Whether you want an Automobile FOR PLEASURE OR SERVICE BUY STLDEBAKER 4-1917 Model-7 Passenger $875 Factory CHEVROLET 41916 Model 5 Passenger $550 Factory Two of the leading cars. In a class by themselves. No Competition. Good looking and made for service. For sale by C. W. STEVENS COMPANY Serials The year 1916 will be crowded with the very best reading in I' 9 TteSS ; Great f JfcMri.m lelifs Companion 9 Great Serials 250 Short Stories CUT THIS OUT and send It (or the name of this nnpci-) with $2.00 for The COMPANION (or 1916, and we will send CDrr All the iatuea of THE COM r I.b PANION for the remaining . weeks of 1915. PRFF THE COMPANION HOME r IYCL. CALENDAR for 1910. TI4FN The 52 Weekly tuuet of iriCUl THE COMPANION er 191. Rare Articles, Nature and Science, . Exceptional Editorial Phrc, Family Page, Boys' Page, Girls' Page, Chil. dren's Page. AH ages liberally provided for. Twice as much as any magazine gives in year. Fifty-two times a year not twelve. Send to-day to Tlie Youth's Com panion, Boston, Mass., (or THREE CURRENT ISSUES - FREE. SUBSCRIPTIONS RECEIVED AT THIS OFFICE 1 1848 CHOWAN COLLEGE 1916 for Gfrls and Young Women Standard courses leading to B. A. and B. S. degrees. Deploma in Piano, Voice, Ait, and Expression. Courses in Home Economics", Business, Pedagogy, and Public School Music, Beautiful campus. Our own farmland dairy.) Rates very reasonable. Fall term begins Sept. 6, 1916. For catalogue and information address G. E. LINEBFRRY, President Murfresboro, N. C. Tiorfolk tfeuthem This line is specializing in fast freight service for both carload and package freight. Route Your Freight -Via Nor folk Southern Railroad Excursion is Not Limited East Carolina Teachers Training School A Stale school to train teachers for the public schools of North Carolina. Every energy i8 directed to this one purpose, i Tuition free to all who agree to teach. Fall Term begins September 26, 1916. For catalogue'and other information address, ROBERT II. WRIGHT, President Greenville, N. C. On W'c lnisdiiy, August the sec ond, the Sunday school of Black well .Memorial Ilapti.-t rh lire 11 will go on its annual excursion to Vir ginia Beach. The excur. i')ii tr.tin will leave Elizabeth City at ekht o'clock on the morning of the day and return ing will leave Virginia Beach at six o'clock that tvening. The f ire for the day's trip is one dcKar for grownups, ai.fi fifty cents for children under twelve years of age. The excursion is not limite 1 to the members of the Sun lay school, nor even of the church, but a very cordial invitation is extended to all who wish to join the excursionists in their day's pleasure. A committee from the Sunday school and church will be in charge of the excursion and will do every thing possible to make every per son comfortable and happy, as -well as to insure good order throughout the day. Tickets will le on sale st the sta tlon and train on the morning of the excursion. Duke Crorsfy his returned from Nags Head where he spent a few days this week arid list. EAST LAKE BRIEFS East Lake, X. C, July 12 Miss Irene Twltord of Elizabeth City is home visiting her parenfs, Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Twifcrd of Sycamore. Miss Florence and Gercia Twl ford will leave tomorrow for Man teo. Mr. G. W. Sanderlin made a brief vislt to Elizabeth City test week. ' Miss Ellen Creef left last week for Elizabeth City to spend some time amon relatives and friends. Mrs. J. E. Duvall has returned from Edenton where she has been visiting Tier daughter, Mrs. W. E. Jordan. Mrs. D. C. Twlford has returned from TowellB Point where she has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Ale- BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD SHORTEST ROUTE FROM WASHIfsGTON, D. C. TO PITTSBURGH AND CHICAGO THE "Chicago Limited" Leaving Washington .... 1.42 P. M. Arriving Pittsburg 9.25 P. M. Arrlvlng Chicago 9.00 A. M. AND THE "INTERSTATE SPECIAL" Leaving Washington 7.35 P. M. Arriv'ng Cl.veland 7.55 A. M. Arriving Chicago 9-0 P. M. ARE EQUIPPED WITH I COYPARTMENT AND SLEEPING CARS THE "Middle West Express" Leaving Washington 9.10 A. M. Arriving Plitsburg 6.25 P. M. Arriving Cleveland 11.25 P. M. Arriving Chicago 7.30 A. M. AND THE "Chicago Express'' Leaving Washington ...12.00 Night Arriving Pittsburg ......8.25 A. M. Arriving Cleveland 2.30 P. M. Arriving Chicago 9.05 P. M. ARE EQUIPPED WITH COACHES, DRAWINC-ROOM SLEEPING AND PARLOR CARS Excellent Connections at Chicago With All .Principal Trains to The Great Northwest Secure tickets and reservations at any ti k't otlice i;i Norfi lk, -cr ndilrefs GEO. A. QRR, Traveling Passenger Agent, Phone, 423. No.flk, Va. thi-a Owi ns. Mrs. J. B. P,nier mu'e a brief visit to Norfolk last week. Mrs. C. II. Crf( or Buffalo City is spending the week with Mrs. C. T. Ctef of Sycamore. Mi -s Alic Sn-11 lias returned from .Norfolk where nhe his been attending school. Mr. IVaily C. is in the friendu. a:que tf city, the Marion, S. R'Ji'Kt of SPARED AL SERVICE Palm beach and cool cloth suits returned the same oay pio viding we receive the call early. Panama hats cleaned also. Every job guaranteed to give satisfaction. No word in the English language is abused as the wo1, guarantee. When lye say guaranteed we meat laction. We make the old suit look new and keep the looking old. COOPER CLEANING WORKS PHONE 280 sed as the woV, in absolute sjftif the new suitfro 4- IPOPUIJQfMECIMICS AiAGAZINB 300 ARTICLES -300 ILLUSTRATIONS IVEEP Informed of the Wor dS Prouress in Ennneehne. Mechanics and Invention. Fori father and bon and All the family, it appeaisi loall classes Old and Young Men ana women J ti li the Favorite Aiagajine in mouMninui lomea throughout the world. Our Foreign Oorreeponilenu are eonetantly oa the watch for Uunge saw and intonating ane it la Written So You Can Understand It rTha Uum MntM omhImmI t'lQ Phitm) contain .. r ... . -, - - rrectioi uinta ror uop v ors ana eitnjr wujtb ui ilayman to do things around the Home. Amateur Mechanic (17 tagea) for the Bora and l H r la w ho 1 i kit to make t h i ngs, tel I a how to miike n 1 rM lew and TnlKiiraph Uutnta, bnginea, rlwita, Know MhoAA .TAWHlr. Ittu1 Furnlturn. eto. ('oritnlna in .trui'ttona tor tha Meca&nic, Oamper and Kportaman. Sl.SO PlU VCAR SINQLC COPIKS. IScI .Oraar trwa raw aawacMlar ar mrt M w aaaUakar. Sample copy wlH be sent en reqaeet. POPULAR MECHANICS MAGAZINE No. Mlchlaae Avenue, rainwo Study Food Values Food provided for the family table de serves the careful thought of every house wife. Do you use thought when buying baking powder? The quality of cake, biscuits and all quickly raised flour foods depends largely upon the kind of baking powder used. Royal Baking Powder is made from cream of tartar derived from grapes. It is absolutely pure and has proved its excel lence for making food of finest quality and wholesomeness for generations. Royal Baking Powder contains no alum nor phosphate. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO. New York . ,- ' "Preparedness For WHAT?"- Slowly but surely we have add ed new type faces to our J6b Printing department until we can boast preparedness for your Commercial Job Printing EH of all kinds promptly and at rea sonable prices. TIE A DVANCE Water Street R I M i U A n - ri793 Bingham's central purpose for 123 Years . 1 I YkJI I 1 1 I I ion I hi hn to mk. Manol Bora. Thorrarh pr.p.rli.m fnrCelUa LiWJ or Uf. 1Tnnrnannl rllm.l. R.nl.tlnn V.nlH.Uoa uri S.I.I. Aralnvt fir., erononnefti tha bast Kv 160 Dhntci.nl. Mrmm ef Pwlrenawe lnwn.unn.l aaliLan. nrn(iinn II a army orflr.r rt.til.1 ilnr. th. T.tn. h.n. f patranm Intomatlnnal. MIIHarw Onanlntloa. U. S. OUHJjltmUMIjtoitf. ant , Rnvln l.h.Tlll.. n. r. S DEMAND THE ORIGINAL G0WANS Thf trMml'tuk It fli" (GOWAKSl is 1 1 FOR COLDS, CROUP AND PNEUMONIA IT GIVES QUICK RELIEF 0 V, ""SI Good Looks are Ea2jf PWUlaaaTKM PfKtmpfliA . ......... nsiiigri aDioiuttiy sare. It rnrtritn Itakfi. FORI Head and Cheat Colda CouRh, Croup. Whoopln CouKh, Pneumonia, Aathma, Catarrh, llronchitia. and AIMoflammation and Congestion txxernsi i rmmint, therefor abaoluttly safe. COWANS nd the Ifllf to lhmn,h evary tlnaa ot tha iMo tlka a Itrel-tlpped ballet, breaking up conteiiion, reliering Inftamnutloa tad reaaclng level it a ripio me. For Cold Trooblei Iti aietlt li on urpaiied. rrica paid will be telnnded II enlite latlilactioa it not glvaa. Could foa Mk moref Avoid imlutlorit. Set thit yon get C O W A N I , the ttmedr tbtt mike, good sverv claim. C A I ITIHN' D'"'', ,cce''1 ",he "" thin"" oi "weiethliig iort u good". There It ViU aalvene orlgleil. Renemkei the eime o o W A N I . gold bb- ob oar gutraatee br Oruggiita. filcat 35c, iOt and 11.00 bottlat, Fraa laajplt II roa wtltatb. G0WAN MEDICAL COMPANY, Concord, N. C ' with Magnolia Balm, mx Look as good as your city cousins. No matter if you do Tan or Freckle Magnolia llalm will surely clear your skin inAantly. 1 leals Sunburn, too. Just put a little on your face and rub it off again before dry. Simple and sure to please. Try a bottle to-day and beein the improvement at once, White. Pink and Rose-Red Colors. 75 cents at Druggists or by mail diredU SAMPLE FREE. LYON MFG. CO., 40 So, 5th St., Brooklyn. N. Y. ...ii, ... i ..... j ....