Th^> ^'or>kr Monni- Roor i, Thur-day. -June 14, 190(5, “A SQUAHRDEAL.” Wihwn Times Mr, Editor; In view of the fad that the Tarboro Southerner has reflecttrd on the honor and integrity of the Dem ocratic party hy prophesyin^c that Mr. Cx)ley would Ik* “«*uchere(i" out of the vote Recured for him in the township primaries of Wilson coun»y, it appears only just that this sort of reflection should be answered. The best answer that can be made to a slander is the truth. 'T/M* '*•*»'* ) hur*j /»**t ttiiti Mr. / ^^8 present in person, and notwUhst»nd- i Ing the fact that there were in the con-1 vention a number of delegates who were his partisans, he personally requested the convention to take action with re gard to the township, claiming that he had friends at that township meeting (but not in the meeting) who desired to vote fon him. The, fact was shown that in another township no delegates had been-clected, but that the chairman of the township committee had appointed himself a delegate, instructed himself for Mr. Cooley and sent his written re turns to that effect to the county con vention by a Republican. When these facts appeared, I moved to appoi lit a committee on credentials to pap.a on k)oth tov^ships. Every par- tifiaif of Vlr.Cgp^y remained as dumb A mf't-iop wag then made tdwti _ ijogt as they wor© sent up. ’ \ wa^ ^Ued by ^ownahips on ^tion Gvory deJeffute in Mention voted for it. The l^rn each tovmshf^ f the commjtf L Stat^ excpj»t h\ the iuderment of both poll : . . ^ . . u ^ * Tree* Thnt Form Iwlandw. hol.l. rs. hvery challenge shall be re- ; ,^,30,,^ cord. il, :iml (-.■indidatc or hib rrpresen■ ' ^.,.ncrally foniKHl l>v llir sd .in.liiig Latives dissatisfied with the result \ trees. sbrMbs. i)Jau!s and suoh tbiugs ehall have the right to appeal to the j i,rouglit down by the lurreiu. In the Couniy Executive Committee, which I M;u kenzie river of 'uiuulrt the whole .shall ht-ar the .same, and allow or dis- [ ;n\»ceas of tslaud ui:^injr in ibis w a> can the returns !»*• easily o1mH'V*hI. Trt't's buri>e dowu from the baiikM by the unib*nnlulnK ac tion of the -iiiT«*nt usually retain con- Re/flstrailon. siderable mass of earth un«l stones eu- tjiiigled In tlioJr roots. Thoy. therefore, Sec. 5. Unler the Domocratic p an gink, itiul b.v so form .*on- of holding the Primary, no registration I KitUTal>le sho;iis. whi'h tinw - ouvc^rts M^‘/TrV-o^later tilt* narV/«l-M ^of''Vn uiiv f ruIcJiec'*^'or ' ^lUHU^‘‘willOWS CO\ ers liie voters, and to send this list to the newly formed land and tbelr fibrous County Chairman, with the returns. roots serve to bind the whole firmly to gether. A peaty soli Is formed by the gradual decay of the vegetation, luclud- allow the vote, and am^nd from that precinct accordingly. I ends of r»e i.:'.; r cjrirlit l-KJtweeij two trees. Its -vtre so frnntf^at tb»* nppronf’h the hnnt«man that it bntke off part of Us antlers dfca. thus fretnl. made its escape, tbe , ladder proved t** Ueloni? to a farmer | who Imil loit It Slnudiug iigaiust un?of i hit 1111:.^. Wliile stealing the j the stiii; h:i! ovia«'Utly iu>set the l»a- i iliM'. whicli iKul thus bocorue tU.i^on Its horns. COMBS, CROSSES, NKCK CHAINS. WAIST SETS, LOCKETS, WATCH CHAINS. The this the con- deleeates member [Jegates to Judietal the selected in '^of the vote *and Mr. Cooley— each candidate selecting elegates to represent him. Sfore Mr. Cooley left Wilson, he ^ed that he had been treated with ct fairness and that he was satis- {flire to say that the effort of the lorner to nominate Mr. Cooley by Rting on the good name of the peo- Be of Wilson county is the sort of poH- tics that good men do not endorse. I L personally know that Mr. Daniels has inpistecrtrom the very outset that^Mr^ Cooley Bhould 1* icivon deleKates wrtw ' were hV« to roprcucnt tl.o vote secured ii ^roc( It fa the hope of Mr. Daniels’ friends that the editor Of tlie. Southerner will exert his influence fo see that Mr. Dan iels is treated in the'good county of Edgecombe with the same fairness that his candidate, Mr. Cooley, received in Wilson. The good people of Mgecombe, I feel surs, will do so, though the spirit manifested by the editor of the South erner leads me to doubt very much whether he will lend his influence to a “square deal.” W. C. Mayo. No Person To Vote After the Polls are Closed Sec. 6. The polls .shall close at 6 o’clock in all the townships except Mannings, Rocky Mount, Nashville and North Whitakers, in which they close at 8 o’clock, and no persons shall vote after the polls have closcd. Counting the Votes. Sec. 7. After the polls are closed the poll holders shall count the votes, in the presence of such Democrats as choose to attend, and put the number of votes received by each candidate opposite his name on the blank fur nished by the Chairman, and they ^shall sign Bucft list, and send the same Jm- ty Kxecutiv© Com/nittee. They ahull give any candidate or hia representa- tive upon his request a copy of said list. They shall also send, with the re turns to the chairman a statement of all challenged voter voted, or how he offered to vote when chaflenged. The County Executive Committee will meet in Nashville on Monday fol lowing the day of Primary, at 10 o’clock A. M. to canvass the vote, at or be fore which time the returns from all townships must be delivered to the Chairman. A Word WHli • S»r«nKe Hlator^. ■■Treaclo." or a ^rU the vliier’s bite and proljabl^i^SHei of viper's Hesli Itself. It'is a irtrd with a str;uj);e history, (tesceujng from the (Jreek “thcr," a wild b««t. whence came the adjective "tberlatos.” pertaining to a wild beast, which «y«9 eventually specialized to meau serv ing as an antidote apalust a -nlW beast’s bite. In English ■■treacle" then came to mean aaythlng sootblnij , of comforting. Chaucer even spoa!« of logged and subside close to the bottom. | Christ as -treacle of all lianu." And, many .soot))iu^ remetlies were sirups, ‘'treacle*’ at l^gth raeant*iii^' Ing the trunks of the trees, and on this many new varieties of plauts spring up. Sometimes the island clears iti5 moorings and floats away down stream until it is again arrested by an obsta cle, or It may become in a sense water- In this latter case It often gets covered over with mud and sand, which form a. new and more permanent land sur face above It. The Lobster’s Birth Name. “Did you ever 8c> the name a lob ster Is born with?” asked a fish dealer the other day. "It is marked on bis bodj^ No? Well, I’ll show you one.’* The dealer took a live lobster out of a heap on the marble slab. “Ita name la J Otiairman of the Poq|*fI’ "S^r ho had ins^f?»cTpa obe^ ••Xow, can you flntl It?’' , 'I'lio euBtoi»««»r took f*>e Iol>ster {{1X1 gerly by tbe back of the ixfck. where Jt could not reach bis band wltli its nip pers. Turning It on its back s^^at the brown legs at. Us side flopped back ward, a smooth streak half An Inch long and nearly as wide was seen on the Inside of the thigh. In this streak, like a. mosaic, were short lines, as though tome one had printed on It with Indelible brown Ink In backhand the characters J-O-E. “Some lobsters are named Jim," the dealer said, “some Jack, others^John, and I once clearly made out tbe name Julia." ply sirups of various kinds. Geese Prom Shellfi«h, Everj’body In tbe whole civlUl?d world l>etw'oen the eleventh the seveuteentli centuries believed that the “barnacle goose” batched fron| that species of shelllisb called the baj^cle. The story was first told by and w’as devoutly beliovod by allfbris- JUNGS, CUFF LINKS, STUDS, FOBS. IS CUT GLASS STERLING SILVER. How to Break up a Cold. It may beasurnrise to many to learn that a severe cola can be broken up in one or two To do thi«. ^o’vevpr. conyjletely days' tin, , . .. .,rv. .■■..■V » profusi W a\V’I j diVcJiaVif© irum ♦be nose, and a thin, white coatfti^ the tongue. When ChamberUin’.s cough remedy is taken every hour on the first appearance of these symptomtJ, it counteracts the effect of the cold and rest*res the system to a h#*althy conditio-i within a day **r two. T*\)r sale by all drug^;iRt. Who the Nomine^ Sec. 8. The person who receives the majority of votes shall be declared the nominee of the party. If apersondoes not receive a majority, but a plurality thereof, the Executive Committee shall declare him the nominee of the party, for such office unless the person receiv ing the nextJ^h€Mii vote fyj-such^ ^ demands of seven days after said meetinc. In the second primary, no vote shall be cast except for the two persons who received the highest and next highest vote in the first primary. In case of a tie in the second primary, the Execu tive Committee shall decide which of them is the candidate of the party for that office. Time Necessary to Live In Township. fee. 9. In order to vote in the Gen eral election in Movember, it is neces sary for the voter to have lived .in the township four months, and in the county six months prior to the day of election, but it is not necessary that the voter shall live in the township four months, and in the County six months prior to the day of the primary. If challenged ground, he must prove that he j\titled to .vote at'-Novemi A Staff and a Ladder. Stories of deer with raJn barrels or water pails on their heads are common enough among Maine and Adirondack guides, but It Is left for Eur>pe to come to (lie fore with a varbiut. Jtfomo hunts men near Innsbruck I'ame upOn a stag with a ladder on Its antlers. Ivui): Bayn; "Acconini« to our vene thorlty, the barnacle goose is goiorated frou) logs of wood allwvod to /locom- pose in the water. Wheu'^d^omposl- tlon has fairij begun, sftinll buBJps on the log may be observed. IJfle by little tlicapjncrease In size, anc^iUally assun^e theyorm and shape’ of f mass of barnacled, which is well kmwn as a kind of shetldsh. Soon after the shell, .or husk, bursts open nr|^ full groNN"^ goose may be seen In tbe water cllngUi?r T15 the log only by its bill. A few days longer it continues |> dra\\’ Its nourishment from^.(he lV then breaks aw'ay in the form of »)erfect goose, exercising all the funcSons of Its kind.” :( Woodruff, 111 WasKin^on St. PKonc 277 Xerve. “Blgbee has a nerve.” “Why so?” ^ “I tbreateiHHl to sue him for^e $100 owes nio.” V of ihlN \i\tc tnrs «*are‘r’ w;is ItM um ^toppcHi. howover. w'hen the The.Rocky Mount SavingsdTrust Co* Solicits Yotir Account. Mattings, Carpets, Rugs, Go-Carts Shades Stoves and Furniture our Second Floor. OUR 5TORE big enough also for the large stock of Clothing, Dress Goods, ,ho^. Hats, Shirts and Underv^(gar.—r . . that we carry, and our GROCERY DEPARTMENT Is Second To None. Fresh Goods and Pij-ompt Delivery is our Motto. DAVENPORT & BOBBITT. 120 Washington Street. ^ Phone 270. Special "Low Prices now running on all our dry goods. We Are Closing Out Our Entire Stock At Cost Rawlings, Avera & Co. VNOPSii or HFMO^KATir. 'Hr^«nr FI ACTION. roR cM'tn o* m-T) - Mf'tl }. »f five Skc 1 /I'ln' Tr m^jv f. i . l( town-hi * olHrcMs, C**unty bt*r ol't'H' lj"gislHtnr«--, St‘ att'r, towrshi[) l'^x»‘cntiv(‘ CnnmifiM> mem'w'rs shall h«‘ld uf vonnv place. in tho difr.nntr townhips on Sa'urdav June IG h, 10^X>. l>**tw-(n the hours of 12 *’Cl ci M. ji' d C* ■»\-l(»f I*. M in all the towrwhipy »'xc« pt Rockv.Mount, N.ishvilh*. Manniugs a»’? iVorfh WhifaktTs, in which last four, fh** timt* shfl/l be /tours of 2o’r*ock r. M. mid S >\docU V M. I'oll Urldcrs. Slu' 2. TIut*' ‘^Imll I t' two poll ho!d- OTH in eu»-l» volit^i; prrci u t wl.ioh poll hotdrr:^ s»ro app' by »bf County Kx»iUlivo ('ommUtof. and if any per* HOU'^ app'»if»t 1 to ho’d primury shall decbne t» M-rve. h^orw incapacitated ^ or lM.*com»* H can«lidHle U'fore said pri ^ry. the chairman of the Executive ^mittte of that townsh p ‘hall have . wer to designate *k)me qualified Jill such place; and if the .an of the C^ommittea shall not be Tnt, then the other poll holder or Jon authorized may designate j^me r*on to assist him in bolding the 5ame, such substituted (>er9on shall have f te same right and authority therein as Ttf'he had been originally appointed by tbe ^unty Executive Committee. The poll holders shall |>fovide such boxes for the reception of ballots as may be nec- llt there shall be d^ptirate boxes to Heuerai Aasembiy shaW voted for in one box. All County officers shftll be voted for in one box, al) township otlicers in cne box, and the township Executive Committee In one box. Uuder the plan of orffani- ution it is not necessary for the poli holders to be sworn. Candilates or Representatives Present. Sec. X Any Democratic candidate who is voted for in said rrimar\' elec tion may attend the same in person, or by representatives, and be present dur ing the conduct of said election, and counting of tbe vote. Who lintltletl to Vote. Caallanfcs. Skc. t. F.very white Democratic' - o\«ctor Khali lV»o rivjVit to vote »t ; polUoK plucr. nnl in ci%!»o thr vot« of n man cluimioK to » lVn'«> cmCi^ eiecior is chftiief^^ed !ofi th^ IH'ound thAt he is not (juah’fied as an elector, or is not a Denwcrat, he shall j Twt be denieft the privaJejre of votin^f. i If your stomach troubles you do not' oncfode that there is no cure, for a ’ Paid on all sums of Money subject, to withdrawal at any time without. notice. Security Also Full Line P. SPRITIIJ Cashier!*. J. C. BRASWELI Vice-Pres. THOS. H. BATTLE, President. HAMMOCK.^ unknown Fnends 90c To S6.00. Diamonds, Watches, KSilverware, Cut Glass, Jewelry of Ail Kinds Rocky Mt furniture Go She can look out, but you can*t look in T«*DE 2/i/a^or PATCNTCO PORCH SHADES JAS. P. BULLUCK, Prop. BREWERS LUNG RESTORER CURES iLiUn^ and I hrocvV rroubVee> — Price 50c and $1.00. The best preparation on the market. —Griffin’s Drug Store. Prepared and wholesaled by Lamar, Taylor ® Riley Drug Co. Macon* Ga. A Lot of New Books lust Received BooR and Cigar Store. There are many people who have us ed Chamber(air>’8 Coh\% Cholt-ra and Oinrrhnt*a Renietly with .‘^plerdid le suUx, but who are unknow-n l)ecause they havi» hesitated about givinp ri tes- tinn»ni#il of their oxp* rienc*“ for publi- caiiotj. 'I’hose (>»'op1e. however, Hrt» Hunt* lh»* l^'sp friends of ilii^ n-medy. rh* y have done mu h ti>waid making t a hi'U-^eJ.o'd word bv their perponal drttitms to fiieii(N a»-i i h- ■'orH. It is }« good m'dicine in Iihv.* the )» »mo and is kiown f r cuivs dinrihiH'u ami all forms '^owel lroul)Jf. For s«|». by .-ill dfU^' iC’sts. Th^ of Diana. Tbe most noted tin' wliU'li Involved tile buriilin; of ii niiisle o.llllor was tbe i •losiruction flic ti-uiple of 1>1- ; nnn at K^tiosus In R. (\ fir.n ou * ulKtit .\.U‘xaiv»U‘f th»“ iiroiil wna l>orn. ’llu' tiro was bj* Ili'rostratus. 1 who when that i hlM only U‘sJr* was to tranKUitt biB i uiime to I'ui tlier Ho wkm jmt to ! dt‘atU with e.\*iulslt».* and prolonged I tortures, «nU the Ki'he.slaii senate com- [ nittnded that on pain of dentb his name ' shvmld never be pronoun\>Hi. hoping ! tliU8 to dlsap|K)int hiR exptK'tation. To K«*«*p Atvmkr la C borcli. A lululster once told me a good way to kt*ep aw’ftke In rbureb when InoUned to l»e drowiy. Tbe way was this: Lift one foot a liffle w«y from the tioor aiKi hold It there. It l8 lo)tH>H8llde to go to sUh'p when your fijot Is poised lu tbe air This remeily. though simple. Is v**ry elTectual and never falln to keep a iK'Hion awake.' National Maxazkie. TWO COMPETENT WORKMEN For R.epair Work. Insuring Correct and Prompt Attention to this line. All Oooci.> of Tne lL.ngi*avecl tree* Geo. L. Parker, Railroad Watch Inspector and Jeweler, 109 Main Street, Rocky Mount, N. C. Phone No. 31. Uei'aunc It n« True. CMty t.MKor (to ivjH>rtvr! here, what do you nieati l»y writing. •'Among the prettijjiji^iu^^^i jlie dauce was LleutenaoTTlt^^HKl Tb i uuderstaml that: but you see he ip‘nt tbe greater part of the evening ;imong the pn^ttlest girls there. MOTT’S Rocky Mount SeisH and Blind Co. RbcKyMmint, N. C. PENNYROYAL PILLS of menstruation.” They are • LIFE SAVEItS” 'to woniauhood. aiding de»elopnicnt of orpans and body. No known remedy for women equals them. Cannot do harm—life becomes a pleasure. .$1 .»M) IM:K JSOX IJY iM.VIL,. Sold by druggists. Ull, MOTT'S CllEMlCiL CO.. CitvcJaadiP'iip They overcome Weak ness, irregularity and omissions, inorca^c vj^- 3"^^or^and banish ‘Spains Manufacturers and dealers in all kinds of niill work and dealers in Plate Glass, Mirrors, Window and Picture Glass ail sizes cut to order. We take pleasure in announcing the fact that we are better prepared to execute orders for anything in our line now' than ever before. We have purchased recently some very fine N. C. Pine and Pop lar holdings, which we are going to ship in and manufac ture into our regular stock of mill work and give our local trade the benefit of this product at prices as low as possi ble. We have also purchased several car loads of South ern Pine Doors, Etc., which we are offering the trade, besides we are continually manufacturing all odd sizes in Sash Doors, Blinds, Etc., and can execute such orders promptly, besides some of our specialties as follows; Porch Columns, Balusters, Brackets, Rails, Stair Work, Window and Door Frames, Mantels in the latest styles, made in the white only, We wish to receive your patronage. We are no stranger to you, our W'ork sells upon its merit. GE:0. GREENE:. Mgr Headqarters For Souvenir Cards. Spring Is Now Here. And you are thinking-, perhaps, of getting a new buggy. There are many rciisons why you should got it L'ujui. iuiven L U tn walioi i as you want it, and the-price is reasonable. Every Vehicle Guaranteed. All repair work promptly done at reasonable price. W. T. Rose, Bug^'y and Vehicle Manufacturer. HEALTH and vitality 1 DC prenl remedy for nrrvous prostration and ail di-w ash's of the orpins e!t;i T .‘.'•-c. --irh as Nervous i^rosiruiion. I'aUUiif or Lost Manit'lW ?Jh-r ' VoiJiiifiil Krrors. M»ntftf W6rr\', cxc'^s.slve nw MT'^!';icro or -; • • ,i i. • an«J rn*.or.ay Wit>i over* ' ” ■ ‘ " " tfif.OOj tFTER tJSIWG. Flctlun. *‘A\'bat nn* yon writing: alx>ut. Haw ley?" "A story. I'm >roiug lu for Action.'* “UeallyV For n ninpazlneV’ “No; for my tailor. He wants bis money, and t’ni teHln^ him ril send him a clHH'k next The sworn statement of the manufact urers protects you from opiates in Ken nedy’s LaxatWe Honey and Tar the coufrh syrtip that drives the coW out of your system. Sold by Griffin’s Drug Store May & Ciorham. The Peerless Machine Works. Of (tociy Mount, HAVE IN STOCK A CKn^t( lim Of PULLEYS, HANGERS, ' and LEATHER BELTING. ! Phone them for an estimate on j your work. At your service at | all hours. concn great many have b«*n permanUv cured I by I'hamberlain’s Stomach and Liver i Tablets Try them, they are certain to prove hencficial. They only coat a quarter SiM by all riniRjrift*. i WarnLVVfiflther Is Now Hfffi And in Taking an invigorating REFRESHING BATH You will need the right TOILET ARTICLED PHONE NO. 1. Ryser’s Drug Store. THC, BRCEZY CORNER.. r br.l. Have Just Received A New Line of GO-CARTS. You can always find a large line to select from in anything in the way of fiyniture or household furnishings at PHilips ® Dowdy. BullucR Building, Cash or Payments to Suit Customer. Pi>on. No. 267. Washington Street

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