f . I , • • ^ T ISage Two cr^ct ^ The Dare County Times, Mantes, N. C. tti lit »* S Dare Coimty Week by Week (joing^he Live anil^^Ncw sy Items of Personal Interest S; Fr^i the Vario^^(^|pimunilies in Our Territory M'ANTEO PEUSO>’ALS berh C^ty She ?‘aylng in h.-r cottage oil ttie sound side Mr- M.irvin 1) in ind -evi'ri' Iliind i»ii 'll Ui'.'k niu: 'u i C'li.iilu Jolin.-on M.i.' a iisitiii’ in Souili Mills Sunday MLss Spivev Robinson anti N’aomi I ' .111 il . M I'lday iiiiii' in Elizabeili City Splvej lie here for a few da.i.s. •II Ml ' Mt; and Mrp. Htfroltl T, ,>l9yshaU J, .T'nI.Louv 1111% r.-'tunied to.ljls po.s- .'indS!llttlr'’dau5hlcr. Bnrb.iro 'and ‘ ‘^n in Raleiuli after mendiiitt fit's Mr.Bliiid -Mrs. Dewey =• } • »fwfr6rn I»'•' wlti},i f»rnlr nndjfion, pewoy Norman_.^r .and,] -SVIisBlDoa -Twilpvd of. Norfolk a NUs'y?: ‘ ‘i\*lla’ Carolyn Kranur of EllzabeUi City L> .S))eiidlng .some lime here honor cf her -■'sfi b.rfhday | David d'Nenl of Avon was here Mr and Mrs. Marion Brlveii of on busine, i Saturday. FlurlJa lie M^.-ln,' I'lelr parenUs. I David Updiett of Rodanllie •Ml .ind Ml It I Bnnii lagetit for Mr.^. Till P.iMie iia.s ill Engelhard 1 ol Elizaljt'tli City, pa.s.'-ed ihroiigli Satnrdav on bu.siiicos. Isatiirdajf His wife and Alston Mid Little Bottle Jean O.sborno .spent | getl ncclinpanlod him. Friday, Atignst IJi, 1930 1 IIUCK NEWS the day ivltli her Aiinl Mrs. C W Watioii at Engehiard Wednesday Mis-so-s Ruth Knight, of Mantco and Annie Twlford of Norfolk, are tlie hoii.se gue.'ls of Mi.ss Twlford I his week Mr aid Mr.s. R. D. Gray were ill Maiilio Mils week on business ill Inlcreit of their son, Henry, who I will takcyii coursq and treatment at Annie | the bliiw institute at Raleigh be ginning 111! Septonjber •spent the pa't week vi.siting relatives of IiViiig'Rogers of Wa.sh Wootls. Ls spciSilng priK'l’eek^irNUi'yeati'i'^-bt-eo .1 ,NorMkifUfpiutl fur sigi.n time.here w.lh Jn 'Wt F Tll’etfs cotta"c ' ilirea -.leik.s is rep.irl.d lo faiiill.i ,a ' ■ .v*i ..'lO sV IV 11 r, I'b' o-'., .'„.i,.n belter Rudolph and Julian Toller are I M‘e ilouper. ■A® and Mr.s. Will Haymaii and , ' chilUion, of daek.sonville, Eiu.. a-peiit i t.',)(,pev ol Ehz.abeUi_ Citi ,•'’'''ste at-. ,, xjpvVQ last“wcc.k* here With relatives. .i.m >;■ i; a b.i. ,'ie.-s luo or i.i Man- -Art. df n alaila I MANNS HAIIHOK NEWS ■ mS-. ami Mrs S A Griffin JV of. ^’9 1*' , .Ralegh, nvtre week’dnd guesMof' 'M;s,-Inez Twiford. of Norfolk lar-i tmucd m their home in W.xshliig- Mrs. Ernest Whitehead and little Mrjdnd S. A. Griffin. Sr ,^I-m'.iy mght lo spend’some lii»s. F.iM Willrs, of Philadelphia ' urandniotlier .Mis some iitli'e^''here ■Ml .and Mrs L. W Hooper and ^ Llnvlllej' Parrqw, slatlolictl at Pn..j!ls sjieiiding C P Mei'Kins I wltlmhen parc.ius, Mr and Mr M. Midgdlt. . I ^ it'Sss Bprnice Fiddler. Mls.s’Betty I .Mr. E H P.'cle has returned fri 11 a n.-i: of iliree .leek.s lo her R-iglnakl Peele nf Wildwood Pid«Icr and -little Miss Suzaiina Fid- , .Ni J dleij.'of Indiana are the guests Mr.i^iC H. Barnett. She was accompanied on the 1 »«> daiigluer Mary were m Nor Lwi/ bv her lutic granddaughter I fo'k Friday on bu.stne.ss. i Joan Peole trin ■ivflis Doris Jones spent-last-week j hiid Mr.' Ben Blnd.ul of Mcr- ■ folk spent la.‘ Sunday with Mrs Salurdnj i Biiid.iil s aunt Mrs R C Evans. ! oml -'ft'-' ton. D C l.i.st Tiie.sday jdaiialiter Barb.ira Ann of Norfolk John Beals lias rcliirned to his ' urc vl.siilng her .si.ster. .Mrs. Thelma work in Bclhaven after .sp.siuiing Biirius. hLs vacation with liLs mother Mr.s ; a i3 Tillott rclunicd home Snt- G C Boats j nrd.iy from Elizabeth City where Mr and Mrs. William Twifoid i he .spent the p.asl week ' R W Tillott wont to Elizabeth ' City Monday night on biLslncss. Mr.s G C Beals and Edmund | v G Midgctt spoilt last week Roger;-.. ni'''orcd lo Elizabeth Cl'y end* In Jackson BoiW. with Mr.s. Charli'i Fflnnle. Ha-ssell, of Elizalitli iClly is .j}endhig hts vacation hero A^iS. l|lndsay £vnn.s and Mis* Orono Hollowell. cf Edsntbr. tpent .•;cvgi}al ^ays here last week, the giiofits ofjRev and 'Mrs. A E Brown AJ?. arid Mrs. Mack Wynne, of Roljni'son,viUe, .Mjent the week end with’ Rer and Mrs A. E Browni aunt Mrs R C Evans, j Mrs W M Jolliff Is rapidly Im proving .It her liomc lie.-e after a i.’cc'i'. opcrai'.oii for appendicitis, a: a Norfolk hospital. '.Mrs c P Meeklii.s. anti Mrs. C C Jone. ii turned last Friday from ' Nurloik v. iit re they had spent a I vvo.'k iisinng r lativos. They were 1 lie -oiiipa i"’d to Norfolk by little ] here liirlli Announcement rs Sam Jones. .Mr .ind | Born to Mr .ind Mr.s. Guy Mann of Norfolk, were Deeator Gordon Mr.s. N Thayer guesu of Mr.- Siindav MU.S Alma Rogers and MKs Lil lie Waterli.'ld .spent the week end at Kitty Hawk with Mr.s. Clay Til- let Orville Roger.s and Leinmle Hines altcndetl a danc' in Norfolk Sat- Murlclics West Ha iiptoii Beach, Long ’Islaild, Is sjiciid: nis wife;. ag Jils vacation here wuli ind parents,' Mr. anti Mr.s. Perry Pttroiv. Mr. nf.fl Mr.s. Cal.in Midget' and children, Genova anti Fellon of Rotlnnlhi, .spent Sunday nfti i iioon i Larry Tille't and Mrs. B. Tillett at tended the circus In Elizabeth City local! Monday PLli Companv i Gr.iiil J.ihiison Slgsheo Tilloit Ralph Tillett and Billy While Dan iels, .sixiiit Sunday hi Norfolk. ■Miss Eliza Mkigelt siicnt Monday and Tuestlay In Raleigh. •Mrs. C W Pugh Sr., is very 111 at her homo here. Mrs. C E McDougal and child have re',1! nod to their home in Waihhiglon, U C., after visiting her pali'iiLs-. Mr and Mr.s. C W Pugh, ^r Mr.s. Bill Byran and daughtor of Waslihigion, D, C.. and Mr. and Mr.s c W Pugh. Jr., and son of Bid'liiiorc, .ire the guest of their p.ir tils, Mr and Mrs, C. W Pugli, Sr riin Rev M P Plyler, Editor of Coast Guard Station,- with Mk. Mldgelfs jiareiits. and MriJ L. Y Gray Ch.' ilcy Midgctt. son of Mr Mrs. L. Midgctt of Bltxloi). is Mr ^ Ih,’ North Carolina Cliriuslaii Ad- voc.Ue w.i.s ,i visitor licre Sunday and I Rei and Mrs. D. A. Petty and file .soii.s. ol Midtlleburg were giicst.s of Jaife B’-dwii will be their gue-t thi.s *v * weqfc. Tn§^ were,, accompanied -home by i ^•‘’’■kie Brantley their htUc. xlaugliter Murriel who|*‘’'re for some time ha^ beeii the guo.st oi little Mi.'s 1 ^^‘s .Warn Etheridge. M.isy Jniio Brown, and Mis- Man I ‘ Wedm -da.' ui Norfolk J;..,n C Ki.iiss. wiio has been iiiii ill for some time Is slow- Mrs a H Fellows of .p.vssaic '*• Impn-wng at his home here No’S Jersey and son. Lewis .Midgett I and Mr .ind 'Mrs. Lary S.uiipli.t'r ■ of fhn ^elvior 'Virginia have been j vL'inors bfre this week. 1 iiJrs C C Duvall. Mr.s carm i Cnop'r Ml's- Lewis Combs Ml.ss D -'- ivho is remaining | m'tlay night Nathan Johii.son of Powells Point ' u is vrsltlng relatlve.s here | Mr and Mrs Chaihe Beils and cliiltlron of Sea l.s'.e Ciiy N J are visiling Mr and .\lr.s. T D. Be.ils Eddie Howard of Por'snioiit.’i. wa.s the week end guest of Mr and Mrs Lewis Scarborough 11.1 •• Ei.i-Js a:ii. Mi-ss Helen -Uiiv I'.i .'P^i I ui lay 111 Norfolk •Mr Pi si Frokop a.lii caiun o | Jo.ji anji Kathleen and tilli.m.K II.’»bnk all cf Baltimore hre giiests of Jdr find Mrs B M Birne. ■ fW J Mason of Edento'.i.-wis the j wc«v end gue-i of ills orotti.r vV CaJJtcn pifoson Mr and Mrs. Lewi.-, Combs Mrs I li *E. Bray Calvin Sa-wyer R >y Bajcilgli: and Joe Lave spent M.m- tlaig ill P'zab.'lh City Mfci vin- Rogers and chllffreii a - : Mr .ind Mrs L. D. Tarkinglon. John ..M'e:' Carolyn Allen, and a,..,. T.iik.'.g.oii motored to Hel- hai on la-t week They were ac- .cnipiiii.id b'. Mi.s.s Virginia Allen, who h.as leiurnet! hom. after spt-nd- '.1. wiitae hen .is h' guest | on Monday, a little boy Both mother .and baby arc doing nicely R A Hopkln.'i and Vernon Mann I ^m^lday of Ehzabelli City .spent the past wek here .Mr.s C L. Mkigelt .siieiil the week end at Nags He.id Mr and Mr.s. F Siicncei' and lit tle son spent the week end '.vilh Mr Spencir's p.arenW. Mr and Mr.s. E. Six-ncer Mis. Sybil Smith of Norfolk was .1 vi'iior here Salmday iiishl. Per.M.inn of Mantco was here tor il'.e week end Rev W Y Evci'ioii. returned S.ii- 111 day from Norfolk Mr and Mrs Colon Wescott. and house guc-st of Miss Catherine Hei .ind .Mr.- W N Vuiigham Suii- Douglas.' Rs'v Petty preached at. the J. Prihk Mceklns of Rnd.anlhc. | Methodi.st Church here Sunday local forciiian of the WPA work .at (evening at the 8 oclock .service RodanUiie, was hero Monday on ! Mrs. P D. Midgctt. Jr., amt .sons business" RIebard Midgcti ac-j cf Engelhard, have relumed lo tlieir eompanled him | boine after vLsithig rchallvcs hero A. V. and L. D. Midgctt of Rod- Mrs Mallic Daniels and d.iugh- AUTO DRIVERS’ LICENSES NOW NUMBER 697,344 received signed by no.'.ai'ie; All these are being returned, however, with iiislriietion,s ih.it llicv itui'i he |■^;lnllncd bv .111(1 Ih .I))j)h. liiuii.s I .signed by a hlgliwuv p.iiiiilm.in COUNTY MQUOK STOKES MAKE S2(l,(l()0 PIlOl'TT Nearly !,00!i Licenses Havel Tctal Sales During First Year I5een Hevokcil For One Sioi.'l"-!; Grofus Front s.'il.fl.’i!) Cause or Another According to the Wilham.stoii Eti- tirpi'lie- the .several liqiioi' .stor-.s in A total of G97.344 aiilomobile, county made a grass mont drivers' Ikoiise have been l.ssiied to' j 534,9;,971 or an actual net'pro- dale b.v the hi'ghv.ay .safely divls-j $2t 345.82 Of flits nmoiml, inn of the St.iteDep.iriment of Rev-155,34,7 82 ha.s been turned over to the county's gener.il fund, the lloiior aiithe visited their .sLsler, Mrs. L. Mr Mrs. Jes.'.le Gard and .son Colaii.; cliildri-.i Irene Iv.i D.ile. Milla Carol, of M.i'hoe.s and Mr and Mrs. aro visiting Captain Gard at Creed.- Hill Co-tst Giuird Station 1 d Gray of Stumpy Point, were Molhe Hlnc.> and gramihon. | t]io gue-iis ol Mr.s. WcstcoU and homo vveek-s I M.'r'ii' dav fer R F !l r.dgi Ho.spiial in observation ' "I'.er'X] the Norfolk Tues- and treatment ! Garland, are spending two Beach. again alter a' Vi-gm.a NA{;S HEAD PERSONALS 1 iOiras and Co’i^l' n: TAR For Fish Nets «'ncvv Is the time to pUC({ i'S’jr 8rdcr‘ You can depend tojufci fght I kind of tar when c.. •rder from me ti GAS Dealer in Texaru G.os and Oils ROPE • Distributor fer E'w in H, FH- H;r Company one of the Irr- - t,: mak rs of rope in thieon't- frv £ See me for prices :H. R. Craddock * 5IAV.NNS IIAKBOK. N. c3J4-4V C. Mr; K .-4 Dart ha.s returnee! to E..i.'.bPih Cl'y after .spending the VV I; k liere Mr.s Junan Wood has returned i>,i hoiiit afier being here for ■'irne ' 'v ' Mr ind Mr^ W B Grey, spent T'mi'-day nigh: with Mrs. Aivah Cclc Mr Grey's .sister at Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Whitehurst, .srpent Thur.'sday with relatives at Noriolk L .ile Bilhe Pruden, is rapidly .nipr'.ung ironi a recent illne.%s. He -.v .1 n ('.imp at Mantco. but due i '1.- i,;ne.-s.s. he has returned to >1 - ho'iie here until he has fully STU.MI*Y POINT NEWS Fcrnier Stumpy Foint Girl Enter tains in Norfolk Mls-s Rena Payne daughter of nd Mr.s. Harold Perry have relurncil lo their home at Long I.s- land, ^. Y. Mrs. tJohn Hughes and brother, William James. Jr., are visiting Mrs. Hughes’ sLsler, Mrs. Harold Perry, 'at Long Island Will Rodgers, who has been .ser- lou.slj^ll at the St. Vincent ho.-pltal in NoTolk, Is well on the road to recover and at the present time Mr- Gray.- parent- Mr and Mrs. !ls visiting relnliv'c.s In Hertford C W .M.imi Sund.iv H 0 Tillett of the U S Coast Mr- Erne-'. Whn.he.ul of Nor-1Guard Static at Amaganse- N Y.. Mrs. J. R. Douglas and daughter. Annie and children. l,oulse and Eleanor, who have been visiting Mr.s Douglas' sLsler at Mantco. have re turned. KITTY HAWK PERSONALS ter, Bettle Joe of Norfolk are the guest cf Mr and Mr.s. Nathan Dan iels. JJrs. Hattie Doughtery and child ren of Clinton e.ro visiting her mother. Mrs. Mattie WlLson. Mr and Mr.s. Dallas Midgctt and children Dallas, Jr., and PaUsy of Norfolk, .spent the week end here guests of Mrs. Rovvena Mldgoll. John Thomas Davis Ls visiting In Norfolk. VISITORS FROM RALEIGH folk VMS here S.i'.iirday b5i ' txirmanenily retired from Miss Mvnle Midgctt of Norfolk .iluiy xna Snbra and Flcrence Ba.snlght o' | Mr', H MX'hoe; Alma Llverman of Eliza beth Ciiv, Sara Twnord and WllUi Llverman of Mashoe.s were the it o' , Mr'. H 'tie Everton is Slizn-ifor sjcciai medical tre.s iVllUe 1 Mi4 vihotla Baum, vvh week I on ana .itlon, has relu now at home here tie Everton is In Norfolk treatment, who has been returned home Mr and Mrs R. \V Payne, former I cml SUcoL’of .Miss Ronald Cr.iddock [ witii .-.a pirty of friends. resident of Stumpy Point who have j been residing In Norfolk for the past three years, gave a Mrs C W Mann entcrlaintd at, A'Jirg. number of people from a lunchton Monday at her home in Kl'' I ■ y na'.v'k have been attending farewell and I honor of Mr and Mr.s. Jame.s Adni j xr.' enj.'ving a revival meeting at birthday party Friday evening at .-on and children Susan Jane Jam,--10 ir. i-r, 17 CO. at her hamc Many game-| Jr and Harry Ta.vlor of Norfc k j .'ll I were played .ind .-inging wa- en- Bi uddhion to the honored gue-'.- Joyed. The little honoree recciv-xl , "ere Rev W Y Everton of Allan.a many useful presents. Everyone and J G Mann, ^^r. and Mrs 11 id Mrs. Elwood Dowdy are ,ip 1 c.ieratlng the Sea Breeze Inn sfij.-i .-tatloii at Kitty Hawk Bee'll C W Mann ' ' Ml's Undine Brenan and a party room, where the table was decorat-I Mr and Mri Aliea.Slb>iSi.oDfJi'4;^.l oL' lends from Norfolk visited cd with a cake bearing twelve cand- ! abeih are the guests of Mrs. Gibbs’ | mef ^E^Tere^ndaV. ~ ' I ' les. Ice cream and delicious cake mother Mr.- S. L. Eulcher. l IV.yi Baum and Sid Gard, who followed Miss Payne in t^ie dining r-r ivered 1, were served to all present with cups filled with candle.', as favors. 1) to .line Philh- McMullen Airs. W P. Wise and clilldrcn, Frank.e. Aubrey .md WMe. Jr., ar.' Air and Airs. E. G Gibbs have moved m their new home that wa- flnl.-hcd hi.st week. .11' .ittcndlng business college at Nnrfolk. were home last week end. vli and Mrs. Julian Gard and llt- Bobbie Thonip.-on lias rented the Fred Johmon place and has open- ,1 'gro’ery store i home a two wi-oVl- vi.-lt with vd (1 'r-irm-d 'o Ehz.ibeth City ' broUiei's at Rv-kv .Mount S.ie w... rem.im there un-i | MRS. MARTHA TWIFORD, ■M •■'■('ovrr. d F-ii.' Fulrher from Chlca- I here Friday She ex- .' r-n.iii, here until Sep'em- A BELOVED WOAIAN DIES •ind j Raleigh Tho-e attendin,; .he fun-eral of Mrs Martha Tvvlfoid at Mani't. j Harbor Sunday from here were' A I Funeral .-ervicts for Alra. Martha - W Hooper's family Lewis Ho.ipcr i T’w’ilord ago 72. were condurud tie -on are visiting Mr. Card's par- u Mr. and Mrs. S. T Gard. ill and Mis. Benjamin Shanton I Ma-iteo visited relatives here S 'iday M.-s. Perry Sml'.h motored lo H'r'fnrd Saturday lo visit her n .itner .\5L-s Marie S'.valn motored to l;. C E Gir.ln.r is Jit-re for •drao land wife. Mr .ind Mrs. D M Gray ■ Smic>iy afternoon In the Manns IF ilz.ibcth City Saturday lor eye Dr '1 IV U M ■ Uncle) Ed Midgeit Cecil, Leo and i Ed Mldgett Mr and Mrs A C. S'lai-.d- i- -pending .several 1 0^3^^ I Mr and Mrs J E. Hooper Mr-. P Horton .ind Mr Board are 1" I .-h.ir' while ’ Dun.-.an L- .lUimiT ..port.- He is .-i.aying - I !• 1 -l.'U' j P C Cn irn ha. .. 1.' . me .ini-e • The NA(;S HE.\I) CASINO ' N\(’:''4 HE\n N c. Atlraolivo Lunch Room — \-Ln-f :ir(o Service Gurb Service —tFounfain Drinks — Ice Cream ISeer. HoBlinfr. Free P.incmd. (irocerie-. .Sun IlaLs. Notions, Toueis. Hathine; Suiis. t iismetics, Kodak Film.s. Fla.sh Lig:hLs and Mail'Ties. .Sweat Shirks. Slacks. Standard (kis and Oil-. W. C • VSMI.I.. Mur. Harbor M E. Church Mrs. fWi- ford win a re-ident of Manns Bar ber but .-he had m.ade her home lor the flla.-t few years ■with her C I Hooper and Mrs. Maude White |>f-ungc.-'. daughter. Mrs. J T Gard of Buxton were in Washington of Ehz.ibeth City She was the hero enjoying 7-.T,m.,£j.^.,y on bi«lne.«. j widew of the late George W Tvvi- .Mr.i Llllio Meekins. entertained ft-rd .-ui viving her are three daugh- Saturday afternoon m Honor of her t^rs and two .-on-. Mrs. VV C Tll- roiur.ned ,..on,-, birthday Quite a number of of Manns Harbor, Mrs. 'renner in Ehz.i-I I,,gue.-t.- were prcseni. Hepkm.- of Elizabeth City, Mrs. J. : ' Muis Hazel Hooper h.id a; her T Gard of Elizabeth City and Floyd igue.,1 Sunday Charles Lintile of Twlford ol Chicago and Sam W. Port,-mouth Twilord of Elizabeth City The ( The Daily Vacation Bible .School, funeral wa^ largely attended and ■began Monday Quite a bit ol pie- the floral offrrmgv were many The 'paratlon has been made ana much 'ai.-ket wa.s covered with a bc.aiitlful ' mteresi b'Clr.g shoiiii pray of E.-u-ier liihes fern -' The I The Sunday School Comiv.l m.-i! P-nl Bearer were- Odell Tillett, Bob '-with R. G .\;.xun Sup-.'rmte.uden; 'Tillott Curti- Twlford, Sam Twl- ' Business wa.- predd-cd over by Rev j toed Floyd Gard, Oliver G.-ird, |R H LevvU. There were fourteen j Fenner Hop',:!:'.;. Jr. intennent I present. The lioste^s tcrvevl dif-1 wa- in the family lot at Manns ferent klntL of randy Mrs. R. L. Midgctt and Glenn Twlford visited their .-u-tor Mr- G E. MiTkins. who is a patient Taylor Hospital Wednesday hr Fishermen’s Netting i and Supplies ; We have sold nellirifr and supplies to the fishcr- ‘mcD ,pf Dare County for many years. Our merchandise and service are better than ever, f . • . DISTRIBUTORS Pitler Manila Kope Fitilr, Fishing- Rope and ■ Eitler New-and Improved Tarred Net Rope The R. J. Ederer -Net & Twine Co. BALTIMORE, MD. S27-tf. Harbor Mrs. TWlford was one of Maiiiu- Harbor's most highly rc- t'P'C'.vd and beloved women, she was dcariv loved by both young and Mr.-., old She was kmd to the i-''’k and l.ilvv.iy.s re.ady lo extend a hand to •ho.-e 111 need, her memory will al- wav- be cncrisnca by ihc whole MeekiiLs 1- recovering nicciy Mr and T D Hooncr Don- Hooper and Mr.- J .A O-bmie .-pent AVedne.sday m Washington, .community N C While there they visit-d! Mr.s. O E. Meekin.-, at the ho.-pita! ' S.-VLVO PERSONALS Mr and Mrs. A C Hooper Wilma 1 .md Billy Hooper, Mr and Mr.- M F Meekins and sons. Lloyd and Goi-don. were in W.i.-;hington Wed- nc.-,day on bnslncs.' Adolph Hooper was in Belhavcn Wixlnc-'day having -ome dent.il •work done He was-acc-...,5anied by Mr. and Mrs G. V Best and Lowl- Hooper, A W Hooper and daughter. Ar- kans-us Fisher, spent Monday In Elizabeth City on business. Mr and Mrs Walton Midgctt and children, ’’''yes Maree and Barbara Fav of l-alse Cape Coast Guard Station, have returned after spend ing a .short ■while with Mrs. Mld- _AIis. R—B. Payne as spending Abe j Hooper. gett.s parents, Mr and Mi's. L. H. week end 'wiili h-ar children at Rocky Mount. N C Clyde Payne Ls receiving medical treatment. Air- Earl Hardy is home again after spending a week at Mantco with her A'lnt, Mr.- M 7. Johnson. Horace Hoop.'r and Miss Dot Johnson of Tarboro. vver-" the guests jof Mr and Mr.s Elbert Thursday evening Mrs. Melton Hooper was taken to Bclhaven Thursday for medical treatment. She Is some better at this time. •Mrs. L. D. Hooper has been suf fering from an infected jaw after having some teeth extracted Lillie Jackie Fay Toler entertain ed a number of her little friends Friday afternoon at her liome In Mrs. L. H. Hooper went to Hat ter recently for medical treatment from Dr. H. W. Kenfield. 3. J. Fisher spent Tuesday In Elizabeth City on business. Jul'in Gray and lamily of Ports mouth Coast Guard Station, wlio have been visiting Mr Gray’s par- Hooper ] ent,- Mr and Mrs. L. C. Gray, have returnexi. Mrs. Pearl Twlford and children, Nacml. Pearl and Nellie, of Kill Devil Hill, have returned home af ter spending some time with her parents. Mr and Mrs. L. H. Hooper. Mr.s. Rosa Lee Garner and son, formerly of Rodanthc. but now liv ing at Beaufort, has returned home after vLsltlng her Aunt, Mrs. Crav^ Mldgett. tp ttrnent. Birth Announcrmenl William P. Little, Cashier of the Flr.sl & Citizen Bank & Trust Company of Raleigh, who ha.s been spending .-everal d.ay.s at Nags Head •with hts family was a visitor In I M.inlco Monday. i Jimmy O’Neal, head of the Ral- | cl'ih Letterwriter.-. formerly of Bux- lon. wa.- a vL-ilor In Mantco. B. F. .lENNETTE ILL Eenjainin F Jennelte, now about 80 years old and one of the best known and loved old geniieincn of Cape Hatteras wa.s roportoxl very 111 Sunday, and hLs relatives had been called lo his bedside W R. Jennelte. wofi-known Raleigh man, one of his .sons was a vlstor at Nags Hcatl enroiilc to his father’s bed- .slde Uncle Ben Is the father of the famous lighthouse keeper.-, Alaska. Utah. Unaka Jennelte, and of Mr.s. 'Beulah Etheridge, and Mrs. C. P. Gray. I'mip. Dirt .'lor Artlnii' Piilk an nounced re.'.'tUly In .iddlilon to ine.-,'. 12.478 cliaiiffeni'.- liccn.sps have al.-o been issued, the figures .-liow. making a total of 109,822 11- ri ii'C,- which have ba-in i-siiPd since till' lir-it '.f last No'vrmber to oper ator.- of jirlvaU' cars and lo chauf- f. iir- The operating pcrmlLs of 3,743 driver-' have been revoked to date, principally for dninkcn driving and rei'kU'.-.- elnving the records .show, of which 3G8 were revoked during the month of June In addition '0 the.-e r.'vocatinn.-. the hcea-es of 281 elrlvcr- have b on .suspended 87 if wiilcli Were .-ii-ix'n'lod in June while 802 drivers who applied for licenses were refiifcd them for var ious rea-on- .-lure tlic law provides that the hlgliw.iy .-af.ny division may refu-e lo grant llceii.sos lo dri vers under certain condition.-. Since till' law required that all thOie who failed lo apply for driv ing llecn-c.- b.'tore ’November 1. 1 1935. must p.ij SI for each Ilncouse. 3.151 iier.'on- have p.i.d the fee lo obtain Uloir lieens.' leaving C41.193 ' driver.' who gol their applle.uloa- , In before Nov.mber i and wlio hence ditl not h.ive lo p.ij any fee. 'All driver.- of truck- bu.'.-es, taxis, 'dell’.-.'i-j 'iti.'k.- and .-a forth, w'ho I receive wage.- for driving motor vehicle-' are cla--ed a- chauffeurs and lii-ncc ma-t p.iy $2 0 year each for file ir lieea-i-' In ord'-r for .m unl.e -n-ed driver to gel .1 drhing hcen.-e now. he must fir.st pa.— an examination and then have his application .-igned b.v a patrolman. M.any people .-i'''m to think that they can .'till gel driving llcen.-.'.s by merely 'nl'iig out the appllcatle.n blank.- and have them signed by a notary public. Fulk .said. But ihi- is not the case although many applications are .-till being RALPH ETHERIDGE HOME Ralph Etheridge, of the United Stales Coast Gu.ird. who Ls station ed at Sullivan’s Island, S. C.. Is home on a visit, bringing with him his bride, the former Mits Emma D’Aulel, of AugiL'ta. Ga. The cou ple were married Aug 3rd at Aiken, S. C The groom Ls the .son of Capt. and Mrs. Walter G. Etheridge of Mantco. control board u.-liig Slfi.flOO to p.iy lor mveiuorie.- and lo discount 1)111-. In other worels, the flr.-t year of operation .shows that the coiin'iy •ivlll receive an average of $21) OOO annually over and i-.bui'e all ex- P3n.-cs. From July 19, 1930, to June 30, 1939, the stores had sold $104,474,90 worth of liquor The co.st of the liquor to the county w.is $99.514 8.9. Direct store expciucs during the •period amounted to $8,2,51.53. and these addeel to $5,991.48 admiiiLstra- tlvc and general expctiso.s made a total of $13,943.01, or 13.34 i>er cent of the net sales. Profits for the i.-'f- iod amounted 10 19.47 per cent of the total .sales, the profit fur the .year being slightly gre.stcr man it was for the fourth quarter, e-nding me 30Ui of last month. During the fourth quarler .-.sics amounted to $20.944.43, the store at Wilham.ston showing a profit of $2.- 182 92 during the period Oilier store profils for the. p.sst ihree months are Rober.-.onvllle $480 43 Jamesvllle, $584.49, and Oak Cliy. $171.89. Tot.il profils for Ihc jiericd were $3,425.70 During the period 5 i)cr cc-lit of the profits \vn.> set .aside for hav- enforenment. but of the $1,072.99 created in nccordanc'J with the law. slightly over half the amount h.a.s been expended. After a study of ; toiilne.-s in wo men, Dr Ramsdell Gurney of the Buffalo General ha-pital. has con cluded that It Is inherited Madam Lottie Scientific Life Render Tells Your Past, Present anil Future Giving Speeial 50c Rc.adings Over First & Citizens National Bank Elizabeth City, N. C, Hours*. 10:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m. Here for x Slicrt Time Only ICash & Carry Grocery ENTERTAINS YOUNG FOLKS ■H A Croef. Jr., w.xs hast lo about A.r and Mrs. F L. Tillett are thejl\v5„^y gf his little friends S.aliir- .-n ici parents of an eight pound afternoon at a pxrly celebrat- baby girl. Tanya Dawn, born Aug. 10th. Mother and baby are doing nicely Ing his seventh birthday Gamc.s wore I’aycd on the lawn, after v/iilcl) the guesLs were .served l-m- Alvln Mldgett of the Coast Gnaret; gujj gage Tlic little host w.as Cutter Sebago. was home last week; igg recipient of many nice gif'u.s. end. I Mr. and Mr.s. James John.son nix; ’ According to doctors at John Ilop- kin.. and St. Elizabeth's haspltals, victims of paranoia, a mental dl 'oase. live longer than sane per- .'.ons. no'*' building a home here Mrs. Mattie Wescott and son. Bobbie, of Norfolk, are here for tiio Summer. Mrs. Oscar Sanderlln of Wash ington, D. C., Is vL-lting rclallvas here. WANCHESE NEWS METHODIST SINGING CLASS GIVES SACRED CONCERT Tile Methodist Orphanage Sing ing Class of R.aleigh. gave a Sacred Concert at the Wanchc.se MelhodLst Church Sunday evening at 8 o'clock They were accompanied by Mrs. Reeve.s, who Is the concert director The program was highly appreciated oy a large audience The longest pipe line in -he world—1.150 miles—Ls In Asia Minor. JIANTEO, N. C. WEEKLY SPECIALS FRESH DRESSED HENS, lb. 30c SFI'XTAL WK.STERN CHUCK BEEF ROAST, lb. ISc FRESHLY CROUND LEAN HAMBURCER, lb. _.Mc HEINZ FRASH CUCUMBER PICKLES, j.Tr 22c SEI'ECTED FANCY SLICED BACON, lb line KINCIIAN’S CORNED BEEF, can .^...LSc SPICED J'UNCHEON .MEAT, lb 27c 1‘UFFED RICE or PUFFED WHEAT, Pkjf. Oc Two Pounds Supfar FREE With Every .$.5.00 Purcha.se (Saturday Only) 'Misses Betty Nlbiock and Marjorie Creef, Charlie Cahoon and Charlie ■Water/leld of Norfolk were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thcof We.scott Sunday. Lance Montague of Norfolk was the week end guest of his mother, Mrs. Lucetta Montague. Air .and Mrs. Clyde DanlcB of Orcensboro, are visiting Mr. Dan iels’ parents. Mr. and Mrs. Marcellas Daniels. ■Miss Virginia Daniels of Norfolk is visiting relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Alclvln R. Daniels itnd children, Melvin, Jr., and Caro lyn Mae, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Jones and son, Roy, Jr., spent Mon day In Elizabeth City. Mrs. Willie Cahoon and son. Wado of Gum Neck are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Theof. Wescott. Mrs. Sophia Brumsey of Norfolk spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. Arietta Tillett. Misses Eliza and Rowena Midgctt have returned from Clinton, where they were the guests of Mrs. Hallle Doreghtery. Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Tillett and son Stanley, Mr .and Mrs. La Salic Tillett and chllelren, LaSalle and Win $2.50!! Siiggest A Suitable Name for Our New Shop Send or bring your sHggc.stion in writing with your name signed u^Iow. All suggestions must be in by midnight Saturday, August 22. • • In our new shop we have a new and modern soda fountain with comfortable chairs and tables— Full line cosmetics— Candies — Cigarettes — Patent' drugs. We Solicit Your Patronage and Good Will We are located downtown between the pool room and the beauty parlor ' M ANTED, N. C. Sam Midgett, Proprietor . 'ife..