V il - - i 1 ?' . 1 f j: ?;!:; ; ;;:;-u;;- f . - I . V - 4. V i SUNNY. HOMB. T.Jifvr, N. C. - - Friday, Jnly lPl 18S1. : ... " i -' TJ1EODOKK IIOBGOOD, Editor. Sunstrokes seem to -.hare been June.' stands arc generally very good and no abandoned lamU. The plant is foriniiigfand blooming well, though small nitf backtrarrt. Tjie caterpillar U reiortel jta the niitUTe In - the Sea Island section the pretty general hi ithc largercitiesof . plant is reported as doing well. the 'Xort W aatt "West, . during the past week. n j ues arc President .Garfield still cont to improve. His physicians pretty milch of the opinion that Tic will recover, although It mak be Koine tinwv Norfolk Va., July 9-L-The Cotton j I ; i f I ' ' i : v 1 No. 1 Mackerel for sale bj R. s. w conl 'a'jid a half ofPrnif for tale by J. li. Wells &,Co., " :U- -m - -'- i ? , AH In ce of Hatdwan. wli! do well J applying at JAeonrs,-Wilmington N. C. There yon- the lowest prices. TOISHOT MARKET. . j Cnmctcil weekly by J. X Wells uv. Co Dealers in (ieucral Mer "77" The aflairs at Albany arc still unchanged in Tegant to the ejec- t ioitof U. S. Senators, v Ilatt i-eH signed sereral days ago, but (onk li n 2' still holds on. reecivinc: in bach Kxchange crop report has the fol lowing, compiled fvem 73 replies 1 from 33 eonntip itf .Vi North Garofiua: of ax lf rc,iaiM,iienV Country Troduce. Juw Ztk Twelve reidies show th lS - - 1 aim very imiavorable; replies ivirt the weather more favtmible than bust year, 11 thesame, and 35 fl(ss favorable; 02 show no lands aininilmedwmg toail J Jgtonns, and 9 sliow an average of less than 2 per cejit. aibandoned; 30 report NEW SPRING AND SU! John D. Wells molesalc ami lictdil I)jlcrt in CEHCRAL MERCHANDISE i x i i iv kL. l ' uU ,.!gool, 10 lair, and 18 miiXereitt tmllot about the sitm iiuinberot i ? ' x , . , . i , i. i i i';J. L,'h KtaiuJs; 3 repojcttlie plant bloomi votes he received at the commence-- t . ... ucut of the contest. : The lleorgia legislature is now convened Iri; special session. A , )Hoh;bitioit bill has Ueen introduced i -i . .' . . ' r . Li.. I i . loruHHUHK , ine inaimiacmre, ;im-tinrf;itirii-,'il. op fimiisliin'r in the iciil, incchanicnl, or sacrimental puqjoses. , VOLUME;!. Yith t.hi issue the SUNNX HmiE 1 enters'' upon its second volunie.- To say thit we have mei with the : eircourafrement we anticipated, in the' jcoiiiinenccmeht of the paper. his awd forming well, 31 not bloom ing but forming well, and 5 not do ing, so well as last year; 40 show generally good condition, 14 fair, and 13 iiidiffercnt small aud gniss;" 21 show the . eoiiditiOH of the crop tlie same aJjiJr ner, -.wiibt so good as' last year, and ten days later! The general tenor of tho replies show that the dry weather' previous to the 23rl and 2.jth of Juno retarded soinewiiat the giOAvtli of the plant also that tire heavy: rains during the h$t week of June have caused reiiorts of grass. Labor is not sat isfactory. Lice are . reporl ed in 6 counties, damage b IjaiLstonn in ;4 counties. Blooms are,reportcd as early.as the C Sides, - fMiouhlers, Hams, - ChiekciLv - - Kggs, - - gajr, per Kiikt feuffar, . '. Coflev, - w fitter, - 'lour, - -eas, - lola'xses; - tags, -. . ees Wax. - - Itice, - , Tallow, ' V the 20th of June , would not express it.; AVhde advertising patronage' has been ! . Charleston H C., J11I3" 9 The good, our subscription list has tinned to increase, ad to-day commence our new volume with in South Carolina, based on 59 re- con- uiiarieston isxehancre makes the , we following report of the cotton crop vety near ; five hundred bond snbscribers. And while we "very much encouraged by the fide plies from 27 counties : Weather feel drj; and hot, from 37. dry from. 30, liJlf. nnftivnrhblA: from 2. 1as fn.'vnr'ibl ronasre received in the past, we also from 9, same as last year from 1. :leel encouraged by the many kind and 12 fail to answer ,t his question. Words7 of our friends in the Suhny Home. Tilt COTTON CBOP. behalf of Heports of no lsiud alKihdoned from 4o; 7 report the same area cultivat ed as last year, 4 varying from 1 to 20 per cent. 1 The stands are re- The lorted good from 30, and fair from the The present condition of the the clop favorable in 21, less favorable dis- in 10, clean and well worked in 21, i -: VfftTlDl 1 tfhotl mil Memphis , Tenn., July 9.- regular .Vnbiithly crop, report 01 IIemphis Cotton Exchange for itiohth of June, embracing the tricts of -West Tennessee Nbrtli and small and backward in 3. As Mississippi and -North ArkadsasJ coinparetj with last j-ear, not as urirreffatcs 83 responses. SikyV good in 20, late (Varying from live live report thes weather for the to twenty-five days) in 8, the same itionlh of June as havhur beeti fa- as last year in O. vorabie,'.20 mdavorable; compiled f Tew OHeans, July 9TheKjition- witii lSSO." 47 rciibrt thoUweather iftl Cotton , Exchangerop report (or ? more favorable, 12 about ; the same .Tulysays: . . vand-20Iess "favorable 1 GG re ort LotwQW--0r , reP01" is cora none of the land planted abandon- pca troin lio replies, covering i ed; 19 report from.,10 to 20 per tent parishes, of average- date J two 30, .x.i o.v.Anni nf trnf wAiifh. I Tlie weatuer aurnifir 1110 monui o V. There wasp, beat scarciri, of lias been too dry, but compar- a ed with last vear. decidedly more Snort, Vstafids cood. 23 moderately fcivorable. Xo lands of any conse -Ml-- . 11 8 Y n 13ta:a 12 100 to 20O 9tol2.i 1 3 to 23" 23 to 33 100 33 to 73 Dry goods, Boots OQDS! ON8ISTINdS ! X I Crock hoes, I E S , ADVEirriSEMKXTS. Tobacco ! - BITTI C Ct vvhitAkr, ; toiucvo ii jljj 1 fa nrriiKRiC w.sstoxx. a ; AH gnulw of IIng and ISfist constantly ou hand. Orders solic itL . ? n?&minles sent ujKm aiv plication. Julv J,6m.- J-OHK II. TYLEIt &.Co, Dlfimiific wiTPnrc imriDir "1" J6-PUTEI W.Utt. V erv. Krdware, And in fact evexytblug usually kept la FIIlST CLASS 1I3USK. Cointn merchants wfH find it to their advantage to ai and famine oui stock before buying elsewhere. ? 10 8c :'KLAimUiTI8EMKXTS WILSON GOLLESIftTE INSTITUTE rOK DOTlI SEXES, iS'r,otIy hob fioctariah. AW nd .. perienccd toachers. Modernne. Prac tical bees and Thoroughness our inott &. ueanoy incauon: Bpaciona biilldioK. A pleasant Educational Home. Eutireav erage expenses, $170 per year. E3-The Institute is tlie spat of one of 1110 new Stote Normal Schools. Address for.Catalogue, , S. HASSELLj A. M , Principal. July 15, ; Wilson, C, 20 , JVe Q uaraucc our- Goods as represented aid prices as 7or the laiectt! Plog-Castings and Farmers SjijipUcs v ;y .t the Iowest Cashor 14me Puces - caiuuAgk avVn wac.ox Siateuial of all kinds j . i.ud Ibices, Constantly 011 hand.; We arc also Atrents for the mot popular makes of SEWLNG MACHINES, and leep on hand a full stock of ; - 1 AMERICAN Alp DOMESTIC, WITH ALL ATTAOmiEXTd. . ii ...... . 1 Erery Variety, td Wxch weualrln:.- Jewclrv road utnlrv Aiou rai.l lu orders by AprS-tf j Kf Eifc-C$lat of Vlaltr. Hair mNipt attnn. UHhrrwl. 1 y. N 1 A.VKirnsKMEXTV. :' KH7 STOfiE. HEO :90P O O l- -f Wilsons a ' - :- -.1 Of AH rabs at iheliOwcst VHc HAUXKsi3, aAll)LUS,i&c.l '1 ' ' 1 s - 1 . : - .. A Laye AorinteHtt? II" cnoClvknY AXD TIN AVAUlcl The Tiiicst linuif yf TOBACCO, SUFll AND CIGARS. SI Tlirs spat e witt m oecuiiieil by th? advertisement of CA XSKD (SO ODS AXD 1 de$eripthn- you can tliink iScvCrythig tlilf- our store. lall tooc found WELLS. 1LULKY & 1 - Call and see us aid if you don't sw what you want ask for it. JXO. D. WELLS & Co., Toisko, X. C. THE UXIYEKSITY OF north Carolina; - T7EXT SESSION Wltl. BKOIS -ixgruisit, 25. 1G81. Combfne?! tbe adva-t efs of ilw old Curriculum, with tptcal extended in struction according to the Univervity system. Connoted with 1t are cchoofs of Law, or Mkdicinb and of Phakmacy. Farmers Friend Plow Wors. Branch Officej and Salesrooms, 1 Sycamore Street, ; Peter fsfopg - 2T. mm 0-A.3EV3T, - - - - MAN ACER. Special facilities givenfor pr?.c:ical studies, fuch as Analytic and Agricultural Oheni istryjjand Surveying, Drtiwin in .1. 'ir . , j5ooK.-rjvecpmg, J5usiuess Lar, Phonography, Arc. I III" HM .-f Expenses, includiug tuition jnl room rent, $185 to 230 pr anuuui. Address for catalogue and particulars, Kemp P. Battle, JL. I)., July 15, 1881. I Chapel Hill.. H 3C A 3 e ? o & o H W c Steam Engines, ' Threshing Maehines, Peapers and Mowcrs,'Strav Cutters, Fan Millrf, Stoves, Tin-v.-are, Hollow-ware, Fire Irons, KITTKELL SpitlNfJS ; FECd ALE HIGH SCHOOL, UPLOW CASTINGS, . FAliJf WAGONS, AXJJ STEEL, V A SEIKSi SIVi 'UIU3., OurEXCIXES are unsurpassed for finish, durability, efticiency, and Ch eap nens. ... SEW Alii) SEpOSP HAND FOli SALE. 1 to wei: A xn iiA Xb Cotton JPrcsscs, Gia , M. SMITH .& CO. MAXUFACTUPEIiS AND 0 DEALEPS IX I 12 poor; 81 report film ing quencc are-reported as abundant, MAmntiifF welL 4 not welh 09 Stands 011 : the whole s arc good, and U report the crops' in good, coudit on, the plant is blooming rand forming r- ' A.Lur 1 nn,l a imon 30 well. The present condUion of the rh - eood, thOman and tto last pear, 21 about tUo sake, gra in comparison wi htst year, ."td 25 no? so good ; 8 report the Worms and caterpillars v report- a.ni .0 noc ; irf Arkar sas ed in several parishes, with. a gen- rtopsin need of ramj o in Ai wai sas o . 1 . 7 , . r 1 . - . rfn. eral complaint pi drought. report mo appeiuamxj u. i.an.M - . - llirs, but no d a mage done'. Thishers, - fa&awn Forty-one counties 00 . - -: XVcplies. ;; The weather sine J ute pathy which have been evoked by . .ii'.o.-ivi'.. rrpnorallvdrv and hot, the attempt to munlcr the Pi.si, Session begins 4th August 1S81. The buildings aud springs have been purchased by the Principal. Can accommodate 200 pupils. "Vill lc thoroughly repaired. We leave tno ioisner scnoois, ine oprni sea- - , 0 ; s f try n i - sion of which numbered 73 mv01' Machioerv oi Evci'v liiscription, o f rlimn u-rp liinsm nnnils. - lor i r various rcasons-cliief among these arc Superiority 0 ' Buildings, Mediei- establish a Practical Female sTEA3i Engines, School ot the highest ukade. Tuition in regular course, wifirloard, includiug fuel, lights and wa.mi!g, 58o. Session twenty weeks. . Xo Ex.- i 1-1.. 11 r m 1 J... uas. r uu vjoiph it .u iiii PATENTEES OP TJIE PlCII?.IOND TlIREsIIER, -SEPARATEE AX1) r $Yor ..further lulormatiou ap- cleaner; the best machine in use for threshing and cleaning grain ply for circular. with limited team and small force. We are also general agents for the V. S. UAliJSEfe, l'rmcipai. "Geiser" Seoaraters and "Peerless" Eiiffim's, ami carry a lanre stx k of then). . Thiw machinery cannot be excelled, as is. .well kuown througl - ...... . i . I 1. 1aicw1 ! iuvtnln hf Hl and as compared with last year it is tieut nau pv. reported less favorable in ten kip- Xortji more than those which have land counties, and from the saU to come p from the South. These more favorable in the otlier con- have bceu general and v- !t lies Therohavie been no lands seems at least possible that if the flbandoned in j tliis State, tluj President- slmtl secover Jie jh ay stands are tair to gornl, very tew have greater inauencc ihau that reporting otherwise, w The plabte enjoyed by any of his predecessors ronn,llv forrainff and blodm- in restoring perfect harmouy be- ing well."- fhlpreseutmditioij of twcen.the South and Government. Jlrecr is good, and is ompa-ed Phila. Bulletin, (Key. 1 with last year, is as good or betl er. 1 . . ;. .- the want" .of nun m some sardy varrantedt.y jacoi, Wilmington n. c. ;- lands. ' y? y ' 'S- - . t iYiiim;i);--Xinetccn conntics, , . AdTfirUaewoatj J13 replies. The weather siacc Jnne Saw iM ills, Far 31 Wagons 1 , " &c, &c. Address Bingham School, Mebaneville N. A, is out XortU Carolilia. Pyg.l7!mlrirrt Fuji descriptive circulars will Ik? proutptly scat on yttplicatioa. among Southern hoarding Schools for Boys in age and number ; aud it area ri" isan otiiw1aH that ctt anv otherFcbool ln theUnion. -Jhe Ktea.lv J$3 ZHlltIl UO. Kl1'' w w - - , 121; for 1878-142; for 1879-lG3;f:r the A pr-8-0ii , P. O. Box 8, 1tlCI!3io;,D, A. scholasric 3'ear, ending June loco ioy; for the year ending Dec. 15, 1880-247. 175th Session wiU begin July 17.h, 1881. iAArK Mai. HnnT. BlKOHAH. ' t July 1J ; Superintendent SIMPSON & SMI III WHOLESALE AND It ETA 1 L LIQUOK D E ALE Kb, ' -: TARpOEO STREET, WlLsO, X. C Wish to inform ihi citizens of jb is and the adjoining countit that j they keep constantly on hand a fine 9w?n ment ot , WHISKIES, BRANDIES, WINES, CIGARS, TOBACCO COXFECTIOXEKIES, de dc We fiiake a specialtv of Iwttling Beer, and are prepaml to TiirnUh in' eratesj to the trade generally, 4at the very lowest rates. Dealers will find it to their advantage to iend their ordrs to ns. Tf U OF COPARTNERS r -WITIIOPT A RIVAL. Tobacci Pi-esses. Cane Mill. Grist Mills Friction Fi'm1 Kuw Mills, ami Uiachiiierv oi'ali kitiV " ' ' ; Xov. 1 AlUoivNlX . . - . m. XEW AiatLVAL OF i vnr aooth anocKiUEtm r CL0TULSG, COXEEWlQSElUhmc ijir2Atf TolNitot, JQC. C. F. GC1EV()01 & Bl)v ORPOLKj A A. Ronlvo dealers in Watrh",' dik, Dlain 4idM. JwelKy. .-Silver ami i'ih1 wre Miw1in-Ii . 4tv - largest iitoi k tit Iiowea Priifis 1 S in tfie ?tnte. S . y&Bf Watches, Clks ami Jwelri re paired by bft work ninn and 1vrriiHL Ordwra ly meU vrill recelvo rpiii.t attention. . . j. , ; 4V F. Green wooi & Uml JaH -ty ioii UAl stueSt. ALEJX. GREIflKlI- HAY AND (Hi.WN DKALKji, HII1-CIIHMISSI8H MERChtfif brf- the A!rrfc Grvitria ." 1 JftfAlno agent fnrlthe lendinK UaWaof r-l . . I . i j i. ..i . . . PartleM vfbbng anytUing in 'tlilun hii uni uiotimir ativatiuce t' - m him before purchatting. WORTH A WORTH J TAIjiV NTElX apr2C Gin Petersburg V. SHARP & BUO., Are now recptving'and opening y. " their large and well selected , stock of Hiuilig & Summer Goods, consisting of DRY GOOD, Boots, Shoes, JBLatss? Gang, GROCERIES, - HARDWARE,,- " FARMING UTENSILS, 1 -WtLMISUTiiNflCC- H Dealers in Liiiic, VUlf r Ilii-oii, Vrn, flay, M ohisses, C hee, Ejour, touKit j;ice sp A-Cwf. de $33.00 REWABD. 1st i reiMrted generally fayora wid a cbnipaxedrith last y ear less Qn i'tnrtlay roorahigr. $. favorablo iu sir comities, and frpni j. Tumbnll iufbrniedine thanjy the tame to, favorable in the sow had caught iwo of his jefe-. ' , ' i Li fat nnCA llSld tllO SOW 0Onfill- other counties, scarcely nnyauu - - ;ir Rrore. Where Ihe has been abandons. &camw pe r. f . a i(i ,,ot iretto her. Wrtrwi in four counties, aud fair,toL nifrht Ijetween mid .rood in others. The plant i&Wmt night and day she .was , jshot ana SJotoweet audition is good and trpm Ike. jeare old,ha4 raised ?saino to better than last year. huutlred:inl Mxty-three pigs, t '':;.-AiinW:v Jnlv 9 EiirhtY- Mrftfitiaii one. hundred kino replies from f 54 counties k- iounilsiekt 1lt the time she Sntharht--nne : lot was kmel have weue : and dry; 4S replies datd'tbeal er as more iatorablethiuiist yer; tliyit it hiw been ciefkac, i ajul lo that: it hasfbeVii abcutTyie Wnie bThd present conditioa e the vop isgood but ;te Mays bcli ijnd iliist yeahS The plaiit is unusually suiaii ; ibr this season of tke year, from rwant of rainbnt. is thri fty t and (?leW, showing;lngher of cultivation. . r ' '. : 13 counties report IheatiieTsiiry . !-.'.: f s .' . " . -1 "-.V. '.'.V 'i:-.: . difavoruUie,ioiine, (What enc?ouragemeirttras a nnvu lhr fn Vaisrr his meat at home?) The: iwrsoiil; whcrIdntliis most cowardly act Wore;a Ki. 7 shoe. 1 will pay 25.(H) for, information leadiug to the guilty W) . J. D. Williams, - JnlylSl-t '4- j;- Toisnot v IUmiaf laterwti .;-; 'V- Cloud App'e iVinegar at R- S. WellaV y J iiw tr tcli em; Jut buy the DeIu m gfcn' Wfand M.outrapB.1ufihl nearly All nio PU vvSlwiugtou, X C. - HP. The firm of Stokes & .lories is this day dissolved by mutual con sent, J. II. Jones retiring. "IV. D. Stokes is authorized to col lect aU 4lebU due- and assmriesall liabilities of said firm. W.D.STOKES, JA. IL JONKS. Battloboro N. C, J one 1st, 188L f n rrtirinr from the above firm I desire o thank the many friends and patronsof the business fox their kind patronage, JAS II JONES. JaTCall an see us. GixmI artici in every line H V ft'C I A L T Y. THE SOUTH RW STANDARD Also, we keep a first class assortroerlt of Family jGrocerics and gu.ir aiitce to sell as low as the lowe., Give us a call.' I WMPSOX & SMITH. NEWmLUXEnT.' - Jan. 1st, ISSt. Ko. 140 Sycamore St., Peterburg Va. 3IRS. T. G. BURTON. Tra. in.tr.inmnd from the Korth -with w b EOX3EK ' - V P JoXIDAJf uWWa , W. B. ROGERS & GO.j &:SS.s: Parlor; suits,; i Chamber; suits iaS And Dining Room suits, . An . F . I h T 1 - . H . K Ml. WfMWM Oed litiOllWra BMW tmv oflwlwasQa; r bought my good s.a Of Ercry Jhxcriplio Spnng BU of oyerj - style and jnakc. Hair rnv1!" and cottonattresW from cheait to highest srafcs. Children- SunUy S ?tS2 wd Srle .in trimming (rria-cs, Wagons and YeUKjipedi lltilaa iJurwans, .Cliairs &c tlak ibdjlnoets. Mt Oirington, 0fl.Ce lcsk aml j-iies' writing ! desks. tide-boaitU of ;dl giades- for.oerHerlywtoAA v . . . . . m a 'l..iMti to 8roJjor frieiMla. C'UlUmers aim aiurow. Bridal orders a specialty. All ordorn TtOOBROlfiJ OO.. enUuUowmbtfpminptJ W - B. .- w.. dJU. ,Cli nd see n. n&xt Uoor above - , . -184 18G, & 1& mam istiwt, Oi:iOLK, Arr . f : It Nux:l!y' fhe tore. ' i ! . 1 . ' . " . W" vSa'Va idl7-Uin ! . IVlicular Attddiou given orders by anV r rit Cak , tS:'e.J April liTlJp). r EiUbliaked P'ISM. DAVIS. lMVlty $ COf ; Wliblesali Groclrs And ComiiiisJtion Mcrchanls. . : Petersburg, Va.,' ' . Keen oonatanllr on hand a lanre urlc "of Umcerlea, which tbey will veil wdo1im1 toy Mean le bodirbt In the norilierii maraeta. Tney aiao pay HpcUI tUni. uon io consign ineni a ol cotton tfutf pn dure gtierallr sod yrlll get ljm Lot prices and make prompt returns, ill 'l - ' i - - 81 . . .. Apr. 23111. SAM HODGES 81 iS4 51" Iff-' , .. ji nopgia HOOCG H0DQE9, rvuuieaaie imutm mi , vi t . Ziy p. 40 pintner StnuiU to- ' " WrloIkfV Get ydur dinner with B. L. UaLrvl , . - . ? The one Arm goldler, iREN FRONT DINI2TO -WILDOU. i. o. Dinner, ') aCe W. D. CARTE OEAIKR IK - IEONS roc Poweb Pkilss, $.V)0; The "Southern Htamlard'' Cotton Press, is nusunnisswl for strength, sieel and siaiplu-ity. Things who have itsed it gives it theprvferciice l maksthc niccIialesand f Dees not Wear ool! : 11 For description ami ciri-uUfn of rip: cnKAirtwtT AND 'r TVRUlXp WATER WUZZA 4AX Good Eu&riuc. DRY GOOm potions, HatsCaps, ltoqt carroooxrloo,L4jc pt-'All of which be offers to tbV put' at i Um lowest reasonable pr!. rTOfv, ii you warn eooa cpeap titafw, gol J Carter's is tlie place la intv jour vioiiiing. j v ; Fornix feaUionaMe Nai. r ladl and Kentletneo. at tbe lovrtl pi CDXIilKilC t AL, flufUL. - . !TILMI5(iTli3f, If. J. A Kirst-Class IM in TCvcri ... j ' ' . M ranicniar, jarge iainio ru.HjiSa fr ttcuuTTK, irot?ictort In connection with the abre, Located on wHrblafllle nmml, mllea from lb eity. Kbrll tonti'l ..a ihm j way. Hailing E.iin. rW4 IVmllna? Alley sim other anruomir Lars afUkm lor Pie ivV and i ooec JK. A. OJ UTTK. Address w. ir auk isoy, uJunc 17, , Ikittleboru .C. JEOKG E Q ABTON, ' FASWOSARLE BARBER ':JX II A 1 k iiu:sHEiVtl TOisaroT.'flf,!. : '4,lso otfers his M'n kcs a J tcrcx and uhitcwa&hcr ' ' 9- r - r - ;; w : ; ! .VS -'i L '.-V .. .