v m-- , 0 V b mJStmmmmOtm The Farther & Scottish Chief Pay etteville News. Pclished Every Friday.' HAMILTON MrXnf.T ay Editors. Club." Thet The v.nui'r men of Favt-tt. orf,';irii,'i! :t literary and debati: u ic-ty ii:.:t r th" mono ot tlif.U;H:!.".i,j 'inli.'" The fk !o.vii,r if-m'f-ea-rr- r.-iv.. been fleet ( 1 Ls i oi th- cXX Mratmrn. Th to 1"' hoped til! a lasge circulation in the Counties , Jof'n IXderx 01 Robeson, Cumberland and Richmond, North Carolina, also in Marlboro and Marion, 8. C. A good advertising medium. o d : j r.-rt-un r. la " 1 mow and it tin- m-no ; ban .- 1 . I ."JUHj Will l;e U i.ilL'C O! , t ". j At a meeting of th'-C.m.leder.i. -, . p---e:.t j '-racs on May l'th. Mr. K. J. 'i-.iiw !;,;. ''I-'-: m I flt-f-(- Ibv-idt-m and Mr b ' f '.' I Waddilh Seen-tan ..: u . X;co':- TX-bai; It,. ; ( iim i,.. t '..,, 1 Jm..:c. In many Hirhc.p Caj,"-' A-; ..! :; by. fr,;,R ninth '.vt- Lave L'lwm- i .-. v fact?. 1! vans 'was a ihri!: of cX-ie abil ity am .vn:,, -. If,. t;,.'; :',, W, : ; . : . . ' . i,;--r;'(.- -'-'-i lelamX 5, ;b- m im: hv !;r'' ;in XX : ; ..-;. y"-'-h t.i-.-r i-.-c ! - .v ,::i ;' o (': ,' 1 t" p.T.vXi :.- Ii., ra :-. J.. bwX :j : ::c u .:.: ,;' -.,, ;i:(c, '!' ': 'i ''"! tvXh.ll the Waist ' T Voice from Gross Creek- !!. v ',v-i': ,!f c 1 x i 4 i iv' rr(.TTi-H Cm; r:- - Wouid nu ;)';- 1 ;. - '-';". ; . Ni-' ; kin.d a-t') liiioiv i;,f n !nai' , '-j,': , f: . !,'. ,: - .... ' M 1 in your vhi tl.i,. p-ij-er - I ''an 'j ,c r.'- - '' '" :' ' U l " """ -pult- art' .,f th- fact tl:at v..ur ) .f.:..'-' 1 t-n non-politic;-1 - i TEEMS OP 8TJB8CRTPTTrtw , . A isitorH Ut Y a'.!.-v il!.. ' '.! . ' ' luauv j a: I- -iv-' fail to visit "th.- iautil u! a'; t a'r 1':'' ' the A:laTii t'' ( "Pl . ;!i-:iy of(;i;;ri ai '.v.,., V, ,fc. ,;- whW-h .. fi-t brw:;;t l A I hP SrnTTTtIT .,. . P t f r,.i I . . , ' " i 1 ' ' '-ill!.- ,UiUn vrtifcK ot last W( ek . ., t!.c .;...,i-T.aii.; PRIMAJilKS. has something more to hhv, both j;1 - t.... ,.n t-;, ;i;! a.n- vV :J""; .:u: " -: ,r on the subject of'nrimiJ .V. '" , .. u ,:.i.r,' y:" 5t, ;, h, "en, we nave already ra-prcsd ,;lll, r'al- to 1 to iJUd" h: .... ' .i- ( , -' . - - V ' ' ourself nnnn fk;. , 'u tu.v's ,iai!v r,w.,i 1 (.,-tu-..o (..snton br.,u'jn a inr i ,, -r" nun cel. hut - ' i -. . J !,r"!'! '"!;! I'a! Ke Ci:ti-. who .pl ( ' :.:i: :;r exnfinpn,. x , 'W.,J" U1 I ine ladi.-s arc all out in lihr ,,..a,,. in i'av-:ipv vH ij ufjuerstaml r ' w"1'"-;! roses-or auvthaic: von i win stick to : r-1 , ! hope thai mean b7 certain expressions. We ; V!Sjt ul "nI, tn Tennc-e-. M:.-y t A;.r L . ill say, that we exactly what ;,il,u',e !U '"m;(' v rv 51 we meant, "simply that t ' 1 11 f. '' UiL V1"L l" oitu, a,, a,!,-. 1 P'.'" YYl " TT 1 -..' ikmiiiiil; ' u,ulc lie. or anvnn IP IA experience couWion ' V h" la,Ii"s arc mit 1I; their pn-ttv leastwethinC US 'an at . spring smts jike u I(.u.lt.rr OI tIt Ucrj: lease we think so, reauily understand i "r a aij(1,-n uf roses- or a.,vf,h,ci ' ..fflfgnt. We will stick (nlH-;is,:'atisiairand lovely. j7et' u the Hudson arid f, t)&"- l'"' r , , re of ioutrs ""4 ''O'nii-ioni by W. or ajivthhicr von 1 i'vi and planted af, Siii open convent! hy all ji'eseiu we can do VLrtilieiriefasli- to ! m,s, :m- . iq tn i w!' ,ve Colne to tav, with the r r 13 to pick OuFTTrucel.tl and i -coming outJiri ",.,5 Mt-r. 1 ri manes are ; tlliltJt rnay be lon hence, ere om Vv- ' The for flint and trv a era in a AroAt. '"""" UI '!. ;. , 'V , " ,U1'K nence, ere om ,v- -1 ''e loroom a But if fbo n'" " . . ''UUJ l uulK: disliLr.iri,M,--r;; V;.V.1,h - MUior recalls thvnbicL that T?.nkoonn ci4'ocrjnic party of; . - uic -j. iv t , f .frc-1 Ii. -""' -071 'he I Wen- wt w m- mm m if not it , . mi 't 11 n : 1 1 1 K I I . mmmrr-. rv.i (;ai L 1 ... ' , Tk- only , N!; ... , ... rrn tniKF. I tioci-U an dvoeat ut' . a --a " . i) . ... ,, f- ! I f'r:i r,i In.- . . . ! f:vir w.Ul C!j. I time 'a as wta-n. ,- ( f eiid -i titan ..f oi.ji; ' ' i 5 J 'it, but ;t !i',r I" , , . . ) . 1 tie o- ' o iiijlj-. fa SO" Tf i ,J ,v u,Hl y'Ml I- ' 'UKircn.-, jav in the Methr-.ii ' ' ! Z?;. , ilut J?kc Jlle, wo lo not ''-!i he,-,.. The Chureh was t,M -vcar S':''- Ti-i; iit'.rs ui nnk the primary system will work ; wan' rpll1,riatt1' '"ntted with ""i:;:ton -inrnsM. d.-elnci "en IV , ir rtnK.I. i " . , ni' i;n I 'i-iii,!r, t . .,,i iii. if .,.. , . .1 . , 1 .1 reason alone v!e t!re' opposed o!' it '-e .tath V iih, i Conventions may be bad, but they h was an address ,,v j ! v kl:u ! n h . i are not such an evil as some peonlt , Joucs' ' Anux. i.a, I; W 1 1 nrntnn, ' I 1 nion mcctiiiLfs arc !ieinr v-., at the - - "ir ,s 1 not attend the : Mhodist and i'n stiytenan ( -Imrch. s, . (..1IlV (,.,, t, ' i:ib-n they choose, and U m ?! th" X' Men ( :hn,t ian A s- !,,,..,! . ,' !, V'' V',1,' ' "V,V, founul would pretend. It thfi npnulu iiri . lownship conventions i apend the primarips snip conventions the wjr vini icstjiULI; "v.v..x .nine. (ne jJistr; II I. Ill M IT I lirx.. .1. . - T Llfl'lll II ,. I ,in III. 1.;. : " . ' V 'ooso, and U(1 v.,, ' ". ''"''nan As- ,,,,,,,(!;,, M r !..,!.!!., ...r. ",us ls aoout all that a primary 1 - T -onvenc Iu-rcat the same .,..;- , r , v Would do An c,... , Ur-Vitlni.'' . A fe-'"d many visir.rs are h.: o ( "'- M il a. . b I. In " . r- V W111. - a- peeteoand the Committee on m-en.io: . j on,Cwu poiuictans who are! ";ivc mail.; arrangements to that end. Next Sunday is Whltsun-I )av ,,r vu d iy of I'enteeos!. the dav on w'hicii i h. ihl af rv ai.-jj. wirii.iut i I ,' ' i , ; i I -1 r jw" con i'-i,.:,. c: . r,' icompose, ordin.ariiy , f .h now hi this pron ;,iv.. , 'led a.-. wh -I-.- tl .. . . lmi !';!t f..rw.u.i n'i". It i - Cur o ! ; 1 ' ' !' . t ilat We i search Uefpand car. fa!iv ' "vtiv- tccv h, a';,' ..v; ,,rt.!' . UU t ;;-'!: ,i ,r . .',',, 1 V . .Ni (('!;:, ,i,( , , I f UJ'-:t hv i h.' !,t !... V-H:vi;!! ;;' 'ioo-i;;,r. We have V !!iSK a";!':y 1 i-'en teste,! -iT 'dOS.' i:ii.i;,.M, e -,a. !.. ..m 4'..ti ;. . oUQressc;.!-: H-.i! XM -. " ' ' - :.:;! .v.- i dai...j,,..' , .ii ,ii.e ii -. ress, ne wiehled an i.fl...... ;!.;..-;.. I.' ' ... , . .. ' : , , ! .n ' ' i i i - ; a- i ; i , 1 'i " i , - . ide in carronf ihr ,,.!, i,;. " ! '''' a rid eim r; q 3 E a . -i s 2 t J r - j -v ; j a-;; . 1 ; i ! r -. ' j . i c i . c ' -j a. . a : aa -. Iv-' rv!.ii:-r b. 'j';,, I icy . - '. . . i 1 "i tOlMlcrj ,,s nieii wlfose i-it,..': vhyed to aii.l fro, the r'T." f f fnr f,,..a ,. , a .. . , . r i--!,;. ouu . ai-. .Am I- aav 7 Cn-as the representative of th,-' . 1 1 i( what we are loin nan I have the !-,.:, ... . . ,T r "artoii .1. (uv.n, a name that ' Jly ' fv unceriain -ou.roi. and 1 1. , ?"iin.-i i . , , i ii r ,l ih'ii- -itoai wor I ; late especially wh-n the !.', Marl ; !.! ... -,. .... " ) f a. t a u i. . ,; j crir.. ,,r ,,) L !' !ip :ic: ; i U I l!ilf ba,. tt, vda-, . ! U It Hfv CTa'li I 'TO 't 01 ll!s i-!!'-.v citi.-ns can !- Joim Roddiok & Co,, : Ch& n irava & HdI did-. ' always running for offic.?. Let piiuiariea aione. Maxton Union ' '. 1 a km 1 ... , i 1 .. .) : . :. 1 C Ii'- ! r the fa.cl." XT7- . v . i7 '. visning to give the people all ' ,T, " '",', '?i..omi. tu th, light possible, wo gladly ,Ulisl, I "' ""' " -V- in full the abo ve from nnr oat if Air n.i-,i rru n n... . . . friend of the "Union." "Voter" i , !!f',s liavV .I'"ei' l,""t '.- abunuantly able to take care of hi- j Z Tl" 7 oalP i i 1,1 AUss Anme U. Tfp ;r h jm , ;o;n -7 Luimuiis are open to ; 11LUU 111 ntning-toi nh a heavy imart we .in .1 '.mi protc ais co. 'ireo; hi.t a! e'er.O ji i in views The or anyone wishing to give his I r. and Mrs. .1. A. Worth :!t'ei'ii.,i fh'' 1,li"io;i that beyond the uki s on either side. Cattle i-air in Jtaleih. ' ' tll!,'s ot t he tomb there i-. a r -,f Mca! e Union says -If-thp. td t, Mo" w- C: MeDahi,. Jr.. has bought :;:";ai.1" l-"l;h' oi (bul. Af- will not ntf0, "p a 1 I, ,i. J ot ins late partner, .Mr, T V lill'im" 1?i "h"" us but lo its origin Will DOC attend Hiwnshm r,im font. ii. ii, .. t ' ii,. -j, ,, "F umivii.- m Ljit- iiii litiSIlnss. f 1 Ana l : 1 1 .r """ " f !, ..... ....... 1 . " "Pi ' 1 " v:,,."i-. 1 il l.. Ilio; lier v i - ii . ' ' lf, i '"rS Li siitnf, The r standi 111 ment (rutiif feache - ... i, . , ... -i i iiom is associated menmn.-i. ino. 'h'ar, ar. und whom c: ; ;.-r- ca-o legions of all thai is ;- , aici ia hh'. et there is same com fort !rown . Ml'Mnmi. we have c . ' a trial in Cmii-re--- ami av liim eoaai ( aM eiimr ,: n e have fouml i-Jm -o " i : HI. ' I I ! , - (tv at, all tone-, :Mil (.V( and .anxh.us to ,f..,, i ... 'iU-- J';i.'": pl ine wears am crm: ioia-. histituenfs. We advocate l i )!' mo'-e fha Ai! for Ca,;:; . ' i i oVti "lb-':!'.', r.ri ;.' h" ' eucccs-ir, to I iir.u In ; : i ' T Jtav! a : 1 .oaa a vice, X. ( u: --tanc'v- on ; .. , , .. an ' a j e iv a , i a i - i c , a . i . . i,i 1 1 o. , and tim i,c;cc t !l;lt In C 1 1 c eon. j ... eh.'.! actio tions, they wi' maries uthey kthe ynin we loa'c for comfort: om huohocil hut unto him ,ho u ov-r les coiia- i,s ;,, c;irrv V. I li..l... JT" ' , t . . w.i -u ii ; ii ,ai -o'tc i r i i ' ti true index of com tuaL ne made if! (it,;,.,,-,.,, out, to-ib.iv ft i;..:. .. ""' i his worth. It has been aim- t,. - uy saio ti;at . I i .... a near seimoi, !t. I, iS aid V ervatnm that the ;jid di.trad mic;;-. Y,. ,:i U'lim; ;u;)j, Dl'iiMfiS, S;v -: hav, '(,... ,ur"istktei.ly the sad cxp,- j as rcA -o . S - ' nenm fr ,,,..1 f . f "u"" l! " ""t IMilO mm .W SO ('live ! 3 will 1 .4 1 1 J j 1 V o t 1 . ii , rt""' f.iif.nl - . ... ire made hath taken away we erv fov "S tv'ience, or Will we confio,,,.. . -V' ''III , ,. . - - . . , A t . 1 , .1. . i .it..- ... . .. i..t 1 i uasib 1 U.i he. it-, 1,. f ...... - , v-iu i I'H-iil o. lije inuiaei love tor ';er SOU al V 11 Liata in S"!ci L .III K T1 nil ! JiMii Urrisi nn . ,,!., ,.... f,.. 1 .1 . " Lilt i.u iim- .'Ji. nMiisi.n. - -a ..... ar . . t oui to old ae,faml e; 3.t i 0 T OJ ine ' .i,, u: such a School. Nor, on i s will u-e ,r,.os c. I'""".' oyo!?v t'ifeSft'TT('.:iii-t.c K,.f r . . vo .juuu.-ie no-in U,.oi Kr ll al e nntO It. Uft I!e . ii :!UU Ulll 10 OllI HUV.fiHK r-im,. .tirtv ivnlm.nw. ..i-.l I. ...... I t " ll.i -. . . . . Jl I... il V . . . it " v. ' n ll .1. 1IU 'I" i 11:1, , . .1 " ' 1 1 I IIP 11 J 1 1 1 M 1 (T 1-iin I furor i m i or , . 3" 'n-i, . i ....... i' il : i . . i . 1 t , . . ..I-, ri i m i ,o i . e a , a re- i same kind. 4 ic 41 . , ucj IC'-l!C'a 11' s.iv.a-i- -f;...,ii. I C , 1 Mr. IJ. E. Fish, so., t!. ,,, .1,.. ' t-..r,. tv . . . '.'.': coir JlwlriiT I I f ' 1.",- .1. J : I . 1 , . " 1 " ' ' ,l 1 , 111 . it 1 , 1 I p... im, 1 imii.Viil'u ui, itiM.-mim-i . , ,.,,' : ; , c. v e nuvocate . .01. tuveii la lociiinnpo m tim- t ft, . i it .1. i . v . t i.,,i 1 11 . V. 1 n '- ne a a a 1 ;j , .,. .1, ... , .: ' ausUis make up ,S 11 i.ui.y ulii, ae is e;w m l!ie(c: :i , C " '-" 1 1 aa; ,,;i; 1 i 1.1,.,.,,..,.., . . 1 .1 1 -.-I ers m ;' la'- tin a r )j elect' rhy would they They will attend, ii reason, because am1 11 or more candidates for h ( i ai.i I ,,l 1 . . ) . a . me uriiisiaiiiie cimi variu i.- - . . - . V c a promising vouny manli od. Muv "im: orot m-rs an otiicers, almost every . niarNJ-od comfort the mother ci h, r tw,,; ..... ;,,, ,.(.,, .,, ..1 1 1 . o 1 ' ar-, a: o a ..:Li . ave one or more personal rom ,,eie5le,nem- father m iv ram his i. , ! -,.& 'lulel : 1 r . ,'' Key. i4 W . ,o' t',;, a ,. .... 1 ... . j: ; . ,"' notice III IVI NP ..IPlOCC lliltl lt-.li - I'i.nv. t.t! lt v l.! . I I '- l'1,''l w . v. v . - in. II III it 1.1 j ((jOJ '"H'THft-'l" Valhaim s c r v i - n ilec ill 1 , S II, .11 .11:1 ( '.1.; ii illlii - ,v t I . myited to deliver the hiee. ilun-io. 1 i n ; . , . ' V .ivclI ol nnA n.wnn1 I- t s ....... . . . ma t null! IS t il l '; r ;i - A , , . 11 nuu jiciBuum uit.eie&i. eiiMoii ai v. omn.eneemetii ot the Salem . , " '. .- " m;MUU! A J I limn '-At 4l,t iv.ii.uc- ac.uicmy. r. lived atiliouch , ' ' "-o i.naai , a.,,. -' " oiiiifi hi. in ,u" 1 cat y,ct, at I ue slliM in li "one- 1 Hat c ei iineu per i)ii.;.i y t !j , contention they (the-ol his powers T.f th,- nmst ;!o- iov ti e imor, iau ,.v.-. ; ''V., . ''K' -',eir jueiiL preaehcrs 111 the otiter. ace. hociai,! vh , , ' . ;, . ti: ol j ii..... .1.4 . 1 ,i ' r the (iiiiiia- 1 1!; it ut.. ,-ot ' . 1, a 1 fi-'i c'. . r ..to c, . : '. .iii, 1 niey c noose a t this is1:, , - , 1111 ,0., .-i t.u.ai.m.i.!, ac i , ., . . Jf : here m .Ii.lv. l-ea-inmia- ,.n tie 7:;, ..: . . , w nic!) 1 . . can 'resolute hhu reeom- ' iliil 1 a 1 1 o i t hosc'Viua!i;icatio2i.- tiaif .u j . i n-ci isc-redi t upon In- c -n-J 1 : m n ( - 1 ahditv or c n that the C.-fl; ',.,,. v i 11 e Oli-vv.-r I !,ti;.- journals of tin- si' i--. -p.-a' rm? tei ins of .'.;. ( i i . el I th-1 next lit j-:- - ait;.' iv strici , ami . ii ' 111 : a i lie o'l .... 1 , . . l V 1 ' I , . 1 , , ehu!:iihiP and "U1 ni.-.tucr. an-i t!;ere w..- re'm, m.-.-cr aiso for an essay on "the invention ot her picaa:it smiiV-:, kiaJ y. a-; me ciian-i umi. 1 ne lodowin. pn- eante-t pr;iver (' v, rerman a -Ha LaJl iliat a primary would do." 1W. chas.'l V h u 'lv U'fil h'lveS.ar'e l'Ji' . Thi .e. ot y.mtn: wi.i,,h vva, Hp,i About -all Townsiifn conventions or!01 tm' lllstlti;t4-v ,'r V.;:".:"- ' 1 1 1 -pi 1 . , x;.!oiig''i ..s .Oiic r :,!-, md. n - af iirim(irvolo.ti',,iw r.f.n An 'm..,l.o,,i i he closimr exercises ot th'Cra-ed 1. . . . ,,. . ' r-'iAjcfiv.ivJru,ov-tiiyiw itUHill 1 1 1 ,. . it's: 1 1 ; ' r H 1 '' 1 ' '. v 1 T ' t it i- - aHcx reeommenu :: lhen, why have! 1 re. s were-triven tor sehukir.-hif either? j 1 n . ' ' 1 , .it a en- e a 1 lie- 1 1 A .51 IllflHoi- "if -Tn-f ,-1V,H-1V ot illl till,!!" V.. I ii.li t i 1 . , irr.i.ln... All. .v. ........ tv. .r.v... Hunt 11.1, .11 ,.,, . 1 1 j' V I' 1,1 fld'H.. .11. 1 I I , , . .. .. . I :.M.r.ri,. W.irtO t'va i.a. ir. l'e. It t- i o t-.fi m o 1't f , , , f I, .-.v.. . .... . v . ..... . i . t , l ... i l . l . - . . . . . , " r""""J 13 HT3".'- kVt vin v,., Aa. Mi. j i.a, ri -. a ia - r Odin f a-r.' w-, v.... , : -.va , .. luting and recommending: the Dem- third: Uoy- Mel)a:ke. r.mrth: .John 'o t.-':cd li-.-rt itf fa! d--v c f .a ,,r At, nnrfltip vntPN Qi'mnlv ltjaf n,,i II,,,;, lilosshrrtr. litth: Laura Seho-la-iv. t!c lt- ! i t i i - clciiiiio of tiie b.--.' i.n,! ' sixth. ciner .Mcaie. -e en i: i ,ama- t'. T i .. ,. , . , . work ol i ii. i i . i . ... . . ... . t 1 1 ,;t I i , i a " . . a ' , , i vi i . ... 1,1 H "i oanots lor toe men ot their choice 1 nnt. eiirht: .bunts J'hilf.ps mnt,h: c , ' "" r r-v - . . ..... ; KltaltelM larlc C nil, Tt... ... UUiTer ICC.-.-' :a !l,'.v . -a Pr just as at any other election-only ; lor Ul0 ,.Sii.lV( y 1!Kl(a!i v,,USaward- and over ico- nmmai ,,,a:i o; this and nothing more. ; ed to Miss Kllen ilrcm Kvans. tlie fe- -led ',!;; Ic.irniip' t.-r of .,a-;, L : . - . -.- - , 'eond. a 'Sold Pell, to a.!i-s Ceoria .,.,,l,t.. I r. .. ' : a" in., c- -. TT,.,... 1?,., .. -M-.-fa ..i.-i-ii.-. i:a -taie lT !H.tl At the -Educatio the Bo fnllnwinf resolution ''(i-i'.bvi'ed find l,0 GMQM-.,fo.l.,,- nf- i',,l,t;,i i.. i iotte eelebratton this wet UlIC kJUjltllllllllULlll HI i IIUIIO 111-, struction be instructed to forbid the expi-nanee ' ' """ ;. I,:.....'. 1 - a i , . . I - and Cn-r, ! ,1 1 t;-'J ' i'-ii. -i' -i .' ; f f . I ri .... 1 ! ii i ..... . .... I tm... i .vi. -. . ;, (jo:; ...:, ' ' ' ' ' t' -'' '11! " j nr I i - Vv ,. Ii ... . ,. .. V - , , n a ""' '"' 1' " '. "I , v.,,.. Sa.r d ol -jt. Airy gla 5 ' --i-i'..-- .1 Mi - . .... PcQje MaQac arm Ii! iul) inlii Si!a t : , m ; ( an: t ii -a ; r -1. i , : ' t 1 - kh i . . , .... yiey do, t hen tic da; u,-t i fl Col. V.'ico i ,i. .1. ; , . : 2 Congress. i jc . - IKE SCOIOil-IRISH. , a ;; AA"i) 0 KXKii A L SPFCiFfi' i : . -: :. :; ;. i i IV 1 ! III t 1 ' I !,'.-:. - ) . 1 1 : i i i i , a i V ! ! ! . ih V-ted ,w. ? fnt Oi-gajiizn'on of 'the S:c:e'.j I of North Carolina. i tie-.ding of the Sc-.b ii-.lri-! , neid i uesdu.v nu'hh t c ivhk'h tva1? cornjdeted v-ar-ifm.'ae.'nt oraniza-i'-u w.,- lv the ai.oo'ion of i eon-ti- nd hy-lavvs an.d. tlit; election Uttent oiiico'S. The con-oj- jteli-In :h Skjciety of North t la- a d i: mrs. apenqers msiorv. ii.wiu m-ai. ,. , , , io . i, n. ..). .i,.na . , ' ot iragnitii bower--, wioie oar b-art ' ' " b-pted ehri-toDs iia-. s'-. n r i. 4l!. i c' 'v. Iluske and :,!r. F. Ih lb.-. .,es up to Cd m tlmnkiul .ay er "Tlif' S' oteh-Iri.h Society of X the -last meeting the Hoard of : returned on Monday fr.m Tairhor.. p , 1 ' , , , ' "l- -' c.4r,,'i.. ation of Cumberland county I )vl" rc th.-y had lu-en attending the !,iat w"aix ,!! '" t"'- ,'!;'1 1 V e ' IV,vr Ti'"' - h,. .,.: , o . -i f- . Episcopal Convention w:mre tn" -uris ca f ro . . J ' o-o ing .it5 to-- o:.; Joard unanimously adopted the 1 1 Ul"" w ..b-.-t,.,! ('H, '-rm t f (...-. v ving resolution- "Oillored that , Mr. Jas. I). MeXeiH attends.tin-Char- : : - t. ,",.,,;,. f ' t v..' , ; n w , . - v - . -i , n ,1 . ,. t i otte eeVhrafmn this wee!.- . .. in-an. f. Us. 'on. . 1 AKia:;(. Ca;. May Sci .J, Walks About Fayeitcvil'c. Mi i.1 ' a Cae i'.ii-y to ai ' t "" . n A ... ' -.' use of Mrs. C. P.; Spencer's 'First Steps in North Carolina History,' I v . , . , . . surprise oa Smih;-; and Goodrich's 'Histories of .the i, ltan'iin- b-v' u!c Coot lnng a ; uor mail came in and at . .iTi rn ......ai. o : famous 'resort of the citizens m the i-i-.,,, t. . ,.,rl.i. v.. m wuuu. uwio. -i a ei ie nit' .w : , , 1 11 r- 1 r. n. n.' w o 1 server uu me moii on CoiFl, a fan- co'n."-; ,.f v. ' We copy the above to express our ! thc silcof lhc' TT l:.e !mve seen bcoov, J b a;,a . a ! a hearty apm-oval of the acth n of-the1-1'1:0.1:1 J H;l,,Vnond; CV;" I'C""''L of ti- K-iitor and mv , ) Cumberland Hoard of Education. ored liler ol the int epenoent l, fj,en,t Wm. McM.iiau. wmic.cl i n 4 ol i o i r I-.- i iniaiui . ne nuu neen ii a ica; oi Von v t he w ; -..-id a- te itecently State bupt. Maj. f tnger nmnbei:0- vours thc Inu,ieian ,:jlh:U f" ' ;; , : sharply criticised the u.e ot Barnes i ;Ulcicnt corps and when he died he ; i lc i' v: History ,n the pub ic schools, but was buried with military honori. He P'e i r " ' : sn far .is n-P hnxr owe,-, i-k m.! -, , ... . i . , . , . , nL.L...n l ..... a.i .... bv-- - , . - W litoi several years ooiore cue war p.- comt. ;n mv ., c mamed silent as to Mrs. bpencer s 1 1 ween the States, and his faithful- ,,.,j v,:j AVo,,' .v History "Why is, this thus"? We;!1C5Sto the military cmpanv tave Vo-ip- vveo-r- itiucmuci iu.H i iui. nioiei, rise t-o a oeautiiui iuein ov 3i r. are tio.- Yesi'd.-ht, Col. Wm. .bdwi ... .o, ... : ., ..fo Tlr.,, I, f i t, ' ' ; . I. AJ 1 t . 1-t i.-. iou caii scarcc-iv i'lia-ce; m v . Hemieil, ,a S ni-m.-r: Seer, surprise o:i atnro-y ,a.c wia a a'v an 1 Wi'v . .r r. ibof. Ah-rander Th- N.di a S..- -toii-Trisi a ' : :r. Pa. b ST CALL FAR TAXES, ;:. -m h ! M and Co;, Vm. d- h'.-i tj I),-, ib .! lb- v.o-i. i'nn.l:,,,,! Wa-a: Iciiic: of 5 i i -i -t j ' v rr i ? r t t - i Ab ; .ad .-,.1 r-- ; v .a, -a H iXAX p-.'. i.;id i j Ui.. ; 20 :;;.d oii T.'vbnotto, x. c. For sale at ali fr'sl .class DruG Ho - . . a . . . il t ,.,.- .-r. 1 1. o : w . ! .' t - - ' t . - . C n - i t. - 1 1 - ,-iaor .. i . rn,. : 1 1 fend'T-on , S.il .i..a ia ; '! :ll,.vi.rnor C! , M mm . . t . . . - . - t h - ibiiMiVpiK dodue Walter C am: j ,is l,tn!,a., J( ,ie.-a : !. H.frt(11t, Fav- tt-vai- : 1 I.v- . r lie ,tt , I r. . ' "x n :b' bt- a . , ' --! o i .. t.,'a . ,x- i . , - . ' l i.v l . ai i in.aa. k . ., a : ; ; ';-. Tt :.. 1 -i c j . 1 - i a i tyfPOntment df bupt. 1-mger, Miller and published ia the Xokte races an 1 to b- a' :i-e "IC , noWid for many months holding! Cakoli.va PiiEsitvTEKiAX about the ih'nim'm'' b. i ':.:c.:iav :.A .W"; Counts Teachers' rnslitntes and. weivear- is.iO. i . . .. . o . . " . . i are told, " the people Presbyters commendinj that he In way to Charleston but decided to v-b . c ilton V'b' b'i i i "".oririiTs: 1fiart. A. Y rah:ftn. x fd: Tlos. il. Pritr!) .r i. W;i- T ox. ' ' :"a--r b.- !i.eb or la, j 'r.i'iy ; a.eib MeQnen. j ; i:;.i- a a of.- ;- a -i rm ! i-'-' '. v ..i .- ..J l 1 1 ' - 'ii-- X -. . , if. !a-iii.a ' , r -i ; r.. a I . a v -1 : ... J ' . . . . . . 2tar". ' - a ". C r : a r i A. M. MoKiHKOI. i i ! r r.c;: i, -;.!.:. fit:. -s. '.. a ' a. i - M a i imieachers institutes and. we year ISaO. Lviiii Vo!i a'l ti.,'' c;;-.- -- ia ti-..- ";;::-l,nrJk ib-ii. X'oap l. Ibc-i:,-. - 3Nducating tlie teachers and I" Xorth of the (.'ooi Spring is Evans Fcnit Fa.r." I Xvaoen.b : wi::; i!iV,;r:tlK; Tho-. X. jleX-ii!, K-bv t )ple,Lrublished jin the X. C. Chapel, a church occupied by the plea.ue ihe '!1 time- : Vvu- A "'"'OM 'l if nty, will be the deb-gate iTERifea loBg article highly ! colored Methodists of Fuvetteviilc. CoLAlox McMiiian wa- M.r.-ii J of lV:!;? fUi'Car-niii.i. Hiding! "lawbook, and sayiiii' Hev. Evans, a colored minister from the o -.v, wh,.u .he v..,jTo eaii '-'e? :""eBffl VeCts; of thf SoX-'ry IFF7 t :e had! intrtkiiiced or would Virginia was the founder of MetUod- c-I-e-a-'r :-ii-e t-r-a-c k ;!-o-r.'le o-o- perpet.iaJfc and diilu-e Sa.t;i;-la-ii 'i- I no o ti. vf liniil- i 11 r ' 1 111 HI ( "li ! il I er! I n , 1 1 If. ic ,ii lii. . i ' . ' ; . . Jl.. t i. DR. G. B. PATTERSON. SUafiD2LJ)KTI.ST. - 1'AVK'i rii-iLi.::. x. c. ' 1 -X JL s a i . S J ' . - 'r ... ."; - ,,-,, ?V;rn XX.. Lumber, GAinAS(iiN!xxx:i introduca it I as a tbt book into Asm in Cumberland, he was on hi rr.-i-i ' ,: wAyaV X r T- T lllJtn Jreace iiimiuw. . - . ... vvu.;:!. nana: .art.c- -..v-r Does i he stifl endorse aifJ. rccoui-, preach m tais town. O.ving to I remai:! IXq-ectfuliv. mend it? Is this the kind of ieau-: eooo, no wa, CvbsMrXs-- tion" he is giving urn vceacners - r--- - - u. uie m ni n - , sian-8 u.i 1.11.1110,1 l 'reaCil i 11 rr Tir.r (places every week in order to avoid'. - Mr.d. W. Fulbn's Xat.- ; uoiiote. ru one opinion huaJlv set- noti win eio-e en w eunesd ,v I and tneljnP 1 Sendiug abA i Can Ya l-rriispd ft Sendiug ab petiion o tb crime orobbing soil Viintt to IK inly one name imr 'lil2!- State an ' en- i on ... tba(pr articles that j tied m his favor and a Church was iiig, JuneTVh. by a graiur.-'shiui- whc It hoitii but a re-; built wkre the Chapel now -ion beginning, prompt a oVXek. fe'M.,. Ai crime : orobbing i stands, and his preaching was at- P.M. The patrons and fri-uds .ind 1'j- k!,f'l Ul reiurningy- Leuucu. nim its wen puouc -aiceaiv ui invio-j i.o at- ;;r , . 'is colored people. According to. tend. " ! Ch-lm 'ml to eim-mr, idly f-- sh of - tm ty org in;, i in- the S';r . .e, a. i . . eiigi'-i - - PJ O'le- ::.-- .i-h to o - i Lr. .!-.:: :X- -- Heavy and ITajicy rote b ! . c. iu. r an 1 'er-l..i;.i S ' X AT-er l..nr . -.;.::;,.,.- . a'Ver- i atal proie.-o.-Ti.: . aa- t tb e-tizensol i 'nc-rnoers r ay SnusVnd Tccioco. t a,-- AI., i '.-.-.i- r ;a 1 arm aj pa ' C rr.-dic i'. ,i, ' ( vf-:;fvv rl :a: -a, -(r, J :,'-v 7. lh'J. VilLiiJl 1, All l!iai-'-i ; .' 1 - P r a.l kJ - (. i N h i iiib tr pi:s. bHATii! X; ar.d . UCJb' t 1:1. 11 Ho--:.-, i i ali ki.i.u: t Y;.on and ala.i: v.-'., a-- aa-. -a.-r-.m.-tc. e..ur.tr. ; J ' t;.v;i- narro-s omce - p --.iir- :a -inaacm UJ.ck. ' l inj- r r.-sn Mom.t.ii:: lP-.tt-r. i nrt-e j mil -t ek i iitMj ibof. Alsaader UV .r'V m.X" . . e- .r; and treasurer. painle-s ex-Faction U i eth. e Chi''.". aide. Nov. X ImK j act. Cigars for lo.-fs. An ! ai! other ro tf ic-i i-ir t i(- - L"ioi: iounu in a .'.-r-ii r;.t.-.s n.ruvt-i , ... i 1 rtore. Nov. 3t, 1 S Hi Onf. r.i baled .cocaptij April 1 tLh . ii i: ii. V i t f i i l- 1 io-.rii r. Vi-:fr i h U.j 1 i .i.i- i i :irvii i:u X i.XX:,..X,:.: j.... .. . - t ClIMII

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