Page Two THE DARE COUNTY TIMES FRIDAY, JUNE 17. 1938 DARE CODNTY’S FIRST FARN TODR By C. W. OVERMAN, County Agent where poultry work is taught in practice. At W. iil. Jolliff’s we obsencJ I a garden tractor in operation. .r....'e. Here we nb.'ened a \i‘r> ee.iiHinmalU bu It house and a fine flock of young Ithode Island Heils Mrs. Addy Midgett's strawberry Dare County pc ]i e 'vn . a e r t>-r- ested in agr cultu.e are gne i chance to observe some jf the var ious types of demonstrations that are being conducted under the sup- ervision of their farm and home patch at Wanchese was our second stop. Here we saw about a guar- The first agricultural tour to be' fcr b--re of strawberries which conducted in Dare County was Mrs. MidgeU had in wonderful held on Wednesday, May .S. A bus sibnpe and has sold over »2t)U.OO furnished by Camp Wrignt pro- worth oi berries to date this sea- vided free transportation and e’.i , ^oii abled the group of 23 people to Where there is insufficient land to keep a horse we are finding the garden tractor ideal. IJeturning to Manteo at 4;(I0 o’clock our tour was con'jilete. .-All members if the tour seemed to feel that the day had been well spent. BOOK WRITTEN AT HATTERAS IS A BIG SUCCESS FULL ENROLLMENT OF CAMPERS AT SEATONE Mitchell- Hedger’ “Battling With Sea Monsters,” Coes Over Big Aliss Louise .Ellis, Dance Instruc tor Itetiiriiing ifor Fourth Season; Opens' June 23 WANCHESE HAS GIVEN COUNTY j MANY LEADERS tnavel together. Leaving Manteo at 9:15 A. M.,; we visited Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Wil liams’ broiler proje-n at Wan- When in Norfolk Stop at the HOTEL FAIRFAX r ✓(I Headquarters for all cit izens south of the Mason Dixon line when visiting Norfolk and the beaches. Attractive rooms with bath and shower, $2.50'. $3 and $3.50, others with bath privileges, $2. Cof fee Shop, Dining Room, Beverage Boom. Garage Cat* vSd*A. HUGH F. CALVIN Pres, and Cen’l Mgr. Back to 'Manteo we visited Mrs. Woodson Fearings modern kitchen. Mrs. Fearing had all necessary modern conveniences and the equipment was very conveniently arranged. At -Manteo we also visited Mr. and Mrs. Herman Smith’s home ganieii. Th.s garden was in fine .shape and contained a goodly var iety of vegetables. By successive planting the Smiths have a con tinuous supply of vegetables the year aroung. On the Xorth End of Roanoke Island we vis.ted -Mrs. R. Bruee Ktheridge’s Home. The house was constructed over 100 years ago and was of the type with no closets, Mrs. Etheridge has installeil a Its Native Sons Hold Nine Important County Offices ' In Daro County Wanchese, progressive fishing oommunity on Roanokke Island, so called the “Souih-end,’’ by folks North of it, who live on i what is referred to as the “North-, end,” has furnished much out- j standing leadership in the history j of Dare County, and today, eight, of its sons hold important county offices. Roy Davis, Representative; W. F. Baum Recorder’s Judge; Mel vin Daniels, Register of Deeds, C. S. Meekins, Clerk of the Court; "Battling Sea Monsters,” pub- lioheu by Uuckwortli of London, written by F. A. -Mitcned-Heugcs during his stay at Hatteras nas had a big success and apart irom Us pubiu4Uion III Ameiicu and England it will shortly appear in (jei-iiiaiiy, Fraine and Italy. .-An earlier book, “riitl’ios with Giant F-sn, ’ reached u, arge ngune of over 5U,i)iiO coj s in Germany. The ne.\ boos nas over -10 e.v- eeediiigly ente- illustrated with eluding those o:' 1 ni-ig chapters pl’.v.ographs, in- ►•ig'it new world records. The sc le is in the tro pics, off the sh fcs I f Honduras, I. 1*. Davis, County Wellare Offi- closet in each room and has made 1 ce ; Jake Daniels, County Commis ‘n- sioner; J. B. Hooker , of the Boar:l of Elections; M. L. Daniels, who • othe' dianges which make the I home more comfortable and con venient. The lawn and landscap ing of this place is nicely arranged and well kept. At Jluther A'ineyard Inc. we ob served the Mother Scuppeniong grape vine. Under the supervision of F -ank Correll, manager, a won derful piece of work has been done in renovating the old grape vines. Approximately 55 acres have been set to new scuppernong vines which are doing nicely. The Virginia Dare C. C. C. Camp furnished us a nice d’nner at 25c per person. During the lunch houi. Captain Ratcliff welcomed us to the Camp. B. Troy Ferguson, H. R. Niswonger and Lewis P. Wat son, Extension Specialists, made interesting talks. Follovvlng lunch, we made a gen eral tour of the camp under the leadership of Captain Ratcliff. The people seemed to be very well impressed with the educational work being conducted and especi ally the modern poultry houses f. BIGGEST RAZOR BLADE VALUE EVER OFFERED 4 PR0BAK 1/%^ JUNIOR ■■ BLADES IW has served as County Commission er. Chairman of the Board of El ections, and is now Democratic County Chairntan, all aye native sons of Wanchese. Mrs. Pete Dan iels has served on the Board of Welfare. Richard H. Gray of Wanchese is also a member of the County School board. A few years ago Mrs. Evelyn Davis served on the School Board. in former years at various times its citizens filled many public places. Men like F R. Daniels. S. C. Pugh, Stewart Daniels, Spence Davie, Will Baum, Joe Hay- man, Ben Daniels. A long list of men from Wanchese have gone forth to highly important fields in the maritime world. Other no tables have gained eminence in business, the ministry, and law. MORE DITCHES SOUGHT FOR FOUR COUNTIES District Health Officer Indicates Need For -Mosquito Control in Southern Albemarle Ry N. P. Fitts, .M. D. Assistant Health Officer For Tyrrell, Hyde and Dare and, and AA ashingtoii • You’ll get better shaves for your money if you ask for Probak Jr. Why take chances when you can have tlie known quality of these world-famous blades at this amazingly low price? Only lOd for 4 double-edge blades— buy a package from your dealer today. PROBAK JUNIOR BLADES Best Local and Long Distance TELEPHONE SERVICE To Nags Head and Kitty Hawk Beaches, Roanoke Island and Other Dare County Points Use The Telephone Often and Enjoy Your Trips to and From Dare County NORFOLK & CAROLINA TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH CO. Manteo—Elizabeth City—Edenton Giving Dare County People THE LATEST AND BEST Furniture Service Mr. Gage Williams, well known to the Furni ture Trade in your county represents us. The mercl andise he sells is backed by many years of capable, responsible dealing. Our furniture customers number thousands in many northeast ern North Carolina Counties, as ’//ell as in Vir ginia. Just send Mr. Williams word at Wanchese and let him make you acquainted with our furniture stocks, our low prices, our good terms, and our service. a 1. JAFFE FURNITURE CO- 189 to 199 Washington St. SUFFOLK, VA. Since the advent of A\'. P A. ii H.vde County, some s''” mile> "i ditching and recutting diti In? of land and .swamp areas has been done. Also work has been going steadily forward in the construc tion of sanitary pit privie.s which is of prime importaiic in the con trol of Typhoid Fever. Drainage and the establish ment of shore lines so that al' the ditches containing w.ater can bo effectively bathed with sunlight are two necessary steps in break ing up mosquito breeding places, especially places that tend to breed the Anopheles or malarial mos quito. While we still have mos quitoes and probably always will h.ave them, many citizens have been gi-atified that the mosquitos have been far less active in the year or two. Funds from the AA^ P. A. could be put to no better use other than ill suppressing the breeding of mosquit .es by draining and pro moting sanitation by building sani tary pit privies. The Health De partment vigorously protests the deviation of W. P. A. funds for road work or any other project that is not directly conducive to the sanitation of Hyde County or of the entire district embracing Dara Hyde, Tyrrell, and Washing ton Counties. Further, the Health Depart ment sincerely hopes the work for sanitation will continue, for many more projects at>? necessary for drainage and construction of pit privies to complete the present program, which will certainly in sure better health and safety of our citizens from the spread of malarial fever or a possible out break of Typhoid Fever with ex- piosiv'e violence. The Health Department desires that all our citizens will continue to cooperate as tliey have so will ingly done and urgz that the work of the W. P. A. will not be Ievi- ated from its present scope and program which is sanitation, for sanitation means safty. Remember: "Every ounce of prevention is worth another pound of cure.” an extruirditiarv region which scientists have sub...tantiatcd as being the remnai t of a continent 75 miles out in ihe ocean, where one may walk L i tour and a .half miles with watei not above one’s knees. J^hotographs .-h ov the author with some of his catches—an £>13- pouii". .-'ciish; a 1 i'o.i-pound Tiger Shark; a 590- j.und Jewfish; a Oyu-pound Leopai'i Ray; a 370- pound Death Kav, the fish whose sting kills in five minutes; a 700- pound Green Tun 7; a IJOO-pcund Man Eating Sbiir^ a 1,500 pound Shovelnose; a Si-.'o-pound Great Manta, and man) others. It also shows some of ll’ nuge creatures caught by his seentary, Jane Har vey' Houlson, including a 15 foot Hammerhead Shu k The reading ma ter is highly in teresting, but the best of it may be summed up it. .e author’s own w’ords at the end of the introduc tion: "After a time 'tie conies to know the habits of the denizens of the deep; the way the mighty sharks feed, and a thousand other things. To combat their cunning when one meets th'-in on their own battleground calls ^ >r muscle and a keen mtelligern' Many and crafty are the way ■ 'f a great fish fighting for its freedom. "But when once t ou have fought for hours and ultimately landed a creature weighing • ■ er a thousand pounds; when youi liands stink of fish and y»ur c! enes are wet through and slimy when the boat is smothered in blu d and guts and your muscl.-- ach- ironi head to foot, then you hat. done a man's job a:id wii! rema'ii lorevei a big- game fish'.t.g entli last. "You may da n your t)-n hands, swear iiC' ir to set f.-ot again iii a oinall boa. to be bru;.-,;‘d and battered by heavy seas; you may' curse the flies, heat, sweat, and manana of the tropics. But return you must.’’ And as he dictated the final chapters at his home in Frisco, where Jesse Tolson’.s family now lives, he said: The CAR.A lies, a wreck, be neath the waters off the coast of Yucatan. Joe, th) deadliest killer in Cent ral American, was shot down and then cut to pieces with a machete ill front of liis women and children. Poor old Hurts has maimed his hand terribly in battling a great shark off Taboguilla. A great fisliormen has angled successfully in the turbulent waters of politics, ami has again landed the Presidency of the United States. The sharks are playing hell with the small fry in Wall Street and Throgmorton Street. And I’m dashed of Jane hasn’t married a! A smell of frying fish is wafted from the kitchen—I am surrounded by a conspiracy shrieking “Fish!” from every’ direction. And the reefs and islands are calling—last ni{^it in my home here on the isl and of Hatteras I could have sworn I heard the boom of Manta from Camp Seatone-on-Roanoke Is- Island opens iu fourth season on June 23rd, receiving on tiiat date ten campers from Alabama and on the lollowing date the fuli quota of thirty children provided for in the camp buildings. On Saturday afternoon, June 25th thr children from Manteo and the vi cinity of the camp are invited foi a swimming party at three o’clock, -At this tme they are to enroll for craft, swiniining and dancing class es. On the counselor and teaching staff of the camp arc Miss Lois Beck of Birmingham, Alabama, who is returning for the third summer and will act in the capac ity of accompanist and game di rector as well as general counsel or, Miss Louise Ellis of Colum bia, Alabama, who has been with the camp since its opening in 1935, will continue her work as dance instructor ami counselor. Paul Creel, of Sylacauga, .Ala., will act as junior counselor and bugler. The changes made in the staff of counselors are the addi tion of a registered nurse and die- tition and a change in swimming instructor. Jlr. Karl Thelander of Birming ham, physical education instructor in the J’hillips High School of Birmingham will be physical edu cation director and swimming in- .structor. Mr. Thelander has had nine years of experience in child ren’s camps and is a very popular young instructor. Miss Berta Mae Rhodes, of Tal ladega, Alabama during the win ter months is head nurse in the Alabama School for the Deaf and has had experience with children’s camps for the past three summers. .Aliss Rhodes has a most winning personality. She will act as nurse and dietician at Seatone. Miss Mabel Evans of Manteo, di rector and owner of the camp ha.s recently returned from Alabama where .she is a supen’isor of schools and is actively getting the camp ready for the arrival of the counselors and young ccampers. Miss Evans who was at one time County Superintendent of Schools in Dare County and later Super- I’isor of Northampton Schools has had long and happy experience in directing the training of child ren. Seatone is the outcome of Mi-ss Evans’ vison of young boys and girls playing on the shores of Roan.ike Island in the way that she and tier brothers did at one tiino. Seatmie is equipped with craft room, sail and row boats, ponies, numerous game devices and is nest led amm-n wooded hills that give the adventure of secret pathways to young c imb.^rs. The shore line has golden sands and shallow or deep water as suits the camper. Among the entertaining features of the summer's program will be a water carnival plannod and pro duced by t-ie campers and counsel ors. The craft room will he open to town children who are entered as day students at the camp and an hour of instruction will he given to each child daily. The toy boat races can be entered by day hoys who are enrolled cither as all lime campers or day campers. A tiny silver loving cup awaits the win ner. Each boy must build his own boat. ^THSSJSJSSSHSHSESlSJSZKSEESSHSESSSHSESiSSSSSESHSBSSSZSZSSHSHSSSESHSSSEBESESJSHSaHSESHSHSESEn! the far Pacific. Its no use kicking against the pricks. Adios, my brother sportsmen I’m off; back to the Pearl Islands, back to battle the monsters of the deep. VERSATILE “A wonderful actor, you say?" “Yes, he played Hamlet and played the devil at the tame time.” THE CHANCE OF A LIFETIME For getting only $30 worth of subscriptions to the Dare County Times at the regular rates, we will give you FREE RADIO MADE BY PHILCO A five tube AC set to hook in your light cur rent socket. Never before has such an offer been given you. This set may be used anywhere elec tric current is available. Just send in $30 worth of subscriptions and get this set. Address; THE DARE COUNTY TIMES BOX 55 MANTEO, N. C. Small boy—“I’m not afraid of going to the hospital, mother. I’ll be brave and take my medicins, but I ain’t going to let them jialm off a babby on me like they did on you. I want a pup.” ELIZABETH CITY LEADING FIRMS WHO SERVE THE BEACH TRADE This handy list is for the convenience of shoppers wlio want the best service. We have prepared our selves especially to cater to the needs of the beach trade this summer. BEAUTY SERVICE IN EVERY FIELD BY EXPERT OPERATORS MILADY’S BEAUTY SALON CAROLINA BLDG. PHONE 905 BEAR FRAME WHEEL AND AXLE ALIGNMENT -TOWING CAROLINA DUCO COMPANY PHONE 837 DRY CLEANING FOR EFFICIENT WORK AND PROMPT SERVICE SEND YOUR CLOTHES TO COOPER CLEANING WORKS PHONE 280 DRUGS AND PRESCRIPTIONS DRUGS WITH A REPUTATION EXPERT PRESCRIPTION SERVICE MAIL ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION OVERMAN & STEVENSON PHONE 321 FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION MILDRED’S FLORIST SHOPPE PHONE 82 NIGHT PHONE 264.W FURNITURE—SECOND HAND ALL STYLES AND TYPES MRS. CALLIE MEIGGS PHONE 250-J FANCY GROCERIFS TRY GARRETT’S QUALITY FOOD STORE PHONES 1127 & 1128 MAIN & ROAD STS. REFRESHMENT BOTTLED IS ESSENTIAL FOR SUMMER COMFORT JEWELRY BRIGHT JEWELRY CO., INCi, WATCHES DIAMONDS JEWELRY AND SILVERWARE —EXPERT REPAIR WORK— A. G. JAMES, Mgr. RUCKER & SHEELY COMPANY ELIZABETH CITY’S BEST STORE TIRES BUY FIRESTONE TEXACO PRODUCTS STEVENS TIRE STORE CORNER WATER & FEARING STREETS t .VM-J SK2SZSB

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