MAM " jm. u ... i C.X L . 7 Protects Your Profits By keeping all Live Stock Healthy. Easy and Safe to Use Economical Kills Lice, Mites, Sheep Scab and Ringworm. Heals Cuts, Scratches, Wounds and common skin troubles. Prevents flog Cholera and All Contagions Diseases Experiments on live host Drove that a 21 dilution of Kre.o Dip No. 1 will kill Virulent Hog Cholera Viru in 5 minute by contact" Write for free instructive booklets on the care of all live stock and poultry. Kiese Dip No. 1 it Origiail Pidifts for Stic ky GUY DRUG STORE Cor. Water & Matthews Streets D D Dudley of South Mills was in the city Tuesday. Mis8 Pearl Gregory of Okisko has accepted a position "with P. W. Mel ick Company. Ned Winslow of Hertford was in the city on business Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Shannon house of Hertford were In the city Wednesday. Miss Beulah Trafton Of Camden was here Thursday shopping. M. W. Ferebee of Camden was In the city on business Thursday. M. W. l.ister of Weeksvllle was here Thursday on business. E. R. Daniels of Wanchese was In the city Thursday. W. J. Griffin of Manteo was in the cify Tnursday. NORMAN R, SIMPSON Electrician Motors and Magnetos repaired, general amateur work. If you have a burnt out motor or any thing of the sort call on me at Simpson Brothers Shops on Matthews street. wed, frl sat. AN Ideal Christian Home School. Preparatory and Collcflhte courses. Art, Expression. Physical Culture, I'edagogv, Domestic Science, Husiness, etc. Con. wrvatoryof Music High standard ' trained Instructors Takes onlv JjSt passed health record. Hnck buildings. Steam heat. Electilc lights. Excellent IfTtS. table. Condf. vmnadnm. Park-llkp rammn. Concerts, lectures, tennis. ba&keU JiT5i V Kill. AMtr inr fm -.-if MISS MARY OWEN Baltimore Steam Packet Co ,OLB BAY LINE "Steamers leave Norfolk 6:20 P. M. daily, In eluding Sundays, until further notice, tr. A. F. TOXEY & CO. 10 and 12 Water St. The Heme of LEBANO!! BELLE AND FAMO FLOURS TO OUR FRIENDS- We urge vnu to reinforce vour stock at prices now prevailing. For sure the war of heavy trading dur ng the first fall month will prices up to a higher level. A. F. TOXEY & CO. Wholesale Grocers E .QIfJG:3AD-: I I'M IMfQ Arlnl Fir, tfmut IV Vrt hf pliyvletMa. Ara Found House 4,000 Years Old (by L'lKtej Trtss) 1 hiluiK lp:iu, Aug. 4 Stone impld nients and household tools, estimat ed to be 4,uij0 ye-irs od, forming pait of a cillection owned by Mer erupth, son and successor to Uames ts the Great, loO years before the time of Christ, have been unearthed in the pre historic monarch's palace at Iwempliis, aiieient capital of Egy pt. tilling of these import ant discoveries have just reached ihe Unversity Museum here from Dr. Clarence S. Fisher, leader of the Eekley B. Coxe, Jr. expedition to fgypt. it was Larmd today. In a full report, Dr. Fisher des cribes wandering through the spaci ous halls if the great palace that for centuries lay buried in ancient Memphis, Gold ornaments, scarabs, vessels of various kinds and vases were found intac t, just as they must have been when the lords of those days evacuated Many cf the relics found, says Dr. Fisher, date hack to the Stone Age. Traces of a fire that mu-t have ravished the palace are found on every side, according to the archaeologist. WHY HER CLOTHES COST SO MUCH I By United Press) Chicago, Aug. 9 Here's why her clothes cost bo much. . This fall she asks for long full skirts on ier party gowns and dress es ana insists that 521 a yard ma terial be used". It takes four yards and 'up" to make a skirt of this kind, or $84 worth for "just the dress goods" which doesn't make the waist nor put on the trimmings. That's why some women's dresses cost around $150. This deduction was brought out to day when Chicago dress manufactur ers made their display at the Fall Style show of Chicago-made gar ments at Elsmarck gardens Dress manufacturers vied with each other t0 display the most cost ly material in their dresses, lluyers agreed that all had succeeded. The war has made costly material more costly, say maiiuiaeiureia, u cause these kinds come from import ed goods demands a good prico, nrd .. e . . - die west buyers discovered today Navy blue is the prevailing color The waist Is cut yoke effect with purples, and wine colors also are favorites. The waist is cut yokg effect with a collar in the back. C. A. BosMie of Woodville was in iho city Thursday. Pr. I.. J. l'uiilhaber of Edenton spent Sunday here the of Dr Yh:tnr Finc-k. Mr. an,) Mrs. P. It. Kramer have returned from Virginia Bench where (In y spent th, week-end maintained by large staff of experienced, college li)0 hoarders and teaches the individual, t'nsur- hofnro clr-rinrf h fnWocSP itW Vfllir d.lllil hfpr. GRAHAM, President. Raleigh, N. C. ri793l Bingham's central purpose for 123 Yars n mil PI? Hm I nnnmin pmmrwm nrr vww f Patrwwfr tnWrntt.n.l. Military Ufntion. U. J. N. Y. Faces Milk Famine (By United Press) New York, Aug. 9 The city faces a milk famine as a result of the d niand of the up-state da'ries for higher rrices. vThp distributors have refused to consider the increase and a conference ef civic and state authorities has been called. Fleets Clash In Adriatic (By United Press) Berlin, Au?. 8 The Austrian and Italian fleets were engaged in the Adriatic on Aug. 2nd.- accordi tg to official reports received here. It is stated that the Austria is re gistered hits an(i that the Italian ves sels disappeared soon afer the en gagement was joined. The fight followed a raid by ' the Austrians on Wolfetto. The Au-ilrain units report that they sustained no damage in the engagement. Sentry Was On the Job (By United Press) Columbns, N. M., Aug. 4 Militia men from western Massachusetts have been assigned the honor of guarding the base camp. A cordon of troops is thrown around the en tire camp every night. It Is a duty of great importance. The easterners already have dem onstrated their efficiency. Colonel W. C. Hayes, commanding the sec ond Massachusetts regiment will tea tify to that today. While inspecting the guard lines last night the Colonel and his Ad jutant were rid'ng through a lonely stretch of desert in pitch darkness south of the camp. "Halt," came the sharp command from an alert guardsman. "That's all right my man." said Colonel Hayes soothingly. 'This is Colonel Hayes inspecting the guard.' "I don't care who you Bay you are came thn menacine reply, 'Dis mount and advance to be recogniz ed and don't loiter either." Iri the darkness the Colonel could see the dim outlines of the sentry w'th his rifle leveled. "And I didn't loiter," the officer said. "I fairly tumbled off that horse and advamed. When the guard recognized the he apologized for taming ihe the lneonvionoo. doubt if any suspicious characters get into camp through the lines." GIVES HAY RIDE A hay-ride was given by Eddie M'nertson Tuesday night in honor of Miss Ida Mae Hnll who Is the guest of Mrs. Litchfield on Martin s!.. The guests were: Misses Mary Ward. Mary Lou Muinb n, Aun'.ia S,-,l, Lillian Hooper. Ida 'Mac Hall, TUlle Lewis, Mrs. I). 11. Simp H(.n. Messrs Edward Albertson. Tom Alfjertson. Walter TUddiek, Harris K'-id, EHsha Held and Matthew White. Miss Adde Tate nnf daughter. Miss Irene, of Long Point aro visit in,' Mrs. T. T). Mann on Riverside. C. W. Melick hasr ettirned from n fi-w days visit to his family at -ns Head. Will'iede I'eele returtird last night from a three-days business trip in Camden county. Mr. T.uthrr Lasiter and famfly l.ave r turneiT from IlHtt'T'is where they vl hit e f.-lenls and relatives. Mrs. Martiret Hill lina returned from a V'slt 0 Iht daughter. Mrs. V. ,T: Trafton in Norfolk. Dr. J. S Milllken of Buffalo C'H: Is in the city today R. W. Vreeman of Wilson .Super vls'ng ng"nt of this distri' t of Conn ty Agrl'iilniml Ag"tits, h in the city. Mbs Mattie Dantis has returned from New York and ether northern eiticR where she has been buying goods fr Fowler & Company. Mrs. Troy Roland is visiting her mother, Mrs. Smith, at Belhaven. Miss Tenrl Smith haB returned to her home at Panteso alter a visit to her sister, Mrs. Troy Rolan1 on Hyer stret. ARMERS' BUSINESS i We Give Particular Attention To The Business of Farmers. A checking account with a bank is a convenience no farmer should be without. Our Savings Department is another excellent feature, affording, as it does the privilege of withdrawals, to gether with the advantage of interest on your funds. Our acemmodating officers are always at the service of our customers. We cordially invite the farmers to make this their Banking Home. $1.00 starts an account. GDTDZENg. BANK Elizabeth City, N. C. O. McMULLAN, President M. R. GRIFFIN, Cashier William Armstrong, formerly of this city but now of Goldshoro, 's in the city on his vacation. He will spend a few days at Nags Head be fore returning to his home. JUST AN EMPTY CRADLE A m i:nd upon the hillside on which lue i.oei! weep, I'ur Hip t.utuer'.s little li irling now so fa; t asleep; J ,i t . !i c::Tty cl::"le vlrn baby "U' e ;id rest, Just an aching heart, where baby once was pr'ssed. llose!ud lips are silent, wee pink toos ure stil', v i.miely hearted mother by the i lound upon the hill; .lust seme batt'.ri d playthings that baby oiu e did use, Just a weeping mother, no baby to - amuse; S lent tears coursing down tho palo wan face; How she tiiisses bu' y from her ac customed place; Oft she will awaken In some dark ened hour. Go o ml leek for baby in her downy bower. Then r-V wHT remc'iff Iho ;rave upon the hill. The llnJe cliirtitts fingers now for ever still; Ju.-f. some iitil" keepsakes dearer Him all the- world. Just sof.e Utile dressc:, just a gol den curl, MolIh r weep n0 long'T o'er the lit tie mound. In heaven shining brightly your jewel will be found, Just a little an vl in that happy land. Just a l'H'o strang'T ("lirist has call ed bis lamb, Tor He wants your treasure that He your heart may win, From the darkened pathway of this world of sin; A tiny mid jv opening, transplant ed by his Hand; Basking In the lnvellght of that ln less land. mmmm CD kl'Ci M NEWT PAPER! iuiceTOHiat ( ADVERTUIN& ffml SI ib" lii W. H. fNbiiForxSouTFfmwf OPERATES PASSENGER TRAINS FROM NORTH CAROLINA IN TO TERMINAL STATION, NORFOLK, WITHOUT TRANSFER. N. B. The following schedule fig Ores published as Information ONLY and are not guaranteed. TRAINS LEAVE KLIZAUETH CITY SOUTH BOUND 9 : 58 a. m. .dally for Edenton and local ttatlcns. 1:00 p. m. dally for Raleigh, Golds horo and intermediate . pointB, Pullman Parlor Car for New Bern . 10:2C p. in. dally Night Express for Fayettovillo and Charlotte, Pullman looping Cars for Ral eih, New Uern and Interme diate Stations. NORTH BOUND 5:51 a. in. daily for Norfolk and intermediate stations. . 2: 3D p. rn. daily Kxpress for Nor folk ONLY. 3:20 p. in. dally, except Sunday for Norfolk and intermediate, sta tions. C:30 p. m. Sunday only for Norfolk and Intermediate stations. 1:10 p. m". Monday, Wednesday and Friday for Suffolk. For further Information app'y to C. P. Garrett, Ticket Asent, Eliz abeth city, c, E. D. KYLE, II. LEARD, Tratlic Manager Gen. Pass. Agt Jl1 J RUB-WY-TISRl wWill cure'yrur Dhenmaiisni Neurolglj, Hetdche9 tramps, Colic, Sprains, Ertiise, Cuts and Barns, Old Sores. Stin?s of Insects Etc.Antistptio Anorlynf , used in- J ternall; and externally. Price 25c C. GLOVER, V. 'President C. NEWBOLD, Asst. Cashier D3MZZ933S3 ProfessionalCards DR. WILLIAM PARKER DENTIST NiuooiOxid 223 Hlnton Bldg Elhj City PHONE 888 DR. M. M. HARRIS DENTIST '' Kramer Building, Main Street j Hours 8 to 12 nnd 2 ta 6 DR. S. W. GnEGORY DENTIST Office In Hinton Building Corner Main and Martin w. d. cox, Attorney At Law j MOYOCK, N. C. Currituck Courthouse Each Monday DR. VICTOR FINCK -Doctor of Veterinary Medlclno Office 209 t Hlnton Building Can be reached by phone at Deani In daytime or at Mrs Mollle Fear. ing's ResIdcnce aftpr 10 o'clock p m JULIAN V. ScLIG, Eyesight Specialist Next Selig's J.welry Siore Phone 616 ., GEO. J. SPEIXE Attorney And Counsellor At Law Kramer Building DR. J. H. WHITE, Twenty Five Years In DENTISTRY In All Branches Office Over McCabe & Grica's Storsl t DR. H. S. YVILLEY 'dentist j Kramer Bldg Room No. 219 REAL HOUSE CLEANING When you start to get your hom ready for Spring remember there .s nothing so deaa as paint and tap tilsh. And nothing bo boautlfvlng to got the best results use Stg SemPPastsl Paint en 'lie ouMlde No. 61 Var nish on the inside . ( Satisfaction will ht your reward,

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