| J. H. DANIEL Seasonable - Suggestions - For - Spring - Shoppers Women's Wants \ve have just returned from the .Northern markets with the swellest line of Wcinans Wants that the New York, Phila delphia and Baltimore markets offer. We ransacked them and then we ransacked them again, and we don't hesitate to boast that we have one of the most up-to-date line of "Things New," to be fouxid in Eastern North Carolina. With the money markets tigh£, you will find that we have taken advan tage of bujang goods that at ordinary times would cost you 10 to 25 per cent more. Voiles and Woolen Taffetas. We would call your atteniion to these two "Well Knowns" in all staple and fancy shades —Blue—Brown —Black —Cham- pagne—but especially the newest thing for smart dresses — "Copenhagen Blue." We boast that you will find these right up-to-the-minute in weave and colorings—but especially worthy of notice the $1.25 values old price at 89 and 95cts. Don't forget that Panama is just as popular if not more so than ever. The thing that's made woman feel and look dressy from time immemorable and here you will lind the kinds that will make you better satisfied with yourself than ever. The best $1.25 black, at 89c. The SI.OO kind at 75c, and they are each worth the first price. The showings include all the wanted shades and patterns. Don't overlook our Chinas at 45c yd. You Will Find At our store, all that's New, Good and Beautiful in All Over Net and you can rest assured you will find not a piece but what'will appeal to your fancy. To be shown our White Cross Barred Muslin, a dainty thing at 19c a yard. Would be chock full of value at 25 and 35c. Come - And - Inspect - Our - Spring - Showings ;j.H. DANIEL Local News. Governor R. B. Glenn, will deliver a prohibition speech at Whitakers on Saturday, May 9th. Mr. W. O. Bulluckhas been appointed tax lister for to No. 12, (Rocky M unt) in Edgecombe. The Rocky Mount Anti-Saloon League wilt hold a m-e ing in the First Metho dist church Friday night. The Ladies Masonic Temple Associa tion will meet the second and fourth Tues' a;s in each month in the Mas nic ro »m, at 4p. m. All ladies who are interested are invited to attend. Mtas Mary Battle, who has been quite ill of fever, has recovered far eno jgh to be up. During her illness her mother, Mrs. Mary Battle, who lives in Edgecombe, has been attending her bedside. At the meeting of the board of direc tors of the State prison, in Raleigh last week, the officials, Supt. J. S. Mann, Warden J. M. Fleming, and Clerk T. M. Arrington, of Rocky Mount, were a'l unanimously reelected. A slight blaz» in a chicken coop at Mr. W. E-I. McDonald's residence on Frank'in street Saturday afternoon called the fire department and at tracted quite a iarge croVvi, there was little damage. Friends of City Clerk C. H. xiarris will be giad to learn that he is rapidly r covering from a recent operation for appendicitis. He returned Friday from Richmond, Va., where the operation was performed, and is out, and is a tending to his duties. Messrs. T. T. Thorne, W. S. Wilkin son, W. E. Jeffreys, R. H. Ricks, L. V. Bassett, E. B. Grantham and W. O. Bulluck were among those going trom this cicy to Nashville, Monday, to at tend to some business before the county commissioners, it being first Monday. The body of an unidentiflei man, who was drowned several days ago in Tar river at Bluebanks, was found to day by Capt. Parson and brought to Tarboro on his boat. It was stated here late this afternoon that the drowned man was a prominent farmer.—Tarboro Southerner. Mr. Tiberius Whitehurst a former wagon manufacturer of Farmville, com mitted suicide in Florida, his recent home, in a fit of despondency, and his remains were brought to Farmville Saturday for interment. Older resi dents of this city wiH recall the suicide of a brother of Mr. Whitehurst, in a hotel in this city about 20 years ago. Silks! Silks! Don't Forget Rev. W, Y. Everton, of Battleboro, will speak on prohibition in the Metho dist church at Gold Rock Sunday morn ing: at 11 o'clock. Dr. Smithson has moved his dental rooms from the Planters Bank building into the new Philips building on Main street. T le Baptist ladies will hold a "white sale" of ready made articles in the store formerly occupied by the Cooper ative Suppiy Company April 21 and 22. Refreshments will be served during the sale. / We notice fr m a program that Miss Annie Tillery will take the part of Leonato—Governor of Messina in one of Shakespears plays, "Much Ado About Nothing" to be given by the pupils of The Mary Baldwin Seminary at Staunton, Va., next Friday evening. The registrars for the prohibition election, for precincts Nos. 1 and 2in the Edgecombe part of Kocky Mount township are G. W. Thomas and John L. Calhoun, respectively. The judges are, for No. 1, E. L. Daught ridge and W. 0. Bulluck; No. 2, A. F. Brake and Jesse Brake. County Superintendent W. S. Wilkin son and Mr. R. H. Ricks were at Bat- last Thursday to represent Nash side in the selection of a site for a high school, which the citizens of Battleboro voted unanimously some time ago. A 2 1-2 acre lot was purchased from Mr. M. C. Braswell for SSOO, for the site. F. S. Royster, the wealthy fertilizer manufacturer of Norfolk, Va., and formerly resident of Tarboro, was robbed in San Francisco, Cal., of $750 in and four tickets for members of his family across the continent. They were returning to the United States from a trip around the world. The Edgecombe county Republican convention met in Tarboro Friday and endorsed Roosevelt's administration, Taft for president, Spencer B. Adams as State Chairman and instructed for Mr. Jas. Gasicill for the nomination for congress in the second district. The negroes were refused recognition and held a convention of their own in another hall. Upon the petition of the Henderson Buggy Co., creditors, Judge Lyon, at Nash court, appointed Mr. R. T. Foun tain, of the Rocky Mount bar, receiver for the Avent Live Stock Co. While no official statement is made of the af fairs of company it is said the liabili ties are some seven or eight thousand dollars in excess of the assets. Mr. J. C. Braswell is trustee for the secured obligations of the concern. The Rocky Mount Record, Thursday, April 9, 1908. "&f>e Dependable vStore" Special Novelties Our new ladies collars in new stripe effects, the latest thing. You will want several when you see them if you follow the "Merry Widow" crowd. Men's Wants. For Smart Dressers A few men (Very Few) think that we don't pay but little attention to their needs, but the majority have already found out that we cater to their wants as few. exclusive men's fur nishing stores do. We pride ourselves upon' one of the snap piest lines of Men's Toggery to be found in town. We are Head to Foot Furnishers We are just opening our New Spring Suits Bought at prices just keep the operatives at hand—in all the wanted Shades and Styles. Straw Hats > Every grade of straw and crown height to suit you, and in a few days it will be straw hat time. Slioes and Oxiords We don't carry the biggest stock in town but we do carry one of the most select stocks and we offer you footwear that others dare not do. A broad guarantee on every pair— they must give you good wear or we give you another pair—and they are no higher in price than others and cheaper than many. Dependable Store The Gem Theatre will give a benefit for the "Ivey Band" next Tuesday night, April 14. Mr. S. G. Rose, district manager of the order of Woodmen of the World, has moved his family to Rocky Mount and will make this city his headquart ers. They will reside on Branch street. Mr. Rose will lead an open meeting of the order in the Red Men's Hall next Wednesday night, at which he will speak on the objects, aims and benefits of the Woodmen prder. The public are invited. M Baseball Club Entertained / The crowning social event of recent date took place Friday evening when Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Tillery entertained the Warrenton High School boys, the Rocky Mount team and the musical c'ub in their beautiful home on Main street. Miss Whitehead and Mr. Crute received the guests in the drawing room. a few moments of pleasantry a most delightful programme was rendered by the musical club. Club Song Prosperity Instrumental Solo Miss Alice Wynne Vocal Solo Miss Carrie Barrett Recitation Miss Sorsby Vocal Solo Wm. Avera Instrumental Solo Miss Margaret Dixon Vocal Solo Miss Clefa Wynne Quartette Darrow, Gunn, Crute, Avera By request the Warrenton boys re sponded to the club song 3 with the song of theft Alma Mater. Misses Jennie Dixon and Edna Draughn recited by request to the de light of the guasts. Following the program delicious re freshments were served in the drawing room and library by Misses Smith and Barrett. Those present of the musical were: — Misses Nina* Smith, Stewart, Dixon, Sorsby, Barrett, Jenkins, Draughn, Reams, Clefa Wynne, Alice Wynne and Messrs Crute, Darrow, Avera, Arring ton, Gunn, Kyser and Benton. Rocky Mount Ball Team —Messrs. Avera, Crute, Jordan, Harris, Dixon. Edge, Gunn, Boyle, Parker, Griffin. Warrenton Ball Team —Weeks, Hob good, Rumley, Clark, Fleming, Wright, Mayo, Martin, Fuller Tillery. Others present were Mrs. Boyle, Mrs. Barrett, Misses Scoggin of Warrenton, Gillespie, Shubrick, Arrington, Gorham, Thompson, Groom, Bone, Bradley and Messrs. Williams and C. L. Home. We cater especially to the young men's trade, where every thing nobby can be had, from hat to shoes at Coch ran's. Middleton-Wester, Wednesday evening, April 1, at 9:30 o'ciock. Mr. William L. Middleton and Miss Minnie Wester surprised their many friends by quietly getting married at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. Wm. Soden, Jr. Dr. Morton, pastor of the Prebyterian church, performed the ceremony in the presence of a few inti mate friends who were apprised of the affair. Mr. and Mrs. Middleton left on the A. C. L. north bound vestibuled train at 2:30 A. M., for New York for a ten days' bridal trip and will return to this city to make their home. Friday. Mr. Middleton is numbered among the successful business men of the city, being proprietor of a large dry goods establishment on Main street, and has a large circle of friends. Miss Wester is from Franklin, Va., and has for several years been at the head of the salesladies' department in Mr. Middle ton's store. She is a young lady whoc« many attractive qualities have won for her a warm place in the hearts of her friends and acquaintances. A Graetna Green Marriage. Tuesday night at 11:15 o'clock, in the parlor at Hotel Cuthrell, Rev. D. H. Tuttle officiated at a Graetna Green marriage in which Mr. Walter H. Roe, superintendent of the Goldsboro Knit ting Mills, and Miss Margaret Chese man, of Vineland, N. J., were the principals. Mr. Roe was formerly from Pennsylvania and his acquaintance with Miss (Jheseman dates back before he came south to take charge of the Goldsboro mills. Tuesday he met the bride at Petersburg, Va., and they journeyed together to this city where the minister, who had been notified, was in waiting to bind the couple as man and wife*. They spent the night as euests of the Cuthrell and left Wed nesday morning for Goldsboro, their future home. Will Give Away $65 Machine. In connection with a special sale he is conducting at his furniture store on Washington street Mr. T. A. Daven port is holding a coupon contest, and the lucky one will get, absolutely free, a $65 Rotary Standard sewing machine. Every one who visits Mr. Davenport's store during the sale^will be given a coupon, and for every dollar's worth purchased another coupon will be given. All of the numbers will be placed in a hat April 14th, when the contest closes, and a number drawn out. The person holding the number corresponding will get the machine. All stock is marked down for the special sale. J. H. DANIEL JF you have had trouble with patent leather that split and cracked, you will appreciate a patent leather so absolutely reliable that we can guarantee it. We will give you a new pair of shoes if the patent leather in B. & P. Korrect Shape shoes breaks before the first sole wears out.' BURROJAPS and you cannot do better than to try them, for if you do you will always wear BURT & PAC KARO IB MHIMH It A Shoe For Every Want A Want For Every Shoe J. H. DANIEL EDISON PHONOGRAPHS "V. Complete Catalogue of Records For Sale By G. F. HARRELL, 207 South Main Street, Rocky Mount, North Carolina. Ph iter's Drug Store Solicits Your Patronage For Wants In The Drug Line.". . « Next Door To Post Office.