X, adies Suits at reduced prices at Mitchells RECENT purchase of ladies fine suits at considerably under value enables us to make the most startling prices in suits we have offered this season. We have divided them into four lots and they will be sold at the the following prices: A LOT NO. 1 LOT NO. 2 LOT NO, 3 LO T NO. 4 About 60 suits all colors and Here you get a bargain which This is the pick of the lots for You can find values up to $40.CO sizes. They are the latest style and you don't usually find. All up to vaiueaDOut jot) suits. They are in this lot and Pficed at a figure to the best value we have seem any- the minute suits. They are regular - - ' suit most anyone who appreciates where at the price. $18 and $20 values ' values up to $25 and $30. fine tailoring and style. $12.50 suit $i4.75 suit $19.75 suit $25.00 suit Ko " MDTGIHIEILIL'S Ladies atDresses Or Charged Elizabeth City's Greatest Store Special Prices J.B.FLORA CO. Wholesale Grocers and Tobacconists and Dealer in Hay, Lime and Cement O M Fancy Flour "There is None Better" 99 Fancy Patent Flour and Uncle Remus Se'f Rising Flour Atlas Portland Cement-The standard by which all other makes are measured. Wrenn's Buggies-The best at moderate Cost LOADED SHELLS A SPECIALTY Phone 38 Elizabeth City. N. C n Linoleums and Oil Cloths are advancing in price every day. Buy now while our present stock lasts. .Extra quality, now on hand, 1.00 per yard. Take a look at our large stock of furniture of all kinds. ' C)ol nights, good sleeping weather, if vou are well supplied with a soft mattress and pillows, comforts, blankets and bedspreads. We have them at prices to please you. Handsome rugs and druggets, We make a speci ilty of picture framing. We sell a beautiful line of pictures in the frame. Very desirable for home decorations. MARKHAM &. FEREBEE Buy at Home" Corner Main and Wat:: Streets l ILLINOIS LEGISLATURE TO CON i SIDER CONSERVATION OF CHILDREN (By United Tress) Springneld, 111., Nov. 27 When the legislature cf I linois convenes next January, an amendment will b' offeie'l to the child-labor law to prohibit the employment of chi'dmi under 16 years except during vaca tion, recommended by Oscar V. Nel son, of Chicago chief State factory Inspector. ("The conservation of the child Is the foundation upon which any kind of preparedness must rest," Kelson said today. He dec'ared that the present condition of highly spe cialized Industry has removed any chance of a child's surviving Ions term employment without bad ef fects. "The boy bandit problem can lie traced to the rebel'lon of the youth against blind alley employment," he said. "The state must fRe the situ ation now and the most profitable to meet is la to prohibit the em ployment of all children under Hi years except during school -vacation." At present children in I'linols be- I tween 1.4 and 1fi are a'lmveil to work the year around under cfrt.iin li notations a ln,urs of la'.'or. They must have a certificate to sh.; th:.l conditions have been cir.ii.li' d with J HERE TO SERVE YOU With Fine Groceries and Provisions Through many years of successful business, SERVICE has been our motto. Are you one of our many satisfied custoxers? Wholesale and Retail Groceries THE M. P. GALLOP COMPANY Water Street ' Phone 57 K-&X3 l UK." 1 jXMUZKIVS Z.'S.SiZAUEX&H'ZKXB. YOUR THANKSGIVING COOKIES I Fruits, vegetables, nut?, candies, and other delica cies should be purchased today while there is time to select and a large stock to select from. We carry a fresh stock of everything you could Wish to make a complete Thanksgiving Dinner. Our grocery department is complete in every re spect, and our goods are always fresh, clean and whole some; our prices so reasonable that you cannot cffonl to trade elsewhere. Morriscltc '& Perry J Phone 820 Poindexter Street . Orders Filled Promptly j ; BALTIMORE STEAM PACKET GO BAY Steamers leave Norfolk 6: JO PM., daily, and on Sundays November 12th and 26, December 10th and 24th, anJ alternate Sundays thereafter until fur thef notice. On Sundays theOId Bay Line h.is no steamer failing tickets routed via that line wijl be fionored for as sa?e by the Chesapeake Steamship Company. Where Cleanline Reigns Where , prompt atten tion is given to all Pritchard BarberShop Poindexter St. COTTON, GRAI J. PROu'JCE CL1HAECTH CITY, U. C. C'JYING TC-P.W Ncnvi-ibor 2". 1!'!h COTTON JitJll'nS --- Mii'(i;iH EGGS lien lure, per dozen SELLING TO-DAY Ft -01' : Frtap-co, U'st pit nt 1 Kcyal ! C it AIM OAtss inr h ishel J CoE-n, lie r I a middlings r R w A: Js, i't baft HAS PERFECTION SMOKElEMOa HEATERS Who's Afraid of Chills? The wind can howl at the eaves, and the frost spin traceries on the window panes but not a single chill gets near the youngster. For his bath, beside his crib; your own dress ing, a "cozy breakfast table get a Perfection Smokeless Oil Heat?r. n.f- -It's ruick to Wat, durable, dependable. Inex pensive to. buy and to use. As easy to carry about as a work-basket, and good-looking wherever you leave it. The comfort insurance today of more than 2,000,000 homes. A9k any good department store, furniture or hardware i dealer. Use Aladdin Security Oilfor beat reult STANDARD OIL COMPANY - BALTIMORE Chftrln't. N C. ChmlfMon, W. V Cliutlt'-tnn.H C t f 1. Tiim.ili or ton - tWh 24-: J Vv'-e- iV r.c. f W S Vn I :' tils, utv-z -rnr i mj- ' v. ' ' '! '. ... 9 W I1M tUftii ITBr I Wi wwiiiii w mi, n ni ,1 .11 i " I 1 -u. -1 -. -"m.hmmj t!.u.j.i..i-w. mmmmmM.JlU HU.IL1BE i -: -my r T-. .-r I i - "if -'-s.,:- - . -V.'.v.v-i .'W r $21.00 D t' '. 1 j i 1 t 1 3 .