dJITORIAL y . . EDITOR Joaeph Peele, Associate Editor. Editor Story of the Albemarle Observer says that The Advance has a new way of meeting the pa per famin- and accuses us of di viding each paper among four sub "icribers". ' Hush man. This situation is too serious to joke about. We were speaking of a high ichool for Currituck the other day and o our gratification at the in terest in educational work shown Jit Moyock. We add now that a farm life school for Pasquotank is some thing that we would like to see good people nearer home get Inter ested in. Elizabeth City. Is near the center of Pasquotank county and a Farm life school on the outskirts of the city would be ideally situated, it seems to us. The best time for planting wheat in North Carolina, according to the Division of Agronomy at Kalulgh which has Wen conducting experi ments to determine . the answer ,t! this question for a mincer of yars. Is in October between the 15th, and 25th . We should like to see moro interest in wheat growing in this ectlon. Cotton is selling above fif teen cen's now and can be kept at or above that price by diversifica, tlon in the cotton belt. In Darlington county, South Car olina, several rural schools have combined to secure the service of trained instructor In agriculture. This Instructor spends two days at each school and gives the pupils practical lessons !n neighbor hood problems. The idea In having one instructor for a number of schools Is that by a consolidation of resources (he pchools c-tn seeiir man properly and specify tniue, t0 t"-ih nri cu'turnl siibj cts st h n man nr. one school 'alone coi-bl not afford to employ. Jt norms to us lh"t tli" Idea ml-rht be worthy of wide np-plicatlon. a. mmm COTTON, GRAIN, PRODUCE ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. S-vt !. litltl. n'JViNG TODAY COTi'ON Strict Miii.Jii:i4 ir.'4c Middling "" 13c EGGS lien I'.ixK1. i- r dozen 27c. HELLING TO-DAY FLOLU Patapsco, Royal, best patent $775 GRAIN ImTs, pnf bushel 60c. Corn, per bag MIDDLINGS Winter, per bag $1.65 HAY io. l. Timothy, per ton $20.00 WHO titTS FIVE DOLLARS? Readers cf the editorial columns jf The Advance remember that we offered a prize to the boy - or.. girl coming to Elizabeth City on Dol lar Day and writing us the best ac-J count of how he or she spent the day. We have received a number of replies and are puld shing one of them in this issueAdvertlsers- in The Advanc can readily see that the young lady writing thl3 letter had caught the Dollar Day Idea. We will hold the contest open un til September 30th, and the award of the prize will be announced in the issue of October 6th. FOR YOU BUT NOT FOR ME Saturday, Sopt.-mhcr ;!'ith, has been set apart ns n. od 10111 day by the Stale I -ja i t iih ni of A-vlnil- ture. Every farmer in t h . state U urged on that da. to no out in0 hrs fle'd "ffHd'"' select hN ;,. , f ,,- 't, next year's plintin. The seed Should be selocfed in the fj(,t, j. Stead Of i the burn because the farmer should ie covcrm-d by the appearance of the stalk as well' n.s by that of the ear. A sturdy stall; with 'broad 'emps should ie cho en and one with two or moro o.irs. if for several oars a farmer will He. lect hjs see.lcoin from stalks bear ing two ears he will Pi,,! ,,,t prac- There is more than a hint of sac rilege in the song which the Brit ish Tommies are sinking in the trenches along the Somme but there Is a deal of human nature in it loo. Eveiy man is .ready to tell you to be sure your sin will find you out but at the same time he secretly cherishes the delusion that he will escape the consequences of his own. Drink, dissipation, ciga rettes, excesses these have . got the other fellow but I am .too smart to let the r consequences o vertake me ia the philosophy of the fast youth. ( So when Tommy Atkins sings that the bells of Hell are ringing for the soldiers of the Central Pow ers while the angels are 1 horusing for him, he is but expressing a phi osophy that most of us cherish. Nev ertheless one cannot withold a measure of admiration for the Tom my who mocks death to its face. lust received a new line of genuine leath er Photograph Albums. "The best way to keep those pictures." For this w eek 25 per cent reduction. Louis Selig The Kodak Store WILL FILL NEXT APPOINTMENT To The Advance: 1 am at Rex llo-pital ler treat ment ami am improving i-Io.vly. I have missed seeing Th- Advance and have very m fi learn what is ! while am aua; . Mease annninn ! j columns that I ho appointments, j The I'neie or j ily, -Mr. J. pe ! s-'e me during ! through nip semis The Advance. it h ihi rini: d for it at home The Advance tnu hau the "habit for the lafct three years of issuing eight pages to its country readers every Friday morning, regardless of whether business was good or had. In all that period there have been hardly a half dozen four pa,'e Friday papers and two of those were printed within the last few weeks. But at the present prices of white paper we cannot afford to give it to subscribers unless the advertisers pay for it. " Hereafter. then, there will be an eight page paper mailed in the country on Fri day when business warrants it; but net otherwise. The Advance has for some lime had its country circulation on a paid in advance basis, but it has been our custom to hold a name on the mailing list, hoping for a re newal, sometimes for several weeks We regret to have to say that this will now no longer be possible. The credit of our subscribers is ,rood. We have no doubt In the world that the man who takes the paper cut of the postoffice regularly twice a week experts to pay for it. Hut we have to,' pay for the pap:r before we send it to you. and it takes all of ycur dollar to do it. We must have the money in advance if you want The Advance. thrniiiiii your I . to fill my n.f, i'lie Advance fain !", has called to my iiln. ss, and his regards to With best wishes, Rev. X. p. 'stalling, Rex Hospital, Raleigh, N. C. September, Ifith. OYSTER SUPPER AT CURRITUCK Currituck, . c., Sept. 16 Every body is invited to come to the Court House on Friday evening, Septem ber 22nd., and eat a supper of fine oysters Norfolk cream will also be served. The proceeds are for I. O. O. F. Orphans at Goldsboro and other' expenses. THE VVEEK-ENDS MARRIAGES Charles E. Jennings and Miss Ad die B. Ballance, both of Norfolk, were married here Sunday by Dr. B. C. Hening, pastor of the First Baptist church. The groom is the son of Mr, and Mrs. W. E. Jenn ings of Pasquotank county. Robert Lee Berry and Miss Anna Elizabeth Robinson, both of Norfolk were married here Saturday by jus tice of the peace, J. W. Munden. Andrew J. Mitchell and Miss Mar garet Frances Hlakenslip, both of Norfolk, were married here Sunday by justice of the peace J. W. Mun den. Prichard Millinery Co. ? - Will have their ' Fall Millinery Opening on Wednesday and Thursday September 20th and 21st. A beautiful showing of all the latest and most attractive Fall Styles CARD OF THANKS tlcally all of ,fM to be two ear stal''. com- Last. ye;ir there c.,n.,idorahlo complaint "of "lack or unMTuteity the- price p;,ld at ft,,, vat ion e.l!rK in the section for' ed' cotton! This year, we have b-en told, the trfn ' ners have n ;reed otr a' Uniform, priee and the farmer- are complaining of a combination to keep down the ' price or cotton. The Advance h. lleves that the farmers or ihU eclion w ll do wen to rdvn over the habit 0f selling their eotinn it, the ed and begin to have It uln ,; ned and nuVr the lint Tor sale Then they are In n position to 'demand the price for thr cotton and Tor thflr se-d that ft will i ring. In the open mnrke's cf the world. ; vTi" Cnted stntep Covernment. hnn coiiflder-d fhis a matter of uch Importance that It has Issued tfjr two colored poster calling general importance to the advan tage of selling cotton in the lint. The poster may be seen In the win dow of the office of The Advance. AIS APPEAL TO THE PEOPLE l.e-i leis of the Democratic pany ,ne today iipreahng directly to the people for m n -y with which to de fray the expenses .of the npproaeh i'ii z pr - Ideiitiul campaign . The Democratic party does net ;"-h for, dees not en"t and doe,; not want big cou'rllniMons from the Uiiigs of high finance, who would expect (pic'n! privilege fn return. I'ct money In larce amounts must l o b'td in onb r to mnet the enor- niiai'a" "f-'xp- hdifures "ili'af " are liefn-' made In the attempt to defeat Tres- ident il-on's 'r'-clectlon. The Dent c?ulc p:ir'y a' 1-s the i venue citi en to make nieh small contrlbu--on as he is a1'!", and many of 'here will sw. il the eampain fund stic, j-ronortitiiv as to mnkb it ((tiu'e to the party's needs. The has already printed f ia-!"M lit W'ibs.ufs speech cf nerep in whiih the record of the Mdfii'il.-trMti-iti was reviewed. ,Lid ,! by if fruits Democracy deserves tho '-iipport if h penile, for ih--tf-'jistaHon Tirirt -.1 l y th-' nemncrn tie t'on-.-re s. under Wilson's tnahh less ie ni. rslifp. has' ben Iti the In f" -st of t!ie people and not of th" favored few. Xn-'th f'i.f iliini and th ' other th'rn states sh u!d be rspec'r'h' 'il-eral In their (on'ri'-uMons Uiis year b cause the Uepni-Uciins !m. urin as one of their chief ar:.;n mcnts t).. contention that the Seeth Is hnvin- too lnrs;e a share in th' national Lovernmen!. 1 There hiis been publish-d in tlv s. columns the comiub'ten appointed to have charpe of solicit Ins cam- i pat.m funds in this section. This committee should trt busy and let the peop'e know to whom to make remittances for this objjecf. Mean time any one desiring to make im mediate remittance may do so b- mailing chek directly to Huph Me We invite the attention of our country friends to the fact that Eliz abeth City's most wide-a-wake and up-to-date business men read adver tisements in The Advance, - as ap peared from a readins; of the Dollar Day write-up on the" front page. Show Klizabeth City merchants that you, too, are a live one by letting them know that you see the'r ad vertisements in this paper. Hon. T. W. Dickett, North Caro lina's next governor, win be in Eliz abeth City on October 17th. Those who heard him when he was here before will not have to be urged to avail themselves of the opportunity to hear him again. Those who did not had better take it from us that they niiss-d something, and get nut this -time. It IcoK d as if the voters of South Carolina might put the stale i;i th grip of evil aaain Tuesday, but the defeat of Hiease gives us en-"wra:-..eiien!. Still it Is evident that there are some folks who can he fooled all of thf!r natural lives. , . !f VV' leans ! 1 1 a y g a ( her what comfort they can out of" the result of the Maine elections. The Demo cratic patty may be in the minority but Wilson, will i.e f-ttnd stronger 'ban bis pan v. - c -iiiui iu iiiuuk me neigiibors I and friends fcr their kindness and I sympathy, also for the floral offer- ! 'ing and automobiles furnished at : the death and funeral of wir moth- ; er. SON'S AND DAUGHTERS OF MRS.. M. S. FRALEEY Up. ALL THE SEASOfJS VEGETABLES Fresh From The Garden There's one place inthe city where you may always be sure of getting them "incidentally you may also be sure of get ting the best of everything in the grocery line, including Chase and Sanborn's Teas, at G.W.TWIDDY Poindexter Street Phone 185 R. E. Lewis is 111 at his home on First street. . 1 J. Q. A. Wood and P. H. Wil liams are at Craig Healing Springs for a number of days. KOIt SAI.K At a sacrifice, 2 it foot Cabin Cruiser. Comple'e in every v.ay.. Kl-rtric lights, heavy sh-epinc ciishlciis. cnino in perfer order, 1? h. p. Kertnet I'och ifaeneto. Speed K miles or belt-;-. W;l) set! 1 o-if house if wanted. O. V. CtLF-EUT r'UPILS WANTED Coaching in all the English branches. Business de partment, prepares pupils for civil service examinations. Miss Kettle F. Pool will open her school on Sept. IS at her residence .07 Dyer at rest. Those people who prefer a private school for their chihir ji wi:l fin in .Miss Pool an excel'er.t teacher. All the English. I ranches are tau-lit, and the school has a business department which in cledes eouiss in Or-iti' shorthand Twentieth C-ntury liookkeeping and V. .s'titials of liu-in-r-s English. This sdiool offers a splendid oppor tunity r'ght he re in oir own' town for a thorough .preparation for the civil-- servi- e examination which are fn he h-ld here monthly owing to the increa(d dohinn.l fnr steno- rapliers by the United States Gov ernment'. . a(iv FINE BUGGIES AND SURRIES American Woven Wire Fencing Dodge Brothers Motor Cars 400-402-404 Mathews Street , Elizabeth City Buggy Company Hero arc Two Machines You Need Walter A. Wood J Walter A. Wood WAXri'D White man with fam- j :ly to wi rk in log woods and run : oantiric nouse. DART-: I.l'MPlin CO. ' SPt 1- KUz-.heth Citr. N.C Admiral Mower because it is the only mower that has genuine underdratt, "floating" frame and uniform tilt, the three big mower feature no farmer should be without if he mj values his own time or his teams' kvJ strength, and wants the machine q that does most work the easiest. No. io Steel Hay Rako because every tooth is held in dividually and has a coil spring to protect it - against sudden strains; because it is made en tirely of steel and can be de pended upon to stand up under constant wear and tear of work in all kinds of fields. Its long life makes it the most economical you can buy. , Make ui prove the.o claims or convince youmelf by examining them.chiDe. atouritora bpence and Hollowell Co. FOR- SALE ThQro will be offered --for sal Charlotte, X. C.t at Pufd'c y;i according to the laws of North olina on or n'ter Soptomher : tfllC. te. -'li sfetl drums v.:m oil tialiy ci n-iKlle(l o fho Crown O Wax Co.. EHzahefn City, X c J. H. r.iu;r:TT. C, n r tl ('! .!! Aits' 1". S-'pt. t. 11, 18. rim tlO'l (Vr or. - :r-'- ...... j THE M. P. GALLOP COMPANY j The Place To Get Your Groceries Rae, Treasurer of the North Cnro- linaFinnnce Committee of the Wfl sonMarshnll campalpn fund at Wil mington, N. C. WA N'T ETf Mnrr To K'-T ' V,- t: Tvu bun h a water phnit, $."0(mi week sure (no fitkei. Write for - ipf. dtid part tenia rs. S. S. A tied:--, jP0 I'lf's Nctioinl Itanl;, Norri-ton-n. l'"tina. S.,lS,iri,:'ii.L'i,22 FOR SAT.ESix ncres Imck of Ho siery MiH. No. tins Morunn St.. Xo. 0(1 Hunter St. Three small h -uses on Riverside Ave. No. 201 Fearing and Dyer street". JONES & DAVIS CO. Where Quality may be depended on Where lowest prices prevail Where you arc waited on by good naturcd sales.ncn and made to feel thatjyou have found YOUR Grocery Store Wholesale and Retail Groceries THE M. P. GALLOP COMPANY Water Street j Phone 57 r m i

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