N'N'vx \ N \ \ 'V’vV'v'»''*N ,V / .^. ' Spring Is Here! Spring Is Her^I ^aini lAp —with— Glidden Paints .... The best 5'ou can buy for Spring' Painting! \ve Sell LUMBER — CEMENT - BRICK MILL ORK and BUILDING SUPPLIES Manteo’s Most Complete F I S H F R ?vi A N ’ S Supply House Jones Wholesale Co, Office and Warehouse MANTEO, N. C. The Dare Coiinti/ Tujus, Manteo, N. C. IPs No Longer Norfh Carolinas R5?> ^ Winkle —n the operuuf of 11*. t\ Enicp Etlieriilgo iliudm of (lie Dppoitmeiit of (.'oil'-1valion ami n'VfUipnici.t, annouiKo.l icci-’ifly The loculiiDis yi iotied for liio lo!:!]" ol ' .1: I" ’ th' I ‘I : .1- Uoii uf .1 fi.iio ' ! 0 !i' i.t II I riilo two on t'lc t iici.tati Knoy s.iui oiu each on llio Painlloo. Neuso and Cape Fear KiVers. Tlie project Is a coopeiatlve undertaking between the U S. Bureau of Fisheries and the Department of Conservation and Development Shad eolleetinc • itos weie chos en lollowlna a study of waters "f the Stale cuiried on under llie di rection of Hairy Canfield, toeh- nologlst ,of the U S. Bureau of Fisheries accompanied by Rupert E. West, district game and fish protector of Hie conservation de partment In addition to the five locations for colicctiie ami carrying on llihltcd proiageiion activities, the Bureau f !*•;! crie-- accord ing to InfornniKin iciuccd by Di rector Ethcvlcigc, proposes to oper ate the sbad hatclilng faclitucs at the F.denton station at full capa city this cpiing To supplement the cultural work it is al.so propos ed that rearing ponds capable of holding • omo !CO POO baby shad until a more natural .Mae may tc attained, be constiuc'.ed at the Edonfon hatcheiT JUInsOR WOIvIaK'S CLUB * TO FEDERATE SOON A .lunlor Woman .s Club wa.s re- centiv organized in Ma.nlrn by I he 1 1 III') of eiini' women loinieilv known us the Munleo Modenietii Mis. T D Bthciidgc, president of the Dare County Woman's Club, was instrumental In organizing the Junior club, Mi-s. P. M. Willis had been appointed adviuor. The club will hold one business session each month.’ and two weeks later each month will hold a social meeting. On 1110 second' Monday in April the group will meet in the club liall to discuss projeclo for the Friday,_April 2, IPS'/ year's woTk A‘ that tins Mr". EtheridEc will be present, also Mr.s W W Stineinalos. of Eliza beth City Officers of the club are; president, Mi.vi Helen Duvall; Vico pri fUlonl Mrs Alinn Dewis. sepre- luiv M. .S (’sitr Tllliti Jr; li ,!• me . Mis. M.uy Q.ildU-y re- poiler. Ml.ss Dulnoy Biimi.s. Chair men of standing committees ore; olvlcs, Mrs. Bruce Lennon; il'n- ance. Mrs. Robert Atkinson, edu cation Miti.s Louise Woftcott; mem- bei.sdilp. Miss Carolyn Allen; mus ic, Miss Doris Jones; welfare. mIss Bessie Gray They will become'af- 1 filiated with th" Otatc Federation 1 f i fs soon as jjossible. r # Live in Suburbs NVnrIy «J1 ilclbihniu**« jiopi.lntloo lives In (ho .snbnri*'^. The ulry j>rnp- «r (s (juIlc sni.'iJl nii 1 nmstlv hus^Iiio.s.s. Welcome To :; NAGS HEAD ii Sport Fishermen! '' This .scasiin you'll find a iiewcC , anti larger PARKItMSON’S on tinj] Xa^s Head liifthway .tear Iho — ■ clioic'’ fresh anti .sail waler n.sh-i ^,yO(^ iiig t'roand.s. Wo arc now ealcrin,'^ ospeeiallt lo Ihe spoi'l fi.sherineiS and eheerfidly furnish ample {'indes, inforinalion am}, aeeomniotialions. ! P ARKERSON’S An Up-to-thc-iMinutc Beach Hotel Nags Head, N. C: LIST Y« m BARE COUNTY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT Ihc List Takers for Ihc several Townshiiis in Dare ('.oiinly will sil t’nrin.t; the inonlh of April, IDD?, al which time all properly owners ami taxpayers in each lownship are ;! l.-i n liirn to Ihe List Taker.-, for taxation, for the year 191)7, all Ihe Real Hsiale ami Personal Properly, etc., which eaeli one shall own on ' Ihe first day of April, or shall lie retpiiretl lo give in Ihen. All inale persons giving* in of polls are reiinired, tinder pains and p iiallies iiniui'irtl In law. Pirsi.iis \,!iii shall ha\.- heeii i \, mptetl from pa\- im 111 of jiiill lax w ill. w 111 II Ihex i nine 111 hsi. he re!|nired lo exhiliil .irlifii i!i >if such i xi mpliiin from Ihe (.lerk of Hu t iiiiir.iissmners. d'hose who have. Ihrmitfh mislake. siinx mil rid or liate losl or inislaitl cerlificalts of fxeniDliDii. should make apphealion for other eer- tifii.iles .il 11 I .\pril nr ^Iny iiieelintf of Ihe Hoard. This eerlifieale of i xemplion is lo lie kepi 1:\ Ihe person e.xtinpleil. Winn \,i;i com.- to hsl. ask Ihe List Taker (o show yon list of iximplid. All piTsons who ai'i h.ilili f.ii' .1 jioll tax. and fad lo give Ihemselv-'s m. and all who own propi rl\ and fail III lisi il. will he ilei im d .guilU ..f i nnamir, anti upon conxiition, Inud or iinprisoned. Hlaiiks iipon will! Il .1 ii rifl'd sl.ih im iil of propi r- l\ is lo lie le .(li li\ I ai h t,i:.|,;i., r I .111 hi had of the nn- tliTsij'netl. I'lll llitse lilanks and see In it thal slale- ments lie fret from error, Iherehx ohxialing nuieh troii- 1)1. OnI\ females ami noii-resnlt ids of townships and persons physiealix iinalile lo .illiml .tiid file Iheic hsis ea appoint agents lo lisl in.iperlx. A failure lo lisl will snhjeel xoii to DOfRI.r. T.\X. Examine yotir hsl hefore ■.ienine. I By MELVIN R. DANIELS I Clerk of Board Dare County |r4lu' Commissioners, Manteo, N. C. ^ k I HERE'S a glimpse of the Souther.n Albemarle Country, a vast freasuie house, with 30,000 people, ready I to move forward with rapid strides as more roads are Improved Tlic counties of Hyde, Dare. T I and Washington, comprise this rather vast potentially valuable rgclon From the shores of Albemarle I Sound to the most southern 'Oint of Hyde, is a distance of about SO milas and from the Roanoke River near Plymouth to the ocean sliore at Nags Head Is about 80 miles This region covers nearly I 4 000 square miles of the earth’s surface It has move lakes, sounds, bays andrlvers than any other ; Uke area in the United States. It has a hundred miles of ocean front, of which 85 miles Is In Dare ] County In this great treasure house of the North Carcllna coastland, fishing, hunting, trapping and j agriculture Tlic Southern Albemarle Countiy has too long been the Blp Van Winkle of North Caro- I lina. Snug and secure. Its people lived for the most part In wldelv separated communities with many { I rners and forests between Contented, happy and earning a delightful living, they were "Asleep" in a sense And then they began to wake up. becaase people were moving out lo sections that had new roads; their boat transportation began to decline and It was a long time before the pendulum could start moving back Now, there are signs of progress on every hand, and no more delightful trip is to be foimd than to travel through the Southern Albemarle Country, to meetlt speople and to know Its values. Come Into Hyde, over route 264, see famous Ikake MatUmufkect, or drive over Route 64 to Columbia, over the ferries and to Manteo. You’ll never regret the.eye^'d, of North Carolina that has long been asleep. ‘■dpeneni y.ou’U get about a section HERE’S THE WAY EXPERTSEXPECT SHAD INCREASE Rrojecks Will Be Established on Neuse, Pnniiico and Cape Fear Rivers Here’.s how art expert. Dr Har- ! IT Canfield, outlines the plan to iiici'ca.'ie the dwindling .supply of shad in North Carolina, according to a statement Issued from the Department cf conucrvatlon and d- lelopmcnt. -At each of the selected shad eo'lect'nc stations. Mr. Canfield, who will supervise the work, said tipo shad eggs will be taken from I lie roe fertllzed with milt from die male and scattered out over till chantie] of the river in places wl ere the eggs will obtain the maximum protection from their natural encminc'i. Where quantities of ripe eggs ere available, it Is the plan of the bureau to take a portion to the Edcntoii station for hatching and I later ipfurned to the same waters : for distribution In the natural state. Mr Can- ficid pomtccl out that the mortal ity of Miati eggs Is cxtrcinely high ' After being deposited by the roe and fertilized by the buck, the , fr,h cuiiurist a.sserted tliaf the , eggs subjected to lo.ss by inniim- > erabic enemies, conditions of bot toms and waters in streams, and the attachment of fungi which have been known to reduce ‘the natural hatch to a considerable extent. In some canes, he continu ed, it has been determined that the hatch does not exceed three percent. "We are able to use shad eggs for the purpose of hatching that arc ‘free flowing’ or ripe.",;Mr. Canfield explained. "When tloe’.roe Is In a suitable condition for edible purposes, she does not have eggs in a stage of development appro priate for hatching purposes. We can use eggs at a point when they are undesirable for roe. "The method of taking ripe eggs Is to force them by pressing gen- t’y toward the vent, depositing them in a moist pan. The buck Is then treated in the .same manner and the milt Is mixed with the eggs for fertilization. The eggs arc then washed by allowing the v/atcr from the stream to enter the pan. "Hatching requires from three to ceven days after fertilization in a water temperature of approxi mately 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Based on weather conditions, pro- p." gallon operations should start somewhere around April. 1 ” Limited shad propagation at five locations on four rivers of Eastern North Carolina and re sumption of shad hatching opera tion at the U. S. Bureau of Fish eries Stations near Edenton have j been decided upon as constructive , steps for the rehabilitation of the i valuable shad Industry to supple- ’ ment restrictions adopted before For Over SO ^IjsjahA HEADQUARTERS for DARE COUNTY SHOPPERS V.. li j • WELCOME TO MANTEO! —Visit— “Ras” Westcott’s Modern Billiard Parlor Six Up-lo-Dalc Tables Soft Drinks Cigars Candy Cigarettes Modern Soda Fountain • G. T. Wcscott, Jr,, Prop. “A Warm Welcome Awaits You Here!” W.e never put on special sales because our goods are priced as low as consistent with our policy of ^ QUMITY and SERVICE r®. We carry.thie largest General Stock in Dare County •fV." Supply Co. R. C. Evaiip Manteo, N. C. m SUPP Ilotl.s, Reds. Lures, Lines, in fact everylliing you want for sport fishing, and your car looked iiftcr while you arc gone. Arrangements for guides if you wish. The rclitible. dependable, old established certified Esso Scrtice Sluliotf. O' We’ve Everything for Yonr Car! SutfeTmieS Como (liroci lo our plat’o. Wo sorvioc your oar—Wasliing, Groasiiig, Changing Oil. U)) lo (laic eiiuipmonl. Finc.sl of moroluiniij.so. Con- veiiiciil lo hold, slorcs and rc.staiiranls. llighe.sl grade liros, liiiios, hallcrio.s, oxper- ionccil lidp. Reasonable prices. Free parking. A job done rigid will save much inconven ience. We lake Ihe worry off your mind, aiuj leave you free lo enjoy .your visil. We honor your Esso crcdil cards. Every ijossihlc eonveu- ieiue, IxK’ked Jiy six years of experience. ROANOKE SERVICE STATION Phone 25 M. A. Daniels, Prop. Manteo, N. C. M