The Farmer AND “WONK OS BEST, BUT WHAT’BB BEFALL, THE FARMER, HE MUST TEED THEM ALL: ‘SHOULD AULD ACQUAINTANCE BE FORSOT, AND DATS OF AULD LANS SYNE?" FARMER VOL. I.-NO. 34.1 RED SPRINGS, N. C., FRIDAY, MAY 23, 1890. [SCOTTISH CHIEF-VOL.HI.-NO.8 ^i A. Sinclair ATTORNEY AT LAW, NEWS SUMMARY. FAYETTEVILLE, N. 0 FROM ALL OVER THE SOUTHLAND, "Practices in Cumberland, R-ob^on, Hare, nett and Moore counties. Sept, 25, 1888. 1 tf □ 6 HIN~G~SHAw7~ Attorney and OonwaWiOR at Law, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. Practices in all the various courts of the State. Prompt attention given to all business entrusted to his care. Accidents. Calamities Pleasant News and Notes of Industry, VIRGINB. George Miller was arrested at Alexan dria, charged with using the mails to defraud. Five workmen were Injured by the falling timbers in the new ice factory at ton field, and pitching the babe In cover ed it over with dirt. Another woman, working nearby, suspecting the crime, forced the inhuman mother to reveal the spot where she had buried thebabe. The dirt was pulled away and the child tes- cued alive. The California board of trade has ask ed for three acres of space at the Colum bian Exhibition. Beans are quite plentiful ; so a'so are Irish potatoes, being unusually early at this time of the season. Straw berries are not abundant, and retail at 12-1 and 15 cents perqvart. Green pea a are short. Blackberries and rapberries promise an CONGRESSIONAL. THE SUB-TREASURY PLAN. PASSING EVENTS. PBEBBY PERUNS Oct. BO, 1^ 5 tf • Burn.b©r Bridge- HIGH SCHOOL. B^’SPniNU SESSION OPENS JAN I UARY 1, 1880. A thorough practical school with prions to suit the herd times. The health and morals of the location cannot be surpass ed. Write for circulars. Address, J. A. MONROE, A. M., i Lumber Bridge, N. C Principal. Jan. 8. 13 ^ A NATIONAL UNIVERSITY. A Representative of the Alliance Argues In Favor of It, NEWS OF THE DAY OONDENSED Meet in Asheville, N. 0.—The History of the Body. IS IT 1 YOU LUMBER & LATHS WANTS IF SO BUY OF B. F. Devane, —BED SPRINGS, N. C.— ^^Any quality and size bill can filled at short notice. bs , Jan 24. 16 tf Don’t Forget That Biggs & Rankin I —OF- IRed Springs, N. O», —Are Manufacturers of— Yellow Heart Pub: Lumber and Laths, and can fill any bill promptly. Mill located in. the heart of Long Leaf Pine Section. ^GIVE US YOUR ORDERS.^ j Biggs &. Rankin, 1 Jan. 24, 1390 16 ly Fitzhugh Bros., —-MANUFACTURERS OF—- BUMBBR, - LATHS, FLOORING, CEILING, F . WEATHERBOARDING —AND— MOUL DINGS, Red Springe, N, C, Lynchburg. Stuart, Patrick uty, give; y-rtic- - u’ars of a ..eriou^ ^o-. ting affray in that , town. Joseph Staples, a well-known young man, got on a spree and defied arrest. The mayoi summoned a posse of them to take him, when Staples opened fire on Armilton Woolwine, and inflicted a mortal wound. Staples also tried to shoot Mayor Martin, but hie mother prevented him. _ Staples was then arrested and lodged in jail. Memorial Day was grandly celebrated in Richmond. The Bnai Brith will assemble in Rich mond on June 1. Lightning struck a tree at Max Mead ows, under'which a magazine had been built to hold the powder, dynamite, etc., used for blasting rock, in constructing a road. The fire was communicated to the magazine, and a frightful explosion ensued, tearing up tee trees, rocks and earth, and blowing them into atoms. Nearly every window iu the little town was shattered, and those iu one side of the Presbyterian church were blown out. Joseph Staples has been arrested in Stuart, charged with shooting Hamilton Wool wine. Berry Penn (negro) was sentenced, in Campbell county to twelve years in the penitentiary for outrage. TENNESSEE. There was quite an excitement, at Jackson, caused by the public whipping! of a Frenchman named Manie, by an in dignant citizen. Manie is a glass-blower. He persuaded the nine-year-old daughter of W. O. Cason to enter his shop, and then attempted an outrage. He was frightened by little Irene’s screams, and released her. She ran to her home and informed her father of the occurrence, and he had Manie ^rested. After consultation with bis i r j en j a Mr. Cason decided that the propel t piu£ to do was to publicly whip him ^ch a horsewhip on the public square. The I man was brought out of jail, and in the presence of a large crowd, he was given 850 lashes on the bare back, Mi. Cason abnudant harvest this season. ■ The Charleston, Sumter & Northern Railroad Co., proposes to erect at dace, a round house, at Sumter. E. W. Dobbs, secretary, writes that the Farmers’Alliance’expe’ctB to have the stock company organized by June 1 to establish the cotton seed oil mill, ferti lizer factory and cotton ginnery at Sum er. The Chesterfield County, Alliance Warehouse Co., has been incorporated by D. M. Bariantine, C. L. Evans and J. L. Sellers; capital stock $10,000, Blacksburg is to have an electric-light plant. The machinery for the Darlington can ning factory has arrived and busy prep arations are being marie for a commence ment of business. GEORGIA, Villa Rica, May 13.—Yesterday a amad dog went into Mr John Henslee’s field and the children saw him before he got near to them. They started in a run to where their mother was, and by this time Mrs. Heuslee had discovered the vicious large animal, and she run between the children and the dog, when he at tacked her. She caught him and held him fast until her husband came and kill ed him. She was not bit, but was bruised up a good deal, and had her dress torn. Mrs. Heuslee is one of the A Fund of $5000,000 Galled.for—Mem phis Citizens Giris Testimony, Washington. Mt. Edmunds intro duced in the Senate a bill to establish the University of the United States. The bill provides that there shall be establish ed in the city of Washington a corpora tion to be known as “The University of the United States.” It it to consist of ard be governed by a board of regents composed of the President of the United States, the members i the President’s cabin -, the Chief Juste .. of the United States, and twelve cithuna, no two of them residents of the - .ue State, who shall be appointed by concurrent resolu tion of the two Bouses of Congress. A Sum not exceeding ^509,000 is to be appropriated by the bill to procure necessary grounds and .o erect the nec essary buildings for the University. The sum. of $5,000,000 is set aside as the principal of a perpetual fund, the income of which is to be used for the mainten ance of the University. One section of the bill provides that “no special secta rian belief or doctrine shall be taught or prompted in said Ur reity, but this prohibition shall not be vised to ex clude the study ani coigideratien of Christian theology. No person other wise eligible shall be excluded from the benefeits of the act on account of race.” color, citizenship, or religious belief.” A delegation representing the Farm ers’ Alliance appeared before the Ways and Means Committee this morning to advocate the passage of the bill to cre ate sub-treasuries in different parts of the country for the reception of staple crops produced by the farmers. The spokesman was C. W. Macune, chairman of the Legislative Committee of the Alliance, and the editor of the National Economist, a paper devoted to the objects of the organization. Others present were Alonzo Wardell, South Dakota; Benjamin Terrell, Texas; Na tional Lecturer; L. F. Livingston, pres ident Georgia State Alliance; R. M. Humphrey, General Superintendent Colored Alliance, and J. J. Rogers, of the Virginia State Alliance. In addi tion, there were present a number of members of Congress, principally from our Southern States. Mr. Macune began his address by de scribing the depressed state of agricul- items of; Interest Put In Sha^ For Public Reading. Ten stores were burned at Auburn, Neb. Loss, $50,000. The passage of the McKinley tariff bill will probably deprive the World’s Fair at Chicago, of any interest to foreign manufacturers. The world’s visible supply of cotton is 2,300,400 bales. In the Southern Baptist convention at Fort Worth, Texas, on Saturday $16.- 000 was raised to add to the fund of the theological seminary at Louisville, Ky. Myriads of worms resembling the army worm ere making their appearance near Lancaster, Pa., and are ravaging the grass fields. Morgan Butler, of New Hartford, N. Y., presented to that village yesterday a town hall building to be known as But ler Memorial Hall. It contains a Post Office. Justice’s Court, public library, ture, which he said was the prune ; sium aad a large assembly hall, cause ot trouble in other pursuits. 11 „„. 1a ,X or .„ ) ™J all completely equipped. existing conditions continued, he warn- .- -vr i ed the committee that labor would be- Henry S. Ives, me Napoleon of finance, , . i aw u a-rm Ar wnc were recent - Dec. 18, 1889. 12-ly 1 John H. Inglis,! ATTORNEY AT LAW, MAXTON, - - - N.O. Office—Room 21, McCaskill House. Practices in Robeson, Richmond and Cumberland counties Prompt atten tion given to all business entrusted to his care. Dec. 4. 1889. 10 lv Cape Fear & Yaffin Yalley Railreal. CONDBNSHD SCHEDULE In Effect Eebruary 16,1890. Nohth Bound. Lv Wilmington Ar Faye tev lIe Lv Fayetteville Lv Sanford Ar Greensboro Lv Greensboro Lv Walnut Cove Lv Mt Airy Lv Bennettsville Ar Maxton Lv Maxton Ar Fayetteville Lv Millboro Ar Greensboro L - Greensboro Ar Madison Daily Except Sundav. No. 1. No. 3. No. 15 9 40 am 1 45 pm 2 15 pm 3 53 pm 6 .40 pm 7 10 pm 8 43 pm 10 45 pm 9 0-9 am 10 13 am 10 95 am 12 30 pm 7 35 am 9 00 am 10 10 am 12 35 pm south Daily Except Bunday. SOUTH BOUND Na . J( Lv Mt Airy Ar Greensboro Lv Greensboro Lv Sanlord Ar Fayetteville Lv Faye teville Ar Wilmington Lv Fayetteville Ar Maxton Lv Maxton Ar Bennettsville Lv Madison Ar Greensboro Lv Greensboro Ar Millboro 9 15 am 9 50 am 12 83 pra 2 10 pm 2 40 pm 6 45 pm 3 15 pm 5 07 pm 5 20 pin 6 35 pm 140 pm 4 00 pm 4 40 pm. 6 55 pm W. R KYLE, General Passenger Agent J. W. FRY, General Sunerintandanf handling the whip. The blood stream ed from Manie’s back, and when released * he was barely able to crawl away. He’ was made to leave town at once. Public sentiment endorses the punishment. Morris Baker, city drummer for Max Rosenheim, a prominent wholesale to bacco dealer of Nashville, has gotten away with $1,800 of his employer’s money. Barker was a trusted employe, and had been with Rosenheim over eight years. He is twenty-eight years of age and single. He. has been attempt ing to pick the winning numbers, and has also he’d hands in poker games, and engaged in chasing the fickle god dess in the crap-room. He has, until now, borne an elegant reputation. The South Pittsburg Pipe Works ot South Pittsburg, sent the first solid train of cast iron pipe ever snipped from the South. Itconsisted of twenty- five carloads and was shipped to Texas. The train was decorated and festooned, and its departure was the occasion of a public demonstration. NORTH CAROLINA. Governor Fowle welcomed at Ashe ville the General Assembly of the South ern Presbyterian church. The Scotch- Irish Society of this State was organized at Charlotte. J. E. Carlyle’s turpentine distillery in Robeson county was burned. The Wilkesboro extension of the Rich- bravest women in Georgia, and her cour age put with her love for her children, is too much for a mad dbg. Albany. --The first watermelon was pulled in Pelham today, hyJ. J. Mize. Ventilated cars are now be ing received to commence shipping.. Pel ham is the largest melon-shipping point in the world. The railroad is now put ting in a double capacity side- track. Atlanta.—Rev. Sam Small has announced himself as a candidate from Fulton county, for election to the next Georgia House of Representatives, on a straight -out Prohibition platform. Augusta, 13—Mrs. D. Farmermade a desperate effort this afternoon to kill ?tfjo; y. a. n.>n.n~; ^ W^Fhing^on, Georgia Mrs. Farmer learned that Major Roane had been slandering her. She armed herself with a self-cocking pistol and went out in search of the Ma jor. She found him at his livery stable, and without asking for an explanation she pulled her weapon upon him and commenced firing. Two shots were discharged, but the Major was not hit. Before she could fire again friends interfered and disarmed Mrs. Farmer. She was then arrested, but afterward turned loose upon her promise to leave Georgia. Mrs. Farmer says she is only sorry that she did not kill Major Roane. OTHER STATES. New Orleans, May 17.—Mr. John A. Morris, speaking for the Louisiana State Lottery Company, after consultation with his lawyeis to-day, offered the Mississippi LE^E. The Senate Committee JD Commerce resumed the hearing u^onylanB for im proving the Mississippi aver channel. Henry Flad, a member of he Mississippi River Commission, oppoed the Lake Borgne outlet system am favored the narrowing of the ohanni to 3,000 or 3,500.feet and building ryetments and levees. Col. Ernst, a member o the commis sion, said he believed the impenditure by the commission for the balding of le vees was illegal. H. B. Richardson, Chie Engineer of Louisiana, spoke in favor f levees and against the outlet, system' Capt.Miller, of Mempls, a pilot of fifty years’ experience, sal he thought, the bed of the river was ising. Rocks visible in 1878 had disappeared. There are more shoals in the riv- than ever be fore. In 1850 there we, but two shoals. J his was due, he said, tclosing the out lets of the stream. Gournment work on the levees was wasted ecause of the unprotected points. Col. Ernst was recalledand said that when the Government -arks now in come desperate, and a great revolution would ensue. History showed that wealth had always lacked the intelli gence to meet in time the necessities of labor, and on its part labor had never adopted the proper means to remedy the faults it complained of. The objects of the Farmers’ Alliance was mental, social and George H.. Stayner, who were recent ly released from, jail, have gone back into business with the utmost expedi- State Legislature, now in session at A Neat Idea. The innkeepers in the countries on the Rhine follow a practice which is worth suggesting to persons of the same calling in this country. They give their guests a carte or piece of paper measuring about sixteen inches long and four inches broad, and which folds together like a small map. This carte, when folded, exhibits on the outside a view of the hotel, also its name and the name of the proprietor. On. opening it, the visitor finds that the-other parts consist of lists of the principal curiosities or public , buildings which are worth visiting in the town and its environs, and along the whole inside he finds a map of the chief routes from the place. Thus the German hotel-keeper’s carte is a card of his house { and a local guide all in one piece of paper, the expense of which cannot be much greater than that of a common bill 0“- ' mond & Danville railroad has beer, com- j pleted to Elkins, N. U., and will reach. 1 Wilkesboro, 19 miles farther on, in about eight weeks. The Winston Chamber of Commerce was banquetted by the Elkinites upon the completion of the road to that place. Elkins is a new town of several hundred inhabitants and bids fairto be a live business point. The Richmond & Danville company will extend this line on to Bristol, Tenn. The Hickory Manufacturing Company has put up a 13,000 gallon tank: for the protection of their property against, fire. Charles Holden, aged 10 years, was drowned in. Smith’s Creek, near Wil mington. Tracklaying on the 3 C’s from Ruth erfordton to Marion is in operation. The Commission House of Tardy & Walker, of Charlotte, agents for Doran, Wright & Co., closed in obedience to an order from the firm. No money was lost by the Charlotte customers of the concern. A company has been organized by the citizens of Boone to build a telegraph line to Blowing Rock. It is reported that, the body of Clay Barkclay, who was thought to have been drowned in the Catawba river at Robin son’s Ferry, has not yet been found For a week past, hundreds of men and boys have been working in the river search ing for the body. The river has been dragged for a great distance in either direction from the ferry; dynamite and other explosives have been used, but all without success. This terrible occur rence is now putting on a more serious aspect. The growing opinion is that the man was the victim of a fiendish enemy,—that he was murdered,-and this seems to be a plausible the ory. The buggy, horse, whip, cushion— everything, even the jug of whiskey which was in the buggy-—have been found. Where is the man ? SOUTH CAROLINA. A curious incident is reported from the country, eleven miles above Greenville, a negro woman, named Lou Gaillard, gave birth to a child. Seeking to conceal the i fact she dug a hole with a hoe in a cot- Baton Rouge, $1,000,000 a year for the extension of the charter of the company for twenty-five years. That makes $25,- 000,000 for the entire term, the annual bonus to be divided as follows: For the public schools, $350,000 a year; for the levees, $350,000; for the drainage of New Orleans, $100,000; for the charity hospitals at New Orleans and Shreve port, $100,000; for the insane asylum at Jackson, $75,000; for the deaf and dumb asylum at Baton Rouge, $25,000. Two Mormon elders have been tramp ing through Washington and Holmes counties, distributing their religious tracts. They went by the names of El ders James and Maxwell, and hailed from. Utah. They have proselyted to a considerable extent, especially among young unmarried women. They secured a party of eight women and left for the West last week. Abram King, living six miles from here, had two daughters in the party. King and his son, with his neighbors, the wife of one of whom was with the “converts,” pursued the Mormons, and on capturing them lied them to a tree, stripped them, flogged them unmercifully, and let them loose and began firing on them. The Mor mons ran into the swamp and have not been seen since, and it is believed that they perished. The young women were brought home, and every one of them were well switched, their parents mak ing each one whip the other. The Cotton Seed Cake, fact that nitrogen in the South can be purchased in cotton seed cake at seven cents per pound., while throughout the North it is rated in other fertilizers at nineteen cents per pound, is worthy the attention of our readers. We do not wish to see cotton seed cake largely used as a manure. It is nutritious food of a high order, and should be used as food first, and afterwards as manure. When fed to sheep it is not only an ex cellent food, but ninety-five per cent, of the nitrogen, and still more of the phos phoric acid and potash, is returned to the soil in the droppings of the sheep. There are many places in the Southern States where impoverished and run-down land could be very profitably renovated by pasturing with sheep. If,the sheep are allowed one pound of cotton-seed cake each per day, it is astonishing how they will clean up the land destroy weeds, brunches, etc., and the droppings of the sheep will so enrich the land that nutritious grasses soon cover the soil. Do not go into fancy breeds at first. Buy liberally, especially of cotton seed cake, and the i ncrease of mutton and wool will far more than pay for the cake, and you get the land cleaned up and enriched and iwell stocked with grass for nothing. and finanncial improvement. Republicans in the North, and Demo crats in the South were working in the same direction, and the result had been to bring together, shoulder to shoulder, all classes of labor, black and white, that were engaged in the cultivation of the soil. Harmony of purpose charac terized the efforts of the Alliance, and the prejudices of generations had been sunk In the pursuit of the common wealth. Atthe St. Louis convention, two mil lion farmers had been represented, and they had proposed a remedy, set out in the right direction. If it was rudely framed and the idea indistinctly ex pressed, they relied upon the wisdom of the committee to give it the proper form ; but they believed that they had found the remedy for their ills. The farmers asked no favors and no class legislation.. They were now suf fering from the latter. They did not ask the enactment of any unconstitu tional measure, but as a great debtor class, as men who had gone out in the west after the war and laid the soil un- tion, A dispatch to The News and Courier from Points Pleasant, N. J., states that a number of cases of condensed milk was washed ashore that near Cedar Creek. Life Station. The cases are marked 9. V/. & Co., Charles ton, S. C. New Rcrk, May 19.--A Parkersburg, W. Va., special, says that Frank Tolli ver, the noted brother of the Kentucky Tollivers, was hit with a brick and killed by Frank Leffler Wednesday night during a quarrel. Leffler has been arrested at Athens, Ohio. Frankfort, Kv., May 16.—9:15 p. m. Carlisle was nominated for Senator this evening. The last ballot stood Carlisle, 72; Lendsay 43. AN EXCITING ARREST. The Presbyterian general assembly has convened in Asheville, N. C. It is made up of an equal number of ministers and ruling elders from seventy- one presbyteries, covering the southern states. The opening sermon was delivered by the retiring moderator, Rev. H. G. Hill, of North. Carolina. So far as known there will be no ex citing Questions before the body, and it is hoped that much active, vigorous work will be done in beh^ oi cue great enterprises which the church has in hand. HISTORY OF THE BODY. This body of Presbyterians dates its distinct organization to 1861. When the war began, the old-school Presbyte rian church was co-extensive with the United States in territory. Many hoped 'hat the church would safely ride the storm of war, but when the assembly of that year met in Philadelphia in May, there was a large majority of Northern men in the body. There was much de mand for a “deliverance,” and a resoui- tion was.passed setting forth in sub stance, that it was the duty of Presbyte rian;. to uphold the United States govern ment administered at Washington. The Southern members of the assembly and a considerable number of leading North ern members protested against that ac tion, but it passed, and as Southern Presbyterians' were then living under the confederate government, they were of necessity shut out from the assembly. ACTION OF THE SOUTHERN PRESBYTERIAN, In December of that year in Augusta, Ga the Presbyterian church in the Con- federate States was formed. The open ing sermon was preached by the Kev. Dr B M Palmer, then ana now the pastor of the first Presbyterian church, of Naw Orleans A large number of able ministers and elders, now dead, were members of that body. Ifter the war the name was changed to that of “The Presbyterian Church in the United States,” the northern branch being “The Presbyterian church in the United States of America.” progress between .St. Lbw and Cairo I der wfcke completed. . Cgf cn — *1 tenth of i they protested agai tribution with borrowed money, - a contraciion of ten feet would be seared. Ex-Congressmn Moore, of Memphis, expressed the option Liat a combina tion of the levee ad. outlet system was the true solution of he difficulty. South Oaroina's Grope. From the reports of 'he correspond ents of the Department oiAgriculture in all parts of the State tin following facts ha. been learned and ree estimate? as to the condition of he crops given therewith been made. The acreage in whe^ has been de creased about 7 per lent, below last, year, and the condition is 30 per cent, less than at the same tine last year, and has been materially injured by the Hes sian fly. The damage by the winter freezes was nominal. About 9 per 'ent, of the crop was drilled against 91 per cent, breads The drilled wheat is generally reported in better condition, ^he crop was, as the currency at a ti when their debts become due, and asked that the condi tions be restored to what they were when the money was borrowed. They asked justice, pure and simple. The scheme, he thought, would not over stimulate production. The farmers were actually starving themselves in order to pay their debts. He had no doubt that the scheme a rule, sown later than n 1888, the aver age date of seeding befog December 1st. As usual, the early saving is reported in better condition than the late. The acreage in oas is reported at about the same as lastyear and the con dition is 16 per cent, oelow that of last year. The falling off is attributed largely to the ravages of the dessian fly, and a small percentage has been injured by the late freezes. The acreage in both rye and bareley has been slightly reduced and the condition is not so good as at the same time in 1889. It is estimated that 2| per cent., or 13,000 bales, of last years crop is still in the hands of the growers. Judging from the reports of the de partment’s correspondents, the farmers of the State are in better condition than ever before. Notwithstanding the enor mous increase in the quantity of com mercial fertilizers purchased, the de crease in farm supplies purchased is 25 per cent, of that last year. There is a scarcity of labor reported from some sections, on account of the emigration of the negro farm hands to the turpentine farms of Georgia and Florida. One hundred mid fifty-five correspondents report labor as “good,” seven as “bad" and sixty five as “indif ferent.” From November 1st, 1889, to April 1st, 1890, about 165,000 tons, of commercial fertilizers were sold in the One Kan Takas. But the Others at A>ex- andria. Alexandria. For sometime past the government authorities have been, on the lookout for certain parties hereabouts, who have been sending circulars through the mails offering counterfeit money for sale. These circulars instructed those who wished to purchase the “queer” con siderable about it, and to address their letters to Culpepper. kogtoffi^e Inspector obs. who has . in Culpeper, be ^ the train mere — mediately after t^ ^ he suspected of being the counterfeiters. He iept his eye on them, and when Burke’s sta tion was reached, telegraphed here for an officer to arrest the men when the _ | beep a j im.m favored would greatly favor the agri culturist, and cited Instances of the es tablishment of similar ideas in the Ar gentine Republic and other countries. Mr. Flower, a member of the commit tee, said that his objection to the scheme was that it would simply be a precedent for the extension of governmental aid to 1 other industries. If the plan were adopted, he said, we would have to grant similar protection to the mining industry and other industries, and before a great while the government_ would have everything “In hock.” He be lieved that the farmer would be better off if he regulated his own affairs. The States and the people, and not the gen eral government, were the best judges of the amount of curreney needed. The farmers, he believed, could obtain more benefits under the State bank system that once prevailed in New York than from any aid such as that provided for in the bill under discussion. TMeresting People. It is thought that Carlisle will strong lead on the first ballot seat, in the Senate made vacant State, against 126,568 tons for the samel period in 1880-’89—an increase of about 30 per cent, over last year, which would indicate a large increase of the cotton acreage for 1890. The remarkably open winter has been very favorable to lire atnck of all kinds and they are reported as in generally fine condition. The deaths from winter exposure have been nominal and con fined to but few localities. The per centage of loss from diseases is excep tionally small. About 5 per cent, of the hogs in the State have died from cholera,—Soothen Cultivator* MR. LIVINGSTONE SPEAKS. The National Lecturer of the Alliance Ou the Sub-Treasury Plan. Washington.—Congressmen from ag ricultural States and members of the Farmers National Alliance crowded the Wavs and Means Committee rooms at , Gio Capital to hear Mr. Livingstone, the national lecturer of the alliance, expand his views on the Pickier bill for the es tablishment of sub-treasuries for the de posit of grain, oats, corn, tobacco and train reached this city. Lieutenant Smith was on baud when the train arrived, but Inspector Jacobs pointed out to him the wrong man. Lieutenant Smith told the Inspector he was mistaken and then went through the train to look for the alleged counterfeit ers. He found one of the men who turn ed out to be George; Miller, a son of ex-detective Miller, of Washing ton, and at once seized him. Miller of fered resistance but was ioon brought under subjection by Lieutenant Smith, The other man; during the excitement, quietly got off the train and made his escape. Miller was searched, and on him were found some counterfeit circu lars, a pistol, etc. He was taken to the station-house and afterwards before Unit ed States Commissioner Fowler, who af ter an examination held him in two thous- and dollars bail for using the mails to Miller is jailed awaiting bonds- defraud,, men. THE Colored SOUTHERN' METHODISTS. Theological Seminary—Ladies' have a for the by the death of Senator Beck. The first woman to apply for admission to the Bar of the Supreme Court of Mich igan, is Miss Flora W. Tibbits, of Ann Arbor. The oldest living ex-Cabinet officer, both in age and date of service, is George Bancroft, who was Secretary of the Navy for a year and a half under President Polk’s administration. The only special invitation to the un veiling of the statue of Robert E. Lee on May 29, at Richmond, are to Lee’s three predecessors in command of the Army of Northern Virginia, Generals G. W. Smith, Beauregard and J, E. Johnston; Mrs. Jefferson Davis, Mrs. Stonewall Jackson, and the Lee family. New York Tribune : Dr. Potter, pres ident of Hobart College, as General Sec retary of the Church University Board of Regents, will address the students of the University of the South at their commencement in August. Women Officials Resign, The women who were recently elected officers of Edgerton, Kansas, have re signed, owing to the ridicule and criti cism to which their official acts have been subjected by certain of the male citizens. A special election for major and other offices, thus left vacant will be necessary. It is believed that the wo men, whose administration has, on the whole, given satisfaction, will be re-elect ed. College--Printing; the Ritual in the Hymn Book, In the General Conference, at St. Louis, of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, George W. Walker, president of Paine Institute, at Augusta, Ga.. sub mitted a report. The Institute is for the benefit of the colored Methodist Episco pal Church. The session to close in June has been the most successful one since the school was established. Thir ty-five young men are preparing for the ministry and there are 184 pupils all told in this school. A Rifle Expert. Shoots a Little Girl, Mrs.. Mary E. Cody was tried in the Borough Court, at Stanford, before Judge Curtis for the shooting of 11-year old Mary Kane. Mrs. Cody is an expert rifle shot, and travels with Washburn & Arlington’s tent show. On Saturdayaf- ternoon when she attempted to shoot a half dollar, backward, with the aid of a looking glass, her hair becameUisarrang- ed, and when she attempted to fix it the rifle was discharged and the bullet struck the little girl, who was sitting on the other side of the tent. The bullet en tered the girl’s left side, very close to the heart, and the child is in a precarious condition with the chances against her recovery. The Court discharged Mrs. Cody on the ground that the shooting was accidental. Frank Jackson, of Sampsonville,.Erie County, Penn., can place his arms against a wall, and reach seven feet eleven inches. He has remarkably long arms. Jackson is six feet high. The bssijsach aute^wi is sewa^eSt. cotton. Mr. Livingston said ‘ b e “ 0 misapprehension concerning the objects of the Alliance. It was not seeking to displace the ruling political parties. The sub-Treasury bill had nothing to do with the tariff. The farmers asked that the sub-teeasury bill be passed. Filty- eight homes of farmers had been sold in Connecticut in one day week. Re lief was demanded, and the farmers knew how to get it. He quoted President Lincoln s pre diction that corporations would be en throned, that the property of the coun try would be concentrated, and that the republic itself would be overthrown. He thanked God that the last prediction had not come true. If Congress refused to endorse the sub-Treasury plan, he said, it should remove the restrictions hedging in the national banking system. The sub-Treasury plan gave the farmer? a chance to escape the speculator by allowing him to deposit his crops in the sub-Treasuries at any time, and spared him selling at stated seasons. If the sub-Treasury bill were passed .there would not be a bucket shop left in the United States. There need be no fear that the bill would cause the farmers to form a trust. Bringing His Pistol Into Pl^y. Cedar Keys, Fla.—Mayor Cottrell has succeeded in terrorizing this city, and has caused much lawlessness since Saturday last. On that day the light house-keeper was shot at on the street, by Cottrell, but was not hit; the same afternoon Cottrell “held up; the agent of the F. C. & P. Railroad with a double barrelled shotgun, but the railroad man disarmed him. . The mayor next visited the Lnited States Collector of Customs, and with his city marshal by bis side both With drawn pistols, insulted him foully, ““ George W. F. Price, president of the Nashville College for young ladies, made a report. The college continues in the same line of prosperity as heretofore. Mj .a,„« . The committee on episcopacy reported threatened to put him in jail the mo- that it had examined the members of the men t he dared to leave his office. College of Bishops as to their work and character, and had approved of them all. The committee also recommended that a Bishop be assigned to reside on the Pa cific coast. The committee on Sunday schools rec ommended non-coneinrence in the me morial asking that churches separately be allowed to name a day for Children’s Dav. The committee on commissions recommended non-concurrence in the memorial for ordination of deaconnesses. A resolution was introduced asking that a plan be devised for reaching [the poorer laboring class in large cities with religions instruction. Several strong anti-liquor traffic reso lution were introduced and referred. A rtsolution to change the basis of repre sentation in the General Conference from 1 in 34 to 1 in 42 was offered, Dr. Hunt, of the American Bible So ciety, made an address to the Conference. After a long discussion, it was decided to print parts of the ritual iu the hymn hooks. ’ Cottrell also threatened to horsewhip the Episcopal minister, and Ins wife, most estimable people. The clergyman went to Tallahassee to complain to Gov. Fleming, and on his return was escorted to his home by his patishoners. Cottrell has committed a long list of lawless acts. He killed his brother-m- taw over a drink of whiskey, shortly after the war. He had eight indictments to answer at the last term of the county court; but as matters were so arranged that the fury drawn was an illegal one, he got off. He was formerly a deputy collector, but the present collector dis charged him. Collector Pinkerton left for Jacksonville on Sunday, and a tele gram has been received from him saying that he will return with four deputy U 9. Marshals to capture Cottrell and his allies. A large number of prominent citizens have left town with their fami- lies. St. Joseph, La., May 17.—Serious race trouble is threatened here. The white residents have organized, and with Sheriff Young and a posse have gone to the plantation where the trouble A colored blacksmith shot and IS. Flovd’s great Chicago bucket institu tion, a concern supposed to have sand, or rather wood enough in it to float in any sea, careened badly and suddenly went over. Buckets are not much use in turbulent waters, as those who trust themselves in these crafts should know by this time. When operators get too unanimous, it becomes too much a csss of the tail wagging the dog, hardl y °°^ sidered a permanently successful unde - taking, however confusing J t x W ° e tor killed a negro named Clark. A laige crowd of negroes made an attack upon the blacksmith, and Manager Trimble ^^ --— - shot into the crowd, killing the leader, j a time, to locate the respite! y.