Friday, April 2U, 1036 The Dal’e County Tim^sfManteo, N. C. Par/G Three Dare.jGounty Week by Week Being the Li.yc and Newsy Items of Personal Interest From the Various Communities in Our Territory STUMPY POINT HAPPENINGS >5 - Hooper—Wiiickcn ' The wedding ot Miss drsvee Wlnc- k'en to Mr. Floyd U Hooper was Eolcmnlze Saturday evening at Bcl- haven, N. C. s, Mrs. Hooper Is '.the atlracllve daughter of Mrs. Paul Wlneken of Saluda, N C. She is n member of the. high school faculty of Stumpy Point and very populaivnmong the younger.set. president of, the Epworth League, having held this position since last: November. Mr. Hooper is the oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. M. y.Hooper ■ of Stmnpy Point. Th’ey will make their home In Stumpy Point. liomc Dcmoustnttloii'Club Meets Miss Alice CarteV rnet with club Avomen at Stumpy Point Thursday afternoon, at the/frome of Mrs. E. M. Hooper. A very Interesting pro gram was given. After the • busl- ' ness, the following were Judged to have the prettlQ'J^’iyds on the place. Mrs. Gertrude Wise was nrst, Mrs. xVnnlo—Hooper second and Mrs. Gene Wise, third. A course of dellcldus refreshments xxtn c served by Juniur-SeuS^Banquet The outstanding event of the Stumpy Point High School, this spring the Jup!pr-S:nlor ban quet given Friday night. April 17, at the school bull^lnij._ roomjjvas decorated group meets each Tuesday allcr- noun at the Church. Personals Mrs. Earl Mceklns has returned home after several weeks stay In Elizabeth City, whei-e her small daughter, Irene Dale has been' re ceiving medical treatment. She has.i MANTEO PERSONALS but Is Improving been very sick, satisfactorily. ,Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Mceklns and children arc spending the week with relatives In Ellz.abcth. City., Mr. George Payne and Lee Mld- gett motored to Elizabeth City Fri day. , ’ Mrs. D. L. Mceklns. Jr.', Mrs. - C. E. Mceklns, Mrs. T. M. Wise and Mrs. C. 1. Hooper, spent last Friday In Washington. Mr. C. E. Payne and son Wilbur were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Nixon of Elizabeth City for the week end. Luthur Payne had good luck to come his way last week In the catching of a big Roe Sturgeon, about I'i feet long, with about 40 pounds of roe. It some of these fish would come along even at this late season the flshenncn would feel a little better as shad Ashing has been worst In years. Mr. A. W. Hooper is visiting his daughter, Mrs. A. C. Gard of F>ea- beth City. Mrs. Hooper has been spending the past two weeks there. Mrs. Lucy Best has retunied from Washington where slie was a Mr. and Mrs. James Vannote and little daughter, Jacqueline, vl.stted Mrs. Vannote's mother, Mrs. J. A. Evans, at Ocean View Sunday. E. S. Wise, tax supervisor,' return ed Tuseday from a business trip to Stumpy Point. Barney Fisher of Salvo was a visitor In twon^ Monday. Mr. and Mr.s. Dewey Haytnan and daughter, Gloria Gould, and Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Tomiscnd spent j Sunday at Lake. Sparrow Mldgctt of Manns Har bor was a visitor In -twon Tuesday. KITTY HAWK PERSONALS [blue Ash made up the catches. ! Miss Alma Rogers spent the we^ end at Kill -Devil Hill, the guest 'or Miss Lida Tlllett. ' , t .Orville Roger.? and Mackley Hlnw moiored to Norfolk Saturday. - ■- ^ ' Mrs. Raymond Perry and tAvo small daughters, of Collngton are visiting Mrs. Ned Rogers. Mr. and Mrs. Ned Rogers and children, Nelma, Lessle, Willie Arthur Hines and Miss Mary Trl-. ford vLsltcd friends and relatives in Currituck County Sunday. Mr. and Mr.s. Woodson Mldgctt entertained from eight until lAvclye Saturday night. Tliose preseht were: Maxton and Junior Mldgottf. Edward Lee Mldgett, Colon Oart,, ^^tcr, Mrs. Ella McKlsslck and little grand daughter, Lila. EAST LAKE NEWS Mr. and .Mrs. Will Smith and children ol -Norfolk spent Sunday ■wlUr Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Smith. Miss Ella and Bertha left Sunday for Nags Head Avhere they expect to have wc during the summer. Mrs. Neli,c Calson of Elizabeth City has returned home after spend ing some time Avlth Christine Sim mons. ; Mr. and Mrs. Allen Mann and Prank Cohoon of Manteo spent Fri day here. ■Mr. A. D. Brlckhousc of Columbia The banquet rc„....^..- . , ,, , to represent a foreSfwlth the over- patient In the hosP'tal. o ontinnv nf ereen and gold. Mrs. Robert Wise Is Alsltlng he daughter, Mrs. Zion Mason of Nor- S head a canopy of green and gold the senior class colors. The same scheme Avas carried out In the table decorations, whlcb'Sllcluded an Im provised lake in the center of „ a long table. Each guest-was. given a favor. AVhlch Avhen opened Avith a bang! iiontaincd his or her fort une, a souvesir and a paper hat. The banquet nie.a!^^,consisted of friilt cocktail, .mCaV,' vegetable nhd salad courses. Ice cream and cake, and Iced tea. Th'f fdJstlng was in terrupted by toasts, responses and songs. An air of Jollity and Avhole- some ,fun prevailed, throughout the evening. ' '’'A-:' Birthday Party The Avomcn"' dl^Puhipy Point church gave Mr3,_4ll53. Lewis a delightful surprlsp Ijlijthday party, last Thursday night. ' The Avomen all met at Mrs. R. L. Mldgett and Avent over to the parsonage In a ■ group. ^ . Upon entering» they all sang ■'Happy Birthday: C»*mes were cn- ■Joy by all. Miss’^Aiice Carter of Manteo entertained Avlth ■ some, of Songs and Jokes. % Mr. and Mrs. ?/-LeAvls_ sang -a) ^number,, liL.KpreanX Mifwougiit tliWowh reVlng.' which 'f, aWd much fun. The honoree '9^ ’ received many nice and useful gifts. twenty Iavo present. Missionary Society Meets' ^■The Woman’s Missionary Society met In their monthly prayer meet ing Avith Mrs. L. D. Hooper Mon day afternoon. Mrs. E,. M. Hooper led a very Interesting program on Spiritual GroAvth.' Mrs. A. C. Hooper gave a hclpfijl talk on How Ave groAV Spiritually.-*-* Mrs. P. F. Meeklns, Spiritual Life leader, en couraged all to strengthen their prayer life. " The Spiritual Life folk. Mrs. Delphhie Mceklns Is .spend ing the AA'eek at Buxton AA'ith her son and family, Mr. B. R. Payne. Miss Lee Whlthurst of Washing ton. N. C.. has been spending a few days here as the guest of Mrs. W. G. Wise.’ Mrs.,' Sybil Dixon and little daughter, Janet Gayle have return ed to Oielr home near Greenville, after a week stay with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M .V. Hooper. Troy Hooper accompanied them homo for a short visit. Mrs. Marla Wise Avas taken to Washington Monday for medical treatment. She AVas accompanied by Mrs. George Payne Avho has been ill for the past feAV days. Miss Nannie Harrell, teacher In the school here, spent the Aveck end with MLss Eunice Smith of Pantego. Born to Mrs. Bruce Roe of this place a son, Richard Lewis. Mother and baby doing fine, Mrs. floe, be fore her marriage, was Miss Nina Hooper. If , Mrs. W. W. Mldgett left Friday for - an extended automobile lour, during AA-hlch time .she will visit her daughtrs nar Washington, and will spend several months In the capltoI, returning Bbout the last of the summer. Dick Councilman Is making an addition to his beach cabin near Kitty HaAVk Coast Guard Station. Born to Mr. and Mns. Adolphas Hines, a baby girl, Saturday 18lh, John Mitchell with a parly of friends from Henderson, are here for a feAV days sport fishing at Ore gon Inlet. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Perry arc operating Jc.sse Baum’s new Flllhig Station at Nags Head. Herman and Edward RogCTs arc nomc on leave from ihe Fbufi’n Coast Guard District. Mrs. Leona Rogers has been 111 for some time and Is slow’ly Im proving. Mr. and Mrs. Llnwood Tlllett and friends, motored to Manteo, Tues day to the base ball game. (Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Hines haA’C moved to Virginia Beach for the summer as Mr, Hines has a Job there. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Nelson motor ed to Phoebus, Va., on business this AA'eek. Miss Claudia Sanderlin Is getting her "Log Cabin Inn" cottage on the beach In readiness for the sum mer. Mr.s. Adraln Hard Is home from Florida for the summer, i ■ rmwar.. was the gucst of Mr .and Mrs. Jim Scarborough, Avery Simpson', Heckstall TAvlford, Sunday. Elsie Mae amllton, Ellen and - Miss Dorothy Simmons has re- Blanchc Sarborough, Ellen Dowdy,' turned honre L^sic Rogers, Myrtle Card, Mary. ulten(l:xl until the present time, on boUi brlgcs as dlate as July 4, Some time ago I Avas called to Nor-|AviU SAvell to many tlmw "'’ej folk and Ava.s absent for several year's business, Judging from all In- Aveeks. During my absence.'I did dlcatlons. -There arc more hotels, not attend school in Norfolk or and more nilmg stations and more elsewhere and I did not come home j attractions and the season has al- 'to lake part In the Field'Day Ex-; ready started, for .some of the hotels 'crclses as some have implied. I, arc already open for business, somo- came home to try to nnbli my mi-.g that never ha.s happ.ned be- grade Avlth my class and AA'ith the i consent of the County Superintend ent, I am doing extra Avork In order ' that I might finish the 10th grade this year. ; Even though Buxton School Avon the silver-oup AAillhout my 10 points! I feel like I am just as aiiuch cn- ' lUlecI to enter for my. school ; any other studeiAt in the BuxIoia Twlford, Mr. and Mrs. Willie Aus-^ tin and children. Refreshments were served. ' A reliable lady related the fol lowing remarkable recard Sunday afternoon. ’ , -f She ha-s been married thirty-live years. Never once In all this time has spent the night awwy from her hu.sband. Only In the dcath'-or, sickness of their daughter, which occurred .six years ago. lllr. Stewart Curias and children Elwood, Mildred and Jean went to Elizabeth City Monday to attend the, funeral of the children’s grand mother, Mrs. Creef of Norfolfc Mrs. Carrie Beals -whs in both City Monday. Mrs. Woodson Mldgctt left Mon-, day to visit her mother at Branch. -l winter montlis In Elizabeth City. ' Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Whitehead and daughter, Barbara Ann of Nor folk are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Mann. Miss Syblc Smith has returned to Norfolk after .spending a fOAV days AVlth her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Smith. Coolelge Basnlght and Dick TavI- ford left Sunday for Stumpy Point. Mr. and Mrs. Wlllai-d Kellogg of Norfolk, are the guests ot Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Hassell. Loubert Cahoon spent Sunday AA’ith his parents, Mr. and Mr.s. A M. Cahoon. COLINOTON BRIEFS So far It is not known avIio avIII be appointed, but Capt. Bill Etheridge, AVho Avas policeman -two summers, Is -an applicant^ avIUi many strong friends backing hlm.„ Sailors’ Lampposts ".Sailors’ Lamiiposts" are the ga.s ttioys Unit help male oiir rivers and bays safe for tavlgallon, school. ' SYLVIA DASNETTE Frisco, N, C. , April 23, 193G, EDERER NET MEN VISITING HARE COUNTY FISHERMEN ROUANTHE NEWS George Hall, genial repre-senta- tlvo of cthc R. J. Ederer Net & Twine Company, AVllh Theodore Rausch, credit manager of- the Company. Avero visitors In Manteo this Aveek. and are calling on fish-, ermen In other parts of the county. The Ederer ‘ Company .sells much netlng in Dare County, and also in recent years has sold much fishing tackle, Avhlch may be found at the stores of M. L. Daniels, Whale- botie Filling Station and S. M- Roaers; YOU MAY HAVE A.. WRECK But Don’t Let It Be Because of.. DEFECTIVE TIRES It’s so easy to avoid tire trouble by letting us put on a new set of ... TIRES The two teachers of Collngton .school, Mrs. Floyd Olldcn and Mrs. Jack Walker both having married during the school term, spent the week end at Orandy, N. C., Avlth thflr husbands. Miss Inez Spcnccr, Elementary teacher at Manns Harbor, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Stet son and family during the Easter NAGS HEAD PERSONALS Born to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mldgctt, a son weighing 8'A pounds Mother and baby are getting along line. Capt. J. A. Mldgett and Avlfc, Mr. and Mrs. Pt'cslon Gray and Ros- ald Gray motored to Hattoras Sun- day. Jimmie Whitehead, Jr., spent the AA’cek end at Manteo. Edgcmorc Duvall spent the Avcok end at Manteo Avlt his Avlfe. , Mrs. Rebecca Mldgett and daugh ter was called to the bedside ot her daughter, Mrs. A. Hines at Kitty H,.wk Sunday. J. A. Meeklns Is feeling better, SAYS A NEEDY CASE holiday.?. , . Mrs. L. W. Stetson was very iu-being ill Avlth the flu. last week, but has Improved. -;■[ capt. Levenc Mldgett, of Oregon sick “l*Th''e'hew'.Saw Mill has’-begun- op erailon. Several men are employed. It seems to be a sure enough-suc cess. It promises much help to the conununlty in a financial way. NORFOLK PERSONALS ABOUT ’ STUMPY POINT PEOPLE Ss,. I/' m ‘ifr,. 4Va t i': 0: I#' l‘^'' Baby Brownie ‘ Camera •' is a dependable picture maker, easy to usc.^cpnA’enlent to carry.’ It’s the^blggest dollar camera on the market! Norfolk — Richmond, Va. Mr. and Mrs. George M. Wise and children, Melba, and George, Jr., 1605 Moran Ave., spent the Easter holidays at Stumpy Point, N. C. They Averc accompanied by Master Jack Consolvo also ot Norfolk. Miss Wise and Mr. AVlse are students at Maury High School, Norfolk, Va. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Wise and children. Geraldine and Olga, who are residing here during the school session, AVhere their daughter, Geraldine is attending Maury High School, have returned after spend ing the Easter holidays at Stumpy | were serlowly^ Point. Miss Hazel Hooper, 417 P.?lrfax Ave., has returpecl, after .spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Hooper, Stumpy Point. She is taking a beauty course. Miss Selma Mason, 304 Clay Avo., Is at home after spending some time prior to the holidays with her Mrs. P. C. Cohoon from Elizabeth City with several friends are spend ing a few days In her summer cot tage here. Mrs. H. J. Barnett and-Mrs. W. B. Gray and children of I^njI Is land, NeAV York, are visiting,their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John P. Wise ’They expect to remain here for two or three month.?. (Neddie Wise, Miss Josephine Partridge, Miss Bessie 1111611, Mrs. H. J. Barnett. Mrs. W. B, Gray and Mr. and Mrif W. o; Howpwell visit ed -IrletKlslat'; Poplar. Manteo''Sunday aftemoon/’-^^^'-i '■ Many tourists spent Su^ay'- here. Among them' were loUr ydutig-men In two airplanes w(hlch seemed to be- the attraction of the day. The Sunday school cla^s from the Methodist Church In the ..Nags Head woodls, have organized-- "a “Young People’s Association." Lar- ena Beasley was elected. president, Luther Johnson vice president, Hil da Mldgett secretary and Ray Mld gett trtasurer. ’There arc eleven members so far, but they expect to have many more later. They met for the nrst time last Sunday night. Mrs. Horatio Culpepper is im proving alter being 111 for scA’cral days. A car driven by Jethro Mldgett, Jr., turned over while driving through Wanchese Sunday after noon. Neither the car nor driver Ralph Meeklns. having accepted a Job at Wanchese. will make his home there, where his wife has been keeping house lor her father Ralph ’’niiett. ■’ 7 John O. Bileekins, Is able to out again, after bei^ sick, at home for two’weeks. 1 v-:';- Mr.. John'H. Meeklns Is out aft^ a week of Illness.-(■ Mr. and Mra.‘ Walter WilUatvs; have moved to Avon,- where^ the^ win make Ihelr, Hbine;7 -’ A," s' ,, ;Dom to Mr. aiid. Mrs. OrUndol Mfeklns,. a hoy. vM^,w'and-:^b3r doilng fihe.'v- '' -•Mr. arid'Mrs.-U'.f 3.-Meeklnstmade, of store. 'Work'-- 'oii' the '' enlargement their,store. Is well,und^ay.- - . A’The teachers,,qt^'^Ungton.-ito^ the Jntirii' school to Fort'-Raklgh and kill l3evli.BiU for a haU'hqU-, day' Easter .Monday; ,. The, Wp not only : being recreaUoi^, ’ hut -adur- catlohid. tAfter vlalUriglPori etgh. They drove ; to Manteo^ and the teatKers saw thatfeach’ cliUd got fiomc rcfresliiTichts,i*ftor ■which they stopped by Kill Devil Hill and those who had never been up In the tower, were allowrt to go, under the supervision of one of the teach ers. Every one reporU a good time. Inlet Coast Guard Station is home lU. All members of Rodanthe high school and Mr. J. K. Styles, Miss Eliza Mldgett, MLss Thelma Mld gett, Mr. Marshal Sanderlin, Mr. Alton .Meeklns and Miss Melba Mldgctt spent Friday at Haiteras attendU Field Day, they all re mained over that night, attending the show. .. -tRanzy Mldgctt, NcAvcombc M!d- gW and Mrs. Marcle Douglas Avere to'.Hatteras Friday on business. . jits. Cromner - who Is staying at hfenteo,- tctAimed with Mr. Cremner Editor The Times:— In regards to the letter sent you last Aveek concerning Mr. Kcrmel- das’ condition and asking for help Mr. Kcrmeldas asked me to Avrlte ' you as to why It Avas not printed In this Aveeks’ paper. My Idea Is. It reached you too late. This really Is a needy case The ninth opera tion Avas performed on him Satur day morning, removing a piece of the Jawbone,' I AA-as out to the hospital yesterday, he Is suffering | much from this opemtlon. And I the,doctors have told him he must, have another one soon.;' He Is very j lOAV. j Hope you Avon’t think me too j ineddlescme about this. i Wishing you must succcs-s Avlth j the paper and Its continued groAA'th. We enjoy It very much. BESSIE QUIDLEY 712 Woi^ls Ave. Norfolk, Va. —^How’s Your Battery s h Gel d new Firestone Battery amihe dll set for the summer jsxaco (PAodu/dtA STEIfEHS TIRE STORE, INC. The One Slop Service Station 'Cor Fearing and WatcT'^ts. Elizabeth City, N. C. 'Mdri4y-Back~Guairihtf^'fi^^ Funeral services of Epton Mann, age 29, were held at the East Lake Methodist church Friday. Mr. Mann was a native of East Laka, but Avas recently living at. Norfolk. He dle,(4-at'. Er5'to8:,,Pah-;,.'vbqre ho Band'’aidgeet^ger'spent the week etfd-'at Manteo, AS'ith his family ^ '-s^Zenlth Mldgett is 111 at her home. 'Alvey and, Vance Mldgett, attend- eli' 'ihe dance at Manteo, Saturday uigh't. iftldr. Herbert Mldgett of Bodic Is- •idn Coast Guard Station Is spend ing a few days here. %S:mpthe^^’MtB3;D.T.H.fHassell’ tAvo sisters of Norfolk, Mrs. Will-ard Kellogg, Mrs. Jimmie Mercle. one brother, Onebo Mann of Frying Pan lurvlvc. Pallbearars were, Heckstall Twlford. C. C. Smith Connie Taa'1 ford and Richard Smith. BUXTON NEWS- WANCHESE NEWS Cadet Richard Gray, Jr., has te turned to Oak Ridge hUlltary. In- V. Mrs. Bertie Dbton delightfully 'entertained at a birthday party in honor of "her daughter,. Miss Wena Dixon's 17th birthday. A color scheme of pink and Avhlte 'was most attracting carried out, Cake, punch and candy were served, Many pretty and useful gifts Avere received. Mr. and Mrs. E. Z. Mldgett of grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Mr. »nd Mrs. IBuchanan from Durham arc here for a few days. ’They are building a beach home said to cost $14,000. Mr. J. C. Badham and son, Jack of Edonton, N. C., spent Sunday here. Mrs. H. J. Barnett and daughter Be.sslc spent Saturday night with her slstcr-ln-law, Mrs. Jeff Hay- stltute after spending the Ewter jersey have returned home at- holidays Arith his parents, Mr. ana ^ j ^ ^r. Mldgctt’s par Mrs. R. H. Gray.' Private Bennie Abernathy of Port .Moriroe was the week end guest of Cadet Gray Wise, Stumpy Point. Z. E. Mason, of Stumpy Point and Manteo, s^nt Easter here. ■r.- ■^1 ■'3 Protettl Your Home and Property I NOW * With JINDSIORI men at Wanchese. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Cropscy arc her for a few days. ’Tlicy arc stay ing at the Fourth Estate. Donald Gray, ■who has been ser; i'ousiy 111 for several weeks at the home of his uncle. E. 8. Pugh, In Elizabeth City, has .returned to his home. He will not able to retuira to school. *' Mr. and Mrs. CharUc Ward have a young son named I^tcr-Conrad.'.; INSURANCE , $2.00,PER $1,000 C0VERA6E Full Coverage When Loss is Over $25.00 ;$2,# PER $1,000 COVERAGE Fiiir Courage Regardless of Amount , of Loss SOUTHERN LOAN & INSURANCE CO. ofiElizabcth City, N. C. Plwhc or See I. P. DAVIS Dare^County Representative .L\ , - DUCK PERSONALS Captain Jesse Gard. of Creeds Hill Coast Guard Station, was home a few days this week with his'wife and ton Colon. Mrs. Stewart' Curies has been In Norfolk at the bedside of her mother. Mrs. Creef who is now dead. D. W. fWhltson and family moved to their new home In Manteo last Wednesday. Mr. 'Whitson will be missed. Ho was a generous and AAScful citizen. There Is an epidemic of Influenza. In this small vlUagc. Those lU arc as follows; FRISCO NEWS. Social HappentoC* J. K. Hlnes, ;Mrs.^ MoUlc Hirics, Johnnie Hines, Mrs.- J. D. Scarbw-, ough and dangler', Plora,' Johnnie Beals, Annie Spruill and Mrs. John nie Hines. Little N. .J. Harrell has been,’ser iously 111 Arith membraneous croop. Mrs. Molllc Hirics was 'called to Virginia Beach' Friday to' see her son Ixjinmlc. He has pneumonia. AUho In bed most of a week, she immtxllalely got up and went to Ills laid. Of such grand stuff arc our 'mothers made. The Sea Plslilng was fair tills past week. J. K. Hines crew, tW "Du Flappers" -were, high. Sales reselling a total of $111-00, mostly I King Pish a few Rock trout akid April 18. Field Day, all the schools on Cape Hatteras Joined In conteste seeing which schol could, wlri' the silver cup. Buxton '-l and Frisco,^ consolidated, won 51 points.Those winning were Sylvia' Basnett of Frisco, for baseball pitching , and broad jumping, Rutherford Basnett AA’on the 440 yard dash. Edgar Tol- son won the relay test. I,' 7.. i; Those of Buxton winning .were Olga Gray for 'the 50 yard dash; 'clarence Jonnett for the broad Jump and shot put, Tomnay Gray for the 100 yard dash.' '7,. • Buxton school 'won the sUierj.cup.; The WellwoHh Club’met’Moiiiday at the church and took jii; several new members... Mri. 'Allen IBlchcr. was elected pnesldenCl Mm. Bri"* Fulcher, .secretory: Mia.?0. W./AUS3 tin,' -vioe r, president: " conmlttoe^^, Settle Fulcher. ■. Mrs. ^WUma Fulcher. ..Mrs; Hilda-Fulchcr,|^?: Janie Birhctt, Miss Sylvia Ba^t and Mrs. Mary ,'Whcdfcc. fi S^lk ' i' -'APerwawW^' Mrs. Jimmie'Ho()pcr-.of;.8alyo'|l8 .visiting her parents, MrVand. l^y O. G. Baiiictt. ■ Vance MWgctt and Jluunlc Hoop-, iu:. luolorod here from Salyq, ,whri^ Vance 'Mkigett and Miss AJaiiicw'crc.- Ihe'dlimcr guosU.of Austin. ' ' '7 ■Mrs. Eddie WUUams left Thurs? UNERAL SERVICES FOR EPTON MANN HELD FRIDAY ABETTER few cents a DARE COUNTY BOY WHO CAN’T FORGET THE OLD HOME will to cover Ihe down payment on n •niirt-lookingj'^:ood ruo- nntootobUfi of lh* BiBlke sod model you Toe iiel*.i.. ance can be arranged to fit any family budget—only a kw‘ Our uaed cara ore iboroughly recondilinMn eenu a day. and gnaraatecd. nets hers. ' Mrs. Shelton O'Neal of Manteo Is visiting her . mother, Mrs. T. Mldgctt at her home here. ' -Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis Barnett New Jersey have been the' g-jests of relatives here. Mr.s. Vernon Helms has returoed I'oirie'after visiting her bvothcr-in- law in Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs. Shelly Frontls left today for Norfolk, they were ac companied by Mrs. Frontls uncle, 'a.' D. Jennectc. .'-News has been received here of a' young son bors to Mrs. Rctta ■Jones formerly of this place, no'.v of Mississippi. -Mr. and B. T. Jennette Avho has’ 'been quite 111 is improving. '^-Walter Barnett under medical treatment In Norfolk Is reported Improving. ' .4'Mrs. Leona Jennett, Mrs, Sybil Anslow.’Mrs. Ramirez and .Mrs. Klass'spent Tuesday and Wednes- 'iliiy In Norfolk shopping. - ICcharUe Fulcher, of Manteo was here, today ,pn business. . J.' Gray spCiif last Tuesday in ’Eiliabeth City. Casey Is ill ill at his home fierie."'’., f'.Bdward Quldlcy of New Jersey is njlending some time with his par- and- Mrs. J. A. Quldlcy. Editor. The Dare County Times, Manteo. North OaroUna A' mon’da or so ago I saAV a letter AA'rltten by someone in behalf of Mrs. RoAvena Quidley of Buxton, as a person Avho has dsvofcd the major portion of her life in beha'.f of the people nl her community, all of which I know Is to be the absolute truth. Just as a little token of my friendship and love for her, I Avould like for you to send her the Dare County Times'for a year or so and if you will kindly send me bill for the paper, I will have check sent to you.- If she is a subscriber to , your paper. Just disregard this let-. f , i-,* of[ter entirely. I’ord-'Couc’h A-l Coiitlilion Your ncAVS items bring to mem ory my childhood days spent. at Buxton, and Avhlch as you knoAV are. verj’ close to my heart. Under separate cover I am send ing you a check for Hooper, and although I do not knoAv him per sonally, I am very glad Indeed,to contribute a small part, to his wel fare and happiness. Very sincerely yours. jimmy O’NEAL ' Raleigh, N. C. April 29, 1936. BEST 'JSED VALUES 'iTd 1332 'Clicvrolel Coupe ' Cliryslcr CoiijiC: . ' - 1929 c SUulebiikcr Seilaii f -41^^' i>..u.,..i I,A S.-11' ■ 1934, Ford V-8 Forddr Friced lo Sell '•nfr^rMr. A HOT TIME IN THE OLD TOWN A T NAGS HEAD 1933 Dodge Sedan - , . 1935 ' Ford V-8 Coupe 1931 Chevrolet Tudor Sedan . 1934 . Foril y-8 Forilor Setlut willi new uiolor i., JONES BROS. INC; Elizabeth city; N. C. Fhonc 74 Policeman at That Resort Will Have Both Hands and Both Feet Full -EXFiLAiNS MISUNDERSTANDING ? ifABOUT SCHOOL EXERCISES day tor Norfolk to visit her daugii- Next month, the Board ot Com missioners of Dare Co'unty will name a special policeman to serve! Na^s Head and tihe Beada this rummer, os Is the usual cuslom. .And depend on It, this policeman will have work' to do. like it has ncA’cr been before.. The Mags Head ■ season always , provides plenty of cxti’a AA’ork for' the Sheriff, some' ''.ing that never' happened before the day of roads fel)uctb'RVnilsuiulcr.slaiidlng abouljand bridge.?. And this j’car It Is tlie Field Day Exercise.? going to bo greater. In fact no one) and- Mrs-Shelby Frontis AA’cre ^ftors in Norfolk’ Monday. k’Mrs. Loran Barnett and Mr. and *iiy;J{irvis Bamclt left today lor Hcwklforkr.^.;.. Editor .Ihc .Time.?: hiY’^cnicring tlic Field Day Exercisi j5^wouW-:Ukc^ to make this statc- aen^Vf-’- ' V-r,entered High School at Buxton mall can lia.’Adlc' llic Job satisfactor ily.' - - ,' ■' * For croAA-ds that; reached record ■- j^thcIi'ciShVh grade, In 1833, and brwklng poInU last year wlUi toUs '..-CL' ^ '“■f’ i' m m

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