BEAUTY OF MARS. . Wonderful Color and Grandeur Re vealed by the Telescope. Viewed under suitable conditions, few sights can compare for instant beauty and growing grandeur with Mars as presented by the telescope. Framed in the blue of space, there floats before the observer's gaze a seeming miniature of his own earth, yet changed by translation to the sky. Within its charmed circle of light he marks apparent continents and seas, How ramifying into one another, now stretching in unique expanse over wide tracts of disk and capped at their poles by dazzling ovals of white. It re calls to him his first lessons in phy, where the earth was shown him set ethereally amid the stars, only with an added sense of reality in the apotheosis. It is the thing itself, stamped with that all pervading, in definable hall mark of authenticity in which the cleverest reproduction some how fails. In color largely lies awakening touch that imbues the piAre with the sense of actuality. And very vivid are the tints, so salient and so unlike that their naming in words conveys scant idea of their concord to the eye. Rose ocher dominates the lighter regions, while a robin's egg blue colors the darker, and both are set off and em phasized by the icy whiteness of the caps. Nor is either hue uniform. Tone relieves tint to a further heightening of effect. In some parts of the light expanses the ocher prevails alone. In others the rose deepens to a brick red, BQffusing the surface with the glow of a warm late afternoon. No less vari ous is the blue, now sinking into deeps of shading, now lightening Into faint washes that in places grade off insen sibly Into ocher itself, thus making re gions of intermediate tint the precise borders of which are not decipherable by the eye. Superimposed upon its general opa line complexion are now and then to be seen ephemeral effects. At certain times and in certain places warm chocolate brown has been known to supplant the blue. Often, too, cold white dots are scattered over the disk, dazzling diamond points that deck the planet's features to a richness ( beyond the power of pencil to portray. So minute are they that good seeing is needed to disclose them. It is at such moments that color best comes out. To those who know the sun only as golden and the moon as white, even in its color scheme Mars would stand forth a revelation. —Percival Lowell in Century. Maiden Speeches In the Lords. By waiting twenty-four years before making his maiden speech Lord Lang ford exercised an oratorical restraint as rare as in some cases it would be commendable. The Earl of Rochester in the days of Charles 11. was not equally modest, for he took an early opportunity of ad dressing the house of lords, with disas trous results. "My lords," he began, "I rise this time for the first time— the very first time, my lords—and di vide my speech into four branches." Here he paused for* a few seconds, grew purple and confused and finally blurted out, "My lords, if ever I rise again in this house you may cut me KILL the COUGH 1 AND CURE THE LUW ;"J| wTH Dr s 1 »: New .-yj mess "3%J AND ALL TH-lOy ;::;J3LES. I GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY 1 OB MONEY REFti N THIS*GLORiOOS*OOLD£N tOSI-fIEE for a few minutes of your time. No one who has P3 3 8 T §Y E LY a home to live in can afford to miss this f*FM EJ ft MYETR GOLDEN aWRTOHITY (^ ,t £ l^ To secure FREE of charge a Clock, the tn K» aa most important thing in the home. And Srjd t3 K * 2p such a Clock, too! BEAUTIFUL GOLD TifHS for Ten and guaranteed for ten years. llfegteagaSxL YMr , READ EVERY^WORD^ forth® 'ainins-rooin or sit tinS ro °^ l ' collect ss°"n°thFs way extra «mll make this Glorious Clock Ijggf Go tu, Clock *8 yours forever. __ TWO BEAUTIFUL EXTRA GIFTS In SubidefihtUwiX One^fThese gifts I will send to you FREE AND PRE pI nag floon as I receive the postal card with your name on It. The other ? will *ive to you just for being: prompt in following: ray instructions. I Sn tell you all about the second extra sift, whei.l send the first one, which I will do as soon as I hear from you, so HURRY tJP. VAI . T |ifp yi% rUAMfTQ * n writing to me, because, if the Clock does YOU TAKE NO GHAWhLO not prove to be even better than I tav« de scribed It, and If it does not delight you In every way, you■ nay ® e " d J*. __j| * will pay you handsomely In cash for your troubla Also, if you gret sick or for anv other reason fail to collect all of the $5, I will pay you well ' or £ ?oi io jBo you see, YOU CAN T LOSE, so sit right down and write to mras «D. R. OSBORNE* Mwagvr, Nashville, Tern. Please sead me tfce po* 2£T«f G^>ffe WMhivto. aid complete outfit tmr ****** the Glorlo« £i o3TStk the «ndentandi»* that this dees mat Mad me to faT T" «ne ccst" Taen put your name and address, t First Class Farm Implements at reasonable prices. You save Labor, Time and Money when you buy Implements that wear well and work well. The kind that we sell. We issue one of the best and most complete of Farm Implement Cat alogues. It gives prices, descrip tions and much interesting infor mation. Mailed free upon request. Write for it. The Implement Co., 1302 East Main St., RICHMOND, - VIRGINIA. We are headquarters for V. Crimp and other Roofing, Wire Fencing, Barb Wire, Poultry Netting, etc. Write for prices on any supplies or Farm Implements you require. • off, root nnd branches and fell, -tvr ever.", Lord Byron was more fortunate, for his maiden effort was declared by Sir F. Burdett to be "the best speech by a lord since the Lord knows when." Lord Itoseljery's maiden speech after three years of silence was a model of modest oratory, opening with a plea for that favor and Indulgence which she house always shows to those who address It for the first time, "even in a larger measure on account of my ex treme youth and inexperience."—St. James' Gazette. Not Even "Just as Good." When it became necessary during the civil war to resort to the draft in order to provide recruits for the Union armies, many men who did not care to go to the front or could not afford to do so organized themselves into clubs or groups for the purpose of mutual protection. When one of their number was drafted an assessment was made upon all of them, and the money thus raised was used in hiring a substitute. An organization of this kind was formed in a small town in Illinois, and one of the members, a stalwart, fine looking man, was drafted. With the money raised by the stipulated assess ment he procured a substitute, a little, wizen faced chap, who looked like a scared rabbit. He took him to the of fice of the provost marshal. "Mr. Marshal," he said, "here is my substitute." "I see," answered the officer dryly as he looked at the two men. "Funny how i»eople like to get the best of the government in a bargain!" Curious Marriage Customs. Among the East Indian Gonds a bride is carried on her brother-in-law's back to the house of her friends and is KodoTFor Indigestion Our Guarantee Coupon \ If, after using two-thirds of a SI.OO bottle of ' Kodol, you can honestly say it has not bene fited you, we will refund your money. Try Kodol today on this guarantee. Fill out and sign the following, present it to the dealer at the time of purchase. If it fails to satisfy you return the bottle containing one-third of the medicine to the dealer from whom you bought it, and we will refund your money. Tnwn State ————————— Sign here . .. Cut This Out —————J Digests WhatYouEat And Makes the Stomach Sweet E, C. DeWITT & CO., Chicago. 111. The Rocky Mount Record, Thursday, April 9, 1908 Jiade to weep with each of them; while they give' her small presents of money. When,the ceremony is about to be per formed at the bridegroom's house the bride hides in another house and calls "Coo!" and the bridegroom's brother in-law searches for her. As she enters the bridegroom's house two spears are planted before the door to make an arch, and the bridegroom pushes her through, the girl hanging back. On the day after the wedding the bride and bridegroom throw mud at each other for sport. Among the Marars all the women of the bridegroom's party are shut up in a house with the bride's sister's hus band. liey all set upon him and beat him, so that he is usually glad to es cape as soon as possible.—Pioneer of India. The Notary In France. The notary Is a most important per son in all small country towns in Prance. Everybody consults him, from the big landowner when he has dis cussions with his neighbor over right of way to the peasant who buys a few meters of land as soon as he has any surplus, funds. We were constantly having rows with one of our neighbors over a' little strip of wood that ran up Into ours. Whenever he was angry with us. which happened quite often (we never knew why), he had a deep, ugly ditch made just across the road which we always took when we were riding around the property. The woods were so thick and low. with plenty of thorns, that we could not get along by keeping on one side and were obliged to go back and make quite a long de tour. The notary did his best to buy it for us, but the man would never sell rather enjoyed. I think, having the power to annoy us.—Mme. Waddington in Scribner's. y Naturally. Towne—Sleep well ? Stubbs—Like a. top—never lose a wink. "Great Scott! What do you take?" "An alarm clock to my room and then set the alarm for half an hour after I go to bed. As soon as it rings I naturally roll over and go to sleep!"— Pick-Me-Up. Helping Him Out. Borrows—l say, old man, I wish you would help me out today. Busyman—Haven't time to do it my self, but I'll call the porter. John, open the door and help the gentleman out.—Chicago News. "The best lightning rod for your pro tection," says Ralph Waldo Emerson, "Is your own spine." Secure A Home By Paying Rent. mil HI IIPII mi n 11l Him mil Ilf —SA.re3l -IW«.U H—W i I We ofier for sale two five room cottages, conveniently located and good as new upon the payment on each house of £>3° P er month for five years. Not a cent of interest charged on deferred payments. A splendid chance to secure a home on easy terms. ' Call and see us. We have some bargains in real estate, im proved and vacant. Our office is headquarters for Insurance in the best companies.. We are giving special attention to the collection of rents. Put your property in our hands and you will 1 e pleased. • .... • Rooky Mount Ins. & Realty Co. R. B.JDAVIS, Jr.,|Sec'ty. R. L'HUFFINES, Gen.Jtfgr. " . # ' D ' • * 0 ♦ 1 ' 1 > DO YOU ?| £§SBBHHHB9H9E3 MTTFffIBi 1 ' V - jyprliV WISH TO BUY A Diamond, Piece of Jewelry or Cut Glass • • • If so, place your orders at home. By buying from a home dealer you have a guarantee that the article is what it is represented to be, for a gp home dealer can't afford to misrep ! resent. Besides you can do as well &3CSE home as you can by buying from | foreign dealers. EVERY ARTICLE jr®" bought from me is guaranteed to be I as represented. I have a large stock to select from and the prices are. as i low as you can get any where. i. Geo. L. ParKer sfc JEWELER Main Street Rocky Mount, N. C. Lmmmmmmmmmmmm