VOL. 11., NO. 21 "REMINISCES." Biographical and R!s!3r!cal Sketch by Dr. P. S. Hlcl'.:, Treating o! Local Persons and s. After a little I came o ..he front- and , explained to the btore ob- j ject for dropping in t , "partner" of mine ha' then passed on throu: Mayoe's Bridge rejoicL. to . Hut my joy , did not last long. Just " of an undertakers shop ..... name of Moore was tL~ of it) I dropped my tin be , that coiftained my paints, _ I L. turpentine, etc. The black varnish bottle and spt. turpeni i*. ll'o ' L h broke, my paint tubes, v—tur pentine was all in a iouloily. In two minutes there was crow ) around me to start a good size I\\aS ( expecting that I would \, . t '.o p. 1 Ice or the police would get me pretty soon. A#out that time Mr. Moore oame to my relief and kindly asked me in and gave me some rags so I could clean oft my things pretty well. I wrapped up my paint tubes in a bun lit, Mr. Moore gave gae a bottle and I touted my mix ture out of the box into If, and then bundling up and thanking him for his kind assistance I star Leu I soon came to Mayoe's Bridge, where it cost me a cent to walk across. Then I was in the city of Richmond with nine cents in my pocket. But no one knew it but myself. My friend it is best never to tell how much money you have or haven't if you can get along without telling. I went up to the Water Works and found a yrivate boarding house and engaged board and lodging for a week at a dollar a day if I stayed that long. The people were very kind, they never asked me to pay in advance, (lucky for me they didn't.) I got my supper, stayed ail night and got my breakfast. By that time the mixed black varnish and turpentine in the bottle settled so I could pour off the turpentine and leav> the varnish, so I had it separated again and was ready for business. I then went back over to Manchester that day, and engaged to teach three pfjL'soua for five .lall&is cvh all the same time and at the same place. That night I went back to my boarding house, stayed all night and the next day went back to Manchester finished up my job got my fifteen dollars and next morning settled up my boarding bill and left for home. Whea I got home I found more trouble awaiting me, but of a different nature, a sad affair. There was a let ter awaiting me in the office from Rocky Mount stating the death of Mrs. Xucindia Braswell, my wife's sister; leaving five children, the youngest a baby about three weeks old. My wife insisted that we go at once to Rocky Mount to the relief of her sisters ■children. Of course I submitted and we were off on the next train. We got there the day after she was buried, *and found a dependent and helpless lot of children, of course their father was there but their surroundings were of such a nature that he was of very little benefit to them. So we took all the children with us to Petersburg includ ing their farther James Braswell. In a month or so he got tired of Petersburg and went back to Rocky Mount. Well in a month or so more the baby died and wasi buried in the old Blanford church yard. We had lost a little baby boy awhile before that, they were both buried at the same place. I reckon Blanford is one of the oldest counties in the United States. I have often thought of the parable about casting bread upon the waters and it applied to my case in taking all of those little helpless and motherless children. And the bread did return after many days. The oldest boy brought it to me in the time of need I will explain further on. His name was Thomas W. Braswell. He was about eight or nine years old at that time, we called him Tom, and by the way he very smart, \intelligent boy. In a few weeks after all this I moved to Manchester, Va., and in a few months my wife went to Rocky Mount op a visit and took all the children back to their father. He distributed them flrtnng his people but they remained only a short time with them. I stayed in Manchester about six months and continued to teach my painting. My office was in Richmond on Wall street. While there.l would occasionally take a trip in the country. On one occasion I took a trip to the English coal pits, I think some ten or twelve miles west of J Richmond. I got there about night, and after looking around a little on the outside I became acquainted with the captain of the pit. He seemed to be a very nice old Englishman, he asked me if I wanted to take a trip down in the I _' ' ' PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY THE ROCKY MOUNT PUBLISHING COMPANY. pit. I decided that I would, about that time they were changing hands, the day liaijds coming out and the night hands going down in the pit. They told me it was nine hundred feet deep. They used a sixty horse power engine to draw up the coal in a l?.~ge box on the order of a bucket. I saw several men get in the box afr- one time with lanterns on their heads, in f he place of plumes. That is the way tb»v carry their torch to see how to work in the pit. The signal was given ~o down and they went. The cap "n gave me a rubber overcoat to put on to keep off the coal dust and when, the car or bucket got back he took down and put me in the care of a guide in the pit. He took me about over the pit, we went about one-fourth of a mile up the line. There was a double track of railroad'down there, there was a center pulley a large rope worked on it and a coal car at each end of the rope when the loaded one would go up the empty one would go down. Every few feet there was tunnels cut out on)either side and men at work away back several hundred yards in those tunnels. My guide stopped at one of the tunnels and opened a door and yelled out "is all right up there?" The answer was, "ali right." 1 asked the guide what that meant. He said that sometimes there was loose or dead gas standing about in the cells and if our lamps came in con tact with it we would have a bust-up and pVobably be killed. He said there was gas drivers to keep the gas back out of danger. We went on to where the man was pecking coal. I will never forget his look, as black as pit coal could make him, his eyes and lips red and his teeth white, a big light on his head and he digging away nine hundred feet In the ground and one-half mile from the elevator, by himself. He stopped a few minutes and talked with me. I asked him how much pay he got, he said from about $1.50 to 2.50 for ten hours, so much by the ton, some days more and some days less. I told him good-by, then left him. I asked my guide what was the danger down there. He said sometimes they were killed by the gas, sometimes by falling coal and various ways. He said there were seventy-five drowned in that very pit 'sometime*before then, that Iri dig gihg they accidently struck a tunnel of another old pit that was full of water and that very few men that were in the pit escaped, and that it was several months before the water could be pumped out and the dead bodies found. I reckon I was down there one hour. We got back to the elevator and came out, and I never want to go back any more. I then talked a little while with a man at work on the out side. He told me I had more grit than he did, that he had been there three years and had never been down there yet. (To be continued.) The best investment ever desired for small savings is a well managed Local Building and Loan Association. The Rocky Mount Homestead and Lean As sociation has stood the test of time. Six years of successful operation with out the IOS J of one dollar is our record. Call on R. L. Hriffines, Secretary and Treasurer for full information. Rocky Mount Tobacco Market. Sales were again small the past week, amounting to about 200,000 pounds. The quality was a little better than previous weeks, though not as good as the tobac cos sold during the fall months, and much inferior to the crop sold last year after the holidays, there being fewer good tobaccos and more of the greenish, nondescript sorts. Prices are full high and in fact hjgher than any time this season, quality considered. The buyers are all out in full force and the market shows more animation than for some time past. Sales of Rocky Mt. Tobacco Market. Sales for January 1908, 635,515 lbs, average $10.87. Sales for January 1907 493,606 lbs., average $12.30. Gain in pounds this year 141,609. Sales for season 1906-7, 6,445,630 lbs., average $10.95. Sales for season 1907-8. 6,102,2361b5., average $10.54. Loss in pounds to date 343,400. Death of Mr. Geo. W. Bullock. Mr. Geo. W. Bulluck died suddenly at his home three miles from the city, in Edgecombe county, Saturday, of heart disease. He was 52 years old and leaves a family and large number of relatives. Mr. Bulluck was a snb stantial farmer and well known man. His remains were interred near the home Sunday. ROCKY MOUNT, N. C., THURSDAY; FEBRUARY 6, 1908, HAPPENINGS IN POLICE COURT. Comedy and Tragedy ol a Week as Enacted in Calamity Hail Before Mayor Thorp. A notable game of poker was the only offering in the mayor's court Sat urday morning and it was fully aired while some of the large number of spec tators present enjoyed the humor .of it and others, probably, quaked in their boots. It also had its serious side and many felt deeply for the highly es teemed and honored parent whose son was involved. The game was remark able in that though the participants in it fully believed they were gambling while they were doing it, according to all the evidence they were not, within the meaning of the law, because it turned out that the game was played for worthless checks, and the law says there must be something of value risked. A young man of the city and a stranger were the participants in a game of "stud" poker and each shoved up a check jin lieu of money whieh neither seemed to have. Each knew his check was no good but thought the other fellow's was, until the winner tried to cash the check he had won and then the music began. It was in evi dence that the young man who gave the worthless check had had money in the bank on which it was drawn, but had checked it all out. That saved him for that. It was a case where intent was clearly proven, and even admitted, and yet no violation of the law was done, and Mayor Thorp had to dismiss the case. Monday morning only two cases were tried. Claud Jordan, for using profani ty on the street was fined $7.50, and John Clark, a vistor to the city, who had partaken too freely of the ardent fluid and behaved very ugly in the opera house Saturday night, was fined $25. Tuesday morning a case of attempted criminal assault. monopolized the ses sion. George Davis, a negro boy about 14 years old was the defendant and the intended victim of his alleged act, was an eight-year-old colored girl named Bessie Ricks. The evidence was not conclusive as to the act or identity, but probable cahse \!as etJWn.* Befta Juda:e Thorp rendered his decision coun sel for the boy offered to submit his client for simple assault, and upon the prayer of the girls mother for this, and because of the youth of the boy the pleading was allowed and Davis given 30 days on the roads. Wilson and Bill Wells, colored, were fined $5 each for disorderly at the Wednesday morning session ot the mayor's court, and James Battle, colored, was assessed $lO for having a row with his better half. Mr. Corinth Presented Sliver Service. The Wilmington Messenger of Satur day has the following: "An exceedingly pretty and interest ing incident occurred yesterday after noon in the machine shops at the A. C. L. yards in this city, when A. B. Cor inth, the popular assistanr superin tendent of motive power of the A. C. L., who has been transferred to Rocky Mount, where he will go on Monday, was presented by the machinists, painters,, carpenters and other em ployes or that department over which he has been in charge, a handsome and valuable set of flat silver, complete in every particular, containing knives, forks, table and teaspoons, dessert spoons and carving set. The silverware was in three handsome mahogany cases and it was a splendid tribute to the re tiring official, showing the high regard in which he is held by the more than 300 men under him, while always work ing for the interests of the company." Mr. Corinth arrived in Rocky Mount Monday and will make his headquarters nere. Harry K. Thaw Acquitted. Harry K. Thaw was acqutted by the jury in New York Saturday, after they had deliberated on the case 25 hours. Their verdict was that Thaw was in sane whert he shot Stanford White June 25, 1906. Judge Dowling, who sat at the trial, immediately ordered Thaw to the asylum for criminal insane, where he will remain for life unless released by a lunacy commission declaring him sane Thaw resistlpd the order of the court and only some very plain talk from his counsel would consent* to go to mad house, insisting on a habeas corpus to try as to his sanity at oiice. One home built each month for the pa-t six years is che record of Rocky Mount Homestead and Loan Association Subscribe to the ,12th series of stock due and payable February . Ist, 'I9OB. R. J J . Huffines. Secretary & Treasurer. THE SPECIAL SESSION ADJOURNS. VuBSL .* *-•- Compromise Passenger Rate Bill Mass ed end Other Important Leglsla* v«. * The special session of the legislature called together by Gov. Glenn to con sider the. passenger rate matter ad jsurnea Saturday afternoon, having ac - complied its .work. quite a number of local and ipinor.iWls;passed, a State prohibition*frijl tqfrbg'• ratified by the People. be held May 26th»^n(i^dmp'passenger rate bi.l entered and, lies u oad companies to ful fiill in letters to the gov l-\cfcnt inter-state rate; of mileage^jojss-of 2,000 miles to firms, heads of families'and four other mem bers, a two cents 1,000-mile book at 2 cents a and of inter state mileage books of 500 miles at 2 1-4 cents fov* heads of families and de- members not to exceed four. It repeals the 2 i-4 cent flat rate and increases this to 2 1-2 cents, requires only first class fare anl exempts from liability or indictment in civil or crimi nal suits instituted or hereafter instituted against any railroad ggtnt cspemployee for any the ZlAfent rate. 'rjM bill is to go into efifcjjfl i r first/of April and it provides la 2 1-J cewiiitra-state rate. It ialwecifically set out that the North, Carolina corporation commission is tq nothing to do in any way, Witt thfltenforcing of the act or any pendtigf, this to avoid any injunctive of the court. « / Rubwgd companies violating any of the act, or counseling, directing any agent px em plo jbe t£ r do so be guilty of a misemeafOr with a penalty of from $50(1 to sljooo, agents, servants or em ployes violating the act to be fined or impjisoned or both in the descretion of the not entitled to accept * tuti^;e "It* be' oi impriloned or both in the discretion of the cprt, railroad or employees giving this tj be fined from SSOO to $2,000 for each >ffense. Prohibition Election May 26. Th« special session of the legislature finally agreed upon May 26th as the date for holding the election on the State prohibition bill, the senate's amendment to tlat date being concurred in by the house. The bill as passed provides no limit to the manufacture of cider by any man, out of fruit grown on his own lands. Provision is also made in the bill for the manufacture of wine from grapes and berries grown on a man's own land and the sale of it in packages of not less than 2 1-2 gallons, not to be drunk on the premises. The main features of the bill are substantially as published in last week's issue of The Record. By an act of the legislature it was made a misdemeanor for a drummer for liquor firms outside the State to solicit trade in North Carolina except from people legally authorized to sell liquor. If the prohibition bill is carried in the election it will t>e effective Jan. 1, 1909. A. C. L. Operator Mordered. Barney McGee, telegraph operator for the A. C. L., at Collier, Va., was murdered Friday by a negro named William Mack, who escaped but was captured Saturday near Emporia, and confessed to the shooting. Young Mc- Gee, who was operator at the block signal station at Collier, together with a friend who had stopped at the station, returning from a hunt, were, walking up the track checking cars and saw the negro building a fire too near the cars. He ordered him not to do so, and the three started back to the station, the matter apparently settled, when Mack pulled a pistol and shot McGee, in the back of the head: He then fired at McGee's companion, but did not hit him, and ran. Superintendent W. H. Newell offered a reward of SIOO for the negro's cap ture, and this amount will be paid to the captor of Mack. *» King and Crown Prince Murdered. Lisbon, Feb. 1. —King Carlos, of Por tugal and the Crown Prince Luiz Phil ippe. were assassinated today and the city is in a state of uproar. The King's second pon, the Infanta Manuel,: wff? slightly wounded, but Queen Amelie, who strove to save the ■ Crown Prince's life by throwing herself upon hjm, was . fctahurt. * A band of men, waiting at the corner Pfythe Commercial ard. Sua Do Ardferial, suddenly gpr? rc ward the open cajfciage, in "whl i the family weiiefrdriven to the palac and levelling carbines whieh tliey had con cealed upon them, fir©!/ The K the Crown Prince, upon whom " 1 1 tack was directed, were each she f i times, and tjj&y lived qnly long having besn the bride of one man, hii? divorced "wife and then the Vv another man all the same day. Di ; ng- JjMriMgppt cdurt, whic' end on account of the ipdisposi- I tiofiof Jucfee Webb, there was a di- Lyorce suit on docket, this Mrs. Na'nnie j Newton against her husband. otthe case came up in t&eniorning, the divorce was granted, as the husband is now serving a term ih the penitentiary, and that evening was united in marriage to Mr.' Noah A. Smith. Prior to the firs£ 1 marriage the bride was Miss Nannie Ellis, daughter of Benjamin Ellis, who lives in the northern part of this county Her husband got into trouble and the divorce suit followed. Mr. Robert Herring Dies Suddenly. Mr. Robert S. Herring died rather suddenly at the Wilson sanitorium Mon 'day night. He had been in failing health for some time and was taken to hosi his briber, Dr. Ben Herring of chat place. Mon day he suffered a stroke of paralysis and succumbed to it that night. The remains were brought to his home in this city and buried in Pine View cem etery Wednesday at 12 o'clock. Mr. Herring was a well known, busi ness man of this city, being engaged for some years in the coal and ice busi on a large scale. He was a genial, generous hearted young man, he was only 37 years old, whose warmest friends were those who knew him best. He leaves a wife and five small children, three boys and two girls. Sodden Death. I (Tarboro Southerner 30th.) , In the midst of life we are in death i was illustrated last evening when almost without a warning John O. Oates became a corpse. Soon after supper he had walked to Mrs. W. K. Mercer's to see her on bus iness. He was in a very pleasant mood. He asked for water and drank three glasses after brief intervals and jocularly remarked about his thirst. A few minutes later he said something was the matter with him and his head fell back. Mrs. Oates and two other ladies who were with her rubbed his temples and applied camphor, but he never spoke nor struggled again. A physician w T as quickly summoned, who game at once only to find every vestige . of life gone. Death ol Mrs. Sam Jenkins. Mrs. Samuel Jenkins died at her home on Franklin street last Thursday morning as a result of an apoplectic stroke she suffered on Monday morning. The funeral service was conducted at her late residence Friday morning by Rev. R. B. Owens, rector of the Episco pal church, of which Mrs. Jenking was a devout member, and the remains were laid to rest in Pine View cem; etery. Mrs. Jenkins was a most excellent woman, and was beloved, esteemed and respected by all who knew her. To the four children who survive her she was b mother in the truest sense of the word, and to the husband a helpmeet companion and counsellor. Sevety five families in Rocky Moiint are now owning their own homes, who would otherwise be paying rent but for assistance afforded by Rocky Mount Homestead and Loan Association. The 12th series of stock will be due and pay able on and after February Ist, 190& "XJallonß. L. Huffines, Secretary and Treasurer for full information. 1 PRICE 5 CENfS Movement Started A fereflce to Provide Cozy Club- Boom For Yoong Men of the City.i At the Rocky Mount Ministers CQtt feronce, held in Rev. D. H. Tutt&fe I *', lilonday morning, a moverxnaat . : s€i3 launched to provide a free reading n f.6r the use of the youag men of the town. The entirely T*fie plan is to • -w^uxn. a convenient I - where the young men of IHte may spend their f jjji social t. : e, play innocent: proses, and 'store their minds with the test 'of the best correct A c#zy, Jt co.,j^'urtable uniting place o| this jpiyj would be a safeguard to f.J and the movement to provide such a place is an opportunity for those wto have money ta&do some real subStatftnal . . good. * • ' • • ■' Yoolde Tyme Fiddlers' Cppventioit : ;f Mr. J. T. Ro tan,'who, together with* Prof. C. Z. Whitaker, has conducted a. number of very successful old time fid alers' conventions in the State, is here.»- ; : to for two inthi# citypn'Fjlday 1 • body knows what old time fiddly* ; but the fim and real enjoyment of a fid dlers convention, where dozens of the "•# very best there is in a section are on a stage a £d,dlin' their level best for a prize—Man, sir! There haint no way to describe it. It's,fun, and a plenty of it. * / Just bear in mind,"too, that nary a violinist is, going to have a thing to do 1 with ifcf** a vast difference, mind ye, bet ween la fiddler and a violin ist. A violinist executes most difficult music with wonderful technique etc*, while a fiddler just plays tunes. Everybody in this whole section who can draw a bow, pick a banjo or dance a jig is invited to enter the contest for the prizes. And it does not cost a cent to enter, either. Get busy and prac tice up, for there is sure to be a great day -when the . fiddlers' convention "comes to town." • ! 4 —f Goodwin Stock Company. The Goodwin Stock Company opened a week's engagement at the Masonic Temple Opera House Monday night with "A Daughter of Satan/' and played to a good business, as they did also Tuesday and Wednesday nights. The company is well above the average of repertoire companies and their clever work was appreciated by the large audiences. The company will present tonight "The preacher and the Con vict," a pastorial drama in faur acts; Friday*night Robert Louis Stevenson's* great phycological drama, "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde," and Saturday at mati nee will be presented the beautiful fairy tale "Cinderella." The company will close its engagement Saturday night with sensational "The King of Detectives." Prices are only 10, 20 and 30 cents. No Race Sulciuc. (Tarboro Southerner.) 'Squire Pender had before him the? other day Andrew Anthony, a colored man living on Caswell Sugg's farm near Hartsease, charged with some pettj offence. The charge with the evidence was trivial and when the 'Squire ascer tained that the man was the father of ten children, the oldest being only ten years old, he told him to go and taxed no cost against anyone. During Andrew's brief married life his better half has presented him with four sets of twins and two singles. "Connty Chairman" Pleases. The "County Chairman" pleased a good sized Saturday night audience at the Masonic Opera House, especially appealing to the politically inclined with its true-to-life depicting of politics as the game is played. Through the whole runs a pretty love story which add* to the charm of the play. W. T. Chat terton, as the "County Chairman" wat all that was necessary to the part and the entire cast gave good support to him. The money stringency has apparently subsided and the Rocky Mount Home l stead and Loan Association has emerged from the period of depression with r feeling of pride that loans have beei. granted and all stock surrenders hav. been paid on demand without discount . The 12th series of stock will be opei for subscription February Ist, 190?. Call on R. L. Hufrhes, Secretary anu. Treasurer.