THE DARE COUNTY TIMES ® Weekly Journal of the North Carolina Coastland—Devoted to the Interests of More Than 30,000 People of the Four Southern Albemarle Counties IV; NO. 200 MANTEO, N. C., APRIL 28, 1939 Single Copy 5c ANCHESE SCHOOL FIRST I^ITH COMMENCEMENTS IN DARE COUNTY THIS TIME (minent Speakers Deliver Addresses in Schools of the County; Officials Look Back a Successful Year; Buxton Calls on Ike Wis for Commencement Speech; Manteo 29 High School Seniors ^^’'chese school children will get start on other youngsters inj in this matter of swim- Parties, picnics and other * of entertainment that eomr Ihe beginning of summer va- . Commencement exercises ^ ^anchese sohool will be held at vhich time all of the 'embers of the 7th grade who Passing grades will be gradu- P'to high school. * ^'anchese school commence- ,"'111 be held Thursday night 'clock, May 4th, in the Metho- eliurch. The speaker for the Pp will be Rev. M. W. Maness '^abeth cTty. The operetta of '*'ver grades will be given Fri‘ '^pril 28th. * following night. May 5th, in *0. Dr. Herbert DeBarker, of Men and head of the De- Jcfit of Athletics at East Caro- Jcachers’ 'College, will deliver J'tmencement address. Eligi- graduation certificates at ‘'file are 19 members of the ^e and 29 Manteo high Seniors. jPfiiehcement exercises in the Point school will also be 5th. No speaker has been JPeed to deliver the address to rfie seniors and five members 7th grade. 6th Dr. DeBarker will de- jjfie commencerneiit address in ■'fty Hawk scliool. Superin- Atkinson announced yes- that 17 Kittv Hawk seniors HIS COAST GUARD BILL FAVORABLY REPORTED 7tH grade students are P? for diplomas. and Avon will both commencement exercises the of May 9th. Of special inter- j-his regard is the fact that ^'11 be the first class in the Ofise turn to page eight) CONGRESSM’N LINDSAY WAR REN was gratified this week when the Committee in Congress favor ably reported the Coast Guard 20- year-retirement bill as written and sponsored by him. Other measures with similar objectives had been unable to run the gauntlet of the committee and meet with Adminis tration approval. Mr. Warren, a stalwart Administration man, is finding his measure meeting with more success. BEER LICENSE DUE MAY FIRST NEW LAWS ALSO Yield to County Anticipated At $1,000; Dealers Cau tioned About May 15 The 1939-40 county license on retail dealers of leer is due May first, and is expected to yield the county about $1,000, this season, due to the increased number of places of business on the beach and in other parts of the county. Be fore beer may be sold, the dealer must file an application before the Board of Commissioners, setting forth his claim for operation., blanks for which may be obtained from Melvin R. Daniels, Register of Deeds. Beer dealers who do not careful ly watch the tops of the bottles they buy, may be in for some bad trouble on and after May first, when the new tax crown law goes into effect. The State of North Carolina collects a tax per bottle, and beer brought in from pther states, or from anywhere, not hav ing the State government seal on the crowns, is subject to confisca tion. Persons selling beer after the T5th of May, who have not filed application to the board and paid their license, will be prosecuted. All old licenses, no matter at what time they were bought, expire on -April 30th. WARREN ARRIVES IN DARE BRINGING SEVEN MEMBERS OF CONGRESS FOR FISHING One Senator and Six Congressmen Quartered at Kill Devil Hills Coast Guard Station With Capt. Lewark; Virgil Chapman, Old Friend' of Dare With Party, which Includes Herbert Bonner and Senator Miller of Arkansas DARE REPRESENTATIVE IS ROTARY PRESIDENT CASINO TO OPEN NEXT WEEK END AT NAGS HEAD Fishing and all Out Doors -By— Aycock Brown fifiity on Fishing News '"creasing number of fishing , "quipped with pulpits and are making their ap- iJ'" along the waterfront of Carolina Coast oommuni- "Ur or even three years "raft carrying such equip- ring in our fishing areas . niuch attention locally. before big-game fishing (f " reality instead of a sort w'?'' Many of the cruisers 'nto our North Carolina jj^uipped for offshore fishing Ras Wescott’s Casino to Be i Completely Done Over and Improvements Made I Ras Wescott’s Casino is to have j a grand opening next week end at I Nags Head, when the social sea- {son begins. The Casino has been i refinished, and many improvements [ made, and is still in the hands of ] contractor Robert Ballance, getting everything ready for the season. Mr. Wescott is adding rooms for his employees and is making his bowling alleys longer by buidling an addition to the main building Mr. Wescott looks forward to the finest tourist season ever known on the beach at Nags Head. The Casino has always been a popular place, and was successfully oper ated last summer by Mr. Wescott. As a popular dance retreat, it was favored with a steady business throughout the season, and gave employment to 'many local young people. ideas to our local guides ("'‘obably remain here during C’^er for the Gulf Stream Ifi"® the Capes of Hatteras L"kout if they could book ■ - Qftl - , w (i p' ®bore at the Hundred Fa- HER JOB is to make the women-j Carnival. Outfitted with an ultra folks wear more cotton clothes—to : smart wardrobe jof all-cotton me- make the country cotton consciou.=, | terials, she is modelling cotton gar- to restore some profit to a farmer 1 ments at cotton fashion shows, deserted by women who deserted talking cotton on the stage and them for a worm, or what the worm ; over the air, making personal calls gives them—silk clothes they think | and appearances in 22 cities plus makes them prettier. the New York and San Francisco She’s 19-year-old Alice Hall, the! world fairs. She will return to her “Maid of Cotton,” flying ambassa-1 home in Memphis for the opening dor of the National Cotton Council, of the South’.= great c Aton party In major cities from coast to coast she is spreading the story of Na tional Cotton Week and the Cotton there on May 9. Next to cotton she is devoted to flying and ama teur theatricals. MORE IMPROVEMENTS BEGIN ON FORT RALEIGH PROJECT AT A COST OF OVER $13,000 BARNES PROMISES SOME EXTRA MILES ON HYDE ROAD In a letter to Congressman War ren, D. Colling Barnes of Murfrees- C Some of them, as a matter boro, district Highway Commis- ij, "f" booking parties for the j sioner now assures Mr. Warren of the fine fishing! that he plans not only to build the * "anging from 30 to 50 road through the village of Stumpy ’ ^ Point, but to add a few extra miles on the main highway toward En gelhard. This he says, is due to the prospect of some recently allotted additional funds. Mr. Barnes has not relented in his refusal to join in making this Work at making ready the Lost Colony theatre Tor the opening of the 1939 season 64 days hence, in terrupted several weeks ago by a clerical over-sight in the office of the Works Progress Administra tion in Washington, will be resumed during the coming week, with a double crew of men Superintended by Dave Midgett and supervised by Albert Bell. Word that President Roosevelt had signed the new project, put through by Bradford Fearing and Congressman Warren in the record time of 18 days, was brought to the Island late Wednesday might by Mr. Fearing upon his return from Raleigh, wjiere he has been under going surgical treatment for the past three weeks. Mr. Fearing’s first stop on the Island was to ad vise Mr. Bell that work ivould be gin again Tuesday or Wednesday. With an additional crew of men and some relaxation of regulations in work periods, Mr. Bell and Mr. Fearing are confident that the nec essary improvement and expansion of the theatre plant can be com pleted in ample time for the open ing of the season on the night of Saturday, July 1st, which is nine weeks from tomorraw, and the bulk of it out of the way before re- .hearsals start in about six weeks. Included in the project, which to tals $13,223, are plans for doubl ing the size of the dressing rooms with the new quarters occupying space paralleF to present quarters and built on piling over the water, adequate shower baths for the en tire cast with hot and cold water, a laundry and sewing room, and complete toilet facilities within the theatre enclosure for the patrons of the show. Some changes will be made in the exterior ^f the theatre, with the probability that the toilets in the wings will be made to conform in design and _ ^ize to the logged switch control room, with storage space beneath~”for about 1,000 seat (Please turn to page eight) BABY CONTEST TO COME TO CLOSE NEXT MONDAY Cleo Hope (Ba'hy Sister) Duvall Leads in Contest Sponsored by the Junior M’omans Club I'** Contine.ntal Divide. )iiijJ''®"ntime our wiser local "quippi'ig their vessels Liiiii,„'Sgers, and more power- back through my fishing L ^Aitten five and six years! a Federal aid project, as requested .I'be High Point Enterprise: by the Commissioners of Hyde and "ville Citizen I run across Dare. Dare is one county in the statements which I i State that has ^"'bes to equip for the off 1 cent of money shing, because as I said j road. never received a n a Federal aid DARE COUNTY SEASHORE TO HAVE ITS OWN NEWSPAPER Nags Head, Kill Devil and Kitty Hawk Beaches to Be Featured in Full Size Paper to Reach Every Visitor to the Beaches rh 0 1(1 ' ""Peat -the real fu- tbe sportfishing on the tf^l^^^bna coast would not be ^be ocean’.s surf, or i^^bore bays—but instead off \a Stream. North "ilia ^'fles if they want to get ! tof money, must prepare Q, "^ing fishermen to the S —because that is I* lias* money in their busi- rates for carrying bass, and small game ^1 "'111 always be in the T class, comparatively "r kefwill be only a short s cn** majority of the ""munities will have lish- turn to Page Four) RUSSELL GRIGGS TOPPED FISHERMEN LAST WEEK Mr. Russell Griggs of Kill Devil Hills turned back all opposition in the matter of record channel bass catches last week end. Thursday a party fished by Mr. Griggs caught 47 of the red war riors of the deep. Sunday Mr. Griggs’ group brought home 14 nice sized bass, and Monday his party landed 12 of the finny backed creatures, bringing his week end total up to 73. Sambo Tillett, Wanchese guide, brought in 83 channel bass Friday to top the catches for that day. A full size newspaper to serve the growing resorts of Nags Head, Kill Devil and Kitty Hawk Beaches will make its appearance during May, and w’ill be published each week during the Summer season. The paper will give full publicity to the doings both social and com mercial on these beaches, and wull tell of the coming and goings, the parties, the fishing, and many other things. It will also publish stories reminiscent of the old days, and will refiect fairly and squarely the life and progress of the beaches. ■fhe paper will probably be named “The Seashore News,” ac cording to the Times Printing Company, of Manteo, which also prints the Dare County Times. The new paper is purely for the beaches and will reach every person who comes to the seashore It will have its own office at some central point on the beach, and a competent staff to serve the needs of the people, beside handling job printing orders. Announcement of the names of the staff will be made in a few days. It is stated that these will be experienced newspaper people. The paper will probably be pub lished in conjunction with the Dare County Times, giving advertisers in the Seashore paper the benefit of the larger circulation of the Manteo paper, which goes into other counties and several states. Such advertising wdll really be worth something to the people of the beaches who are in business, for it will help to attract people to the resort. The Seashore paper will deal es pecially with the seashore, and its affairs. It will be replete with pic tures, and features that will make it a sort of keepsake paper—one that tourists will be glad to take home with them. In providing a newspaper for the beaches, whose interests are in many instances different from those of other localities, a public service will be rendered those who live there and do business there. Further details about the new paper will be announced soon. The Baby Contest sponsored by the Junior Womans Club of Dare County, proceeds to be used in buy ing the lot directly back of the Community building for a park and playground, will come to a close at exactly one o’clock Monday, May the 1st. The winner of this con- tes£ will receive a silver loving cup as well as the title of Jr. Mascot for the year 1939. On the streets Monday there will be several mem bers of the Club waiting to sell votes on all babies entered until one o’clock when the ballot will close and the child having most votes is proclaimed the winner. There will be two parades, one be ginning at twelve o’clock and one immediately after the ballot boxes close. The Rhythm Band of Stumpy Point wdth about twenty members has been asked to march here with the contestants and there will be a bevy of pretty girls cavorting. There are to be, ac cording to the meeting of the Jun iors held Tuesday night at the Community building, approximate ly 10 beautifully decorated floats. “Baby Sister” Duvall, now leading in votes by 62, still has a hard job ahead of her to win, as it is quite easy for any' of the other contest ants to catch up with her at the last minute. There will be two Blue Ribbon winners in the 2nd and 3rd places. Miss Helen Du vall, president of the Junior Wo man’s Club, will present the silver cup to the winner at approximately one-thirty. The public is cordially invited to see this parade and the most beautiful babies on the Island. Following is a list of contestants and their present scores: Baby Sister Duvall 62 Mary Bruce Lennon 20 Bubbles Wescott 20 Merle Jean Wescott 2V2 Coy Tillett, Jr 2"/2 Monde Lee Daniels 7 Ruby Creef 7''^ Francis Facchini 2I2 Jerry* Daniels 2V2 Donald Rhodes Blivins 2 ¥2 Edna Bruce Dowdy 2Y2 ' George Wescott, Jr 2% William James Wescott Sally Alford Sarah Alford Roy Davis, Dare County repre- Seven members of the United Scates Congress and one of the bet ter known hotel provisioners in the capital, all shepherded by* Lindsay Warren, arrived in Dare County Thursday afternoon, and will spend Friday and Saturday fishing off Oregon Inlet with Capt. William H. Lewark, acting unjier direct or ders from Admiral R. R. Waesche, performing the duties of guide-in chief. Most of the members of the party are in Dare for their first time, but among them is Virgil Chapman of Kentucky, long known and always warmly welcor-:ed by everybody in the county. Mr. Chapman, one of the most redoubtable fishermen of the House, has long esteemed Ore gon Inlet above all the fishing grounds that he knows about. Arrangements for their visit to the county were made by* Admiral Waesche, commandant of the Unit ed States Coast Guard in telegrams and telephone calls Wednesday af- sentative and Manteo charter Ro- ternoon. During their stay here tarian, w*as elected President of the Manteo Rotary Club for the com ing year at Monday night’s meet ing. Other officers elected to serve for the new term, were Woodson Fear ing, vice-president; W. R. Pierce, secretary. C. S. MeeVins was re tained as treasurer. Outgoing officers are Dr. W. W. Johnston, president; Roy Davis, vice-president, and Robert Atkin son, secretary. The new officers will take the office July 1st. they are quartered at the Kill Devil Hills Coast Guard Station. Ray Adams, the hotel provisioner, in sisted in fetching down a variety of provender, which Big Tom Baum is fixing for them until they catch some fish. Members of the party include, beside Congressman Warren and his secretary Herbert Bonner, the following: Congressman Virgil Chapman of Kentucky; Congressman Sam S. Massengale, who has represented Members of the newly elected ] the Seventh Oklahoma District for board of directors were Dr. W. W.j three terms; Congressman Wall Johnston, T. A. Baum, and C. C 1 Doxey, for twelve years the repre- Perry. The Rotarians selected Roy Davis as the local club’s official delegate to the district conference which will be held in Roanoke, Virginia, May 4 and 5. John Ferebee and C. C. Overman were selected as al ternate delegates to the confer- A GOOD SEASON OPENING EARLY DARE BEACHES Beach Hotels Report Pleas antly Surprising Number of Guests in April 21/2 Warm weather and good fishing have been prime factors in bring ing an early influx of visitors to the Dare County beaches of Nags Head, Kitty Hawk, and Kill Devil Hills this spring. Beach hotel owners report that parties from New Hampshire, Ohio, Indiana, and Iowa, not to mention a number of groups from the n.a- jority of the Middle Atlantic and South Atlantic states, were on hand last week end to take advantage of the fine weather and good fish ing. According to Mr. L. S. Parker- son, owner-manager, of Parkerson’s Hotel at Nags Head, over 35 guests were registered at his hostelry dur ing the week end just past. Par kerson’s has been open all spring, Mrs. Jule Modlin, who opened her largest crowd of the new season on hand. Mr. Parkerson made the sentative of the Second District of Mississippi; W. Sterling Cole, 337th District, New York, whose biog raphy is next to the’ shortest in the book, it saying merely “Republican attorney, married”; Senator John Miller of Arkansas, Congressman Gharlesc 'k. Halleck, who has repre sented the Republican Second Dis trict of Indiana since 1933 when he was named at a special election; and Ray Adams, the provider of vittles, and Louis Deschler, House parliamentarian. The party left Washington by automobile at noon Thursday, ar riving at Kill Devil in time for the mighty supper Big Tom had fixed for them. Their fishing is planned for early Friday morning, with the party divided evenly between Cap tain Lewark’s boat and Capt, Charlie Perry. Alpheus Drink- water is a sort of taxi driver, ferry ing the party by truck between the .station and the Inlet. Here two weeks ago. Congress man Warren assured friends that he would be back before the end of the month for another try at drum, of which fish he got 10 when he was here. He said that he ex pected a half dozen of his col leagues in the House to accompany him here, and here they are. Virginia Faye Dough 2% comment that professional men and Sam Burrus 2V2 city officials seem to congregate Arvin Alexander Midgett 2% Francis Warren Meekins 2% LOW Although the United States is confronted with a cotton surplus of more than 13,000,000 bales, it has less than 2,000,000 bales avail able for export during the m'Onths ending August 1. See America First America has some fine old ruins. They can be seen at most any night club with their sweeties. In Big Bill’s Regime .MILO WINTER, JR., YOUNG ARTIST LEAVES HATTERAS the beaches at this time of the spring. Among the visitors at .his hotel over the week end were doc tors, lawyers, postmasters, funeral directors, and fown mayors. Up at Kill Devil Hills Mrs. Rus sell Griggs reports that over 30 guests were registered at the Croatan last week end. According to Mrs. Griggs this was by far the largest number of guests she has had during the three weeks the Croatan has been open this spring, but last week end saw by far the Arlington Hotel for- the first time this week, says that business has been surprisingly good for so early in the season. The First Colony Inn was not Nervous Chicago Gangster (sud- open last week end, but the owners denly to body guard)—Gee, Sour- expect to be ready for business to- face, have I been stabbed in the day or tomorrow. The Nags Head- back—or is it that cursed lum- j er Hotel will be opened early in bago? I May. Milo Winter, Jr., young Chicago artist, who .has been stopping at Hatteras for the past several months, spent several days in Ro anoke Island this week, enroute to the north, where he will teach for a spell in Wells College, Aurora on Cayuga, N. Y. Prom there he will go to Maine to do^some painting. He did some beautiful paintings in the Hatteras vicinity, and looked about Roanoke Island in search of material for his brush. M. L. DANIELS AND SON return from BALTIMORE M. L. Daniels, Sr., and Jr., re turned this week from Baltimore, where they purchased large stocks of summer merchandise, much of which has already arrived and is on display. The Daniels store is better stocked this year than at any time in its history, and caters especially to those who need sports and beach wear, particularly those things that appeal to womenfolk. Caleb Brickhouse accompanied them on their trip to Baltimore. '*?• •Ji’ iSPl fi'i I j nek fen 'of ' ids