n. : f I 1: 4 4 shnny home: JOT, MiC.f FRIDAY, .V AWVABY 10, 188. THCOMBS U01UHMW . Editor. A large hotel wasltttffaed in Mil- waukee, last week, by which Very near oho Imndred lives were lost. " r.Jl -' - a. I -r L. j. jjiu us uciuns i iie uegiatamr now, which .will give every tow witb MW inuaitttais the right t rote npon the cpieptfon of a Grade densed school of Mr. f i TIIE IlSLATTME. " 'aa- V Below we give some of the Leg. iMtative proceedings as com from the JVete nd Observer ' .7' SENATE. '. Bill to amend the public laws of 1881, upon motion Pemberton, was tabled. Resolution appointing . commit tee to look into the propriety of erecting a Governor's mansion and renovating and repaixing the capi tol was adoDted. . h . ' . r, Webb, bill to amend the pub- school law. v n''-7: -v Bill making dogs subject of larce- Ebbs; the introducer, Clark!, More head, Watson, Pembertoni, Scoot of Rockingham, and Womack, was recommitted to the judiciary com mittee. : ' - Bill in regard to magistrates in Lenoir county electing themselves was put on its second reading; . Jlf r. Lof tin, the in troducer, said it had become a disgrace to the man agement of county affairs in Lenoir the way matters had been conduct ed there b$jthe mngistrates, in the way of keeping themselves and near relatives in pace, which the people of the county generally disapprov ed, and that the county might get the proper relief, it was necessary to pass the bill. v Mr. Hill, regarding the sale or givingttway of spirituous liquors at places where political speakings are held. . ' . j ; . Oh, Wednesday the election of United States' Senator being in order, 2ft. Phenix in placing the name of Hon, M. W. Ransom in nomination, said: : 4. ( VT Mb. Pbbsident: I arise to place in nomination for that high poaition. one of North Carolina's most gitted and illustrious sons one whose name- is a hoaseHnld olina, irom the the sea shore to the motrttain-top-one who, combining the logic of a Calhoun with the elo quence of a Castelar, and the court ly bearing of a Bayard, stands to day in the front ranks of American statesmen, and wields an influence in the councils of the nation second to that of no other Senator: , His afdent love for his native State, and his great devotion to pub lie duty, command the admiration of every true son and daughter of our beloved commonwealth. He pos sesses in . an unusual degree the qualities of the polished gentlemen, the brilliant orator, the brave sol dier and the - profound, sagacious statesman. he vote was then taken, which stood as follows: Bansom 108, John son 47- . : ' -' : ,' . '. BOTTSS. .... ' i '.. Propositions and , Grievances Messrs. Anderson, Biggs, Baum, Posey and Bailey of Wilson. . . Mr. Williams of Columbus, reso- lution to exempt $50 worth of farm ing and, mechanical tools from tax ntion. -C:. ". ;; X I . " - By Mr. Belcher, to amend the landlord and tenant act.' , Besolntion instructing our j mem bers in Congress to have an act passed distributing the surplus funds in the United States treasu ry among the States for educational purposes t - Mr. Bailey, of Mecklenburg, said - that no one 'would go further; than himself in any proper effort to in crease oar school fond, but the res olution proposed that our Bepre sentatives should violate their duty and oath to support thej constitu tion of the United States as Con gress has no more ; power 'lo dis tribute the national funds to our State pnblio charities than to pri vate charities. Mr. Bower said he. shonld vote against the resolution because there - had already been passed a resolu tion asking that the internal reve nue system be abolished, and to ask for the mouey ' received from that source looked like inconsistent . cy. And that he believed the reso lution was clearly unconstitutional. Mr. Button said that what the people wanted was money for edu , cation, and he did not 'care from weat source it came. Mr. Green, of Franklin, said that , this' was, a Serious question, and ought to be considered carefully, , that the excess of money in , the tfeasur over and above the amount necessary to run, " the government came there by robbery from tne people and thmeMiiositicn- ought to be made of jt.. : Qe moved to refer, bnt afterwards withdrew his motion, f i t ' J Upon a vote being hdd. the reso lution passed its second reading by a. vote 98 to 8, .Messrs. Bailey, of Breckiehburg;,-!Barrett, ; Bower, Brown, Lenoir, Marsh, Tomlins, and Williams, of Sampson, voting in the negative. i On motion of Mr. Bailey, jtJ5ril son, an act for , the relief of the sureties on the bond of K. US Win stead,' late sheriff of Wilson county, passed its third reading. To pay registrars and judges of election. Passed third reading. Mr. Bryan, to elect ; school coifl mittees by the voters of the school districts. To aboUsh the county su perintemleuts of free schools in North Carolina. , - -XMn S'nith, to - furnish soldiers froni North Carolina, with artificial limbs. . tv ' To amend the actprohibiting the sale of liq nor on Sunday, so. as to prevent the disposing of it in any manner. Passed third reading,; I A . . -' ' ' fr-i't :. . i B itira to call on Tnrpbali for yonr fine whiskies, wines(Ac. . . FOB SALE. One four yetur old msre. Apply to E. H. Vick, Toisnot, N. C. The beet variety and qualities of tans that we bare seen In a long time, also magnificent revohren, we aaw at N. Ja oobi'a Hardware Depot, In Wilmington; besides which be abowed each in endlen number of razors and knlrea. There mnat be about two banded and fifty dif ferent styles. e ' Farmers and others desiring a genteel lucrative bosinea, by which 5 to $20 a day can be earned, send address at once, on postal to H. a, Wilkinson A Oo 195 and 187 Falton Street, Mew York. J Carrawatfi JXver PUt wiU cure Billiousnesv Constipation, and all diseases of the Liver. - . TOISNOT JIASKKT UXPOUT. Corrected weekly by Wells & Bailey, Dealers in General Mer chandise and Countrv Produce. Cotton, - - -Corn, - -MeaL - -C B Sides Shoulders, -Hams, - -Chickens, ' - -Eggs, - -Salt, per sack, -Sugar, - -Coffee, - Jb lonr, Peas, Molasses, ' Bags, -Bee Wax, Tallow, i 9 80 1.00 12 10 - 16 15 to 30 15 i 100 to 200 9tol2 '" 12Ato20 OR TAilK .1 - 7Mtoi fJXTp 80 - - - 35 to 65 - 20 10 NEW "ADVERTISEMENTS. D R. VniCHT DARNC0. Office next door to D. A. Batts, toisitot, n. o. Offers hisprofasslonal serrioss to the eltiaens of Toisnot and oommunity. Dead watches" and clocks made alive and musical instruments re paired and tuned at wv JT Char ch well's, "Wilson J5f. C. '. easiasisssstsasss-sssssssfs - Take ' ;Mriwy IjTr yiia keep off Malaria. DINCHAM CHOOL, Eetoblished In 1783) Ta PRK.KMINEKT - amonar Sonthern Boardis Sobools for boys in Age, in Nnmbera. in Ana of Patronage and in annlnmant for PhTSieal Cnlture. The only school for boys in the South with gas light ana a uymnasium x i preaidea over ny a sauuea mstrwwr. j Vmh. 1st hot and oold batha will DO pro- Tlded for. For catalogues girlng full parUonlars, addreaa, r : MAJ. R. BINGHAM, SU FT. Bingham School P. O., Orange Co N. C. 1 1 mm WELLS 1 ,-mv'.- JZZtotaal and Retail 2)h f , C . OCnenAL MBBCHAriDISE -tiC 'lOTINCrOF - . : .... -i . - . . Dry goods, Boots, SL, flats, Groceries, CrocI !jpv, .. - " 1 . : l W 1 n I . . . I - J 3 i& 1 t t: lardware," fr?m tllVTl "C ?wn, " . fcl V. H.. J.rt ond FALL AND WINTER GOODS, . which will be. Sold at the lowest Hcesl . , , ,owvrv uuj mg eisewnere. wc Guarantee 'our Good as represented and priA Plows Castings and Parme American and Domestic Sewing Machines withjthe attachments. Gnano, Fertilizers and Ohemical of the niostpo: as low as the loicest! s Sapplies. A D V ERTTSEimST Mill- , . A GENERAL . FRODUCS DEAL I 3Gand;iW.Waterand ' M.fAtoPtUC- J-?AV V kaiwrw rellabJa.ectirs dpropl j ':'?', . i Wstrrtrwn stfata etdseJtw aad etist Mills. Stotse-J urodooe eAwmIi 77. r v Ti - W LX milla. baffoa.ctttUvataa. twi keitsa. com plan w ; 1 Senior partner bavts."? tn A sriih the above fccne icr a --' s y rjerteotsnTearri3 rrodaeeoa- Uted to handle oar Concern ta. ; t ; taksa creat rleaxra la rteosais iar j Sim tooar LlecUa asd aLJ"r csa- a,, ally. . f r. a: ft J - - ' i 3 S W. B4 TTLSW . i t - ;u I i of the Hotr. i esiebrated PUwsaal Castings. C0TT03 FACTO K3 AZf D PatenUes and sole mannfaeto rers ALIui rilnmruid Whltafa hlllui turnf m cotton plow. StDttewall eotton plow, also al kinds ot Soalbers trade plows and plot castings. Circulars mailed en application.' . , ; , .-i: . - o. n. wiiitq & ono.v. 6 f JOiVES; LEE:&0 ITcarou Ya ' -. :. JNO.e-G-il-I. & l 'l- COTTON SUCCESSORS TO SAVAGE, JONES 4 LBR: Receiver and shlprtrcf ul kinds of' t FACTORS AXD COJIMISSION MEUCllT 28 llothcry's Wharf, Norfolk,- Va. 1- DUILDIflG 4 FICIS,.,; O 8hell limes; Portland," Roman; Y V i Keen's and Itosendale cements: Cal ! ' i I cine, dental. cati nir. & land r'istcrs iE Keep a Uieetoek and full asrwrtment of Cotton Bggin r.,w i , Make liberal advance on Cotton ordered to be Solicit UM mrreepnaaenos "j--TT nfTln . ; ...ti... tk. ..,.iu r. inMAii kmiM r irm ntMna and I P. angle, eornioe. nr. iwTinjr ana Frr ' " " . : -T- C bulkllog bricks; tar. roaln, slatea, Ac. 3" brands. i DDALEB IN -.. .... . . ....... i My GoodS,lo tiobs, Weeries and FARMERS'S STJpAlES, ' " ; - ' ;:- - h -' . 'J . AND SOLE AGENT FOIiWILSONjCOUNTX FOB The Acmev Harrow and Leveler. . . Tne "ACME" has been subjected to the mosf ' thorough, practical test in all section of the country, and m every instanced gives perfect satisfaction. It is the only pulverizer that combinfis .-a clod crasher, leveler ana narrow perlonni-1- onerdtionit- at one' Every NEW CARRIAGE REPOSITORY. NORFOLK, VA. PROPRIETORS. 8peoial rates ia freights and pit i wholesale lota. ... for HENDERSON & CO. is- General Shipping and COMMISSION MERCHANTS ' Solicits oonsignnients ofall kinds conn J .it. i Importing Large Quantities of GuVno and Chemicals, and "ia-llKnll'S t Try it." uiaot formerly occupied facturing the old y ... . I acid Phosphates, Bone &c- Exiecting daily a cargo of KAI NIT. JNoah Biggs A Co. NORFOLK, VA. OLO ;ITUD W3II DISJU 200 WATER SRBEET. 3i f NORFOLK, Factory at Berkley, Office 56 Alain Stn NORFOLK, VA. Manufacturer of Iron and Brass i GENUINE PERUVIAN GUANO .Irif!: 5 AND BONE, -:FOR WHEAT COTTON AND TOBAACOOu- "aoaita ti rnnnira w.BLT!TfMLjmemm jb jafa.t f. . i rteks and dealers in Chemical, Kahiit, Pare Kngllilrlcld Thoa And sole impo phates, Dissolved Bone and Ammoniated Syper Phosphates. Factory Atlantic City. Warehouse 154, 156 Water St., NORFOLK, VA. : J. II. CUTCHIN & OO COTTON FACTORS AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Paitieolar attention - a-hran ta ataam I posts, oreaging machines and all fclaibj of smith and machine works. All ordera attended to with promptness and dis patch. No extra aharwa natiarna im hand. Uigheat cash prices paid tor okl - metala. .; .. & W . JSiJL,JLJNiK,: . NORaTOLX VA. Orders promptly attended toani!. satisfaction guaranteed. Carrsway's llw Pills are gaife, liable and gentle. ft:. f ! J m a. : A fall line of carriages, phaetons, bnggles, wagons, harness, lap robes, horse clothing, Ac, Ac, to which we invite the attention of hovers. W e' have the largest and beat selected stock of above vehicles to be fon ad in the .south and which we are offering at fabulous low prloea to Introduos oar rooda. Address all ordera and en qSrieato 8 R WHITE A BRO, Nobpolk, Va. -it S. A. STEVENS I CO., NORFOLK, VAn PLANTS, a . : . 1 1 'i ' - - EVERGREENS, ROSES, BULBS, AC AT JAMES nODCC 0, No 60 Sycamore Street .T . PETERSBUBO, VA. ....... , Where I am prepared to offer cheap, a choice line of - GREEN HOC SB AND BBDDIXQ PLA'JT TB. GRAM VPTJSS A BPJ5CIALTT. Jairnolias, Arbevita, Juniper, Trfah and S weedish r Japaneese Icrape Jfyrtle, Uooum t nearly all the summer, JJox trees, jisprsu roots, &v Orders soUdted ana promptly fined. Jas. Bodgbbs Tlie TOacco Store! Mi GRADES Sb KtlCES. TOBACCO, SB OARS, SNUtF, AND CONFSCTJONEJUSSi ; BTJoDbWpri088- . n. g bf ll.. maxtl 1 y Rocky SXonnt N. Ck -PIANOS, AND ORGANS.- W. F. ALLEN W. F. ALLEN & G O J. T. BOBTJM 7 99 water St & 18, 22,20 & 30JtotKery's Lane, :'"" N.0RTO.LR, VA. fSFFUmr and ZfeaU a Specialty. TAYLOR EI.LIOTT fc WATTERS. v ? ' r , Wholesale dealers in-- Mopdware, Cutlery, ;Oans. Stc:, fcornerMain Street nd Market BqiureyOBFOLyA J c . . . . , J.) ; .g. AGENTS FOR HOWE'S SCALES. I water street, XoBFOLX, VA. Consignnents and corresindcnts solicited Bagging and ties . furnished at lowest rates. W. H. MORRIS & SONS, -1 . -i aaasvs " - & General Commission Dercliants, Nos. 2 25, and 27 commerce Street, KOBFOLK VA. D Bthibidok, Currituck, N". C. ' Joav. H. Pdukax, TTsnaomond. Va '5, UliaUUUI iu av. GENEIiAL Commission "Berchajata, 3Tos. 15, 17, 19 and 21 Commerce street, froBFoLK, VA.. special attention paid to the sale of cotton, Lumber, corn, Peanuts ' Potatoes, and general country products. ' - Refers by Permission to Tlr TkAtrid Vit irflrffnrH ar ' n "fcVontr TAn-. wati. tt M Barnes, Hanaemond - va-, Hon l Jt Edwards. sotrtJuunployeot Taw xaav Elam, cash: com. bank, Suffolk, ysl,j b oopeland, pres. for. bank, jRuTolk, "1 " " " r t;t7, MvAAViaf f SW i, MAPP & C , Manuaetnrers and Dealers in Plain, Japanned nod Stamped . T I I.l.i'-R E, . J . ;. Stove lHEea,teip,' IECLaingea : (yj. Lamps House furjiiAhiDg good, MetaRclIoongambing gass fitting. 104 and 106 Water street, JTosfouc, Va, V. ; W- . V A J narrell, Korthampton co, K ct coL J R. Harrell, tlorfreesboro, K c John W Harrell, Mnrfeesboro. " n Geo. IT. Uairell, llnrlreesboro HARRELL BROTHERS, ' COTTON FACTORS A5D CoilMIBBlOK UEJ5CHAKTS fc FOOT OF OOMMEBCS STBEJT, UOCTOLE, Va" " ' " ' i .' . . . ., - Full supply of -bagging and ties conx&ntly ca hand. Liberal cash advance made on consignments, correspondence solicited. , . ' ..." . ..... 1 CM pemaoeo7loesU3a :x. Jp?HBta bj neatly and esssZZM , rT...aIan4 on tonal ssreanaatitajro. saw. Teetkextnoted vUhooiiiala. c'a' Sash, Door and Blind 5- Vi ; 9AHDtraxs 3Xj C2,ZaiXE V7X. TAYLOR; f u'. I: S KITTEELL SEBDTOS FETALIS HIGH KITTRELI. SPRINGS FEIIALII . l - "-if f Spring session tcj!n - thorough. High.'; ioSSSr to exceed 91C0X0. , - rarrawaV. f 4rer Wna s3 Prbe. Ul Drnftiat hare Una, est ' Engagectst nd Special 0entiJa 'rSrZT ! - repairsorcne watthes, cGci gX. CHARLES noSrrlj' Fifteenth and llala streeJ A. B. MOORE, - rrri.VIl - -7 a .... f - i aaat- B - ' i r -1 V 4f '1 1 1 r' ' !S " ft " ft