kthel I'ugh of New York i f-pendlni; Uv suimiier with Mrs. I.ft i,' P. r o. .trs Ilanip'itl and rTil'.dron of Poi'!;:r !;-aneh -ire vi-tiliiR rf la- tives ."tld fl lends here. ,'rs Me'eiie .lurviH and daughter, .too l.itrhfifld and 'iMle son .! bn -re th? l ti-; f a of Mis Minnf Curt s. !rs. ( I n- ee Dowdy and chi! dr-n of Cian'y. N. ('., aro vMH:i; h"r sister Mrs. Milton Melson. Ml-s tl'ie S.i'idorlin and brotbor of (Vrelln fire Bnemlb'K the weo!( r n I "hh their sinter Mrs. Art hit lfniupton. (Vpl. V. h. Krb'bt of D-n's w-ttb Ills vlf. and dauebter and Mrs M:tv or Wh te and daughter Minnie of KliziVeth riiy1inv? been visit Inp their brother H. T.. Knight. lis Kii:ie Siwyer rf Norfolk has returned to her home from a three weoVs visit to her Aunt Mrs. R. 1,. Knluht. FINE WHITE LAWN Organdie finish, suitable for Waists, Dresses, Children's Dresses, Etc. A limited quantity only. While it lasts per y flip 1 y Fowler Co0 Wilson Writes o t he Kaiser (Hy United Tresa) Tierlin. Am:. 8 I'resi lent Wi'son's i' r r.n I 1 Iter to tho Ka'ser ro'iard in.' I'olish relief was' h uided to I'm poor William this morning. MANUFACTURER LEAPED TO DEATH ft. Louis. Aug. 8 Georpe K. Smith, oecretary of the Yellow Tine Manufacturers' Apsiciition, leaped o death' licro from tho fifteenth, utory of tho bank building in wh!ch his olT.ce was located. RICHMOND'S Most Centrally Located Hote The Lexington Headquarters for all North Carolinians. EUROPEAN $1.00 and up AMERICAN $2.50 and up T C. JONES, JR., Mgr Fridy It TiorMk Southern This line is specializing .in fast' freight service for both carload and package freight. Route Your Freight Via Nor folk Southern Railroad I

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