i DITORJAL The Agony Column Jeieph r'.-ele. Ass?:iate Ediic. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY -Subscription Kates ly Mail: 13 months 'n it Ivance $2 50 6 months in adw.m'e 1 .25 3 months in advance 75 1 month in advance -." Subscription Ila'-s hy Curri'-: J week ' 1 month -S' 1 mouth in ad vane 20c A wise he id r n ( o'if.ii. s a 'great deal of foolMint .ss. Every man is ciiMil"d to -u ;t (COrdlnK t his own on . !' i'Hi:;- ai,d ft few do. A flood of told umiinurs to po-.ir IntO th s country, i ut d iin-.l little Of It reaches this office. There seems no end to the hcihis to' Which women -attain. One ia re pOTte& to have been in a Zeppelin that raided over London. The price of Tlic Advance to ci'y ubscribers 1h now five cents per week. Have your nickel ready for the collector on Saturday. When a wise man talks you learn ft few things In fewer words. When loud mouth opens you hear noth ing but noise. Wise buyers read the ads before they go to the store to spend their money. If the nd isn t there they don't read it. The wise merchant Will take the hint. There are good qualities in all people, hut some folks appear to lie making desperate efforts to eon , Tlnce the public that they are the exceptions to the rule. There's a certain ad in the paper tomorrow which we think will save you several doll irs If you will read " and take advantage of what it of fers. But it s up to you to hunt it np and dig it out. We've handed ; ' you the hint. Yei, w" love you deirly , buf don't let that prevent, you from giv ing us business. Love won't settle our grocrrv and rn(ll hills. And here's wishing you unlimited prosperity w'th the further hope that a little df it may wander n- round our way. Don t fortjet tht Christmas days are again drawing near. Don't for get tht merchants in this town have the goods tht you want to buy for hole Christmas days. Don't forget that every dollar you spend with a local merchants remains In local cir "CUlatlon and enriches the community Juat that much. Don't forget that every dollar you spend outside of thia town remains outside and de creases the money 111 local circula tion Just that much. Dont foregt that an advertisement of a local merchant in this paper Is an indica tion that the merchant Is prepared to "make good' or he would not re port to publicity in soliciting your trade. Don't forget the pood adver- . tltrr Is generally a 'live wire," and that live wlrrs are better than dead ones. WANTED Young man willing to work on commission to o solicit aubscrlptlonr lo The Advance. Daily and Semi-weekly, In the country. Ap ply ly letter. : No time to watte on applicant! ''who' apply "without ap pointment. J ' . - "-' '"- 1 j rA vn tf MJHT I.LKOKE LAST 1 V. .S J 1ST UE1TING -RLADV TO , KITE AN EFFUSION ,-,. iHlS COLUMN " TO Al HEAR IN YESTERDAY'S PAPER SO THAT I WOULDN'T HAVE TO AGONIZE QUITE SO MUCK NEXT DAY WHEN A I KMI.K "A I'l'XV VOICE OVER THE TELEPHONE SAID ,R 1EFIE. U (IN T VOL' PLEASE TELL ME WHAT TIME THE MOON RISES?" THUNDERSTRUCK 1 GAZED OUT ER THE SHIMMERING PASQUOTANK, AND-'ANSWEKED AS GALLANTLY AS CIRCUMSTANCES WOULD ALIiOW "FAIR ONE, THE MOON IS EVEN NOW SHINING" AND aEIKK THAT I WASN'T A'.II.E TO AGONI.E CAN YOU IlLAME ME? S mm mm HI UlnIL I Hill I "THE WAIFS" AT ALKRAMA 'The waifs" is said to lie one of the most unusual stories ever told In mot on pictures. The scene in whith the interior of a cathedral is leproduecd Is especially com mented upon for the fidelity of re production of detail. The principal roles are taken by Win Desmond and Jane Grey, the latte'r a Broadway star of success in a w'de Held of drama and comedy. 'The WaifV is one of the attrac tions aj the Alkrama for tonight. NOTIct Sale of ValinhU; I'ropert Iiy virtue of the power vested in me as trustee in a certain trust ex ecuted to me by William VVoodhouse and wile Jennie, daletl November l!8th. i:i8 and recorded in Regis ter of Deds office for this (ounty in Ro.ik 32 pae H8I. I will on the 1th. day of November 191 il, at twelve o'clock n; sell for cash to the highest bidder at the Court House in said county the following described propeity situated in Eliza heth City, N.C. First Lot being num ber 12 on the plat of Yost & Preyor of Preyor Town aJid for further do-f-crtption of said lot see deed from Tilli:im Yost and wife Mary Yost and others to William Woodlious" dated September 14th. 1!D7 and re corded In Bcok l?2 page 371. Sec end lot being lot Number li on said plat and for futher description see deed from William Yost and wife Mary Yot and others to Wil liam Woodhouse dated Decern! or 16th. l!ii)7. Each of the said lots fronting on Butlars Lane 40 feet and extending br.ck 80 feet. For fur ther description see plat of Preyor Town in Book 21, page 603. description see plat of Preyor Town in Book 21 page (i03. J. G. M1NSON. Trustee. Pro J. R. I.EIQH, Atty. This the 4th dnv of October 191fi. oct 5121920 Invitations hve been rece'ved In the city from Mr. and Mrs. John Lane Strahl to tie marriage of their daughter. Ml;s Clara Grace Strahl. to Mr. William Thcmas Love, Jr.. on Wednesday, Octoter the twenty fifth at halt past one o'clock. Blackwell Memorial Baptist church. DANCING CLASS BEGINS Dancing class began last evening In the Robinson lUll and will be taught each Monday, Wednesday md Friday evening hy Latiner Com mander. V ttrola music is furnished. ' M PORTA NT NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS '."ic p : t : i i i The Advance to th - o ciber wishe to pay for It ' h" wee'- i ; now 5 cents week The pri tt.e year Is J2.5H if I'aaid in atiwine- or $:i.ni) if paid p h n i h ' t:.e i up. lor a limited jinie we will accept -snb: riyt or.s itniil next July for m.i.'O ;n edvam e REAL HOUSE oLEANING When you start to get your noma ready for 3prlng remember there a nothing so tleaa aa rain, and var Dish. And nothing ao beautlfrlng to get the beat rea&Ita nae Stan Seml-Paat Paint en the ontr.de No. 61 Var nlah on the inalde ; ; v ,.j . '- ' r . . . - : 1.: ' Satisfaction win re your reward SHAPCER A WHIIT HDW. CO. Locals Harlty Me.ids ot Norfolk passeil through the cit today on his wa to Weeksville for a hifnting trip and a visit to h'.s naih-r, Mrs. John Meads. t r. Mrs. Mack Kleteh r cf Bayside K h r- today hro ing. Mi s Kate Wood has returned ir-ini N riolk where slie has bo-n visliin.H her bothei, Mr. Charl- ,'oc.(l. '''io s m:i.I rvo:i',g treatment at Si. ine-nt !i:- ii.;il I ' if .I'll Id. 1; I .1' ".cs of Lenoir - -ut S;mhI iy in t h- ( i'y t O'ney l(. L Banks of dates ile h;:s rc!u;n (I l.oir.e after visit ing bis parents on West Main st. Dii-trit.t Attonv y .1 O Carr of WMmltr-ton is here attending F"ed eral court. .Miss Ida Bray of Indiintown was .n th' city Situr.lay. W. A Doxey c.f Poplar B-.'.neh was In tthe citv Tuesday. E West(ott of Manteo was in the city Monday. W T. Dortch of Goldsboro. United States Marshall for 'his dis'rict. Is h-r- attending Federal cour . Mrs. W. H. Gallop or Jarvisburg was in the city Monday. V. W. Sears of Alio: kie w:u in the citv Monday. Wm. N Hayman left Wednesday to isit his s sf t in I'-tershura; Charlie lluss '.v left W-dnesd;y for a vi it to h s brother at City Point, Va. S. L. Dosher of Manteo was in ihe rity Wednesday. (Congressman John 1!. Small oi Washington was i the city Wednesday. John Broughton of Hertford is at tending Federal Court here this week . T. S. Mocl,i ;s of iianteo was '!i die citv Wedne d.iy. Slier. IY A. H Davnport of Man too is att' :tding Federal court. T. C. Morg n of the Berca tection was in the city today. IHEKPf5JQJ5UCCESS PROM YOUR INVENTIONS Send (or bee booklet explaining how to obtain Protective Patent and Legal Tiade Marks LbeU regiitefed. Copyright tecured tad Detig Pitentt obtuncd TWENTY-FIVE YEARS' EXPERIENCE a HOWLETT ' DAVIS. wRBUtil Patent Attorney NOT EVEN THE BE TER BABIES WILL ATTRACT MORE ATTEN TION THIS YEAR .uiltish, N. C. Oct. 11 -The Home Demonstration Division will branca out .n its exhibits at the State Fair this year, and njt oaly will it show products canned in ghss from the different counties organized in Cann ing C.ub work, but wiii show in six oooths the different industries being taught the woaien and girls who be long to the Home Demonstration Clubs. la I ooth No. 1 Mrs. Or. tin n itayne. rne of the he'd agents, a-, -i-cd .y Miss Marcie Albertsa ; ; i-..-111'ot .nk. will hae ins.:u!.-d a ;tge oid-fa. hioned loonl. and nei.i .-n si. tl.e weaving of nii;s and cur ta ns, ;:nd on a small hand loom s-h will we.:ve sam; l's of cl th and tap estry. Booth No. will show haske'j '.( .n of pine needles) shucks and, i' -tr;'w, ihile on the other side 'i ihe I, ooth d; nionsf rations of ero.;;- tiM'li enibr liiiery will lie in pro-- r ss S )nie of th" l::lia have done, -.ell :t w ,rk in both of these in .a tri' .-. th- c-os-sti ih finding n marKet in I hiladelphia. and the has kit- all over Ihe North. Miss Rhodes the a', ent fcr Chowan county w 11 demonstrate, with the aid of Mis-; !'ick ns. of Johnston Count), cross ti ch ;r.:d haslet nnkitif? Booth No. :l will contain the home . onvcuier.i cs which hnve b'e l n 'nilu d iiMo 'h d fferi'nt c'v.!TTi it North (' to ina ami Miss Grace Seine1'!--", assistant to Mr-. McKjin--lon. v.- II i:enionst r-.j( .;i,' .cti:. r.il se - !'r l ss (ook r, r.n Un less : e' ; r.itor. an ir inin- hoaril. Ilo.ir iuo,i. roller tray, fly !rap. etc lio )i. No 4 will house two younf l i imiiiK chili girls, who will dsmon .tr t" the eannng of leans, tomi: tecs ami pimentos Mrs. Morri wii' sh :w in this looth the differon iroducts canned by the girls, hov th , ari p-cko conimerciallv atul just how to ser.e them. A beautlf'i' ivIi' it of eommerciil jalll-s wll-al-. be shown here. In I ooth No. R Mrs. Henley, fielr! agenCand J!l-a Eunl:eTPenny7a;ent" f:r Davidson County, will show how to dresa a fowl fcr market, how ta pack and grade eggs, and the differ ent parcel post paccagea In which they may be ahlpped. In toith No. 6 MIaa Jamison, Home Demonstratipn assistant, will preside over a modern kitchen, and will show how to serve j a well bal anced meal, how to make delectabfe dishes and how to conserve time by the use cf the flreless cooker. Miss Jamis:n will be assisted by Miss Annie Lee Rankin, agent from Meoklenbnrg. The Urse Canning Club booth will te prslded ovr by Mrs. Estelle Smith, of Wayne County, and Misa Ola Stephenson of Guilford. WANTED White man with fam ily to work In lor; woods andrun boarding house. DARE LUMBER CO. tf Sept 12 Elizabeth City N ( A1AGAZINE. c D0O ARTICLES -300 niUSTRATTONSI - - flrEEP informed of the WorWs Procicta M r Eocineerinc. Mechanics and Invtntioa. Fori K tner ana son na Ail m amily. it apoeaui u w im nnnu fhiiim im uooiufMi ewikiMfkiKl U world. Owforaicm Comuteii mn oatutly aa th watck lor ftkimfls mmm mmA Ibiiiib ui kft A fWrittM laYau Cm UmlraiMl III -- v oo tsiaav tnnna uta noma. ' 1 (IT Pm or tha Bot, audi J' ta U ka to aiaka kiafl aow to awke W inJ I'" isuarapa initnta, usinaa. KoUa. snow NMa, Jlr;t Jived Farnitura, ata. OoaUias la pwautrfaa tot tha "f-haalu "iim aad SmrtMaaa - w tam tmmt comes, POPULAR MECHANICS MAGAZINE w ut. V 4-V.A fr- f . W BBS 5c the Oyster Cracker that makes the best oyster better. Serve them with soups, salads, chowder, etc. They will add to your reputation as a hostess. Alwayfrpik. At all trocars. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY SALE At acrifice ttaMOMaMaaw V " , ,-S M - v -- -s? ? V t to ft 26 it Cabin Cruiser Complete , in every way. Electric Lighted7 heavy sleeping cushions, engine in perfect order, 12 h. p. Kermeth Bosch Magneto. Speed 8 miles or better. Will sell boat house if wanted.

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