. ■. ’j , state Li o r a r y Laleica, TL C, GO; ip DARE COUNTY TIMES The Weekly Journal of the North Carolina Coastland —Devoted to the Interests of the Lost Colony Country, Embracing the Cape Hatteras National Seashore VOL. IX; NUMBER 39 MANTEO, N. C., FRIDAY, MARCH 31, 1944 Single Copy 5 Cent* , - STATE GROUP IN «^at°reb\kah meeSmno J lALEIGH DISCUSS — \ • ,,T¥T^ T /NCSrn r^’XrV Mrs. Grace While of Manleo hlecU 1 HE LUO1 1 District Fresident; Mrs. Mrs. Jcnnint;s Makes Address GREGG CHERRY TO VISIT HYDE DARE, APRH. 6 Governor’s Office Holds En- ^ thusiastic Meeting Last The district meeting of the Re- Week; $100,000 Sought jbcUahs, hold in Mnnteo Tuesday ' 'afternoon with the Manleo chapter An enthusiastic group of North as liosle!?s, set a record for attend- Caroliniahs'Tasr"wcek. in the office anco. dl-i were resent, and Mrs. T\lae of Govern'or- Ilroughlon heard All-, Jennings, slate pi-esidont, said it Ih'or Paul Green review the his-1 was the largest attendance any '*^^’‘i>''.5l„tltejj^u?,ccsses of the l.nsl group has had when she has met CoToiiiyilun'^ uic~fK-o years of its i with them this season, operation, ainl,'-he,,tokl something | Mrs. Delilah Liverman, district of his plans.rt)V nilulli% it a groal- Candidate For Governor Listen To Needs Of Peoole On Coast I o V pit ^ _ er show Ihaiv bo^ffe! when it is re- V ivcd'afteit the war. ^ Tho’-meelingohad- beenfcalled by Govonior 'Broughton'who'Tor some time lias’discussed its-greater pos- sibilitiesi.and, present,at,the, meet ing were a' majority-, of tthe Trus tees of the Jtoanoke Islan^ His torical '•‘^sociationj.ispo’nsors. of the drama.-Sam, Seldeii,jdlj’cctpr of the show, was' there. . - - Josephus Daniels hc.adcd the list of'proniment'Nprth Carolinians who visited- the Governor’s office that day. Mr. Daniels made fav orable comments; about the show; Melvin R. -Daniels of Mantco out lined his vic\v" of-local sentiment. It was the consensus of the meet ing tlie play, had grown to the .point where not only the State Govern ment, but the philanthropy of pro minent North Carolinians should be called upon to underwrite the greater show to the tune of $1(10,- (lOO if necessary. This thought was based upon the return it has given the state first in cultural value, but next in the thousands brought in for gasoline taxes, and advertising of the state. When “Lost Colony” originaliy was presented, it had substantial financial help'from WP.A, CCC and other federal agencies which no longer exist. Attendants at the conference, here said ..they ask the legislature to establish the summer-time spectacle as a ate state agency, or make \V the responsibility of 'some -existing agency. Governor Broughton pledged the support of his admin- istration to keep the drama alive. Green. ■'professor of philosophy- ■" at the University of North Caro- -- na, wrote the play for the 350th J nniversary celebration of the ^t- ting of Roanoke Island by Ra leigh’s ill-fated colonists. It was presented in an outdoor theatre built on Roanoke Sound, and was so successful in its first season that it was produced each summer thereafter until war conditions R. Gregg Cherry, of Gastonia, candidate for the Democratic nomination for Governor will visit Hyde County on Thursday, .April 0, and will continue to Manleo that niglit, wliere he has been invited to speak. Mr. Cherry may call on party leaders in Tyrrell on tlie same trip He has e.xpre.ssed a wish to learn doiiulv president, was prevented hand the needs of the people bv illness from attending. "f f-Iiese coastland coiintic.s whicii 'officers were elected as follows- made so much progress m rc- I’residcnt, Mrs. Grace White; vice- y'^^'^’ . , president, Mrs. Bundv, Elizabeth Lheri-.v may not get anothoi City; warden. Miss Mildred G.ard. opportunit.v-to visit this section be- Manteo; socretar.v, Mrs. Temple ^primary. Elizabeth City; and treasurer, Mrs. president, presided at the meeting, and Mrs. .Jennings inade,^.tbe ad dress, Mrs Lonnie OL\cal,’.district CARS LOSE CONTROL | D A R E BEHIND AND GO INTO CANALS jjy jjgj) CROSS WAR FUND DRIVE Odell Duvall, Mantco. '.At the conclusion of the meetin.g the Manteo women seiwed refresh ments eonsistin.g of a chicken sal ad cour.se, ice cream and cake. BASEBALL TAKES SPOTLIGHT AT AVON Marvin Mitchell's Car Ditched At East Lake; L. L. White, ."sea- inan Immersed at .Manteo Two auLomoh.les during tlie voolc have left the highwavs and ^one into canal.s in Dire Count’. I’lilirsday night of tliis week, tlie car of h. L. While, seaman at the tJantoo Naial Air S^tation went iverboard in tlie caiiai near the rouse of Stewart Rogers at the 'Joanoke Sound bridge. The car \as badly damaged, but the driver vas not badl.\ luirl. .Scver'l davs before, the car if M C Mitcbell. m.iinland mail car- ler, went off tlie slipporj road at East I.akc and Into the roadside j.aiial when the steering gear came apart beneath the car. The le.sson from these mishaps i.s that now- that all cai's Less Than 1-3 of Quota Con tributed; Most Districts Not Yet Heard From HYDE COUNTY SEASHORE TO GET $235^000 SOON OCRACOKI NAVY PilOiiCT Response to the Red Cro.ss V a - I-Tind drive in Dare County i- ” ‘ up to expectations, according i latest reports from the -liairm-'n''- office. In this county which Iv i the largest jiercentage of men i i the armed forces of any counti. i i the stale, it w-as to he expo'-'o I that the county w-ould not on)\ r.aise its (|Uola, but go well over the top. Jlowovor figures obtainable th's w-eok from the ehairman’s office show only $7G:'..(i3 collected. This iiu-iudes only four communities, Mess Hall, Housing, Dispensary and School Facilities For Training Personnel At Ocra- ’ coke Section Base; Project Means Much To Future Development In That Area. EASTER SEALS GO ON SALE THIS WEEK on tho '*’^'*^ i-cpre.sentative of road are used cars and are hecom-from all parts of the ing considerably worn, it is well to Dare w-ill bo behind when Big Kinnakeet Coa.st Guard .Sta tion Win.s Over .Avon In .Slugfest 12-8 MELVIN DANIELS. DARE COUNTY, CHERRY CHM. Big l-Cinnakeet Coast Guard Sta tion’s ba.seball team on March 24 w-on it’s first game on their homo Melvin R. Daniels, Dare Counly Registci- of Deeds, and w-ell-know-n . , , „ , political figure has been named from Avon in a 12-S slug- Chairman of the Cherry for Go\or- nor Group in Dare County. Mr. fest. Errors by both teams marred the game tliroughout. Roy Gra.v Daiiiels lias appointed Mi-s. Denis f’f H. K. w-as removed in the 4th White CTiairman of the young IJ^au-se >f a sore arnwaiid was re people’s group in the county. I believe Mr. Chei-rv is the lieied by Johnny Ciongoli pitched a grand relief role who will right sort- of man for our kind of bear w-atching w-ith a little more people,” Mr. Daniels said this practice. Ralph of .Avon w-as batted week. “He is a plain evervday the fifth wlien the Coast fellow- that anybody can talk to. turned on its’ heavy guns. He is w-illing to listen to our needs Batting stars of the game w-ere and 1 believe he w-ill do everything “Ski’ Levandoski and Beauchamp possible to improve the w-hole of K. and C. Williams and Blu- cher of .Avon. Outstanding player He’ has had much experience, a of the game w-as Levandoski with long- record of public sen-ice and four doubles and a single. These he has so manw friends in Eastern teams played in Avon a week ago North Carolina that he seems like ^ith Avon taking the decision 9-4. one, of the.family.’,'. Kinnakeet C. G. Station: Committee members associated . _ -“^b H w-ith Mr. Daniels in the manage- Ciongoli, lb, p 4 2 ment of the Cherry campaign are: Levandoski, 2 G Avon: O. G. Gray, U. G. O’Neal, Heauchamp, 3b 5 D.-' J. 0’Nealr-G."T.-'Viniatns and Cra.v, p, lb 4 .A. D. Williams. Rodanthe, Waves I’otro, If 5 and Salvo: L. Douglas, J. A. Meek- ins, J. F. Meekins, Mrs. Julia Mid- Needham, 2b 1 look after the steering gear Quite unexpectedly the steering gear can Will Benefit Crippled _ Chil' dren; Half Remains in the County; Va To State final reports are in Of this amount. $009.13 has been conti-ibu- The Navy Department advises that t'-e Secretary of the Nav> lias appi-o\('d the expenditure of $235,- 00(1 addruional for expansion of tlie training station on Ocracoke Is land off the coast of Hyde County, according to Congressman Herbert Bonner. Tlie Ocracoke Island project now reiircsents an investment of seve ral hundred thousand dollars in Lbe Easter .seal sale in Dare _ ..here the quota is County got under way this w-cek, concrete roads, barracks i$1.000. Of the $009.13, $157.00 w-ns and seals were mailed out to all .mj other facilities. -An IS-foot I collected at the Pioneer Theatre, schools in the county Tuesday been dredged into Sil- RR lnc'F''TrU HjIsI a'mf'mT ' the ow-nor and manager, H. morning. Dare’s quota for this l/^ko, the island’s harbor, and [ .A. Creef, gave several nights and year is aiiproximately $200, the ^|.,g lai^e itself deepened corres- ono matinee to the Red Cross same aninunt a.sked la.st year, pondingl.v. w-orkers for collection of funds at .Sales w-ill be handled, as usual, Section Base at Ocracoke the door. $19.16 w-as contributed llii-ough the schools, w-ith. County nia\ hav,e some degree of perman- by men at the Naval Air Station. Superintendent of Schools R 1. wiiieh will give the island a Avon lia.s renorted .$95.00, Ea.st Leake and County Welfare Officer substantial income from business L.ake $24, and Waves $35 50, Other ]. 1’. Da\is heading the committee, mfnieiital to operating the base, commiimlies are expected to send All i-elurns w-ill be turned in to merchants, tourist homes, I in their return.s soon. Mr. Davis. others in business may expect The Easter seal sale is conducted a considerable increase in income. fall apart resulting in great dan-bi .Manteo, w- MAYOR KELLOGG WINS Woman’s Club Clears $37 For Waterfront Beautification Project Mayor Martin Kellogg, .Jr., won the bridge tournriment which ha.s been played this montli, under the sponsorship of tlie Manteo Wom an’s Club. Mrs. Balfour Baum w-as In this greatest drive of all second high and Mrs. Hugh Me-'*’'""' great Amei-R-an Red ^t this time each year for the bene- The increased interest of the Chesney third. | ^^ne for JDare Cnim- (.rippled children, half the Naij in Ocracoke Island indicates Mrs. McCoy Tillett gett, and Clarence Midgett. Brow-n, 2b ... Buxton: N. F. Jennette, H. J. Kuin-es, rf ... Gray, E. P. -Whife, Mrs. Edna Doi’ns, rf Gray. Frisco: U. L, Roilinson, J. A. Johnson, cf .. Stowe, L. L. Roilinson. Halteras; 1. B. .Austin, Albert Austin, Tom Eaton, .Mi-s. W. L. Gaskiil, IMrs. ‘Theresa Roilinson, U. G. Stow-c, -Vvon: 4 2 1 1 0 2 1 2 0 .3 0 2 1 -tl7 17 w-on high score in rummy Tuesday night in the final game of the tournament, and the grand prize for rummy w-ent to Mrs. Harry .Smitli. Miss Bessie Draper w-on the door prize. A homemade cake, raffled off, w-ent to Mrs. Desmond Rogers, During the tournament the W'o- man’s club raised a total of ap proximately $37, this sum to go tow-ard the waterfront beautifica- cation project. Hostesses for the final night of the tournament w-ere Miss Delnoy 5', Burrus, Mi-s. Ray Jones, Mrs. Lou ise Meekins and Mrs. Balfour Baum. I tiaiis to wake up and t«*ke thoii pi'oceeds remaining in the county, share of the responsibility. Dare’s going to st.ate head- percentage of men in .service is (garters. The half remaining in approximately 11 per cent, great- county is used for hospilaliza- er than anv other countj in the crippled children, state, and it is up to Dare Conn- citizens of the county are tians to do their share tnw-.ard p(„.cbaso as many seals as nroviding them w-ith the aid the Red Cross takes to them all over the w-orld. Dares’ quota is $3,200. Won’t you help meet it today? Don’t w-ait for the other fellow to do it for you. possible, to aid cause. in this worthy its apparent advantages for the training of personnel, and the pos sibility that a school for this task ma> be continued for many years. In addition to the many natural ad vantages of Ocracoke Island, it has fortunately had a one man cham ber of commerce in the person of Stanley Wahab, Baltimore busi- ne.ss man and native of the Island. The continuous effort of this forced its clo.sing. Governor Broughton said there jj. i. Willis w-as precedent for the State going Manns Harbor: C. L. Midgett, J. ss S%Tinto the theatre business. The 1941 E. Midgett, V. G. .Midgett, Tom N. le"-islature appropriated $20,000 as.Tillett, R. L. Craddock, Gaston “ " a guarantee for the “Lost Colony”, I Mann, C. W. Mann. Mashoes: Will j"; ' ' but the money w-as not needed and Mann, Mrs. Hattie Mann, T. R. .Jb .... reverted to the general fund. The'Midgett, T. L. .Midgett, Ira Spon- “enjamin, L. 1943 legislature appropriated|cor. Stumpy Point; A. W. Hooper-, P’ -P money for the State Symphony lE. JI. Hooper, .A. B. Hooper, G. E. Orchestra. Meekins, Maynard Meekins, S. S. After leaving the Governor's .Nixon, JIrs. Belle Payne, Geo. 51. Sumner 2b, p 4 Norman, ss 4 4 4 3 4 3 5 4 COLLECTIO.V OF TAXES AT .SOUTH BANKS POINTS office, the meeting jn 1 executive ■ Wise. East Lake; R. F. Smith, C. session voted to hold another meet- C, Smith, J. H. Bratten, Ben Cain, soon, at which time it express- J H. D. Cain, D. H. Hassell, G. L. R. 201 023 3Ix 12 200 130 110 8 .Summary ''nomina-l. Coiington: Mrs. Minnie Beasley, „ '^alks: Ciongoli, 2; Johnson. 2; 7, from 9 until 12 p. m. Associa- Mrs. Lillie Meekins, J. H. Meekins, I m vNTFO PT \ Will Ians wiU'andW. L. .Aleekins. Duck: Ed- ^''’eedham. Brow-r, Norman, Blu-,-MAN FLO 1 T.-\^^^ mg -- , cd the desire- that Governor 5Iann. Broughton be placed in tion as chairman of the hrmade'^to'cfecT^thTfuIl board' of mond Rogers, Mrs. Bessie Rogers, 9 For the convenience of the pub lic, Sheriff D. V. Meekins, w-ill make a trip to all points south of Oi-ogon Inlet next w-eek. He w-iil go to Rodanthe Wednesday morn ing and make short stops at each Ab H. 'dace. Ho w-ould also like to see all 0 persons at tin's time w-lio have oth- 2 er matters they w-ish to attend to. ijTho '•-chedule of stops is as fol- 1 , low-s; .3 I Rodanthe—Wednesday morning, 3..April 5, from 10 to 12 a. m. 0 Waves—Wednesda.v afternoon, 0 . from 1 to 3 p. m. 0 j Avon—Wednesday night, O. C. I Gray’s store from 5 to 7 p. m. 9 Hatteras—.All da.v Thui-sday, H. 1 April Cth. 17! Frisco, Thursday, April G, 7 to 9 8 p. m. i Buxton—Friday morning, Api-il ELECT OFFICERS R A. T I O N REMINDER WHO REMEMBERS EGGS AT SIX CENTS A DOZEN one-man has been a powerful fac- , tor in developing the island com- Do you remember when eggs' mercially. Through Mr. Wahab’s were six cents a dozen? Most of; trie light and ice plant; a hotel us don’t, but here is a story svliich i-’n-estments, Ocracoke has an elec- recentlv came from Hickory, at’d cafe, several new cottages, a North Carolina. laundry- and other facilities. When ' Mrs. J. i. Morgan. Conover, begain distributing its Const route 2, ree#ntlv came .across some stratepc spots it found good ven- interesting old records of alnmst roady for busi- business transactions of her falh- "^^s. ft us probably that the.se good availability of other areas that might otherw-ise have served equ- Gasoline—In 17 East states .A-9 coupons are “'Thf A oTitei-.KMiii'rr'ortV., ’..I'lt holders, deadline is March 31.; for St. Timothy communit.v. C-coupon holders May 31; and for |g interesting to compare B-coupon holders, Juno 30. .some of the prices paid for farm ‘ * Shoes — Stamp No. IS in Book 'produce, as well as merchai di.se Mivv-ip i pp Mvnrv-t-t One is good for one jiair. Stamp j,, nineties, with the pve- ' ' ' t» -.1 I No. 1 on the airplane sheet in Book g^nt day iiricos. Here are some of Tliree is gootl for one pair. entries w-ith dates noted bv Fuel Oil—I’ei-iod 4 and 5 counnns jjj.g_ Jiorgan: are good through Sentomher 30 Red 10-pt. stamps .AS, BS and CS. ns, ES and FS in Book 4 are good through 5Iay 20. AVaste kitchen fats are redeemed at tw-o ration |ioi”ts I'Ui.s four cent.s a pound. GS, HS, JS, expire .lune IS and l-vS. L8, MS, (Book Four) become valid .April 9 and expire June IS. Processed Foods—10-pl. stamp.s AS. BS, CS, DS, and ES in Book Four are good through Mav 20. FS, GS, HS, JS, and KS (Book Four) become valid April 1st and expire June 21. Sugar stamp 30 (Book Four) good for five pounds for indefinite .Jan. 1, 1S97, eggs, 1.5c- dozen; .Ian 2. 1S97. one load wood, 50c; Mar. 22. IS97, eggs. Gc dozen : Jan. 12, 1S97, 100 feet lumbci- 20c; Jan. 1S97. butler 12 l-2c- pound: Nov. 1S97. butter lOc pound; .Aug. 7, )S97, one pr, pants 50o-. .Aug. 2G. suit of clothes. $1.00; HO.XORED OX BIRTHDAY Minnie Lee .Midgett w-as honored at a birthday party given by her mother, Jlrs. Llo.vd 5Iid,gett, at her home in Manteo WodnesJry afternoon. The room was decora ted w-ith i\.v and spring flow-ers. The table w-.as centered with a cake bearing 12 candles. Games w-ore pla.ved The hororee received many nice gifts. Ice cream and cake w-ore sen-ed. Those pre.sent w-ero, Millie Wai-ii, Sept. 4, ISO/, 1] pound^ bacon ) g|ja Ward, Montez Alidgott, Irene _ . Qiiidlcy, June Gray, Nancy John- Aug. 2G, 1S97. paid for one son, Tracey Midgett, Mary Ann week’s w-ork, Sl.OO; Midgett, Jane .Midgett, Ma'rv El- •Sept. 29, 1S97, paid for spinning len Parker, I’h.cllis Austin.‘Doris 7 1-2 pounds of wool. 75c; .Alford, Sarah .Alford, Phvlis Quid- Oct. 29. 1S97. for weaving 19 ipy. C.arolyn Midgett, I.'aura l^ee , , vards cioth, oOc; cu." ll"."! ,! ■ Oct. 39. 1S97. 3 shirts. 42c: v.zrds c-lotlu gard Porr.v, Itussell J-’err.v. . n w n u pitcher, Sumner. Lmpiros, Davis, I FUNERAL HELD FOR MRS. JENNETTE MONDAY l^iineral services for Mrs. Thco-, dosia Jennette, G7, of Chester, I’a., „ , k -vr t hi-j w-ere held at the Amity^ Methodist Tbe'ipli Wescott, Mrs. Lucy Jlid- cJiurch at Lake-l..anding, Monday Sett. _ , „ • .t Xrnoon at 3 o’clock with Rev.| -''l?nteo: T. A. Basn.ght, M L. 5Ir. Davis officiating. I'Hcrment. JH •‘5. Frank While, w-as in the church cemetery. The first grade w-ill present NOTE: Rationing rules reqnii' I that every car owner immediately 'lis license mimlier and stak in hi Mar. 17, 1S97, 9 1-2, 1 sno.->l thread. 23e. .Jan. 3, 1S.S9. sold cow- and calf. SIS.OU; •Aug 22. 1994. 799 ft. weather- hoarding. t' “9: -Aug 21. 19o4. -JS lbs nails. !'9i els. gasoline coupons I”'-'" BREWER.s \. ('. COMMI TTEK TO ELECT ()FFU ER> M)0\ MILL ENTER ARMY FROM NA.SH COUNTY BOARD FOOD RATION STA.MP.S MILL NOT EXPIRE HATTERAS P.aulfnui- Baum of Manteo pass- 5Irs. Sophia Evan.s'; '"Mr^ '' Tom Bora to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence od his pre-induction examination | OI’.A district direclor, declared to- Mrs. Jennette died in a New Mrs. Jennette, JIarch Sth, an S-ib. boy, for Army sen-icc on March 9 a: pia.v that expiration dates for foo.l Kipctioii of o'’'i( ers. reports on tin York hospital Friday morning at A^ay 4 o’clock followdng a-short illness..®- F. Gordon, J- ®- uital native of New JerscA’ff Jones, R. I. Leake, I?.,B. Len- Bo land AVard, at the Tayloo Hos-,Foi-t Bragg, but has not yet receiv- in Wa.shington, N. C. jed his call for induction. .Air. Baum Bora to Mr. and Mi-s. Bertie Di.x-I went from the Na.sh County Se- Mid- en, Jr., March 15th, an 8-lb. bo.v, lective Service Board, having re- Mrs. Bertie III at the Tayloe Hospital gistered there w-hilo making his She was a native of New Jersey. r- o i u .. She married thejate R..-L. Jen-|non C- S. Meekins, .'Robert nette, prominent citizen'-of Lake SeH, M^ Lucetta Willis, Landing tow-nship, and lived' in Hyde County the greater .part of | lAags Head; Mr^- Lqrena her life. She resided at Swan;?ob,-Mrs. J E.-- Culpei>per, , __ _ _ Quarter, with her son, Willie Jen-' .Culpepper, .L,^ L. John- George Ray, at Eranidin, N. C. j nette, for a short while several Mrs. Mari’-Wise. Mrs. Tallent w-as formerly from ; Hatteras. ' I in Washington, N. C. , ..-®bra to Mr. and Mrs; Clyde Tal- Mrs.lent, March ' 3rd, a ' baby bov, ‘ " N. * home in Nashville. MANTEO DEMONSTRATION CLUB M ILL MEET TUESDAY ^'"s!frvM‘’ng are two daughters,'MISS AMANDA ETIlERinCE Trs^l Broach of Chester, Pa.J IN' NORFOLK HOSPITAL id Mrs. Walter Fleicher of New! mJ' DAIRY COM’S A survey in North Carolina re- /ork;iand three sons, Ben, Chan-' Miss Amanda Etheridge of Man-, veals that three out of four dairy- ler and 'Willie of New York; and ^ patient in Norfolk Gen- men do not w eigh each cow’s milk seven grandchildren. hosjiital, w-here she underwent at least onc-c a month in order to Pallbearers w-cre Liston Harris, operation Thursday. Miss feed and cull intelligentlv. Early Gibbs, Harold Neal, Lee Etheridge is the seventh grade Th'os;^;Carter, Harry Harris and teacher in the Manteo school. Her _ POTATOES Joe’*-Swindell. " place w-ill be filled during her ab- The largc.sl supply of seed Iri.sh ^spending a five-day leave in Man-' The Manteo Home Demonstra tion club will meet Tuesda.v after noon, .April 4, in the school lunch room at 2:30. Miss Sadie Hendley, homo agent, asks that ail members be present. Midgett, Rennie Rogers, Bett.v Uae Riigers, Connie Mae Headlv, Betty .b'vce Heath, Doreen Mid- gi-tt. .Audrey .'Shannon. Barbara -Ai'ii ,! 'iie.=, Lana Rob.-r'son. D '-ita Brclp'.iu-e. E'el.vii Iiow-dy. Alar- giier'ii’ 's-Kinner, C'oteen Quidl‘>v. Beltv Knder. Janet Go.aslen, Jean A'.‘'..(i |\\ I \ ins. R/'iibon PiV’’. .J..,nn Wiliiani.!;. J. C Groce. BiM tpiiil'ci liiibli'. Twift>rd. Garri'tl Atect. i-.t. Punk Robinson. AA'illnir .AiI'!i''. Frai’cii Meekins, S.-un ''lidgctl. Jr. r. R. Fulcher. Austin 1!\ rd. rt.-^car Midgett Jackie ‘lian- Miii. l'iw;irii AA’nod. .lack (".aluion. •Arnold .Alidgett, Pl-.illip H. Quidloj, Thomas Ganady. Clarence Skinner, ('li.'irles Rcbcr, Eddie Rebcr, Jr., Eddie Rebcr, Mrs Bernice ration .stamiis are out for the du- voUmtai-\ cooneration program dur- payne and 5Irs. Sallie Midgett. ration. ^ ^ (^],g past 12 months and consid- Beginning in .April, Johnson eration of jilans for next year will KNG.AGE.MENT 'ANNOUNCED said, red and blue stamps in AA^ar feature the one-day session. ' Air. and'Mhs. Herbert Augustus Ration ^Rook No, Four W'ill be good A meeting of the I2-mcmiier Lx- Creef of Alanteo have announced indefinitely. ^ ecutive Committee will be hold the engagement and approaching There w-ill bo no change in the prior to the goncrai meeting. State marriage of their daughter, Marg- w-ay in which stamps become valid. Director Edgar H. Baia- of Golds- aret .Ann. to Ray Spraggins, Chief Housewives w-ill continue to get boro announced. ' i Petty Officer,'u. S. Navy, the three rod stamps w-orlli thirty ceremony to take place April 15, points every second Sunday and MUSIC CLUB AVILL HAVE j 19-14 in the Manteo iAIothodist five blue stamps w-orlh fifty points .SPECIAL PROGRAM TUE.SDAYchurch at five o’clock. No 'invita- the first of every month. . !— ■ lions are being'mailed in Manteo. Johnson said the change is in Donald A\Tiitlf>ck,-USGG’;-"Station-1 — N-' Thendnro S Johnson, Tlie fifth amiiversar\ meeti'ic f the Hi-ewiiig Industry Koiinda- tion's North Carolina Committee Raleigh ,,, Greensbm-o in enrli ■ scnce by Mrs. Elw-ood Inge. By the way, have you heard the motto of the A'^ietoi-y gardeners? “AVeed ’em an’ Reap.” .able to farmers this sjn-ig. Certi- The w-orlds best investment is fied seed potaoe.s jumped from • AA’ar Bonds—^buy them today. 29 1-2 million to 29 million bush- potaoes in hi.slory has been avail- too with his wife .and his motlicr. Mrs. Ran-zy Midgett. Buy AA’.ar Bon.Is ;i,.(I .‘T.imps. “Figures don’t lie.” “Thej’re not siqiposed to Thev that all members of the chib w-iU are siniplv raw- malei-ial in the be present to hear him. The meet- Iiands of the expert.” ing will liegin at S :t9 line witli simiiai- changes in other ed at N.ags Head, will give a .sue-' CEIL).VG.S ON COU.NTRY TORK rationing programs. The oxpira- ci.al program of .songs Tuesday Country cured pork products tifu flMe of shoe stamps w-as re- night. i.Aprii 4. for the Roanoke Is- have been placed under dollars and RETURN'.'^ TO FOK'I BR/AGG moved last Soptemlier and sugar land .AIusic CTiib. when the club will cents ceilings by the Office of Pfe. Lofton Midgett i-otnrned expiration dates were done aw-.ay meet at the homo of Aliss Beveriy Price Administration. There w-ill Mond:i> to I'ort Lragg after with ♦lii-ee w-ceks ago Sutherland in Manteo Air. AAHiP-Ihe no icereases m retail prices and lock IS a former member of Fred Seme pork items will be cheaper. AA'arings- band, and it is expected 'I'he jniee of aged, dry-eured bams will remain the same. Aged, dry- eiii-eii bacon Iia.s been cut one cent 1 jiouml

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