MYSTIC APPARITIONS, The Weird and Puzzling Enigma of Ghostly Visions. MESSAGES FROM THE DEAD. "The "Ghost" That Appears to Warn a Living Person of Impending Misfor tune—The Strange Case of a Boston Man and His Deceased Sister. In the "Itiddle of Personality" the liuthor, H. Addingtou Bruce, discuss ing the proposition that human per sonality persists beyond the grave, cites a number of instances of appari tions that were closely investigated by the Society For Psychical Research and says: In order to appreciate the nature of the evidence accumulated, let us glance at a few typical instances, each drawn from the society's records and thus sufficiently authenticated to merit serious consideration. We may begin with an oid l'ashioned "ghost" story of the sjiiii;.:ci* *oir. In this instance the percSi'k-::a M/. J.. was a personal acqtiMintance of F. W. 11. Myers, who obtained a lirst hand account of the experience. In ISSO it appears Mr. Q., 11K.* librarian of X. library, died, and Mr. J. was appointed his succes sor. Mr. J. had not known Mr. Q„ nor had he to his knowledge seen any portrait of him when in 1884, or four years after his death, he made the old iibrarian's acquaintance under these •circumstances: "I was sitting alone in the library ■one evening late in March, 1884, fin ishing some work after hours, when it suddenly occurred to me that I should miss the last train to H., where I was then living, If I did not make haste. I gathered up some books in one hand, took the lamp in the other and pre pared to leave the librarian's room, which communicated by a passage with the main room of the library. As my lamp illumined the passage I saw apparently at the end of it a man's face. I instantly thought a thief had got into the library. I turned back into my room, put down the books and took a revolver from the safe, and, holding the lamp cautiously behind me, I made my way along the passage into the main room. Here I saw no one, but the room was large and in cumbered with bookcases. "I called out loudly to the intruder to show himself several times more -with the hope of attracting a passing j policeman than of drawing the in- j truder. Then I saw a face looking , round one of the bookcases. I say ! round, but it had an odd appearance, as if the body were in the bookcase, as the face came so closely to the edge and I could see no body. The face was pallid and hairless and the orbits of the eyes were very deep. I advanced toward it, and as I did so I saw an old man with high shoulders seem to ro tate out of the end of the bookcase and with his back toward me and with a shuffling gait walk rather quickly from the bookcase to the door of a small lavatory which opened from the library and had no other access. I heard no noise. I followed the man at once into the lavatory and to my ex treme surprise found no one there. Completely mystified, I even looked into the little cupboard under the fixed basin. There was nowhere hiding for a child, and I confess I began to experience for the first time what nov elists describe as an 'eerie' feeling. I left the library and found I had missed my train. "Next morning I mentioned what I had seen to a local clergyman, who on hearing my description said, 'Why, that's old Q.!' Soon after I saw a pho tograph (from a drawing) of Q., and the resemblance was certainly striking. Q. had lost all his hair, eyebrows and all from, I believe, a gunpowder acci dent. His walk was a peculiar rapid, high shouldered shuffle. Later inquiry proved he had died at about the time of year at which I saw the figure." This is a capital illustration of the revenant type of apparition, the "ghost" that visits a locality with which it was familiar in life. Then there is the "ghost" that ap- ! pears to warn a living person of im pending misfortune. Take the strange case of Mr. F. G. of Boston, who writes: "In 1867 my only sister, a young lady of eighteen years, died suddenly of cholera in St. Louis. My attachment for" her was very strong and the blow a severe one to me. A year or so after her death the writer became a com mercial traveler, and it was in 1876, while on one of my western trips, that the event occurred. "I had 'drummed' the city of St. Jo seph, Mo., and had gone to my room at the Pacific House to send in my orders, which were unusually large ones, so that I was in a very happy frame of mind indeed. The hour was high noon, And the sun was shining cheerfully into my room. While busily smoking a cigar and writing; out my orders I suddenly became conscious that some one was sitting on my left, with one arm resting on the table. Quick as a flash I turned and distinctly saw the form of my dead sister and for a brief second or so looked her squarely in the face, and so sure was I that it was she that I sprang forward in delight, call ing her by name, and as I did so the apparition instantly vanished. Natu rally I was startled and dumfounded, almost {doubting my senses; but, the cigar in my mouth and pen in hand, with the Ink still moist on my letter, I satisfied myself I had not been dream ing and was wide awake. "Now comes the most remarkable .confirmation of my statement, which » cannot be doubted by those who know What I state actually occurred. This visitation or whatever you may call it BO impressed me that I took the next train home, and in the presence of my parents and others I related what had occurred. My father, a man of rare good sense and very practical, was in clined to ridicule me, as he saw how earnestly I believed what I stated. But he, too, was amazed when later on I told them of a bright red line or Scratch on the right hand side of my sister's face which I distinctly had seen. When I mentioned this, my mother rose, trembling, to her feet and nearly fainted away, and as soon as she sufficiently recovered her self pos session, with tears streaming down her face, she exclaimed that I had in deed seen my sister, as no living mor tal *but herself was aware of that scratch, which she had accidentally made while doing some little act of kindness after my sister's death. She said she well remembered how pained she was to think she should have un intentionally marred the features of her dead daughter and that unknown to all how she had carefully obliter ated all traces of the slight scratch with the aid of powder, etc., and that she had never mentioned it to a human being from that day to this. In proof neither my father nor any of our fam ily had detected it and positively were unaware of the incident, yet I saw the scratch as bright as if just made." Whatever the explanation of the ap parition, it was the means of bringing the son home to take a long, last fare well of his mother, fnr she died within a fortnight of his m:urn, "happy In her belief she would rejoin her favor ite daughter In another world." And now to turn to psychical phe nomena of another type, the auditory hallucinations by which knowledge seems to be conveyed of deaths occur ring far outside the normal ken of the percipient. The experience of a Mr. Wambey is typical. Once when plan ning a congratulatory letter to a friend the words: "What! Write to a dead man? Write to a dead man?" rang in his ears, and he later found that his friend had been dead for some days. Far more bizarre was an incident re lated to Mr. Myers by a Mrs. Davles. An acquaintance of hers had changed her abode unexpectedly, and it was arranged that Mrs. Davies should re ceive her mail until she could commu nicate her new address to her friends and particularly to her husband, who was in India. One evening a letter ar rived bearing the India postmark, and Mrs. Davies placed it on the chim ney piece, intending to ask her brother to hand it next day to the addressee. , Suddenly she became aware of a strange ticking sound that seemed to proceed from the letter itself. Her brother, too, heard it, and, yielding to superstition, they imagined that the sound meant: "Important! To be de livered at once!" The brother there upon put on his hat and carried the letter to their friend, who found it to be a communication from an unknown correspondent, eomo eorvant or com panion, notifying her of her husband's death. Taken singly, such incidents as the above are not without impressiveness. Considered in the aggregate and as massed by the thousand with corrob orative data carefully preserved in the society's archives, they may well give one pause. • Custer and Ramseur. In General Morris SchafiTs reminis cences, "The Spirit of Old West Point," there is an incident that goes to show that not even the first bitter ness of the struggle between the north and the south could put out altogether the fires of friendship. It was the fate of Stephen D. Ramseur of North Carolina to fall In the Confederate service. His last hours had a close connection with West Point, where he had been enrolled as a cadet. When In the darkness after the battle of Ce dar Creek the Union cavalry charged the broken and fleeing remnants of a division of Early's corps, Custer, who was In the midst, heard one of his troopers who had seized the horses ask the driver whom he had in his ambu lance. "Do not tell him," commanded a weak, husky voice. Whereupon Custer, who recognized the voice as one he had so often heard at West Point, exclaimed: "Is that you, Ramseur?" Custer had him taken to Sheridan's headquarters, where his old friends, Merritt, Custer and the gallant Pen nington, gathered around him and showed him every tenderness to the last. He died about 10 o'clock the next day. Bunsen's Pocketful of Orders. Professor Bunsen thought more highly of his scientific discoveries than he did of the many orders and other tokens of honor that were showered on him during his long life. He was apt to forget to put on his crosses and rib bons when invited to official ceremo nies, and his housekeeper tried to re mind him of his duty by putting his various orders in the pocket of his dress suit trousers. On one occasion he was invited with the other Heidel berg professors to dine with a Baden prince. He entered the room late, after the guests had assembled, and one of his colleagues turned to him and said: "Excuse me, Herr Geheimrath, but what have you done with your or ders?" Bunsen was taken aback. He thought for a moment, and then plunging his for a moment, and then, plunging his ed out a fist full of stars and crosses. As soon as they recovered from their astonishment every one began to laugh, but Bunsen said good natured ly, 4i Oh, I have a lot more," and pulled another Handful out of the right hand pocket of his trousers. The Rocky Mount Record, Thursda April 2, 8 A PRONOUN WE LACK One of the Grammatical Difficul ties of Our Language. A RATHER PRETTY PROBLEM. And One, by the Way, Whose Satis factory Solution Probably Never Will Be Found-—Phrases That Illus trate the Difficult Point at Issue. We have a nuyhber of words and phrases in our tongue which require the employment of a pronoun that ' 7 ocs not exist. As representatives of is class can be taken each and every, with the combination into which they enter. The peculiarity about them is that as regards form they are singular, as regards meaning they are plural. Consequently the construction, accord ing to sense, is always coming into •-•onflict with the construction according to strict grammar. One of these ex pressions—everybody, for instance may be used to bring out the point distinctly. It is desired, for example, to make a statement to the effect that - at some specific gathering all persons present had seen there those whom they knew well. With the employ ment of the word Just selected gram matical difficulties at once arise and the troubles of the writer begin. Three ways are open to him in which he can overcome them after a fashion. But not one of them answers fully all the conditions existing. In the first the masculine form can be made to represent fcoih itself and the feminine. Consequently such a sentence as the following could be framed: There everybody met his friends. Women as well as men would be included un der his. Though never really satisfac tory, this was once the preferred usage. For a time it served purpose fairly well, and it still does so occasionally and perhaps frequently. But there - has been for a good while past a dis tinct dislike to this construction. One result of the increasingly important part that the female sex plays in life and literature is the growth of repug nance on the part of the feminine ele ment to have its identity merged In the masculine. Subconsciousness of the injustice of it has now passed over into full consciousness that under this form of expression its claims are not really recognized; hence, while wo men may use it, they do not like it, and men have come to share largely in the same feeling. Another way out of the difficulty was devised. To satisfy the claims of both sexes resort was had to two rep resentative pronouns. The sentence previously given would accordingly ap pear In the following shape: There everybody met his or her friends. But such a form of expression pleased no one. It was felt to be formal, to suffer from that stiffness which Is sure to manifest itself when rniturai-W ness of expression is sacrificed to mere precision of statement. Besides being objectionable on the score of clumsi ness it was subject to exception on other grounds. In words with feminine terminations, like heiress or heroine, the fact of sex is indicated, indeed, but it is not made obtrusive. When, how ever, we have distinct contrasted forms, as in "his or her," it is lifted into an undue and almost aggres sive prominence, where there is nei ther desire nor occasion to make it prominent; hence this particular usage, while serviceable in certain documents and acceptable always to the devotees of strict grammar, is usually detested by everybody else. A third way out of the difficulty there is, and it was long ago taken by the bolder spirits. This was the con struction according to the sense. The plural pronominal forms were used to correspond to the idea of plurality ex isting in the singular subject; hence men said in the sentence quoted: There everybody met their friends. Exam ples of this usage can be found abun dantly in works of high reputation, but those given here for the purpose of il lustrating it will be taken from a sin gle one. This writer is Jane Austen.- She is chosen not for her eminence, but for her sex, for as a general rule highly cultivated women speak and write the language not only with more naturalness, but with greater scrupu lousness and purity, than the corre sponding class of men. Examples from their works are in consequence more convincing. Here are two or three taken out of many. "It is very un fair," says Miss Austen in "Emma," "to judge of anybody's conduct without an intimate knowledge of their charac ter." Again in the same work the re mark is made that "they say every body is in love once in their lives." In "Mansfield Park" she observes that "nobody could command attention when they spoke." These examples, which might be multiplied from numerous other authors, are sufficient to indicate the attitude of those who adopt the third course. Every one can see that the problem is a very pretty one as it stands and that the interest in It will never die because no satisfactory solu tion of It will ever be found-—Thomas R. Lounsbury, Professor of English, Yale University, in Harper's Maga zine. Difficult Things. To supply clean aprons for the lapse of time. To pick the teeth of the wind. To cure blisters on the heels of mis fortune. _ r >- To wipe the mouth of a tunnel. To pull the leg of a yachting course. To break an arm of the sea. To comb the head of a river. To feed the hounds of a wagon. To fit braces on the shoulder of a mountain.—Chicago News. To-day we want to talk to you about "Catarrh cures" During the past few months we have been publishing what some of our good friends have called "heart-to-heart talks" on patent medicines. That name suits us all right—"heart to-heart talks" is just what we have intended. There can't be anything more serious to a sick rrian or sick woman than his ailment and the remedies he or she takes to cure it. Our v talks have been "heart-to-heart." Every word we have printed has been written in absolute earnestness and sin cerity, and judging from what our cus tomers tell us, we have not been talking in vain. We are convinced that our frankness has been appreciated, and that our suggestions have been welcomed— which naturally encourages us to con tinue. To-day, and perhaps for some time to come, we want to talk about that big class of remedies known generally as "catarrh cures." Broadly speaking these are the patent medicines that have been the chief tar gets for the attacks of the "Ladies' Home Journal," "Collier's Weekly" and other magazines which are waging such a lively warfare against patent medicine abuses. As we have pointed out in previous talks, it is not our business to pass judg ment on the crusade of these well known, highly-respected publications. The public alone must be the judge and jury. Our business, as we see it, is to carrv in stock a complete line of patent medicines, and to sell those medicines at the lowest possible price. We sell hundreds —yes, thousands of bottles of so-called "catarrh cures," and know nothing of their ingredients. The manufacturers advertise them, the public demands them; we order them from the manufacturers,* and sell them at the low est price. That is absolutely as far as our knowledge goes. The manufacturer keeps his formula a secret. It may be good, or it may not —we don't know, and we have no means of finding out. Naturally, we would rather sell a rem H MUCU-TONE There is no guess work with us on Rexall Mucu-Tone. We know what it is made of. Not only do we kr-ow, but. we will give you a copy of the formula. There is no secret about any Rexall remedy —we make them —one thousand of us leading druggists all over America in our great co operative laboratories at Boston, Mass. we own the laboratories, and everything in them, and we operate them just as skillfully as our com bined brains and money will let us, and just as honestly as honest men know how. The Ingredients of Mucu-Tone The chief ingredients of Mucu-Tone are Gen tian, Cubebs, Cascars Sagrada, Glycerine, and Sarsaparilla. Gentian is recognized in medicine as one of the greatest tonics ever discovered. It is the founda tion on which Mucu-Tone is built. Gentian com bines in high degree the tonic powers of all the known "bitters," with none of the disadvantages applying to them. Cubebs have long been recognized as a spe cific in the treatment of all catarrhal conditions. Its action is prompt ar.d its benefits almost inva riable. In whatever part of the body the inflamed or diseased condition of the mucous membrane exists, the use of Cubebs has been recommended by the best physicians for many generations. Cascara Sagrada is especially introduced for its necessary laxative properties. The combination of these with Glycerine and Sarsaparilla makes Mucu : Tone a remedy that at tacks catarrh from every point, gradually restores and rebuilds the diseased tissues to their former health and strength, promotes djeestion and cre ates a normal appetite. Large trial bottle, 50c. For Sole Only at This Store. Subscribe to The Record. SI.OO Per Year. J. M. GRIFFIN, Druggist The ffisxatE Store edy that we know is right—that we can back up with all our reputation for hon esty and square-dealing. And wouldn't you rather buy that kind of a remedy? Wouldn't you rather hold us responsible than to hold no one responsible? We are right here,, right where you can get at us every day in the week, right where one false move on our part will bring upon us your condem nation, the loss of your friendship, your patronage, your influence. Can we afford to tell you anything that you will leani later is not absolutely true? Are you not safer in taking our word for the merits of an article, than you are to rely on the printed statement of a pa tent medicine manufacturer, whom you never even saw and probably never will? Common sense most emphatically tells you that we cannot afford to depart one hair's breadth from the rigid truth. None of us can deny that there is sucli a disease known as "catarili." Those who have it, or who have had it, know that it is one of the hardest diseases to cure. » Perhaps the worst thing about catarrli is its prevalence. Almost everyone— especially in a climate like ours—has catarrh in some form or another. That is what has made the "catarrh cure" busi ness so profitable. There are so many thousands of cases of the disease and it is so hard to cure, that the patent medicine manufacturers have reaped a harvest in preparing remedies that appeal to this large class of sufferers. One of the most serious things about catarrh is that it breaks down the sys tem, so that the sufferer becomes a prey to other diseases. This fact has led the proprietors of so many "catarrh cures" to advertise their remedies as a specific for almost every disease under the sun. We have ONE catarrh cure that we are willing to say to you; "We know this is all right. Take it home and use-it with the full assurance that if it does not cure you, you can bring it back to us and we will promptly refund your money." That catarrh cure is How can you know whether or not you have catarrh? Well, here are the symptoms that usually in dicate its presence. Check them over, and if you have any of them, try a bottle of Rexall Mucu-Tone. CATARRH *OF THE NOSE:—Chilliness— feverishness—passages obstructed—watery dis charge and latter thick, yellow and tenacious discharge into the throat—headache—foul breath —weak and watery eyes—and sometimes loss of memory. CATARRH OF THE THROAT: —Irritation — sensation of heat and dryness—constant hawk ing—sore throat—and difficult to breathe. CATARRH OF THE STOMACH:—Dizziness emaciation hollow cheeks sleeplessness —bad dreams —despondent—dull, grinding or sharp, short pains in side and stomach—nau sea after eating—shortness of breath —and bit ter fluid rising in throat. CATARRH OF THE INTESTINES:—DuII, grinding pain in bowels —diarrhoea—emaciation —nervousness —and sleeplessness. * CATARRH OF THE LIVER AND KID NEYS: —Skin drawn and yellow—black specks floating on field of vision—weak and dizzy— dull pain in small of back—and constant desire to urinate. CATARRH OF THE BLADDER:—Sharp pains in the lower abdomen and a loss of con trol over urine—constant desire to urinate — burning sensation when urinating—face drawn and palid—eyes dull—palms of hands and feet dnmn p.nd cbmmv. PELVIC CATARRH:—Constant leucorrhoea— dragging pain in the back and hips, abdomen and thighs—stomach disturbances—skin erup tions—sick headache— female irregularities— and constipation,