Chinese Sarcasm. Once in awhile you meet a common {Jhinaman who has some of the native of his country. One such has a Iwmdry in Lexington avenue, not far ffcom Twenty-third street. The other dfcy I heard him yell at a recalcitrant 4(Jnstomer: "You no pay? Then you pa |)tr tiger!" I asked what he meant by «•"paper tiger," and lie replied, "Oh, in Jhina a paper tiger is a blackguard •Who blows much, but is harmless!" t added: "When a man is very proud himself, what Americans call 'stuck ' we compare to a rat falling into Male and weighing itself. When a Qdnaman overdoes a thing we say he ia hunchback making a bow. Tfce h son who quickly spends his fa ir's money we call a rocket which •oes off at once. We say of you rich Americans who send money to the seathens by missionaries and neglect tnelr family at home, 'They hang their lantern on a pole, which is seen from inr, but gives no light below.* "—New sark Press. An Arab Honeymoon. For seven days after the wedding tiie Arab bride and bridegroom are Supposed not to leave their room. The bride may see none of her own family and only the women folk of her hus band's, who wait on her. She remains !n all her wedding finery and paint and does absolutely nothing. The bride groom generally slips out at night aft- V three days and sees a few friends privately, but he persistently hides from his wife's family, and should he rlijr accident meet his father-in-law be ttire the seven days are over he turns Ips back and draws his burnous, or c, over his face. This is their view a honeymoon, and they grow as of it as any European couple do of their enforced continental tour.— Wide World Magazine. Good Ink, but No Bread. Sweynheym and Pannartz, the two Germans who were the first to print Dooks in Rome, used paper and types of excellent quality. Their ink on Images printed more than 400 years ago Can vie in blackness with \£e best of the present day. Yet with all their la bors they often lacked bread. In a pe tition to the pope they informed his fcollness that their house was full of proof sheets, but that they had noth ing to eat—Argonaut. To Her Credit. Miss Pas* ay—The idea! The impu dence of hi'i— Miss Di.,^—Why, I'd call that a compliment. Tt simply proves how tfdllful you've been in concealing it Philadelphia Press. Important to Him. _ M An old .telling her -^rand children j some trouble 1*57 Scot land in the course of which the chief her clan was beheaded. "It was nae neat thing of a head, to be sure," said me good old lady, "but it was a sad lO6S to him." Soft. •'Should a man shave up or down?" asked a youthful city clerk, and the barber replied with a grin: "That depends. When I shave you, for instance, I always shave down." Rank Foolishness. "When attacked by a cough or a cold or when your throat is sore, it in rank foolishness to take any other medicine than Dr. King's New Discovery," says C. 0. Eldrige, of Empire, Ca. "I used New Discovery seven years and I know it is the best remedy on earth for coughs and colds, croup, and ail throat and lung troubles. My children are subject to croup, but New Discovery auickly cures every attack." Known tie world over as the King of throat and lung remedies. Sold under guar antee at Griffin's drug store. 50c. and SI.OO. Trial bottle free. THIS GLORIOUS GOLDEN CLOCK FREE for a few minutes of your time. No one who has POSITIVELY d, home to live in Ccin sfford to miss tiiis truly ji d a iiTCTn GOLDEN OPPCajUNITY A GU *"« To secure FREE of charge a Clock, the _ most important thing in the home. And cveep such a Clock, too! BEAUTIFUL GOLD Time for Tell AND GUARANTEED FOR TEN YEARS.- «. collect |5 o "n o thfs way. to&gjfl EMj/wifl BfTM GIFTS IMP ?£% forever? 01 " "««* «"■ "oek TWO BEAUTIFUL EXTRA GIFTS will Via df>lie*htpd with. On© of these gifts I will send to you FREE AND fKHi PAID as soon as I receive the postal card with your name on it. The other one I will give to you Just for being prompt In following my Instructions. I will tell you all about the second extra gift, when I send the first one, which I will do as soon as I hear from you, so HURRY UP. VAII 'TAirr MA J*UAIIf*rC * n writing to me, because, if the Clock does lUU TAKE 110 viIANvCO not prove to be even better than I have de scribed it, and if It does not delight you In every way. you may send it back and I will pay you handsomely In cash for your trouble, Also, if you *£* or for any other reason fail to collect all of the $5, I will pay you well for you do. 80 you see. YOU CAN'T LOSE, so sit right down and write to me m follows: «D. R. OSBORNE, Maiagtr, Naahrllle, Team, Fleeae aemdme traits of Geeor*e Waahlasrtoa and complet. outfit for earafa* the Glorfoaa (Mdei Cloek, with the understanding that this does sot Mai «• l«7 T« cent." Then fijit your name and address. *• j Plbflt Wood's f 7 Garden Seeds V FOR SUPERIOR VEGE TABLES & FLOWERS. Our business, both in Garden and Farm Seeds, is one of the largest in this country, a result due to the fact that U Quality is always our J n first consideration, q We are headquarters for Grass and Clover Seeds, Seed Oats, Seed Potatoes, Cow Peas, Soja Beans and other Farm Seeds. Wood's Descriptive Catalogue la the best and most practical of seed catalogues. An up-to date and re \ cognized authority on all Garden I \ and Farm crops. Catalogue mailed / ,\ ftee on request. Write for it. /, \ T. W. WOOD & SONS, / )j SEEDSMEN, - Richmond, Va 11 The Wife of the Cat. Nasr-ed-din. the Persian shah, was ill intensely superstitious man and be lieved that his luck lay in his beauti ful black Persian cat. which was a re markably handsome cat in a land where cats are nearly all handsome. The shah never allowed the black cat to be away from him, and it was given in charge of one of his wives, Amin Agdas, who was styled "the wife of the cat." When the shah went on his long shooting expeditions, the Persian cat was put into a decorated basket and carried by a special attendant directly behind his master. Unluckily one day an accident occurred, and the black cat came to an untimely end. The shah was in despair at the loss of his luck bringer, but the clever "wife of the cat" exerted her influence and brought her nephew under the shah's notice. The lad was sharp enough to make the most of an accident (planned by his aunt) and save the shah's life, and the monarch was so pleased that he gave the boy the name of "the cherished of the sovereign" and in stalled the new luck bringer. Periloua Boating. On the west coast of Ireland, near the mouth of the river Shannon, are large sea caves which open into each other. The visitor seems to be floating through a submarine palace of many halls whose roofs are either as green as grass in the sun or blood red. But the visitor needs a good guide and a good boatman, for the sea is insidious and the labyrinth of caves intricate. On one occasion, writes Au brey de Yere in his "Recollections," j soon after a party had entered flie boatman suddenly shouted, "Bend down your heads for your lives!" No one saw any danger, but the boatman felt the placid water insensi bly rising and knew that the tide had turned. At last the visitors knew this, too, for it was not until the boat had ascended within a few Inches of the roof that it began to descend. "Pull your best!" exclaimed the man at the helm. "If the second wave reaches us, we are lost!" But before the second wave reached the cave the boat had issued from its mouth. A Gore For Misery. "I have found a cure for the misery malaria poison produces," says R. M. James, of Louellen, S. C. "It's called Electric Bitters. It breaks up a case of chills or a bilious attack in almost no time; and it puts yellow jaundice clean out of commission." This grea*; tonic medicine and blood purifier gives quick relief in all stomach, liver and Kidney complaints and the misery of lame back. Sold under guarantee at Griffin's drug store. The Rocky Mount Record, Thursday, January 30, 1908. Make Life's Journey Easy By Riding' In A Rose Buggy Made From The Best Material By The Most Skilled Workmen. Rose Buggies Are Superior In j Durability, f Comfort and | Appearance am f We have pleased thousands, let us please you by selling you a ROSE BUGGY at moderate cost WT DACF TARBORO STREET, • A* KUi3L 9 rocky mount, n. ;c. Horse Shoeing a Specialty. -~- - ; \ ■ Ml— 11 111 111 ■■ lllHlllll IHBMH—M— M ' ' ' / . » - * Secure A Home By Paying Rent. J We offer for sale two five room cottages, conveniently located/ and-good as new upon the payment on each house of S3O p€r month for five years. Not a cent of interest charged on deferred payments. A splendid chance to secure a home on easy terms. Call and see us. We have some bargains in real estate, im~ proved and vacant. Our office is headquarters for Insurance in the best companies. We are giving special attention to the collection of rents. Put your property in our hands and you will be pleased. ...... ——im^^^^ i^mmmm Rocky Mount Ins. & Realty Co. V R. B. DAVIS, Jr., Sec'ty. R. L. HUFFINES, Gen. Mgr. « « • 1 \l I I