r Vacation Club ft 0'1 fll y, .mil ii nils ow rooming a SMS remain 7Ti At the expiration of the Club we will mail you a check for the total amount you have paid in to-gether with interest at 4 per cent, provided all payments have been kept up. A rpiniTPfi77f?rr L Visit To Betsey 2J3.fi On Dollar Day Dar Editor:- I arrived in Elizabeth City bright and early Saturday morning to view ti e city on Dollar Day, and look at the Hollar baiga'cs. ThTe vns a laree crowd of coun tiy people fathered th?rc. Fir; i went to M. T.ciuh Shcep'u and found th y had wonderful bar na ns, such us lioir-e drrs.se;, suit?, undorv. e.;r. and hoslju-y. The win dows vc;e Ij" ' Utit'ul'.y decorated in new .5oodo end hen Iconic drosses. The next store was McCabe and Grice, they' al o had wonderful bar Fa ns. Their windows wire decor ated in ladies, gentloir.an, and chil dren's shoea al.-o dluerent kinds of gorges, middy ties and bra'd. Ow .ns offered Tennis Oxfords , thrte pair for a dollar. Think o fit! Slot) Ladies pumps and oxfords to ' r,o for $1.00 and others at bargains. I went to Fowler's, and a lady cane fir and asked one of tho lead--Irs clcks to show hpr some of the things they hid for a dollar, the cbrk said. ' I don't know of any fspciai th'nir, but I mn assure you when you buy anything here , you n'woys tnt your dollars worth." Fowler has also pot in his fall froodn in the weo'en lire. Melh-k off -red busin , men, a" well rn other". mnt hnrealns, rnd - I wonder who wa first at Mellek's and not ?l.ee) worth free. Some howekeeper T hope. I ernrclally noticed the fine dis p'av cf ctff g'ass in Louis Scg window'. ' S. T. Flff's rV bons. hats and tm'on sti't. were irdeed a .jrnt bargain. The Apothecary l-hop offered good soda fountain drinks.t sm sure many enjoyed.- " Mitchell h bargains for won and women were pre if and the first country bargain 1 tiyer received on uar. i will wptch The Advance and sea who pot It. We-ks ft Sawyver offered splen did bargains to men. also a free gift to their, first buyer with their ndvert'sment from The Advance. The City Drug Store also offered pp'cndld bargains. 4 I am but twelve years old and We have the Following Glasses: , Pay $ .25 each week for forty weeks amounts to $10.00 Pay $ .50 each week for forty weeks amounts to $20.00 Pay $1.00 each week for forty weeks amounts to $40.00 CLUB CLOSES cannot remember, ten years back, out people say the town has grown considerably, and I do know It Is growing larger every day. , V think" the llinton Building and Mr. Robinson's house add a great deal to Main street. There are now so many automo biles in Eliza' eth City that the peo ple thought it best to make ' new ftret laws, making everybody time and hith on the rt.;ht side, ami 1 think it a jod idi, bttuse there will n il bo so many accidents, but it ;s lrir. for our hor-.es to pet ac tus:onie(l to tuin the riirht. way. Olie of t'.:e .r.ost attractive thinps I saw in K'izaheth City to beautify the twon was tho s;:ary beautiful Canna L'ilies growl::?;, and In bloom in front of many horrrs, and (.round tl.o public buildings. .Another thing I noticed was "the c1eanl:reis of the town, even on the outs' iits tho p cple are growing more particular. The Dollar Day was so sileces.-fj I hoe they wi.l continue to have thorn, and wlille we country people also town peopb are interested in beautifying our homes, and tryiai; to dress hp neat, and cheap as wo can, we onsht to look out for thy duentlcn-.l pait ;n cur homes, and by that I fi'ean have good maiiizireis and papers to keep up with the woiKli.'iftil si rides our people are making In many impri-v-'ttionts that are bum:; made. Ther" fs ro tniich golr.; on rfsV here in our own town, and surround ing counties that we need our home papers, arid none will keep us bet ter posted thin the d-'.ir o, Ad varc, and while the fire di-iday of i bargains in each store 1 v'sited ln ( ternstnd tun, 1 think that if I could ; have viM'ed The Advance o'Sr.o. and seen bow and where they print onr frn, that keeps us po("d on al! important things that hajipen 1 wou'ri have tren even more inter ested. As I visit Elizabeth City often and always notice some Improve ment I will close now with best w'shes The Advance and Its family. Your little friend and reader, Grade B. Davis, It. P. D. No. 1, Ape 12 years. REMODKf.LIXO SUITS -- Have your cbl KUik rcmodrlej Into the latent style at moderate cost. We are prepared to do this work now; but next inorh we will he tco busy. MITC HELL'S DEl'T. STOKE. .NOTICE Mlrs Elizabeth Ilaker will open her mtrlc studio for pn pils So tembf r IS, 1910. Vlease register at once f"r hours. The New England Conservatory Method of Dos'on taught. NOTICE -Mrs. M. C. Smith will open her private s'hool. September lth, Xlcrlit Sehooi from to 9:30 o'clock. 407 First street. City. FOR LENT 1 DO nere farm, me ni'lir from C'ty limits, fio acres in hieh s a'e of cultivation. Aboi'i ! acres in pasture lot, " aers m wood lots all tinrtor rood frr.ren, eqiiippeil with latest Im provrj farp'lnt; implements. A ply nt th s office, ff The Advance. REAL HOUSE CLEANING When you start to get your home ready for Spring remember there s nothing so cleaj as ramt and ar nlshi , And nothing so beautlfving to get the best results use 8tao SemFPatte Paint on 'tie ouK.'do No. 61 Var nlsh on the InBlde Satisfaction will e your reward SHARBER & WHITE HOW. CO. WANTED Salesman for People's Bargain Store. Must have experi ence. Steady position. Apply In per son O. F. GILGERT. S. 15,17. JUNE Cor. Fearing and Poindexter Sts., Elizabeth City, - N. C. W.C.T.U. Meets On Wednesday The W. O. T. V. will mest Wed nesday afternoon at the home of the pros dent, Mrs. Clay Foreman on Wet Main street. 'i lila is the first meeting after thr Milliliter vacation and is, thcrelore, a very important on". All mem hers limed to be present. The State Convention of the W. C T. V,. meets in Wiiininpton on October itn and at Wednesday af ternoon's meeting de'.eat s will be elected to this convention Other important business will also come up before the Union. MEETS TUESDAY AFTERNOON The T). U. Hill chw ter, V. II. C. wl! meet Tuesday a'ternoon at 3 " ) at the home of Mrs. J. II. White on Wejt Main street, This is tho ili-it lre.tln cf th? fall and a very Important c;v. All member!) are ur' d to ; e pres nt. Rally Day i September 24 Th" Sin lay S'b'iol of I'.laekwpl! "enior'jil ehurdi Is planning to be .in th" fall work ri'iw that all mem 'Ti l are 1,.t-U fmni vacation, with ; hit n'l" da- at which l.oni) Is the ti, ark sit for attendance, A special program is bolni? pre pared for th1 occasion one f-ature ot v hirh "ill le'musie by the varl mis depnrtments cf the school. The date set for ltally Day, Sun day September 24th, marks the c'ore of Mr. Loftin's tenth year as pa tor of the Fhn kwell Memorial church. Judge Harry AVhedhee of Green ville, who Is presiding at the week's term of superior court now In ses s'on here, rrlved In the city this morning. r 7W 16, 19.17 Betsey Enrols 30 Members Norfolk, Va., Sept. 16 As the re sult of a flying visit to Elizabeth City, N. C, yesterday 11. O. Nichols secretary and Garland P. Feed, mem lioi ship secr tar..', sue ceded in add ins lit) in w names to the roster of th? Tidewa'cr Autumombllo associa lion. 1 lie a liiit.imi of this luro list Irani tho Ni ih. Carolina city peaces the membership above tho 800 mark Men who assisted the local olllclala in yesterday's campaign are confi dent that the El zabcth City enroll ment can be brotmht to 5') heloro an ith r v e k goes by . The Nerfdlk s" rstaiios were as sisted by L. R Foreman, who will ' b3 secretary f.or Ellabcth City, and j by Camd-n Hin.le . They b ft lu re i by train yesterday mernlne, s-cur I in the 30 n'!W mcrabvrs b'f ire re- J turning fn the aft'ri;T.on. Each of these men will he enrol! ed as non resident members. They will establl-h an Elizabeth City branch of the association, w t, h' a l quarters anil fin Information bureau. In addition to the EU.abeth City rii -mbi'is, I u. CL:i r N. lasury of i Virginia Peach, and (jenr;e II. Todd cf Norfolk have ffbd applications for resilient member-hip. The new North C.iroliaa tn'iulers secured yesterday nr as follow 1 " Dr. M. M. Harris. Darius Wh;te, W. P. Wool. J. A. Kramer, U C. Blades, Chai. H Hoblnson. p. M. Oriee. .Tr, E. F. Aydlett. Jr.; Auto Gas 'Engine works, Southern Auto ft Ma-lne works, C. It. Wilkinson, Dr. II. D. Walker, Dr.W. H. Peters, J. r. Lambrjrt. W. C. Jackson, Dr. I. FeariniT, J. M. Weeks, P. If. ZieubT and son, J. E. Ccrnmnndcr, M. L. Clark. J. II. Ayd'tt, W. n. Foreman. Charles Reld. lrL Sexton, who are yojir cus tomer, drlnk'mj your distilled water? The largest, brnjped peo ple In Ellzibeth City. This pure water fs cheaper than typhoid fe ver. It ' delivered at your home or place of business for or.ly five cents a gallon. The only pure water In town. O. H. SEXTOy. Manager. J t Funeral Of Mrs. FraleyJ The funeral service of Mrs. Pen ilia Fraley was held at hr home at 118 North Head street Friday afternoon. The service was eondtu ted bf lu-v. J. L. CunrJnttKiiii of tho First Methodist church and interment followed in Hollywood cenn trry. Mrs. Fra'ey was born In York, Pennsylvania and her g rlhood days wi r. spent at Altoono. Pa., where she was married to Mr, Samuel Fra ley, who tiled heie throe yours ato. , Mrs. Fraley Is burvived by six children, who were here to attend ' t'-e f-n'ral: Mis. Fred Fb.her of i Kan Pa. Mr. John Fraley cf Tar 1 I oro, Mr. m Fraley of Mexico, : Mo, Mr. William Fraley 0f Fort an t Mrs. Frd MeDou ral, both KlUile'h City. of , JfMakcs Successful Chase J. .TV. Shores returned Saturday trom Plymouth where ho was called to run down tho robber who on the or -vi ius I'liit had broken Into tho uti re of J L. . L 'ary of that, place yhores' dupe trailed the buclars from the stor- to the hone! of a negro named Lem liiount and two n i:;o youth's Hvlna at the house, one ef tie in P.'ouiilY .' on was ar ro.iti d for th.. offense and lolged In jail to await trial OBSERVE STATE MISSION DAY The Wornan'a MIssionery socety cf Phckwell Memorial church will observe State Mission Day, Tues day from 10 o'clock in the morning until two in tho afternoon. CLASSES. GIVE SOCIAL The Ilerean ana Fidells Classes of Rlackwell Memorial churrh will have a social Tuesday evening at eight o'clock In the church annex. All new and o'd members are in vited. C. A. Ranks, who has been visit ing his daughter, Miss Mattle Banks on Burgess street, left Sunday night for Greenville.

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