Page Two THE DARE COUNTY TIMES Friday, June 24, 1938 SALVO NEWS Father’s Day \s'as observed at the Methodist church Sunday June 19th at the regular Sunday scliool hour, Rev. M. E. Gotten patsor of the Kinnakeet charge was present and delivered an address on the subject “Father.” His address was inspiring. When in Norfolk Stop at the HOTEL FAIRFAX HeadquaRt«rs for all cit izens south of the Mason Dixon line when visiting Norfolk and the beaches. Attractive rooms with bath and shower, $2.50, $3 and $3.50, others with bath privileges, $2. Cof fee S^p, Dining Room, Beverage Room. Garage Service. MUCH F. GALVIN Pres, and Cen’l Mgr. A revival has been going on at the Pentecastal church for the past week conducted by Mrs. John Bate man of Rocky Mount. They con ducted a Baptismal ceremony Sun day at two thirty. Ten were Bap tised. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Hooper have had as their guest for the past week Mr. and Mrs. John Batetnan of Rocky Mount and Mrs. Luther Payne of .Stumpy Point. Jlrs. K. R. Pugh has returned home after spending several days with her niece Mrs. Elroy Midgett at Rodanthc. Mrs. J. R. Douglas and daughter Annie Douglas and children Louise and Elanor have returned after spending some time with Mrs. L. R. Oneal, Mrs. Douglas’ sister at Manteo. L. Y. Gray and L. C. Bray and Mr. and Mrs Cyrus Gray motored to Hatteras Saturday to take W. E. Hooper who is very ill, for medical treatment. John Farrow of Manteo spent Sund.ay with his brother Perry Farrow. Luther Hooper motored to Avon Saturday on business. Mr. and Mrs Julian Gray and children of Rodanthe spent Sun day with Mr. Gray’s parents Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Gray. Mrs. Thomas Wallace and child ren of Sherwood, Md. are spending some time here with her mother Mrs. W. H. Barnes. Frank Oneal of Avon was hero Monday on business. STUMPY POINT PER.SONALS L. W. Hooper is home for a few lays from Washington, N. C. where he has been at the bed side of his wife. For the past five weeks Mrs. Hooper is improving fast, and able to sit in a rolling chair this week. R. D- Wise returned from the hospital Friday and is able to be out. Mrs Wise is also improving THIS SHAVING VALUt TOPS THEM • Save money without sacrificing shav ing comfort! Probak Jr. Blades give you known quality at a record low price. Specially processed to remove stubborn beards smoothly and cleanly, these fa mous double-edge blades are priced at 4 for only 10^ Buy a package teday. Probak J'li N I O R ' Blades Best Local and Long Distance TELEPHONE SERVICE Jo Nags Head and Kitty Hawk Beaches, Roanoke Island and Other Dare County Points Use The Telephone Often and Enjoy Your Trips to and From Dare County NORFOLK & CAROLINA TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH CO. Manteo—Elizabeth City—Edenton Giving Dare County People THE LATEST AND BEST Furniture Service Mr. Gage Williams, v/ell known to the Furni ture Trade in your county represents us. The merchandise he sells is backed by many years of capable, responsible dealing. Our furniture customers number thousands in many northeast ern North Carolina Counties, as well as in Vir ginia. Just send Mr. Williams word at Wanchese and let him make you acquainted with our furniture stocks, our low prices, our good terms,,and our service. E utiTE rmniitE ca 189 to 199 Washington St. SUFFOLK, VA. from a i-ecent illness. Mrs. D. M. Gray is confined to her bed with an attaek of malaria fi'ier. Her iiuither .Mr.s. C. Mann ol .Mann's Harbor is with her. Mrs. John Cahoon is much im proved fiann a recent illness. Miss Ormond While of Bux ton .Helen Jenette of Raleigh ami .\nnie Barker of Lasker are visit ing their aunt Mrs. J. E. Hooper. Other relatives visiting Mrs. Hoop er over the week end were her iiiolher Mrs. C. C. .Miller, .Mr. and Mrs. E. 1’. White and Carol of Buxton. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Jennette and children, Mildred, and Robert of Raleigh and Paul Lee Parker of Lasker. Mesdames Francis and Susan Hooper, and Britt Twiiord, Mr. L. D. and G. W. Hooper spent Fri day in Norfolk visiting Bob JIason who has been ill for some time He s the brother of Mrs. Franci.s and JIrs. Susan Hooper. Quite a number of base ball fans from here attended the Manns Harbor Manteo game at Manteo Sunday. Those playing from here were Edgar, Elbert, Horace Hoop er and Warren Meekins. The Stumpy Point base bail nine won over New Holland C. C. C. Camp boys eight to nine in a game played at New Holland Saturday. BU.XTON NEWS office by 1. P. Davis. Justice of tlie Peace. They wi.l make tVieir home at the Sam Pinner honio- .^tead recently bought by Mr. Co- ilOOll. •Mrs. J. W. Twiford has reoovei- cd after being ill lor sometime at her homo here. Mr. Curtis Smith is receiving treatment at the Columbia Hos pital. Little Jack and Jerry Cohooii of Manteo are spenuing some time here with their grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Cohooii. ^Irs. Vernon -■Vlexandor of Eli zabeth City is spending some time here with her parents, Jlr. and Mrs. J. S. Creef. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Amos Crain a son, Melvin LeRoy. Moth er and baby are doing nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Alonza Holmes and daughters of Elizabeth City spent the week-end here wit'., rel atives. Miss'-B Inez Creef and Edith Holme.- motored to Stumpy Point Sundax Mrs. C. C. Miller and grand daughter Carol White retumel Sunday from Raleigh, where Mrs. Miller has been visiting her daugh ter Mrs. W. R. Jennette. Rev J. M. Jolliff is holding a revival at the Methodist church at Buxton. Mr. and Mrs E. P. White spent Saturday and Sunday at Manteo and Stumpy Point. Mr. and Jlrs. Ernest Barnette are visiting relatives here. ■Rev. Andrew Stirling and Doris Jennette were quietly married Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Barnette are visiting relatives here. Ormond White is visiting friends and relatives at Stumpy Point. WANCHESE NEWS Mrs. Arnold Daniels and little daughter Shirley Mae, spent Tues day in Norfolk, Va. shopping. Royce Daniels of Norlolk, Va. spent the week end here with his parents Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Dan iels. He was accompanied back by his wife who will stay in Nor lolk some time. Jlr. and -Mrs. Qiarles Wescott and children of Norfolk spent the week end here with relatives. Miss Sara Liza Daniels who is in Norfolk taking treatment spent the week end here at her home, Jlr.and Mrs. Harold Howard of Natchez, Miss, are here visiting Mrs. Howard’s neice Mrs. Dora Davis. Misses Elizabeth and Rowena Slidgett and Mrs. Roya Daniels .spent Friday in Norfolk, Va. sliop- pi"e- Mr. and Mrs. Dallas midgett and children Dallas Jr. and Patsy Ruth are visiting Mrs. Rowena Midgett. Lance Montague of Norfolk, Va. is visiting his mother, Mrs. Lu- cetto Montague. Mr. and .Mrs. Bill Parker and children of Portsmouth, Va. are the guests of Mrs Porker’s parents Mr. and Mrs. .M. W. Daniels. Rev. Madison Maness of Old Trap, N. C. spent Saturday here. Mr. and Mrs. Noah Forbes spent the week end in Barbo, N. C. the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gilman Brunisey. W. E. Daniels spent Jlonday in Elizabeth City, N. C. on business. Douglas Tillet and son Leon, of Norfolk, Va. spent the week end here with his mother Mrs. Arietta Tillet. Carl Wise, Mrs. and Mrs. Paul Wise and son Paul Jr. of Norfolk, Va. visited Mrs. L. L. Midgett Sunday. Mrs. Willie Etheridge who has been in Norfolk for the past two weeks taking treatment has re turned home, her conditions are much improved. Miss Ruth Nixon of Stumpy Point visited here over the week end, EAST LAKE NEWS Miss Reba Bratten was in Man teo Wednesday. J. H. Bratten, Mrs. J. B. Pinner and Marvin Bratten were in Xlan- teo Thursday. Vance Carlyle of Raleigh was the week-end guest of Miss Hazel Basnight. Sybil and Hoover Bratten at tended a movie at Engelhard Wed nesday night. Musses Catherine Hollis, Erma L. Cohoan, Katie Swain and Lucille Holmes of Columbia spent Sunday with Miss Lou Bi-atten. Miss Annie Brooks Hopkins at tended a move at Engelhard, Mon day night. Ben Cain, Buster Bratten and Curtis Smith were in Elizabeth City Friday. Mrs. Lonnie Lane of Norfolk is spending a few days with Miss Ruth Saxvyer. Wilbert Cohoon, son of Mr. ana Mrs. A. M. Cohoon and Miss Chris tine Simmons, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Simmons both of East Lake were 'married at Manteo Monday in the R^pster of Deede BUFl VLO tlTY PERSONALS Joe Spruill if Kitty Hawk spent the we' k-end here. Ernes An'islroiig spent the week-eni! m Columbia with his pa rents, Jit ani -Mrs. Levi Arni- strciig. George- .Xmbrtse who has been working ,'i M;.i,'-eo for sometime spent till week-end at .his home. Calvevi Duvall of Manteo spent a few aa;. s here last week, the gue.Bt of uaston Pinner. Miss Minnie Taft and Nina Smith, Joe Spruill and Roy Bas night spent Sunday at Stumpy Point as guests of Mr. Basiiights’ sister, Mrs. R. M. Payne. Misses Bessie Gray and Betsy Fields of Manteo were here on business, Monday. MANNS HARBOR NEWS Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Twiford cel ebrated their fiftieth wedding an niversary, June 16th, with rela tives in Stumpy Point. Mrs. Stanford WJiite spent Sun day in Stumpy Point with his sis ter, Mrs. Dallas Gray. Clarence Midgett. Roy Midgett, Rob Beasley and A. B. Tillett have returned from a trip to Baltimore. Jlr. and Mrs. C. W. Mann visit ed Mrs. Dallis Gray in Stumpy Point over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Colon Westcott and children spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs C. W. JIann. Mr. and Mrs. Jaccie Burrus, Hugh Craddock. Curtis Mann and William Gibbs are visiting Jli. and JIrs, Horace Mann of Roa noke, Virgin!^. i The Mann^'Parhor baseball team lost to JIanteo team Sunday with a 5-0 score. Jlr. and Mrs. Ben Gibbs of En gelhard visited Jlr. and JIrs. Jen nings Twiford, Sunday. AVON NEWS Tile Epwortli League of the Avon JI. E. Church South went on a picnic Thursday June 16 at Cape Point with Jlr, and JIrs. L. P. u’Neal ns chaperons. Boat "hiding, fishing, and swimming was enjoy ed by the party. The party also attended the baseball game at Hat- toras the Avon team. Those who went are: Mr. and JIrs. L. P. O’Neal, Mr. and JIrs. Har ry Lange, JIrs. Vance Gray, L, P. O’Neal, Jr., Patricia O’Neal, Ret- ta Williams, Vera Williams, Jlar- tha Williams, Nellie Williams, Shirley Williams, Doyel Cotton. Elizabeth Cotton, Retta Jleekins, Beulasli Jleekins, Alma Scarboro ugh, Lillian Scarborough, Ella Scarboroug'h, Esther Scarborough, Venice Gray, Banche Gray, Esther Gray, Ruby Gray, and Luck Gray. The Avon Home Demonstration Club met Jlonday June 20th at the home of Mrs. J. W Scarborough. ' Jliss Hendley gave a demonstra tion of cooked salad dressing, lemonade and cake was served as refreshments. ’Those present ■were: Mrs.- Grant O’Neal, Mis. Blanch Gray, Mrs. Willie Gray, JIrs. Charlie Williams, Mrs. Vet ter Williams, JIrs. E. P. Scarboro ugh, JIrs. Alton Williams, JIrs. Sabra Williams, JIrs. Chester Jlor- gan, JIrs. JI. E. Cotton, JIrs. J W. Scarborough, JIrs. George W. Jleekins and Jliss Venice Gray. Tlie next meeting will be held at the home of JIrs. Tommie Jleek ins. JIrs. Charlie Morgan delightful ly eiiterluined a number of iricnds of Wilton Rex Jleekins in honor of his fifth birthday anniversary. The room was beautifully decorat ed ill cape jaSimine, lillies and hy drangea. Games were enjoyed by everyone. The host received many bautiful anil useful gifts. Re freshments consisted of assorted cake.s and Iced drinks. Those at tending the paity are as follows: Gerald Williams, Johnny Williams Jluxine Scarborough, Bobby Gray, David Austin, Donald Austin, Da vid Jleekins, Ivan Jleekins, Betty Ray Jleekins, Arlene Jleekins, JIargaret Jleekins, Rosa JIae Price Bell l-’rice, Juan Price, Wesley Gray, ClMiimie Williams, Gerald Williams, Rex Jleekins, Archie Jleekins, June Jleekins, Ed ison Jleekins, June Wil liams, .•\mia Scarborough, Harold Scarborough, Dalton Williams, 01-i iver Williams, Tillman Gray and Selby Price. Avon Personals JH. and JIrs. Oliver Gray Jr., of New Jersey are visitiny Jlr. and JIrs. Oliver Gray. Jlr. and JIrs. Bate O’Neal and son Billy arc visiting Jlr. and JIrs. Charlie Williams. Jlr. and JIrs, Roscoe Lane left Jlonday for Hertford. Mr. Russel Swain, Benny Jlor- ris, and Pearl Sawyer have been visiting Miss Esther Gray. Mr. and JIrs. J. A. Farrow and McKinley Price left today for Norfolk, Va. Chancey Jleekins, Charlie Mee- kins and Merian Jleekins motored to Norfolk recently. The Avon baseball team defeat ed the CCC team Saturday June I8th. The score was 3-3. Mrs. Calvin Meekins and Mrs. .Alton Williams motored to Bux ton on business today. LANE—GRAY Announcemev*- is made of the marriage of aiiss Aretha Gray, daughter of Jlr. and Mrs. Alonza C, Gray of Avon to Mr. Roscoe Lane, son of Mr, and JIrs. C. Lane of Hatteras. The wedding took place at the home of the Rev, R. B. JlcJlakin, pastor of the Assem bly of Bod Church at Avon. The bridge wore a dress of beige crepe with luggage brown acces sories. The only attendants were Jliss 'Wilma J. Gray and Jliss Wil ma C. Gray of Avon and Jlr. Win- (Please turn to page six) QUALITY AMAZING WASHABLE FINISH For Today’s Kitchen, Bath- room Walls and Woodwork Think o! o booulUut iilky moots finith ihot you con apply up to etovon o’clock at nlghtf that will bo dry by toven In the morning. A 8ni$h »o Kord that (when thoroughly dry) you con wo»h It cleoft with ploin soop orxJ water, removing dirt, eoci, oroote and •von Ink, bltHng or m*rewrochroa«. Thot Blrocl* finlih ii Martin’Senonr’s GLOS-TONE Washable Wall Finish Eofy to opp!y. No bArtb morki. Lovoli If* loll out to o tieooth kotlny Aniih. CotMt In 1 12 mart, modom colon of enegMewnlhr high IlgM ro4*cttvlty> Sm u» for «^r cold OM furthor focN bWor* you buy onv !•• doo* poind. (tsf) For Sale By Jones Wholesale Company Manteo, N. C. THE CHANCE OF A LIFETIME For getting only $30 worth of subscriptions to the Dare County Times at the regular rates, we will give you FREE RADIO MADE BY PHILCO ■ A five tube AC set to hook in your light cur rent socket. Never before has such an offer been given you. This set may be used anywhere elec tric current is available. Just'send in $30 worth of subscriptions and get this set. Address: THE DARE COUNTY TIMES BOX 55 MANTEO, N. C. ELIZABETH CITY LEADING FIRMS WHO SERVE THE BEACH TRADE This handy list is for the convenience of shoppers who want the best service. We have prepared our selves especially to cater to the needs of the beach trade this summer. BEAUTY SERVICE IN EVERY FIELD BY EXPERT OPERATORS MILADY’S BEAUTY SALON CAROLINA BLDG. PHONE 905 BEAR FRAME WHEEL AND AXLE AUGNMENT TOWING CAROLINA DUCO COMPANY 'PHONE 837 DRY CLEANING FOR EFFICIENT WORK AND PROMPT SERVICE SEND YOUR CLOTHES TO COOPER CLEANING WORKS PHONE 280 DRUGS AND PRESCRIPTIONS ■ DRUGS WITH A REPUTATION EXPERT PRESCRIPTION SERVICE MAIL ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION OVERMAN & STEVENSON PHONE 321 FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION MILDRED’S FLORIST SHOPPE PHONE 82 NIGHT PHONE 264-W FURNITURE—SECOND HAND ALL STYLES AND TYPES MRS. CALLIE MEIGGS PHONE 250-J FANCY GROCERIES TRY GARRETT’S QUALITY FOOD STORE PHONES 1127 A 1128 MAIN A ROAD STS. REFRESHMENT BOTTLED IS ESSENTIAL FOR Sl'MMER COMFORT JEWELRY BRIGHT JEWELRY CO., INC., .WATCHES DIAMONDS JEWELRY AND SILVERWARE —EXPERT REPAIR WORK— A. 0. JAMES, Mgr. RUCKER & SHEELY COMPANY ELIZABETH CITY’S BEST STORE TIRES BUY FIRESTONE TEXACO PRODUCTS STEVENS TIRE STORE CORNER WATER A FEARING STREETS

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