VOL. XII., NO; 33 "REMINISCENCE!" ; Bto|rapfafcal sad Btstertcai Sketch t |y Br. r. t licks, TratJaj M ' Local Persons and Scenes. I ■ So ft was that some of our moat worthy farmers rebelled and tested the law, elaimiag that the law did not ap pljr to them. The teat proved that I was right to enforce the afore said law as a sworn officer when charges weer properly reported, I think about fifteen we*e indicted, the fine for not comply ing with the law was ninety dollars each and eost. The cases were all brought before the court in a balk and were all very plain and were decided without jury in my favor. The fines %f ninety dollars each all belonged to ,me. My - , actions are to this day recorded on J record. What did j do? I asked the / court to reduce their fines to twenty j dollars each, the court did it. I had the f ninety dollars in my hands as it were, but I gave back the seventy dollars to I each oue. I did it to show the public that I did nut mean to gouge or rob my subjects but merely to do my duty, at the same time to relieve that prejudice or hard feelings that some might have Well by this time I had got the move on me. I moved to Wilson and back several times and to Raleigh and back tne second time, and to Rocky Mount again where I had held my homestead in resei ve. # Then it was that I lost my first wife Keturah, April I 12th. 1888. She died leaving four P children. She was a christian woman ' and a good wife and mother. God bless her dear soul I hope te meet her in Heaven. .Her remains were buried in the old Methodist eborch yard La Rocky Mount. Two of my children were mar ried before her death that left two with me, the youngest about six years of age. In a short time I moved to Golds bero, thismfking the third time. I think j J hnd lived there. I continued my medicine business. | After a few months I began to fiod oat j that living a. widower was a rather dis contented life, so I decided that I j Arould get married again if I could find j onr. tp .Vave me When J started jti earnest it did not tjike me long to s ' find her. It was Miss Sarah Harper of 1 Nashville Nash county. One of the smartest, and as good a woman as , Kesh county ever produced. She was the daughter of old uncle BHly Harper as everybody in Nashville called him, and the sister of Squire John Harper, of Nashville; iie is living yet, a clever gentleman, a brother-in-law that I was proud of. Sarah and I were married Oct. 25th 1883. It would be out of place to give our private courtship as she ? s not here to witness it, but a friend of mine and a reader of The Record has asked rre to give a little sketch of some of my courtship, he is a widower aid ves near Whitakers (probably he wants to take lessons.) Well to begin — Old Mr. Harper and myself were good friends and brother Odd Fellows. Miss Sarah was his only daughter and house-keeper, and he *hought.the world of her. I had been + o see her once and talked business to her. At that time there was a • mil -loror who was somewhat in my way but she promised me he should not be m my way any more, so we had an under standing that we should write to each other after I went back to Goldsboro. We exchanged a few letters, this thing had to be kept a secret from the old mm and Sarah's niece who lived with +hem. So I would write two lettars, one to the family and one of courtship. Of course she would read the family i otter out loud but her letter she kept secretly. She w ,>te me that the old man thought a great deal of me but rz a matter of business she knew that he did not want her to marry any body as long as he lived, and if she were f > t V'm of it there would be a . row in the camp and he would not give his consent and that I would have her to steal, and that in broad open day time. Now how to do that was the question? Well I had one advantage, she was willing to fc ■» stolen. The fair would soon be at Kocky Mount, so I wrote her to tell the old man that I was coming by there on my way to the fair and if she would like to go and with his consent I would take her on my buggy and stay a day or two. She told him of the proposition from a man from Goldsboro, he at once objected' but when she told him it was from me he consented. So now I had things alright, I then constructed my plan and informed her of the same so as to be on the lookout and in readiness when the time came. 1 came to Rocky Mount, got a horse and buggy from a friend that evening with an understanding that I was to leave it at a certain place ao the owner would know where to find It next day, as I would have but little Sfke ytceku Meant Record. time before tne train would pass far us to go on. It all worked well. I got to Mr. Harpers about night, they were all looking for me, ef course, to take Miss Sarah to the fair next day as they sup posed. Sarah aad I had very little ehoace to talk over .the matter that flight or even the next morning, but she had her trunk all packed. She asked me to tie tne trunk on the back ef the boggy. The old man lofteed somewhat surprised and said, "Sarah, I never aaw anybody carry their trunk to the fair before." It was drizzling rain, aad she told him she might get wet and would want to change her clothes. He ask me when I would brinf her back. I told "him when ever she wished. I told him good-by and drove off. We got to Rocky Mount just in time for the local freight next morning, left the horse aad buggy where I promised, got on the train and i were off for Goldsboro. We got there and were married that evening of Oct., 25th, 1883. The next day I wrote the old man a ! letter asking him to forgive us for our deception etc., and asked him to come !to see us. In a few weeks he came and all was well. In a few months we moved to Nash | ville and built a nice little home there. We got along nisely and there never was a better or more agreeable woman than Sarah. In about 12 months after our marriage I was taken sick with fever and came very near dying. Be fore I recovered my wife was taken siek and died within a week's time. After my recovery I sold out and mov ed to Wilson. I lived there a while aad finally concluded to get married again, for the third time. Mo sooner said than done. Mrs. Martha Flood aad myself were married Dec-17th, 'B4. Our courtship was «scurpt* and by pur own concent. She was before her first amrriage, a Miss Weaver. She had eight children, five living with her. She lived abent two aad a half years after we an egesption, a feed aad kind woman, and I can aad will say for all her chitd asa that they were the kladest and baat team I ever saw. Hot one unkind weed dM of them ever soy te me or I to them. Href? mother's death we separated. The children went te «ve : w& feir people and ! moved to eld 1 Tofsoot for a few months sail lived in the old Winttood fcotol with Mr. L. Landing, who marked a cousin of mine. They kind and agreeable to me and my two children and never charged me any rent. We remained there several months, so finally I came to the conclusion that what is to be will be, (if it never is.) that was if I was ever to be married again I would be, so I thougt it best to try and find out. I was only about fifty-three years old and had been married only three times and if I wanted to get married again, should I not try? That was the only way for it to be a 1 3, and If I should try and not succeed I could only try again; but I did succeed. It seemed that there was a spiritual or electric magnetism that led me to Whitakers. On one oc casion while there, I came up with old Mrs. Edmonds and she told me of every body in and around Whitakers those that were there and had been there. She is the oldest person in that settle ment, and by the way, one of the best old ladies I ever met. It was she, among others, who told me of Mis 3 Annie Porter. I had seen her I think twice, a good while before then; but as soon as she mentioned the name it was like a flash Yes, said I, that's exactly where I have started now, but didn't know it until you spoke. She then £old me how nice and smart Miss Annie was. It will be sufficient to say that I lost no time in renewing my acquaintance with her. Our meeting was refreshing and agreeable and after conversing a few times on the subject of matrimony, we agreed to be married Oct. 26th, 'B7, at her home. The time came and we were married. A general invitation was given and Whitakers and vicinity was well represented. We had a nice supper, and several biidal presents were presented by friends of the bride. From that time to the present it is suf ficient to say that we have been float ing along with the tide of life. Aftei living at the old homestead about nint years we sold out to Rev. A. J. Moort and bought a place here from Mr. A. P. Thorpe near the extension of Churcl street north, where we desire to prove | ourselves good neighbors and worth j citizens until the end. The end. [ i If you invest your earnings in th i Citizens Building and Loan Co. you ro' only help yourself by good, secure in 1 vestment but you help to build up Rock] • Mount. Third series of stock will b I opened May L See W. S. Wilkinson I secretary and treasurer, and begin a i the first A Newspaper For The Home. Published Every Thursday Morning. ROCKY MOUNT, N. C.. THURSDAY, MAY 1, 1908 v ' JOTNEI CONVICTED IF lARSUIK 1 ) _ , ! Noted Homicide Cm Romt S at Ran Tem Sayeriar Cwrt-Befead mf CoiiijfM, , Ex-Deputy Sheriff W;' Drew Jeyner wae esavicted of manslaughter at Nash court last week; for the homicide which ofceoivod at sr pack Moo on his fami, in 1906, Harris Robbins, a tenant on Joyner's place, being the victim. Whee the jury returned a vercict ef guilty Saturday thedefeadant collapsed in the courtroom and was unconscious for several hours. This was due to the relaxation from the terrible strain un der whidt the defendant had been labor ing, and to iil health from which he has suffered for some tinle. Judgment was reserved by the judge for the purpose, it was understood, that a settlement might be rifede by Joyner on the family of the dead man, of a sum of money; and this, it is believed, will lessen the punishment. Joyner is a man of considerable means and the case- has been fought hard, both sides having the benefit of a splen ' id array of legal taleht. A large de gree of interest has been manifested in the case throughout the country r. :t this section. ' ~ ' The circumstances of the homicide according to the evidence at the trial, were about as follows: Robbins and some members of his family *went to the pack house amfrfinding it locked asked Joyner, who came up, for the key. He gave a curt reply sod then words followed about seme * damaged fodder, which Joyner held Robbins ro spoaslble for. Joyner picked up a piece of plank and Robbins ' a root, joyner struck Bobbins SO the bend with the plank and the Tatter died three daya later of conettsaiws ef the brain. Rob bins wis about 60 years oKt . i .»■ mi Vttiimnm. The brilliant Copt. W. H. McDonald of lkeeky Mount, was In town last week OdvertfadMr Us celebrated soft driftkt ."Puyek'l&elle*' Mr. 'J# fffoßantcs has guhe to Luray * Va . to his daughter, Mrs. R tt. Pittmon. } \ Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Price, of Golds boro, ar£*hern on a visit to the family of Eld. A. I. Moore. Mr. Price is erect ing a handsome residence on his beauti ful lot here arid we trust he intends it as his future home. i ' '• Mr. Stallings was aroused a few nights ago by a burglar entering his | house and not being prepared to defend himself with fire arms went to the home I of his next-door neighbor. When he j returned the doors were all open and ! the burglar had made his escape. ; Some of the leading and progressive ; merchants of our town have had con i crete walks made in front of their - places of business, which is a great im l provement as well as comfort to the T public. J The sweet lullaby of the "yellow ' barking cur"'mixed breeds, and brindle ' tails is as radiant and soft as the inys " tic light. > Rolyat. i , i * HA:'rESiiNGS IN POLICE COURT. f j Comedy and Tragedy of a Week as Enacted in Calamity Hall Befsre I Mayor Thorp. i The only case of interest before the ? recorder Friday was against Mr. J. M. » Pearson who was fined $lO fpr striking , a Mr. Brantley, of Spring Hope, who, e it was offered in evidence, provoked n the wrath of Mr. Pearson by his coi -7 duct in regard to an ice bill Brantley 6 owed Pearson. s Monday morning John Odom. colored, '. W as fined $lO for drunk and disorder 1 v. - A case showing'most reprehensible con duct and moral turpitude on the part r of the defendant was one against Chas. e F. You.ig, an agent for cooking uten e sils, who hails from Philadelphia and has been in this section for a couple of h months. Young was tried on a charge e of simple assault, the complainant y being a negro woman, and he was sent to the roads for 30 days. Young sub mitted to disorderly and drunk in another case and was fined $lO. Ie >t _ l- Let the Citiezns Building and Loar :y Co. help you to save your money bj >e m ft klng small monthly deposits wit! a, them. Perfectly safe investments thai it pays sure dividends. W. S. Wilkinson secretary and Treasurer. vtott PRiTCUIin SPEECH HMtefrtilei festers CvolMn Oreetai by Large CAM it Cms HnNee iendiy IHH It ni impirinc eight that greeted Jodg« Jl cJ\ Pritchard's eyes .at Cfewf mureitoaM W Mom te make prohi bition apeegh to the citizens of Rocky Mount, and looked, into the faces of nearly twothousand people, who though mist e* them were of k different politi cal faith gave him the closest attention and applauded liberally, his telling blows at txKTiViot tramr. 'the address was argumentative rather than eloquent, and conservative. It abounded through* QUt in humor and pathos j and 7,' si delivered with the great force of which he is capable. B : fcfc a large and we 1 trained choir, who excellent music for the occasion, the platform had a number of ,promincyjr citizens and well known tem- orkers on it. HOB. T. T. Thorne introduced the speaker in a few eloquent, remarks and Mr. Pritchard once into a discussion of the great which is agitating the minds of tho people of North Carolina to such ak extent at this time. Tho speaker began his address with the statement that in his opinion the question U r Jer discussion was the most important* o come before the people of the States.nee the war. He said at the outfcet t! >at. he had no quarrel with the Bak»»* .men, and believed they would average above those in other states, butaao &-f were a misled tot— that their .bwsftew was h eurse. He traced the growth of the tempesaaee move ment in the State and drew graphic picture* A conditions when, alcohol wasaufrerae, and contrasted them with the *• • conditions : BOW ' W hen the etstWb&i Kiag is tottering en his la#t c : #. The efeet of prohibition on holiness, said the speaker, is bound to he good, and fe tp«4 letters torn magga*. f« Charlotte, Greenvhoro and Faj •ton pwMWtfirti hw some t|fee,. t» sustain lift statement under prohibition and much of m th> attributed to that He predicted a terrible struggle in th» near future between anarchists and, s realists And the patriotic Americans, in *hich it would be sought to destroy our nstitutions, but the sober sotfth, said he, would preserve our govern ment. He then charged that every ar'i archisf plot was hatched in a barroom. Mr. Pritchard told of the conditions in Malison, his home county, under whiskty lule, and contrasted it with the Mddison of today. "Personal liberty" was handled with much skill by the speaker, and he illus trated with a'most amusing story about where personal liberty begins and ends. "Prohibition does rot prohibit" was dealt, with in a sim lar vein, the speaker offering the testimony of numbers who hsd tru-d to run blind tigers and got caught and serv d terms on the roads, to clinch his argument. 1 Mr. Pritchard raid the is ue was not a political one he would not be hi re. Ho said he had been told that it was a Democratic trick, but if it was it was the best one they had ever played, and he for it. H« spoke for about ore hour a n forty minutes and received the closest attention throughout, only having to > pause frequently for the applause to i die out. He said it would probably be his last, speech in tl campaign, a3 be had to return to Washington, D. C., > Monday night anrl would be busily en gaged for five weeks with his court. j Return of The Favorites. A. G. Allen's Big Minstrel Sho* f which has been here before and ha; always given general satisfaction, ii » advertised to appear here May 15th ■ The company is said to include all th ~ old favorites and have been augmentec k considerably in point of members • Many new features has been added an ■ the ].2rformance is said to be fu'ly ui to and even better than the high stand f ard of excellence set by them whe: e here last season. The seating arrange t ments of the tent have been re-arrange ■t and every care has been taken for th >- comfort and convenience of the patrons n so that they can enjoy a first-claa minstrel performance under canva* 25 and 35 cents, n y Stop paying rent and bnild your ow h home through the Citizens Building ar it Loan Co. Third series begins May : i, See W. S. Wilkinson, secretary aa treasurer. « I j \ . > TrMfy College Catalogue. TV Catalogue of Trinity College for 1 ! 1906 has'just come from the press, and ; is now reocfar for distrubutien. The typographies work is of a high order asd the volume of 170 pages presents a most attractive appearance. One Of the most interesting features of this catalogue i« the new statement of the requirements for admission made 1 to conform to the system adopted by 1 the Carnegie Foundation. The cata- • logue also contains a statement of the 4 new courses offered by Professor ' Brooks in the newly established depart- ' ment of education. These courses in clude work in the History of Education, 1 ia Educational Psychology and in Sec- ' oadary Education. It is interesting to note that there were this year ten students in the special course in Method* ' of Teaching* and thirty students in Ex- 1 tension work in Secondary Education. 1 This is in addition to the regular under- ' graduate students. \ ' Another addition to the catalogue is the descrintipn of the recently estab lished Council which has con trol of thj f\ }cic interests of the col lege. There ia also published a state ment of the eligibility rules of the | Southern Inter-Collegiate Athletic As- . sociation under which Trinity College athletic teams *re chosen. The cata logue shows additions to the library ( during the year ending February 1, 1908, of 1,869 bound volumes and 1,415 1 pamphlets. The total attendance in Trinity College and Trinity Park School for the current year is 487. Ttois cata- • logue may be secured by addressiag D. « W. Newsom, Registrar of Trinity Col- « lege. W DOR 6ILLUIIEII. i wf ■ *;■ l| BrllHait Etycasfelavjtraalfatfi ' itlclin Passes Any at Us lama i Ja Tartan Toesday Itfil. ... > Hon. Don A. Gilliam died sthishomo ; la Ta*boro Tuesday sight after a long Ulness following gn attack of apoplexy. tb. imM mmlob of th. IMTi"- 'mure he suffered as A wdc en the * lt»!-hrh ' cicaOyoe xmt fcw ouufcs. * Sr&feft attack at his home t, wo weeks a£» fesultea In his death night J at lO e'Qlock. Mr! Gilliam was one of the befjicnown I lawyers and politicians in Caro- 8 olina. having twice served his country 1 in the State senate and was prominently identified with State politics for a num- ( ber of years, though a man of only mid- c die age. He was surpassed by few men ( in brilliance as a lawyer and his wise judgment and action was of great value | to the Democratic party in redeeming , Edgecombe from fusion rule in 1898- , 1900. He was the ron of the late Judge H. A. Gilliam and is survived by his ( brother, Mr \A. Gilliam, of the Tar bo ro bar, and several children. I "Just To Es A Boy Again." ' Southerner) How often our fancy turns to the innocent past'mes of cur boyhood days, ; days when wo were free from care and 5 trouble. It vm3 then we were always b happy, regardless of tie busy world. 1 To refresh these memories of bygone ' days, Register of Deeds H. S. Bunn, Clerk of the Court A. T. Walston, F. 5 H. Pender, a:.d Dr. R. H. Speight en- joyed a game of marbles in front of the 3 I court house this afternoon. Sc~rounded 0 i by a large crowd of spectators, these e well known gentlemen were as happy as e a crowd of boys, playing truant from ' school. It is these pastimes that " the burden of life is made easy. Edgecombe Primaries May 16. The Democratic executive committee v of Edgecomb 0 "ounty met in Tarboro s Friday and set Saturday, May 16th, as is the date for t>e county primaries, and i. Tuesday, May 19th, as the date for the ie county convention, d s . To Patrons of the Electric Light Plant., ld On Monday next May 11th we will repair one of the en_, les at the light station necessitating the cutting off of !n yme lights for three nights, (Monday, e ~ Tuesday and Wednesday.) We respect fully ask that you burn as few lights as 16 possible, so we shall not have pi over- 8 ' load on the other engine. BS x A. S. Lyon, Supt. s. - 5 Seeing Is Believing. ro nd Come and see the Eyescope wonderful 1. French instrument for fitting the eves, nd at Psrker's jewelry store. Examina tion free. iS PRICE 5 CEN -. . k 6IEAT TEIPEUNCE PUT. Tea Rights ia a Bar loon it ft! Open loan Saturday Rkpt Maj 9tt .**- f ' * The a bore attraction will no doubt be greeted with a packed botsae as "Ten Nights ia a Bar Room," ia the greatest moral and temperance pkajf ever presented. The Temperance cause just is the absorbing question before our people and aU those who form the cause wHI eo doubt be present and in duce their friends also to be on hand. The play will appeal in a strong drama tic force for the cause, it is more pow erful than any lee tare bringing m a vivid dramatic situation the lesson of the play that never grows old. The Company has been appearing in other cities under the auspicies of the Anti- Saloon League. The Durham Herald of April 14th says: "The best popular price company seen here this season." Sale of seat, now on at May & Gor ham's. Popular prices 16c, 25c, 35c. Castalia items. [The following items from our regu lar correspondent at Castalia were un avoidably left out of last week's issue] Mr. Tom May, of Stallings, has ac cepted a position as druggist with the Castalia Drug Co. Mr. May is a clever young man, and we gladly welcome him among us. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Lancaster of the Louisburg hotel with their children spent Saturday and Sunday with his sister, Mrs. J. S. Batchelor, near town. The faculty composed of the follow ing who have been teaphing here the - past year returned to their homes Sat- > urday. W. O. Johnson sad Misses■ . : Lfl&ie Parker, Vila Psarce and ttattfc Poole, of St. Paul, N. C. Kraaton. haAand Morgantoß. T*b#y mSdemany friends who regrst to see them lefff* > *r.y. B. Knight, of Speed, spent- T Saturday and . Sunday hers with his daughter, Mra. D. Matthews. Prof. 1, 8. of Wake Forest, ' •nd Superintended WiHrineop, of Roeky ppF'SN t W. H. Stone who hsebeen spend ing the winter with hb aen in St. Petersburg, Fin., has returned>nd give# a fine report of having seen the Flowery Kingdom. Castalia High School held its annual commencement Tuesday and Wednes day of last week and everything passed off to the delight of the many who were present. The lit rary address delivered by J. C. Kittrell, Esq., of Henderson, was well received and the program was very enjoyable and highly interesting. Dinner by the good people and patrons ' of the school was served on the cam pus, which was very toothsome and creditable to the advocates of better schools, of which we have a cause to feel proud. The farmers in this section are taking advantage of the propitious season, making fine progress; many are setting ' obacco and by the end of this week hey will have the most of the cotton and e0..: planted, which is about as in former years in area. Tom. City Prinaries Held. The city Democratic primaries were held at the various voting precincts Fr'day from 4 to 9 p. m. and passed off quietly. Six aldermen were nominated, one from each ward, and the incum bents were returned in their respective ware's. There was a spirited contest in the and third wards, though the present members were reelected in both. The "o*' 1 in each ward was as follows: First ward: Tnos. H. Battle, 20. Ex ecutive Commit" :eman, Jacob Battle, ' Jr. Second ward: Geo. S. Edwards, 66; W. D. Jojxier, 28. Executive Commit teeman, R. C. Brake. Third ward. J. E. Humphries, 54, W. » F. James, 49. Executive committee man, H. T. Daughtridge. Fourth ward: H. E. Brewer, 43. Executive Committeeman, Jno. L. Ar- rington. Fifth ward: Robert S. Gay, 23. Ex ecutive Committeeman, W. E. Fenner. Sixth ward: T. C. Gorham, 16. Ex ecutive Committeeman, W. D. Rice. The aldermanic nominees were duly elected Monday, the vote being light because there was no opposition. The Third Series of stock in the Citi -1 zens Building and Loan Co, will be is , sued May 1. Subscribe at once and be - gin with the new series. W. S. Wilkin son, secretrry and treasuer.