VOL. XII., NO. 33 "REMINISCENCES." Biographical and Historical Sketch by Dr. P. s. flicks, Treating of Local Persons and Sceoes. Furniture was not insured and when I got to Norfolk that trunk was missing and another trunk in its place. The other trunk had no check or name on it and no identity as to its owner. The agent proposed to me to take that trunk in the place of mine and if I never got mine and never found the owner of it to keep it. As I was the best owner under the circumstances I took it. In about twelve months an agent or detec tive or something came to my house in Rocky Mount when I was away and told my wife he was looking for a stray trunk, she told him to come in that she had one; he claimed it. It was a large Saratoga trunk and contained womens apparel so:re very fine silk dresses and in fact everything in the trunk was of the finest order. I had sold a few of the things but got them back and sent them to his address.. I always thought it was a put up job'. I advertised a valuable lost trunk and It was an easy matter for a sharper to claim property and take it. Well back to my arrival in Norfolk. 1 had only ten dollars. That would just pay my way to. Wil liamston. That was in '6B when the money panic was at the highest. Things looked pretty gloomy to me, my family sick, but little money and but little work of any kind, so I decided to rent a house, take the chances and stay there for a while. I got the city doctor to attend my family and furnish medi cine free of charge, I was in a condition to be thankful for it. In a month my wife and child were some better. I then moved over in Portsmouth. Times got no better, it was seldom I could get a days work. Finally a man made a contract to paint the underside of the roof of the shed of the Seaboard and Roanoke R. R. The roof was made of sheet iron, it was to be painted to kjsep it from rusting under there, and it was a baJ job in hot weather. The contrac tor gare me the job of painting at seventy-fiw cents a day, that was a great CLUJA" in tve . mon hs. T. getting three dollars a day at the time J left New York, an easy job at grain ing, and begging a job for seventy-five cents a day at roof painting in an oven was quite a difference. Times grew worse, the money panic grew more des perate. I sold a bed at half its valu*, pawned my watch ano pistol with the pawn broker. The money was soo-i spent; my surroundings continued to look more and more gloomy. I had about a pint of meal and one ten cents. What to do with the ten cents was the question, at that critical moment I thought of a man by the name of Richardson that used to be a partner of W. A. Bassett, of Tarboro. a painter, he at that time lived in Norfolk. I de cided to go and look for him, maybe he could give me something to do. I went to a ferry boat and got me a return ticket, that took my ast ten cents. I found Richardson but no good, he had no work for himself. When I stepped off of the boat on the wharf the last of my ten cents was gone. The ticket office was at the edge of the side walk; under the ticket office shelf on the side walk I saw something that looked like a bill of greenback or a snuff or tobacco stamp crumppled up in a wad. I stooped down picked it up and kept right on and said nothing to anyone. A strange feeling came over me, was it money or not? When j got to the next corner 1 turned aside from the passing crowd and opened out the crumppled wad of paper, it was a Ave dollar bill, it looked all right bnt I was afraid it was a dream, was it really so? A God send at the last moment. I went right on to the market feeling that it might be counterfeit. I called for twenty-five cents worth to test it, the market man gave me the change back. That decided my fate it was all right. I don't jenow of any time in my life of a five dollars coming in a better time. I bought lots of good things and went home rejoicing and thanking the good Lord for his kind providence. I found my wife waiting patiently for my re turn. We soon had a good breakfast gave thanks and helped ourselves. About that time I became acquainted with a boss painter in the Navy yard, he promised me a job of a few days painting and by this time my wife and children were on the mend so I decided to send my family to Rocky Mount. I went to see the general agent of the Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad, who was E. G. Ghio at that time, and I never met a better man than he proved to be. I was not acquainted with him and I asked a bystander to point him out to me. I watched my chance and when he was alone in his office I walked in and told him who I was, my circum- 9he iticeku Mount iKeeord. stances and dependent condition. I then asked him to aid me in getting to Rocky mount. He listened to my story very attentively and asked me If I was the man who painted the shed roof a few days ago. I told him I was, but I was not the contractor. He said he knew that and that I was entitled to a reward from the company for such laborious and difficult work and that he would help me, that a man who did the work on that shed as hot as the weather was, for the small pay I got richly de served a reward and that it was in his power to reward me and he would do it. Yes he gave me a free transportation for my family and furniture not only over his road but to Rocky Mount on the W. & W. R. R. and at the same time he offered to give me a free pass but I thanked him and told him I had a job in the Navy yard and did uot want to go just then. You see I had sold a good feather bed for eight dollars, had pawned a good watch for eight more and I wanted to redeem them before I left. .-.The next day my family was off for Rocky Mount In a day or two I had orders to go to work in the navy yard for three .dollars a day, my job only lasted eleven days. I got my money, redeemed my things and left for Rocky Mount where I joined my family. By this time my wife and children were much better. Painting at that time was very dutl so 1 decided to give my entire attention to the practise and study of medicine, that is of which is made of roots, gum, herbs and barks, the above skill I had been previously applying myself every time an eppor tunity would present, as far back as my boyhood days. After a little I got up several special remedies and had them patented or copyrighted. My remedies all acted like a charm and sold on its merits. I bought and built a small high house in Rocky Mount lived in it about twelve months then sold it and moved to Raleigh. A while after I had left that high house a cyclone came along and blew the entire house away except the bottom floor. I made many friends and joined the Odd Fellows while in Raleigh and did very well. I moved from there back to Rocky Mount, bought and built two and a half miM O -south o* the town, stayed there about a year and sold out, and moved back to Rocky Mount. About this time I was elected standard keeper of Edgecombe county for two years and when the time expired they re-elected me for two years more. While holding the office I made some little money out of it and some few enemies. There had been no standard keeper during the war or since, a space of probably about eignt or ten years. During this time some of our best citizens had miscon streued the law or had neglected their duty along where the law says: "Every person buying or selling or using weights or measures shall have same tested, eic." (To be continued. T. P. A. Post Organized in City. ' On Saturday evening, at the Cam bridge Hotel, Post Hof the N. C. Di vision of the T. P. ~ was organized by Mr. Burrel H. Marsh, of Winston- Salem. a leading member of the asso ciation, and vice-president of this divis ion. The meeting was well attended, and the new post starts with a splendid membership, and as a large number of traveling men are making their homes in the progressive city of Rocky Mount, Post H will have as large membership as any post in the State. The follow ing were elected officers of the post: N. L. Alcocke, President; J. S. Christain, Vice-President; J. T. Lassiter, Sec'y. Messrs. J. T. Mount, Harry Abram and r N. L. Alcocke were elected delegates to attend the State convention which meets in Wilmington on May the 15th. Mr. Marsh has many friends here who are anxious to see him elected president of the State division, for which office he is a candidate. _ J. H. Short's License Revoked. The board of aldermen at a special meeting Friday night revoked the sa loon license of Mr. J. H. Short, whose place is on Main street. The board gave him until May 11th to close out his business and dispose of his stock. The action of the board was in consequence of disorderly conduct on the part of Mr. Short while intoxicated, this being a cause for revoking saloon license under the city laws. If you invest your earnings in the Citizens Building and Loan Co. you rot only help' yourself by good, secure in vestment, but you help to build up Rocky Mount. Third series of stock will be opened May 1. §ee W. S. Wilkinson, secretary and treasurer, and begin at the fint A Newspaper For The Home. ROCKY MPUNT. N. C., 'IHURSDAY, APRIL 30, 1908. EX-GOVERNOR AYCOCK SPEAhI. North Carolina's "Favorite Son" Ad dresses Audience ot 1500 Ofl Pro hibition. Ex-Governor Charles B. Aycock de livered a prohibition speech in Crews warehouse Sunday afternoon before an audience of 1500 people, who gave him the closest attention. A musical pro gram was well rendered by a large apd well trained choir, in addition to the eloquent address of North Carolina's "favorite son." The ex-governor came to Reeky Mount after a most strenuous week of speech making and left on the 4 o'clock train for Tarboro, where he spoke at night. He gave evidence of fa f _&ue from which he was suffering, but his speech was given with that force and logic for which he is famed. The speaker began his remarks by saying that the great boon which is coming to North Carolina on the 26th of May had its inception with those brave me who made the fight for State prohibition in 1881, against odds overwhelming and when the measure was not so popular as now. He refuted the argumex.t ad vanced by anti-prohibitionists about "personal liberty" by saying no man who lives and enjoys the benefits of society, but had to give up pergonal liberties for the common benefit. Rob inson Cruso, he said, had all the per sonal liberty a man could possibly wish for, but he was glad to give it up for the sake of getting back into society. He pleaded with men to make the sac rifice of appetite for humanity's sake. The speaker took up the various ar guments advanced by those opposed to prohibition and demolished all of them or reduced th*»m all to one simple thing, appetite. A. »d he pleaded in the name of the children, the school, the family and the church for the sacrifice of the appetite. The speech was well received and carried conviction. Junior Order Endorses Prohibiten Be it resolved by the Rocky Mnrnt Council No. J. O. V. A. .M That as this order stands at lor liberty of conduct and thought pre scribed by no limitations, except where the welfare of a fellow being is invol ved, for love of honie and country to the extent of protecting under all con ditions their safety and purity and for education of the people, as on this rests the welfare, prosperity and character of the individual and nation; and be lieving as we do that along with indus try, sobriety is the brightest jewel in the crown of any people, ani without it we cannot expect or hope to achieve real success in this life or fulfillment of the eternal promises hereafter, we feel it as a solemn sense of our responsibili ty as good citizens to declare it our purpose and aim to give to the present prohibition movement in North Carolina our active and cordial suppcrt, not only by advocating it in all proper places and times and voting for it May 26th next, but urging all our brethren of this order and our friends everywhere to do so. Further, that our position on this great question and matter of public, in terest and concern may be known to all, it is directed that this resolution be spread on our minutes and copies for publication be given the city newspa pers. Horrible Tragedy at Goldsboro. Howard Bain, son of the late Col. T. H. Bain, Thursday night, went to the room where his wife and baby were sleeping in Goldsboro, and pulling a Colts. 38 pistol shot his wife three times as she lay in bed. Mrs. Bain's father, Mr. J. C. Mullen, attracted by the fir ing, ran to the room and overpowered Bain, taking him to the police station. Bain and his wife had quarrelled a week before and she was at the home of her parents when Bain made the murderous attempt. Mrs. Bain will hardly recover. Reply to Picnic at Westray's Easter. I'm quite sure Mr. John Lindsey and his friend (?) enjoyed driving home on the wagon alone, and I especially wish to say that it was all owing to the fact that Miss Mamie Parham made our en gagements to come back with Mr. R. L. Dozier. One of Them. Let the Citiezns Building and Loan Co. help you to save your money by making small monthly deposits with them. Perfectly safe investments that pays sure dividends. W. S. Wilkinson, secretary and Treasurer. Published Every Thursday Morning. BRILLIANT EASTER GERMAN Carolina Cotillon Club Gives Past- Lenten Oaoce In Elks Club Rooms Attended by Maoy Couples. Monday night in the Elks Home the Carolina Cotillon Club gave its Easter german, and it was a most brilliant social event. There were more than 25 couples participating in the dance, many of whom came from a distance. Levin's orchestra, of Raleigh, furnished most excellent music, and the german was gracefully and skilfully led by Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Spruill. Those present and participating were: Miss Maude Philips with Mr. R. W. Rawls, Miss Mary Battle with Mr. W. T. Williford, Miss Susie Zollicoffer, of Weldon, with Mr. G. E. Pennington, of Tarboro; Miss Juliette Covington with Mr. R. S. Gorham, Miss Mary Hardi son with Mr. M. D. Munn, Miss Mellette Davis, of New York, with Mr. Will Meadows, Miss Clyde Daughtridge with Mr. J. B. Ramsey, Miss Annie Cunning ham with Mr. Cunningham, of New York; Mrs. J. P. Bunn with Mr. J. P. Bunn, Miss Louise Arrington with Mr, S. G. Sills, Miss Bia Tyree with Mr. E. J. Gordon, Miss Callena Newell with Mr. J. C. Daughtridge, Miss Helene Battle with Mr. A. B. Williams, Miss Carrie Shubrick with Mr. W. V. Gupton. Miss Taylor with Mr. H. H. Battle, Miss Focia, of Burlington, Ver mont, with Mr. H. A. Williford, Miss Hindee, of Burlington, Vermont, with Mr. Gordon Smith, Miss Wood, of Portsmouth, with Mr. John Fenner, Miss Meta W instead with Mr. Paul R. Capelle, Miss lone Carney, of Emporia, with Mr. P. W. Turner, of Emporia; Miss Ruth Turner, of Emporia, with MV L. A- Hardy, of Emporia; Miss Powell of Emporia, with Mr. R. M. Roberson, of Emporia; Miss Tillie Powell, of Emporia with Mr. E. P. Turner, of Emporia; Miss Lizzie Good win, of Emporia, with Mr. Elliott Stacy, of Emporia; Miss Mary Philips with Mr. Philips. Chaperones: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Abram, Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Reid. Jno. L. Arrington, Kelly •-.hvill*. rthur.Rose. of Nashville; C. G. Weather by, oV INU'S «- ville; Wade Benton, Eugene Brittle, of Emporia; Thorpe Ramsey and H. W. Winstead. City Democratic Primaries. The city democratic primaries are called for Friday, May 1, between the hours of 4p. m. and 9p. m., to name one alderman and one committeeman from each ward. Necessary for choice is a majority of all votes cast in each ward. The primaries will be held at the fol lowing places: First Ward—Jno. L. Arrington's of fice. Second Ward—Mayor's office. Third Ward —A vent's old stables on Tarboro street. Fourth Ward—J. D. Odom's stables. Fifth Ward—Ferguson's vacant store on the Falls Road. Sixth Waid—T. C. Gorham's store. Only registered democrats will be en titled to vote in the ward primaries. Saturday morning the ward committee men will meet at 10 o'clock and canvass the vote of the city and declare the nominees. There will probably be a ccntesi in several of the wards, but whether in all wards or not is not known. Tobacco Tags Bring Fine Presents. According to reports from the local dealers in tobacco more people are sav ing tobacco tags than ever before in the history of the giving of presents in ex change for tobacco tags. This tremen dous increase in tag saving is due to the action of the American Tobacco Co. in offering a remarkable list of valuable presents in return for tags from various popular tobaccos. Death of Mary Belle Nichols. Mary Belle, the 16-month-old daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Nichols, died at the home, 843 Arlington street, Sun day night, of child's summer complaint. Rev. R. H. Black preached the funeral Monday morning at the home and the remains were taken to Burgaw on the noon train for burial. The Citizens Kuilding and Loan Co, has helb to build many homes it Rocky Mount. Let it help you to build a home, by taking stock in the third ser ies to be opened May 1. See W. S. Wilkinson, secretar and treasurea- Notice of Connty Convention and Dem ocratic Primaries. Notice is hereby given to the Demo cratic voters of Nash county, that on Saturday 13th day of June, 1908, begin ning at 10 o'clock A. M. and closing at sun down, there will be held a primary election at the respective voting places in the several townsnips of Nash county, for the nomination of one member of the Housfe of Representatives, and all County officers. All persons desiring to be a candidate in said primary will com municate with the undersigned, and make arrangements to have their tickets printed, the names submitted to the primary, in accordance with the rules of the committee. There wiil likewise be selected at the several precincts on Saturday, June 13th, 1908, delegates to represent the several precincts in the County Demo cratic Convention, which will be held in Nashville on Monday, June 15, 1908, for the purpose of selecting delegates to the Senatorial, Congressional, and State Conventions. There will also be nominated in the said precincts Justice of the Peace and a constable at the same time, and a Democratic Executive Committee will be elected by ballot ac cording to the plan of organization for the ensuing two years, during the same hours of the County primary. Rocky Mount, Stony Creek, North Whitakers and South Whitakers, town ships will together select at the said pri mary election one County Commissioner; Baileys, Dry Wells, Ferrells and Jack sons Townships will together select one Countj Commissioner; and the remain ing five townships of the county will together select one County Commiss ioner. The three commissioners, who will receive the highest vote in the re spective groupes of townships will under the resolutions of the County Democratic Executive Committee, be declared the nominee of the Democratic party of Nash county for the office of County Commissioner. I desire to call the attention of the voters of the county to the primary election law, found in Chapter 926, pub lic laws of North Carolina, session of 1907, which will be taken in connection with the Democratic plan of organiza tion, f%d vi ll be d'ljy observed in the If any candidate for any office receive the majority of the votes cast in the county, at said primary, he will be de clared the nominee of the party of Nash county, for such office, but if no one person receive the majority of all the votes cast in the primary, then a second primary will be ordered by the County Executive Committee, which is called to meet in Nashville on Monday June 15th, 1908, which said second primary will be held not exceeding seven days from and after June 13th, 1908, and at such second primary the two candidates who receive the highest and second highest votes, respectively, in the first primary will be the only candidates bal lotted for. You will take due notice of the fore going, and govern yourself accordingly. E. B.Grantham, Chm. Dcm. Ex. Comm. of Nash Co. State News Items. At a saw mill near Kinston, a negro employe named Eugene Hunter, was thrown on a slide saw and cut so badly he died two hours after, Thursday. Mr. B. F. Turner, saw filer at a saw mill at House, was caught between the tender and some cars when a coupling was being made, last week, and killed. Earl Grey, governor of the Dominion of Canada, and Lady Grey, his wife, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Vanderbilt at Biltmore, N. C., last week. Lonnie Moore, a negro youth of 16, who was serving a sentence on the Guilford chain gang for breaking into a freight car, was fatally shot by the guard while attempting to escape, Fri day. The North Carolina editorial conven tion in Charlotte last week was one of the most largely attended and pleasant meetings of the quill drivers ever held in the State. Officers of the association for the ensuing year were elected as follows: President, J. A. Thomas, of the Louisburg Times; first vice presi dent W. C. Dowd, Charlotte News; second vice president, J. Z. Green, Our Home; third vice president, Rev. J. O. Atkinson, Christian Sun; secretary, John B. Sherrill. The Third Series of stock in the Citi zens Building and Loan Co, will be is sued May 1. Subscribe at once and be gin with the new series. W. S. Wilkin jjon, secretary and treasuer. PRICE 5 CENTS W. D. SHAW GETS TWO YEARS. Submits to Shooting His Wife and is Sentenced For Assault Witb Dead ly Weapon. W. D. Shaw submitted, in Nask court, Wednesday, to assault with & deadly weapon, in shooting his wife ia their room one night a couple of months ago and was sentenced to two years on the roads. The bill was drawn'for assault with a deadly weapon and not for se cret assault with intent to kill, hence the light punishment, which is the maximum penalty for the crime with which he was charged. Sffliib-Boweil. A pretty home wedding was celebrafc |ed yesterday at the home of Mr. aafl Mrs. E. H. Crews, on Church street, when their niece. Miss Otis HoweH. and Mr. Richard Leonard Smith, ef Holland, Va., were united in the bonds of matrimony. Rev. D. H. Tuttle officiated, amid scenes of enchanting loveliness made so by beautiful deco rations and a happy party of admiring friends. The attendants were: Miss Mary Norfleet of Holland, Va., maid of honor; Mrs. W. D. Christie, dame ef honor; Misses Jennie Divine and Flosaa Jeffreys, bridesmaids. Mr. ThomsS Jones acted as best man and Misc Elizabeth Christie as ring bearer. Mil Richard S. Gorham and Mr. R. W, Rawls were ushers. The marriage was solemnized at noon and the cele brants left on the Norfolk train foe a tour of northern points of interest be fore taking up their residence at fitV land, Va. An anti-nuptial reception was giooft the bride and groom elect at the feeiae ot Mr. and Mrs. Crews Tuesday even ing which was attended by a large crowd and was a most delightful event. Sale ot Valuable Property. By authority of a deed of trust from Frank Worsley and Martha J. his wife, to Paul Gorham, Trustee, re corded in Book 143, Page 262, on t&e Records of the Register or Deeds £*• ! Nash county, I will on June Ist, ISQB, % : v V £' 10 :Uo a-, 2 p. in., on the premiiea'of - described below in the county of Naso* State of North Carolina, sell to t&t hignest bidder, for cash, the following described property: "Beginning at the north-east coraor of Beal Avenue and Tillerv street, awf running with the east line of Tillerj street in a northerly direction 150 feet to a stake, thence at right angles 6e Tillery street and parallel to Beal Ave nue in an easterly direction 50 feet to a stake, thence in a southerly directoa and parallel to Tillery street 150 feet Beal Avenue, and thence in a westerly direction with the line of Beal Avenue 50 feet to the beginning. This beirqf the identical lot conveyed by J anwa Jeffreys to Frank Worsley by deed a£ even date herewith, and to which refer ence is made." Paul Gorham, Trustee Sudden Death of Miss Mary Pool Miss Mary Pond died suddenly Moo day night at 10:30 o'clock at the hosse of Mr. R. L. Huffines, where she lived, of heart trouble. She lived only li minutes after she was stricken. The funeral was conducted at the h&ra© Tuesday by Mr. Rose, formerly Mis* Pond's pastor when she lived at Battle boro, assisted by Rev. D. H. and the remains were laid to rest ia Pineview Cemetery at 4 o'ciock in tbe afternoon. Miss Pond was 77 years of age an£ *. native of Edgecombe county. Seeing is Believing. Come and see the Eyeseope wonderful French instrument for fitting the eye%. at Parker's jewelry store. Examina tion free. Tftree new members were added t• the road force Friday from the offen ders before the recorder. They were Frank Daws, colored, and Jas. Wyaoe for vagrancy, given 30 days each, anA Jas. Wilson, a "tourist," who was drunk and disorderly, 30 days. Mr. J. H. Short, for affray, with Mr. Joist Lanier, his clerk, and for disorderly conduct, was fined S4O, and Mr. Lamer was fined sls for his part in the affrajc. Stop paying rent and bnild your em home through the Citizens Building ai Loan Co. Third series begins May X. See W. S. Wilkinson, secretary anft I treasurer.

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