The Dare Coimiii Times,' 2) hiteo, N. C. FHday, Jime ‘26 ', 19S6 e-26. 1956 ‘-‘fl By K. GAYLORD Special Waahiiirtau - Correspondent June 22.—Saturday 20,’ marked the close of the ^ourtii Congress. Tlie last ^^jlaj^^a^ a group of weary Jaa’ mak- c«>pass the giant killer of corpor- cM,i‘-"“tu»Jsurpluses, kill the^w^urc: Si^fq^iand drug act and .‘tlA^ffey-’ ^'r:afln«on„act, Which Is a reiWon of Xho’^utlqwed Oaffey act. life Sen- I,®‘J-, 5''*^* refused to pass a ItSE min- - til-e* fcttempt for enactment of the |ii^>^j^r^ur-t.cnike bill which would per- L|^5'printing of $3,000,000,000 - r-lh'Jjf'Per money for readjustment ’ -or.rtrm debts. •-It ■ ,»» •. • • • Would Be Presidents sre Is something In the air Jlorf|ln the Capitol City, which In- ,iplW very ordinary men. Into at- 11^ ’ ten^ithig to become greats. I do hot-Jmean to say that everyone Is i'*v'- trykic and making themselves ’on- 'claiming to have “felt lifit . tne*«all" to become }resldent of the TJnJtM States, but In the recent P."4» “veral men have been bit by V^' '’"V- ®uuv(S insect which cau.sed an en- larj^ijment of their capacity. For anitxample, recently, a Capitol ^^poljftman resigned his $1,800 a year ■ jolifgs a pavement patroler of the V. 6. Just last week a man who riotj {quite so ordinary, but whose Ideas arc fully as radical annaunced himself a candidate fdr the presid ency, on the ticket of a to be or ganized union party He is Repre- sciUiitlvc LImkc of North Dakota, co-author of the delated $3,000,- 000.000 printed money bill, which he points out would relieve farm debus. Mr. l.imke certainly Is not afraid of work for he Intends to organize n political party, before Navember whlcji will be strong enough to de feat the,, ,^here-to-fore two major parties. ' the new candl-' date’s'ldeos might be, he Is not to- be ignored, for he has bwn Joined by two other famous radicals, name ly, Messers Townsend and Cough lin, who’s followings are quite large ■d&Uffe tlttir ‘“Just’^'lnslde the 'la\f’ ^cLvitlvest The ciiances of the new unlo.a ptvrty are very slight, but the parly may have a noticable ef fect on one or the otlier or both of the major parties. Dcmocrallc fi'onieniion Tuesday, the leaders of the Demo cratic party will assemble In Phil adelphia to construct the platform of the Democratic party In the November election. The nomina tion for re-election of President Roosevelt and Vice President Gar ner. Is generally accepted as a cer tainty and since that Is the ease the only major objective to oe accom plished at the convention, is an a- greement on a platform, which will insure the re-election of President Roosevelt. MANN &. BUVEN 'GUNS MUST NEVER SUED IN COURT FiRE ON SCENIC BY NORFOLK FIRM DARE CO. ISLAND Mann Claims To Have Not Been Partner ' in'' .At. The' Time • Judge W. P. Baum withhold de cision ITuesclay In" the case of Nor folk Packing Company vs. Edward M Mann and K. 3. Bliven, trading ■asKthe rjewljcal market. •- t,- if. The Norfolk PAckln'^- Company claimed, [.iMann niid Bllven,' owicl them upwards of a thousand dol- lards. Mann claimed, he w..s not a part ner in the business and with an attorney to represent him, sought to prove, H. C. Bllven enlirely responsible for the debt. H. C Bllven, Mann’s p.irtiier and brother-in-law, claimed that Mann, under pretense of signing two cop ies of a chattel mortgage on the /{!()lo,q:ical Survey of Pea Is land Is Completed; To Be Alade Aliyratory Bird Befuge Never again will fowl be shot ! on Pea Island, except .shall it be 1 done, in sUipf violation of federal'., f.f ,complete biological survey of Its bcu.iilarlei was completed last Sat urday by J W? Whitehead, Jr., and the whole Island Ls to be purchasifd by the Ccileral government as soijn as plats are established and It (is passible lor a legally correct tiile to be had. The Island Is to bscoi/ie a haven for migratory birds um'er tlie strict guard of fne UnK-sd States Department of Just'-e. Neither will it be legal for the hu ,t- store fixtures to secure another j ducks, gcc-e or any diner creditor, got Bllvens' signature at- Inhabl-lng fixed to a bUl of sale, from Mann ■ « specilled dls- to Bllven, for the entire business. I .shore. Bllven .®H!d Mann ‘had the naner I purchase of this island af- thus obtained recorded and sought jjforfolk, Virginia Cl Welcomes Yon 'I! ifi 'f- j j Wolk’s Lea^iypj 11 Fireproof Hotels IIh^I Fa^iax ij; and iHui [Hotel SoutMiind l^ilh Bath and Shower .{,$2.50,13.00 and $3.50 Private Lavatory $2 .R.lo.1 GAUAGE SERVICE FEDERAL BOARD SAYS NEW INLET WILL CLOSE Only One More Northeaster Will Be Needed To Fill New Inlet A group of men from the Federal Bench Erosion Board, who visited Dare last week making a s'urvey of inlets and the beach, predicted that it would take one more northeast storm to fill New Inlet completely. They were of the opinion, also, that cve.i without a storm the Inlet would eventually close any W’ay. Recent surveys have shown that the inlet Is constantly becoming narro’wer and that now It has only ona channel through it whereas when it w’as -ut^n the storm of 1933, there w’ere three deep cuts through It. Startmg the first of August, C. E. Pelbner, ajistetant engineer of the North Carolina w’ater resourse and engineering division of the de partment of conservation and de velopment. will 38 m Dare County wiU'. a crew of surveyors making a ■mryw of_the erqsion of the beach I n-om Paul7Gami^”KiH.-'B-’ai5tBsU6- ■~.f approximately 55 mite, to the New Inlet Mr Feltner -was in Manteo this week making prelimin ary plans for this work. to put the w’hole; burden of the store's obligation -on.' him. Bllven SEild he and Mann had only put $100 apiece In the business to start with, and since then Mann had draivn out over $1,200. He also said Mann had tried to •turn the business over to him, debts and all, and had hypothecated his home and otJier property, leaving the entire burden on Bllven. Another suit similar to this one brought by Harrell Bothers, Is pending in Currituck court. • > rrU.. THE TIDE This Information Ls oased on the tide at Hatteras, There Is a variation of about 30' minutes between Hatteras Inlet and Oregon Inlet, and possibly another 30 min utes buiween Oregon Inlet and Caf- fey's Inlet. The'fl^res are ifppi'ox- Imately correct, being based on United States Geodetic Survey tables. Allowance is necessary for variation in the wind and with A.iv i.'mwovc of Mrs. H. L. Chaffee, the Pea Island Club Estate and the J P. Byers es tate. These three estates Include approximately 7,000 acres of land with a surrounding area of marshes and small Islands that make up one of the finest migratory bird refuges that could be possibly established along the coast of North Carolina. While these estates are at pre sent under goverament optlo" they are soon to bo purchased and be come the property of the United State.? Government. Besides this are.i, there are al ready numerous sites of picturesque land already owned and controlled by ihe Uiilted Stales Government The increase In federal governmen' inters-t in Dare Counts’, it Is be lieved will mean much to Dare Couniy in coming years. OTHe£ (\IUST YIELD WpAUE’S ANI’fQUITY Pctcrvtteg Colmmiist Says Virginia 01 7^11lai.snchii'clt.s Must 'Give Up — -In ire opinion of an onterprLsl'ng yottn? .’oliiiiiliilst of tho Petrrsburg, ■yireii I Progress Index. Virginia /i^ltj.'to thb " ilnlm of Dare |;.'I7il(' goring columnist) !ls Thomas’ S[ ■wj'ieiwright, Jr;/ a reader of the 6are,,’^jiilb' Thnep'arid a frequent ylsitoijipwe. it w’ns only a few wtelafco that he. .spent about a Wt r-k Kthls section scanning h's- toi t>.^i’liiAs. flshlhg for blues and dill ‘iTp In . 'ih every breath he toj'-; ftchne.s5 of Dare County’s pk-..^j‘S’-giving sights and facilities. ; Ft" i^Kl’atlon about Dare County is lJI)cd'ns follows from the Rro- gfe-i - Vfgl.’ti*' and Massachusetts have a ratiltfonal fight concerning the anl.'llliiy and the quality of their eiv l^tloiis .ojid while Jamestown Ls the first settlement tho pllgfjris and the Jamestown set- ilerrf'Are variously rated according I Divorce Appc.'ir.a .Tustified who flew the first airplane there and gave the world wings. feels a s'.range blend' of emo tions silling on the little .-.trip of,' Km imi .Iiino 17 Recorder ^aseph bench in the shadow of the prlml-i Kinston cvealeil a wo- tive fort looking across at a world > Brian’s .suit for divorce because hot of yellow sand and restless sea at the steady flashes of a modern ah' monument. It Is truly the meeting place of the old and the new SOME LAWYERS. MAKE MORE | MONEY THAN THE PRESIDENT hiLsband allegedly— ‘ • • Poured .suit in her be;I Threw liquor in her face. Burned her legs with a clgnvcUc. Beat her vrlth a .suit of p.ajamas. Dawson understood the pajamas were of tlie padded type He would not give the plaintiff's nam."' Live in Suburb! Nearly all Mellioiirno's pnpulntlnn lives In the subiirbs. The city prop er Is quite small anil mostly busincs.s. STRIKE SNAG IN PLAN TQ BRIDGE ALIIEiMARLB Would Cost Nearly One and One Half Million Ocllars, A Fourth cf Slate's Road Frogram s > • I It II I > 1 f A II f i Ik tl I I t e 4 I li ^ I s 1 i t II tl It tl HI U Jones (iWholesale Co. Wholesale Grocer Building Materials Paint and Oils ■ Ol' , J. Jones •V /O i ' Distributor Dealers Texaco Products Gasoline and Oils •■^“‘Aianleo, N. C. 'fij j respect to the locality, whether near the Inlet or at the heads of cstua- Jle$. High Tide .J •• , Low, Tide The proposal to bridge Albemarle Sound seems to be striking a snag in the offices of the State High way Commission. It was first sug gested the bridge could be built for. a million dollars. The Highway- sum. Tlie Commission had planned use a half-million dollars of tlie States' money, to be matched with’ a 12:33 p. m ,....7:01 p. m. Saturday, Juiie 27 0:34 a. m 7:12 a. m. 1:27 p. in. 7:55 p. m. Sunday, June 28 1:30 a. m 8.00 a .m 2:22 p. m 8:50 p. m Monday, June 29 2:31 a. m. 8:50 a. m. 3:16 p. m 9:43 p. m. Tuesday, June 30 3:30 a. m 9:39 a. m. 4:06 p. m. 10:33 p. m. Wednesday July 1 4:22 a. m. 10:28 a. m. 4:51 p. m 11:21 p. m Thursday, July 2 5:11 a. m. 11:10 a. m.' 5:34 p. m - Friday, July 3 5:56 a. m. 0:07 a. m. 6:17 p. m — 12 CO p. m. Saturday, July 4 6:39 a, m. 0:49 a. m. 7:00 p. m 12.45 p. m. Sunday, July 5 7.23 a. m. 1:30 a. m. 7:44 p. m .1:29 p. m. GASTON SANDERS IS INJURED IN ACCIDENT half-milllon dollars of the' Fedj, eral Road allotment. ' ..| The Commission doesn’t' seem strong for building the bridge, when they view the Iwo million dollan that must be spent on repairini the road's damaged by the freezM of the '"Inter. An Albemarle Sound- bridge, according to more rccenl estimates, will cost a fourth of ail the money allotted for road con struction In the State during 1936,‘ which Is about six million dollars. JIISSIONARIES’ CHILDREN CAPPING AT NAGS HEAD^ i AFproximatcly SO Children at I’crcigTt Missionerles Camping On Sound Side cr^ txe \3X Vltc wuttvaj lioi Jamestown and Plymouth Pa’'i*LV. however, must yield to the fclaliai'of Dare county North Cnro- Uiuj :where on Roanoke Island the flKi English colony was attempt ed,|w&re the first white child was bote’ln the new world and where ch(?/fl!(3t Christian sacrament of tl.'iWmch of England was admln- Istejbd. xlie fate of the colonists, left In their small fort high on the beach byi'Slr 'Walter Raleigh has never be«Ja, learned. How the explorers ro^u-ned and found the word Croa- tan, the name of an Indian tribe, ci-t in a tree Ls familiar to cvery- oie. The fate of the colony still Is ue mown. j rhi’ latest development in the I’l 'orv ol ihe colony Ls the restora- It (1 .if the fort built of logs by WPA on the site believed to be that of the original. The 'WPA wair'faced with a tremendous task jn'the work since there is very llt- ;Ue;iecord of the colony. ■; ’^-restoration cannot be made but aacslmlle of the type of fort ap- pmved at that time Is being erected 3^'‘logs. The task Is made more ■^ilflcult by the necessity of Import- mg .materials, since no suitable thn- ^ jgfows on the island. ■yhen the fort is completed It V high upon the beach in a 5;plnes • looking out across ■ ? .suuiidy•rtoft’ards ’Klttj’ jeiior^us'-sand dune is a’-'be'autl- ^fut'((i00-foot air beacon a monu- '^mctlt' to • I Wilbur and Orville Wright ■The' Charlotte Nc’ws recently told how some lawyers got fees of a half million dollars In'one case, and a million In another.' “Those persons who went into a State of daze when Judge Wil.son Warllck awarded three lav/yers a fee of $1,000,000 for getting Libby Holman Reynolds’ son a clear title of his father's estate will, no doubt find c.iuse for additional emotional disturbance in Judge Clayton ■Moore’s award of a minimum fee of only $500,000 to the lawyers who engineered through the courts a settlement for a larger sum on Anne Cannon Reynolds Smith Somo- thlng-or-other’s babe. “The question instantly arises In the lay mind. If It was worth a million dollars to shepherd seven millions through the courts, then isn’t It worth more than a million to shepherd more than .seven mil lions, and if not, why not? L eo Supply Company R. C. EVANS, Proprietor Feed, Seed, Corn, Hay and Oats Groceries, Stoves and Kitchen Furniture Drugs, Pains, Tin, Glass and Harness Carriage and Marine Hardware Wood and Willow Ware, Picture Frames Paige Engine for Sale. Splendid con dition, Suitable for use in boat. Evans Building Manteo, N. C. The Nans Header Finest Hotel on the Carolina Coast Ocean Bathing — Oregon Inlet Fishing Horseback Riding Dancing “ Dinner Music Every Room With Hot and Cold Running Water Some With Private Bath Our Water Supply Analyzed and Tested Pure For Further Information Write: GEO. P. fuller; Mgr. ‘ Sum mih N 66d4 Your whole life is centered around your home. Why not make your heme comfortable and good tot look at? Here at QUINN’S you will find just the things you need. The jirices are low, too. Just boot al these! $48.75 Springs At Last Two Boys and Mole Seriously In jured When Slotorcycl eCollldcs With Cart The Gq(w Old Days Coming Back’'to Dare County ^ ■"""’See the Boat Races ...OB-Pfes Head Shore, Begmnmg^aturdly, June 27th MUSIC BY STRING BAND Steamed Crabs — Sandwiches Clams on Half-Shell ByVRBECUE Cooking Over Open Fire Dance at Night at Nags Head Casino LA ..Ua. , . * iPIDSIDE-NAGSHEAl},N.G. One of the $trangest highway ac cidents that have occurca in this section of North Carolina In many years took place about half way be tween Barco and Com jock lost Sat urday afternoon It resultsd In serious Injuries to two young men and such Injuries to a rale as W’ar- rented having it killed. Gaston Sanders. 19 y.:ar old son of Mr. and Mrs. Buck Sanders of Wanchese sustained serious Injur ies ’When the motorcycle operate.-! by him, crashed Into the mule acid cart. He was rushed to the Albe marle HospPal In Ellzabath City, with a bad body Injury, besides other bruise sand lasceratlons. Since that time he has been moved to the Marine Hospital in Norfolk and recent reports arejrt5“tlia ef fect that he bp a.chance of re covery. 'i 'A ' c •; Gilbert Gibbi age 16.*3£ Norfolk, who was accompanying Sanders home for the w’eek end, was riding on the rear seat of the motorcycla and was also badly Injuries, but not as seriously as was Sandersl Gibbs was still a patient at the Albc .trie Hospital. The mule that was hitched to the cart sustained broken legs and uthsr injuria: mavino it necessary to kUl It rather than leave It suf fer. The driver of the mult, a col ored man, escaped without Injury. Spending the summer at Nags Head ihls .‘.’jranier, are approxlm.ite- ly fifty bo.vs and girls, who arc children of niLsslonarles to foreign countries and who were born In foregln countries themselves. These ccUldren are generally kno’wn as the • We,:tcrvliJe Camp boys and girls. Two co'itages on the sound side form thL’i camp. The girls live in what Is known as the Twine Coitag® and the boys are near by In th^ White Cottage. Each night'at seven o’clock th hoy*! and girls hold devotional ser- vice? On the sand hills and poc day at eleven In their cottages. Tin public Is cordially invited to vUl, the camp or attend their servicr^ After the summer montlis IhM children w’Ul return to ColumS.aJ South Caiollna, where they attend school. Already plans are belat made to make Nags Head the pjii'-* manent summer camp of young people. J. TRANSPORTATION DISPUTE IN FEDERAL COURT JULY If \ For This m SUITE 3 cherming pieces, (hat, I).v their sim plicity, sti!! hold the atmosphere of the early American per iod. Being authentic copies of genuine antiques, they will never go out of style, and being made of solid m^Ie, they sviH last a lifetime. A RE MARKABLE VALUE. Deep coils for com fort; heavy border and angle iron frame for lasting service. $6.00 Most of the alcohol produced in this country* comes from black molasses Imported at two and a half cents per gallon. Accmplalnt lodged against it. R.; Terksey of Ellzahe^ CiSr anil.,B4o O’Neal', of Mantcfi by the viriidnji, bare.^ TransportaUon’..5i Corapanj ote*ed by R.'''Bruc^»B^erldgi, IK B. Lennon and Guy 11. Lemion. ul| I’-ging Infringement of franchlil rights Is to be heard before a U ,8; Commissioner In Elizabeth City in July. ^ Xne matter is In Federal Court because Interstate commerce mat ters' arc Involved. ; The complaint claims that Tortocy opecalllur trucks over the route, beUieen Eliz abeth City, Norfolk and Manteo for which the Virginia Daiie Traaspokr atlon Company of Manteo holi^a franchise. ■Marlin Simpson is attorwyfjtor tho transportation .comp* which G-uy H. LehnohJte'.mEtmifr, P> DEEP PILE AXMINSTER RUGS The beauty of your rooms should start with your floors. Rich non-fade col ors—all-is’ooi . face —^Lock weave con- strutcion, make this a very reniarkablc value at $27i0, 9x12 size Mattress $16.00 , Nr-ty yja can enjoy the cor-'-iort of a spring fill- ' cd malti'cs J at >a truly ' low price. Made by the makers' of the famous . Dr. Ezera Storms, it has ; everything inside it I n c e d s for luxurious sleep. vi.e I?L-. N. Poindexter Street p.-' , S. W. TWIFORD, Prop. Elizabeth City, N. C. .'Ai-AP''