Page Two THE DARE COUNTY TIMES Friday, July 22, 1925 IN THE GOOD OLD STEAMBOAT DAYS ■>* 1\A>LHESIi I'EKSONALS ‘-ppiiilinii ■iimip time \v th hor par puts, Mr. and .Mis. (ii-,i\ps .Midp ii j Mr. and .Mis. U. F. uariison and Nancj I’liffli lia.s rpturnpd aftpi j Bernard Uaniels spent liunday in spendintt Uip week pnd at Mantpci| Norfolk. "ith her sis'er, Mr.s. Hcii-t \Vard. Miss Sarah Liza Daniels, who is and .Mr.=. Lobert Searbor-1 receiving irea.meni in .Noriuik ough of Wanchese have returnedl spent fie ween end here. after speiidiiiR .snitie tiiiie with .Mrs. I (Jeorge Daniels and d.atighter, Krarborough’s graiidni >thpr, .Mrs Virginia, and Charlie Johnson of iv U. I’ugh. 1 Norfolk visited relatives here Fri- W. E. Hooiier remains about tlie day and Saturday. same. He is at the Hatteras Hos- Mr. and Mrs. John D. Johnspn piial. have returned to their home in Nor- C. B. Parker of Mar.teo nas here folk after spending the past two “he day recently, nionlhs here with relatives. Mr. Johnson will enter the Marine Hos pital for treatment. Mr. and Jlis. Dameroii Midgett and children, George, P. D. and Martha Jane, of Engelhard, visited relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jell Hayman and little daughter, Olive, are visiting relatives at Buxton. Mr.s. Darrell Dajiiels and little BUFFALO CITY PEB.SONALS Mrs. Fred S.awyer, Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie .Ambrose and C. C. Duvall motored to Washington, N. C, Thursday. Miss Hannah Mae Noal, of En gelhard, is the guset of .her aunt, I Jliss Johnnie Jordan. daughter, Ruth Elizabeth of Wex-I blisses Ruby '^viford, -^ih Am- ford, are the guests of Mrs. Basil . A' .Mildred - - * Pinner. Nina Smith. Lvelyn Das- Paniels. Mr.andMrs.JohtiCudworthan-'«'eht, Bertha Tw,ford, Lou Brat- notmce the birth of a girl. Rose Marie, on July 14. Mother and baby are getting along nicely. Mrs. Theof Weseott atid children, Manteo Wednesday. George Ambrose, who has been Working at .Manteo for sometime, ONCE H.A\T\G experienced it, no one ever forgets the good old steamboat days. How, with a long of the whist'e, the big excursion steanier.s used to come in at Nag* Head of a .'Sunday forenoon, and every one would traipse (|uickly up the long wharf' owned by M. G. Hollowell, some to their friends in the cottn.ges, some to the pavillion on the sound shore, and some to the bah house on he beach side. .Many a romance blossomel on the dimes at Nags Head at five o'clock in the afternoon a long throaty blast from the steamer’s whistie used to summon all the jiassengers back to the boat preparatory to leaving for Elizabeth City. The delightful meals one enjoyed about the time the steamer bore into .41bemarle .Sound is something to bo recalled with delight for a lifetime. The old days are over, the wharf is gone, but Uie memory lingers on. who met Mr. Oslund there and de cided to make the far-away state her home, also. Mr. and Mrs. Kel ler have recently been transferred from Marion, S. C., but do not know yet where they will live next. MRS. ALMEDA B. ROLLINSON Funeral services for JIrs. Almeda Brooks Rollinsoii, TH, who died .Sun day aftenioon at the home of her grandson. Willie O’Neal, were held at 2:30 Jlonday afternoon at the home, the Rev. C. C. Perry, pastor of the Jlaiiteo Baptist church, offi ciating. Interment was in the Manteo cemeteiy. Mrs. Rollin.son, who was a native of Frisco, had made her home at Skyco for sev eral years. She is survived by three daughters: Mrs. Ryan A. Jlidgett of Manteo; Mrs. Hattie Gray of Wanchese; and Jlrs. W. M. Smithson of Shawboro; several grandchildren and great grandchil- dien; and one sister, of Norfolk. Pallbearers were H. C. Smith, J. jM. Vannote, Cliarlie .Shannon, Wal- \ tor Smith, John Waterman and I Henry Thompson. Charlie Lee, Lessie, Irving and'-he week-end at home. Sandria are vi.dtiiig relatives iiil ^l*^®' R- 1 OV'W and daughter, Columbia. Canta, of Stumpy Point, are the Venion Gaskill, Sr., has Tetumed' Aunt, Mre. from the Marine Hospital, where he Sawyer. n .. underwent an operation for appen-l Buster Bratten. Hoover Bratten dicitis. His condition is much im- McAdoo Creef were m Manteo proved. I Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Fitzlme Daniels ofj Ernest Armstrong and Miss ^ ^ Biedsville are the guests of Mr. Pmow, moored to Roanoke some 25 years ago, and was, Roads put the Trenton out of bus- THE STEAMER TRENTON'tion by Capt. Martin Johnson, a WHEN SHE first came to Dare faithful friend of Roanoke Island. Md Mrs. M. W. Daniels. ,pids Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Davis of' Charlie Sawyer and Mrs. Norfolk spent the week end here Holmes and I'tflo Joyce M the guests of Mr. and Mrs. B.: Holmes spent Wednesday in Man- H. Davis. I too. Mrs. Virgie Sable has returned' an| Jits. J. B. Bateman to her home here after visiting granddaughter, Shirley '* hite, friends in Newark, N. J. , sjient .Monday and Tuesday in ,Man- Mrs. Rowena Midgett is visiting I®®- Bennie Hewitt has returned af ter spending a few days in Wash- run with great service to thi.s sec-' ines.s, but most of us recall the de lightful trip between Manteo, Nags Head and Elizabeth City on this boat, as well as the meals served by Capt. John Hayman. HYDE COUNTY MAN SAYS ed citizen interested in the welfare CUCUMBERS WOULD PAY of this section. I Mr. Mann believes cucumbers, J. S. Mann Says We Have Many which bring up to a dollar and a Acres That Might Be Turned To Good Account That cucumbers might offer peo- f Washing-; Hasse’ Mrs. Roliert Dare, Hyde and Tyrrell a ” - ' ' Imp Pearce have re-''^ - . her brother, C. P. Midgett at Nags Head. A. E. Beitzell, Harry Cumber- inrfon, N. C Lui'i aiii‘ Li-'Vi- ti bsiin , H dLI ' iVt'wlk^'' ^ itS aiVr IplndinTa fcwv'daVslP>’^''i‘“bIe crop, and help to create Mr and Mrs. Julian Bn-thers and in Edenton with relatives. ja market at home is the opinion sons .lohn am. Juliar, sjient .Sun- M'’®- Bert Holmes anod little^ of J. S Mann, prominent citizen pa> ut Sout* vLIis u. h relatives [doyce Holriios spent AVednesday in Alidd^eton, Hyde County, who Mrs. Dewey Mann was hostess to^ JIaiueo. ^Irs. Gertie Simpson’s Sunday quarter a bushel, can be grown at a profit. He has tried it out on a small scale, and sold his cucum bers under handicaps. He had to 1 truck them a hudre> miies to Washington. He belii ves a plant at Engelhard, or Manteo, could handle nbers from Tyrrell, Hyde, Dan -d Currituck coun- and E. B. Mann, of Mt. Airy The Manns, all three, are readers of The Dare County Times, and call it a good paper. KI’TTY HAMTC GIRLS COME BACK HO.ME FOB VISIT BUFFALO CITY CLOSES The Holiness revival closed Sun- twenty- School Class, Tuesday night. The jjQLINESS REVIV.AL AT meeting was opened by scripture reading given by Mrs. Frank Mid gett, followed by a prayer by Mrs. Gertie Simpson. 'The following ij^^re were poems were read: Opportunims baptized. Saturday after noon as charted members af the I® ^ •u''!’ ^’e"’ Assembly which bzgan here .^ndolph Hayes. Miss Elizabeth , Sneeden. a returned missionary, showed pictures of Biazil and gave C5ynjay here, attending the spe- an interesting talk on work being Holiness earned on there The meeting vvas ^here were all day ser- dosed by a prayer given by .drs. Simpson. The hostess served ice wi„field. of creaun and cake. The following conducted the Saturday T’'® ‘’T® evening service, also the Sunday Cliff Tillett, isambo Ti.leit, Ran- j °v®';®L!; '®^ Hooper, of S.alvo. delivered the with his two sons, spent the week end at Nag® Heard and vistited Manteo. Mr Mann, who was once super intendent of the State Priso, a lawyer and farmer, is a farsight- ’Two native Kitty Hawk girls who have married and gone far away to live are visiting their par ents. .Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Perry at Kitty Hawk. TTiey are Mrs. Earl ties, and that an immense business Keller, of Clarion, S. C., who is ac- in pickles could be created that! companied by her husband and would bring dollars to this section.!little daughter, Violet Ray; and “I believe there are many oppor tunities here we haven’t dreamed of,” said Mr. Maun. His sons are J. E. M.ann of State College Extension Service, Mrs. Kenneth Oslund, of Carroll, Iowa. When Mrs. Keller first mar ried she went with her husband to Iowa to live. While living in Iow,a they were visited by their sister. People and Spots m the Late News Hayman, Frank Mid'tett, Billy Til- lett Corbet I’ayne, Mrs. Gertie Sinip.=on and Miss Elizabeth Snee den. .SALVO NEWS .sermon Sunday afieniooii and Mr.s. J. B. Bateman conduct;d the ev ening service. IN JIEMORIAM .SANVYEB Melvin Midgett has retunicd in loving remembrance of my from .Manteo, where he has been son and our brother, .Melvin D, on a business trip. ^ 'who departed this life July 5, 1C‘3> J. D. Nelson and Linwood Tillett Our family circle has been broken, of Manteo were here one day re-. ^ link gone from our chain, ceiitly. j Ed Hooper was called home Sun- iiut though we’ve parted for a day from Buffalo City, where ho while was in a revival meeting, on ac- We know we will meet again, coont of the illness of his little .son, Some day we hope to meet you, Bertis. The child is much better. Some day, tve know not when. Seth .Austin has returned rfter Wg shall meet in a better land -And never part again. We shall meet with many a lovel one l int has tom from our embrace. We shall listen to their voices And behold them face to face. Sunshine passes, shadows fall, Love’s remembrance outlast all .spending some time at Morehead City with his children. Geneva .Midgett of llodanthe was here Sunday en route to her home from Hatteras. Miss Lucy Hooper and son, Ray mond, have returned from Buffalo City, where Miss Hooper has been ill a revival meeting. Rev. JI. E. Cotton, pastor of the Einnekeet charge, prea«hed two impressive sermons here at eleven o’clock and at the evening hour, after which he cm iucted the third Quarterly Conference in the ab sence of the I’re.siding Elder, Kev. B. B. Slaughter. The following of ficial board from St. John’s church at .Avon were present: 3. H. Meek- ins, D. J Grz>. .1. .M. Gray and Mr. and .Mrs. Chester Morgan. Quite a large number of people from Rodanthe attended the Quar terly Conference. Miss .nie Douglas motoreif to Avon one day recently on business. ?>Ir. and Mrs. L. H. Hooper and daughter, Ileno, spent the week end at O.regon Inlet with their daughter, Mrs. Walton Midgett. Come to my Heavenly garden, And see in perfect bloom. The flower you loved so dearly, and thought that I plucked too soon. Then you will know my reason. Though you know it not today. Who in his promising manhood I took your loved one away. Time speeds on, two years have passed Since death and gloom, its shadow cast Within our home, where all seemed bright, And took from tis our shining light. We miss that light and ever will. His vacant place there is none to fill. Mrs. I’erry Farrow and daughter,! here we mourn, but not in Beltie Ann, are spending some time at Norfolk visiting her cousin, McKinley Midgett. Mrs. Pearly Fanrow has return ed to her home at Buxton after vain For up in heaven we will meet again. Loving Mother, Sisters, and Broth ers. BACK TO EARTH . . . Howard Hughes, millionaire aviator and sportsman, eases his 12-fon transport plane, .Veto York World’s Fair 1939, onto Floyd Bennett Field, New York, com pleting speedy around world dash of 3 days, 19 hours, cutting in half Wiley Post’s 1933 record. ILUi \' ’fAr PANDA AND HER PAN . . . Pandora, new baby gi. it panda at New York's Bronx zoo, amuses daily throngs by clinging to her aluminum feeding pan for dear life; Dr. Charles R. Schroeder, who dictates hor diet, , won’t permit her to eat from any i other and when Pandora goes hun I gry there’s panda-monium!', —-V f, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Advertising in this column costs one cent a word; mini mum charges 25c. If you want to rent, to buy, to sell, to get a job, to hire help, to find sometliing lost, the classifieds will do the job. FOR RENT Y’oung couple want to rent the upper story of their home. Located about 50 feet from Croatan Sound, three miles from Manteo. Excel lent for person who loves the out- of doors. Upper story consists of two good-sized rooms, closets, and hall. Partially furnished. Private entrance. Garage. Will rent rea sonable to companionable people. Or will rent one bedroom. Price $5 for one—$6.50 for two. Garage included. Write if interested to Box 55 ca. Dare County Times. DELCO LIGHT PLANT, DELCO Radio for sale. Phone 44 Man teo, or address the Times tf. Notary Public opposite Fort Raleigt Hotel, B. R. Weseott. Manteo, N. C Come to EBER R. WESCOTT’S SHOE SHOP opposite Hotel Fort Raleigh. Prices right. Mall or ders g.fen prompt attention; ship ped C.OJ}. Nl-U MARK EVERY GRAVE—For en during monuments call, write or phone D. T. Singleton, 931, Elizabeth City, N. C. Every stone delivery and set. (tf) HELP WANTED—Learn BEAU TY CULTURE. For details write Southern Beauty School, 424 Duke .Street, Wainwright Build ing, Norfolk, Virginia. Jy 15-St TO SUCCEED CARDOZO? . . . Politi cal rumors were that Sen. Robert F. Wagner of New York, ardent New Dealer, would be named to Supreme Court vacancy created by death at 68 of Justice Benjaman F. Car- dozo. No nomination is likely for some months. Senate could not ratify before January. PARIS FASHION FLASH . . . New importance given to leather trimmings by French style crea tors is apparent in this smart en semble made of two kinds of wool materials in two shades of chamois yellow... Accessories are brown. »* MASK, VEIL UNITE ; . European conditions have, made gas masks emergency- raiment even of nuns, and priests, known for their he roic work in air raids. This London nun is one of many taking British government insfnirtmn jp cendiary bombs and poison igas. ■—— » K' TZe QUALITY NEW LIVING ROOM IN EIGHT HOURS With This Amazing Finish H«r« H A«w MrvicOf n«w loy In dvcoroling, without lh« diicomforl of uotet rooQs. Amazing NEU* TON& a Moflln-S«« nour indoor finitk Is eotity oppliod. Pro- ducot a boQutiful woihobla fin- lih. Drlai flat In tuV a faw hour*. Invaitl- g ota b^ora you buy or ipaclFy any othar nlA lot IWlno« dining or bodfooa vrolU. MarHn-SenoMr's NEU-TONE Flat, Washable Wall Paint M'S Nau-Tona coaat in a wTda vartaty of baoutifu) tinti that honaoniza paifactly with nedam Inttrlor dacorotins Idaot. A Mnltary Rnl»h bacauta H b aoslly wothad. Fonv o bo«a for taony »morl oipza ond bfand^ wolf offacb* Soo vf for color ruooaillon*. (190 For Sale By Jones Wholesale Co. ManteO; N, C. OREGON INLET FERRY Effective April 15, 1938 Leave Northslde 7:00 a. m. 9:00 a. m. 11:30 a. m. 2:00 p. m. 4:00 p. m. 6:00 p. m. 20 minutes Leave Southside 7:20 a. m. 9:20 a. m. 11:50 a. m. 2:20 p. m. 4:20 p. m. 6:20 p. m. tcross inlet Quickest way to travel to Rodan the, Salvo, Avon, Buxton, Frisco, Hatteras. J. B, TILLETT, Manager SCHEDULE THE iriRGINIA DARE TRANSFUKTATIUN C0.’S BUS In Connection With Oe.iut OMCh LInM .Vuui from Union Bue Tomlnal, Norfolk. Vo., one VInInIt Dn Hotel, (lliioolh Oltr, H. O. Morning Schedule Li. Monloe Mr. K, Oltr «r. Norfolk riOO — •:«(> . lOiOB 11:00 1:00 Lf. Norfolk 1.0. ■, Oltr Ar. MuIm tiOO — kltB IIIOO Afternoon Schednlo Lo. Minu* Mr. g. Oltf Mr. Norfkik •ikO — Biko —. — ■ t:te Lf. Nortalk Lf. B Ollf Mr. MuM* 1:48 3:30 4i10 — 4:43 7:00 TRUCK SCHEDULE DAILY CXOKrr 3UNDAV Lf. MoMw 3:00 4.m. Ar. Norfelk 3100 3. FERRY SCHEDULE ROANOKE FERRY COMPANY Roanoke Island, Manns Harbor Fort Landing, East Lake Effective May 1, to July 1, 1938 Leaving Roanoke Island: 7 a. m.; 8:30 a. m.; 10 a. m.; 11:30 a. m. 12 noon; 1:30 p. m.; 2:30 p. m.; 4:00 p. ni. 6:00 p. m. Leaving Manns Harbor: 7:30 a, m.; 9:00 a. m.; 10:30 a. m.; 12 noon; 1:30 p. m.; 3:00 p. m. 4:30 p. m.; 6:30 p. m. Leaving East Lake: 8:30 a. m.; 2:00 p. m. 5:30 p. m.; Leaving Port Landing; 7:30 a. m.; 12 noon; 4:30 p. m. T. A. Baum, Mgr. Manteo, N. C. BURRUS BOAT LINE CONNECTING SWAM QUARTER AND OCRACOKE AFTER JUNE 15th Leaves Swan Quarter every Sat urday morning 8 o’clock returning Sunday afternoon 6 o'clock ONE WAY $1.50 ROUND TRIP $250 Automobiles $5.00, Capacity 3 Fishing Parties a Specialty Sound and Sea Fshing BOAT for CHARTER . DAY or NIGHT Siee or Phone 151 CAPT. R. B. BURRUS SWAN QUARTER, N. C SU.M.MER VACATION TRIPS AND CRUISES PLAN TO GO W ITH TAR HEEL TOURS ‘SERVICE THAT’S DIFFERENr 1. Every Monday—June, July, Au gust, 7 Day ’Trip New York—All Ex- f 'se -51.00—Victoria Hotel 3. Bermuda-Halilax, 9 Day All Ex pense Conducted Tour— Aug ust Tour—August 11th $115.00 Victoria Hotel 3. 6 Day Bermuda Cruise Every Saturday — Eastern .Steamship Lines 4. All Expense Bermuda Cruise From New Y’ork via Furness Bermuda Lines Twice Each Week 5. New England and .Canada— Montreal, Quebec—^Toronto— Twice Weekly Write TAR HEEL TOURS 12 N. McDowell Street Raleigh, N, C. Or any SEABOARD AIR LINE RAIL WAY AGENT A17 FOR THE BEST THERE IS IN NETTING SPECIFY REPORTS EMPLOlftlENT PICKUP . . . John D. Biggers". President, Libbey - Owens - F'lrd Glass Co., and administrator na tional unemployment census for U. S. government last fall, an nounced company had returned 990 to work in past three months af-d reopening Rossford, O.. plate glass 'plant would immediately employ 400 more. GOLD MEDAL NETTING and A. N. & T. COY LINEN GILL NETTING THE LINEN THREAD CO.. INC. Successors to American Net & Twine Co. BALTIMORE, Maryland C. L. MIDGETT, MANNS HARBOR Dare and Hyde Counties’ Representative ARTHUR ANDERSON North Carolina Representative. NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA Telephone: New Bern 1055