VOL. XI., NO. 26 "REMINISCENCES." , Biographical and Historical Sketch by Dr. P. S. Hicks, Treating of Local Persons and Scenes. He gave me Bill Hicks and Stan Stancil;. He also gave me six horses and pointed me to a pile of gear to fit them out with. Pretty soon we were hitched up and the bugle sounded, "drivers mount" and we drove off. Tom was allowed to go with me and ride on the forge, but after a few miles he fell off and hurt himself so the cap tain sent him back home to Tarboro. We will hear from him again later on. That evening after leaving Richmond there came a terrible thunder storm, wind and rain were so terrific that we had to stop in the road until it was •over. Of course we got soaking wet but no time to change clothes in war where business is brisk. That night we camped in the water, I soon got used to that if I didn't like it. The next day we got to Gordensville and went in camp near there for about two days. The pickets were near there. Jackson w~., in command of about 2000 men at that time, he ad vanced on the pickets, they fell back to Cedar Run to their main army where they took a stand for a fight. On the way there from Gordensville I could see bee hives that had been robbed, hogs killed and the hams cut off and the balance of the hog lying on the ground and other outrages committed. My company had orders to halt in the edge of a large opening. Pretty soon we heard firing ahead of us about a mile and a half off. It lasted about two or three hours, wounded men were coming and being brought to the rear. I cannot well describe the battle. It ended in Jackson's capturing about 800 prisoners by flanking them and killing about 75 or 100. A little before sunset Capt. Latham was ordered to the front. The enemy had fallen back in a piece of woods as we were advancing and had &u'v to about wh'oro the t.vtA had .iiiaci been fought, the main fight had been in an open field. We were going up the road by the side of the field, I was close up behind the artillery with my forge when General Branch came riding by and asked me where I was going and whose forge I had. I told him it was Captain Latham's and that I was keeping up with the company. "Has Latham got no more sense than that," he said, ".drive right out there in that field." I could have gotten orders that would have pleased me more for 1 wanted to drive in some other direction About that time I drove in the field battle ground) there were moans and groans all around us, our men and the yankees. It was then getting dark except what light the moon gave which was but little. I shall never forget that night, but I would rather been there than to have kept on shooting the yankees with my forge. Of course I did not think 1 would have to shoot the forge at them but I -did think I would have to heat the balls that were to be shot at them, for I had enough of "shootinghot shot at the enemy." We didn't unhitch our horses from t£e fcrge all night. Our battery boomed the woods that wereoccupied by the enemy, two or three hours the first part of the night then all wa.% quiet nntil day. After all wa3 still. I walked around over the battle field. It is a distressing sight to be on a field at night there has been a battle fought that day, when the dead and wounded have not been moved and you not able to help them. I gave several of the wounded water, I remember giving a wounded yankee some water, his comrade was dying by his side. He told me that his friend had a good watch and for me to take it, if I didn't some one else would, but I told him I had no use tor a watch then and did not know that I ever would. That bat tie was fought on Saturday; Sunday we buried the dead and sent the wounded back. At dark there were nundreds of small fires built every where. I thought all of the Confederate army had come there, but no —it was to make the yankees think so by having BO many camp fires. I thought our next move would be to advance on the yankees but after dark we were ordered to harness up and were off in double quick time. By that time I had learned that place for the forge was at the rear of the battery, and that It was lucky for me that I had got that posi tion as it turned out to be what we called a bomb-proof. Yes I had rather been a forge driver than a general in the army. The yankees that night were reinforced to 40,000 strong and intended to attack Jackson in front and in the rear next morning and to have bagged his whole army, but we by mid night had fallen back 15 or 20 miles. 9ke iH.6eH.il Mount £%eee^ PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY THE ROCKY MOUNT PUBLISHING COMPANY. The next morning the enemy attacked Jaekson as they thought, in his front and rear, and had advanced so near to each other that they had begun firing thinking that they were the rebels they were shooting, but no Jackson was there, every rebel was gone, and not a trace of there where-abouts known to them. We went in camp near Orange Court House for about a week, and for the balance of that vear it was rebels and yankees chasing each other up and down over hitls and valleys of Va. I am not able to give names of places and dates but will give a few incidents of what occurred now and then. After my officers found out who I was (that I was Prof. Hicks, the great Southern Magician and ' Ventriloquist) I was permmitted special privileges, so occasionally I would give a concert or show. On one occasion I gave a show near Cordenville and as we had not been paid off in some time money was scarce, but cabbage plentiful and in de mand, so I took cabbage as currency. One good size cabbage would admit one man in the show, a small size one would admit a child according to age etc. It was a success. I took in one night PTwnsrh cabbage to start a store so far us caboage were concerned. A while after that I gave a show in the town of Gordensville that will be long re membered. I hired a large room over a store that was intended to be used as a hall but had never been finished. I rigged it up the best I could and got out my hand bills. The commander of that part gave me a special guard to aid me in keeping order. Well, the hour arrived, the doors were opened and the people poured in, both citizens and soldiers, including some ladies, until the house was completely packed, so much that the ladies retired before the performance i>egan. The soldiers had climbed up there and were packed up on every joist as close as possible. The hall was lighted with candles put up in blocks nailed up around the hall. About the time I was ready to begin showing I think the greater part of Cooks brigade came and crowded in as fofcg Us ons touki and slanJmg ro&m.' I had a program of my tricks etc., and the last thing was a trick I called "Raising the Devil." Right here I will give that trick away as it is a good one. Take a heaping table spoon-full of fine salt, mix with it half a cup of alcohol or strong brandy or whiskey. Mix it well together, put in a dish, set on a small table, and be sure not to have a table cloth on the table or any thing else as it might get burned. Let the crowd get around the table (and remember if there is any one in the room who does not want to be frightened they had better leave the room,) put all the lights out then light a straw and put in the mixture, stir it while burn ing, then look at each other and it will do the rest. (To be continued.) What was one of the boldest bank robberies ever committed in the State took place at Granite Falls, a small town near Hickory, N. C. Saturday evening at 6 o'clock when three masked men held up at the point of guns Cash ier W. G. Whisuant and robbed the bank of $2,700. They then locked the cashier up in the vault of the safe, where he stayed until next morning, being 15 hours in the vault. Whis-. nant's people became alarmed when he failed to show up at breakfast Sunday morning and organized a searching party, who heard him in the vault try ing to givejthe alarm, he having survived through the night by reason of a small ventilation in the vault. The robbers made eood their escape after the rob bery and there is no trace of them so far. The bank was capitalized at only SIO,OOO but burglar insurance to the amount of $5,0C0 will cover loss. Rocky Mount is to be visited this l (Thursday) evening by Miss Davies, Cor. Sec. of the young people's depart ment of the W. F. Mis. Society, wh> will deliver an address in the Methoiis church in the interest of the wo-i*. Every one who comes will be delighted with the gifted and consecrated worker. No collection. The second treat will be on Tuesday, Bp. m. March 3rd when Miss Mabel Head, of Washington, N. C. will address our people on the work of the Woman's Home Mission Society. Make a date for that also. One home built each month for the past six years is the record of Rocky Mount Homestead and Loan Association Subscribe to the 12th series of stock due and payable February Ist, 1908. R. L. Huffines, i-ecretary & Treasurer. Cashier Locked in Vault. Two Treat?. ROCKY MOUNT, N. C., I'HJJRSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1908. HAPPENINGS IN POLICE COURT. Comedy and Tragedy of a Week as Enacted In Calamity Hall Before Mayor Thorp. He was from Sampson county and the fact stuck out all over him when he appeared before the mayor's court Thursday morning to answer to the charge of being drunk. Geo. Mat tl* ews, that was his name, said it was his first time out from home and his unsophisticated innocence verified every word of it. With a capital of sls on his inside pocket George for swore the plow handles and gathering of hig blues some two months ago and after taking a long farewell of his folks and his favorite coon dog he left the comfortable home where life seemed too monotonous, to go out into the hard, cold world to do or die. His former advent in this city, when George was on the outward bound voyage, is also recorded on the police blotter of this city, for the same reason that his name was again there last week. After leaving this part he went to Roanoke Rapids and not finding the "long green" hanging from the trees as he believed he would when he started out to make his fortune, he took counsel of himself and like the prodigal son decided to arise and return to his father's house, wherej the hig blue 3 flourish and the plow handles awaited him. George had found the world large and full of delusions. All of which he ex plained to his honor Thursday morning when he was at the bi r on the charge of drunkenness. "Your honor, sir, please let me off this time, and let me return to my father's home. I will promise you I will stay there here after. I have traveled enough and have seen enough of the world." The special pleading of the prisoner touched the compassionate heart of Mayor Thorp and George was allowed to go home with the promise that he would send to the city $5 fine for the trouble he had put the officers to. Aftej shaking the "hands of ixia^oTarid^o7n!e r otii&. and expressing the hope that he would meet them all in heaven, George passed out of the court room and perhaps out of the life of Rocky Mount forever. Back to the plow handles and the hig blues for him, his action plainly said. Other cases disposed of at Thursday's session were, Peyton Williams, colored, for nuisance, $5; Jim Stricklin, colored, SSO for his part in a fight S. T. Shirley, and the latter $5; Jim Todd, drunk, $lO. Friday morning Mayor Thorp bound over under $l5O bond to Nash court to answer to the charge of burglary, Mat thews Davis, colored. The office of Mr. H. C. Farmer, who runs a wood and cbal yard, was broken into and a small safe taken out and battered up in an attempt to break it open. The rob ber failed to get the safe open. Sus picion rested on Davis and he was ar rested and tried before Judge Thorp, who found probable cause and bound him over to higher court. The "morally stunted" have been behaving better for the past few days and.thite namber of derelicts hauled up before the court has been small. Mon day only one, a white man from Middle sex, appeared before his honor, for being drunk when he alighted from the trsiin Sunday, and he was fined $5.00. Tuesday there was nothing doing and Wednesday John Devine, colored, for drunk and down was fined $7.50. D. B. Brinkley and Howard Bryant, two young white fellows, were charged with haying a row in a pool room, but the case was continued on account of one of the defendant's absence for witnesses. Mr. T. K. Druner Dead. Secretary Thomas K. Bruner, of the North Carolina department of agricul ture, died in Raleigh Sunday morning after an illness extending from last September immediately upon his return froTi Europe, where he had been in the interest of immigration to this State. He was 52 years old and was born in Salisbury. Mr. Bfun- r was one of the best known men in the State and one of North Carolina's most valuable citi zens. For 21 years he held the position of secretary of the department of ag riculture and labored always to exploit his Sjtate's advantages to the world, especially at expositions where he was in charge of North Carolina's exhibits. * The best investment ever desired for small savings is a well managed Local Building and Loan Association. The Rocky Mount Homestead and Loan As sociation has stood the test of -time. Six years of successfdl operation with out the loss of one dollar is our record. Call on R. L. Hnffines, Secretary and Treasurer for full information. HOLD ANNUAL MEETING. Stockholders and Directors of Under writers Fire Insorance Co., of Rocky Mount In Annual Session. Tuesday afternoon in the company's I office in this city the annual meeting 6f the stockholders and directors of the Ljfcderwriters Fire Insurace Company of Rocky Mount was held and besides other bnsiness of importance transacted officers were elected for another year, old officers were reelected without exception. There was a large attend- the meeting, 402 out of 515 shares being represented in person, and the reports of the officers on the past year's business were very gratifying indeed. These were commended highly fo3*tr»ie conservative methods employed to bi ild up a strong home insurance company. I A dividendpf 6 percent was declared and the surplus account was increased 30 per cent. The report of Secretary and General Manager W. S. Wilkinson showed an increase in income for the past year of 40 per cent; premiums in .creuse, 30 per cent; surplus increase, 30per cent.; loans increase, 19 per cent.; insurance reserve increase, 60 per cent., total assets increase, 11 per •cent.; increase in amount of business, *25 per cent., all of which shows a heafthy growth "for this young home company, an enterprize that Is doing so jnuch towards Jhe upbuilding of Rocky Mount. The Underwriters Fire Insurance Co. of Rocky Mount is a home institution, of and for North Carolina people ex clusively and does not seek business outside the State. The officer?, direc tors and stockholders are leading busi nessmen of this section, who are in terred in its development and know the value to a community of such an institution. Thousands of dollars in premiums are brought here annually an?' invested, instead of being sent away from the State to enrich other nderwriters is an in vVhli.ii Olil ClwiiVxi'i proui and it is indeed gratifying to knov that it is prospering so well under its present efficient management. Among the prominent business men from out of the city in attendance on the stockholders meeting were, Mr. Geo. Hackney, of Hackney Buggy Co., Wilson; Mr. W. L. Banks, Wilson; Mr. W. T. Braswell, president of the Bank of Whitakers, of Whitakers; Mr. S. C. Bellamy, president of the Farmers & Commercial Bank of Enfield; Mr. W. J. Webb, president of the Pinetops Bank ing Co.. of Pinetops; Mr. Jones Mayo, of Tarboro* Mr. J, M. Sherrod, of Whitakers; Mr. M. C. Braswell and Dr. H. B. Marriott, of Battleboro. Following are the officers and di rectors: Officers:—M. R. Braswell, president; T. J. Hackney, vice president; J. C. Braswell, treasurer; W. S. Wilkinson, secretary. Directors: —W. L. Sherrod, Dr. J. C. Braswell, j. B. Philips, H. B. Bryan, M. C. Braswell, Geo. B. Curtis, R. S. Wells, S. C. Bellamy, J. M. Sherrod, S. F. Austin, W. J. Webb, W. T. Bras well, Dr. J. P. Wimberley, W. D. Hackney* Dr. R- H. Speight, W. L. Banks, Dr. W. P. Mercer, F. C. Fer guson, E. L. Daughtridge, Dr. G. L. Wimberley, T. J. Hackney, J. C. Bras well Dr. H. B. Marriott, Frank Shield, J. D. Bulluck, G. S. Edwards D. J. Rose, Dr. M. R. Braswell. The money stringency has apparently subsided and the Rocky Mount Home stead and Loan Association has emerged from the period of depression with a feeling of pride that loans have been granted and all stock surrenders have been paid on demand without discount. The 12th series of stock will be open for subscription February Ist, 1908. Call on R. L. Huffines, Secretary and Treasurer. A. C. L Enter Raleigh? The following from the Raleigh Cor respondent of The Charlotte Observer is of much interest to people in Rocky Mount, inasmuch as it will, if accom plished, give a direct route to the capi tal city from this city: Over twenty years ago the Atlantic Coast Line made a survey for what was known as the Spring Hope branch to Raleigh, but work stopped at Spring Hope, a mass of material being stored there ready for the extension. Some sort of an agreement was made by the big railways, including the Southern and the Seaboard A.ir Line, that the road should not be extended to Raleigh but that there should be a sort of divis ion of territory, but this agreement has n>w lapsed by limitation and has also in a general way, withdrawn or # ended, and now it seems that the Spring Hope branch is coming on to Raleigh. A lumber company is now making the survey for it. There is splendid timber along the route, the distance being not quite twenty-five miles, and there is also some very fine land. It is understood that the road will be a standard one and will handle passenger travel, etc , and very natur ally the Atlantic Coast Line will be interested in it. Raleigh will be an important point for this road, and the rivalry between this road and the Nor folk & Southern, which is now so marked in the eastern part of the State, naturally makes the Coast Line more desirous to get into Raleigh. When the union passenger station was built here, space was left for the Atlantic Coast Line to have its tracks and this space yet remains. It was felt by the authorities that some day the Coast Line would come in, and it now seems probable. The Fiddlers' Convention. The fiddlers* convention in this city Friday and Saturday nights was not a financial success but to lovers of the old time tunes it was a most enjoyable affair. The weather interfered to a great extent, both in the attendance of fiddlers and audience, but when the curtain rose on Friday nightlthere were 20 musicians playing the "Mississippi Sawyer" for dear life, and the audience greeted the opening with vociferous applause. Twenty-five dollars in prizes was given away each night, but we failed to learn all the prize winners, hence are unable to give a list of them. Such tunes as make one hark back to the old times were played by the contestants with a zest, and it was music that set the blood atingling and in many instances the feet amoving. AH of tfce players did well, but it, was when Mr. W. C. Hill, venerable with white hair and a soul filled with music, played "Twinkle, twinkle little star" that the audience went of their feet. There be masters of the violin, but to s±v zfs KT''" Paganini's master pieces will never ap peal the simple melodies rendered by a roaster of the fiddle. Long live the fidrfje! There was banjo picking, guitar music and dancing, all of which was good, and it is to be the weather prevented a large crowd from attending the fiddlers-convention. —= - Assistance For Mrs. W. D. Shaw. PromptecLby $ generous heart and the urgent needs of the F. S. Gardner circulated among a subscription to. raise money .to assist Mrs. W. D. Shaw, who was -shot two weeks dgo, for which her bus Mud is in jail pending trial in the suserioK court. Mrs. Shaw's case is a most pitiable one, as she is confiried to h§} bed from the woftnds and' with two children to take care of nq nipney. The citi zens whpm Mr. Gardner saw contri buted s26.2sand some other things- for which Mrs. Shaw expresses her grati tude in the following card: To whom it may concern: ft wl&fftb thank $ people of Rocky Mount, who have contributed so liberally toward helping me in this hour* of distress . - .'Respectfully * ■•■■ ■ Mrs\ W. D; Shaw. Cffil Service Examination. The Spring competitive examinations under the rules of the U. S. civil service commission will be held at Goldsboro for this district and will embrace a varied list of positions in Uncle Sam's service, in the states, department and in our insular possessions. Any one de siring to take the examination for any branch of the service can get applica tion forms and all information needed by applying to Mr. R. L. Ray, at the Rocky Mount postoffice, Who is secre tary of the local civil service board. A Notable Auto Race. Six automobiles started on a race from New York to Paris Wednesday. They will go via San Francisco, thence to Alaska and after being transported across Behring strait will travel through Siberia and into Europe. The trip is expected to take from six to nine months. Sevety-five families in Rocky Mount are now owning their own homes, who would otherwise be paying rent but for assistance afforded by Rocky Mount Homestead and Loan Association. The 12th series of stock will be due and pay able on and after February Ist. 1908. Call on R. L. Huffines, Secretary and Treasurer for full information. PRICE 5 CENTS ANTI-SALOON LEAGUE REORGANIZED. Temperance Forces Prepare For The Campaign For State Prohibition By Perfecting Organization. The local temperance forces organ ized Tuesday night in the First Metho dist Church for th 3 campaign for State prohibition by reviving the Rocky Mount An ti-Saloon League, and will co-operate with the leagues of Nash and Edge combe counties during the struggle which will last until May 26th, the day for the vote on this momentous ques tion. The occasion was the celebration of memorial exercises to Francis E. Willard under the auspices of the W. CL T. U. of Rocky Mount. Owing to the train on which State Organterß. L. Davis, of the Anti- Saloon League, not reaching here in time he was not at the meeting to speak, as advertised. Rev. S. W. Taylor, of the Protestant Methodist church, read a paper on the life and work of Francis Willard and there were some other exercises, after which Dr. Morton, who was president of the old Anti-Saloon League announced the purpose to reorganize the leag >3 to carry the work through in the campaign for State prohibition. A list of well known temperance workers was read out, who are to act as an executive committee of the league and the minis ters of the city are to act with these in all matters. Mr. J. H. Westbrook was elected temporary chairman of the committee and Mr. W. L. Groom vice president. The committee, whose names are given below, are to meet Friday night and effect a permanent organization. The meeting was well! attended and was marked by deep earnestness an the part of all taking a part in it A num ber of new names were added to the roll "of members of the Anti-Saloon League, The Rocky Mount league will cooperate with similar leagues in every township iin Nash and Edgecombe counties, and wage unrelenting war | xt»its UpOli acniiOiitt t;\ is Ul 1 the election May 26th. .■ A CALL TO THE COMMITTEE. The following; gentlemen, named as members of a working committee of the Anti-Saloon League, will please meet me at the Presbyterian Church on Friday night, the 21st, at 7:45 for per manent organization and other work: ,S, K. Fountain, Benj. Weatherford, L. F> Tillery, Murtloek McCrea, K. G. Ba«ret** E» W. Shearin, G. L. Parker, J. Q. Robinson, Thos. C. Rowland, J. D. Christian, C. W. Coghill, H. M. Avent, J. P. Bulluck, F. C. Furgeson, Jno. Moore, V. Pet way, W. V. Boyle, E. W. Smith, E. H. Crews, E. Daughtridge, C. L. Gay, W. C. Miller, W. L. Groom, James Fox, J. C. Ar- J. W. Hines, J. H. Cuthreß, 'W. H. Spears, T. C. Gorham, G. Smith, J. 1; : Crayton, J'. F. Kersey, Jacob Battle',.Sr., J. P. Daughtry. T. T. Thorne. J. H. Westbrook, Temporary Chairman. WHITAKERS ITEMS. Mr. John W. Blount, the genial and versatile editor of "The Mirrow," who had been sick for several days spent Saturday and Sunday here the guest of W. C. Taylor. . Mr. B. A. Brooks, of Nashville was in town Sunday. *-> - Mr. T. S. Coffin, of Wilson, was here Sunday. ) Sam Cobb, who went to Raleigh last Monday, has returned home. He sajs things are pretty lively over "prohibi tion." Messrs. Joe Dickens and Telfer Ricks went to Rocky Mount, Sunday. There seems to be some trouble brew ing in the republican camp of the sec ond congressional district. W. W. Watson, Secretary of the excutive committee, is being urged to call a convention to elect delegates to the Chicago convention. Watson is a bust ler and a leader with his party and will make things pretty lively in the ranks of his party. He is in communication with die chairman of the republican committee. And there is likely to be two conventions and two sets of dele gates to the Chicago convention. "Rolyat." - Are you a stockholder in a home build ing and loan association? If you are not, come and let me convince you that stock in Rocky Mount Homestead and Loan Association will pay you a better rate of interest on your small than any investment you can make.. The 12th series of stock will be open for subscription February Ist, 1908 i B. L. Huffines, Secretary and Treasurer. .-fee

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