H. A. Dough. r-' ft,^ •_ .Vy , W. c. ■ _ ■ ' .. -u '. ’ . r» /oc /A A .* ... 7/85/44 r “irx^ TIMES The Weekly Journal of the'North Carolina Coastland—Devoted to the Interests of the Lost Colony Country, Embracing- the Cape Hatteras National Seashore VOL. vni; NO. 4 MANTEO, N. C., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1942' Single Copy So GOVERNOR BROUGHTON TO I VISIT COLUMBIA Oa. 7 y SOU. ALBEMARLE MEET -Four County Group to Hold Annual Session in Tyrrell; Much Appreciation Expressed For Governor’s Aid to Section, in Freeing Fer ries; Whitley of Plymouth President of the ' Association VACANCIES I YET IN DARE I SCHOOL SYSTEM Addition of 12th Grade in' Manteo School Big Oppor- | unity for Graduates of Former Years HIGHWAY OFFICIALS EXPECTED FRIDAY NIGHT With the first day of school set for Thursday, September 10, sev eral teaching positions are still open in the Dare Count- school system. Principals have been se cured for Manns Harbor and Bux- Uon, but the Wanchese and Stumpy (Point schools are are still without ]a head teacher. A. A. Johnson of r, u, \e ......... ... ,..,..1 . ...n.. Biltmore will be principal of the Governor J. M. Broughton of TO'SPEAK AT COLUMBIA jjanns Harbor school, and Jesse Aiorth Carolina has accept^ an in- WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 7 r Rhue of Stella, N. C., will be vitation to address the Southern Albemarle Association’s annual i meeting in Columbia on October j according to announcement made by President W. L. Whitley of Ply mouth. ' The Association embraces the four-county group of Tyrrell, Washington, Dare and Hyde. The annual meeting is for election of officers, and transaction of other business affecting the area. The Governor is e.xpccted to travel the ferries to Manteo in the_ afternoon.' ;■ Chairman Ben Prince’ of the ..State, Highway •. Commission and other membet'S will be invited to attend the meeting. For tiiis time the Association will not ask the Commission or the Governor to build any roads. The-purpose in inviting thi. GovernorV-'and v the - Conimi.ssinni is to publicly: and of-- ficially thank them for^the splen did ‘ consideration they have been principal at' Buxton. Julia K. Provo of Jacksonville, N. C., will fill a vacancy on the Stumpy Point faculty, and Helen K. Taylor of Elizabeth City will teach the sixth and seventh grades at Hatteras. The addition of a 12th grade in the .Manteo school will provide opportunity for many of last year’s graduates and gr.-'duates of former years to gain additional schooling without going away to college or preparatory school. The subjects covered will be social business aritlimetic, modern jpliysics, gov ernment and a study Oi general bu.siness. The ninth, tenth and eleventh grades will study the usual sub jects, but thejeighth grade will be ’probalily made, into a separate grade, under tlie denartmental sys tem. Subjects in the eighth grade under the new set-up will be En glish, including language, reading ■ and spelling; history, science', and ph.vsical education.. - ! Physical education will be re- .ATTEND TUBERCULOSIS CLI.NIC HELD LAST WEEK The tuberculosis clinic held last week by the Dare County Health Department at the office of Dr. W. W. Johnston was attended by 7.5 persons, most of whom had been in contact with active cases of the disease. Only two cases were found among the 75 who were ex amined, and these were in the early stage, when treatment is less difficult. Arrangements are being made for them to enter the State Sanatorium. HEADS LIST OF WAHAB’S GUESTS OCRACOKE TRIP I CH.AIKM.AM BEN PRINCE of the State Highway and Public Works Commission (left), Commissioner Carroll Wilson of Roanoke Rapids, (right), and John H. Clark of Greenville, the newest commissioner.' whose picture is not sliown, are expected in Manteo Friday evening, ! preparatory to going to Ocracoke by- boat. The Higliway officials will j have an opportunity to study the problems incident to the war situation , in the coastal region of the State. Duo to the vast Government activity ' at this time, there is much need of extensive repairs and improvements, j At Ocracoke theyiwill be guests of Stanley Wahab. _ i MRS. DENNIS EVANS ■ ' ON SPEAKERS BUREAU i SENATOR FEARING ILL IN RICHMOND HOSPITAL To Discuss \1ith. Civic and Educa- i lioiial Groups'W’ar Prices f and Rationing 'i-. 4 ; V giving this sectio.o, and P^rticu AfFTviTTP pphttph larly- the freeing of the femes 7 BROLGH- ea.stem North Carolina, which is a TON. who will attend the annual fulfilment of the Governor's cam*,of the Southmi q# Manteo hich school I made Associatioii at Columbia, mgii 711U01 ^ if- ^ ’ , ... * October 7, when the representa- 'Students, and wiU be taught by^ Due to -present day conditions , ^ four-countv irroun will. Leonard Huggins and the- attendance at Columbia may tlfa^rthe Gotenmr^at a not rival the old days when there luncheon in his honor. 1 Ten lunch rooms will be in oper- was ample gas and tires. But the. lation throughout the countv, at presence of the Governor, who is joFFICER W'HITE HEARS JSIanteo, Wanchese, Kitty ' H.awk,, . a popular man in the Southern Al-1 FROM MISSING SOXHarbor, Stumpy Point. E?st bemarle is expected to bring out a I - . 'Lake. Hatteras, Buxton, Rodanthe big crowd. And no tow-n in the! Mr. and Mrs. Asa White of Man- and Roan-ke colored. Southern Albemarle hiis done itself UgQ pleased at having School at Manteo .will begin at more proud in its entertainment nf (heard from their son, Earl, who is 0:45 each morning. The time for ,tlie four county-group, which was j'j„ jjjg Navy, and has spent three opeing at,other schools in the .“1-.“'!“i„‘'®?:~4“9*.|and aJJalLyears, Jn ,J2hina.,^j:«Usouj^4.wjJL!}g. mpw In -Inn®'^h‘*5L'‘*"y iias'I>eetPi(r tile Navy ITlj-earii, and idc'al^liool Iw other factor seelong to. arouse in-jjg Whites terest in and to develop the fertile j, serving w-ith the armed coasciand counties south of Albe- iforces. He is now in the United tnarle Sound. I States. ■ I ■' MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 7 -MRS. HUGH BASNIGHT j ^PROCLAIMED LABOR DAY! ENTEOTAINS CLUB Mcoiday, September 7, has been i jira. Hugh Basnight entertained officially designated as Labor Day, |},gr bridge club Tu^ay evening at and Manteo’s mayor L. D. Tark- jhe, home. Mrs. Harry Smith won ington, it the request of Gwemorj high score prize, and Miss Ruth Broughton, has proclaimed it to be, Evans bingo. Others playing were a day of celebration in Manteo, in jMts. Hugh McChesney, Mrs. Ed- recognition of the fine record and ward Wescott, Mrs. Roy Wescott, unexcelM spirit of North Caro- Urs. David Hill and Mrs. Nevin lina’a woAing men and women. No Wescott For tefteshmente the special affairs are being planned ihostess served upside-down cake for the occasion, but Mayor Tark- punch. ington asks that the day be used , — ■ ■ » — to pay tribute to labor in the com munity. Governor Broughton will par ticipate in a state-wide radio pro gram from 10:45 until 11:00 a. m. on Labor Day. yiwards. • MRS. VERNON DAVIS HOSTESS AT BRIDGE Mrs., Vemon Davis entertained , her bridge club Wednesday evening ' at her home. High score was won by Mrs. Balfour Baum, floating prize by Mrs. Hugh McChesney,' and bingo prizes by Miss Delnoy Burrus and Mrs. McCoy Tillett. Others playing were Mrs. W. M. Jolliff, Mrs. Harry Smith, Mrs. Charies Morgan and Miss Rath Claire Newsome. Hie hostess served a sandwich salad with iced drinks. >■ , y - | Buy Defense Bonds and Stamps. ■ Mrs. Dennis Evans of Manteo, the former Mary- Langston of Goldsboro has been appointed on | the State Speaker’s, Bureau of the j office of Price Adininistration. Her. job will be to contact civic and i educational groups,- and discuss with them the War Prices and Ra tioning Program, as it affects the citizens of the country. i i Commenting on .. her appoint-[ ment, Mrs. Ruth Vick Everett, Chief Consumer Division Repre sentative, pays the following trib ute to Mrs. Evans: . I ‘T have know.ii3jMr3. Evans for years. She,: is", extremely capable and will do sa great d^l of good toward helping thi people of Dare County ..understand, their , part in lcg?Si»:ftTppiy't'n8^nitiimingry:qkiP lover the State, hundreds’of men and women are givifig their'time to do just this thing, and the office of Price Administration feels that it is extremely helpful.” DARE COUNTY REGISTER OF DEEDS RECOVERING MELVIN R. THE OLD BUDDIES ARE BACK AGAIN U. S. O. HAS BINGO PARTY FRIDAY NIGHT Hostesses at the U. S. O. center 1 in'-Mahteo staged a bingo party for' the sen-ice men Friday night. About 35 men were present, and ' much'fun ensued during the even ing. A number of prizes were awarded and refreshments of hot chocolate, home-made cookies and candy were served. Hostesses were Mrs. I. P. Davis. Sirs, Bel- four Baum and Mrs. C. U. Evans, and each of them 'wish to thank those wiio conti-ibuted prizes or re freshments. . . ■ . A community .sing is being plan ned for next Friday night at *110 center. MANNS HARBOR-woman 3ITTEN BY A SNAKE Mrs. Roy Midget! of Manns Har bor has had a very painful illness, following being bitten by a snake of unknown species Friday night a week, ago upoii walking across her yard. She was mahed to Dr. .Chaplin’s hospital, in. Columbia, ‘where she received serum treat- . ment, and she was seriously ill for . seimral days. Upon crossing the ; yard,' she stepped upon the snake, L and it'bit her on the leg. She has now returned to her home at Manns' Harbor. DANIELS Dare County Regis ter of Deeds and one of the most popular officials in the county is R. BRUCE ETHERIDGE, Directoi- of the Department of Conservation and Development will head the group of Stanley Wahab’s guests of Seashore Park members and other slate officials, visiting Maii- teo and Ocracoke, September 5*h to 7th. Mr. Etheridge is'ex-officio cliairmnn of the Nortli Carolina Hatteras Seashore Commission. Looked upon as a favorite son, and having unparalleled political influ ence in this part of the State', Ins advice and counsel Iiave been freely sought by State leaders for a gen eration. It is no wonder that he has three times held the appoint ment as chairman of the important Department of Consen-ation and Development, under Governors y-— EhriBgIi»usi--M«yy-.-^nAyBvwight»BTtr SENATOR D:',BRADf6rD FEAR- ."'J'®'^ has made a record' for hu kept him at ; home. Mr. Dan iels expects to be back to his work soon. ING of Manteo is 'undergoing ^fnciency, and has become recog- treatment at Johnston-Willis hos- broad and statew-ide pital, Richmond, Va., and his many administration ^.the of^e friends will be glad to know he is fai^r or partiality, "rhe Sea recovering from a sudden atUck CommiMion of which that struck him on Saturday night. '» consists of Stanley Although he had no Lost Colony Wahab of Ocracoke, Jwh H^e of to manage this summer, .Senator ^*°*“'*> Martin of Fearing has worked as hard as Winston-Salem, J. A. Buch^^n of ever as chairman of the County *^*‘*”*,''. Rationing Board. ibeth City; Roy Hampton of Ply- DARE COUNTY NATIVE ^he past 18 months, RifRiRn IN FLORIDA Commission Has aciuired lands - ____ valued at some 560,000 donated in "^SdSfuUllMM The funeral of Mrs. A. C. Dan- Jh* »,hich comprises of^*weeks re-•'***» D**** County native who died of the countie^f recently at St. Augustine, Fla., Cumtuck. The suiting rrom a. . ' makinir her home acreage now owned by the carbuncle on his wnere sne was maxing ner nome, ^ ^ ^ shoulder which »as attended by many —^ relatives **** about and frien'ito from Dare County. An 8,000, and the act creating the park account of the funeral services, as P*’®'’**!®* ‘“f the admmistTation it appeared in the Saint Augustine when the State Recold, follows: 10,000 acres. m,2: .®1stl*ke CT“I31Kk REACHES AGE OF M HONORED. AT DINNER idist church by the pastor. Dr.' M.! ' H. Norton for the late Sirs. A. C.' Capt. John Hayman of Manteo, j Daniels of No. 45 Rhode Ave., SU; retired Coast Guardsman, and for! Augustine w-ho succumbed early) Asa M. Cohoon. Leading Citizen Dies at Age of 63 Monday Inter-! Asa M. Cohoon. 65, of East Lake CONGBES.SMAN HERBERT BONNER and LINDSAY C. WARREN, Comptroller General, are back in this section, fishing. With them in Croatan Sound Wednesday hunting striped bass were Ray Adams of Washington, Jack Midgett, Sam Blount and U. S. Marshall Ford Worthy of North Carolina. The.v were being entertained by Capt. Will Lew-ark, Steve Basnight, Horace Dough, and Charlie Perry, veteran fishing.guide. The picture shows Warren and Bonner, tw-o devoted friends of long standing w-hose public life has been of outstanding service to the people of the'First District in particular. 'many years owner and operator of jSunday to a brief illness, iHayman’s Cafe, well know-n to all iment was in Evergreen cemetery, jUrVlondarafteraoon.'^rnTthe local people ad former visitors of ^ under tne direction Craig Fui^- community lost a valuable citizen, ;Ma..teo, readied his 80th birthday ,cial Home. Hawy Stone, R. of landmarks of that ion Tuesday, September 1. The pavis, Carl Ipiberts, L. D. Hinso.*, section who was highlv respected, event was celebrated at his home [Lewis Parrish and D. G. Godwm by many. ' • ■ with a dinner given by his wife and jsen-ed as pallbearers. | pgr many years lie had been an daughters, Miss Mary Hayman .-uid | The final rites for Mrs. Daniels jfjss Sarah Twiford, ivho survives, JIrs. M. L. Midgett. Three tables 'were attended by a number of rela- and they hud tliree'sons, Loijbet! were laid for the guests, a color,fives from out of town and there Wilbur and Frank. Several grand- scheme of red and green predomi-'were many beautiful floral tributes, outstanding citizen, a leading mer- nating. Multi-colored zinnias were Among the relatives called here chant and farmer. He married used for decoration.- - i I by her death ivho were present at children also sun-ive him, and a Those present included Mr. and the funeral were Zion S. Payne brother, Ben Cohoon of Wanchese. Mrs. Hayman, Mrs. .Alice Barnaixi, land Dameron Payne, brothers, who j Ho had been in failing health for Mr. and Mrs. Charles Midgett, |came here from Norfolk, Va.; three more th.an two years, and his sud- Mfs.^ Cari'Danicls/^Mr. and Mrs. isisters, Miss Elva Payne, Mrs. Hen illness was not a surprise. But ! .Asa'-White, Mrs. Lena Midgette," Marj-Tillett and Mrs. E. R. Gallop'the section is greatly shocked nt jjirs. Pattie Toler, 'George ’Toier, 'of IVanchese, N. C. Other relatives the loss of so fine a citizen. He Mrs. S. J. G'bbs, Mrs. Nannie Mid-jattending the sen-iccs were Mrs. ,was born in Tyn-ell County, and gett, Mrs. Lillie Hassell, John Cul- |d. M. Payne of Norfolk, Sir. and came to Ea.st Lake many years ago pepper, Sirs. Lorena Beasley, Mrs. jMrs. Andrew Tillett, Mrs. Gage with the Riclimond Cedar Works COL. LANGSTON VISITS FRIENDS OF HIS BOYHOOD S.oent Boyhood Hero in th» 90’s; With Wife, Visits Oaufthter, Mrs. Evans Col. John Dallas Langston ' of Goldsboro is spending his first va cation in two years witli old friends of his boyhood on Roanoke Island, and with Mrs. Langston and their, daughter, Carolyn, they are visit-''' " ing their daughter, Mary, the re- . cent bride of D. E. Evans of a;, prominent Dare County family liv-' ing in Manteo. Col. Langston is renewing old - scenes of his boyhood days; when his father, the late Rev. G. D.' Langston, served the ' Manteo church during 1893 to 1897.' Not- many years have elapsed' at a time since then, that he hasn’t re turned to Dare County for a vaca tion ,'n the summer time, and he is looked upon as a native son and a welcome friend. To those who haven’t follow-ed Ills career closely, and who sini- ply know him as “John,” it may not be amiss to mention that^he is now engaged in a mighty im- - portant official position in Wash-,. ington. for he is chairman of the Planning Council, and the Presi- det's .Appeal Board of the Selec tive Service system. He served in tills branch in Washington during the first World War. In private life, ho is a prominent attorney in, , • Goldsboro and known tli.-oughout' -s, jthe State as a leading lawyer, and iformer newspaper publisher. _-■/ j Col. Langston’s family tie.s are I deep-rooted in this section.' He also lived at Hatteras in Dare County, two years, and at Swan j Quarter in Hyde County two years, . where his father preached at Metli- I odist churches. While his father I came from W,.yne County, to which the Laiigstoli’s returned, his mb- jther, Sallie .Anne Gibbs, was a na--,, - /live of Hyde County, and his ma-,.- •' ternal grandmother, Mrs. Jen-,. nette Gibbs died in Manteo,' aind was buried in the Griffin cemetery. In the 20’s, her remains were re moved and re-interred in Durham. .A brother of Col. Langston, Will H. Langston, now lives in Swan.’ Ju»rt«T.~’»*lwie*he"iB«rrwd;^~-MSiW"Ss;-^;i-s 'Lucy Berry, the sister of A. B. Berry. It wag during the visits of ' Col. Langston’s family to Roanoke : Island that the courtship of his daughter, with tlie son of the fam-^ ily of old friends, began. Col. Langston is a prodigious ■ worker, usually working seven days and often many nights a. week. He lives at the Governor Shepherd Hotel in Washington, and walks to and from his office. He has grown somewhat stouter, looks younger than on his last visit, and , the word reaches us that hia com manding officer, Major (Jenrai Lewis B. Hershey, director of Se-^' lective Ser\'ice practically made .it an order that Col, Langston, take a much deserved and well-earned va; cation. = Col. Langston was bom at Auro ra, Beaufort County, March .22, 1881. He graduated at Trinity • College and also took law at the Lmiversity of N. C. He married Mary W’iUiams WilUams-n of' Mt, Olive, N. C., in 1903. They have - • two sons and three daughters.He is a former chairman of the State Bo.ard of Elections. He holds the distinguished service medal for his • World War Service. In 1917-18 he served in Washington as Chief- of the Classification .end Deserter Division of Provost Marshall Gen eral, and later as Chief ..of the, Ciemenev Division. > '"I Hatteras Bom to Mrs. William Burrus, August 26, an 8V4 'pound boy at the, Tayloo hospital, Washington, granted an, extension until Septem- TO ADVERTISE 1941 TAXES NE.XT MONDAY Advertisement of ufftiaid 1941 Dare County taxes will begin next 2nd will save money, it wap stated week, and payment of any such de linquent taxes before September by the collector today. Ordinarily, the taxes would have been adver tised In June, but due to the splen did efforts being made by most of the taxpayers, the commissioners MUSIC CLUB WILL HAVE CALL MEETING Joe Johnson. Miss .Irene Shearin, Mrs. Marie Hayes,' Carl Haj-es, .Mrs. Fritz Etheridge, Mrs. J. M. Robbins, Mr. and 'Mrs..M. I*. Mid gett, Harrj- Haynian, Rev. and Mrs.' M. W. Mahess'and little Betty 'Ruth Maness, Miss. Catherine Mid- •gett. Miss Mary Hayman, Mrs. Z. V,, Brinkley, Mr.'.and -.Mrs. P, Ek Lincbarger and M. L. Daniels. iber. A call meeting of the .Roanoke Island Music Club will be held next ’Tuesday evening, September 8, at the Tranquil House, and all members are request^ t.o,be pres ent. It is urgent that they do so. The club's regular meeting was held Tuesday, September 1, at the home of Mrs. M. W. Maness, with Mrs., R. ,..1.'“ heii^e as' • .ass6ci.?te hostes's.‘ft 'V Williams of Wanchese, N. C., Mrs. iforces. John Herbert and daughter of Ro-j Many out of town people were danthe, N. C., and Mr. and Mrs. present at the funeral which was Julian Gray and daughter of Fort attended by a large crowd, and the Pierce, Florida. In addition to the floral offerings were profuse. The relatives named above, Mrs. Dan- 'funeral was conducted at the fam- iels is survived by her husband, ily plot with several ministers par- two other brothers, Bradford and ,ticipating, and Elder Alex Mann of Folgar Payne of Wanchese, N. C., iManiis Harbor paving generous two sons, Gideon B. Daniels of this .tribute to tlie life of the deceased, city and,Elmer Daniels of Charles-1 •'ton, S. C., a daughter, Mrs. Rachel MISS HENDLEY ANNOUNCES - _ -- . DEMONSTRATION MEETINGS WO-I^AN'S DIVISION OF CHRISTIAN SERVICE MEET)Lee Nettles of Walterboro, S. C., • — (four grandchildren, also an uncle, The Woman’s Division of Chris- jZion Midgett of Rodanthe, N. C., .tian Service of ^Mt.,Olivet Metho- and two aunts, Mrs. Dorothy Mid- .dist church vviU.'meet oh Wednes day afternoon-at the home of Mrs. S. A. Griffin. A good attendance is desired. I > .Th'e steel in one hand cprnsheller would make three.-'iirmeh sheila. The. next meetings on schedule J , — • Dare County Home Demon- gett of Rodanthe, N; C., and Jlrs. stration Clubs wUl have as their W. B. Midgett of Manteo, C.'topics "Wise Planning and Use of Mrs. Daniels was 63 years old, a Time”, and "Home Nursing and native of Rodanthe, N. C., and had Care of the Sick”. Miss Sadie been living in Florida for the past ,Hendley, demonstration agent,‘ has Sixteen years, moving from May- announced the' following schedule: port here just nine months ago. Friday, Sept 4, Manns Harbor, PEW STU.’^IPY POINT PEOPLE .SIGN PAPER -Although several Stumpy Point people have signed a paper, asking Juyeniie.’.Tudge C. S. hleekins of. Dare Comity to' allow a young of fender'to remain in the neighbor^ hood, it- is not likely thejr wishes will pre.vail, since some of them are ' children and one name sig»ied tq the paper is purported to be for ged. Some of the .names are of relatives and children less than 12 years of age. The boy had a rec-' ord .of stealing over a long period, - . and is to be sent to Eastern Caro lina Training School at Rocky Mount. The names on the paj.er are as follows: Erlene 'Tvviford, Lucy Best, Ma-;-7 bel Payne, ^’Ruby Twiford, Judy, f Payne. Goldie Best, Doll Gaboon, Edil Midgett, Roland M. Midgett', R. L. or R. T. Wise, E. D. Midgett, -A. Preston Gray, T. R. Midgett. at the home of Mrs. -Fred Johnson, at 2 o’clock. .- 1-1 Wednesday, Sept.'S, Kitty Hawk, at the home of Mrs. Mary Best,- at 2-o’clock. Thursday, Sept. 10, East Lake, at the home of Ml'S. Ida Hassell,' ' Friday, Sept. 11, (Jollington, the home of Mrs. Sadie Stetson. ,r- Buy Defense-Bonds and’Stamp&''''^'!2>'^ '%-J ,.sv f , i