> \i. }';'■'“H'Ci •" VT'v'’- ■•■;i !■' The Dare County Times, 'Manteo, N. C. GETS ^9 f 0 1 VICTORY iVER"MoH H! X. Friday/^ml 2k, 1986 I rV' If Fast Game Is Expected-When •; > ■ tedfT.uesray ^ .ii*. "jj T-e I- - ’»••' ., tonin',v,w^ich‘has to data„won three ^^w,,ouii of six' conference ..games,%pla^5. K,‘.fWe|:ksvlUe there tf^a^aild on'hexf ^.H'i^.rTutwday, Intend ;to,giv>g.the|r.._home, t'* lam a real show Jrhen^theyj; cross ' "S^y.' ijais; with Central Hlgrf School' here.- gx ,f'-The, most-recent victofj’ of ;the local boys * a'hd the.,. victory- that brought their standing up to .500 the,drubbing they,handed Shl- fl’V; loh; last'TuKday afterr^vi.. Don- A^rnia Tw'ynO let.^o Shiloh nine down PRODIGAL RED,MAV; RETURNS TO TRIBE There was a revival of activity In the Knott's Island Rwl Men post a tits meellng about two weeks ago and brought back Into the wigwam a member who, since ho joined In 1907, had not attended iO, meeting of the,i)ost y'and yet had been lojf.iI to the 'order by-•“remaining 'a 'paying IJv- -^he Mari^eo High ScUoolcbaseb?ll; m ij ..,.t, \-- - . _ ., '.1- to a letter written by a lady In Duck, 1 StevojMeekliis becilmc a mem ber of th'c tribe In 1907, Since 'that' tlmo'',h'p has been an ab- .seiit member, of ' the tribe on every irioetlng night. Then on Friday night, April 10. this pro digal member of the tribe re turned and his returning created a red letter day in the tribe. Regardless ,of the fact that ho has been away all these years he has not once.In'this period of time been-out of benefit or be hind in hlsdues.,, . Those attending the meeting ! of the-..order,, at this meeting were: 'W. E. Rogers, "W.-T. .'rwi- ford, M. J. Evans, T,. D., .^als, S. B. Whitson, and Mr. Meeklns. Now members enrolled at this .meeting were: A. J. Scarborough, 'J. p'. Scarborough, L. Scarbor ough, and S. D. Tate. TROUT ON BEACH M' Mervin Saunilers and Crow Have Good Fishinjf Near Na"s Header Hotel AVith Ueach Seine about', t’t.’o v.’sehs a'riS.^.durlrij' thd pas woolc it has been the,abode of o.uite a large iiuniber of Epprl^neti who have cr,;no here to enjoy f.-h lug e.;. Oregon Inlet. , IVIiieh .Building Going .Qn It l.s apparently cyldoht that peb'-' p!a .".t Nags Head are expecting the ilceKiial election, is going to be a horse racp which will, be won In tfiii home .stretch. Roosevelt will .start with the .solid South in the bag That ts a handicap which the Rupirblleans have had to carry ever since the fracas which,-In the South, wc, call The War. Between the D.ivls,, Jr.,. l»ing fne heavy, count ing. blov/s,-:thc. locals garnered a 9 'tos'lvdedlsloii.' ■ Acco'rdirig .{o their coach, Martin Kellogg,'- they., have , strong inten- ■ tlous'of bringing, tlieir conference •tstanding;much,.higher,by the time thpy have' finished';with Central nexc Tuesday; afternoon., AIANTFO loCiVLS: WILL PLAY: HEliE: SUNDAY I'lrot Game of Se^on Is'9 to 0 Vic tory f:cr Locais '■ ihre M^nteOjLocap,.according to On!- announcement made by Martin KSlogg, expect to meet a fast step ping team from Eder.i'on here Sun day ajttemoon. ’ . - . "rhe arraiigements -with Sdenton .'.weres'Tiotu'soundly' confirmed but in , case they did back out several other teams atevbidding for.;i game Sim- pday'hftSrnobn.. At any rate the liVi- !. _ Locals expect to put on a good ex- hibiliqn on Svmday aflernoon with somebody. , ;,!;Mound 'duty against whoever the opposing-team'is scheduled to betw#:n_Saih Kee and'Brantley. Bolh:,'jx_re- reputable hurlers. -'v_..v, . , ^he ioicals qfjcned thol rseason _j£i:las'. Sunday wltho bang when they ^gtfiiiri^Jed the'Norfolk Monarchs un- j More than GOO pounds of rock and salmon trout, were caught .Monday j-afternon by C.apt. Mervlii,Saundcr.-! I and crc'.v wUli a bo.ach, seine, near the,Nags Header .Hotel, and the. fiih'.soltl for ten cents a .pound, to Herbert Perry, local buyer. This is one of the ,11.-st. good catclies m.ade this sea.son; The waters,were alive wyjV fish, which were chasing minnows in tho break ers and ashore. The crew of fishermen at .work proves a ,grc-at attractions for gue.sts, at the Nags Header .aitd many go down to the ee.a to watch the nets being pulled In. ' AIUCH KUILDING AT,NAGS HEAIX HOTELS OPENING der ,their feet for a nine to nothing drubbing was kee and Brant ley on the hurling end.of the game that let the visitors down with 05,*y two hits. , Named "Old Glory? Captain Driver of Salem la 1831 ccimnamlod the brig Charles Dog- gett, which sailed on Us famous vo.vage which resulted In the res cue of the mutineers of the British ship Bounty. A loiter acknowledg ing this service contains Driver's .autograph dated November 1C. ISSO, ami bears tho words "My ship, my oouniry, and my flag. Old Glory." It may be fairly assumed, therefore, that the phrase ‘‘Old Glory" orlgU noted with Captain Driver. The flag which was so dostgnntcd by him was presented to him; by a friend before starting on tills voy age. It Is still preserved In the Es- .scs Institute, Salem, Mass. service stations arid ,other^ resort buildings ,as raplcily asj.they can is an indicatlo'.i, that, iheyijexpWt, a", good season,. One of tlio' best, build’-’ ings going tip.,!it present'‘is';Ptu;^5Cr;, so:i’s new hotel while man^„oth,er.s' arc biilkiliig rqomljjg ^I'rouijs .afjd jllning rooms,.nil along the;.hi^'hway. HOARD OF ELECTION^' NAiMES PRECINCT MM Entire List of Poll Holdersand Re.gistrars Appointed Saturday The County Board * grcnt;Et se.'isoti (his .stmimcr that i.St.ttes. h.-ui ever been known tq.,the,.b'each'!'J ‘The, ^Repubiican'.,p.iriy,h.i.s,been Tho ■fact.j pumbpr..pj^Aift'^aqi-iiblj’.,.,rc^iiS9il^le,c|. ,,,.11 ..Is people are building cottngcts,"storos1|SjgHn'’lreginiifng‘id'feel',the Uirlll of IfeeTolon^, Its. koci, nnil the otloi of j,lie'fleshrp,qts, of .olUce ar,c in, Its ^iojtTiJ,^.. forgotten , trian.’^'.thc qhp{tafl.stV,wili see.th^Lits tYar.c’host b apipIXifillod ,;vlth wjht^t .1^ .tak^. Wen'Voimg Oemqcr.'its mriy Xhattef 'ourMl^ves witli slUy talk nboiit,/'if :.the .Republicans, decide ,to put tip a candidate," but that sort of buister ^Undly ignores the fact that the peniqcratlc party is the minority p.arly In this land, and that It can win only when there is sufficient dimension In the Republican ranks. tATcii the Republicans vote the Re- pi^llqa'n ticket in national elections. the.Deniocrats are licked. -'i fri 1932, after three years of, the itepression, during which Mr. Hoover llal, "floundered helplessly and By -iTlio Dare County Board of .Elec tions met &.iturday and narned the poll holders and registrars for the comtag June prtoary.The .Boarr^j'rf^aUy dropped the oars, the, 0, E.ectlonj is r. o. 'V/we, Chairjmwpuhlicans were at the very low- Nags Head Expects Big Season Ac cording (0 Reports Nags Head is rapidly opening up •and while several of the alro.idy re putable places alosg the ocean arc already - doing well there Is a very extensive building program under was also. ■Already many are stopping af three of the Hotels which have re cently opened ihelr doors to tourists. Tho Nags Header, •according to Geo. P. Puller, Manager, Is doing a live ly business. Mr. Fuller reports l.hat he expects May to really open hi;: season and. gave as a reason,' the fact that for (ho first nine days of May he already has reservations for 124 people. At the Arlington '..rst wck-end were several parties ir,d during the ■week many flsh'ng 'parties have been .staying the’e. The Croatan hue been open for nian of Mantoo, J B. Plooker am W. C. Gasklll'of Wanchese. ! Mnrr.ea, 'To.m Easnlght, Henry Tn-lfcrd, Eber ^Vcscott.. 'Wanchese, •J. B. Hooker, B. H. Davis, W. B. Tiuett.^ Ha-tteras, L., A. Mldgett, Mrs. Mary RoUirison, R.,, G. Austln.-jthO proverb says.. The people were Frisco, Charles H Fulcher, J D. jrl^o and ready for a change. Dr. Farrow. J A. Stowe. Buxton,’C. [C^iinon and his allies, the Ku- T. Miller, M. J. Gr.ay, N. .,P. Jen- iauj^,klan, could not, have carried . _ against A1 Smith had he been, the nominee In 1932. The w’ater mark of,their,fortunes. They hKlipntirely forfeited national con- lidencs. Prosperity had, escaped fVo.;h them and th';y'pl3lnlV could riot conjure It back. Their medi cine was no good. ,• I'A turnover in hell Is some help,” nett Avon. BurgessGray, A. D. Wilh-.i!ns, Prank O’Neal. Rodanthe, L. Douglas, Elroy Mldgett, L. Y. Gray. . , Nags Head, John Culpepper, Mar^ Rupiibllcan party just foundered arid went down with all .on board. r,H,, In 1936, it can be shown that and that this was a need so exigent as tq make a change In policy im- pci'.Uivo. We .shall flic our pica of •■nnfevslon and uvoldanre. saying, "Vw, we did jiroiiime to balanco the iJiubgct and r. dure governmental ex penses. but a condition suddenly ,\ro:D to confront us which made a change of tho.so plans necessary." Wo Oan argue with elo(iiienco that yc could not; .suffer, the Amerloari people 'to sUiryc for a tlilng so ab stract os balancing tlie budget. It Is posslbU} that, by 193G, dole- bltors on our lists, and rcllofces on ouraiay roils, may. coastltuta a ,ma jority >if.,tho American voters, In which cpsc wc shail bp sitting ■ pi-etty. . . ■ , liV 1930 wo sh.all hoar something about the Constitution. ■ As tho matter now stands, the -Republi cans can m.ake nothing of that. Tho most popular change In the Constitution ever effected was made under the leadership of this Ad ministration. If, ho-wever, the Supreme Court declares the AAA unconstitutional, as well as other New Deal gadgets, and It is seriously proposed to so alter the Constitution so os to take from the court Its right, assumed by Jonn Marih-.ill In Marbury ■y-ir- .sus Madison, to pass on .the consti tutionality of the acts of Congress, we shall certainly hear a mouthful about that, for that goes to tho fundamental structure of our Gov ernment. It is true enough that no British court'-can question any act of Par liament. In Britain, Parliament Is the supreme power In tho land. The British popular government Is far less rigid, far more responsive to popular will than ours. Britain has no written Constitu tion. We have a very diffic'iift'.brie to. change. The method (Jcescribed for Its changing Is tedious and-.rc- qulrcs not a m.ijorlty, but .a Uiree- louniis vole, lo cfl'ccl It. Thirteen Stales c.in prevent a change in our Constitution. To mo tho Constitution Is not .sacronascanl. I shall be for any change In It which will enlarge hu man rights. Wo Young Dciiiocrats may fimi ourselves this year, Ilderi up for a rundamcntal change In our governmental structure. , ' ! THOMAS LOMAN HUNTER . “The ‘^Coj>^erhcad»” In the Civil iwn'r the ninne "Cop- perlieads" was niipllert ns a term of reproach,To tho.so In tho North who were sympnlhetlc with the South. Mo.st of them were the so. called pence'pomoernts. 'Phey were strong In NeW Yoric. Ohio, nnd In- dlnnn, nnd In’ ISitt their Oliln lend er, Clonient fj Ihilinndighnm, was almost elected governor of the slate In n hitter contest. The Knights of the Golden Clrfclo was a Copper- '• head secret society.' . ' • ■I ..I:". , Alvah W. mti Inc. ■■ Wholesale Commission Fislv'Dealerk ir/l 12 Fulton Wholesale Market NEW YORK . S27-2Gt,_ • ' " ;■ f J. ■.o: ill Wholesale Coniinission Dealer in ALL KINDS OF FI®: :.h })' ^hall TlUett, J. P. Wl£C, .^Collngtpitj (Democratic medicine has ueen soctl, ROUTE YOUR FISH mm 4r-' i.-'*. iM()(TOES|Incpp$Fii|ei; ■irii^^^^^P^S.S'-'LloyalVXane,' Norfol&j Va.-'' ;'y-V .Feist-Delivery to Philadelphid ' - : ahd New York, : ' daily OVERNIGHT SERVICE ,; Leaving Norfolk at 3 and. 7 p. m. - INSURED CARRIERS Cargo Policy No. W6011744 U. S. Insurance Co. of . ' New York. $.3,000 per unit Public. Liability and Properly Damage Policy No. 8280, National Mutual Insurance Co., of -jrx ^ Washington, D. C., $5,000 and $10,000 arg - limits per unit ■ -Rbferences: All fish receivers in New York and ^ Philadelphia Classifie Advertising Advertising In this xolumn costs 25 cents for 25 words. 7? yon want to'rcht. to,buy, to sell, gel .ri Job, to hire help,,^o romething lost,'-then try kind qt advertising. . Send cash with order. sell, to Jo flAd y ''{ijls L. W Stetson, Mrs. Lillie Mchklns, J. M. Cronk. . 1 -• ,ldtty Hawk, Mrs. J. E. MaViri, E. d! Mldgslt, 3. F., Perry..., D.uqk, W#; E. Rogers. Le;vls Scarborough, J. K. Hines. E,ait Lake. H L. Smith. J. T. Ta’lddy, George Ambrc: tjpt prosperity Is convalescent: that imonipioymcnt Is on tho wane, and that, the patient will soon be. able Ig, dispense with tho oxygen tarifc and transfusions, tho Democratic pari.y. should and will \vln. • ^■T'h.it Is the question on which tho j 'jThqlc issue of the campaign will Mashocs, Stewart Mldgett,.T... ;a. jtgrn. ..'We. Young Demoertits must Mldgett, Ira S,nencer. Manns Hary vt*; prepared,, to substantiate our ’oor, nerman Gibbs, Ijrs. : Frank; fc.-la'ltn In that raspeol. The Repub-t Twlfard, Gaston Mann. Stumpy Point, Leslie* Wise.'A.-B;-'';-^e have to^.shoW of recovery Is a coper, Robort Mldgett. . ,, ’ -ili^ely artificial thing built up with Hooper, The first named person in e.acU precinct Is the Registrar. lijtatLS.arc sure to argue that what Chesebro Brothers & Robbins, Inc. l-d-3 FULTON FISH MARKET . NEW YORK, N. Y. , LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE 550 iSlidili Roek (striped bass). Trout and • (filter NortK Carolina Varieties are Our Specialty ■ We Solicit Your Business WilfpAy tKe highest possible prices. Our checks mailed daily. Best service. Largest Outlet in New York Correspondence Invited ,12i-13t. REFRIGERATOR For Sale Cheap; I lOO-paund size. Call at Times Of- jllce for information. Ap-24-3t j AWNINGS Attmctlve homes and I prosperous business hoitics tire ' equipped with Awn'.ngs. Call us I fer an estimate on •> urs (mUNDEN ,5: ALEXANDER Phono ; 1099—Elizabeth City, N. C. Ap-24-4L WANTED, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry to repair. Workmanship the beet, prices reasonable Bright Jewelry Company, Elizabeth City, N, C. ..... Ap.-17-tf FIVE Room Homo, well situated, suitable for club, located In Duck, the North End of Dare County, Ad dress: P. O. Manteo,- N. C. I Mar.20-at Send your orders for printing and prbitcd letterheads, billheads, en velopes, etc., to the Dare County Times. FOR SHOE REPAIRS done rlghil come to FJ3EB R. WESCOTT’sl SHOE SHOP opposite Hotel Port Raleigh. Prices rlghc. Man or ders given prompt .attention; ship ped C.OD. Nt-tf — — I Patronize the firms who advertise In the Dare County Times. They are wide-awake and stand for pro gress. Tliey will give you good ser vice. ‘.■VIARK EVERY GRAVE” Solcct- Ing your monument from D. T SINGLETON, 303 South Road St. Ellzaoeih City, N. C. “Every Stone Delivered and Set.” A2-tf This Campaigit of 1936 j The- following, aWely Wwrltie^p^i; j-wsts'•printed' fejiSe'KlcfimoMr^W?; i Times-bispatete' f' I How young is a 'Young 'Dmio- j crat? From ths pictures- of- .tliose, v/hose counterfeit presentments have lately appeared in the papers, I should say that the way to enjoy perpetual youth is to Join the Young Democrats. The Democratic again I should say that It has an edge on Its cpponcncs, but only professional ballyhoccrs and thrasonical fellows will tell us that Mr. Roosevelt will enjoy another landslide even great er than the one which swept him Into power in 1932, Wc Young Democrats might as well face tho f.acts. "The 1936 pre- I Abe money for which' we have •'i.aortgaged America. ■ We are. suro^ to be confronted with the taunt that 'we promised to effect governmental economies, to .•b:\lnnce the'budget. It is In -the ryljcrd and wo cannot evade It. The fcjiqcratlc platform.of 1932' is go- ^ Xp be Hlie chief,. Msef of the S^vdehatSkripwrilas' ^Jf^sideritial' c^palgn, we'shall have-'ihls for ever Hirbwn Into our faces: “You piromised ; to', balance the budget, aiid you promised to make govern ment less, expensive.' How have you fulfilled that promise?” ■.VVe shall reply that ■wc! found NOTICE OP SALE OF VALUABLE PROPERTV riiilci* niul Hy \irlii«! of tlio iK>wi-r anil on- tUoTlty civi.tulnvil i\\ that coriaJn of J:»-.Sale ivHutl .U.flJ in, lono by r H. f*Jprk of tiio\Siij»cr5or i'oiirt of l>ar*j atul jHirMiAHt ‘-jliJic tt-niiA of an orcl?r\'l tbc Dare Cirtmiy IloAt.l of fvlupaUou oiui L'lmMtT -IDI of the rnblie l.aw( u* N’ortli ('arclliia ItHiS tli« wbtMjl silo tb-rfrUnhl Ih-'I'ov haiitiy li.fTt-iiie WHMccj-»»>ary for jiiiWic ‘vCii'yi;! tin* im-lerfiikoul will on tin* ilay if AitU. liind, ho'ih a\ tbe L*onrtboii>>i> Nurtli I’arolina Ini'll to .tJie iiiuliest biiUIor for caih tbe fol low IiU iiroiKTty., 1ST TUAr'fi AtUolnUis tl^^ IidoIh of f* T Sutton, I». I,. .Mlitiictt, anil Lln5 -Nr. JI. ('iiurclL .S)utli. bfulnnl.i:: ot a ritake in llic J-bist line of rialit ('luirch laml, niiH with -salil iln^ north til 'hitritw \V*-s*i .10 ynnl-i to a .stake; thencj' NorUi r*r« He- crt"t4 Kiint 30 yotil+to a f.takf; Ihtnce South litfrec IhiAt no yanli ti a Hlake: ilii'iifit; Acuth Oiujri-ea NVcnt 30 ynnls tu tin* pjlnt of bevinninut (‘-:ntiiininc 1-3 un acre iiioro or ItuL - 2XJ» Tlt-\t:T: 'Ailjolnins the Unrli of Thf'ina.'i I-X Munn ainl ulhen ainl beslnnlns at n '.xliUe oak tree riunil»3 a SonlluTly ronrM; 40 feet; thence a Wcitturly! courns 40 fttt; theiicn a .NortlicrW courAo -40., feet; 20 and 21 Fulton Fish Market 'new YORK ^ Ask OiRcr ^Shippers as to. Our Rcpulation Consult Our Representative, CAPT, TREAKLE Consignments Solicited. Prompt Returns S27-20t. JOHN DAIS, Pres. UifhO troclri. Tho hliMhii irlll .berln «t.‘ the Auin j cf the amonnt hhl by Uoliert TlUett, ’HiIk the l3tU «Us of Aiirll, 11»30. JtOUnjtT IJ. ATKl.\*SON, cA17-2t S«:»t of ,Sc1«h4 of l»are County. _ ,, , • - . , trie ba.aks tottering, nnd that wo party may win feet'again, that* "B’.fhave fed the hungry and found, ortma'dc, jobs for the unemployed, T. II. VETTER, Vicc-Prea. ■ -. iiir F. C. SIIAAKE, Treas. Si See, j ■„ JOHN DAIS iO^ Incorporated I hereby announce my candidacy for the State Senate, subject to the DC'mocratic primary to-be held .In June, 1936. i Respectfully, V/ILLIAM B. RODMAN. JR. "'.r-'i'ffp in "ri; • :•,)!(. 'j- •.V. J '#;■ /f'lrjD*: 107 Fulton Market),.i .J -'1: FISH I ■sll I Notary Public opposite Fort Raleigh I Hotel, E. R. V/escott, Manteo, N, C. tf ration ^ ^ Wnblesale Dealers and ft -> ’ ' SKipp'ers of All Kinds of J . . FilESH fish ; ^ ‘ 'Siiecialists in Striped Bass, Shaid, I . Bliiefish ; -A . ^ Prompt Returns, Best References “ f’"- A ‘ NEW YORK CITY fr * - :f Kml _, Norfolk, Virginia ■Welcomes You Norfolk’s Leading Fireproof Hotels Hotel Fairfax and Hotel Southland With Bath and Sho^yer $2.50, $3.00 and ,$3..5() With Friyate Lavatory $2 COFFEE SHOP GARAGE SERVICE A9-lf i Fishermeri’s Netting I arid Supplies i , . _ f • Wc have sold netting and supplies to the fishcr- ^ men of Dare County for many years. Our merchandise and service arc better than ever. DISTRIBUTORS . Filler Manila Rope , r Filler Fishing Rope - . . ■ ' and \ Filler New and Improved Tarred ' Net lidpe The R. J. Edeter Net & Twine Oo. S27-tf. BALTIiMORE, RID. F21-10t, NEW YORK Consignments SoHcitb^’ Daily Returns Mli JOHN MCLAUGHLIN It SON ’ ■ . • '•! ' Wholesale Commission Dj&dlers NORTH CAROLINA FISH BEST MARKET PRICES — DAlLirRETURNS 249 N22-1SI SOUTH FRONT STREET PHILADELPHIA, PA. Ml Newcastle Fish & Oyster, Co., InCi WHOLESALE COMMISSION DEALERS IN’, EVERYTHING THAT SWIMS." ,1 ;WE SPECIALIZE IN NORTIL, CAROLINA-l / * .-j fTTlT A *tTT » iuia ““ n HIGHEST PRICES — PROMPT RETURNS ri WE SOLICIT YOUR SHIPMENTS .Reference: Equitable Trust Co. ; Newcastle Fish 8c Oyster Co., Iiic. i/ • Consignments* Solicited' • /'' ' Proinpt Returns lHlO^J)liR $PlCljU|1l^ ' Wholesale Commission Dealers and Shippers in All Kinds of ■.:* :;.?!SEA;FOOD 'V'- . Fulton Market ; NEW YORK City )F2Gl0t. . A- , , - -- ",, ■:i I Atlantic Fisli Maricetf Inci SGALLpTS ...r" SHAD A SPECIALTY 243-245 SdUTil FkdNT PHILADELPHIA, PAV lET N22-2Ct - ■ . -'i - n,-