SgrS*-.- •: 1". .I'ife?.!* ■''• .'a.-. ' f _ - .■i-VzrIk- -CW - », ^^eJ’Exglit ^&fr== ^i^ING SPIRIT OF ^^|pTHE CELEBRATION K'^^Continued /rom page one) ^ithU^linderUkics ‘and hope to ipbrini'iIt about. - ► WAl^leider 'i In ,most things con- ifp^fnMtc'd^s^'lth the boosting of Dare 1^*, Ico'unty and historical Roanoke T?- '' K' jind.'Mr. Pcoi-lng will sec the Ji5inilts;of yeaio of hard work rcnl- the staging of that ce’.e- ,natural talker, he'lias used talent for years In telling pco- 7 Pir*^ » Ilf-'. ACOMPLETE FUNERAL SERVICE at MODERATE COST Wc ofl'cr llio iH-ojilo of Dare County a (lij'iiiCictl funeral serviee al nuuler- atc eosl. i>iiy careful allenlion lu tlie smalles.l tlelails, 4? Marvin 0. Evans Funeral Director Manteo, N. C. pie Dare County iias to of fer In the way of recreation facili ties, scenic and lilstorlcal lore The development of the Fort Ralclah ifjton'.tion into a shrine j sought out by the nation has long i been a pet project of Mr. Fearing. ( i a project which he has spared no i '•ffoit to lostcr Today even in oariy spnni! liundrcds of people flock on week ends to the reconstruction of that City of naleigli" on t’lc .site wliere first Englisli eettlcrs made 'their liomts to view the repro duct lens of a dozen buildings of ancient log designs. Tlie crowds will bo .incrcace.l to tliousands this •■lunimer and his drcitni of a national shrine 'vlll be consum- ntated ilc i.s thainnan of the Dare County beard of commissioners, tccrctary of the Cliainbcr of Com- mcicc cliairman of the Roanoke Co eny Mcmoi al A-ssociatlon ol I Manlio and sccrctai'y of tlic Roa- ' nokc Island Hr iorlcal Association All those offices place him in a 1 position to boost the county's iios- I sibl Itles to the county itsef. to the [State, io the nation and to the ' world Kc wa.s lender in 1934 in ar- j ranging tlic largest celebration I that liad .jcen held on Roanoke , fclnnd Eiit even then, ho was I looking forward to tlic year 1937 and t le 359lh anniversary of Vir ginia Dare's blitli for a com- , mcinorntive celebration that vvo'ald eclipse any celebi alien ever held I in North Carolina. I "Brad cun write more letters any iiuui I konw, ’ is the tri- I buic paid by T P. Davis, a close ' personal friend And letter writ- ' Ing i.s as necessary to a C'liambcr ; of CommeiTO •,c-crctary as a base- bail is to a baseball team. As chainnan of tlie county com- inissioiicrs he pa\.s an attentive oar to all reg le-t.s made cf liim iiy icsldcnts of the county For eight 2Vic Ikiir Co'othi Tinies^Ianteo, N. C. Leading: Churches WeJI Represented in Columbia 'V 4P f'-TVT' I strange to say, the greatest de- I mand for tlic coins came from I sucli far away states as California and New York, wllli Nortli Caro lina the state wlilcli should have been most Intel ested in view of the ^ fact that tlic coin was Issued to I commemorate an event wiilch liappcned on Carolina soli—rank ing far down the II t in number of ciders received A liundrcd of the remaining co'iis are being reserved as prizes to county winners in an essay con- lo't whicli tlic Roanoke Colony Mcinorial A.v;ocalioii is sponsoring ill the lilgli ^ciiools of North Caro- 1 iia Studetils arc writing their essays on "The Lost Colony." First prize for tlic state winner is $50, but tlic writer of the essay selcct- ' eel as best in cacli county will re ceive one of the liistorlcally sig- nilicrnt coins. . FISHERMAN’S LIFE IS NO EASY ONE of action from the time his boat reaches the fishing grounds until he gets back to market. Every minute of his time is packed with hard, rough, dangerous work, es pecially In stormy weather. If tile is a trawler, when the banks ■or fishing grounds) are reached the trawler net Is swung over board and dragged across the ocean bed. After an hour or so the trawl in hauled aboard, dump ed on the deck and set again. ^1, ■ N, 1^1 •if Then the crew is-busy sorting,i * cleaning, stowing and icing each* haul. r A fisherman’s life is no easy,one; . but the majority of folks who.onccj have fished are loath to give upi their task however hard it might) - be. ■ • J' An Old ld«» Forcing a (lefeiileil enemy to dis arm Is nn old Idea: Itome forbade Ciirtliiiginlnns ■> keep elepimuts, nffer one Imtllo ‘‘Ictory. ' > % His .fob I’nckcd With Hard, Rough, Dangerous Work ’ TKECF .‘liapflini•'! w u, tl.e .r . left. Mctliocli.i'i. cliuivli. an.i Icv.i, i.s well served ii' i ii n he ’.vin-li years I’c iU'. li; rn ;• uu r, ."r cf the boi'id .u.rl I..- 'u.t.c •> i I. piles up I ve ^ reit.iu i pr;., [ enough cl V'.c ii.'U' iP-r cu o :■ o po'.iule: i'y ii- en i;. _ in U:.' i . i.i- ty Clin.sU nod* Bir dfc' d ’.i go! v.iii'l cdlica.K'ii lie eui loeal sehoois and then i\r, -.ivihI i,j ! iu 1111 1 liu’.eh. •■a 1 11 .,ic 1 ' r C' \ -1! r it', ii-id 1 :i 1 1 ]• County “The Spitrls- man's Paradise” 7 Norfolk to iitirnd the o.d So.i;!'^ i I Shor'iliand and Busiiie s Univei- , •- ity I A .‘•■'.ar student at t.ic b.i'n ' s.choo'. lie later eoiir.cct''d hiei.r f with .a lyprv.'i'.ter nRCiKv. and f Icciiiercd tould tell mar) of h c'pe amu.i’.vT t-i rl'- FISHERMEN’S HEADQUARTER^ OCEAN TACKLE For Hire or Sale BOATS and TACKLE 75e Per Boat COLD BEER QUICK LUNCH Rogers FISHINU LODGE Just Across Uoar.okv Sound — First Stop on Roanoke Island I-el .iw 111 ’ll','. I ' i one of Uie largest v.iio e-.i’.e > - .i -i and feed companies in Korf'i'i: but after several year., hi nrtuial anibition croppetl c'ul and h? -rt up a business of h.- own la-nc it D 3 Fearing and Cnniu i i. During tlio yeais his bu-'- ee's ! flourished but afiev the depres sion hit Norfolk so hard that lie moved h— business lo Manteo op erating a.s a wholesale grocery and feed store Willie engaged in the wholesale business, lie became inieiested n politics, enthused over the iiha of sponsoring development In the county. So when the goi'crnment took away a huge incss by replacing horses with tractors, at Coast Guard stations wlierc lie held feed contract.-, M Fearing Jlauidalcd Ins bu.siic--, during a depression period and went actively into tlic work of boosting Dare Countv Ke sleeps late -but - 1 cau.-c lie so'icloni it 'o b d h - fore 2 or 3 o elo ii t v no: n; . I Usual!:, ’’c .Liv. d. 11 a flic from hi', sound ice unire u ai Mother Vineyard just hr for- u lon Ho has tiie knack of ina.’tjir; !i 1 : I 111 1 fee, i i-hl I . (ii'-ery grcciiig. 1.1 ; iiiiwlng proji'e ■s ■ Island, c.xpouiid- and iianual 'til e;i Ills n'.i.ibir- ii) J.’a'eiiih'oll ; ‘ I hr I • les he ta k., uu's- ' .. i> .,1 ij.i e Ciiuiity Tlicneat- ' iim-h, I I ver sag" .‘ays Al-' be't Q Ec'.l And "booster is the V nrd vdii h most apt y dc.srribcs . .e gcn’al rclebiatlon conimitlce h .. 1 He li.i taken a ’e-iding lole in i u.sii!’!-: D.ue Coun'o' uiuv.u-d, c' I. 1 .iiek > cen w!-ti one vevi'.".s l ,' earevania of prusic'-s • 1 ' I I ' I 11 al 1. . i.nd I ..e "an "• .-'re a r.!v lu .1 1 .1' bien b. and iiianv other imprcivtmcr.ti ir.,,de in roerni >r'ars. D.ii.iel B .idfo’.d Fcarlivi h an :.-sct to til'. .'I fllon wulcli pro:!uc- cel liim Q.nle the opposite of llio aver age man’s idea of fishing is the gigantic commercial fishing tn- dustry whose t..ore than 100,000 boats arc lucd in catching ciiougli mcinbcrs of tlie finny tribe to pile up a business of more tlian two- luinclrcd million dollars annually. liundrcd thousand boats upper rigid, Eapti.d chu-ch. lower are found tliroiigliout the United liimb'.a. For a small town Calumlila i states and all tlie principal fish- in its cliurclic'i. ■ in ggrounds of Canada and Alas- “j' — — ka. They range from luige Diesel MEMOni M. COINS SOLI) BEFORE BEING MINTED I Continued from page one) the entire issue. Prom ail slates of the union or- d'r.s pomed In and men from far •Ina one of Vnelc Sam’s Dare County’s Headquarters For Fislieriiieii Manteo At •‘*‘1 i '•s tel Fort Raleigli^ American and European Plan C. C. Duvall, Owner A modern, fire-proof hotel with 30 luxuriously furnished rooni.s A\ilh hiiths and all modern conveniences. Near the best fi.shinjf grounds jind in constant touch with do'/ens of fishing guides. On Historic Roanoke Island ‘'Where Nature Smiles” flap .i.iay C Maune sent a request for two of parts of the United States. I the coins. A blind cnllcctor In, .lice of his lius- California ordered 1C of tlicm. All ' tc'.allcd when on Januai-y 20: the ' rrin.s ai rh't d in Manteo, more than ;;jr'0 cf t'v'm 'VC-C required to fill i.ic piciiinln.ny ordersi;' Designed by the famous Norfolk and Baltimore artist and sculptor. Mark'. Simpson, the coins ii.r," 111 til ’.lim'd by outstanding , I .11 . 0.1 I tci . a among the bciut.ii'i Ml i .sued Ju’.t’icl".; .1. .1 tribute to,Virpin- ui Dar.- A'lieriea s first white clitld o.'.h 01 Bn’i!.-.'! parents, and as a 1 oinuir.'iKi’a! n 0 to the aChicM- n'.e’i'.= of S.i Walter Raleigh’s roi- cri:.'i'' wii'i leic! tlie foundation for J.liai . latl'. ,IK'S in the NC" scttlc- 1 - an (li C'li alter p. oul had been iii- •r 'llured bv tlie First District , C')nKit.-..siiian Lindbay C. Warren iippoited :n liis mca.sure by .Scn- .itor.s Jo util Bailey and Robc:i R R-yr.oltis. Ke.adod bv D. B. Fearing a.s iiunnnan the Roanoke Colony Mcnior ill Assoi -alion of Manteo 1 i .('t uiJ to distribute the coins u a ptiee .s-a at $1.50 each, plus 10 cer.Ls per com for postage ■'•'king .and handling. It is the iivo(''cds irom the tale of ('.ms which will be used In .s'ag- iii' il.e hii'-'c le'cbratlon at For! Bail ie.i’ till summer. Wil Marks Simpson v.ln-n he drew the tlesigas for eacli side of tlie coin altemptcd to catch the iJionecr spirit dauntless and of those early Entdl li- mcn wlio made America po.s.slbIc , i On the he placed Elcan- ! or Wmie Dare holding in her arms the liny babe, Virginia Dare ' and Fa.'.ing out across the llmitlc.s.s I expanse of sea stretching toward lier native home, a light of longing ! for tlic oid counti-y in her eyes but ! a stronger determination to make I a new lionie in tlie wllderne s. Two 1 full sailed .shljis such as tlic early colonist.s crossed the 'oeean in rest upon ilic •se.'i, wlille at the hem of Elcanoi’s dress a pine twig -ym- boiizes tlie tractless and unc.xplor. fd which; the young mother was to face.M courageous ly. Bclilnd tlic Imagif of that young mother ana child Bes a local story of present day interest for tiie modc..s lor tlie picture were Mrs V/uilo Etheridge /tKeo and her .small daugiiter, Annie Laura Tlic arti-st got his inspiration when while .stopping at\'Klll Devil Hill and talking to Sa^Y Kcc, guard tlicrc. he saw tliefguard’s young wife come out with the baby on licr arm and was[.6truck by a marked retemblanw to artists’ conc''ptions of the first Englisli m^i I'oi Qji Ajnci’ican soU Ti-.e reverse otCtoe coin bear; a bust of Sir Waller Raicigli lock- ’ liowcrcd trawlers lo tlie tiny motor cd on as Eiiglantl’i, first exponent, boat, wlilcli fisli tlic smaller bays of British grealiiesa founded on r. jatid inland water channels, vast colonial empire and respoii-1 'Hie life of n fislierman is one fible for the .'eiiJing of Eng:aiitl'.s , _IZiriI7ZIZIZZZZZIZZZZZ^ZZ first colonies lo tlie New World Raleigh was noted accordini; to tlie artist, for liis great love of preciou., jewels, bedecking lii.s clothing with penrts and dia monds. So down tile front of ills coat tlie artist lias placed a row of gems, witli a large dlanioiid in his liat. President Roosevelt and the King of England vverc tlie lirst l.i receive one of the comnieinorativc half dollars. Uu P;c ..dr;i . ,.i ■ i handed l.i by Ciingit.,'ii,.n V,,.i j ron whiic the Bnli.sli Amba.s.,r. Inr ■ I accepted a co,n in bclialf of the I King Eight oilier high offica..s from both countrlc.s received com. at about tlic .same time. Altliougii the first riisii for t.’i? coins lias ended orders still being received stcadliv at the office,, cf tlie Roanoke Colony Mcmorliil .'vssoclatlon at Manteo, arc being filled by an efficient office force ns fast as tlicv arrive Estlniatc.s are that bciween 75 and 100 of the coins arc being mailed cacli day to collectors in widely sepr.r- For Over ^ of a Century thrifty Currituck,, Dare, Tyrrell and Hyde County Shoppers have come to pur big Elizabeth City Department Sjtore for The Same Low Prices 0 That Has Made E. S. Chesson & Son The Southern Albemarle’s Favorite Shoppinj' Center FISHERMEN Stop at The Whalebone Filling Sta. For Guides and Information on Famed Oregon Inlet Fishing Delicious )uick Lunches Temptingly Served in Cur New and Attractive Dining Quarters COLD BEER, All Kinds — “STANDARD” Ser vice, Gas and Oi'.s V/c Gladly Adjust Your Tires fer Beach Driving Whalebone Filling Station Oregon Inlet Junction Near Roanoke Sound Bridge , MRS. NEVA P. MIDGETT, Prop. -*^*7 J tEz/g*- )* I fli Builder of Difficult s Jobs H. C. Lawrence CONTRACTOR DREDGING CLUB HOUSES • SHOOTING PONDS CHANNELS BOAT HOUSES CANALS PROTECTION LEVEES ROAD CONSTRUCTION THROUGH WET AND SWAMP LANDS Address C. Lawrence Many Completed Projects in Dare Hyde, Tyrrell stumpy roint-Engclliard Highway IVIanns Harbor-East I.atkc Road Honnokc Sound Causeway. Designed and Supervised Roanoke Sound Bridge. V.irious Short Roads and Canals on Roa noke Island Harbor at M.'iiiiis Harbor. Improvements such as dikes and ponds to many hunting clubs along the coast, in cluding Ii. C. Phipps property, John S. Phipps property. Goosewing Club, Skyco Lodge, Goooeville Gun Club, Lewis Pierson Pon^ Various projects in Hyde County, Beau fort County, Carterettbounty, Craven coun ty, Tyrrell County, Washington County, Pitt County and several in South Carolina. tti