m ■; if’D.-'', ■"- Iot.*-"-- wA Page Two CENTRAL CAFE ,( SEAFOOD A SPECIALTY Good Coffee Good Service WHETHER BRHIGE'SS.? there is a great change In [make n specialty of catering to the We tourists and shotrlng them HELPS OR HURTS IS UP TO US JSEW DEAL MARKET Fancy HImU and Vegetables Fruits—See V» First' ' MANTEO - jit’s Up to Dure County Peo pie to Be Wike Awake And On the Job bound To nrrice. icatinot live ns we used to ‘.yhen; time, or arc they going to wait until | -. r/iH everybody went barefooted and loaf-1 laborers from elsewhere come and PAPti’ \ li/lYy ed all summer. New comers bring: take the jobs? iLtrlOi-/Xi 111 i IJ1 JLiit 1 us new styles' and Ideas to live up We are going to have many of the j to. Modern e.vnmples are set th.-tt'foremost people of America down’., ir.. wlll be aped, and we will have to|here with us from time to time I'Jlun. Sailor for them through the nose jThey will bring us many good Ideas; and Skyco Boy Confined Ui£S6-'iiiid ii'uch But. even usi '4A.V ■W' yx-ft When in.Manteo Stop at SANITARY CAFE “Good Things To Eeat" ny VICTOR MEEK INS Nearly every day the question Is asked me “What is a free bridge go ing to do for you all. what kind of benefits do you expect to gel nut of It?" And my answer Is, It Is not going to throw anything in our laps; lt'.s going to give those who will work, a chance to work a little more, and make It a little harder on those who don’t want to worn. Free things never do anybody any good Who don't want to work them- 1 pay new things will have to work hard er to pay for them, and the man who won't work to get them is go ing to And It all the tougher to get along with his family. Judging by the past five years, the Influx of newcomers, and the In creased activity as a result, a free bridge will make me work more. music played In the desert where there Is no one to hear It, It will do! no good unless it is heeded. We must be on our constant guard to maintain the old time standards of Southern hospitality that has made us friends and made famous our section This Is an asset equal almo.st to our ocean, our beaches. ctf Btims lld'iltiss Five .veurs ugu ihc Shenil got a call or our sky and our breezes. And to Nags Head about once a year I certainly wc'imist bo patient and when some of the natives disagreed, courteous to all who may visit us. Today he Is lucky If he doesn't get] Slust Keep 'X’axcs Down a call once a day during the tour- John 'V Toler, young man of Sky co, about three miles from Manteo, Is still confined to his home with a baffling dl.sease that has render- led him heliiless for about two years. He recently returned from a sec ond stay oT several months at the Public Health Hospital In Norfolk. He Is slightly Improved. Paralyzed in the lower limbs, John vvas struck down on his re- ,,, . turn from a voyage to India about " itwo ixars ago. There seems to be 1st season. Wo have automobile | from th.e bridge opening The Im- wrccks on the beach: sometimesjmense increase In land valpes, and .. folks get killed. There are invesll- the great building development lor*^ gatlons to make; things are stolen. selves. The bridge simply presents folks get In court for fighting, or us a wonderful opiiortunlty. Those other disorderly conduct. And tm- who hear this opportunity knock- lurally there Is a great Increase In A?- :a.' The Carolina, Gardens Elltabeth CMy, N. C., ili J'LGWERING PLANTS .TRESS SHRUBS Albert E. Bdl Albert • > L’ rt Q. Belt Ing on the door and Invite It In will get something out of It. Tliose who I are too dull and dumb to heed the ! warning and profit by past lils- jtory won't get anything. I expect the bridge to broaden the opportunities of eveVyone. It will likewise offer opportunities to out side tradesmen to come In and do business. If local tradesmen don't keep up with the times. It Is not going to hurt any retail stores In Dare County who keep their stocks and service abreast of the times. take place, will add more taxes yearj la seafaring strain In the Toler fam- John's occupation Is that of a .sailormmi. He has wandered all lover the world. after year to help pay the mounting expense of government the Irnprove-I""'/, ments will make. We must be care- i,i.- ful and not make the taxes too high civil litigation as ijroperty values rise Today there Is lliree times In this county, lest we discourage more work for the Sherllls' olfice on I our friends, and In effect, kill the the Nags Head Beach road area a-lubose that lays the golden egg. lone, than In the whole county five I I.cl each man look In it for hlm- years ago. hself For my part. I welcome the And we are going to have to lock free brid§:e. True, It Is not bring-] our doors nights all the time. Wo I Ing me the Dare County I grew up He .served In the war. From his ed an aged fathci-, and upon lil.s death, has been supporting his mother, and more recently a wife. John was working down Ip Hyde County, and got mnri-!''d just before he got sick Phvsicluns cannot learn wliat, Is the frouble with John. It is be lieved h’e got the germ of some As- Coast Guard men all along Dare i County have to raise and lower the cstars and Sliipcs cvci.v uuy Its a dead shot that not even a handsome man like Capt. Levene W Mldgelt, Tom Barnett or Wal ter Etheridge can recite the follow ing rules by heart, about tlio U. S. Flag. Try out your Coast Guard man on this: 1. Do not permit disrespect to be shown to the Flag of the United States of America. 2. Do not dip the Flag of the United States of America to any person or any thing. The regimen tal color, Slate flag, organization or Institutional flag will render this honor. 3. Do not display the Flag with the union down e.xcept as a signal of distress. 4. Do not place any other flag or pennant above or. If on tlie same level, to the right of the Flag of the United Slates of America. 5. Do not let the Flag touch the ground or the floor, or trail In the water. G Do not place any object or emblem of any kind on or above SANDWICHES — BEER ’ OILS 'v « £. Q. JdnAsif. Coinjock, N. C. . j T 1 i I . c HIV. , • ,1, '• Untie di-st-ase while in India on his,the flair of the United States of used to have to lock any-:m and always lovea. We no:long- ^ o' didn’t thing. But each year the need forjer have the dreamland of ol^fx’where locks Increases. We have no con-'life went e.isy, and labor alj^ays .sur- Irol over who comes to see us. Forlrendered to summer’s langour, and along with all the good and valu able that comes to us,, there Ts an .tit \ - 5^- In fact, every progressive store willjarmy of riff-raff, who'always go ■ whore the good people art* 'Wo will have to endure them, and dcHi wllli them, too. LET ME WIRE YOUR HOUSE Ten Years Experience iJvic Done Tlirce Pourth.s of • The Modern Job* In Dare . ; County n. E. WHITE Fhone 20-J Manteo, N. C. mqke more money out of the in crease In volume that tourists will make possible. The bridge will bring thousands of people where hundreds came be fore. From the humblest boy who rises early and catches soft crabs to peddle to cottages, to the man who tolls early and late In his vegetable patch, or the nsherman who Is out before sunrise for fresh fish, there will be greater opportun ities to make a living for those who want to work. We’re Going To Have To Lock Our Doors Now But. even as It was wllli the toll each shared of tlie others sub stance. But tliat isn't possible any- wliere anymore. We are all forced i to make a harder living, because we (S’ant nil the modern things that other folks have. We have to keep I last voyage. John had a great hab it of buying curios and .souvenirs, anything for remembrance for his mother and his friends. Shops and waro.s of East Indian merchants are not always rpotlcss, and some germ laden object might have pois oned John. John Is very lonely; he appre- Wc might as well bo'kwaKo to in stci> with the re.st of the conn-“'’’7,- ,0 trnn fner.- •n,s hrOl.o 1= l,-e n- eel. n.n nver the crowd ^parc thC time tO visit S. M. Rodgers FISHING LODGE lie. nr Hire—Boat and Tackle up lo .TCi’‘Bdat-e7-73c: per dtic per boiit the true fact:. The bridge Is onty presenting us an opporlunlty. What we will get out of It, we will have to work for ourselves. No mo liter liow big or strong a bank Is in our midst, we will never diaw anything from It unlcs.s we Arst put some thing In It. New Business Opportunitic.s There will be buslnc.ss opportuni ties along the highways, and In town, that never existed before Are local ijcople going to run the.se busi nesses, or are they going to go to sleep.and let outsiders come In and make the profits? All of these buslne.sses will make try, or get run over by the crowd who chases the bandwagon. Each Man For Himself I have long since realized that I can't have the Dare County of old when more America. 7. Do not use the Flag as drap ery in any form whatsoever. Use bunting of blue, while and red. 0. Do not fasten the Flag in such manner as will permit It to be easily torn. 9. Do not drape the Flag over the hood, top, sides or back of a vehicle, or of a railway train or boat. When the Flag Is displayed him. and help him p.a.ss the hours,ion a motor car, the staff .should be He always wa.s a good boy, and I affixed firmly to the cha.s.sl.s. or took Care of his mother Now things Iciamped to the radiator cap. ;are not so prosperous with thcm.j lo. Do not display the Flag on e7JlWne^^a7kppi■e^andhadi7‘’"^ ”7 couWja float In a par.ade except from a leisure, fewer responsibilities. staff, and greater opportunities to help| their friends. Now we will all have, to helj) ourselves more. It will' make us all a little harder, a little j less thoughtful, but we take it on the chin and march along;®'' with the crowd. We have got to and baby on his hands and no Income. John’s father was the late Thom as Tcicr. a .splendid and upright wiiVimvrto!"'^"';"’ at the ag' of 90. The lather too, a sallorinan, and wa;^ make a living -ike other folks and horn, to the gold fields of Callfor- in competition with methods used by folks the world over. We are il' Ocean tackle for Sale. n. Five-Persons in e.tc jobs for the working class. Are the'past the day of the oxcart and the working cla.ss going to qualify and log canoe. We can only use them to amuse the tourists. The bridge gives us not only an opportunity, but a tremendous r6- sponsiblllty. Nature has made only PIONEER TFEA-tRE DEMAND BOTTLED Every Bottle is Sterilized For Your Protection Elizabeth City Coca-Cola Bottling Works Elizabeth City, N. C. t-.»i 'ii \NTEO; iS'“c. Friday-Saturday July 8 and 91h MR. and MRS. MARTIN JOHNSON’S “Baboona” Also Selectod Short real*ffl*cs NEWS Monday-Tuc.sday July 8 and Olhc GEORGE WHITE’S ‘7.9J5 Scandals” Also Soloclod Short Featurps NEWS We (I ncsday-Tli u rsday July 10 and 11th MARGARET SULLIVAN Formerly of Norfolk, Va. and and HERBERT MARSHALL “The Good Fairy” Also Seiccltd Short Features NEWS Friday-Saturdfiy July 12 and LHh ZANE GRAY’S “Rocky Mountain Mystery” Also Selected Short Features A HOME THEATRE AS GOOD AS ANY CITY’S one Dare County. Its ocean, its i dunes, its forert.s, skies, and its ports are mat’'dess. It Is a heri- lagr. too prlcek.s Ilia, , In an old .square rigger. Those were the days when men wore men. snd Rominko Island popple always ihiiUed .".t the .stoiy of Capt. Toler’s voyage WHAT FREE TOLL.S 3IEAN . ' TO THE BEACH RESORTS I.. rp give ion an Idea of how free 7nd Voo^grearto luc.r,..ase the. traffic, to any aged. ' '■ elffShly kf]D; by any one Beaufort' ii ii&*uld. belong^to'all the worltfr*''"'".^'- |ii znouiU; belong jli Is 6ur.(responsiblllty ,to share it lUiieeiflshly wlln the people of our whole country. Inviting them tb I come and visit with us, and to re-r ! member when they come that they I are our guests. I hope to keep this In mind. But Dare County, as she was, or as she I Is, or as she W'ill bo. she will be] I homo to us. We will'stay with her 11. Do not use the Flag as a cov ering for.a celling. 12. Do not carry the Flag flat or horizontally, but always aloft and free. 13. Do not use the Flag as a por tion of a costume or of an athletic uniform. Do not embroider It upon cu-shlons or handkerchiefs nor print It on paper napkins or boxes. 14. Do not put lettering of any kind upon the Flag. 15. Do not u.se the Flag in any foi'm of advertising nor fasten on advertising sign to a pole from which Flag Is flown. 16. Do not display, use or store the Flag In such a manner as will penult it to beyaslly sr-lled'or dam- fling-' water and-Pther C-pnvcrder.tcs have an automobile standing by. e Atlantic ; rrlug paiJcularly to‘June*'8:. -j'. R-mo,val of tolls on Atlantic Beach bridge .bps proven a boon to week end traffic. Last Saturday It me. .!t business for local restaur- The basic idea of the big bu.slne.ss anti, IJ ing station operators and.poys Is that the country exists for others along the route leading to (jig business and the people are fat- Ithe reso't. ,,e picked again. Five t-.tate Highway patrolmen i taMo'ir I at the beach Saturday! ; we will help her to be the best of „ , ,, ..... * what she is. and we will be paid j®’ ,.,„n u In ti,„ mulle.v 2,000 cars were handled well for doing It, In the happiness of ourselves and our families, and the ultimate achievement and pros perity that will come to all of us wHo work and tlruggle for some u.scful and happy goal. Come bri brlige, we will go with you, and let" the devil take the hindmost! WANCHESE BOYS SEND BANDAGES TO AFRICA Mach Iiilcrtst in the Daily ■Vaca tion Bible Scliool Recently Closed ——■ -y VfC'WV’ ps-'-S ■' Hotel Fort Raleigh A Hotel Any Town Might Be Proud of FOR HOME FOLKS OR FOR TOURISTS A Restful Place for BUSINESS MEN For RECREATION For SIGHT SEEING Headquarters For Sport FISHING For Wild Fowl SHOOTING Biff Game HUNTING 2. tw- ¥ V SO Luxuriously Furnished Rooms With Bath Every Convenience and Comfort of a Modern Urban ... . Hotel—Excellent Sea Foods AMERICAN PLAI^ ?2.75 and UP C. C. DUVALL, Owner, Manteo Great interest was manlfe.sted In tlie dally vacation Bible .school re cently held at the Wanchese Meth odist Church under the leadership of Rev. W. N. Vaughan. Factor. This was the first school of its kind ever held In this section. ! An Interesting feature was con- .tributed by the Juniors and Inler- i mediates who made 300 yards of i bandages to send to the Belgian I Congo, in Africa, for use in a hos pital maintained there by the M. E. ! Church. The .school was divided In wour groups. Lesson material lor these groups were: Beginners—Our Hap py World; Primaries—Children of One Father; Junlors-‘How Nations Share; Intermediates—How Far to Nearest Doctor and Scouting, using! Boy Scout Hand Book Eight of the j boys received their Scout certlfl-j cates during the worship period one! nioniing. Tiosc receiving these I were: AJelvln D.aniels, Jr., WllILs] Daniels, Troy .Hamilton, Dempseyi Payne, John Brothers,' Ryan Mld- gett, Donald Gray and Colan Swin dell. C. 1. HOOPER DOWN TO HIS BED ALL THE TIME wlljbt/iil a serious mishap. It was estima;. 1 that on Sunday afttcr- iom it:'re cars were parked at the -jeech than ever before on any one. day. In addition to Inking up nil t .drl'lewiy parking space, aulomo-l bllei were parked on either side of Ihc fi jseway 'leading to the bridge i tmd utong the entrance to Port Macmi pike Pedble who pay c.ash rarely meet with] llrly looks when they buy. 't ^Stop to See Me Ayhcn You Pa.ss Tlirouffh I Currituck GAS, DRINKS, LUNCHES N. /}. Sawifcr Store ■ PowclLs l»oitil, N. C. STOP AT THE BARBECUE PIG SIGN FOR Free Ice Water FOUR MILES NORTH OF WRIGHT BRIDGE HARRISON ETHERIDGE SPOT, Curritiick county THE STOP OVER PLACE HOPE’S SiVwjws Staijbn Where all the Travellers Reriesli Station Tiicniselve.s—Bus Dare County, Norfolk or Eli'/.alicth City.Tfavellers BEER — SANDWICHES — GAS Ccncral iMcrchnnilisc L. H. POWEIK, Prop £i. I . > TtwnJbitAipAi^sMi Everytime/-Ybur Truck-fGo«i' ,to^Norfolk*''With:.Fish— . . . .I/.c't'--.x, • ' ' Sinn’Hiar.Tl'roi' ' Stop Her J, for SOCGirartu wniMcnsiKuiuinmara Juniper Boat Boards MVS}'~ w. Fence Posts, Etc. A. Snowden Mpple, N. c. ” XT'-.' m C.. I. Hooper, .splendid citizen of Stumpy Point, Is confined to hisj bed, having been !!! due in a eencr- ar decline for some months. While bright; and cheerful most of the! time, he has no strength. Mr. Hoop-1 er arid his good wife have reared a fine family of children, all of whom are doing well, and his cnll dren, grandchildren., brothers and their children, number almost half the folks on Stumpy Point. Folks) all around this vicinity regrc'fc his Illness deeply. | Debts of all kinds In this country' amount to $281,000,000,000 which Is nearly equal to all kinds of wcalUi estimated at $300,000,000,000. Whitson & Rodgers Wholesale Buyers, Packers and ; . ’ Shippers of Dare County*s Firie^^Fish; We appreciate a free bridge as it will save the fishermeirof this section thou- . . - - sands of dollars in transportation cosL D.D. WHITSON Mantco,~N. C. ^ W.E. RODGERS Duck,N.C. a 'S/Dod TYUdwaif S TOP FOR SERVICE OR A COLD DRINK TEXACO PRODUCTS A GOOD FRIEND OF DARE COUNTY PEOPLE J. T. Guard Where Route .14 Grosses the Albemarle and Che.sapeake Canal