H. ii.» Maateo, i'.'. C. July 11. VIST ~ TIMES The Weekly Journal of the North Carolina Coastland—Devoted to the Interests of More Than 30,000 People of the Four Southern Albemarle Counties VOL. IV; NO. 182 , MANTEO, N. C.. DECEMBER 23. 1938 Single Copy 5c AND THE CELEBRATION WENT ON DESPITE THE BIG BAD WEATHER MAN II Was a Great Show That MacNeill Put oit Saturday, Althougfh There Were Times When He Felt Like Calling it All Off and Jumping Into the Sound If the so-called Weather Man 'WHY JOHN MOORE could have assumed a corporeal nraoxT^rp O'M TTA'MTk form last Saturday morning, and if | TT X Ben Dixon MacNeill could have LAST SATURDAY laid hands on him, said Weather Man undoubtedly would have re ceived a swift kick on his sitting down place from said MacNeill, whose carefully worked out plans for a thrilling air show at Kill Devil Hills that day were spoiled by adverse weather. But despite the contrariness of the weather, MacNeill, who was major domo of the celebration of the 36th anniversary jf the birth of aviation, put on an interesting 'and entertaining program, sans the air spectacle. The 182 Coast Guard and Navy John Moore, 63-year-old Colling- ton fisherman, who helped launch the air plane in which Orville Wright made history at Kill Devil Hills on December 17, 1903, was too busy to attend the ceremonies on Kill Devil Hills Saturday morning in commemorat; jn of the 35th an niversary of the Wright flight. HON. JOSEPHUS DANIELS INVITED TO SPEAK HERE Ambassador to Mexico Asked to Dedicate Manteo Coin- unity Building The Hon. Josephus Daniels, Am bassador to Mexico, has been in vited to make the dedicatory ad dress at the ’ formal opening of M.mteo’s new Community Build ing in early January, It was an nounced yesterday. The building will be completed next week and will be ready for dedication around the first of the year. Ambassador Daniels will be spending the Christmas holidays at his home in Raleigh, and if he can possibly arrange to get off for a couple of days he has indicated that he will be available for the dedicatory exercises around the first of the year. He is due to reach Raleigh today, and the local committee expects to have a defi nite answer from him by the end of this week The Community Building is now ready for occupancy except for completion of the installation of the heating plant, and that is MITCHELL-HEDGES NEW HOME IN CORNWALL John Moore lives on Collington _ _ Island, approximately a mile from rapidly being rushed to completion the Wright” Aviation Memorial at ^ according to Capt. Jack Nelson, Kill Devil Hills, and it wouldB’ti County WPA Engineer, have taken him more than 15 min-1 “i believe 1 can safely stale that ^ u j 1 j 1 utes to walk over there Saturday,!the building will be ready to turn planes that were scheduled to come John’s point of view there; over to the County several days down and put ®n an impressive air I important things to do before New Year’s,” Capt. Nelson show oyer the Wright Avimion. Collington that morning, so he Memorial were all lined up at Imr-, [jotlier to take the ceremonies folk, ready to make the triji to Kill “I had a party coming down to go hunting Saturday, and I could- not disappoint them,” John ex plained. “I figured if I didn’t show Devil Hills, but a fog that made the ceiling what flying people call "zero-zero” made it impracticable and inadvisable for them lo take to the air. So that was that. But the said yesterday The 820,000 building will provide a kitchen, space for the public lib- a kitchen, space for the ublic libra ry, and offices for the board of Health, the men and women’s di visions of the WI’A. the Board of rest of the show went much as planned. .\11 the notables of the world of aviation that were invited to attend showed up or sent representatives with the sole exception of'Assistant Secret.,^ of the Navy Charles Edi off pretty' “P t''® monument nobody wouldi Welfare and possib.y the NYA and be disappointed, but I knew for certain that if I went over there my hunting party would be disappoint ed. So I went hunting.’’ j\nd, incidentally, John Moore jKfi.- ui v.it ..... ........... —. w.nnts to correct the imiiression «.detained'that he was just a dirt .v-faced Hi-i “ ... aslii..gconf^f';..al business:; year-old_ oi.> , w..o J Present werc:;^'ajor General H. H.; passing m the vicinity of Kill Devil a 1V\ X on Docem’oer 17, 1903, and,FOR DARE COUNTY the Home Demonstration Agent The building committee is com posed of the following men: Mel vin R. Daniels, Chauncey S. Meek- ins, I. P. Davis, D. Bradford Fear ing and Robert H. Atkin.son Arnold, chief of the : pass Army Air! Hills M. Corps; Major General Prank Andrews, commander general of the GHQ air force; Capt. P. M. L. .Bellinger, commandant of the Nor- paused to watch Orville Wright make man’s first .successful flight in a power-driven airplane. “In the first place,” this forgot' IS APPROVED Ifolk Naval base; Capt. T. L. Chal- ten man of aviation explained, “I kcr, chief of the Coast Guard air was eighteen years old, and not lervice; V. K. Stephenson, passen- sixteen. I’m fifty-three now, and ler agent for the Pennsylvania it. was 35 years ago when Orville entral Airlines, representing com- Wright' flqw that airplane off Kill Work” Begun Yesterday on $26,720.56 Schools and Playgrounds Project P. A. MITCHELL-HEDGES' home in Cornwall, England, from a picture recently sent the Dare County Times. In December he says the flowers were blooming, and the place has 1300 rose bushes. The lawn slopes down to a granite wall, where the sea roils up. And stone steps lead to the beach. Nothing but beds of flowers and the gardens cover more than three acres. The flat piece of ground is a bowling green. The small building is a garage. INFANT ROASTED TO DEATH IN ITS BED WHEN WIDOW’S JARVISBURG HOME BURNS Seven-Months-OId Baby Girl Was in Grand mother’s Home While Its Mother, Mrs. Matilda Sears Was En Route to Elizabeth City On Christmas Shopping Trip; Home a Complete Loss so HE WENT A-HUNTING XMAS PROGRAM AT FORT RALEIGH TO BE GAY EVENT Tree, Santa Claus and Carol- Singing; Stockings Co Out Christmas Eve Barring unforeseen circumstan ces, Dare County’s big 'Christmas celebration will be held at Port Raleigh Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock more or less as originally planned. Several changes have been made in the program in the last few days, but the program will be sub stantially the same as previously announced. There will be a large decorated Christmas tree on the stage of the Fort Raleigh amphitheatre, and tlie program will center around the tree. Santa Claus will be on hand, too, but he will not distribute any stockings, because the celebration committee decided this week that the stockings will be delivered to the kiddies’ .homes on Christmas Eve night in.-tcad of being handed out at the tree on Sunday night. There will probably be an invoca tion, but the religious exercises originally planned have ,Hecn _cnn; nc'.yd. i ' r - 1 t ■The principal '/e.attu'e of tb.*, evening will be the singing of Christmas carols by a large mixed chorus. This chorus, tvhich has been practicing for the past Cwfi Tragedy stalked into the home of Mrs. Pearl Jones of Jarvisburg Wednesday morning in the form of a fire which burned the house to the ground and cremated Mrs. Jones’ infant granddaughter. The child that burned to death in the fire was Elizabeth Jean Sears, seven-months-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Sears of Jarvis burg and Manteo. Mrs. Jones, a woman in need and on WPA, lost her entire belongings. Mrs. Matilda Sears, the mother of the infant, had been gone only a few minutes, driving .o Elizabeth City with a friend. They had planned to get Christmas trinkets ' for the little baby girl, and the ' other four children of the family— Ralph, aged 3, and Lois Marie, 2, and the older boy, Thurman. The unmarried daughter of Mrs. Jones, and sister of Mrs. Sears— Miner\’a, age IG was in charge of the home, wiiile her mother was away at the sewing room during the day. She had found a chance to go aw— for a ride, and had cone down to the home .if a neighbor to get some one to stay with the chil dren. Mrs. Jones, a widow, had gone to her work in the WPA sewing room at Jarvisburg, leaving her two small children and the baby in the house. The stove bp-r.me-over- i: (heated ah.-l ket of their u'lts,' ran piOl mell froii? the house, leaving the baby to jier- ish in the flames. 'Neither of the ^.hildren were ALTHOUGH Jie is one of., the three surviving witnesses to the first successful airplane .flight made by Orville Wright, and though he lives less than a mile from Kill’Devil Hills, wherp the Wright Aviation Me- A 820,720.56 project ?or the im-'morial is located, John Moore (above), Collington fisherman, didn’t P^ovement of Dare County schools bother to attend the ceremonies at the Hills last Saturday in commem crcial flying; Mayors John Guir- Devil Hill, so that would have'and playgrounds ''’os approved oration of the 35thlanjiiversary of the birth of aviation. ;in of Norfolk, George Isely of made-me eighteen years old. 11 Tuesday by Sme WPA Admims- hunting engagement and kept it, aleigh and Jerome Flora of Eliza- ■was kind of little for my age, trator George W. Coan, and work „ |th City; Capt. John T.' Daniels though, and Orville and Wilbur, was begun on three units of the Adam Etheridge, surviving Wright always called me ‘little i-witnesses to the first success-' Johnny’ Moore.” j flight made by man in a power- by chance, either, that yen eirplane, and Alpheus John Moore happened to be at Kill Bkwater, the telegirapher whose Dgvil Hills that historic morning. Itapped out the message that «j living at Nags Head then, Jthe world about the success somehow or other I heard tell I Wrights in conquering the ai^^n^ n couple of fellows from up he ceremonies on Kill Deim north somewhere were going to try Ills were brief and simple. After to fly a contraption called an air- .1 invocation by Truxton Midgett plane that Saturday morning, so I foi Caffeys Inlet Coast Guard Sta- left Nags Head about six o’clock tion, a flve-foot wrreath was pre- that morning and walked to Kill sented by Bradford Fearing, execu- Devil Hills to see what kind of a tivc secretary of the Roanoke Is- fool rig the thing was. land Historical Association, on be- Mm never forget that as long half of Dare County and the State j uve, 'There was seven of us of North Carolina. 'IKis wireath hand that morning—the two was handed by Captains Daniels Wrights,. John T. Daniels, W. S. and Etheridge to Billie Cox and Dough jind Adam Etheridge, all of Jack Wilson, two Dare County the Kill Devil Hills Coast Guard youngsters, who placed it on the station crew, a fellow named W. monument. 'Then all of the visit- Brinkley from-Manteo, and me. called project yesterday. The three units operating at present are at Wanchese, Stumpy Point and Buxton, but the project may evenually embrace all the schools in the County, as it is a County-wide project and the Coun ty Board of Education can set up a unit wherever it deems one to be needed. 'The project calls for repairing roofs, steps, ceilings, etc., painting school buildings, and making swings, teeter boards, skating rinks and other playground equipment. This is a 12-months project and it may give employment to as many as 100 men in full operation. Only 40 men are at work on the three units now operating. erect a boulder on the spot from which the Wright plane took off on , that first historic flight, John i Moore was asked to help in locat John had a Read about him elsewhere in this newspaper. He is' shown''above with his youngest child. Photo by Ben Dixon MacNeill. ' ’ MITCHELL-HEDGES SAYS KING SHOULD VISIT DARE; CONGRATULATES PAGEANT weeks, has been trained by Miss, enough to carry the baby out Helen Evans, Miss Holland West- house,* and were probably too cott, Mrs. Pearl Scharff and!beside. Charles Overman. , , ’ kittle AubreyrDowdy, who lives * If the weather is not suitable for “P Graham Wood- an outdoor program in the amphi- nding his new theatre, the program will take road, and dis place in the Port Raleigh museum. “•'.Bfe. He went prompt- * mvo * neighbors house for aid. ’n.e 5W Chnstmas stMkin^ t®|Tilbert Jones, son of Mrs. Jones be distributed to boys and gjrit mL,ho lives nearby came to the kene evepr section of Dare County were tut it was too late, made this week m the Wanchese Neighbors attracted by the Are “^erwards that baby , i’* ^ mva" !""**’* s*veu itad any of local NYA girls m taelr wot^ki^p,.^^ ^rivals known it was in and on Christmas Eve night they the house. But when the.baby’s will be takw to the homes of the (bother, summoned from her ho^ • Aort ii«t«.nee .w.y,_ arrived on' .J'" ing dignitaries were called upon Orville Wright crawled in the air- for one-minute talks, at the plane, laying right flat down on the! j the sand hill Times, written " had drifted, away from where it home in Cornwall, Engh^d, F Explorer Who Uved at Hatteras Until 1936, Now in Cornwall, England, Says He Often Wishes He was Back There; Pleased With Success of "The Lost Colony” m.nd with greed. been turned in to the committee. The Manteo Rotary Club is to han dle the distribution of the stock ings. Each stocking will contain candy, fruit, nuts and other good ies which boys and girls enjoy. Upwards of 8200 has'been raised for the Christmas Fund through donations from individuals and'or ganizations, and' and dance. the scene and screamed out ,'that her baby was in-the house, it was too late. 'The infant was burned to an. ash. It was the cruellest sort of irony that a man who reached the.scene of the tragedy early smashed in. a ^ window, entered the flaming houw jand dragged a few artides of fur- passion and In-a letter to The Da^c County slaughter, then the best we can from 'rls,. recent, ^OP® f®>-.,is world ba^nkruptcy^ HYDE CHAMBER PLANS QUARTERLY.MEETINC scheduled told us to shove her off. All hands ^nd MitdicU-Hedges, Britisl writer, XTrt QLmvpH Iin So pitched m and ga\e her a people knew exactly where it explorer and lecturer, f(|vors the Noiffolk and never sh^^^ started he ^^d stood in 1903. I idea of inviting King cWc to W. O. Saunders, motor and off she went. Brinkley jg forgot- Roanoke Island in 1939 .Uring liis momeS’ ^ ten man.of the birth of aviation.!visit to America. U: n. I«n.h..n held In ,h. m«»«m p„iM .p. n.nl «••• • (v"), “„d ’hi ™ .“f oS™ u' SrpSoT““".Sferiflih at Fort Raleigh was termed one of mile “way. And there ® 'ot. ^]gg helped launch who’s Who wliicli lists hiJ aOMi-ess r’lr Brinkley and Dough 4e^^^ ouse and Wilbur Wnght are dead, and Trerose, ~ ' g I Mr. Mitchell-Hedges tenders his best wishes to his friends in Man teo and Hatteras, and sends - the editor an invita'tion to bring his family over for a visit. REPORT MADE ON AVON CHANNEL DEEPENING To Be Held at Engelhard January 9; Several Countlra ti* Be' Represented ' .;.V was a the most enjoyable held in Dare County. L. H. Wind- and when that airplane started up ' hoiz of Norfolk, presided,- and in- t.hey lifted their tails in the air, I formality was the keynote of Jhe kicked up their heels and ran every [ occasion. The menu included wild which away, ' ‘ Iduck and wild goose, but the hunt- “The very first thing Orville lers given the task of getting the Wright had to say when he crawled |fowl for the luncheon ^niu'st have of that airplane was "I’ve got l^en aiming badly, fori there were all the money I want now.’ ” only a dozen or so wildfowl, which Johnny Moore went up to watch vere served to the celebrities, and tijg Wrig.ht brothers’ experiments everyone else had .to eat chicken as often as he could after that day, land ham. However, the food was doing little chores for them when- Ldelicious'iy prepared and served hot ever he could. His admiration of oy CCC boys. So the luncheon the pioneer aviators is reflected in only John Moore, John T. Daniels England and Adam Etheridge survive. But when anything is said or done about that first flight and the liv ing witnesses to it, John Moore’s name is seldom heard. Daniels, and Etheridge have been 'oanqueted and publicized and given - , IV’ord was received here this week that the War Department's report on the pending proposition for the improvement of the channel to a stone wall, and'jist'vjrhich the from Pamlico Sound to Avon has ocean-tides rise aniiTall. ibe.en made and is partially favor- ■He congratulate..'D. B|-pFearirig the.^sired improvement, ^ . -and .his co-worker, in thl'success fTh® taport recommends that a Captain Lo^j g ^ ...j survey be authorized sufficient in ve been. thctoaaJnnt is so!scope to prepare estimates of cost milestonab in Ithe years, while John Moore fished nets and eel pots, a forgotten mam, Referring to Hatteras, he Mys ly glad thclpagetint is so scope lo prepare esii.naws It shouhfbe. fit is^an d^ging a channel 6 feet deep landmark Id mhrks one “I don’t care nothing whole lot of writeups in aes.! , —,— (jiviic. ..T.uvu.a .» ........— "-(wnoie IOC or wriieupe in the pa-i . -/ It. - .A-'i ent over with a, bang, although the name he.be-Jtowed upon one of|„ers and such as that,” John said I was so glad to writ* the .article borne of the guests expressed a lit- his children, now a nine-year-old He disappointment because they boy, who is named 'Orville Lind- |iad iMked forward to, drinking berg*- Moore, ome good native scuppernongi jj^ 1928, when it was decided to vine, which never put in its np- hcarance because somebody left ^^ght Jlemori'al on Sat- lown with the key to the pjght concluded the celebra- |Ioset in his pocket, 'tion, and MacNeill, who had been, It is' -what felt.'VVA/. lack at H«t- this week. “But there’s one thing' Field arid Strom I’d sure like, and I feel like I; 1 always told you am ought to .have it. I'd like to' havey^^***‘Iy;.T w;ish I -wm. . ^ a'job with'the National'Park Ser-'jt«r^tho3e wonderfiiKstrttcHes.of vice on the Kill Devil Hills reser-!'Ss*>d, the slow old rolle^, ihe.marr vation. It look's like there would 1®®^®“® fishing and 1-wKqg the be something over there that a fel- peace--fBr remwed fran --.he hell- ish boiling .pot Europ low like me could do, and I’d be a get a job Referring to the wmrii stuation, he says. “-What the \i-lld i^'rash- ing into,'! do not kiipp.-iNcither Saturday afternoon at five tempted to jump into the Sound! happy man if I could ’clock, Alf Drinkwater entertained around 11 o’clock that morning, de- *’nere.” , , |t his home .and more than made cided that, after all, it hadn’t been With that John Moore took leave _ ip for the absence of wine at the a bad celebration. -And everyone of the vvriter and trudged ove^to.do I think-anybody elseldois. But nehebn. ' -I else who attended thought like-'a neighbor’s house to finish meed- one thing certain, when santy pre-.^ A colorful searchlight display ^ ■wise. intf some nets, The second quarterly meeting of the Hyde County Chamber of Com merce, scheduled to be held at* En gelhard on Janunry 9, 1939, is quite likely to be a big affair,; judging from the plans announced this week by P. G. '^'■llop, president, of},thp wide-awaxe Hyde County otganlza^ tion. ■ . , V .fi'j . >. / 1, ^ » -f ■» • This meeting, which is to be'held in the Engelhard High School,'’gjmri nasiuni at 6:30 p. m. oh th'e''desig nated date, will be in'the ,form'of a dinner p.rogram, with'prominent' citizens of several'Northeastern North Carolina counties ■ ..taking part. ' ' r. Hon, R. Bruce Etheridge, direc tor of the North Carolina Depart-; ment of Conservatien'and Develcpf nient, lias been invited.to mafca the main .address of the occasipm-j^I^d- Icv Bagley, chairman ;b£.,the,-,Sta% Rural 'Elw.trification-'Authbrityj-Mid , CO -.tides a benefit movie) nituTc and clothing oi^ide and ‘ never knew of the presence of the infant in the house. Mrs. Sears lives in a small house she has reoantiy built across the. road from her mother’s ,horiie. It lyas not known that the baby was in her mother’s house, as the chil dren live with Mrs. Sears. .Some believe the little children,; aged three and favo alone in the, ’ room got the idea to play with the ■ fire. Others say it is likely .“the chimney had caught fire ..in th'e ceiling and had been buriiing a long time before it blazed, out.’ , .'-7- Herman Sears, father '* of. the babv. is a fisherman onerating out of Manteo; His wife.' jfbrmerly Mi.ss Matilda Jones; been liv ing’ near her 'mother’s'heme be- tween Gran'dy and Jarvi.sburg.Mrs. Jooe? is the ■widow of the late Bill Jones, who died about fo’ur; years .' ago. vision of a suitable • basin of the same depth,at the shore.end.of the channel. - The reasons for not recommend ing further investigation of a channel 8 feet deep, as desired by local interests at. Avon, are that (Chester Morris, new Solicitor ofitHe the'.benefits to^be expected from an; First. Judicial; District; liii»«-'T>een eight-foot depth would be' ihsuffi- j invited from CurriluckVli-.'Cbuiily: cient'to justify the cost and that a'John Darden of Plymouth'^iiaSib^ channel and basin 0 feet deep w-ill, invited to represent,Washington be reasonably sufficient for thej County, and C. Earl. Cohooa'bl'.Cbi needs of navigation. , ' jlurahia to-represent ,TyTrel!j?;';?Jp.’ Sheriff p., "Victor; Moelnns^^'Jhaa Gallop, Swan .Quarter, pr^ident; - Robert E. Tunnell, Swan Quarter, 'secretary-treasurer; and M. I A. Matthews, Engelhard, vice presi dent. , - •/ ABC STORE.^XLOSB V >' *• The'Dare Couhtv.ABC stdres ^ll observe Monday, December 26, as a jloliday, it waa.ahnouhc^^this'week'' Til* Pnv C ' i '\ rvl . 7* , Th-j Rey.-R. R. Gront..paator,of heen-invit^ and has'^n'-siki^'to the Manteo Methodist Church, ex- take along a delegtHoii- froin;’lla(nT tends a hearty .Merry CTristmas teo and Daiie .Cbunty^V’C'^i^^V ^ and Happy'New'Year'To every per-''y pfflg^ - vails in this insane world; ,i,.world son in Manteo. iWe', of thig.pewspapwry'wSfe^aiKi&^zfS a^‘ fbr;a'WrrBC«m..;.vHc'ittya-.Kel ' '.I.