Adapted to Main Highways MACADAM ROADS TOO EXPEN SIVE FOR CITY STREETS OR RURAL BYWAYS, UNCLE SAM SAYS (By Untied Tress) Washington, August 9 "'The Ma cadan road", said the United States Office. of Pulic Reads to-day "is particularly adapted to main bigh waya connecting centers of popu lation, but it is not satisfactory for city streets and is too expensive 4 for rural roads other than hi;:h- j ways or pikes." The department has been investigating f from l.' to la leet 's reccomme:i ded as a suitable width, provided the road is fl.inl.ed on each side with fiim Fhould' t's from thrcn t;) 5 feet wide, to provei.t sheerins; of the sides ty wheels. The Macadam method cf road construction was first introduced about the beginning c.f the nine teenth century in Kngland by a Scotchman John London Mc Adam. The chief feature of the construction which has since be come one of the foremost methoda of road building in every cuuntry of the world, are: a raised, thor oughly drained, and crowned earth foundation; a sub surface of brok en stone fragments, not larger than two an(i a half Inches in diameter and of uniform size; a surface bind ing of stone dust and screenings. During the last forty years this method has been modified and the stone fragments are graduate in jfize with the coarser stones at the 'otti.m. Rerently vari.u.s bitumi j.uus .'.' pa rations have t e-.-n added to the suface if binders. Heavy, petroleum viU, asphal'.s, bituminous cements and' tar mixtup-s are now used largely for this purpose. The addition of such binding ma terial renders the road impervious to the darua ng action cf water and forms a hard smooth,, resilent sur face. Although it was formerly thought necessary to surface the road with a layer of macadam from 8 to 12 inches in depth, Uncle Sam'3 road experts drclared the surface shculj be as thin as is consistent with dur.ibi.Py not over six inches deep in any cases and often only three. This saving of surfacing material greatly lowers the cost of the road, without detracting from its wearing qualities in the least, they contend. Tho road bed should be of porous material,, well-drained and should be free from clay or learn." Grades exceed'ng six feet to ev ry loo fet of road are con sidered excessive for heavy traffic. Curves with es than two hundred feet radius should be avoided. lluiM around the ?lop of a hill not over it. Build as straivht as possible, always considorn.? grading first. A Fp.ndal recommendation is made by the oil'tce cf public roade that the crc ssing of rai;rrad tracks be eliminated through culverts or overhead briages. Trap rock is considered by the Government experts as the best for read birlding purposes?, although some granites and the harder lime stones give good results. The Uni ted States of Public Roads tests samples of rock submitted to it without charge, and furnishes ad vice as to the fitness of any sample for road building. The cost Is entirely dependent on L-cal ccndkions and the availa- il 11 I'M ONE OF 2,000,000 who save time, money and hard work' by cooking in comfort on a New Perfection Oil Cook Stove.' New Perfections do any kind of cook ing and relieve you from sweltering over a hot, dirty coal or wood range. The Jong blue chimney assures an odor less, even flame and permanent satisfac tion, because it gives a perfect draft A and puts the heat just where it isK needed. Gas stove comfort with kerosene oil.. Fuel cost 2 cents a meal for 6 people. New Perfections are made in many styles and sizes. Your dealer can supply you. Look for The Long Bias Chimney r- Use Aladdin Security Oil to obtain the best results in Oil Stoves, IIcater3 and Lamps STANDARD OIL COMPANY ' (New Jersey) Washington, D. C. BALTIMORE Charlotte, N. C. Norfolk. Va. MD. Charleston, W. V. Richmond. Va. wJ Charleston, S. C. 0$ THE LONG BLUE CHIMNEY (f n.aier.a.s. However, an estimate of the cc:t of the dam sur.'aci.-,- foundation and cra:n ae tost eliminated, p'.act s, the aver age expenditure, where ;niprted trap rock is used, at approximately $oMU0 to $50'.'0 per mile. In Massachusetts, the actual cost of imported trap rock, in place and rolled, was $1."0 a ton, covering 3.13 square yards of surface at Se inches indepth. Local stone was secured in this instance at 5 1 .1-2 a ton. Construction of macadam roads as of any other kind, in the o; inion of the United States Roal Bercau should always be under the direc tion of an experienced read ent.neer f best results are to be obtained. AH Plans Are Formulated Detini e plai.s were furmi'.'ated Monday nigi't by Mr. Thomas J. Markham and his committee cf hel pers for a campaign for the ra sinu; of funds fnr furnishing and ei;iipp in t'ue Y. M. C. A. Huildins. The I'lan. of campaign is being mapped out very carefully and Mr. Markham is very hopeful that 1 the committee who have undertaken this work will meet with complete' suc cess. For the present the committee are proceeding quietly but before the campais-n is closed measures will be taken to give the movement wide publicity and everybody will have an opportunity to make a contribu tion tg the fund. Elizabeth City's Y. M. C. A. has been open since the first of May and those who took the lead in the opening of the building for actlvo work are expecting to carry their plans now to a successful conclusion. HOLTON KIRBY Mr. Oscar Ilolton and M'ss ISessie Kciby, loth of this city were mar ried Sun lay at Iftr tmue a .home on Parsonage street by Dr. B. C. Hen- iiig, pa tor cf the First Baptist church. The rricte is the daughter cf Mr. J. F. Kirby of this city and the grcorm is the son of Mrs Laura i-??rf of Eeaufort county. Rhodenberg Assails Hughes (Dy United Press) Washington, Au 8 it?pres'nta five Rhodenbery of Illinois assailed Candida' e Hughes today for con suiting on the Mexican situation Sen istor Fall who e hobby is interven t.'on and Ambassador "Wilson, di.- cr ilit'd ambassador to Mexico. (Ily United Press) Dost; ii. Aug. 8th. Rather than starve the Armenians are eating liu m in fleFh, according to a cab' to liio American Committee for Armen ian Relief. The cable, it is claimed, was re ceive,i from a high authority in Tur l ey and is Ulievod reliable. It is stated that the Armenians, driven fo desperation, ore devouring ltho Lod es of th'.ir exhausted com v . Starving Tfcey Eat Human Flesh races',- - lluiidre's were sent to the desert cf Arabia and the Kuphrates valley wiihmit food and their plight is pi? 1 ui;le I'1 the extreme. THROWN INTO BOILING OIL. (fly United Press) Could. Ala. Aug. 8 Thomas P. Cravett", superintendent of a Turpen tine plant hero, met instant death today when his body, hurled by an exploMon against a brick ty 11 drop ped into a vat of boiling oil. V Mexico Ready Broaden Scope (By United Press) Washington, Aug. 8 Mexico is willing to "broaden the scope" of ne,rot!ntions betweon that country and the United States to Include a discussion of the economic reliabili fathm of the country, according to a statement given out by mlnlster Designate Arredondo today. It is the desire of his government however, that matters of military Is sue be taken up and settled flrat, howeverr""1 , a'iS,:' This is the package that holds the cigarettes - that do for smokers what no other cigarette has ever done for them before they satisfy and yet theyVeMID 10 for 5c -Also packed 20 for 10c mm in iiwiim t Q, and yd they're MILD ' !.., W. W -4 VJ .1-.A-1. w, ,.i.NKiidii-m..., '.-, U.i,...iv.!'. U J,.... '., . -. iL.j I I, . , n Jf 1 THE M. P. GALLOP COMPANY The Place To Get Your Groceries Where Quality may be depended on Where lowest prices"prevail Where you are waited on by good natured salesmen and iradeto feel that you have found YOUR Grocery-Store Wholesale and Retail Groceries 3 THE M. P. GALLOP COMPANY Water Street Phone 57 Reduction in Postal Rates (l!y United J'ressj WaBhinpton, Atti;. 8 I'ostmarter General litir'.eson has announced his intention of makins; a two cent stamp carry anywhere in the West ern Hemisphere. The cut will froh ably become effective -during Septem hef. When your wife's away well, of course, it's lonesoino but come here for your meals and you'll find your self pleased with our attractive placo and our excollent fiiro, SCOTT TWIDDY, THERE ARE TWO SIDES to everv Question, but there's onlv one ODi'nion of our clewing and pressing. It is highly commanded by all who have tried it, we can't convince you unless you give us a trial. Do so and become, as all who have tried us, one ot our satisfied customers Palm beach suits returned the same day if you wfc1 providing we receive the call early. Panama hats cleaned also. COOPER CLEANING WORKS piinMP inn TC2