i^eekii Mount fleeord. PUBLISHED EVERY THI KSDAY BY THE|roCKY MOUNT PLBI.ISHIXG COMPAXY. ^hn r/fi VUL. IX., NO. 24. ROCKY MOUNT. N. C.. I'HfifcDAY. JUNE 14 1906. PRICE 5 CENT I rocal News. beautiful IntcTfhtifig Jtcm.s Picked Up ,'foro and There ind Put In Htuid.ihU: f nrnt. ..tiirvii hAii u>ught Mr. «i\*8 restaurant on WMh- on street. Mr. T. C. Rowland last week bought from Mr. W. T. Williford, a rcsidencc on Rose street, the consideration be* ing $3,420. Mr. W. L. Middleton last week bought from the Rocky Mount Insusr- ance & Realty Co. the store on Main Btrt'oc at preHont occupied by Blount lin»s. Co. Mr. VV. L. (Iroomand Geo. L. Par* ker, two of the town's prominent citi zens. have been very ill for the paat week or so. We are glad to state that the condition of^th is improved. Dr. M. K. Braswell and W. E. Par- ri»h last week bought the residence of Mr. Richard on comer of Washington atvd «treet*» It \a vjrn« Tiif proj>€rty of the Jordan heirs wad sold Saturday by order of court. Thiii is the buikJing and land on Main street where now stands Mr. R. L. Skinner's saloon. It was sold for $3.* 750* It was bought by Mr. Skinner. Governor Glenn, upon the request of the County Commissioners of Nash county revoked the order recently made for a special term of Nash Court, for the trial of civil cases, which was callei for June 18. The docket will bt taken up later. Mr. H. H. Griffin, proprietor of ^he Hammond Hote , has begun the erec tion of a new hotel on his property just in front of the depot. Messrs. Daughtridge & Son of this place, have awfirdeil the contract, which calls for iU) completion Xor uoeup*tMm Nfrv#»mhor thty firnt. Among tiK* handsome contributions sent Mis« PearJ Jones for her bravery in shooting the negro who atumpted un tti^sault on her last Sunday morning was a handsome locket and chain by the ofTice force of the A. C. L. Kail Road at South Rocky Mount. The locket was handsomely engraved on one side with a monogram of her initials “P E. J/’ while on the other side are the words “From Office Forces S. Ry. Mt. Quite a commotion was caused Sat> urday evening on Rail Road Street by the overturning of a buggy In whfch Mr. Arnold and Mr. Lewis were driv ing. The overturning of tne Huggy was due to ihe wheel slipping on the rail road tie as he was in the act of turn ing’ from Tarboro up Rail Hoad Street. ^io on^ V/an liurl by the accldcnt ftnd i due to the Kont\en«»» of tv»e l»orse 1 V>UKKy wikrt dama^Oil V>ut little. The Btrike of the Boiler M&kers at the Rail Road Shops here which was noted in last weeks issue continues with out uny change. All the men and ap prentices still stick to their demands and not a person has gone back to work. With today at noon they have been out two weeks. Mr. J. S. Chambers of Wilmington, Superintendent of Motive Power for the A. C. L., was here Tues day,but refused to make any statement. Miss Nina Moore, who lives at the homeof herstepfather.Mr.Sam BMwards on Rose street, was awakened from her slumbers about 3:30 or 4 o’clock Wed nesday morning by someone crawling on the floor near her bed. She scream ed and the miscreant fled by way of the wirulow through which he had en tered. Miss Moore was so frightened «\\M cou\il not v^Vvet-her It was a negro or a white person. As yet there is no clue to the person. ■ An alarm of fire was turned in Satur day morning i>bout8 o’clock from the 4th wanl, which proved to be the new Steam Laundry which began work only a few weeks ago. The fire was just outside the building and was caused by the gas generator bursting. The gen erator was in a small wooden structure and thfs coupled with the fact that there were several gallons of gasoline )n the tank made it quite a blaze. The damage was about $40, covered by in surance. The proprietors request us to state that this will in no way retard the work otthe laundry. HkIm a Edwaxb thu we- oeived a aolid e*r load of .‘i'hii.j.jMi li. Brewer iMt week bought Mr. U •X P. B KYbfcS”; llOi St Kl RNtD Six Persons Narr..wi. >: Wiih lives I-. K. ujMsr was awakened about 2 o’clock Tuesday morning by the noise of cracking wood, lie opened his from Mr, T. C. Coleman a piece of land i bed room door and was met by a vol- 50 fe«t facing Main street and 110 feet I ume of smoke and flame. He then at- deep, on the comer of Western Avenue and Uain slre«t. The officers of the ?*re8byterian church met last night to decide upon a plan for a new church. They will begin building at once a handsome brick itnict- ure to cost about $12,000. Mr W. S. Moye received a Tuesday that Tom Littleton, the Rocky Mount horse that is commonly known u the Herring horse, had won |an im- portarit race at Baltimore in the 2:22 class going the fifth heat in 2-17 1-4. At"the re^lar meeting of the Pyth ians Monday night the following oflic era were elected: J. P. Shearin, C. C.; W. D. Gresham, V. C.; R. B. 0//en» P ; D. R. C»peU«.M. M. f:.: c:'v:'««wn, of [of tho^ up..tain, was t!. A3..Z. Z. Mann. I. G.; J. W. Thur r man, O. Q. openn - Last Saturday night Policeman Car- ter arrested Horace Faign, colored, on | flames so ■••h.- hravelv a warrant charging him with entering rcceivol the home of Elijah Turner, with feloni ous intent, who lives on Mrs. W. R. Winstead’s farm several miles from Rocky Mount. Faign worked for Tur ner ajid he is charged with entering the home a week before his arrest. He was discovered by Mrs. Turner, who was awakened it is alleged, by Faigh touching her while asleep. She scream ed and the person ran, but left his cap which Mr. and Mrs. Turner state be longed to Faigh. The latter when ar rested came along with Policeman Car ter without resistance, but when the policeman was locking him up, he broke Ilxc > ♦'..Moir * I )AUOHIRH)G«i-joiner ptc In GrfUiiooru. Greensboro, June 8—There was cel ebrated here last night at the !home of the bride's parents on West Gastoo street a most brilliant wedding, wh«n .Mr. William Maurice Daughtridge, of Rocky Mount, son of Hon. E. L. Daughtridge, received as his bride the ■’JESS' fLAIN ULD ZEB VANCE” tempted to go up-stairs to warn the six occupants upon that floor, but was beaten back by the flames. How hor rible his mental condition must have betn at that time can be imagined, for newspaper correspondent, he thought that all occupsnts up-stairs The residence was artistically dec- would peiish. The persons up-stairs j orated, and the wedding took place w were his daughter. Miss Virginia, his the parlor before an elaborate altar of telegram I two sons, Vernon and Howell, his father ' moral loveliness. At each side uf this - EJitorlal In Ibc Louis- »illt Courier-Journal. (Louiaville Courier-Journal. I , , r esteemed contemporary. The illy Obaerver, of the good city of l^arlotte. in the renowned Old Tar ate, calls our attention —the Observer i ly lined: beneath '*hoee fol(?s he carried , , ready for use, »it ami phiosophy, poe-, l«»mrning — ^ ‘ lovely and accomplished Mis.s Mary |nothing unnoticed to a case of Lee Joyner, daughter of Mr. Andrew i *^^r»ight, not of neglect, on the part Joyner, the well known and succeasfull°^^heCoutier-Journal. Coui^lc-Journal was in a mood. The pa?t put its touch # m it—the tragic past- and, little ts»rfully, !.[ us confess, it was looking at, aant masiodian Be*k mad* ^maM ^ re- tensions -and along with tlKoc. a lieart as big as a meeting houae. (loJs. w ith w hat tr-.3k03 hf smote the Money IVvil: with what satire and in vective. with what knowledge of the j old beasts peculiar curves; with what prophet’s instinct and reach of arms: j2^urelu spmdiog a few days with her Mrs. U. F. Oau^rfitridgr. Uen* About People Who Q)me and Go Mr. F. A. Hyman left Monday for business trip to Wilson. in-law, Rev. J. K. Howell and two ^ there were pillars draped with while young men in his employ, Me.ssr«. Z-no and wound with daisy chain.s, each aup- ■MannandJ. L. Cherry. ' porting a candelabra holding lighted Upon realizing his inahilty to get up- tapers. The altar itself wa.s bankid stairs and warn the occupants of their j with palms and ferns, while the room danger, Mr. Kyser states he was para-1 was ornamented with a profusion of lyzed with horror to such an extent! ferns and dai.se». propi»:. . , Saturday and lord, lord, bow hia fingers did knock I to relativea in Oxford. , them out with lluii wondrous display of remin-i power and pathos when he on^e recited The Song of tht Shirt?” Who for for a apparently for purU unknoivn. Last Thursday was a big day for the Confederate Veterans who assembled here in large number to attend the ex ercises and dinner given by the Daugh ters of the Confederacy Bethel Heroes Chapter. Meeting in the opera house prayer was offered by Rev. J. K. How ell. This was followed by a sot.g by Mrs. Geo. J. Hales, who thrilled her au dience with the melody of her voice and the beautiful sentiments of the song. Mrs. M. R. Braswell accompan ied her as pianiast. Misses Tempie Whitehead, Ella Lee Morman and Annie Lee Bunn acted as ushers. Hon. B. H. Bunn in faultless style and choice and appropriate language and senti ment introduced the speaker of the occasion, Lieut. Governor Francis D. Winston.fThe latter’s speech was a gem. apace‘to if. for It waa' mucb appreciated and en- joy«Kl and was an able one from every point of view. After the exercises and speech a fine barbecue dinner was served and all told it was a pleasaoit oc casion indeed for the old veterans. An Alarming Situation frequently results from neglect of clog ged bowels and torpid Uver, until con stipation becomes chronic. This condi tion is unknown to those who use Dr. King's New Life Pills; the best and gentlest 'regulators, of Stomach and Bowels. Guarnteed by Griffin’s Drag Store. Price 25c. r up -^f S>aut and Mnj. Ned Ricks» who live foiir miles from Rocky Mount, upon arising early Wednesday morning r t that a jroutiff white J — tty ttOouC alx W^«J#CO old, was lying in half of a telescope on their front porch. It was a tine healthy looking child and there was nothing to do but take care of the little stranger who was entirely too young to care whether he was welcome or not. Sev eral days later they gave the child to Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Melton who live near Dorches. Later Mrs. Ricks decid ed she wanted to adopt the little fellow and went to Mrs. Melton to secure pos session, but her heart had warmed to the Innocent little stranger and she said nay, nay. Sometime ago Blount Bros. Co. bought a piece of land on Main street abjoining Savings Bank building 40x 110 feet. Recently Mr. W. D. Cochran bought the same amount of land ad- joiningthe said named land. Now ~~l vvho are two of the in Rocky Monnt, have given a cdhiirt'-’t to D. J, Rose & Co. for the erection of a two story handsome brick strtucture to cover their entire land. The stores will be equipped with hand some inside fixtures and everything will be put in to make a modern build ing. Work will begin at once and the contract calls for their completion this year, The cost of the two stores will be in the neighborhood of $20,0(M). Smith-Griffin. We are in receipt of the following in vitations; Mr. and Mrs, T. C. Smith invite you to be present at the marriage of their daughter Nita Woodson to Mr. Thoa. Henry Griffin Wednesday evening June the twentieth nineteen hundred and six at five-thirty o’clock Saint Andrew's Presbyterian Church Wilmington, North Carolina. that in attempitin'T -s(/und an h»! couW only ■fh ■ -“Xf' -rif Hv- !lwt^ and t-.v Misrt Vir- Mcr d.Jor Wris met with fire and She t!)ought the only way to escape waijto burst I hroug)i ran through p;iinfu', but not serious burn. Mr. huwelland Vernon and Howell escap ! ...v c.a.viin^f out of a window ontu th;- fro;it porch and lel- ting themselve.«5 (]-»v. n I’.v n tree the limbs of which vverc uvt jeafiing iht porch. Messrs. Mur r'. an'] Cherry escapcd by ciimbing down the sewer pipe. In the meantime a shimII crowd had gathered and in a'.iout 20 minutes after the alarm a stream of • aier was turned on from tho wa*' T works. But the pre?r,ure was not stro’ g enough to put thp firp out and it moun!« d iiiirher and l73Tvi».«- il/t.d h,n- -P p’ortunately a rain iiafi wet house tups I and there wa.s littk-(hiiiAjer of the^jparks setting fire to other hou.‘^es. The fire engine was finally gotten to work and as usual this did the work. The fire company worked hard and kept a house adjoining not more than 15 fv^et away from burning, Mr. Kyser’s liouse and practically all his furniture were con sumed. The total loss is estimated at $6,0J0, with insurance $4,250. The origin of the fire is unknoA'n. It originated in the kitchen. It seems to us that this fire makes apparent the fact that this town needs better fire protection. We mean no reflection on the fire company, for the nembers of our fire company are most faithful and intelligent workmen and should and do receive the apprecia tion of the citizens ojt. the Lqwa*. But nre company ctiT»not- muKe pressure of the present system of water works. We don’t consider the fault lies at any man’s door. It is just the condition of the system. What is needed is to have conditions so that within a reasonable length of time after an alarm it will be possible to have strong streams of water playing on the fiames. It was the expressed opinion of a large number of thos* present at the fire that had the engine been throwing the streams of water first played on the fire that it would have extinguish ed the flames before the house was de stroyed. We pass it the town authori ties if it would not be money well invested to have horses ready to rush the engine out at the same time the present horses takes the hose reel. A gas burner could be arranged so as to keep the water hot in the engine all the time so that stoam couIl bo fcotten up in a few minutes. And .vi, would not be a bad idea to have two ' tire en gines. The Very Best Remedy for Bowel Trou ble. Mr. M. F. Borroughs, an old and well- known residentofBlufTton, Ind., Says: I rewrd Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as the very best remedy for bowel trouble. I make this statement after having used the rem edy in my family for several years. I am never without it.” For sale ;by all druggist. Notice. Whitakers, N. C. Jnne 11, ISOfi. The Ladies Aid Society of McTvfi.' ttr CiOlU .K«/CK, Will givo u aupper Tuesday evening:, begintng at 4 o’clock P. M., June 19th. For the benefit of the M. E. Churck at that place. Con sisting of Ice cream. Cake, Barbecue and Brunswick Stew. The public cordially invited to attend. Miss Lucy Vaughn, Pres. Following Ihe Flagf. When our soldiers went to Cuba and the Philippines, health was the most important consideiation. Willis T. Morgan, retired Commissary Sergant U. S. A., of Rural Route 1, Concord, N. H., says: “I was two yesrs in Cuba and two years in the Philippines, and being subject to colds, I took Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption, which kept me in perfect health. And now, in New Hampshire, we find it the best medicine in the world for coughs, bronchial troubles and all lung diseases. Guarranteed at Griffin’s Drug Store. Price 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Very Importantt Congregational meeting at the Pres byterian church next Sunday let all come! Pastor. Died. We are sorry to chonicle the death of Mr. Reuben E. Thomas, who died at his home on Hammond street Sunday night of peritonitis after an illness of about 10 days. The funeral was held from the home at 11 A. M. Monday af ter an interment was made in Pine- view Cemetery. Mr Thomas was about 20 years old and had been employ ed at Mr. W. T. Willifords store. He was held in high esteem by all who knew him. ^ NASH COUNTY. We, the undersigned, members of the Rocky Mouut Bar, heartily endorse the candidacy of R. A. P. Cooley. Esq.. of Na.sh Connf-.V. onip una ear/iestJy urge *Uie. voters of the Co\4^ty to give him a loyal support. He i' an attractive lovable man. a brilliant speaker, an able lawyer, and will worthily fill this important ;of- fice. Jacob Battle, W. L. Thorp, Jos. B. Ramsey, E. B. Grantham, Tjws. H. Battle.' June 12, 1906. I carried this paper to the office of Hon, B. H. Bunn, but round that he was in Wilmington. I know that he supports Mr. Cooley's candidacy. He always stands by Nash County. Jacob Battle. larjiy banked decorations. At quarter after eight Professor Thomfjson began the rythmic niel*dy of Mendelssohn’^ Wedding M «rch, un^’ j the bridal party entered th*" hal , pi- j ceeding to the parlor for the c« r mony. I The bridal procession was U* ^ by the Hev. Sanders R. Guignard, rector of St. Andrew's church, after him com ing the four iiftie fl .wer -Ntis'^f.-. Lillian Merrim-n. Allen I’itg. Kut-il* Young j»nd .Mary Br^dt, eac‘i r aiJ in pure while, arro carryiij*; dai.-\ chains with which \hcy bar;ei 'h- d > r way of the pH.^lor and made a p »ih way to the aUar until the aip'-arHM. t- of the bride, il.i-i being the ^itnal fo* the dropping of the chains: Fo loAir’g the flower girls was the dam^^ of honor, Mrs. Lula Daughtridge Kockj Mount, aunt -isior of thi' bi-icii’, and triijg^c, ^i«ior of (iie bridegroji bride.sma»\is were charm**'*^^^ gowned in creation.! of whi{e p^hiffon « mbroid ered wiih dj^.isies made up with yellow silk girrlles and carried chitfon i muffs, from which streamers of daises trailed gracefully to the floor. Next after the bridesmaids came the groom’s best man, Mr. Archie Bulluck, of Wilm'ngton, and after him the lit tle ring bearer, Master Donald Van Noppen, who carried the ring in tne center of a white rose. Then entered the bride with her father, Mr. Andrew Joyner. She was a picture of grace and loveliness, gowned in white taf- fetta silk trimmed with duchess lace and embroidered with daisies. Before the ceremony Miss Maude Bulluck of Wilmington, sang “Becau'^e” in a most exquisite manner, while vluring the marrmge rites of tl^e Kpiscop^l cTiurcii ri otcaaor i OompsOn renUertsJ softly Schubert’s Serenade. At the conclusion of the ceremony a delightful reception was held, at which were present many guests from both in and out of the city. Tne guests were received at the hall dcK>r by Mes dames Charles Van Noppen and J. R. Cutchin, Misses Bettie Aiken Sand and Robin Webb Mickle. In the west par lor, where the ceremony took place, the receiving party consisted of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Joyner, Mrs. Lula Daughtridge and the bridal party. In the east parlor were Mrs. Alice Speight and Miss Bessie Howard and here were displayed the many handsome wedding gifts, which consisted of cut glass, china, silver, and laces in profusion. This room was decorated ;,with ft rn*', magnolias and white roses. The punch bowl was placed in the hall, nud at it presided MirtuoM V«, Cutclun and Minni^-i^ield. These were daintily gowned in white with yellow girdles. In the dining loom where re freshments were served the decoration carried out the color scheme of white, green and yellow most beautifully. From the chandelier to each corner nf the table beneath were streamers of tulle wound with smilax, these being fastened to the corners of the table with clusters of sweet peas. Beneath the chandelier was suspended with white satin ribbon, a basket of roses and fernS and on the center table was placed a mirrior on the surface of which lay carelessly scattered roses, while about it was smilax. Here re freshments consisting of ice cream and cake, carrying out the color scheme, were served by Mrs. Marvin Nash, Misses Katherine Davis, Emily Joyner, Ellen Cutchin Lilia Justice, Rose Tur ner and Anna Bradfield. « - Following tlie recention Mr »p.i . left for Waahington, New York, and other northern cities. They will be at home in Rocky Mount after the twentieth of June. Out-of-town guests at the wedding- were the Honorable E. L. Daughtridge Mrs. Lula Daughtridge, J. C. Daugh- ridge and Miss Clyde Daughtridge, o- Rocky Mount; D. A, Bulluck and Miss Maude Bulluck, of Wilmin*?ton; Miss Robina Webb Mickle, of Winston- Salem; Mrs. Alice Speight, of Reiis ville, Miss'.Vernou Cutchin, of Whiia kers, N. C., Prof, H. M. Holt, of Oa' Ridge and several others. v)ver thedarkliiig passageway years that will neverconu*again, j up with the belove 1 and the migh- j tjWeatl. It had taken a flock of its | y4n.»er readers upon its lap in a caress* • in|grandmotherly way and was tellinK | the meWncholy atory of J “old 2»bip of Zion," thei- l .idwell, aft^rotfr Jiro^lier j '• in prayer, wilt vou^ inging that good oW Cou- Up*'fl i F ee .id of . n k 01 .1 I).' Jcii nr4> ;t .sia’e of f» nzv : '■■ing n .t What lii- y »l.e\ nya'.ij rage* agains' iiid courageou-s olfic-' To Ihe Richest Man. Constipation makes the cold drag along. Get it out of you. Take Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar cough syrup. Contains no opiates. Sold by Griffin’s Drug Store. May & Gorham. You cannot Induce a lower animal to eat heartily when not feeling well. A sick do^ starves himself, anl ^etswell. I Tlie stomacU oiice overworktfii, uiust ' have rest the same as your foet or eyes. You don’t have to starve to rest just in the propotion that your stomach , worries you. Worry means the loss of ■ niakes the L. ability to do your best. Worry is to be ■ avoided at all times. Kodol will take the worry out of your stomach. Sold by Griffin’s Drug Store, May & Gorham. Its sound sense that we teli you Your work costs less dollars anj i- best every time yo:i use the L & \f. Paint. You do ll.iluLil... u.ilh Ion or L. & M. than with two ^^ThTas of other paints and the L. & M Zitu- hardens the L. &. M. Wliite Lead an I & Af. Paint wear like plei^JcJoin us in sonij *‘|be haacaiiitd ni3hy U.ousar>'s A'.“ a 1 Carry rtinny mort;?^" - \S> a- w». le sayirg. iW rier4' uruai w;u ti-Hing how once a n^\ a wicked olirwitc^i. na n Sil'*^^‘‘^d Kt«len at>oard iii ih.' d the I ’ht and had drujfi^ed i,h“ d ih.-(? -v whil.i ih-y a Uen h .irf>'.vok- ; n i look their n>- r lauj : th .nd ‘i *w ro-e H *nu laiilif l. traif.ei. r'T^. ..lading tlu ni adiift in a lenkj* b-.)at ■o th.'nhospii able ^horx s of a de^eri islar^.^ n-v.-rmofi', and >''>‘icir ulace:* a uumSer tie „n^y^, m 1^1 ^ ■! Jn, mF^^RfllRarne and waters hissed and roared, and ives leaped mounluin'high.- until p, l.aving no pilot, flound« ring und thuher at the mercy of the ts; the poor sail'>rs. quite at it’s end, ran at last into the ■3 and upon the rocks. And how the ‘ Protection,” which p^op!? thought had been sent to the bott^iw years before, but tii^hich some how kept afloat and refitted and ordei td to sea again, came sailing along that iay. And how she was we.l fixed to ioilhe free-booting of her owners. Messjs. High Taritf, High Finance & Commny! «^How she was iron-clad be- low vie w^ter-line and steel-plated abovift; how she ca^ied tons ot stolen moner foV ballast; how her officers were not heroes, but atiper^eargoes carepIV selected from a fa\t*red ^ass OP cViw-weP! ffiJt'oy sailor-men;'^ut by poor worked- people, some of them duped into the service, but most of them impressed, and how she had been turned loose to drive off the high seas the very emblem of America, to warn the commerce of the world away from our coasts, and to defend the Chinese wall erected at the people’s expense, for the sole benefit of the close-corporation of speculators and millionaires which had chartered her, and was running her for all she was worth, the black flag of piracy fly ing at her mast head! This wretched hulk, ‘‘Protection,” for underneath the iron clothing and the steel plating, all was worn out and rotten, came fullof conceit sailing that way, and spied our poor old “Ship o' Zion ’ in her most awful plight, water* logged and unprovisioned, unarmed ex cept lor the bows-and-arrows which had »^«'caW|.nfov^ed out Of-Vifilksia no*, yet brave&ind fuU of fight! These things, the Old Lady at the Corner—as here in Louisville The C urier-Journal is sometimes called- was telling the nice little Democratic boys and girls, who had gathered about her knee and climbed into her ever- open arms, crying, “Gramma, tell us a story.” and “Gramma, tell us some n»ore.” And she was already “gettin' powerful choked and mighty disforgit- ful,” as Uncle Remus would say. It had been particularly hard for her to talk about the dead, about Beck and Wells and Hunt and “the dear old par- sCe Merchant,” Moore, and the rest. If she ha J got to Vance “superb old Zeb Vance,’’that would have done her up “fo* sho’.'* Yet—and, after this long prelude, here we reach the matter at issue—The Charlotte Observer rises up in meeting and says: of th{^i certatfy _have been Senato^^eck died his manteffeil upon Senator Vance, who. by natural ability and close study of this subject made himself the master of it and the most formidable speaker and debater in the Senate on the side of the revenue tariff men.” Hark’ee, friend and fellow-student did’st never ask a hundred nobodies to a party, and forget your next-door neigh bor.' Well, that was it—only that and nothing more; for to omit from the list of the Giants of those days, the name of Vance, were to leave out Sidney from the age of Elizabeth, Rupert from the Cavaliers, who fought Cromwell, and Nathaniel Green, from the Field Mar shals that .surrounded Washington in the War of the Revolution. Vaflce stood all by hiniself, a cl ar- j a personality, an intellect, an in- j quite his own. He had indeed , Studied the question, and had studied iij them that heard it will ever forget those tones a?? standi'g in the Senate, sur- roumied L^y the altJiiieys »f Mammon, in the very teeth of the Giay Wolves, he began slowly, almost solemnly: “With fingers weary and worn. With eyelids heavy and red. A woriii.n sat in unwomanly rags. Plying her needle and thread.” Ar»5 thi.;. «.ith iia wailint note — to be f*. slave, Alorg with the barbarous Turk.” And tnis^ * *^t is not linen y u't wearing out, Bu^ human creature’s lives.” And this — “Oh God. that bre.i3 should be so dear. And flesh and bloo^l so ch«£p.” Forget hi«n? Leave him out? Him, A'ho fought with Ikoth Beck and Car- li.sle, s niting th;? mailed legions of th*- Yrllow Ricij. hip'and chiah-wlio, with r.m Corsv'n and «>ur o a n Proctor Knoll p uretl a fl Mk] of snnshin- as well ai^ •v...dijin ;.ji 1 !ear iufc> i. to the public life of iheir timt —making the genius oi‘American statesaiansl^p a geniler side and Ij^ivinx to all time a tlessed and immoral Trinii# leave-him out. And at the precise moment when Dem ' - v»,hich he rv,. ! so valiantly III.' ■ JHU i-ec anil returniiiif to th ot:0 rll^ern issUe otv which it lias carried the country; the key to the trend of ^le times; the cue to the political future; to-wit, that internal taxation mast b*^* belaid equally on and for all the people and the duties collected at ifTe Custom Mibs Hattie Bunn left Monday visit to relatives in Elaleigh. Mrs. R. B. Owens left Tuesday for Battleboro to visit relatives. Mr. B K. Butm left for a business trip to Wdmington Tuesday. Mr. James I. Thomas, of Wilson, was here TueMay on business. Dr. L. L. Staton of Taz^xjro, spent ^Jiionday in our city ^ 1 Mr. Q. W. CoghiU left Monday for a ten days sL.My in northern cities. Mr. R. B.' Davi:?, Jr., left Thursday for a business trip to Wilmington. Ml. C. F.^ Copeland left Saturday fora business trip to Norfolk. Va. Mr W. D. Munn, «f Timmonsville. S^C.i^spent last Sunday in our city. Dr.^. C. Braswell of Whitakers, was in our city Monday on business. Miss Mar>- Hardison left today for a feiA days .«tay at Wiiijhtaville Beach. R v. Di^G. D. Sirlckland returned to his liotnc in Hi, Iimi.xmI, Va., Mund »>■ MissN.mniie Paris relumed Satur day from u visit to reletivea in Oxford. .\trs. J. A. Karmer and children of Wilson are visiting relatives in the city. Hon. B H . Bunn left Tuesday for a ^voral l.uiujjaa J^rip to Wilminn- Mr. li. \V. 3"eftrt import shall be ‘^for revenue onji'?’ ^ - Krget him? Not on»yolS‘ life! Kentucky hai s ihe Old North State, Kentucky cherishes the memory,oC lie* great and loved ones, ljut among them the name that, like Abou Ben Adhem’ ■‘lead all the rest,is not th^t o' Vance, the Senator, ot Vance tlft palg din, but“jess plaih old Zeb Vance.” Have we succeeded in squaring the oversight, and making it clear to you. Brother Caldwell ? If your stoma^i troubles you dd not conclude that there is no cure, for a ^rea.t many Vxjen peTmanontly ed bv v;i.4*a.ov A Liver Tablets. Try them, they are certain to prove beneficial. They only cost a quarter. Sold by All Druggists. att«iviinK the marrlAcv *'I>an>r of Honor” of W. M. Oaughtridse. Meaars. K. W. South and H. M. Avent left Tuesday for Gr««iiaboro to attend the meeting of the Pythiana of the State in seasion there thia week. Rev. R. B. Owena and Mr. K. F. Arrington left Tuesday for Hendersoo to attend the Episcopal Convention which convened at that place Wedne«* day. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Howell andohikl left Monday for Virginia Beach. Mr. Howell returned Tuesday. His wif« and child will remain ther^ about a month. Menars. Joe Harh^ey, J. t). and Lewis FoUAijainuTtWtded >ull oon- Morda.'. Kim City w>r fcore of 6 to I. *4 Messrs. Clarence Swindell and R. Palmer left ”'!dne9day for Wright Beach meeting of State ^ ’V, which 1 M r. K J was WAT Howard, of W*. our city Tuesday «S4.. home in Golddboro. Messrs. Lewis Fountain, C. F. t land, Hu^h Williford and Joey tain attended the Washingto.^ City liase bail game in Elm C‘ day. Elm City won by the sccn- 0. For Treasurer. Rocky Mount, N. C. May 26th, 1906. To the democratic voters of Nash County. 1 am a candidate before the primaries called for June 16th for the nomination for the office of Treasurer of Nash County. I solicit yourvote and influence. If nominated and elected, I promise personally to perform the duties of the office. My first object with the county funds will be security. The people shall have every conveni ence extended to them they now have and more if it is possible. II b« as equally deposit nijrht from a business trip to Wilmlnir- ton. Miss Virginia Kyser returned Mon day fromr.a Visit to relatives in Kal- .^igh. Mr. Basil Muse and Will Woodard re- t)urn«d,Krulav from Carolina Commence- me^nt. Mr. Caleb Horne returned Saturday morning from a visit to relatives in Wilson! Miss (^ude Bassett'left Tuesday for her h»n)e in Danville Va., to spend the Sj)mmer> Mrs. H. B. .HaM. and son Norment, left Tuesday for a, visit to relatives in Kinston. Mr .Jqc Ragisey returned Friday from the Utjiversity Commenc»mei HiiL Mr. Jim Fender, or Taruoro, spent Monday night here and left Tuesday for Richn.ond, Va. Miss Tempie Fitts left Wednesday for a several weeks visit to relatives in Wilmington. Mrs. A. T. Ivey and daughter. Miss Bessie, of Raleigh, are visiting rela tives in the city. Mr. Bruce Sugg, of Sanford, Fla., spent several days in the city this week visiting friends. Mr. Edgar Bundy, of Kinston, came Mbnday night to visit at the home of Mr. J. L. Horne. Miss Mary Schultz left Tuesday for Richmond, Va., after a short visit to relatives in the city. Miss Eleanor White, of Tarboro, left Monday after a visit to her friend. Dr. J. W. BlschofT an4 wife of V» ington, D. C. * stopped off Saturdu^ between trainit with Mias Mata Wi^ aleadj one of their pupils. !>■. Biwho^ u ai\d com'ioaer of wid« pr. CliarleB F. bmith^n leavM-rue*- (iay -for|he hforth Caroli^ Dental Cojir vention which cbovenes in High I'oint on June 20, and(holds‘ forth for three days. Dr. Smithsoi) will return to th» city Saturday Iftorning. FOUND—an umbrella. Owner by describing same can secure it from Whitfield Clary, by paying for this notice. Dr. W. H. Wakefiield, of Charlotte will be in Rock^ ttount at Motel Quthrell on Thursday June 2Bth. His practice Is limited [to the medical and surgical treatment of Eye, Ear, Noee and throat diseases and Fitting Glass es. Tho money will be as equu,.y Morton. pmiuiiiiiBn WWW All statements mfi'ie in regard to my being the candidate of any bank and intending to favor one bank n-ore than another are absolutely untrue. Very respectfully, Thomas M. Arrington. Just as soon as you feel that your food does not properly digest, that you taste it after eating, that the tongue is furred, the breath heavy, the appetite poor, the head dull and aching, begin the use of Mi-o-na stomach tablets. This is not s( patent medicine, and its formula i!s furnished to all intelligeat people who may desire it. It makes positive and lasting cures, and is sold under an absolute guarantee that it cures all diseases of the stomach excep ting cancer. , Ask Griffin’s Drug Store to show you the guarantee they give with every 50 cent lx)x of Mi-o-na. Notice. El'blic is hereby notified that the Cuthrell of the ; KockyiUuiJ Homestead & LoaiTAsSbciltlon having been lost, a duplicate will be applied for. F, P. Spruill, See. & Tres. Sore Muscles. Prominent athletes throughout the country find that the best treatment for sore muscles after severe exercise or hard work of any kind, is a hot bath at bed time, which opens the pores. This shouid immediately be followed with an application of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm vigorously rubbed into the skin. This liniment removes all stiffness and soreness and has become a favorite rub down, as it acts promptly and keeps the muscles in excelert condition. For sale by All i?ruggists. Lost or Strayed. A young setter dog white wroley { hair v/ith liver color :head with larg.' Miss Julia Hill of Wilmington, spent several hours in the city Tuesday en- route to Richmond Va. Mr. W. N. Royall, of Wilmington, passed through our city Friday enroute to Norfolk on business. Mr. W. L. iFelton and children, of Wilson, came Friday to visit at the home of Mr. I. W. Bass. Mr. Thomas H. Battle and son Hy man left Wednesday fora few days visit to relatives in Henderson. ■ Mr. E. R. Wooten, the popular sup erintendent for the Coast Line at Nor folk, was here this week. Mr. Ernest F. Hines, of Florence, S. C.', came Monday for a several day’s visit to relatives in the city. Miss Lucile Mills of Scotland Neck, visited friends in the city Friday en route home from Wil mingtom For I hereby unnou»vcej®yacl^ a cmivOu\ ate for re-election to the oftlce ot Sheriff of Nash county, subject to thi{ action of the (Democratic fPrimari^^o be held on the 16th day of June, fBo6. If re-nominated and elected it shall t>e my aim and pleasure [to serve the in terests of the county witn that same faithfulness that has been my endeavor^ in the past. _ Yours faithfutty, Willis M. W»rr»n. Gifts for Graduates. See Woodruffs for seasonable and suitable gifts for the graduates and other scholars who have made good re cords at schoDl this year. Griffin For Coroner. To the Democratic Voters of Nash County; I beg to announce Tnyself a candidate for the office of Coroner of Nash Coun ty, subject to the action of the Demo cratic primaries t- be held in the vari ous townships on Saturday June 16th. John H. Griflftn. like the thinker and the scholar that he was. When Beck fell, and his man liver colored spot on cne sidt* near the flank a proper rewar^l will be paid if relumed to J. D. Christian, Rocky Mount. Royal Photo Gallery open every Fri day and Saturday. ( 6-14- 3t. A. R. Nunn. 4 gallons L. & M. mixed with 3 gal- •*. » ,, Ions Lipse, d Oil will paint a moderate ’ when it was new. but oldan i sized hou.^. i ragged and worn fell with him. Vane.- A. T. F. rrel. Riverhead, N. Y., gently picked it up and laid it sadly away T Writes, -16 y.ars ago painted with | He did not put it on. It would not Only n.w requires repaint- ^Id by Gorha n & Matthews, Rocky , wore already, a mantle of his own, a Mount, N. C. - , . . - _ mantle made of splendid stuff and riih-1 ^af: by All SfuggisTs' If you knew the value of Chatnber- lain's Salve you would never wish c > w without it. Here are s »me of the diseases for which it is t^sp'ciaily valu able: sore nipples, chapped huiids, burn.-. fr«t bites, chilblains, chronic sore eye -, itching piles, tetter, salt rheum aiui eczema. Price 25 cents per box. For returned home Tuesday after spendio^ the winter with relatives here* Mr. Gordon Battle, after several weeks visit to relatives in this section left Saturday for his home in New York. Messrs. W. J. Taylor, T. 0. Draper and W. G. Williams returned Monday from a several days stay at Virginia Beach. Mr, and Mrs. E. R. Hines of Flor ence, S. C.. returnrd home Sunday night after a several day’s visit to relatives here. The Wilson base hall team passed through the city Tuesday enro'jte to Washington N. C., to meet the local team of that place. Prof. W. V. Boyle left Toe:>day for Raleigh to attend the meetings of the State Teacher’s Association which con- venes there this week. The members of the Washington Base Ball Team, which played in Elm City Friday, spent Friday night and Satur day morning in this city. Miss Nannie L. Borst, of Pe ersburij, Va., returned home Saturday, after S. T. F. Ellen Annonnces Candidacy For The House. If a sufficient number think that am the propper man and will so ei^ themselves in the Democratic pri. for Nash county I will great! ate it. And will be glad to serv in the next House of Representa S. J. F. Ell Candidate for S(ierlfl. To the voters of Na«h County; '-l I hereby announce fjiat I will be a cand idate ^fore the Democratic primaries for the office r>4-9heriff of Na.*^ Candidate lor Coroner. Having served the people of Nash County the Itist two years I hereby ask the voters to nominate me to that posi tion again in the coming Democratic primary. Thanking the people in ad vance for their support. John S. Proctor. Candidate for Treasurer. I hereby anuounce myself afcandidate for the office of Treasurer of Nash County, subject to the actir>n of the democratic primaries. 1 promise if elected to give the proper attention to the duties of the office to tiie best of my abililty. May 29th, 1900. W. I*. Davis. very I hereby announce my canJMacy for the Democratic nomination for .'herifT of Nash county, at the primaries to be held June 16th. next. Jan-.ei .M. Baines, Jackao-i Township.