".mrinniflr-n Mi 1 AW Yotu -Dollar is worth -T WO on -DOM .AD WATCH STORES FOR DOLLAR DAY BARGAINS VOL.1 Make as maty Dol Jars s you can 1J0LLAR DAY NOW f KisiansGainAdvaniagc On The Eastern Front And German now Entirely on Defensive in Verdun Section of Great Battle Line ELIZABETH CH YNORTH CAROLINA. SATURDAY EVENISiuBER ClM NO. 90 ',Hy,,!i'f (mm iw i 6 J Uy 0 s. lMf5) Hi Day SAYS PfJCE IS IB IHKSIIEITE 11111 HT OFF COfJVICT HOP General Alexieff Declares Governor Henderson Of uariviust follow its in- Alabama Orders Grand Austtians Admit Losses On Eastern Fronts By United Press) Berlin, Sept. 9,-By Wirele ;s to aayeville. Admission that of Halitz has been Dressed back I i L r . ut ine nusi in smrmincr at. lacics is made in to-days advic es from Vienna. That the Rifssiana hivo crainrl aHvo tazes in the Carpathians is also admitted. London. Sent. 9 TnrVich troops have come to the rescue of the hard Dressed f?rmnn in eastern Galicia and have succeeded in checking the Russian advance on Halitz. HAVE HOT DEH1SED Women and Girls of Eng land Paying the Price of the War in Mangled Hands and Fingers London, Sept. 9 Dispatches from the French armies on the Verdun I rent upon tint the Germans are now on t he ib fcns'vo in that see tor. The meat kittle whirl) began two hubdr-d nays ami is now enter ing upon its thir,i ami last sta-ui ami tli- K.'.mli ai' gradually iv- -.:uvu ;iifc- a-.f ; t posn tmr The battle is exp.eted aii ua i.y expire like an t x inet volcano. it has been (iei;niteiv learned that the Guninns w. re c impelled Hire:- weeks ago to r move lar.se quantities el' ariiUeiy and many men Irotn the Verdun sector to re pel the adbeil offensive along th. Soiiilne, . FiJhtiiiK en the we,t hank of the Metise has practically ceased, dill 304 hi Hi Dead Man's Mill are now muulered among the plories of th" past, (in thetast of the Meiiso the German iiv com entrating their forces in a desperate and final ef toil to Main Hie fortresses of-Dim tnont and Yaux. I General Haig reports this morn h Ihe Hrliish of 'oreau.x weod in a lug the capture a tr'ncti in the ?ii-:ht i.ttjck. The French capured also during the nkht to the east of Beley, and claim to have taken ".Ton prison ers s nce September ,!rd. German 'osses timing this period on the Somme trout are said to have been frighU'il. Advices from Petrograd received this morning state that Russian naval forces brought into artion for the first time against the Bul garians today when torpedo boats . bombarded Balehik, recently cap tured from the Roumanians by the Bulgars, And send 22 barges of ad. Dispatches from Bucharest, state mat the General Staff has Khifted its large forces to the southeastern frontier fo 0,1Pck thp rju'gar-Ger. manic Invasion. Important force-; are now co-operating with the Russians on the Dobrudja frontier. I, is possible that further retirement m8v be necessary b, militarv ,,., are confident that the' enemy wIM be nnalde to cross the Danube and advance upon Bucharest. The Roumanians were outrinm, bered at Tutrakan four to one bu surrendered mly after heroic re- By J. W. PEGLER (I'nited I'ress Staff Correspondent) London. (By ail Seared by mol ten metal, blinded by steel shav ings and with fingers sniimea off l.v the true! machinery of the muni tions factories. English woman and girls are paying the price of patri otism as well as their men the. front. Industrial accidents have not de creased desp te claims of labor ex puts that women are more careful than men. Their inexperience is be lieved to le ie.-ponsihle for many cf tiie acidtienis. m the experts may tie ri.u,it i.iier all. in tin orv I'.i.f tie or, v.on't r sioic si-la or. knead he kit. :- ..-i ef j,:!it,i niaiuli'd hands. Am. tiler e;,:.iijt'on is ilUi '' v i -t-v. m.ehinists in' ne inn! i I-, iiiacliinists :heir work win n their thoughts t ) 'he lie ii (:.:,. ting in I'rance. ladle tips or the l i u t-iijis oit- roller, there's a scream, and er c.isua'ty go-s'ilown on tin Ing list. e A bitr sli '11 I iciorv tn l nil,.....-1. 1.., '.111111-11111 has claimed its share of victims. A so. lifers wife is the latest to le seriously injured. Her wandered ter a moment from deadly machine before In r and tin knife (aim down lappyin oil (hi inililiii, wo Pio-ers and inn ,.i t Vi" f ii ... - " " m en ttte last zo round (f D.Iiur Day. -:turiia' niubt ;B a popular shop Ping time ami tonkhfs opportuni ty i-- one not to !e uiuK.-d. 1'erhips the shoppers from out Hide the city had first place in the I'' art of the town this niorirn;, and the ho.ia f. Iks had to take sectml I fee. I'olUeness to the citv vlsi- o". Prevented any jealosy, of re, ,0l)ight the stores will make th ir first bow tn th hopiers, endeavorlmr to Ptv ihr,. (he best values they have yet heard of anywhere The shoppers frcm a dint if, - v 1. 1 1. Irnm tl..n ... ""' to i me tni nv j ...hi uig Purchases ard wlti, ninnoo,! They were delighted with the bar- ?ains of Dollar Day, many of them remarking openly that they found bargains far greater than they had "enevea possible and tht .... uu v I IlCt vculd s,,eak far and wide of the -cner.ms spirit and the 'ii,-t,.date rffu'ings of Elizabeth City's mer chant Of ccun-e. the temlency tdvuys is not to apprecate the thimis ii,'.lt lie r.eirist and are ours fcr least tiort. ui. surely, m this case, then tiiiu t t .....r-i oe (un excetxion made bv Elizabeth City shoppers. long.t, the Home Town is invit mg you to accept Its hospitality and 'o JOin i's procession of satis fled shoppers. a e . , iew minutes down town, a stop at each Dollar Day store, and the wise shopper will home gladder and even wiser than before. The stores will close at ten o'clock but until that hour -Dollar Dav Is the password and the Invitation is for everybody. evitable Historic Course, i Neither Side Yet Attain ed Object. Jury Investigation To Prove Or Disprove Stories Here Are The Dollar Day i?: ruins lem and and bit I li the anot h grow worker mihd the a !cl't hand. But slo-'ll a war same kind of wounds are heabd. now shells have MJt third from h be back at tin lob when the The workers I t) be made. Many women have become skilled mechanics, who a few months npo were tmacustrmicd to manual labor. n-u i inej an nrave tl:e dangers tf fn- dustiy (h (rfully to do tlieir bit jn the war. Below we give a list of the firms offering Day Bargains to-day: Apothecary Shop Owens Shoe Company Cooper Cleaning Works McCabe & Grice Weeks & Sawyer Louis Seiig P. W. Melick Company The Gas Company Mitchell's Department Store M. Leigh Sheep Company Savings Bank & Trust Co. S. R. Siff Company Fowler & Company City Drugstore Dollar By WiKiam l'h lli siims d'uileii Biess Staff Correspondent) Imperial Headquarters Russian Arfy, Sept. Germany must sen.i 4iii)iMMl men' at once to aid the de maridz'd Austrians if she hones stiifen tl.e resistance of the Aus trian arm..." General Michael vie ieff, ihief ohlcer of the staff in Em pcrcr X cUola army told the I'nit od Press lenresentiitK-a i,.. ...i .. 'Tuithermore, Gerfanv must fur. nish the driving power If Von Kin denburg attempts the great Eastern onensive cantemplated at Berlin Germany cannot rely upon the Turks to render any substantial hI,i said General Alexieff, "for the Turks cannot send more than 40 .mm mn to th support of their Allies." Aeyierr received me this mornina in a small plainly furnished offi adjoining the quarters of the Em peror. A. Hat too desk with fu- chairs and maps constituted the on iy furniture in the room. The General sat behind his desk like an American business men. and rtswnbled stronclv the nie. i' " tores of Rudyard Kipling. His hair is beginning to turn .fray and his long mustache turns up, disclosing a nsihtiiii Jaw. IPs eyes are pier cing and deep set. I a -lied I hn General if H credit e() the r ports of the combined Ten ten-Turkish olioiisive against Rim- Hltl. To my -fn-stltn rrplipd -nj rot iin: osil le. n w u,.,, . ,1,,. i st 1 ind i f m;sT:'k s to under- "Mt.'male tlie enemy I 'eat' is some ilb.taiice o,. for neither .-Ide Pas yet attained uA. objeit. Tlie war must follow- iiu o. evitable histieb. i-om-ui. " ( By i' fnitej Tress) M!ib Ala., Sept. Stor,e are current here that it has been found mat convicts In the state I'amp at I.ucile w. re worked in the minis Lntil 4hey dr.ppen dead. As a ns;:lt or u repcrt that a con vict had le.n foiced to lbnp tt-th - " " a broken arm Governor Henderson ordered an investigation from which sensational developments are ex pected. Another story already widnlv h dilated Is to the effect that the convicts generally understand that paroles may be contained fcr $200 each. S. Americans Are Afraid io-nient is the ht W1 wise snopper merry. Two Killed At Piltmore (By I ni'ed I'ri8s) Asheville. Sept. !( H-.p ,..,., fiei"ht cars break'nR awav from Ibeir train this moiii'n.. collide,! with a work train at Biltmore, kill i'U Ben Ensioi., engineer, of ml. fc'(,n. N. C. and Irving' Bills, a flag man of Bill more GOOD WEATHER PROMISED Cooler and far more seasonable weather is the forecast of the de partment at Washington-"'" for next Reek. I'. P. Latham of Belhaven in the city Krlday. was sistance, B'corditu to disnnteh, u Irom thp battln rcene. The Dobrud'a front nenv extends for a hundred miles and the Ho-,. manians are thirty m los wlth;n Transylvania in their northern drive. Reports fiom Berlin state tint, the Germans and Bulgarians have idvanced more thnn fifty mllpB l.o yond the Roumaninn frontier fn their oieratlors along the Blatk Pea. Interest In Movie Serial A larwe crowd greeted the Intro ductory chapter of "The Grip of Evil" at the Alkrama last nlht and watched the first development. of the story with keen interest. This production has been endors ed by. many nun of prominence thru out the country and has been placed in the class of 'Better Pictured hv organizations that have recently In augurated a movement for a higher standard In mot on nicture The opening chapter suggests a strong story. ,- not a mere 'thriller" but a vlzuallznlloi. ,,r . " ' I tl phiiospbical (imstion which Is of Interest to all thoughtful pr0pli." The first instalment cf this Kforv will appear in Tuesday aflernoon's 'sstie of The Advance and the story will run regularly In these columns School Opens September 1 8th The public schools of the city will iu ior tne i;iii,n session on Mon ""i. oepiemner 18th. StiDerlnti 'Tlfl (it-it O i . . " 3i"aguis nas re turned from Mli.,1...., .i, " ""-'"-ii vine, Aid. at h'ch place he spent -hi vn,..i. and may now le found in his office Ht lne ft'fh whool building every morning and nft-rnom hv . . ' " "- jia r pupus v im muv uui, . comer wfih hfm. v To Make Room For Crowds Manager Kramer cf thp Aikran,, Theatre is making arrangements to increase the seating capacity of his theatre so that the thrntrp nan comfortably take care of the r.row.u attending its shows. The crowds at 4 .It . ... irii'iing tne Alkrama's xhows have Increased to such n exttnt that on man.,' nights In the week n movt fan getting to the theatre a few minutes late for the first show finds every seat occupied and standing room at a premium. The increase in seatim: cai.aeity will be cbialned Iy oniaridn . ih',. ga'ler.v. Theniliii-.. c n. ..i.!.. ' .weeKmu ninl ...... I'ercy Afeekins of Manteo u , ..' . u " "i'1 city i riiiav en rnuto k-...;.., HOARDERS WAXTEl) rn , , " ! I III - msn room and table boar, In prl- unriy nt reisonabfe rates A vl Am.... ' i'iy io j. a. Tillett No. 404 see ona ttr-e'. lt Mr, Tboias Bradley of Seabimr.i has returned home after a vl t . blH rnn Rev. Rufus Bradbv on Ehifnghaus street. By CHARLES P. STEWART (fnitcd Press Staff Correspondent) Buenos Aires, Sept. 9 South A- uioucans are deeply interested In the suggestion, referred to in dis patches from Washington and New York, thut tiK, Sherman law ought no to be enforced against North A nierican business houses seeking trade en the suiihetn continent. South America s exceedingly fear iiil ol trusts and especially of North American trusts The neoni.. i. ,r i'l'' on JriiiislatloiiH..they i..io read from ne w .-papers in the MMtd Slalis. They bebeve, liter i'liv. the very strongest things they have read coiieomi,,,. tu. irui,t yvi:. li. is d :, jf ,ir tjn lm ivaded (,,rIllT of ',. I.,,',,,,, (M1d r(, M.'nl a (ierman Incur-lon with any .more pieasurenble antlclptitlcns titan South Am, rlcaiis feel at the hint (hat the North American trusts niny gel n grip on (hem. This apprehension of trusts In f'l't. I a considerable obstacle in' the way of Am-naii trade's pro gress here. CoiiM.(,u.nily lliis latest sugges t"li has not bieit well received. South A merle,, business men who think' closer par, American trade re lalions wuid be a e,;d thing ex press the opinion u,t the field. Is " Wi'le ii en. whil,. ih,. w,,r n,sU Hint Iri'St InetluMla in.. ' ..... Hllllt'l-t.sSHry HI present. Their view is that the North American firms would do bet t to ga n a foothold by Individual euort. before the European gie is over, resorting to nons fater.if they an. compelled to. Htrtig- comlilna' Wilson Pleases Suffragists (liy f nlted Press) Atlantic City, Sept. 9- President. Wilson today left " Atlantic rit f Shadow Lawn, pleased with ceptlon accorded him by the Natl. onal Woman's uiirtro., , .. i,.- uKHocianon. for their part the sutTraL'isia ' I'eniy del ghted nt the things President to:,l then, the Seamen Sent To Hospital Mr. Julian Parker return..,! lvi lay to Currituck after a wi.it . n, .1 . Sli ileS On 1 . ... v.guu from Washington, Sept. !l eight Injured renmen wreck of the cruiser Memphis were xent rrom Washington to the folk naval hospital today. Eighty. the Nor